author Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>
Fri, 17 Nov 2017 11:52:18 -0300
changeset 8223 d0117698147d
parent 7775 27321d1dfbc4
child 8269 5382a417a503
permissions -rw-r--r--
`SimpleView`: added `#automationUUID` and `#automationUUID:` ...as aliases to `#uuid` and `#uuid:`. These can be used later in automated UI testing.

"{ Package: 'stx:libview/tests' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

TestCase subclass:#FormTests
	category:'Compatibility-ST80-Graphics-Display Objects-Tests'

!FormTests methodsFor:'running'!

    Display isNil ifTrue:[
        Smalltalk openDisplay
    self skipIf: Display isNil description: 'Display connection not available'

    "Created: / 25-04-2016 / 20:30:18 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!FormTests methodsFor:'tests - regression'!

    | form font bits1 bits2 |

    self skipIf: ConfigurableFeatures hasXFT not description: 'XFT support not compiled in'.
    form := Form width:32 height:32 depth:24.
    self assert: form device blackpixel = 0.
    form paint: Color black on: Color white.
    form clear.
    bits1 := form bits.
    self assert: (bits1 size \\ 4) == 0.
    1 to: bits1 size by: 4 do:[:i |
        self assert: ((i \\ 4) == 0 or:[ (bits1 at: i) == 255 ])
    font := XftFontDescription for: SimpleView defaultFont.
    form font: font.
    form displayString: 'X' x: 16 y: 16.
    bits2 := form bits.
    self assert: (bits1 size \\ 4) == 0.
    self assert: (bits1 asArray = bits2 asArray) not

    "Created: / 26-11-2016 / 00:23:14 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
    "Modified: / 10-01-2017 / 23:22:10 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"

    | f |
    f := Form width:8 height:8 depth:1.
    f colorMap:(Array with:Screen current blackColor with: Screen current whiteColor).
    f clear.
    f paint:(Color colorId:1).  
    self assert: (f bits allSatisfy:[:byte | byte = 0 ])

    "Created: / 25-04-2016 / 20:04:27 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"


    | f |
    f := Form width:8 height:8 depth:1.
    f colorMap:(Array with:Screen current blackColor with: Screen current whiteColor).
    f paint:(Color colorId:0) on: (Color colorId:1).
    f clear.
    f displayPointX: 1 y: 0.
    f displayPointX: 3 y: 0.
    f displayPointX: 5 y: 0.
    f displayPointX: 7 y: 0.
    f displayPointX: 1 y: 2.
    f displayPointX: 1 y: 4.
    f displayPointX: 1 y: 6.  
    f getBits.
    self assert: f bits = #[ 2r10101010 2r11111111 2r10111111  2r11111111 2r10111111  2r11111111 2r10111111 2r11111111].

    f releaseFromDevice.
    f setDevice:Screen current id:nil gcId:nil.
    f recreate.

    self assert: f bits = #[ 2r10101010 2r11111111 2r10111111  2r11111111 2r10111111  2r11111111 2r10111111 2r11111111].

    "Created: / 05-05-2016 / 22:59:59 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"

    | form bits |
    form := Form width:8 height:8 depth:24.
    form paint: Color black on: Color white.
    form clear.
    bits := form bits.
    self assert: (bits size \\ 4) == 0.
    1 to: bits size by: 4 do:[:i |
        self assert: ((i \\ 4) == 0 or:[ (bits at: i) == 255 ])
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 3 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 5 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 7 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 2.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 4.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 6.  
    form getBits.
    bits := form bits.
    self assert: (bits size \\ 4) == 0.
        "/ [0, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+1) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+2) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+3) == 16rFF;
        "/ [1, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+1) == 16r00;
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+2) == 16r00;
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+3) == 16r00;
        "/ [2, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+1) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+2) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+3) == 16rFF.

    form releaseFromDevice.
    form setDevice:Screen current id:nil gcId:nil.
    form recreate.
    bits := form bits.
        "/ [0, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+1) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+2) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (0*4)+3) == 16rFF;
        "/ [1, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+1) == 16r00;
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+2) == 16r00;
        assert: (bits at: (1*4)+3) == 16r00;
        "/ [2, 0]
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+1) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+2) == 16rFF;
        assert: (bits at: (2*4)+3) == 16rFF.

    "Created: / 05-05-2016 / 23:02:45 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
    "Modified: / 12-01-2017 / 13:35:41 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"

    | form bits1 bits2 bits3 |
    form := Form width:8 height:8 depth:24.
    form paint: (Color redByte:16r10 greenByte:16r10 blueByte:16r10)   on: Color white.
    form clear.
    bits1 := form bits.
    self assert: (bits1 size \\ 4) == 0.
    1 to: bits1 size by: 4 do:[:i |
        self assert: ((i \\ 4) == 0 or:[ (bits1 at: i) == 255 ])
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 3 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 5 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 7 y: 0.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 2.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 4.
    form displayPointX: 1 y: 6.  
    form getBits.
    bits2 := form bits.
    self assert: (bits1 size \\ 4) == 0.

    form releaseFromDevice.
    form setDevice:Screen current id:nil gcId:nil.
    form recreate.
    bits3 := form bits.
    self assert: bits2 = bits3.

    "Created: / 12-01-2017 / 13:36:54 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
    "Modified: / 12-01-2017 / 21:19:41 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
! !

!FormTests class methodsFor:'documentation'!


    ^ '$Changeset: <not expanded> $'

! !