author Claus Gittinger <>
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 09:58:29 +0200
changeset 3733 bc056060b833
parent 3717 8ab117634269
child 3880 c4c8268a2d9f
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libview' }"

Object subclass:#GraphicsContext
	instanceVariableNames:'device paint bgPaint function font lineStyle lineWidth joinStyle
		capStyle mask maskOrigin transformation clipRect'
	classVariableNames:'White Black DefaultFont DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal'

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    this is an abstract superclass for all kinds of graphic drawables -
    both windows and printed pages (i.e. printers) are inheriting from
    this class (even drawables not at all associated with any device would do so).

    Drawing is done in paint/bgPaint colors, which can be true colors (i.e.
    directly supported by the underlying hardware) or simulated colors
    (i.e. dithered colors or images).
    The paint/bgPaint instance variables are set to the logical colors,
    device specific drawable may like to keep actual colors in addition.

    The transformation instance variable is typically nil, for a 1-to-1
    coordinate mapping (i.e. x/y coordinates are pixels in the drawable).
    If nonNil, the transformation must be an  instance of WindowingTransformation
    and offers both a scale-factor and a translation.
    Also, drawing in metric- or inch-units can be done using transformations.
    (see instance creation methods of WindowingTransformation, and examples
     in 'doc/coding').

    All drawing is defined upon a few basic drawing methods, which must be 
    implemented by subclasses (some subclasses also redefine the others for
    more performance)

    [Instance variables:]

	paint           <Color>         the paint used for drawing
	bgPaint         <Color>         the background used for drawing texts and bitmaps
	function        <Symbol>        the drawing function (i.e. #copy, #or, #xor ...)
					- not all Drawables support every function
					(i.e. paper only allows #copy)
	font            <Font>          the current font to be used for drawing
	lineStyle       <Symbol>        the lineStyle (i.e. #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed)
	lineWidth       <SmallInteger>  the lineWidth (device dependent, usually pixels)
	joinStyle       <Symbol>        the style in which lines (in polygons)
					are joined (i.e. #miter, #bevel, #round)
	capStyle        <Symbol>        the style in which the last point of a line is drawn
					(i.e. #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting)
	mask            <Form>          a mask used for drawing
					- not all Drawables support it
	maskOrigin      <Point>         the origin of the mask relative to
					the drawables origin
					controls scale & translation of nonNil

	clipRect        <Rectangle>     a clip rectangle (device dep. usually pixels or inches)
					or nil.

    [Class variables:[

	White           <Color>         cached white color - its needed so often
	Black           <Color>         cached black color - its needed so often

	DefaultFont     <Font>          default font to use

	Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
	Color Font Form Image

    drawing uses a paint color (which may be a dithered one) which is
    used like a `pen'. 
    A few drawing operations (opaqueForm and opaqueString drawing)
    use two colors, the paint and a backgroundPaint. For example,
    normal string drawing (#displayString:...) only draws the fonts
    on-pixels in the current paint, leaving off-pixels unchanged.
    In contrast, #drawOpaqueString:.. also changes these to the bgPaint color.
    The bgPaint can be changed with #backgroundPaint: or #paint:on: (which modifies both).

    lets try it in a view:

	v := View new.
	v openAndWait.

	v paint:(Color red).
	v displayString:'hello' x:10 y:50

    the same using opaque drawing:

	v := View new.
	v openAndWait.

	v paint:(Color red) on:(Color yellow).
	v displayOpaqueString:'hello' x:10 y:50

    Lines are drawn using the paint color (if solid) or both paint and bgPaint
    (dashed lines). The look of the line is controlled by joinStyle, capStyle,
    lineWidth and lineStyle.
    `lineStyle' can be one of #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed
    where: #solid        - is for solid lines, drawn with the current paint color 

	   #dashed       - for dashed lines, where only the on-dashes are drawn
			   with the current paint color

	   #doubleDashed - dashed lines, draws on-dashes with paint color,
			   off-dashes with bgPaint

    for example:

	v := View new.
	v openAndWait.

	v paint:(Color red) on:(Color blue).
	v displayLineFrom:(10@10) to:(90@90).

	v lineStyle:#dashed.
	v displayLineFrom:(90@10) to:(10@90).
	v lineStyle:#doubleDashed.
	v displayRectangle:((5@5) corner:(95@95)).

    changing the line-width:

	v := View new.
	v openAndWait.

	v paint:(Color red).
	v displayLineFrom:(20@20) to:(80@80).

	v lineWidth:5.
	v displayLineFrom:(80@20) to:(20@80).

	v lineWidth:8.
	v displayRectangle:((5@5) corner:(95@95)).

    with wide lines, the corners (of polygons or rectangles) can be
    one of the joinStyles: #miter, #bevel, #round. The default is #miter.

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v lineWidth:15.
	v paint:(Color red).

	v displayRectangle:((65@65) corner:(135@135)).

	v joinStyle:#bevel.
	v displayRectangle:((45@45) corner:(155@155)).

	v joinStyle:#round.
	v displayRectangle:((25@25) corner:(175@175)).

    the endPoints look is controlled with capStyle;
    possible values are: #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting.
    The default is #butt. 
    #notLast is mostly useful when exoring (inverting): it will not draw the
    endPoint, to allow another line to join the previous line without inverting
    this point twice. (See the X manual for more info).

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v lineWidth:15.
	v paint:(Color red).

	v displayLineFrom:(25@25) to:(175@25).

	v capStyle:#round.
	v displayLineFrom:(25@55) to:(175@55).

	v capStyle:#projecting.
	v displayLineFrom:(25@85) to:(175@85).

    You can use a bitmap as a point color:
    (this may be slow on some graphics devices, though)

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v lineWidth:15.
	v paint:(Image fromFile:'granite_small.tiff').

	v displayLineFrom:(25@25) to:(175@25).

	v capStyle:#round.
	v displayLineFrom:(25@55) to:(175@55).

	v capStyle:#projecting.
	v displayLineFrom:(25@85) to:(175@85).

    all views support a translation and scale, so you can draw in another
    coordinate system:

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.

	v scale:(2@2); translation:50.
	v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.

	v scale:(0.5@0.5); translation:0.
	v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.

    if scaling is on, it is often useful to be able to draw individual
    things unscaled - this still translates the position, but
    uses the unscaled font (for example, to draw strings in a graphic):

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.
	v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:40.

	v scale:(2@4).
	v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.
	v displayUnscaledString:'hello' x:50 y:40.

    Filled objects are drawin using the #fillXXX methods; for example,
    displayRectangleXXX draws the outline, while fillRectangleXXX draws a
    filled one:

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v displayArcIn:(20@20 corner:50@50) from:0 angle:180.
	v paint:Color yellow.
	v fillArcIn:(120@120 corner:150@150) from:0 angle:180.

	v paint:Color red.
	v displayCircle:150@50 radius:30.
	v paint:Color blue.
	v fillCircle:50@150 radius:30.

	|v poly1 poly2|

	poly1 := OrderedCollection new.
	poly1 add:(10 @ 10).
	poly1 add:(100 @ 50).
	poly1 add:(50 @ 50).
	poly1 add:(20 @ 100).
	poly1 add:(10 @ 100).

	poly2 := poly1 copy.
	poly2 add:(poly2 first).

	v := View new extent:200@200.
	v openAndWait.

	v scale:2.
	v paint:Color red.
	v fillPolygon:poly1.

	v scale:1.
	v paint:Color blue.
	v displayPolygon:poly2.

	v scale:0.5.
	v paint:Color yellow.
	v fillPolygon:poly1.

! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "setup some defaults - these are usually redefined
     during startup."

    DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal isNil ifTrue:[
        DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal := Signal new mayProceed:true.
        DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal nameClass:self message:#drawingOnClosedDrawableSignal.
        DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal notifierString:'drawing attempt on closed drawable'.

    White isNil ifTrue:[
        Color initialize.

        White := Color white.
        Black := Color black.

        Display notNil ifTrue:[
            White := White onDevice:Display.
            Black := Black onDevice:Display.

        Font initialize.
        DefaultFont := Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12.
        Display notNil ifTrue:[
	    DefaultFont := DefaultFont onDevice:Display

    "Modified: / 29.1.1998 / 12:56:18 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return a new instance of myself. Redefined to initialize
     the new thingy"

    ^ self basicNew initialize
! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!

    "return the signal which is raised, if drawing is attempted
     on a closed drawable.
     This is especially useful, if a forked thread animates
     a view in the background, and is not properly synchronized
     with the window thread - i.e. the window gets closed by the user,
     and the background process continues to draw.
     In this case, the background thread should handle this signal 
     and terminate itself in the handler."

    ^ DrawingOnClosedDrawableSignal

    "demonstration1: (error if closed by the windowManager):


     v := StandardSystemView new openAndWait.
        [true] whileTrue:[
            |x y|

            x := Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:(v width).
            y := Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:(v height).
            v displayString:'hello' x:x y:y.
            Delay waitForSeconds:0.5.
     ] fork.
    "demonstration2: (no error if closed by the windowManager):


     v := StandardSystemView new openAndWait.
        v class drawingOnClosedDrawableSignal handle:[:ex |
            ex return
        ] do:[
            [true] whileTrue:[
                |x y|

                x := Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:(v width).
                y := Random nextIntegerBetween:0 and:(v height).
                v displayString:'hello' x:x y:y.
                Delay waitForSeconds:0.5.
     ] fork.

    "Created: / 29.1.1998 / 13:10:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 29.1.1998 / 13:11:14 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'accessing defaults'!

    "get the default font used for drawing"

    DefaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultFont := Font family:'courier' face:'medium' style:'roman' size:12
    ^ DefaultFont

    "set the default font used for drawing"

    DefaultFont := aFont
! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "return a constant to specify butt cap"

    ^ #butt

    "return a constant to specify not-last cap"

    ^ #notLast

    "return a constant to specify projecting cap"

    ^ #projecting

    "return a constant to specify round cap"

    ^ #round

    "return a constant to specify bevel join"

    ^ #bevel

    "return a constant to specify miter join"

    ^ #miter

    "return a constant to specify round join"

    ^ #round
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'Compatibility - ST80'!

displayArc:origin radius:radius from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw an arc around a point"

	displayArcX:(origin x - radius)
		  y:(origin y - radius)
	      width:(radius * 2) 
	     height:(radius * 2)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:34:43 / cg"

displayArcBoundedBy:boundingBox startAngle:startAngle sweepAngle:sweepAngle
   "draw an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility"                                

   ^ self displayArcX:(boundingBox left)
		    y:(boundingBox top)
		width:(boundingBox width)
	       height:(boundingBox height)

    "Created: / 14.11.1997 / 21:04:19 / cg"

displayArcBoundedBy:boundingBox startAngle:startAngle sweepAngle:sweepAngle at:origin
   "draw an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility"                                

   ^ self displayArcX:(boundingBox left + origin x)
		    y:(boundingBox top + origin y)
		width:(boundingBox width)
	       height:(boundingBox height)

displayLineFrom:startPoint to:endPoint translateBy:anOffset
    "draw a line - ST-80 compatibility"

    self displayLineFrom:(startPoint + anOffset)
		      to:(endPoint + anOffset)

    "draw a polygon - ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self displayPolygon:aPolygon 

displayRectangularBorder:aRectangle at:aPoint
    "draw a rectangle - ST-80 compatibility"

    self displayRectangle:(aRectangle translateBy:aPoint)

displayWedgeBoundedBy:boundingBox startAngle:startAngle sweepAngle:sweepAngle
   "fill an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility"

   ^ self fillArcX:(boundingBox left)
		 y:(boundingBox top)
	     width:(boundingBox width)
	    height:(boundingBox height)

    "Created: 27.1.1997 / 15:50:14 / cg"

displayWedgeBoundedBy:boundingBox startAngle:startAngle sweepAngle:sweepAngle at:origin
   "fill an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility"

   ^ self fillArcX:(boundingBox left + origin x)
		 y:(boundingBox top + origin y)
	     width:(boundingBox width)
	    height:(boundingBox height)

    "given a fontDescription, return a device font for it
     on my device."

    ^ aFontDescription onDevice:device

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 20:22:29 / cg"

    "return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin"

    ^ self maskOrigin

    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin:"

    ^ self maskOrigin:aPoint

    "ST/X can paint in any color or image"

    self paint:aColorOrMask

    "return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin"

    ^ self maskOrigin

    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 15:26:39 / cg"

    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin"

    ^ self maskOrigin:aPoint

    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 15:26:49 / cg"

    "given a string, return its width in pixels if
     drawn on the receivers device."

    ^ (font onDevice:device) widthOf:aString

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 20:22:22 / cg"

widthOfString:aString from:start to:stop
    "given a string, return the width in pixels if
     a substring is drawn on the receivers device."

    ^ (font onDevice:device) widthOf:aString from:start to:stop

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 20:22:18 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'Compatibility - Squeak'!

fill:aRectangle fillColor:aColor
    "fill a rectangle with the given color color"


    savedPaint := paint.
    self paint:aColor.
    self fillRectangle:aRectangle.
    self paint:savedPaint

fillRectangle:aRectangle color:aColor
    "fill a rectangle with the given paint color"


    oldPaint := paint.
    self paint:aColor.
    self fillRectangle:aRectangle.
    self paint:oldPaint.

    "fill all of the receiver with the white color"

    self fill:Color white
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the background paint color.
     (used for opaqueForms and opaqueStrings)"

    ^ bgPaint

    "set the background painting color (which is used for
     opaqueForms and opaqueStrings). aColor can be a dithered one."

    bgPaint := aColor

    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 22:25:17 / cg"

    "return the current cap-style for line-drawing"

    ^ capStyle

    "set the cap-style for line-drawing;
     possible styles are: #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting"

    aStyleSymbol isNil ifTrue:[
	capStyle := #butt
    ] ifFalse:[
	capStyle := aStyleSymbol

    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 22:24:30 / cg"

    "return the clip-rectangle for drawing.
     If there is currently no active clip, return the underlying
     displaySurfaces (i.e. views) bounds. Added for ST-80 compatibility."


    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #clippingBounds'.
    ^ self clippingBounds.

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 14:14:53 / cg"

    "set the drawing clip-rectangle"


    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #clippingRectangle:'.
    ^ self clippingRectangle:aRectangle

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 14:13:09 / cg"

    "return the clip-rectangle for drawing.
     If there is currently no active clip, return the underlying
     displaySurfaces (i.e. views) bounds. Added for ST-80 compatibility."


    clipRect isNil ifTrue:[
	rect := 0@0 extent:(self medium extent).
	transformation notNil ifTrue:[
	    rect := transformation applyInverseTo:rect.
	^ rect
    ^ clipRect

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 14:05:15 / cg"

    "set the clipping rectangle for drawing (in logical coordinates);
     a nil argument turn off clipping (i.e. whole view is drawable)"

    clipRect := aRectangleOrNil

    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 13:12:07 / cg"
    "Created: 28.5.1996 / 14:09:27 / cg"

    "return the clipping rectangle for drawing, nil if there is none."

    ^ clipRect

    "Created: 10.4.1996 / 14:32:02 / cg"
    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 14:08:19 / cg"

dashStyle:aDashList offset:dashOffset
    "define dashes. Each element of the dashList specifies the length
     of a corresponding dash. For example, setting it to [4 4]
     defines 4on-4off dashing; 
     Setting it to [1 2 4 2] defines 1on-2off-4on-2off dashes.
     The dashOffset specifies where in the dashList the dashing starts.
     Ignored here - this may not be supported by all graphics devices."

    ^ self

    "Created: 4.6.1996 / 18:59:34 / cg"
    "Modified: 4.6.1996 / 19:03:38 / cg"

    "return the current drawing font"

    ^ font

    "set the drawing font"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "return the current drawing function"

    ^ function

    "set the drawing function"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self

    "same as #device, for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ device

    "return the current join-style for polygon-drawing"

    ^ joinStyle

    "set the join-style of lines in polygon-drawing;
     possible styles are: #miter, #bevel, #round"

    aStyleSymbol isNil ifTrue:[
	joinStyle := #miter
    ] ifFalse:[
	joinStyle := aStyleSymbol

    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 22:24:14 / cg"

    "return the current line-drawing-style"

    ^ lineStyle

    "set the line-drawing-style;
     possible styles are: #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed,
     #dotted, #dashDot or #dashDotDot."

    aStyleSymbol isNil ifTrue:[
        lineStyle := #solid
    ] ifFalse:[
        lineStyle := aStyleSymbol

    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 22:19:25 / cg"

    "return the current drawing linewidth"

    ^ lineWidth

    "set the line drawing width in pixels"

    lineWidth := aNumber

    "return the current drawing mask"

    ^ mask

    "set the drawing mask"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     Should be redefined in classes which support it.
     This is an alias for ST-80's #phase"

    ^ maskOrigin

    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     Should be redefined in classes which support it.
     This is an alias for ST-80's #phase:"

    maskOrigin := aPoint.
    ^ self

    "Modified: / 26.1.1998 / 18:59:18 / cg"

maskOriginX:x y:y 
    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     Should be redefined in classes which support it.
     This is an alias for ST-80's #phase:"

    ^ self maskOrigin:(x @ y)

    "Modified: / 26.1.1998 / 18:59:56 / cg"

    "return the destination medium i.e. the underlying graphics device"

    ^ device

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 14:26:03 / cg"

    "return the current paint drawing color"

    ^ paint

    "set the drawing painting color, aColor can be a dithered one"

    paint := aColor

paint:fgColor on:bgColor
    "set the paint and backgroundPaint, used for text and bitmaps.
     Both colors may be dithered colors"

    fgColor ~~ paint ifTrue:[
	self paint:fgColor.
    bgPaint := bgColor

    "Modified: 12.5.1996 / 19:40:43 / cg"

    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     OBSOLETE: use #maskOrigin: or #phase:"

    ^ self maskOriginX:aPoint x y:aPoint y

    "Modified: / 26.1.1998 / 18:54:14 / cg"

setMaskOriginX:x y:y
    "set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
     OBSOLETE: use #maskOriginX:y: or #phase:"

    ^ self maskOriginX:x y:y 

    "return the drawables visible origin (for scrolling)"

    ^ 0@0
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'accessing-transformation'!

    "return the scale factor (as point) of the transformation"

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[^ 1@1].
    ^ transformation scale

    "Modified: 21.5.1996 / 21:16:47 / cg"

    "set the scale factor of the transformation"

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
	aPoint = 1 ifTrue:[^ self].
	transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:aPoint translation:0
    ] ifFalse:[
	transformation scale:aPoint.

    "Modified: 27.4.1996 / 18:47:38 / cg"

    "return the transformation"

    ^ transformation

    "set the transformation"

    transformation := aTransformation

    "add to the translation offset of the transformation"

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
	aPoint = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
	transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:1 translation:aPoint
    ] ifFalse:[
	transformation translateBy:aPoint

    "Created: 10.2.1997 / 13:50:22 / cg"

    "return the translation factor (as point) of the transformation"

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[^ 0@0].
    ^ transformation translation

    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 18:46:41 / cg"

    "set the translation offset of the transformation"

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
	aPoint = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
	transformation := WindowingTransformation scale:1 translation:aPoint
    ] ifFalse:[
	transformation translation:aPoint.

    "Created: 27.4.1996 / 18:47:28 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'backward compatibility'!

withPattern:aPattern do:aBlock

    aPattern isColor ifTrue:[
	old := paint.
	self paint:aPattern.
	aBlock value.
	self paint:old
    ] ifFalse:[
	old := mask.
	self mask:aPattern.
	aBlock value.
	self mask:old

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 22:45:40 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'basic displaying'!

displayArcX:x y:y width:width height:height from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw an arc in a box
     - this could be recoded to draw using displayLine"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: 8.5.1996 / 08:47:06 / cg"

displayDottedRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "draw a dotted-line rectangle
     A general implementation is found here; deviceGC's
     may reimplement this if directly supported by the device"

    |lastX lastY x0 y0 oldStyle|

    (false "(device platformName ~= 'WIN32')"
    or:[OperatingSystem isMSWINDOWSNTlike]) ifTrue:[
        oldStyle := lineStyle.
        self lineStyle:#dotted.
        self displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
        self lineStyle:oldStyle.
        ^ self.

    1 to:w-1 by:2 do:[:o |
        lastX := x + o.
        self displayPointX:lastX y:y.
    y0 := 1.
    lastX == (x+w-1) ifTrue:[
        y0 := 0
    y0 to:h-1 by:2 do:[:o |
        lastY := y+o.
        self displayPointX:x+w-1 y:lastY.
    x0 := w-2.
    lastY == (y+h-1) ifTrue:[
        x0:= w-1
    x0 to:0 by:-2 do:[:o |
        lastX := x+o.
        self displayPointX:lastX y:y+h-1.
    y0 := h-1.
    lastX == 0 ifTrue:[
        y0 := h-1
    y0 to:0 by:-2 do:[:o |
        self displayPointX:x y:y+o.

    "Modified: / 6.11.2001 / 08:48:18 / cg"

displayHorizontalWavelineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1
    "draw a horizontal wave-line from x0/y0 to x1/y0"

    |w h pattern form x oldClip|

"/    pattern := #[
"/                 2r00000000 2r00111100
"/                 2r00000000 2r11000011
"/                 2r11000011 2r00000000
"/                 2r00111100 2r00000000
"/                ].
"/    h := 4.
"/    w := 16.

"/    pattern := #[
"/                 2r00000000 2r01111000
"/                 2r00000000 2r10000100
"/                 2r10000001 2r00000000
"/                 2r01000010 2r00000000
"/                 2r00111100 2r00000000
"/                ].
"/    h := 5.
"/    w := 14.

"/    pattern := #[
"/                 2r00000001 2r11100000
"/                 2r00000010 2r00010000
"/                 2r10000100 2r00000000
"/                 2r01111000 2r00000000
"/                ].
"/    h := 4.
"/    w := 12.
"/    pattern := #[
"/                 2r00000011 
"/                 2r11001100 
"/                 2r00110000 
"/                ].
"/    h := 3.
"/    w := 8.

    pattern := #[
    h := 2.
    w := 4.

    form := Form width:w height:h fromArray:pattern.

    oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
    self clippingRectangle:((x0 @ y0) corner:(x1 @ (y0+h))).

    x := x0 truncateTo:w.
    [x <= x1] whileTrue:[
        self displayForm:form x:x y:y0.
        x := x + w.
    self clippingRectangle:oldClip

    "Created: / 28.10.1998 / 15:31:41 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.7.1999 / 00:08:30 / cg"

displayLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1
    "draw a line from x0/y0 to x1/y1"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: 28.5.1996 / 17:12:37 / cg"

displayOpaqueForm:aForm x:x y:y
    "draw a form at x/y; if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
     drawn in current fg, 0's in current bg color.
     If the form has depth ~~ 1, it is copied as is onto the receiver"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

displayOpaqueString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y
    "draw part of a string with both fg and bg at x/y in current font"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "draw a polygon
     - this could be recoded to draw using displayLine"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

displayRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "draw a rectangle
     - this could be recoded to draw using displayLine"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y
    "draw part of a string with fg at x/y in current font"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y opaque:opaque
    "draw part of a string with both fg and bg at x/y in current font"

    opaque ifTrue:[
        self displayOpaqueString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y
    ] ifFalse:[
        self displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'basic filling'!

fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:start angle:angle
    "fill an arc with current paint color"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "Created: 8.5.1996 / 08:47:44 / cg"

    "fill a polygon with current paint color"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "fill a rectangle with current paint color"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h color:aColor
    "fill a rectangle with given color"


    oldPaint := paint.
    self paint:aColor.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
    self paint:oldPaint.
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'bit blitting'!

copyFrom:aGC toX:dstX y:dstY
    "copy from a drawable - maybe self"

    self copyFrom:aGC x:0 y:0 toX:dstX y:dstY width:aGC width height:aGC height

copyFrom:aGC x:srcX y:srcY toX:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h
    "copy from a drawable - maybe self"

    ^ self subclassResponsibility

copyFrom:aGC x:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h
    "copy from a drawable - maybe self"

    self copyFrom:aGC x:0 y:0 toX:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'drawing'!

display:someObject at:aPoint
    "draw someObject - this must understand the #displayOn:at: message"

    someObject displayOn:self at:aPoint

    "Created: 28.5.1996 / 14:22:57 / cg"

displayArcIn:aRectangle from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw an arc in a box"

	displayArcX:(aRectangle left)
		  y:(aRectangle top)
	      width:(aRectangle width)
	     height:(aRectangle height)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:35:00 / cg"

displayArcOrigin:origin corner:corner from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw an arc in a box"

    |left top right bot|

    left := origin x.
    top := origin y.
    right := corner x.
    bot := corner y.
	      width:(right - left + 1)
	     height:(bot - top + 1)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:35:25 / cg"

displayArcX:x y:y w:w h:h from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw an arc; apply transformation if nonNil"


    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #displayArcX:y:width:height:from:angle:'.
    self displayArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:46:56 / cg"

displayCircle:aPoint radius:r
    "draw a circle around a center point"

    self displayCircleX:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y) radius:r

    "draw a circle in a box"

	displayArcX:(aRectangle left)
		  y:(aRectangle top)
	      width:(aRectangle width)
	     height:(aRectangle height)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:35:40 / cg"

displayCircleX:x y:y radius:r
    "draw a circle around a center point"

    d := 2 * r.
	displayArcX:(x - r) 
		  y:(y - r)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:36:03 / cg"

    "draw a form (or image) at the origin"

    self displayForm:aFormOrImage x:0 y:0

    "Modified: / 24.4.1997 / 16:00:11 / cg"
    "Created: / 9.11.1997 / 00:50:52 / cg"

displayForm:aFormOrImage at:aPoint
    "draw a form (or image)"

    self displayForm:aFormOrImage x:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y)

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 16:00:11 / cg"

displayForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y
    "draw a form (or image) at x/y; 
     if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
     drawn in current paint color, 0's are ignored.
     If the form has depth ~~ 1, the current fg color setting is ignored."

    |fg bg f noColor|

    aFormOrImage depth > 1 ifTrue:[
	self displayOpaqueForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y.
	^ self.

    fg := paint.
    bg := bgPaint.
    f := function.

    f ~~ #copy ifTrue:[
	self error:'function not supported'.
	^ self

    noColor := Color noColor.

     stamp out fg-pixels
    self paint:noColor on:Color allColor function:#and.
    self displayOpaqueForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y.

     or-in fg-pixels
    self paint:fg on:Color noColor function:#or.
    self displayOpaqueForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y.
    self paint:fg on:fg function:f.

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 16:01:43 / cg"

displayForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y opaque:opaque
    "draw a form (or image) at x/y; 
     if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
     drawn in current paint color, 0's are ignored.
     If the form has depth ~~ 1, the current fg color setting is ignored."

    opaque ifTrue:[
        self displayOpaqueForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y
    ] ifFalse:[
        self displayForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y

displayImage:aFormOrImage at:aPoint
    "draw an image (or form).
     Provided for ST-80 compatibilty;
     in ST/X, images are also handled by #displayForm:"

    self displayForm:aFormOrImage x:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y)

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 16:02:43 / cg"

displayImage:aFormOrImage x:x y:y
    "draw an image (or form).
     Provided for ST-80 compatibilty;
     in ST/X, images are also handled by #displayForm:"

    self displayForm:aFormOrImage x:x y:y

    "Created: 24.4.1997 / 16:03:03 / cg"

displayLineFrom:point1 to:point2
    "draw a line"

    self displayLineFromX:(point1 x) y:(point1 y)
		      toX:(point2 x) y:(point2 y)

displayLineFromX:xStart y:yStart toX:xEnd y:yEnd brush:aForm
    "draw a line using a brush.
     Here, a slow fallback is used, drawing into a 
     temporary bitmap first, which is then displayed"

    |deltaX deltaY dx dy px py destX destY p tempForm
     xMin xMax yMin yMax x1 x2 y1 y2|

    xStart < xEnd ifTrue:[
	xMin := xStart.
	xMax := xEnd.
    ] ifFalse:[
	xMin := xEnd.
	xMax := xStart
    yStart < yEnd ifTrue:[
	yMin := yStart.
	yMax := yEnd.
    ] ifFalse:[
	yMin := yEnd.
	yMax := yStart

    tempForm := Form width:(xMax-xMin+1+aForm width)
		     height:(yMax-yMin+1+aForm height) 
		     depth:aForm depth
    tempForm clear.
    tempForm paint:(Color colorId:1) on:(Color colorId:0).
    tempForm function:#or.

    ((yStart = yEnd and:[xStart < xEnd])
    or: [yStart < yEnd]) ifTrue:[
	x1 := xStart. y1 := yStart.
	x2 := xEnd. y2 := yEnd.
    ] ifFalse:[
	x1 := xEnd. y1 := yEnd.
	x2 := xStart. y2 := yStart.

    x1 := x1 - xMin.  x2 := x2 - xMin.
    y1 := y1 - yMin.  y2 := y2 - yMin.

    destX := x1.
    destY := y1.

    "/ bresenham ...

    deltaX := x2 - x1.
    deltaY := y2 - y1.

    dx := deltaX sign.
    dy := deltaY sign.
    px := deltaY abs.
    py := deltaX abs.

    tempForm displayForm:aForm x:destX y:destY.

    py > px ifTrue:[
	p := py // 2.
	py timesRepeat:[
	    destX := destX + dx.
	    (p := p - px) < 0 ifTrue:[ 
		destY := destY + dy.
		p := p + py
	    tempForm displayForm:aForm x:destX y:destY.
    ] ifFalse:[ 
	p := px // 2.
	px timesRepeat:[
	    destY := destY + dy.
	    (p := p - py) < 0 ifTrue:[ 
		destX := destX + dx.
		p := p + px
	    tempForm displayForm:aForm x:destX y:destY
    self displayForm:tempForm 
		   x:xMin-aForm offset x 
		   y:yMin-aForm offset y.
    tempForm close

    "Modified: 1.4.1997 / 21:29:06 / cg"

displayOpaqueString:aString at:aPoint
    "draw a string with both fg and bg"

    self displayOpaqueString:aString x:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y)

displayOpaqueString:aString from:start to:stop at:aPoint
    "draw part of a string - drawing both fg and bg"

    ^ self displayOpaqueString:aString from:start to:stop x:aPoint x y:aPoint y

displayOpaqueString:aString x:x y:y
    "draw a string with both fg and bg"

    self displayOpaqueString:aString from:1 to:(aString size) x:x y:y

displayOpaqueString:aString x:x y:y angle:drawAngle
    "draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line,
     drawing both fg and bg pixels.
     The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
     a horizontal draw.
     Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap, 
     which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
     NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
	     operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ..."

	displayString:aString x:x y:y angle:drawAngle opaque:true


     v := View new.
     v extent:300@200.
     v openAndWait.
     0 to:360 by:45 do:[:a |
	 v paint:Color black on:Color red.
	 v displayOpaqueString:'hello world' x:100 y:100 angle:a.

    "in contrast to non-opaque draw:

     v := View new.
     v extent:300@200.
     v openAndWait.
     0 to:360 by:45 do:[:a |
	 v paint:Color black on:Color red.
	 v displayString:'hello world' x:100 y:100 angle:a.

    "Modified: 23.4.1997 / 17:50:23 / cg"

    "draw a pixel"

    self displayPointX:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y)

displayPointX:x y:y
    "draw a point at x/y"

    self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:y

    "draw a rectangle"

    self displayRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
			 y:(aRectangle top)
		     width:(aRectangle width)
		    height:(aRectangle height)

displayRectangleOrigin:origin corner:corner
    "draw a rectangle"

    |top left|

    left := origin x.
    top := origin y.
    self displayRectangleX:left y:top 
		     width:(corner x - left)
		    height:(corner y - top)

    "Modified: 13.4.1996 / 20:58:31 / cg"

displayRectangleOrigin:origin extent:extent
    "draw a rectangle"

    self displayRectangleX:(origin x) y:(origin y)
                     width:(extent x)
                    height:(extent y)

    "Modified: 13.4.1996 / 20:58:31 / cg"

displayString:aString at:aPoint
    "draw a string - drawing fg only"

    self displayString:aString x:aPoint x y:aPoint y

displayString:aString centeredAtX:x y:y
    "draw a string - drawing fg only"

    |w h|

    w := aString widthOn:self.
    h := aString heightOn:self.
    self displayString:aString x:x-(w/2) y:y-(h/2)

displayString:aString from:start to:stop at:aPoint
    "draw part of a string - drawing fg only"

    ^ self displayString:aString from:start to:stop x:aPoint x y:aPoint y

displayString:aString x:x y:y
    "draw a string - drawing fg only"

    self displayString:aString from:1 to:(aString size) x:x y:y

displayString:aString x:x y:y angle:drawAngle
    "draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line - drawing fg only.
     The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
     a horizontal draw.
     Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap, 
     which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
     NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
	     operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ..."

	displayString:aString x:x y:y angle:drawAngle opaque:false


     v := View new.
     v extent:300@200.
     v openAndWait.
     0 to:360 by:90 do:[:a |
	 v paint:Color black.
	 v displayString:'hello world' x:100 y:100 angle:a.

     v := View new.
     v extent:400@400.
     v openAndWait.
     0 to:360 by:5 do:[:a |
	 v paint:Color black.
	 v displayString:'.........hello' x:200 y:200 angle:a.

     v := View new.
     v extent:200@100.
     v openAndWait.
     v displayString:' hello' x:90 y:50 angle:0.
     v displayString:' hello' x:90 y:50 angle:45.
     v displayString:' hello' x:90 y:50 angle:90.
     v displayString:' hello' x:90 y:50 angle:180.
     v displayString:' hello' x:90 y:50 angle:270.

     v := View new.
     v extent:200@100.
     v openAndWait.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:0.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:45.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:90.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:135.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:180.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:225.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:270.
     v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:50 angle:315.

    "Modified: 24.4.1997 / 12:51:25 / cg"

displayString:aString x:x y:y angle:drawAngle opaque:opaque
    "common code to draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line.
     The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
     a horizontal draw.
     Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap, 
     which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
     NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
             operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ...
     CAVEAT: if the string is not a real string (i.e. a LabelAndIcon),
             this can (currently) only be done opaque"

    |angle tempForm tempImage w h ascent descent a xN yN p r
     dX dY sin cos m|

    angle := drawAngle.
    angle >= 360 ifTrue:[
        angle := angle - (((angle // 360)) * 360)
    ] ifFalse:[
        angle < 0 ifTrue:[
            angle := angle - (((angle // 360)) * 360).
            angle := angle + 360

    angle = 0 ifTrue:[
        opaque ifTrue:[
            ^ self displayOpaqueString:aString x:x y:y
        ^ self displayString:aString x:x y:y

    font := font onDevice:device.
    ascent := font ascent.

    aString isString ifTrue:[
        "/ a real string;
        "/ do it in a monochrome form (for speed)

        w := font widthOf:aString .
        h := font height.
        descent := h - ascent.

        tempForm := Form 

        tempForm clear.
        tempForm font:font.
        tempForm displayString:aString x:0 y:ascent.

        tempImage := (Depth1Image fromForm:tempForm) rotated:angle.
    ] ifFalse:[
        "/ something wierd (labelAndIcon ..)
        "/ do it in a deep form.
        "/ CAVEAT: this can only be done opaque ...

        w := aString widthOn:self.
        h := aString heightOn:self.
        descent := 0.
"/        ascent := font ascent max:(h // 2).
"/        descent := (h - font ascent) max:(h // 2).

        tempForm := Form 
                    depth:(device depth)

        tempForm paint:bgPaint.
        tempForm fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:w height:h.
        tempForm paint:paint on:bgPaint.
        tempForm font:font.
        aString displayOn:tempForm x:0 y:ascent opaque:true.
        tempImage := ((Image implementorForDepth:(device depth)) fromForm:tempForm) rotated:angle.
    opaque ifTrue:[
        m := ImageMask width:w height:h.
        m bits:(ByteArray new:(h * m bytesPerRow) withAll:16rFF).
        m := m rotated:angle

    "/ compute final position of rotated form
    "/ adjust position for baseline.

    angle = 90 ifTrue:[
        xN := x - descent. 
        yN := y.
    ] ifFalse:[
        angle = 180 ifTrue:[
            xN := x - w.
            yN := y - descent "+ h - ascent".
        ] ifFalse:[
            angle = 270 ifTrue:[
                xN := x - ascent.
                yN := y - w.
            ] ifFalse:[
                "/ sigh: since the new image has different dimensions,
                "/ the computation is somewhat more difficult here.
                "/ remember: the image has been rotated around its center,
                "/ then shifted towards the top-left origin.

                p := (w@h) / 2.
                r := p r.
                a := p angle.
                sin := angle degreesToRadians sin.
                cos := angle degreesToRadians cos.

                angle < 90 ifTrue:[
                    dX := descent * sin.
                    dY := ascent * cos.
                    xN := x - dX.
                    yN := y - dY
                ] ifFalse:[
                    angle < 180 ifTrue:[
                        dX := ascent * sin.
                        dY := descent * cos.
                        xN := x + dX - (tempImage width).
                        yN := y + dY.
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        angle < 270 ifTrue:[
                            dX := descent * sin.
                            dY := ascent * cos.
                            xN := x - dX - (tempImage width).
                            yN := y - dY - (tempImage height)
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            dX := ascent * sin.
                            dY := descent * cos.
                            xN := x + dX.
                            yN := y + dY - (tempImage height).

                tempImage mask:nil.

    opaque ifTrue:[
        p := paint.
        self paint:bgPaint.
        self displayForm:m x:xN y:yN.
        self paint:p.
    self displayForm:tempImage x:xN y:yN.

    "Modified: / 29.1.1998 / 13:23:23 / cg"

fillArcX:x y:y w:w h:h from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw a filled arc; apply transformation if nonNil"


    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #fillArcX:y:width:height:from:angle:'.
    self fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle angle:angle

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:47:52 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'drawing in device coordinates'!

displayDeviceLineFromX:x1 y:y1 toX:x2 y:y2
    "draw a line in device coordinates"


    sav := transformation.
    transformation := nil.
    self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y1 toX:x2 y:y2.
    transformation := sav

fillDeviceRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "fill a rectangle with current paint color (device coordinates)"


    sav := transformation.
    transformation := nil.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
    transformation := sav
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'edge drawing'!

drawEdgesForX:x y:y width:w height:h level:l 
                shadow:shadowColor light:lightColor
                halfShadow:halfShadowColor halfLight:halfLightColor

    "draw 3D edges into a rectangle"

    |topLeftFg botRightFg topLeftHalfFg botRightHalfFg
     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     r     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     b     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     xi    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     yi    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     run paint|

    count := l.
    (count < 0) ifTrue:[
        topLeftFg := shadowColor.
        botRightFg := lightColor.
        topLeftHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
        botRightHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        count := count negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        topLeftFg := lightColor.
        botRightFg := shadowColor.
        topLeftHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        botRightHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
    topLeftHalfFg isNil ifTrue:[
        topLeftHalfFg := topLeftFg
    botRightHalfFg isNil ifTrue:[
        botRightHalfFg := botRightFg

    r := x + w - 1. "right"
    b := y + h - 1. "bottom"

    self lineWidth:0.

    "top and left edges"
    ((edgeStyle == #soft or:[edgeStyle == #softWin95]) and:["l" count > 0]) ifTrue:[
        paint := topLeftHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        paint := topLeftFg
    self paint:paint.

    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        run := y + i.
        run < b ifTrue:[
            self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:run toX:r y:run. "top"
        run := x + i.
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:run y:y toX:run y:b  "left"
    (edgeStyle == #soft or:[edgeStyle == #softWin95]) ifTrue:[
        self paint:topLeftFg.
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:y toX:r y:y. 
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:b        
        (l > 1) ifTrue:[
            edgeStyle == #softWin95 ifTrue:[
                self paint:(Color veryLightGrey).
            ] ifFalse:[
                (l > 2 and:[edgeStyle == #soft]) ifTrue:[
                    self paint:(device blackColor).
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self paint:halfLightColor.
            self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:y toX:r y:y. 
            self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:b. 

    xi := x + 1.
    yi := y + 1.

"/ does not look good
"/ style == #st80 iftrue:[
"/  yi := yi + 1
"/ ].

    "bottom and right edges"
    ((edgeStyle == #soft or:[edgeStyle == #softWin95])
    "new:" and:[count > 1]) ifTrue:[
        paint := botRightHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        paint := botRightFg

    self paint:paint.
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        run := b - i.
        run > y ifTrue:[
            self displayDeviceLineFromX:xi-1 y:run toX:r y:run. "bottom"
        run := r - i.
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:run y:yi-1 toX:run y:b.  "right"
        xi := xi + 1.
        yi := yi + 1
    ((edgeStyle == #soft or:[edgeStyle == #softWin95]) 
    and:[l > 1]) ifTrue:[
        self paint:(device blackColor) "shadowColor".
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:x y:b toX:r y:b. 
        self displayDeviceLineFromX:r y:y toX:r y:b        

    self edgeDrawn:#all

    "Modified: / 24.8.1998 / 18:23:02 / cg"

    "a redefinable hook for views which like to draw
     over their edges (some checkToggles do).
     Nothing done here."

    "Created: 7.3.1997 / 17:59:07 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'filling'!

fillArc:origin radius:r from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw a filled arc around a point"

    d := 2 * r.
	fillArcX:(origin x - r) 
	       y:(origin y - r)

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:41:54 / cg"

fillArcIn:aRectangle from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw a filled arc in a box"

	fillArcX:(aRectangle left)
	       y:(aRectangle top)
	   width:(aRectangle width)
	  height:(aRectangle height)

    "Created: 13.4.1996 / 20:56:03 / cg"
    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:42:13 / cg"

fillArcOrigin:origin corner:corner from:startAngle angle:angle
    "draw a filled arc in a box"

    |left top right bot|

    left := origin x.
    top := origin y.
    right := corner x.
    bot := corner y.
	width:(right - left + 1) 
	height:(bot - top + 1)

    "Created: 13.4.1996 / 20:56:56 / cg"
    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:42:23 / cg"

fillArcX:x y:y width:w height:h from:startAngle to:endAngle
    "draw a filled arc in a box, given startAngle and endAngle."

	   angle:(endAngle - startAngle)

    "Created: 8.5.1996 / 08:52:41 / cg"

fillCircle:aPoint radius:aNumber
    "draw a filled circle around aPoint"

    self fillCircleX:(aPoint x) y:(aPoint y) radius:aNumber

    "draw a filled circle in a box"

	fillArcX:(aRectangle left)
	       y:(aRectangle top)
	   width:(aRectangle width)
	  height:(aRectangle height)

    "Created: 13.4.1996 / 20:57:41 / cg"
    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:42:38 / cg"

fillCircleX:x y:y radius:r
    "draw a filled circle around x@y"


    d := 2 * r.
	fillArcX:(x - r)
	y:(y - r) 

    "Modified: 8.5.1996 / 08:43:02 / cg"

    "fill a rectangle with current paint color"

    self fillRectangleX:(aRectangle left)
		      y:(aRectangle top)
		  width:(aRectangle width)
		 height:(aRectangle height)

fillRectangleLeft:left top:top right:cornerX bottom:cornerY
    "draw a filled rectangle.
     Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included"

    self fillRectangleX:left y:top width:(cornerX - left) height:(cornerY - top)

fillRectangleOrigin:origin corner:corner
    "draw a filled rectangle. 
     Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included"

    |top left|

    left := origin x.
    top := origin y.
    self fillRectangleX:left y:top width:(corner x - left) height:(corner y - top)

    "Created: 13.4.1996 / 20:58:16 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "set up some useful default values"

    paint isNil ifTrue:[paint := Black].
    bgPaint isNil ifTrue:[bgPaint := White].
    function := #copy.
    lineWidth := 1.
    lineStyle := #solid.
    joinStyle := #miter.
    capStyle := #butt.
    font := DefaultFont.

    "Modified: 17.7.1996 / 13:00:12 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext methodsFor:'misc'!

clippedTo:aRectangle do:aBlock

    oldClip := clipRect.
    self clippingRectangle:aRectangle.

    aBlock value.

    self clippingRectangle:oldClip


    "send all buffered drawing to the device."

    device flush

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 20:22:26 / cg"
! !

!GraphicsContext class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.95 2002-09-19 07:58:29 cg Exp $'
! !

GraphicsContext initialize!