author claus
Wed, 13 Oct 1993 01:46:50 +0100
changeset 5 e5942fea6925
parent 2 b35336ab0de3
child 6 7ee0cfde237d
permissions -rw-r--r--

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

PseudoView subclass:#View
       instanceVariableNames:'superView subViews
                              components style resources
                              transformation viewport
                              borderColor borderWidth borderShape viewShape
                              top left
                              extentChanged originChanged cornerChanged
                              relativeOrigin relativeExtent relativeCorner
                              originRule extentRule cornerRule
                              topInset leftInset bottomInset rightInset
                              shown hidden name
                              level softEdge margin innerClipRect
                              shadowColor lightColor
                              halfShadowColor halfLightColor
                              contentsChangeAction originChangeAction
                              bitGravity viewGravity
                              keyboardHandler model controller
                              aspectSymbol changeSymbol menuSymbol'
       classVariableNames:   'Grey ZeroPoint CentPoint
                              ViewSpacing DefaultStyle'
       poolDictionaries:     ''

View class instanceVariableNames:'ClassResources'!

View comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/,v 1.3 1993-10-13 00:46:38 claus Exp $

written spring/summer 89 by claus
3D effects summer 90 by claus
MVC, viewport and window stuff summer 92 by claus (for ST-80 compatibility)

"this flag controls (globally) how views look"

Smalltalk at:#View3D put:false!

!View class methodsFor:'documentation'!
this class implements functions common to all Views. 
Instances of View are seldom used, most views in the system inherit from this class. 
However, sometimes a view is used to create a dummy view for framing purposes.

Instance variables:

superView               <aView>                 my superview i.e. the view I am in
subViews                <aCollection>           the collection of subviews
transformation          <WindowingTransformation>
window                  <Rectangle>             my window i.e. local coordinate-system
viewport                <Rectangle>             my Rectangle in superviews coordinates
borderColor             <Color>                 color of border
borderWidth             <Number>                borderWidth in pixels (device dep.)
borderShape             <Form>                  shape of border (if device supports it)
viewShape               <Form>                  shape of view (if device supports it)
top                     <Number>                top coordinate in superview
left                    <Number>                left coordinate in superview
extendChanged           <Boolean>               true if extend changed during setup
originChanged           <Boolean>               true if origin changed during setup
relativeOrigin          <Number>                relative origin in percent within superview
relativeExtent          <Number>                relative extent in percent within superview
originRule              <Block>                 rule to compute origin if superview changes size
extentRule              <Block>                 rule to compute extent if superview changes size
shown                   <Boolean>               true if visible (false if iconified)
hidden                  <Boolean>               dont show automatically when superview is realized
name                    <String>                my name (future use for resources)
level                   <Number>                3D level relative to superview
margin                  <Number>                convenient margin
innerClipRect           <Rectangle>             convenient inner clip (minus margin)
shadowColor             <Color>                 color used to draw 3D shadowed edges
lightColor              <Color>                 color used to draw 3D lighted edges
viewOrigin              <Point>                 origin within model
contentsChanngeAction   <Block>                 action to perform when model contents changes
originChangeAction      <Block>                 action to perform when model origin changes
bitGravity              <Symbol>                gravity of contents (if device supports it)
viewGravity             <Symbol>                gravity of view (if device supports it)
keyboardHandler         <anObject>              gets keyboard input if non-nil
model                   <anObject>              the model (if MVC is used)
controller              <aController>           the controller - gets events (if MVC is used)

Class variables:

Grey                    <Color>                 the color grey - its used so often
ViewSpacing             <Number>                the number of pixels in a millimeter (prefered
                                                spacing between views)
ZeroPoint               <Point>                 0 @ 0 - its used so often
CentPoint               <Point>                 100 @ 100 - its used so often
! !

!View class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "Workstation initialize."

    super initialize.
    Form initialize.
    Color initialize.
! !

!View class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "define the default extent"

    CentPoint isNil ifTrue:[CentPoint := 100 @ 100].
    ^ CentPoint

    ^ DefaultStyle

    "View defaultStyle"

    DefaultStyle := aStyle

    "View defaultStyle:#next"

    ClassResources isNil ifTrue:[
        ClassResources := ResourcePack for:self.
    ^ ClassResources
! !

!View class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "return a new view as a subview of aView"


    newView := self basicNew.
    newView device:(aView device).
    newView superView:(aView).
    newView initialize.
    aView addSubView:newView.
    ^ newView

extent:extent in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given extent"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                      font:nil label:nil in:aView

origin:origin in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given origin"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:nil borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:nil in:aView

    "create a new view with given extent"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                      font:nil label:nil in:nil

origin:origin extent:extent
    "create a new view with given origin and extent"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:nil in:nil

origin:origin extent:extent in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given origin and extent"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:nil in:aView

origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:bw in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given origin, extent
     and borderWidth"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:bw
                         font:nil label:nil in:aView

origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:bw
    "create a new view with given origin, extent and borderWidth"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:bw
                         font:nil label:nil in:nil

    "create a new view with given label"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil borderWidth:nil
                      font:nil label:label in:nil

label:label in:aView
    "create a new view as subview of aView with given label"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:nil borderWidth:nil
                      font:nil label:label in:aView

extent:extent label:label
    "create a new view with given extent and label"

    ^ self origin:nil extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                      font:nil label:label in:nil

origin:origin extent:extent label:label
    "create a new view with given origin, extent and label"

    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:label in:nil

origin:origin extent:extent font:aFont label:label
    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:label in:nil

origin:origin extent:extent font:aFont label:label in:aView
    ^ self origin:origin extent:extent borderWidth:nil
                         font:aFont label:label in:aView

origin:anOrigin extent:anExtent
                label:aLabel icon:aForm
                minExtent:minExtent maxExtent:maxExtent

    newView := self on:Display.
    anOrigin notNil ifTrue:[newView origin:anOrigin].
    anExtent notNil ifTrue:[newView extent:anExtent].
    aLabel notNil ifTrue:[newView label:aLabel].
    aForm notNil ifTrue:[newView icon:aForm].
    minExtent notNil ifTrue:[newView minExtent:minExtent].
    maxExtent notNil ifTrue:[newView maxExtent:maxExtent].
    ^ newView

origin:anOrigin extent:anExtent borderWidth:bw
                font:aFont label:aLabel in:aView

    aView notNil ifTrue:[
        newView := self basicNew.
        newView device:(aView device).
        aView addSubView:newView.
        newView initialize
    ] ifFalse:[
        newView := self on:Display
    bw notNil ifTrue:[newView borderWidth:bw].
    anExtent notNil ifTrue:[newView extent:anExtent].
    anOrigin notNil ifTrue:[newView origin:anOrigin].
    aFont notNil ifTrue:[newView font:aFont].
    aLabel notNil ifTrue:[newView label:aLabel].
    ^ newView

origin:origin corner:corner 
    "create a new view with given origin and extent"

    ^ self origin:origin corner:corner borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:nil in:nil

origin:origin corner:corner in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given origin and extent"

    ^ self origin:origin corner:corner borderWidth:nil
                         font:nil label:nil in:aView

origin:origin corner:corner borderWidth:bw in:aView
    "create a new view as a subview of aView with given origin and extent"

    ^ self origin:origin corner:corner borderWidth:bw
                         font:nil label:nil in:aView

origin:anOrigin corner:aCorner borderWidth:bw
                font:aFont label:aLabel in:aView

    aView notNil ifTrue:[
        newView := self basicNew.
        newView device:(aView device).
        aView addSubView:newView.
        newView initialize
    ] ifFalse:[
        newView := self on:Display
    bw notNil ifTrue:[newView borderWidth:bw].
    anOrigin notNil ifTrue:[newView origin:anOrigin].
    aCorner notNil ifTrue:[newView corner:aCorner].
    aFont notNil ifTrue:[newView font:aFont].
    aLabel notNil ifTrue:[newView label:aLabel].
    ^ newView

on:anObject aspect:aspectMsg change:changeMsg menu:menuMsg
    ^ self new on:anObject

    ^ self new model:aModel
! !

!View methodsFor:'initialization'!


    super initialize.
    shown := false.

    "fill in some defaults - some of them are usually redefined in subclasses
     initialize methods"

    name := self class name.
    ext := self class defaultExtent.

    level := 0.
    margin := 0.
    softEdge := false.

    resources := self class classResources.

    self initStyle.

    left := 0.
    top := 0.
    width := ext x.
    height := ext y.
    ZeroPoint isNil ifTrue:[ZeroPoint := 0 @ 0].
    viewOrigin := ZeroPoint.
    ViewSpacing isNil ifTrue:[
        ViewSpacing := Display verticalPixelPerMillimeter rounded
    originChanged := false.
    extentChanged := false.
    bitGravity := nil.
    viewGravity := nil.

    "ST-80 compatibility; if I define a defaultController
     create one and set it up; otherwise do nothing"

    (self respondsTo:#defaultControllerClass) ifTrue:[
        self defaultControllerClass notNil ifTrue:[
            controller := self defaultControllerClass basicNew.
            controller view:self.
            controller initialize

    Grey isNil ifTrue:[
        Grey := resources name:'VIEW_GREY' default:nil.
        Grey isNil ifTrue:[
            Grey := Color grey
    DefaultStyle isNil ifTrue:[
        DefaultStyle := resources name:'VIEW_STYLE' 
                               default:(View3D ifTrue:[#view3D] 

    style := DefaultStyle.

    self is3D ifTrue:[
        borderWidth := 0
    ] ifFalse:[
        borderWidth := 1

    (self is3D and:[device hasGreyscales]) ifTrue:[
        viewBackground := Grey.
        lightColor := White.
        shadowColor := Black.
        halfShadowColor := Color darkGrey.
        halfLightColor := White.
    ] ifFalse:[
        viewBackground := White.
        lightColor := Color grey 
                      "or White" 
                      "or Color lightGrey".    "cant say which is better ..."
        shadowColor := Black.
        halfShadowColor := Color grey.
        halfLightColor := White.

    borderColor := Black.

    "will be sent by create - can be redefined by subclasses to enable
     view events"

    ^ self

    "this is called right after snapIn"


    "if I have already been reinited - return"
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    myController := controller.
    controller := nil.
    self recreate.

    "if I was mapped, do it again"
    realized ifTrue:[
        "if it was iconified, try to remap iconified"
        shown ifFalse:[
            device mapWindow:drawableId iconified:true
                                              atX:left y:top
                                            width:width height:height
        ] ifTrue:[
            device mapWindow:drawableId iconified:false
                                              atX:left y:top
                                            width:width height:height

    "restore controller"
    controller := myController

    "recreate (i.e. tell X about me) after a snapin"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
        "associate cursor/colors to device"

        super recreate.

        borderColor notNil ifTrue:[
            borderColor := borderColor on:device.
        shadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
            shadowColor := shadowColor on:device.
        lightColor notNil ifTrue:[
            lightColor := lightColor on:device.
        halfShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
            halfShadowColor := halfShadowColor on:device.
        halfLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
            halfLightColor := halfLightColor on:device.

        drawableId := device createWindowFor:self 
                                        left:left top:top 
                                       width:width height:height.

        extentChanged := false.
        originChanged := false.

        borderShape notNil ifTrue:[
            device setWindowBorderShape:(borderShape id) in:drawableId
        viewShape notNil ifTrue:[
            device setWindowShape:(viewShape id) in:drawableId
        (backed notNil and:[backed ~~ false]) ifTrue:[
            device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
        saveUnder ifTrue:[
            device setSaveUnder:saveUnder in:drawableId

        font := font on:device.

        "XXX has to be changed: eventmasks are device specific -
         will not allow restart on another Workstation-type"

        device setEventMask:eventMask in:drawableId
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-mvc'!

    "return the controller. For non MVC views, return nil"

    ^ controller

    "set the controller"

    controller := aController.
    controller view:self.
    controller model:model

    "return the model, for non-MVC views,
     this is usually the receiver"

    ^ model

    "set the model"

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        model removeDependent:self
    model := aModel.
    model notNil ifTrue:[
        aModel addDependent:self
    controller notNil ifTrue:[
        controller model:aModel

on: anObject aspect: aspectMsg change: changeMsg menu: menuMsg
    self model:anObject.
    self aspect:aspectMsg.
    self change:changeMsg.
    self menu:menuMsg

        aspectSymbol := aspectMsg

        changeSymbol := changeMsg

        menuSymbol := menuMsg

    "return the height of the contents in pixels 
     - defaults to views visible area here"

    ^ self innerHeight

    "return the width of the contents in pixels
     - defaults to views visible area here"

    ^ self innerWidth
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-dimensions'!

    "set the x position"

    self origin:(aNumber @ top)

    "set the y position"

    self origin:(left @ aNumber)

    "set the views width in pixels"

    self extent:(aNumber @ height)

    "set the views height in pixels"

    self extent:(width @ aNumber)

    "return the width of the view minus any shadow-borders"

    (level == 0) ifTrue:[^ width].
    ^ width - (2 * margin)

    "return the height of the view minus any shadow-borders"

    (margin == 0) ifTrue:[^ height].
    ^ height - (2 * margin)

    "set the views extent; extent may be:
     a point where integer fields mean pixel-values
     and float values mean relative-to-superview;
     or a block returning a point"

    |w h e|

    extent isBlock ifTrue:[
        extentRule := extent.
        "shown "drawableId notNil"" ifTrue:[    "23-feb-93"
            self pixelExtent:(extent value)
        ] ifFalse:[
            extentChanged := true
    ] ifFalse:[
        w := extent x.
        h := extent y.
        ((w isMemberOf:Float) or:[h isMemberOf:Float]) ifTrue:[
            relativeExtent := extent.
            e := self extentFromRelativeExtent.
            e isNil ifTrue:[
                extentChanged := true
            ] ifFalse:[
                self pixelExtent:e
        ] ifFalse:[
            self pixelExtent:extent

    "set the views origin; origin may be:
     a point where integer fields mean pixel-values
     and float values mean relative-to-superview;
     or a block returning a point"

    |newLeft newTop o|

    origin isBlock ifTrue:[
        originRule := origin.
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
            self pixelOrigin:(origin value)
        ] ifFalse:[
            originChanged := true
    ] ifFalse:[
        newLeft := origin x.
        newTop := origin y.
        ((newLeft isMemberOf:Float) or:[newTop isMemberOf:Float]) ifTrue:[
            relativeOrigin := origin.
            o := self originFromRelativeOrigin.
            o isNil ifTrue:[
                originChanged := true
            ] ifFalse:[
                self pixelOrigin:o
        ] ifFalse:[
            self pixelOrigin:origin

origin:origin corner:corner 
    "set both origin and extent"

    |newLeft newTop newRight newBot|

    "do it as one operation if possible"

    origin isBlock ifFalse:[
        corner isBlock ifFalse:[
            newLeft := origin x.
            (newLeft isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                newTop := origin y.
                (newTop isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                    newRight := corner x.
                    (newRight isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                        newBot := corner y.
                        (newBot isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                            self pixelOrigin:origin corner:corner 
    self origin:origin.
    self corner:corner 

origin:origin extent:extent
    "set both origin and extent"

    |newLeft newTop newWidth newHeight|

    "do it as one operation if possible"

    origin isBlock ifFalse:[
        extent isBlock ifFalse:[
            newLeft := origin x.
            (newLeft isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                newTop := origin y.
                (newTop isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                    newWidth := extent x.
                    (newWidth isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                        newHeight := extent y.
                        (newHeight isMemberOf:Float) ifFalse:[
                            self pixelOrigin:origin extent:extent
    self extent:extent.
    self origin:origin

left:newLeft top:newTop width:newWidth height:newHeight
    "another way of specifying origin and extent"

    self origin:(newLeft @ newTop) extent:(newWidth @ newHeight)

    "return the relative origin or nil"

    ^ relativeOrigin

    "return the relative corner or nil"

    ^ relativeCorner

    "return the relative extent or nil"

    ^ relativeExtent

    "set the relative origin"

    relativeOrigin := aPoint

    "set the relative corner"

    relativeCorner := aPoint

    "set the relative extent"

    relativeExtent := aPoint

    "move the receiver so that newCenter, aPoint becomes the center point"

    self origin:(newCenter - ((width // 2) @ (height // 2)))

    "return the point at the center of the receiver"

    ^ (left + (width // 2)) @ (top + (height // 2))

    "return the origin (in pixels)"

    ^ left@top

    "return the origin (in pixels) relative to a superView"

     org  "{ Class: Point }"
     sumX "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     sumY "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    currentView := self.
    sumX := 0.
    sumY := 0.
    [currentView notNil] whileTrue:[
        (currentView == aView) ifTrue:[
            ^ (sumX @ sumY)
        org := currentView origin.
        sumX := sumX + org x.
        sumY := sumY + org y.
        currentView := currentView superView
    ^ nil

    "return the x position of the left border"

    ^ left

    "return the x position of the right border"

    ^ left + width - 1

    "return the y position of the top border"

    ^ top

    "return the y position of the bottom border"

    ^ top + height - 1

    "return the lower right corner-point"

    ^ (left + width - 1) @ (top + height - 1)

    "set the views  corner;  corner may be:
     a point where integer fields mean pixel-values
     and float values mean relative-to-superview;
     or a block returning a point"

    |x y c|

    corner isBlock ifTrue:[
        cornerRule := corner.
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[    
            self pixelCorner:(corner value)
        ] ifFalse:[
            extentChanged := true
    ] ifFalse:[
        x := corner x.
        y := corner y.
        ((x isMemberOf:Float) or:[y isMemberOf:Float]) ifTrue:[
            relativeCorner := corner.
            c := self cornerFromRelativeCorner.
            c isNil ifTrue:[
                extentChanged := true
            ] ifFalse:[
                self pixelCorner:c
        ] ifFalse:[
            self pixelCorner:corner
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-transformation'!

    ^ window

    window := aRectangle.
    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews do:[:s |
            s superViewChangedSize

    viewport isNil ifTrue:[
        viewport := aRectangle.
    superView notNil ifTrue:[
        self superViewChangedSize
    ] ifFalse:[
        originChanged := true.
        extentChanged := true

window:aRectangle viewport:vRect
    window := aRectangle.
    self viewport:vRect.
    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews do:[:s |
            s superViewChangedSize

    transformation isNil ifTrue:[
        superView isNil ifTrue:[
            transformation := WindowingTransformation window:window
                                                    viewport:(0@0 extent:self extent)
        ] ifFalse:[
            window isNil ifTrue:[
                window := (0 @ 0) corner:(1 @ 1)
            transformation := WindowingTransformation window:window
                                                    viewport:(self origin extent:self extent)
    ^ transformation

    "ST-80 compatibility - ST/X does not draw onto the display"

    ^ self transformation

    "given a point in window coordinate, make pixel coordinate"

    |nx ny|

    nx := aPoint x - window left * width / window width.
    ny := aPoint y - window top * height / window height.
    ^ nx @ ny

    "given a pixel coordinate, make window coordinate"

    |nx ny|

    window isNil ifTrue:[^ aPoint].
    nx := aPoint x * window width / width + window left.
    ny := aPoint y * window height / height + window top.
    ^ nx @ ny

    "define my extend in my superviews coordinate-system."

    |relW relH relX relY winW winH|

    viewport := aRectangle.
    self dimensionFromViewport
    superView notNil ifTrue:[
        superView window isNil ifTrue:[
            winW := 1.
            winH := 1
        ] ifFalse:[
            winW := superView window width.
            winH := superView window height
        relW := (aRectangle width / winW) asFloat.
        relH := (aRectangle height / winH) asFloat.
        relX := (aRectangle left / winW) asFloat.
        relY := (aRectangle top / winH) asFloat.
        self origin:(relX @ relY) extent:(relW @ relH)

    "return the inside area"


    innerClipRect notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ innerClipRect
    m2 := margin + margin.

    ^ (margin @ margin) extent:((width - m2) @ (height - m2))

    "return the viewOrigin; thats the coordinate of the contents 
     which is shown topLeft in the view 
     (i.e. the origin of the visible part of the contents)."

    ^ viewOrigin

    "set the viewOrigin - i.e. virtually scroll without redrawing"

    viewOrigin := aPoint

    "return the x coordinate of the viewOrigin; used by scrollBars to compute
     thumb position"

    ^ viewOrigin x

    "return the y coordinate of the viewOrigin; used by scrollBars to compute
     thumb position"

    ^ viewOrigin y
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-hierarchy'!

    "return my superView"

    ^ superView

    "set my superView to be aView"

    superView := aView

    "return the topView - thats the one with no superview"


    v := self.
    [v notNil] whileTrue:[
        v superView isNil ifTrue:[^ v].
        v := v superView

    ^ nil

    "return the collection of subviews"

    ^ subViews

    "set the collection of subviews"

    subViews := aListOfViews.
    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews do:[:view |
            view superView:self
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-misc'!

    "return the viewGravity - thats the direction where the view will move
     when the superView is resized."

    ^ viewGravity

    "set the viewGravity - thats the direction where the view will move
     when the superView is resized."

    viewGravity := gravity

    "return the bitGravity - thats the direction where the contents will move
     when the the view is resized."

    ^ bitGravity

    "return true, if this view is an input-only view;
     input only views are transparent and can be layed on top of a view to
     catch its input"

    ^ false

    "return true, if this view should be put on top (raised) automatically.
     usually this is true for alertBoxes etc."

    ^ false

    "return true, if anObjectOrCollection can be
     dropped in the receiver. This method should be
     redefined in views which can take objects"

    ^ false

    ^ #(next iris openwin view3D motif) includes:style

    "return true if the view is shown; false if hidden"

    ^ shown

    ^ shown not

    "if the argument is true, the receiver view will not
     be realized automatically when superview is realized"

    hidden := aBoolean

    "return true, if the view does not want to be realized
     automatically when superview is realized"

    ^ hidden

    "bring to back"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
    device lowerWindow:drawableId

    "bring to front"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
    device raiseWindow:drawableId
! !

!View methodsFor:'accessing-bg & border'!

    "set the viewBackground to something, a color, pixel or form.
     if its a color and we run on a color display, also set shadow and light

    (something isKindOf:Color) ifTrue:[
        (device hasColors or:[device hasGreyscales]) ifTrue:[
            shadowColor := something darkened.
            lightColor := something lightened
    super viewBackground:something

    "return my borderColor"

    ^ borderColor

    "set my borderColor"

    |id dither|

    (aColor ~~ borderColor) ifTrue:[
        borderColor := aColor.
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
            borderColor := borderColor on:device.
            id := borderColor colorId.
            id notNil ifTrue:[
                device setWindowBorderColor:id in:drawableId
            ] ifFalse:[
                dither := borderColor ditherForm.
                dither notNil ifTrue:[
                    device setWindowBorderPixmap:(dither id) in:drawableId
                ] ifFalse:[
                    'bad borderColor' printNewline

    "return my borderWidth"

    ^ borderWidth

    "set my borderWidth"

    (aNumber ~~ borderWidth) ifTrue:[
        borderWidth := aNumber.
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
            device setWindowBorderWidth:aNumber in:drawableId

    "set the borderShape to aForm"

    borderShape := aForm.
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
        device setWindowBorderShape:(aForm id) in:drawableId

    "set the viewShape to aForm"

    viewShape := aForm.
    drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
        device setWindowShape:(aForm id) in:drawableId

    "return my name component to be used for resource-access"

    ^ name

    "return my full name to be used for resource-access"

    superView notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ superView fullName , '.' , name
    ^ name

    "set my name component to be used for resource-access"

    name := aString

    "set my keyboardHandler"

    keyboardHandler := someOne

    "return my level relative to superView (3D)"

    ^ level

    "set my level relative to superView (3D)"

    |oldMargin how|

    self is3D ifTrue:[
        (aNumber ~~ level) ifTrue:[
            level := aNumber.
            oldMargin := margin.
            margin := level abs.

            realized ifTrue:[
                (margin > oldMargin) ifTrue:[
                    how := #smaller
                ] ifFalse:[
                    how := #larger
                controller notNil ifTrue:[
                    controller sizeChanged:how of:self
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self sizeChanged:how
                self computeInnerClip.
                self redrawEdges

    "return my margin - this is usually the level,
     but can be more for some views"

    ^ margin

    "return my width including border"

    ^ width + (2*borderWidth)

    "return my height including border"

    ^ height + (2*borderWidth)
! !

!View methodsFor:'adding & removing components'!

    components isNil ifTrue:[
        components := IdentitySet new
    components add:aComponent

    components isNil ifTrue:[^self].
    components remove:aComponent ifAbsent:[]

    "add a view to the collection of subviews"

    subViews isNil ifTrue:[
        subViews := OrderedCollection new
    subViews add:aView.
    aView superView:self.
    (aView device ~~ device) ifTrue:[
        'warning subview (' print. aView class name print.
        ') has different device than me (' print.
        self class name print. ').' printNewline.
        aView device:device

addSubView:aView in:bounds borderWidth:bw
    aView borderWidth:bw.
    aView origin:(bounds origin x asFloat) @ (bounds origin y asFloat)
          extent:(bounds extent x asFloat) @ (bounds extent y asFloat).
    self addSubView:aView

add:aView in:bounds
    aView origin:(bounds origin x asFloat) @ (bounds origin y asFloat)
          extent:(bounds extent x asFloat) @ (bounds extent y asFloat).
    self addSubView:aView

addSubView:aView viewport:aRectangle
    "Adds aView to the views list of subviews and uses the
     existing subviews window and the new viewport to position it"

    self addSubView:aView.
    aView viewport:aRectangle

addSubView:aView window:aWindowRectangle viewport:aViewportRectangle
    "Adds aView to the views list of subviews and uses 
     aWindowRectangle and aViewportRectangle to position it"

    self addSubView:aView.
    aView window:aWindowRectangle.
    aView viewport:aViewportRectangle

    "remove a view from the collection of subviews"

    subViews remove:aView ifAbsent:[nil].
    (subViews size == 0) ifTrue:[
        subViews := nil
! !

!View methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility'!

on:aModel aspect:aspect change:change list:list menu:menu
    "ST-80 compatibility"

    aspectSymbol := aspect.
    changeSymbol := change.
    menuSymbol := menu.
    self model:aModel

    "in this smalltalk, all sensor messages are simulated by the display-device"

    ^ device

    ^ self realize

    ^ self redraw

    "an update request - should be redefined in subclasses"

    ^ self update

update:aspect with:anObject
    "an update request - should be redefined in subclasses"

    aspect == #rectangle ifTrue:[
        ^ self update:#all
    ^ self update:aspect
! !

!View methodsFor:'informing others of changes'!

    "this one is sent, just before viewOrigin changes -
     gives subclasses a chance to catch scrolls easily
     (for example to hide cursor before scroll)"

    ^ self

    "set the action, aBlock to be evaluated whenever my orgin changes
     - to allow for scrollBars to track contents"

    originChangeAction := aBlock

    "this one is sent, after my origin changed -
     (for example to redraw cursor)"

    originChangeAction notNil ifTrue:[originChangeAction value:self]

    "set the action, aBlock to be evaluated whenever my contents changes
     - to allow for scrollBars to track contents"

    contentsChangeAction := aBlock

    "this one is sent, whenever contents changes size -
     gives subclasses a chance to catch it (i.e. scrollbars etc)"

    contentsChangeAction notNil ifTrue:[contentsChangeAction value:self]
! !

!View methodsFor:'scrolling'!

widthForScrollBetween:firstLine and:lastLine
    "answer the width in pixels for a scroll between firstLine and lastLine
     - return full width here since we do not know how wide contents is"

    ^ (width - margin - margin)

    "scroll to a position given in percent of total"

    self scrollVerticalTo:
            ((((self heightOfContents * percent) / 100.0) + 0.5) asInteger)

    "change origin to make aPixelOffset be the top line"


    orgY := viewOrigin y.

    (aPixelOffset < orgY) ifTrue:[
        self scrollUp:(orgY - aPixelOffset)
    ] ifFalse:[
        (aPixelOffset > orgY) ifTrue:[
            self scrollDown:(aPixelOffset - orgY)

    "scroll to a position given in percent of total"

    self scrollHorizontalTo:
            ((((self widthOfContents * percent) / 100.0) + 0.5) asInteger)

    "change origin to make aPixelOffset be the left col"


    orgX := viewOrigin x.

    (aPixelOffset < orgX) ifTrue:[
        self scrollLeft:(orgX - aPixelOffset)
    ] ifFalse:[
        (aPixelOffset > orgX) ifTrue:[
            self scrollRight:(aPixelOffset - orgX)

    "only here for historic reasons - will vanish soon"

    ^ self scrollVerticalTo:aPixelOffset

    "move viewOrigin to top"

    self scrollVerticalTo:0

    "move viewOrigin to top/left"

    self scrollVerticalTo:0.
    self scrollHorizontalTo:0

    "change origin to scroll up some pixels"

    |count "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     m2    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     w     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    count := nPixels.
    (count > viewOrigin y) ifTrue:[
        count := viewOrigin y
    (count <= 0) ifTrue:[^ self].

    self originWillChange.
    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y - count).

    (count >= self innerHeight) ifTrue:[
        self redraw.
        self originChanged:(0 @ count negated)
    ] ifFalse:[
        w := self widthForScrollBetween:(viewOrigin y)
                                    and:(viewOrigin y + count).
        m2 := margin * 2.
        w := w min:(width - m2).

        super function:#copy.
        super foreground:White.
        self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin
                         toX:margin y:(count + margin)
                      height:(height - m2 - count).
        self redrawX:margin y:margin
               width:(width - m2)

        self originChanged:(0 @ count negated).
        self waitForExpose

    "scroll up by some amount
      - question is how much is a good default here"

    self scrollUp:(device verticalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger

    "change origin to scroll down some pixels"

    |count "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     m2    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     w     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     hCont "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     ih    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    count := nPixels.
    hCont := self heightOfContents.
    ih := self innerHeight.

    ((viewOrigin y + nPixels + ih) > hCont) ifTrue:[
        count := hCont - viewOrigin y - ih
    (count <= 0) ifTrue:[^ self].

    self originWillChange.
    viewOrigin := viewOrigin x @ (viewOrigin y + count).

    (count >= ih) ifTrue:[
        self redraw.
        self originChanged:(0 @ count)
    ] ifFalse:[
        m2 := margin * 2.
        w := self widthForScrollBetween:(viewOrigin y)
                                    and:(viewOrigin y + count).
        w := w min:(width - m2).

        super function:#copy.
        super foreground:White.
        self copyFrom:self x:margin y:(count + margin)
                         toX:margin y:margin
                      height:(height - m2 - count).

        self redrawX:margin y:(height - margin - count) 
               width:(width - m2) height:count.

        self originChanged:(0 @ count).
        self waitForExpose

    "scroll down by some amount
      - question is how much is a good default here"

    self scrollDown:(device verticalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger

    "change origin to scroll left some pixels"

    |count "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     m2    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    count := nPixels.
    (count > viewOrigin x) ifTrue:[
        count := viewOrigin x
    (count <= 0) ifTrue:[^ self].

    self originWillChange.
    viewOrigin := (viewOrigin x - count) @ viewOrigin y.

    (count >= self innerWidth) ifTrue:[
        self redraw.
        self originChanged:(count negated @ 0)
    ] ifFalse:[
        m2 := margin * 2.
        h := (height - m2).

        super function:#copy.
        super foreground:White.
        self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin
                         toX:(count + margin) y:margin
                       width:(width - m2 - count) 

        self redrawX:margin y:margin
              height:(height - m2).

        self originChanged:(count negated @ 0).
        self waitForExpose

    "scroll left by some amount
      - question is how much is a good default here"

    self scrollLeft:(device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger

    "change origin to scroll right some pixels"

    |count "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     m2    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h     "{ Class:SmallInteger }" 
     wCont "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     iw    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    count := nPixels.
    wCont := self widthOfContents.
    iw := self innerWidth.

    ((viewOrigin x + nPixels + iw) > wCont) ifTrue:[
        count := wCont - viewOrigin x - iw
    (count <= 0) ifTrue:[^ self].

    self originWillChange.
    viewOrigin := (viewOrigin x + count) @ viewOrigin y.

    (count >= iw) ifTrue:[
        self redraw.
        self originChanged:(count @ 0)
    ] ifFalse:[
        m2 := margin * 2.
        h := (height - m2).

        super function:#copy.
        super foreground:White.
        self copyFrom:self x:(count + margin) y:margin
                         toX:margin y:margin
                       width:(width - m2 - count) 

        self redrawX:(width - margin - count) y:margin 
               width:count height:(height - m2).

        self originChanged:(count @ 0).
        self waitForExpose

    "scroll right by some amount
      - question is how much is a good default here"

    self scrollRight:(device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 20) asInteger
! !

!View methodsFor:'private'!

    "set the views extent in pixels"

    |newWidth newHeight how mustRedrawBottomEdge mustRedrawRightEdge|

    newWidth := extent x.
    newHeight := extent y.
    ((newWidth ~~ width) or:[newHeight ~~ height]) ifTrue:[
        "shown "drawableId notNil"" ifTrue:[    "23-feb-93"
            ((newHeight <= height) and:[newWidth <= width]) ifTrue:[
                how := #smaller

            mustRedrawBottomEdge := (level ~~ 0) and:[newHeight < height].
            mustRedrawRightEdge := (level ~~ 0) and:[newWidth < width].

            (level ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
                "clear the old edges"

                newWidth > width ifTrue:[
                    self clipRect:nil.
                    self paint:viewBackground.
                    self fillRectangleX:(width - margin)
                newHeight > height ifTrue:[
                    self clipRect:nil.
                    self paint:viewBackground.
                    self fillRectangleX:0
                                      y:(height - margin)

        width := newWidth.
        height := newHeight.

        "shown "drawableId notNil"" ifTrue:[       "23-feb-93"
            self setInnerClip.

            (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
                "if view becomes smaller, send sizeChanged first"
                controller notNil ifTrue:[
                    controller sizeChanged:how of:self
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self sizeChanged:how

            "have to tell X, when extent of view is changed"
            device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.

            "if view becomes bigger, send sizeChanged after"
            (how ~~ #smaller) ifTrue:[
                controller notNil ifTrue:[
                    controller sizeChanged:how of:self
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self sizeChanged:how

            (mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge]) ifTrue:[
                self clipRect:nil.
                mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
                    self drawBottomEdge
                mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
                    self drawRightEdge
                self clipRect:innerClipRect
        ] ifFalse:[
            "otherwise memorize the need for a sizeChanged message"
            extentChanged := true

    "set the views origin in pixels"

    |newLeft newTop|

    newLeft := origin x.
    newTop := origin y.
    ((newTop ~~ top) or:[newLeft ~~ left]) ifTrue:[
        top := newTop.
        left := newLeft.
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
            "have to tell X, when origin of view is changed"
            device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
        realized ifFalse:[
            originChanged := true

    "set the views corner in pixels"

    |newWidth newHeight|

    newWidth := corner x - left.
    newHeight := corner y - top.
    self pixelExtent:(newWidth @ newHeight)

pixelOrigin:origin corner:corner
    "set the views origin and extent in pixels"

    |newWidth newHeight|

    newWidth := corner x - origin x.
    newHeight := corner y - origin y.
    self pixelOrigin:origin extent:(newWidth @ newHeight)

pixelOrigin:origin extent:extent
    "set the views origin and extent in pixels"

    |newLeft newTop newWidth newHeight how
     mustRedrawBottomEdge mustRedrawRightEdge|

    newLeft := origin x.
    newTop := origin y.
    ((newTop == top) and:[newLeft == left]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self pixelExtent:extent
    newWidth := extent x.
    newHeight := extent y.
    ((newWidth == width) and:[newHeight == height]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self pixelOrigin:origin
    top := newTop.
    left := newLeft.

    mustRedrawBottomEdge := (level ~~ 0) and:[newHeight < height].
    mustRedrawRightEdge := (level ~~ 0) and:[newWidth < width].

    width := newWidth.
    height := newHeight.
    ((newHeight <= height) and:[newWidth <= width]) ifTrue:[
        how := #smaller

    "shown "drawableId notNil"" ifTrue:[        "23-feb-93"
        (level ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
            "clear the old edges"

            newWidth > width ifTrue:[
                self clipRect:nil.
                self paint:viewBackground.
                self fillRectangleX:(width - margin)
            newHeight > height ifTrue:[
                self clipRect:nil.
                self paint:viewBackground.
                self fillRectangleX:0
                                  y:(height - margin)

        self setInnerClip.

        "if view becomes smaller, send sizeChanged first"
        (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
            controller notNil ifTrue:[
               controller sizeChanged:how of:self
            ] ifFalse:[
                self sizeChanged:how

        "have to tell X, when extent of view is changed"
        (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
            device resizeWindow:drawableId width:width height:height.
            device moveWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
        ] ifFalse:[
            device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top width:width height:height
        device moveResizeWindow:drawableId x:left y:top
                                       width:width height:height.

        "if view becomes bigger, send sizeChanged after"
        (how ~~ #smaller) ifTrue:[
            controller notNil ifTrue:[
               controller sizeChanged:how of:self
            ] ifFalse:[
                self sizeChanged:how
        (mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge]) ifTrue:[
            self clipRect:nil.
            mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawBottomEdge
            mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawRightEdge
            self clipRect:innerClipRect
    ] ifFalse:[
        "otherwise memorize the need for a sizeChanged message"
        originChanged := true.
        extentChanged := true

    "given relative point, compute absolute point (in pixels)"

    |newX newY rel inRect|

    superView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    inRect := superView viewRectangle.

    rel := relativePoint x.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newX := (rel * (inRect width + (2 * borderWidth))) asInteger + inRect left
    ] ifFalse:[
        newX := rel
    rel := relativePoint y.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newY := (rel * (inRect height + (2 * borderWidth))) asInteger + inRect top
    ] ifFalse:[
        newY := rel
    ^ (newX @ newY)

    "compute pixel origin from relativeOrigin"

    |newOrigin newX newY rel inRect bw2|

    superView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    inRect := superView viewRectangle.
    bw2 := borderWidth * 2.
    rel := relativeOrigin x.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newX := (rel * (inRect width + borderWidth "bw2")) asInteger + inRect left
    ] ifFalse:[
        newX := rel
    rel := relativeOrigin y.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newY := (rel * (inRect height + borderWidth "bw2")) asInteger + inRect top
    ] ifFalse:[
        newY := rel
    newOrigin :=  (newX @ newY).

    (borderWidth ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        (relativeOrigin x isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newOrigin x:(newOrigin x - borderWidth)
        (relativeOrigin y isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newOrigin y:(newOrigin y - borderWidth)
    ^ newOrigin

    "compute pixel corner from relativeCorner"

    |newCorner newX newY rel inRect bw2|

    superView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    inRect := superView viewRectangle.
    bw2 := borderWidth * 2.
    rel := relativeCorner x.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newX := (rel * (inRect width" + bw2")) asInteger "+ inRect left"
    ] ifFalse:[
        newX := rel
    rel := relativeCorner y.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newY := (rel * (inRect height" + bw2")) asInteger "+ inRect top"
    ] ifFalse:[
        newY := rel
    newCorner :=  (newX @ newY).

    (borderWidth ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        (relativeCorner x isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newCorner x:(newCorner x - borderWidth)
        (relativeCorner y isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newCorner y:(newCorner y - borderWidth)
    ^ newCorner

    "compute pixel extent from relativeExtent"

    |newExtent newX newY rel inRect bw2|

    superView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    inRect := superView viewRectangle.
    bw2 := borderWidth * 2.
    rel := relativeExtent x.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newX := (rel * (inRect width + bw2)) asInteger + inRect left
    ] ifFalse:[
        newX := rel
    rel := relativeExtent y.
    (rel isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
        newY := (rel * (inRect height + bw2)) asInteger + inRect top
    ] ifFalse:[
        newY := rel
    newExtent :=  (newX @ newY).

    (borderWidth ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        (relativeExtent x isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newExtent x:(newExtent x - (1 * borderWidth))
        (relativeExtent y isMemberOf:Float) ifTrue:[
            newExtent y:(newExtent y - (1 * borderWidth))
    ^ newExtent

    "define my origin/extend from viewport"

    |relW relH relX relY winW winH org ext|

    superView notNil ifTrue:[
        superView window isNil ifTrue:[
            v := superView.
            (v notNil and:[v window isNil]) whileTrue:[
                v := v superview
            v notNil ifTrue:[
                w := v window
            winW := 1.
            winH := 1
            winW := superView width.
            winH := superView height.

        ] ifFalse:[
            winW := superView window width.
            winH := superView window height
        relW := (viewport width / winW) asFloat.
        relH := (viewport height / winH) asFloat.
        relX := (viewport left / winW) asFloat.
        relY := (viewport top / winH) asFloat.
        relativeOrigin := (relX @ relY).
        org := self originFromRelativeOrigin.
        relativeOrigin := nil.

        relativeExtent := (relW @ relH).
        ext := self extentFromRelativeExtent.
        relativeExtent := nil.

        self pixelOrigin:org extent:ext.


    (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        m2 := margin + margin.
        innerClipRect := Rectangle left:margin top:margin
                                 width:(width - m2) height:(height - m2)
    ] ifFalse:[
        innerClipRect := nil


    (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        m2 := margin + margin.
        innerClipRect := Rectangle left:margin top:margin
                                  width:(width - m2)
                                 height:(height - m2)
    ] ifFalse:[
        innerClipRect := nil
    self clipRect:innerClipRect
! !

!View methodsFor:'realization'!

    "create (i.e. tell X about me)
     this is kind of stupid - creation means XCreateWindow;
     realizing means XMapWindow"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
        "make certain, superview is created also"

        superView notNil ifTrue:[
            superView id isNil ifTrue:[
                superView create

        "associate cursor/colors to device"

        viewBackground := viewBackground on:device.
        borderColor := borderColor on:device.
        shadowColor := shadowColor on:device.
        lightColor := lightColor on:device.
        cursor := cursor on:device.

        drawableId := device createWindowFor:self 
                                        left:left top:top 
                                       width:width height:height.

        extentChanged := false.
        originChanged := false.

        borderShape notNil ifTrue:[
            device setWindowBorderShape:(borderShape id) in:drawableId
        viewShape notNil ifTrue:[
            device setWindowShape:(viewShape id) in:drawableId
        (backed notNil and:[backed ~~ false]) ifTrue:[
            device setBackingStore:backed in:drawableId
        saveUnder ifTrue:[
            device setSaveUnder:true in:drawableId

        font := font on:device.
" "
        self inputOnly ifFalse:[
            self initGC
" "
        self initializeMiddleButtonMenu.
        self initEvents.
        controller notNil ifTrue:[
            controller created:self

    "create, then create all subviews"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[self create].
    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        subViews do:[:subView | subView createWithAllSubViews]

    "a place to initialize menu - this one is sent once when the view is
     first created; usually redefined in subclasses; default here is no menu"

    ^ self

    "adjust size of window according to either relative/abs or
     block extent; also set origin"

    window notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self superViewChangedSize

    "if the extent is not the one we created the window with ..."
    extentChanged ifTrue:[
        controller notNil ifTrue:[
            controller sizeChanged:nil of:self
        ] ifFalse:[
            self sizeChanged:nil
        extentChanged := false

    originChanged ifTrue:[
        originRule notNil ifTrue:[
            self pixelOrigin:(originRule value)
        ] ifFalse:[
            relativeOrigin notNil ifTrue:[
                self originFromRelativeOrigin
        originChanged := false

    "realize - make visible;
     realizing is done very late (after layout is fixed) to avoid
     visible rearranging of windows on the screen"

    drawableId isNil ifTrue:[
        self create.
        "if it is the first realize (which means a create),
         force sizechange messages"
        extentChanged := true.
        originChanged := true

    hidden ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    realized ifFalse:[
        (originChanged or:[extentChanged]) ifTrue:[self fixSize].
        subViews notNil ifTrue:[
            subViews do:[:subView |
                subView realize
        self setInnerClip.

        "and make it visible"
        device mapWindow:drawableId.
        realized := true

    "rerealize at old position"

    device mapWindow:drawableId iconified:false
                                      atX:left y:top
                                    width:width height:height

    "unrealize & destroy - make me invisible, destroy subviews then
     make me unknown to the device"

    realized ifTrue:[
        self unrealize.            
        device synchronizeOutput. "make it go away immediately
                                   - also, this hides the subview killing"

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        model removeDependent:self
    controller := nil.

    [subViews notNil] whileTrue:[
        (subViews at:1) destroy
    superView notNil ifTrue:[
        superView removeSubView:self.
        superView := nil
    super destroy

    "hide me"

    realized ifTrue:[
        drawableId notNil ifTrue:[
            device unmapWindow:drawableId
        realized := false.
        shown := false "23-feb-93"
! !

!View methodsFor:'drawing'!

drawEdgesForX:x y:y width:w height:h level:l 
                shadow:shadowColor light:lightColor
                halfShadow:halfShadowColor halfLight:halfLightColor
    "draw 3D edges into a rectangle"

    |topLeftFg botRightFg topLeftHalfFg botRightHalfFg
     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     r     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     b     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     xi    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     yi    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     run |

    (l < 0) ifTrue:[
        topLeftFg := shadowColor.
        botRightFg := lightColor.
        topLeftHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
        botRightHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        count := l negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        topLeftFg := lightColor.
        botRightFg := shadowColor.
        topLeftHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        botRightHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
        count := l
    r := x + w - 1. "right"
    b := y + h - 1. "bottom"

    super lineWidth:0.

    "top and left edges"
    (softEdge and:[l > 0]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:topLeftHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        super paint:topLeftFg
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        run := y + i.
        super displayLineFromX:x y:run toX:r y:run. "top"
        run := x + i.
        super displayLineFromX:run y:y toX:run y:b  "left"
    softEdge ifTrue:[
        super paint:topLeftFg.
        super displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:r y:y. 
        super displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:b        
        (l > 2) ifTrue:[
            super paint:Black.
            super displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:r y:y. 
            super displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:b. 

    xi := x + 1.
    yi := y + 1.

    "bottom and right edges"
    (softEdge) ifTrue:[
        super paint:botRightHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        super paint:botRightFg
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        run := b - i.
        super displayLineFromX:xi-1 y:run toX:r y:run. "bottom"
        run := r - i.
        super displayLineFromX:run y:yi-1 toX:run y:b.  "right"
        xi := xi + 1.
        yi := yi + 1
    (softEdge and:[l > 1]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:shadowColor.
        super displayLineFromX:(x + 1-1) y:b toX:r y:b. 
        super displayLineFromX:r y:(y + 1 - 1) toX:r y:b        

drawEdgesForX:x y:y width:w height:h level:l
    "draw 3D edges into a rectangle"

    self drawEdgesForX:x y:y width:w height:h level:l 
                shadow:shadowColor light:lightColor
                halfShadow:halfShadowColor halfLight:halfLightColor

    "draw left 3D edge into window frame"

    |leftFg leftHalfFg
     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    (level < 0) ifTrue:[
        leftFg := shadowColor.
        leftHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
        count := level negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        leftFg := lightColor.
        leftHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        count := level

    super lineWidth:0.
    (softEdge and:[level > 0]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:leftHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        super paint:leftFg
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        super displayLineFromX:i y:i toX:i y:(height - 1 - i)
    (softEdge and:[level > 2]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:Black.
        super displayLineFromX:0 y:0 toX:0 y:height-1. 

    "draw right 3D edge into window frame"

     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 

    (level < 0) ifTrue:[
        rightFg := lightColor.
        count := level negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        (softEdge and:[level > 1]) ifTrue:[
            rightFg := halfShadowColor
        ] ifFalse:[
            rightFg := shadowColor
        count := level

    super lineWidth:0.
    super paint:rightFg.
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        r := width - 1 - i.
        super displayLineFromX:r y:i toX:r y:(height - 1 - i)
    (softEdge and:[level > 1]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:shadowColor.
        super displayLineFromX:width-1 y:1 toX:width-1 y:height-1. 

    "draw top 3D edge into window frame"

    |topFg topHalfFg
     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    (level < 0) ifTrue:[
        topFg := shadowColor.
        topHalfFg := halfShadowColor.
        count := level negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        topFg := lightColor.
        topHalfFg := halfLightColor.
        count := level

    super lineWidth:0.
    (softEdge and:[level > 0]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:topHalfFg
    ] ifFalse:[
        super paint:topFg
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        super displayLineFromX:i y:i toX:(width - 1 - i) y:i
    (softEdge and:[level > 2]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:Black.
        super displayLineFromX:0 y:0 toX:width-1 y:0. 

    "draw bottom 3D edge into window frame"

     count "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 

    (level < 0) ifTrue:[
        botFg := lightColor.
        count := level negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        (softEdge and:[level > 1]) ifTrue:[
            botFg := halfShadowColor
        ] ifFalse:[
            botFg := shadowColor
        count := level

    super lineWidth:0.
    super paint:botFg.
    0 to:(count - 1) do:[:i |
        b := height - 1 - i.
        super displayLineFromX:i y:b toX:(width "- 1" - i) y:b
    (softEdge and:[level > 1]) ifTrue:[
        super paint:shadowColor.
        super displayLineFromX:1 y:height-1 toX:width-1 y:height-1. 

    "redraw my edges if 3D"

    self is3D ifTrue:[
        (level ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
            self clipRect:nil.
            self drawEdgesForX:0 y:0
                         width:width height:height
            self clipRect:innerClipRect

    "redraw myself
     if there is a model, this one shall redraw itself,
     otherwise we cannot do much here - has to be redefined in subclasses"

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        model update:self

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "have to redraw part -
     default is to redraw everything - subclasses should add intelligence"


    area := Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h.      
    self clippedTo:area do:[
        controller notNil ifTrue:[
            "ST-80 updating"
            self update:#rectangle with:area
        ] ifFalse:[
            components notNil ifTrue:[
                components do:[:aComponent |
                    (aComponent frame intersects:area) ifTrue:[
                        aComponent drawIn:self offset:0@0
            ] ifFalse:[
                self redraw
! !

!View methodsFor:'events'!

    "tell subviews if I change size"

    transformation := nil.  "transformation becomes void"
    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
        (how == #smaller) ifTrue:[
            subViews do:[:view |
                view superViewChangedSize
        ] ifFalse:[
            "doing it reverse speeds up resizing - usually subviews
             are created from top-left to bottom-right; therefore
             bottom-right views will be moved/resized first, then top-left ones;
             this avoids multiple redraws of subviews"

            subViews reverseDo:[:view |
                view superViewChangedSize

    "my superView has changed size; if I have relative
     origin/extent or blocks to evaluate, do it now .."

    |oldWidth oldHeight oldTop oldLeft newExt newOrg
     winSuper newWidth newHeight newLeft newTop newCorner
     superWidth superHeight superWinWidth superWinHeight|

    oldWidth := width.
    oldHeight := height.
    oldTop := top.
    oldLeft := left.

    viewport notNil ifTrue:[
        "if this view has a viewPort, resize a la st-80"
        superView isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
        winSuper := superView window.
        winSuper isNil ifTrue:[
            "take pixel size as window"
            winSuper := 0@0 extent:(superView width@superView height)

        superWidth := superView width.
        superHeight := superView height.
        superWinWidth := winSuper width.
        superWinHeight := winSuper height.
        newLeft := (viewport left - winSuper left) * superWidth // superWinWidth.
        newTop := (viewport top - winSuper top) * superHeight // superWinHeight.
        newWidth := superWidth * viewport width // superWinWidth.
        newHeight := superHeight * viewport height // superWinHeight.
        self pixelOrigin:(newLeft @ newTop).
        self pixelExtent:(newWidth @ newHeight).
        ^ self

    (originRule notNil) ifTrue:[
        newOrg := originRule value
    ] ifFalse:[
        (relativeOrigin notNil) ifTrue:[
            "self originFromRelativeOrigin      "
            newOrg := self originFromRelativeOrigin.
            borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                newOrg := newOrg - (borderWidth @ borderWidth)

    (cornerRule notNil) ifTrue:[
        newCorner := cornerRule value
    ] ifFalse:[
        (relativeCorner notNil) ifTrue:[
            newCorner := self cornerFromRelativeCorner
        ] ifFalse:[
            (extentRule notNil) ifTrue:[
                newExt := extentRule value
            ] ifFalse:[
                (relativeExtent notNil) ifTrue:[
                    newExt := self extentFromRelativeExtent

    newOrg notNil ifTrue:[
        ((newOrg x == oldLeft) and:[newOrg y == oldTop]) ifTrue:[
            newOrg := nil
    newCorner notNil ifTrue:[
        (newCorner = self corner) ifTrue:[
            newCorner := nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            self corner isNil ifTrue:[
                newExt notNil ifTrue:[
                    ((newExt x == oldWidth) and:[newExt y == oldHeight]) ifTrue:[
                        newExt := nil

    newCorner isNil ifTrue:[
        newExt isNil ifTrue:[
            newOrg notNil ifTrue:[
                self pixelOrigin:newOrg
        ] ifFalse:[
            newOrg isNil ifTrue:[
                self pixelExtent:newExt
            ] ifFalse:[
                self pixelOrigin:newOrg extent:newExt
    ] ifFalse:[
        newOrg isNil ifTrue:[
            self pixelCorner:newCorner
        ] ifFalse:[
            self pixelOrigin:newOrg corner:newCorner

configureX:x y:y width:newWidth height:newHeight
    "my size has changed by window manager action"

    |how anyEdge mustRedrawBottomEdge mustRedrawRightEdge|

    left := x.
    top := y.
    ((width ~~ newWidth) or:[height ~~ newHeight]) ifTrue:[
        realized ifFalse:[
            width := newWidth.
            height := newHeight.
            extentChanged := true.
            ^ self

        ((newWidth <= width) and:[newHeight <= height]) ifTrue:[
            how := #smaller

        self is3D ifTrue:[
            mustRedrawBottomEdge := newHeight < height.
            mustRedrawRightEdge := newWidth < width.
            anyEdge := mustRedrawBottomEdge or:[mustRedrawRightEdge]
        ] ifFalse:[
            anyEdge := false

        width := newWidth.
        height := newHeight.

        "recompute inner-clip if needed"
        self setInnerClip.

        controller notNil ifTrue:[
            controller sizeChanged:how of:self
        ] ifFalse:[
            self sizeChanged:how

        anyEdge ifTrue:[
            self clipRect:nil.
            mustRedrawBottomEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawBottomEdge
            mustRedrawRightEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawRightEdge
            self clipRect:innerClipRect

    "the view has been mapped (by some outside
     action - i.e. window manager de-iconified me)"

    realized := true.
    shown := true

    "the view has been unmapped (by some outside
     action - i.e. window manager iconified me)"

    shown := false

exposeX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "a low level redraw event from device
      - let subclass handle the redraw and take care of edges here"

    |leftEdge topEdge rightEdge botEdge anyEdge nx ny nw nh|

    nw := w.
    nh := h.
    nx := x.
    ny := y.

    anyEdge := false.

    "check if there is a need to draw an edge"

    (margin ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        leftEdge := false.
        topEdge := false.
        rightEdge := false.
        botEdge := false.
        (x < margin) ifTrue:[
            nx := margin.
            nw := nw - (nx - x).
            leftEdge := true.
            anyEdge := true
        ((x + w - 1) >= (width - margin)) ifTrue:[
            nw := (width - margin - nx).
            rightEdge := true.
            anyEdge := true
        (y < margin) ifTrue:[
            ny := margin.
            nh := nh - (ny - y).
            topEdge := true.
            anyEdge := true
        ((y + h - 1) >= (height - margin)) ifTrue:[
            nh := (height - margin - ny).
            botEdge := true.
            anyEdge := true

    "redraw inside area"

    self redrawX:nx y:ny width:nw height:nh.

    "redraw edge(s)"

    anyEdge ifTrue:[
        self clipRect:nil.
        (topEdge and:[leftEdge and:[botEdge and:[rightEdge]]]) ifTrue:[
            self drawEdgesForX:0 y:0
                         width:width height:height
        ] ifFalse:[
            topEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawTopEdge
            leftEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawLeftEdge
            botEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawBottomEdge
            rightEdge ifTrue:[
                self drawRightEdge
        self clipRect:innerClipRect

keyPress:key x:x y:y
    "a key has been pressed.
     if there is a keyboardHandler, pass input to him"

    "allow forwarding events to the keyboardhandler"
    keyboardHandler notNil ifTrue:[
        keyboardHandler keyPress:key x:x y:y
    ] ifFalse:[
        super keyPress:key x:x y:y

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    "button was pressed - if its middle button and there is a menu, show it."

    |menu menuSelector|

    (button == 2) ifTrue:[
        "try ST-80 style menus first"
        model notNil ifTrue:[
            menuSymbol notNil ifTrue:[
                menu := model perform:menuSymbol.
                menu notNil ifTrue:[
                    menuSelector := menu startUp.
                    menuSelector ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                        model perform:menuSelector
                ^ self
    super buttonPress:button x:x y:y

    "after a scroll, we have to wait for expose/noexpose"

    device dispatchExposeEventsFor:drawableId

    "window manager wants me to go away"

    ^ self destroy

    "window manager wants me to save and go away"

    ^ self destroy
! !