*** empty log message ***
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Wed, 24 Jan 2007 14:41:11 +0100
changeset 4718 11e89d5330e7
parent 4717 c25149336a26
child 4719 b645e2f1a76a
*** empty log message ***
--- a/Depth8Image.st	Wed Jan 24 14:40:55 2007 +0100
+++ b/Depth8Image.st	Wed Jan 24 14:41:11 2007 +0100
@@ -75,16 +75,16 @@
     OBJ b = _INST(bytes);
     OBJ w = _INST(width);
-    if (__isByteArray(b) 
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y) 
+    if (__isByteArray(b)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
      && __isSmallInteger(w) ) {
-        int _idx, _pix;
+	int _idx, _pix;
-        _idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
-        if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
-            _pix = __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx];
-            RETURN( __MKSMALLINT(_pix) );
-        }
+	_idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
+	if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
+	    _pix = __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx];
+	    RETURN( __MKSMALLINT(_pix) );
+	}
     "/ the code below is only evaluated if the bytes-collection is
@@ -106,16 +106,16 @@
     OBJ b = _INST(bytes);
     OBJ w = _INST(width);
-    if (__isByteArray(b) 
-     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y) 
+    if (__isByteArray(b)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
      && __bothSmallInteger(w, aPixelValue) ) {
-        int _idx;
+	int _idx;
-        _idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
-        if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
-            __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx] = __intVal(aPixelValue);
-            RETURN( self );
-        }
+	_idx = (__intVal(w) * __intVal(y)) + __intVal(x);
+	if ((unsigned)_idx < __byteArraySize(b)) {
+	    __ByteArrayInstPtr(b)->ba_element[_idx] = __intVal(aPixelValue);
+	    RETURN( self );
+	}
     "fall back code for nonByteArray or nonInteger arguments"
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
     bytes notNil ifTrue:[
-        srcIdx := (y * width) + 1.
-        aPixelBuffer replaceFrom:startIndex to:startIndex+width-1 with:bytes startingAt:srcIdx.
-        ^ self.
+	srcIdx := (y * width) + 1.
+	aPixelBuffer replaceFrom:startIndex to:startIndex+width-1 with:bytes startingAt:srcIdx.
+	^ self.
     ^ super rowAt:y into:aPixelBuffer startingAt:startIndex
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@
      dstIdx "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
      w      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
      h      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     srcBuffer dstBuffer srcBytes 
+     srcBuffer dstBuffer srcBytes
      srcDepth map bytes|
     srcDepth := anImage depth.
     (#(1 2 4) includes:srcDepth) ifFalse:[
-        ^ super fromImage:anImage
+	^ super fromImage:anImage
     width := w := anImage width.
@@ -182,14 +182,14 @@
     self colormapFromImage:anImage.
     colorMap isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ if source has no colorMap, more work is needed ...
-        map := #(
-                #[0 16rFF]
-                #[0 16r55 16rAA 16rFF]
-                nil
-                #[16r00 16r11 16r22 16r33 16r44 16r55 16r66 16r77
-                  16r88 16r99 16rAA 16rBB 16rCC 16rDD 16rEE 16rFF]
-               ) at:srcDepth.
+	"/ if source has no colorMap, more work is needed ...
+	map := #(
+		#[0 16rFF]
+		#[0 16r55 16rAA 16rFF]
+		nil
+		#[16r00 16r11 16r22 16r33 16r44 16r55 16r66 16r77
+		  16r88 16r99 16rAA 16rBB 16rCC 16rDD 16rEE 16rFF]
+	       ) at:srcDepth.
     self mask:anImage mask.
@@ -205,14 +205,14 @@
     dstIdx := 1.
     bytes := self bits.
     bytes isNil ifTrue:[
-        self bits:(bytes := ByteArray new:(self bytesPerRow * self height)).
+	self bits:(bytes := ByteArray new:(self bytesPerRow * self height)).
     1 to:h do:[:hi |
-        srcBuffer replaceFrom:1 to:srcBytesPerRow with:srcBytes startingAt:srcIdx.
-        srcBuffer expandPixels:srcDepth width:w height:1 into:dstBuffer mapping:map. 
-        bytes replaceFrom:dstIdx to:dstIdx+w-1 with:dstBuffer startingAt:1.
-        dstIdx := dstIdx + w.
-        srcIdx := srcIdx + srcBytesPerRow.
+	srcBuffer replaceFrom:1 to:srcBytesPerRow with:srcBytes startingAt:srcIdx.
+	srcBuffer expandPixels:srcDepth width:w height:1 into:dstBuffer mapping:map.
+	bytes replaceFrom:dstIdx to:dstIdx+w-1 with:dstBuffer startingAt:1.
+	dstIdx := dstIdx + w.
+	srcIdx := srcIdx + srcBytesPerRow.
@@ -236,52 +236,52 @@
 !Depth8Image methodsFor:'converting images'!
-    "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture. 
+    "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture.
      The main work is in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired.
      This method works for any photometric."
     |bytes pseudoBits f gcRound has8BitImage deviceDepth
      imgMap newImage pixelRow dColors
      usedColors usageCounts maxIndex map
-     fit scale lastOK error 
-     div 
+     fit scale lastOK error
+     div
      bitsPerRGB "{Class: SmallInteger }"
      shift      "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-     m          "{Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     mapSize    "{Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     m          "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+     mapSize    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
      cube nR nG nB ditherColors clr|
     (cube := aDevice fixColors) notNil ifTrue:[
-        nR := aDevice numFixRed.
-        nG := aDevice numFixGreen.
-        nB := aDevice numFixBlue.
+	nR := aDevice numFixRed.
+	nG := aDevice numFixGreen.
+	nB := aDevice numFixBlue.
-        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
-            f := self
-                   asFloydSteinbergDitheredDepth8FormOn:aDevice 
-                   colors:cube 
-                   nRed:nR
-                   nGreen:nG
-                   nBlue:nB.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            f := self
-                   asNearestPaintDepth8FormOn:aDevice 
-                   colors:cube 
-                   nRed:nR
-                   nGreen:nG
-                   nBlue:nB.
-        ].
-        f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
+	DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
+	    f := self
+		   asFloydSteinbergDitheredDepth8FormOn:aDevice
+		   colors:cube
+		   nRed:nR
+		   nGreen:nG
+		   nBlue:nB.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    f := self
+		   asNearestPaintDepth8FormOn:aDevice
+		   colors:cube
+		   nRed:nR
+		   nGreen:nG
+		   nBlue:nB.
+	].
+	f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
     "find used colors"
     bytes := self bits.
     usedColors := bytes usedValues.    "gets us an array filled with used values"
-                                       "(could use bytes asBag)"
+				       "(could use bytes asBag)"
     maxIndex := usedColors max + 1.
     usedColors size > 20 ifTrue:[
-        ('Depth8Image [info]: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintCR.
+	('Depth8Image [info]: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintCR.
     "sort by usage"
@@ -307,190 +307,190 @@
     gcRound := 0.
     usedColors do:[:aColorIndex |
-        |devColor color
-         r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-         g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-         b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-         mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+	|devColor color
+	 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+	 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+	 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+	 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-        fit ifTrue:[
-            mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-            "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+	fit ifTrue:[
+	    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+	    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-            color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex. 
-            (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
-                "wow - an immediate hit"
-                devColor := color
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-                devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-                    "
-                     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush 
-                     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by 
-                     already free images.
-                    "
-                    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-                        ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-                        devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-                        gcRound := 1
-                    ].
-                    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-                        gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-                            CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-                                'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
-                                ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-                                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-                            ].    
-                            gcRound := 2
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
-            (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-                lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                fit := false
-            ]
-        ]
+	    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+	    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
+		"wow - an immediate hit"
+		devColor := color
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+		devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+		    "
+		     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush
+		     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by
+		     already free images.
+		    "
+		    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+			ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+			devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+			gcRound := 1
+		    ].
+		    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+			gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+			    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+				'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
+				ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+				devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+			    ].
+			    gcRound := 2
+			]
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
+	    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+		imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+		lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		fit := false
+	    ]
+	]
     fit ifFalse:[
-        ('Depth8Image [info]: got %1 exact colors (out of %2)' bindWith:lastOK with:usedColors size) infoPrintCR.
+	('Depth8Image [info]: got %1 exact colors (out of %2)' bindWith:lastOK with:usedColors size) infoPrintCR.
-        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
-            dColors := imgMap collect:[:clr | clr isNil ifTrue:[clr]
-                                                        ifFalse:[clr nearestOn:aDevice]].
-            dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
-            dColors := dColors collect:[:clr | clr exactOn:aDevice].
-            dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
-            dColors := dColors asSet.
-            dColors addAll:((aDevice colorMap collect:[:c|c onDevice:aDevice])
-                            select:[:c | c colorId notNil]).
-            ditherColors := aDevice availableDitherColors.
-            ditherColors notNil ifTrue:[
-                dColors addAll:ditherColors.
-            ].
-            dColors := dColors asArray.
-            dColors size > 256 ifTrue:[
-                dColors := dColors copyTo:256
-            ].
-            ^ self asFloydSteinbergDitheredPseudoFormUsing:dColors on:aDevice
-        ].
+	DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
+	    dColors := imgMap collect:[:clr | clr isNil ifTrue:[clr]
+							ifFalse:[clr nearestOn:aDevice]].
+	    dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
+	    dColors := dColors collect:[:clr | clr exactOn:aDevice].
+	    dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
+	    dColors := dColors asSet.
+	    dColors addAll:((aDevice colorMap collect:[:c|c onDevice:aDevice])
+			    select:[:c | c colorId notNil]).
+	    ditherColors := aDevice availableDitherColors.
+	    ditherColors notNil ifTrue:[
+		dColors addAll:ditherColors.
+	    ].
+	    dColors := dColors asArray.
+	    dColors size > 256 ifTrue:[
+		dColors := dColors copyTo:256
+	    ].
+	    ^ self asFloydSteinbergDitheredPseudoFormUsing:dColors on:aDevice
+	].
-        "
-         again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
-        "
-        error := 1.
-        [fit] whileFalse:[
-            fit := true.
-            usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-                |devColor color
-                 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+	"
+	 again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
+	"
+	error := 1.
+	[fit] whileFalse:[
+	    fit := true.
+	    usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+		|devColor color
+		 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+		 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-                fit ifTrue:[
-                    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
+		fit ifTrue:[
+		    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
-                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex. 
-                    r := (color red * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-                    g := (color green * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-                    b := (color blue * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+		    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+		    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+		    r := (color red * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+		    g := (color green * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+		    b := (color blue * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-                    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
-                                 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
-                                  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
+		    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
+				 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
+				  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
-                    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
-                        "wow - an immediate hit"
-                        devColor := color.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-                            devColor := nil
-                        ].
-                        devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-                            "
-                             no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
-                             colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
-                             free images.
-                            "
-                            gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-                                ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-                                devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-                                (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-                                    devColor := nil
-                                ].
-                                gcRound := 1
-                            ].
-                            devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-                                gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-                                    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-                                        'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
-                                        ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-                                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-                                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-                                            devColor := nil
-                                        ].
-                                    ].
-                                    gcRound := 2
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                    ].
-                    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-                        imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-                        lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        fit := false
-                    ]
-                ].
-            ].
+		    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
+			"wow - an immediate hit"
+			devColor := color.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+			(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+			    devColor := nil
+			].
+			devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+			    "
+			     no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
+			     colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
+			     free images.
+			    "
+			    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+				ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+				devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+				(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+				    devColor := nil
+				].
+				gcRound := 1
+			    ].
+			    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+				gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+				    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+					'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
+					ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+					devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+					(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+					    devColor := nil
+					].
+				    ].
+				    gcRound := 2
+				]
+			    ]
+			].
+		    ].
+		    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+			imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+			lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			fit := false
+		    ]
+		].
+	    ].
-            fit ifTrue:[
-                ('Depth8Image [info]: remaining colors with error <= %1' bindWith:error) infoPrintCR.
-            ].
+	    fit ifTrue:[
+		('Depth8Image [info]: remaining colors with error <= %1' bindWith:error) infoPrintCR.
+	    ].
-            error := error * 2.
-            error > 100 ifTrue:[
-                "
-                 break out, if the error becomes too big.
-                "
-                'Depth8Image [info]: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w for remaining colors' infoPrintCR.
-                "
-                 map to b&w as a last fallback.
-                 (should really do a dither here)
-                "
-                usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-                    |color
-                     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+	    error := error * 2.
+	    error > 100 ifTrue:[
+		"
+		 break out, if the error becomes too big.
+		"
+		'Depth8Image [info]: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w for remaining colors' infoPrintCR.
+		"
+		 map to b&w as a last fallback.
+		 (should really do a dither here)
+		"
+		usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+		    |color
+		     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex. 
-                    color brightness > 0.4 ifTrue:[
-                        color := Color white.
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        color := Color black.
-                    ].
-                    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color onDevice:aDevice).
-                ].
-                fit := true.
-            ]
-        ].
+		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+		    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+		    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+		    color brightness > 0.4 ifTrue:[
+			color := Color white.
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			color := Color black.
+		    ].
+		    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color onDevice:aDevice).
+		].
+		fit := true.
+	    ]
+	].
-        error > 10 ifTrue:[
-            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintCR
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintCR.
-        ]
+	error > 10 ifTrue:[
+	    'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintCR
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintCR.
+	]
@@ -499,9 +499,9 @@
     mapSize := imgMap size.
     map := ByteArray new:256.
     1 to:mapSize do:[:i |
-        (clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
-            map at:i put:clr colorId
-        ]
+	(clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    map at:i put:clr colorId
+	]
@@ -509,38 +509,38 @@
     deviceDepth := aDevice depth.
     has8BitImage := (deviceDepth == 8)
-                    or:[ (aDevice supportedImageFormatForDepth:8) notNil ].
+		    or:[ (aDevice supportedImageFormatForDepth:8) notNil ].
      finally, create a form on the device and copy (& translate)
      the pixel values
     has8BitImage ifTrue:[
-        pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
+	pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
-        bytes 
-            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-            width:width height:height
-            into:pseudoBits
-            mapping:map.
+	bytes
+	    expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+	    width:width height:height
+	    into:pseudoBits
+	    mapping:map.
-        map := nil.
+	map := nil.
-        f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
-        f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-        f colorMap:imgMap. 
-        f initGC.
-        aDevice 
-            drawBits:pseudoBits
-            bitsPerPixel:8
-            depth:deviceDepth  
-            padding:8
-            width:width height:height
-            x:0 y:0
-            into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
-            width:width height:height 
-            with:(f gcId).
-        ^ f
+	f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
+	f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+	f colorMap:imgMap.
+	f initGC.
+	aDevice
+	    drawBits:pseudoBits
+	    bitsPerPixel:8
+	    depth:deviceDepth
+	    padding:8
+	    width:width height:height
+	    x:0 y:0
+	    into:(f id) x:0 y:0
+	    width:width height:height
+	    with:(f gcId).
+	^ f
@@ -553,30 +553,30 @@
     newImage bits:(ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * newImage bytesPerRow)).
     0 to:height-1 do:[:row |
-        pixelRow := self rowAt:row.
-        pixelRow
-            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-            width:width 
-            height:1
-            into:pixelRow
-            mapping:map.
-        newImage rowAt:row putAll:pixelRow
+	pixelRow := self rowAt:row.
+	pixelRow
+	    expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+	    width:width
+	    height:1
+	    into:pixelRow
+	    mapping:map.
+	newImage rowAt:row putAll:pixelRow
     f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth on:aDevice.
     f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    f colorMap:imgMap. 
+    f colorMap:imgMap.
     f initGC.
-        drawBits:(newImage bits)
-        depth:deviceDepth
-        padding:8
-        width:width height:height
-        x:0 y:0
-        into:(f id) x:0 y:0 
-        width:width height:height 
-        with:(f gcId).
+	drawBits:(newImage bits)
+	depth:deviceDepth
+	padding:8
+	width:width height:height
+	x:0 y:0
+	into:(f id) x:0 y:0
+	width:width height:height
+	with:(f gcId).
     ^ f
@@ -588,9 +588,9 @@
     "return a true-color device-form for the receiver.
      Supports true color devices with depths: 8, 16, 24 and 32"
-    |depth 
-     colorValues 
-     form imageBits bestFormat usedDeviceDepth usedDeviceBitsPerPixel 
+    |depth
+     colorValues
+     form imageBits bestFormat usedDeviceDepth usedDeviceBitsPerPixel
      usedDevicePadding usedDeviceBytesPerRow padd|
     depth := aDevice depth.
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
     bestFormat := self bestSupportedImageFormatFor:aDevice.
     usedDeviceDepth := bestFormat at:#depth.
     usedDeviceDepth == 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice
+	^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice
     usedDeviceBitsPerPixel := bestFormat at:#bitsPerPixel.
     usedDevicePadding := bestFormat at:#padding.
@@ -614,330 +614,330 @@
     "/ for now, only support some depths
     usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 16 ifTrue:[
-        "/ 16 bits/pixel
+	"/ 16 bits/pixel
-        "/ now, walk over the image and replace
-        "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
+	"/ now, walk over the image and replace
+	"/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
-        unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
-        unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
-        OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
+	unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
+	unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
+	OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
-        if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
-            srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
-        } else {
-            if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
-                srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
-            }
-        }
-        if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-            dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
-        } else {
-            if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-                dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
-            }
-        }
+	if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
+	    srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
+	} else {
+	    if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
+		srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
+	    }
+	}
+	if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+	    dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+	} else {
+	    if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
+		dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
+	    }
+	}
-        if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
-         && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
-         && srcPtr
-         && dstPtr) {
-            int r,p;
-            int x, y, w, h, nPix;
-            unsigned short pixels[256];
+	if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
+	 && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
+	 && srcPtr
+	 && dstPtr) {
+	    int r,p;
+	    int x, y, w, h, nPix;
+	    unsigned short pixels[256];
-            OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
+	    OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
-            nPix = __arraySize(colorValues);
-            for (p=0; p<nPix; p++) {
-                pixels[p] = __intVal(ap[p]);
-            }
+	    nPix = __arraySize(colorValues);
+	    for (p=0; p<nPix; p++) {
+		pixels[p] = __intVal(ap[p]);
+	    }
-            w = __intVal(_INST(width));
-            h = __intVal(_INST(height));
-            r = w;
-            p = __intVal(padd);
-            nPix = w * h;
+	    w = __intVal(_INST(width));
+	    h = __intVal(_INST(height));
+	    r = w;
+	    p = __intVal(padd);
+	    nPix = w * h;
-            while (nPix > 0) {
-                unsigned idx, v;
+	    while (nPix > 0) {
+		unsigned idx, v;
-                if (((unsigned INT)srcPtr & 3) == 0) {
-                    unsigned INT idx4;
+		if (((unsigned INT)srcPtr & 3) == 0) {
+		    unsigned INT idx4;
-                    while (r > 4) {
-#ifdef __MSBFIRST 
-                        idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
-                        ((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
-                        ((short *)dstPtr)[1] = v;
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
-                        ((short *)dstPtr)[2] = v;
-                        v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
-                        ((short *)dstPtr)[3] = v;
+		    while (r > 4) {
+#ifdef __MSBFIRST
+			idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
+			((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
+			((short *)dstPtr)[1] = v;
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
+			((short *)dstPtr)[2] = v;
+			v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
+			((short *)dstPtr)[3] = v;
-# ifdef __LSBFIRST 
-                        idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
-                        v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
-                        dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
+# ifdef __LSBFIRST
+			idx4 = ((unsigned int *)srcPtr)[0];
+			v = pixels[idx4 & 0xFF];
+			dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
-                        dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 8) & 0xFF];
+			dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
-                        dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 16) & 0xFF];
+			dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
-                        dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			v = pixels[(idx4 >> 24) & 0xFF];
+			dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
 # else /* unknown/unspecified - code below works on any machine */
-                        idx = srcPtr[0];
-                        v = pixels[idx];
-                        dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			idx = srcPtr[0];
+			v = pixels[idx];
+			dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        idx = srcPtr[1];
-                        v = pixels[idx];
-                        dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			idx = srcPtr[1];
+			v = pixels[idx];
+			dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        idx = srcPtr[2];
-                        v = pixels[idx];
-                        dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			idx = srcPtr[2];
+			v = pixels[idx];
+			dstPtr[4] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[5] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                        idx = srcPtr[3];
-                        v = pixels[idx];
-                        dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                        dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			idx = srcPtr[3];
+			v = pixels[idx];
+			dstPtr[6] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			dstPtr[7] = (v) & 0xFF;
 # endif
-                        r -= 4;
-                        dstPtr += 8;
-                        nPix -= 4;
-                        srcPtr +=4;
-                    }
-                }
+			r -= 4;
+			dstPtr += 8;
+			nPix -= 4;
+			srcPtr +=4;
+		    }
+		}
-                nPix--;
+		nPix--;
-                idx = *srcPtr++;
-                v = pixels[idx];
+		idx = *srcPtr++;
+		v = pixels[idx];
 #ifdef __MSBFIRST
-                ((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
+		((short *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
-                dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
+		dstPtr[0] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+		dstPtr[1] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                dstPtr += 2;
+		dstPtr += 2;
-                if (--r == 0) {
-                    dstPtr += p;
-                    r = w;
-                }
-            }
-        }
+		if (--r == 0) {
+		    dstPtr += p;
+		    r = w;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
     ] ifFalse:[
-        usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 32 ifTrue:[
-            "/ 32 bits/pixel
+	usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 32 ifTrue:[
+	    "/ 32 bits/pixel
-            "/ now, walk over the image and replace
-            "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
+	    "/ now, walk over the image and replace
+	    "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
-            unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
-            unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
-            OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
+	    unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
+	    unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
+	    OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
-            if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
-                srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
-            } else {
-                if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
-                    srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
-                }
-            }
-            if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-                dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
-            } else {
-                if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-                    dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
-                }
-            }
+	    if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
+		srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
+	    } else {
+		if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
+		    srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
+		}
+	    }
+	    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+		dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+	    } else {
+		if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
+		    dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
+		}
+	    }
-            if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
-             && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
-             && srcPtr
-             && dstPtr) {
-                int x, y, w, h, nPix;
+	    if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
+	     && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
+	     && srcPtr
+	     && dstPtr) {
+		int x, y, w, h, nPix;
-                OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
+		OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
-                w = __intVal(_INST(width));
-                h = __intVal(_INST(height));
-                nPix = w * h;
-                while (nPix > 0) {
-                    unsigned idx, v;
-                    OBJ clr;
+		w = __intVal(_INST(width));
+		h = __intVal(_INST(height));
+		nPix = w * h;
+		while (nPix > 0) {
+		    unsigned idx, v;
+		    OBJ clr;
-                    idx = *srcPtr;
-                    clr = ap[idx];
-                    v = __intVal(clr);
+		    idx = *srcPtr;
+		    clr = ap[idx];
+		    v = __intVal(clr);
 #ifdef __MSBFIRST
-                    ((long *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
+		    ((long *)dstPtr)[0] = v;
-                    dstPtr[0] = (v>>24) & 0xFF;
-                    dstPtr[1] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
-                    dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                    dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
+		    dstPtr[0] = (v>>24) & 0xFF;
+		    dstPtr[1] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
+		    dstPtr[2] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+		    dstPtr[3] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                    dstPtr += 4;
-                    srcPtr += 1;
-                    nPix--;
-                }
-            }
+		    dstPtr += 4;
+		    srcPtr += 1;
+		    nPix--;
+		}
+	    }
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 8 ifTrue:[
-                "/ 8 bits/pixel
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 8 ifTrue:[
+		"/ 8 bits/pixel
-                "/ now, walk over the image and replace
-                "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
+		"/ now, walk over the image and replace
+		"/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
-                unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
-                unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
-                OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
+		unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
+		unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
+		OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
-                if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
-                    srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
-                } else {
-                    if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
-                        srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
-                    }
-                }
-                if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-                    dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
-                } else {
-                    if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-                        dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
-                    }
-                }
+		if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
+		    srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
+		} else {
+		    if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
+			srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
+		    }
+		}
+		if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+		    dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+		} else {
+		    if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
+			dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
+		    }
+		}
-                if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
-                 && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
-                 && srcPtr
-                 && dstPtr) {
-                    int x, y, w, h, nPix;
-                    int r,p;
+		if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
+		 && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
+		 && srcPtr
+		 && dstPtr) {
+		    int x, y, w, h, nPix;
+		    int r,p;
-                    OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
+		    OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
-                    w = __intVal(_INST(width));
-                    h = __intVal(_INST(height));
-                    r = w;
-                    p = __intVal(padd);
+		    w = __intVal(_INST(width));
+		    h = __intVal(_INST(height));
+		    r = w;
+		    p = __intVal(padd);
-                    nPix = w * h;
-                    while (nPix > 0) {
-                        unsigned idx, v;
-                        OBJ clr;
+		    nPix = w * h;
+		    while (nPix > 0) {
+			unsigned idx, v;
+			OBJ clr;
-                        idx = *srcPtr;
-                        clr = ap[idx];
-                        v = __intVal(clr);
+			idx = *srcPtr;
+			clr = ap[idx];
+			v = __intVal(clr);
-                        dstPtr[0] = v;
+			dstPtr[0] = v;
-                        dstPtr += 1;
-                        srcPtr += 1;
-                        nPix--;
+			dstPtr += 1;
+			srcPtr += 1;
+			nPix--;
-                        if (--r == 0) {
-                          dstPtr += p;
-                          r = w;
-                        }
+			if (--r == 0) {
+			  dstPtr += p;
+			  r = w;
+			}
-                    }
-                }
+		    }
+		}
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 24 ifTrue:[
-                    "/ 24 bits/pixel
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		usedDeviceBitsPerPixel == 24 ifTrue:[
+		    "/ 24 bits/pixel
-                    "/ now, walk over the image and replace
-                    "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
+		    "/ now, walk over the image and replace
+		    "/ colorMap indices by color values in the bits array
-                    unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
-                    unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
-                    OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
+		    unsigned char *srcPtr = 0;
+		    unsigned char *dstPtr = 0;
+		    OBJ _bytes = __INST(bytes);
-                    if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
-                        srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
-                    } else {
-                        if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
-                            srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-                        dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
-                    } else {
-                        if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-                            dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
-                        }
-                    }
+		    if (__isByteArray(_bytes)) {
+			srcPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(_bytes)->ba_element;
+		    } else {
+			if (__isExternalBytesLike(_bytes)) {
+			    srcPtr = __externalBytesAddress(_bytes);
+			}
+		    }
+		    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+			dstPtr = _ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+		    } else {
+			if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
+			    dstPtr = __externalBytesAddress(imageBits);
+			}
+		    }
-                    if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
-                     && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
-                     && srcPtr
-                     && dstPtr) {
-                        int x, y, w, h, nPix;
-                        int r,p;
+		    if (__bothSmallInteger(_INST(height), _INST(width))
+		     && __isArrayLike(colorValues)
+		     && srcPtr
+		     && dstPtr) {
+			int x, y, w, h, nPix;
+			int r,p;
-                        OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
+			OBJ *ap = __ArrayInstPtr(colorValues)->a_element;
-                        w = __intVal(_INST(width));
-                        h = __intVal(_INST(height));
-                        r = w;
-                        p = __intVal(padd);
+			w = __intVal(_INST(width));
+			h = __intVal(_INST(height));
+			r = w;
+			p = __intVal(padd);
-                        nPix = w * h;
-                        while (nPix > 0) {
-                            unsigned idx, v;
-                            OBJ clr;
+			nPix = w * h;
+			while (nPix > 0) {
+			    unsigned idx, v;
+			    OBJ clr;
-                            idx = *srcPtr;
-                            clr = ap[idx];
-                            v = __intVal(clr);
+			    idx = *srcPtr;
+			    clr = ap[idx];
+			    v = __intVal(clr);
-                            dstPtr[0] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
-                            dstPtr[1] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
-                            dstPtr[2] = (v) & 0xFF;
+			    dstPtr[0] = (v>>16) & 0xFF;
+			    dstPtr[1] = (v>>8) & 0xFF;
+			    dstPtr[2] = (v) & 0xFF;
-                            dstPtr += 3;
-                            srcPtr += 1;
-                            nPix--;
-                            if (--r == 0) {
-                              dstPtr += p;
-                              r = w;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
+			    dstPtr += 3;
+			    srcPtr += 1;
+			    nPix--;
+			    if (--r == 0) {
+			      dstPtr += p;
+			      r = w;
+			    }
+			}
+		    }
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
-    imageBits isNil ifTrue:[            
-        'Image [warning]: unimplemented trueColor depth in paletteImageAsTrueColorFormOn: ' errorPrint. usedDeviceBitsPerPixel errorPrintCR.
-        ^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice
+    imageBits isNil ifTrue:[
+	'Image [warning]: unimplemented trueColor depth in paletteImageAsTrueColorFormOn: ' errorPrint. usedDeviceBitsPerPixel errorPrintCR.
+	^ self asMonochromeFormOn:aDevice
     form := Form width:width height:height depth:usedDeviceDepth on:aDevice.
@@ -945,13 +945,13 @@
     form initGC.
-        copyBitsFrom:imageBits
-        bitsPerPixel:usedDeviceBitsPerPixel
-        depth:usedDeviceDepth
-        padding:usedDevicePadding
-        width:width height:height 
-        x:0 y:0
-        toX:0 y:0. 
+	copyBitsFrom:imageBits
+	bitsPerPixel:usedDeviceBitsPerPixel
+	depth:usedDeviceDepth
+	padding:usedDevicePadding
+	width:width height:height
+	x:0 y:0
+	toX:0 y:0.
     ^ form
@@ -970,15 +970,15 @@
     map := ByteArray uninitializedNew:256.
     1 to:256 do:[:i |
-        map at:i put:((self colorFromValue:(i-1)) brightness * 255) rounded
+	map at:i put:((self colorFromValue:(i-1)) brightness * 255) rounded
     self bits
-        expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-        width:width 
-        height:height
-        into:greyBits
-        mapping:map.
+	expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+	width:width
+	height:height
+	into:greyBits
+	mapping:map.
     ^ self makeDeviceGrayPixmapOn:aDevice depth:8 fromArray:greyBits
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@
     "get a gray device form.
-     Redefined, since we can do it with simple translate, 
+     Redefined, since we can do it with simple translate,
      if the depth matches my depth."
     (aDevice visualType == #StaticGray) ifTrue:[
@@ -1065,12 +1065,12 @@
 floydSteinbergDitheredDepth8BitsColors:colors map:aMapOrNil
     "return a floyd-steinberg dithered bitmap from the receiver picture,
-     which must be a depth-8 image. 
+     which must be a depth-8 image.
      This method expects an array of colors to be used for dithering
      (which need not be a colorCubes colors)."
-    |pseudoBits  
-     rgbBytes 
+    |pseudoBits
+     rgbBytes
      ditherRGBBytes ditherColors
      w       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
      h       "{Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -1085,77 +1085,77 @@
     rgbBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:256 * 3.
     photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
-        lastColor := colorMap size - 1
+	lastColor := colorMap size - 1
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lastColor := 255.
+	lastColor := 255.
     index := 1.
     0 to:lastColor do:[:pix |
-        clr := self colorFromValue:pix.
-        rgbBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
-        rgbBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
-        rgbBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
+	clr := self colorFromValue:pix.
+	rgbBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
+	rgbBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
+	rgbBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
-        index := index + 3.
+	index := index + 3.
     "/ collect valid ditherColors ...
     aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-        ditherColors := colors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
+	ditherColors := colors select:[:clr | clr notNil].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        ditherColors := colors
+	ditherColors := colors
     "/ ... and sort by manhatten distance from black
     qScramble := #(
-                "/  2rX00X00X00X00
+		"/  2rX00X00X00X00
-                    2r000000000000    "/ 0
-                    2r000000000100    "/ 1
-                    2r000000100000    "/ 2
-                    2r000000100100    "/ 3
-                    2r000100000000    "/ 4
-                    2r000100000100    "/ 5
-                    2r000100100000    "/ 6
-                    2r000100100100    "/ 7
-                    2r100000000000    "/ 8
-                    2r100000000100    "/ 9
-                    2r100000100000    "/ a
-                    2r100000100100    "/ b
-                    2r100100000000    "/ c
-                    2r100100000100    "/ d
-                    2r100100100000    "/ e
-                    2r100100100100    "/ f
-                  ).
+		    2r000000000000    "/ 0
+		    2r000000000100    "/ 1
+		    2r000000100000    "/ 2
+		    2r000000100100    "/ 3
+		    2r000100000000    "/ 4
+		    2r000100000100    "/ 5
+		    2r000100100000    "/ 6
+		    2r000100100100    "/ 7
+		    2r100000000000    "/ 8
+		    2r100000000100    "/ 9
+		    2r100000100000    "/ a
+		    2r100000100100    "/ b
+		    2r100100000000    "/ c
+		    2r100100000100    "/ d
+		    2r100100100000    "/ e
+		    2r100100100100    "/ f
+		  ).
     ditherColors := ditherColors sort:[:a :b |
-                                |cr "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                                 cg "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                                 cb "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                                 i1 "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-                                 i2 "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+				|cr "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+				 cg "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+				 cb "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+				 i1 "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+				 i2 "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-                                cr := a redByte.
-                                cg := a greenByte.
-                                cb := a blueByte.
-                                i1 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
-                                i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
-                                i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
+				cr := a redByte.
+				cg := a greenByte.
+				cb := a blueByte.
+				i1 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
+				i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
+				i1 := i1 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
-                                cr := b redByte.
-                                cg := b greenByte.
-                                cb := b blueByte.
-                                i2 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
-                                i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
-                                i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
+				cr := b redByte.
+				cg := b greenByte.
+				cb := b blueByte.
+				i2 := qScramble at:((cr bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
+				i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cg bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
+				i2 := i2 + ((qScramble at:((cb bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
-                                i1 < i2
-                    ].
+				i1 < i2
+		    ].
     aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-        ditherIds := (ditherColors asArray collect:[:clr | clr colorId]) asByteArray.
+	ditherIds := (ditherColors asArray collect:[:clr | clr colorId]) asByteArray.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        ditherIds := aMapOrNil asByteArray
+	ditherIds := aMapOrNil asByteArray
     "/ build an index table, for fast lookup from manhatten-r-g-b distance
@@ -1164,20 +1164,20 @@
     clrLookup := ByteArray new:(4096).
     index := 0.
     ditherColors keysAndValuesDo:[:clrPosition :clr |
-        |r g b i|
+	|r g b i|
-        r := clr redByte.
-        g := clr greenByte.
-        b := clr blueByte.
-        i := qScramble at:((r bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
-        i := i + ((qScramble at:((g bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
-        i := i + ((qScramble at:((b bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
-        lookupPos := i.
+	r := clr redByte.
+	g := clr greenByte.
+	b := clr blueByte.
+	i := qScramble at:((r bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1.
+	i := i + ((qScramble at:((g bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-1).
+	i := i + ((qScramble at:((b bitShift:-4) bitAnd:16r0F) + 1) bitShift:-2).
+	lookupPos := i.
-        [index < lookupPos] whileTrue:[        
-            clrLookup at:(index+1) put:(clrPosition-1-1).
-            index := index + 1
-        ]
+	[index < lookupPos] whileTrue:[
+	    clrLookup at:(index+1) put:(clrPosition-1-1).
+	    index := index + 1
+	]
     clrLookup from:index+1 to:4096 put:(ditherColors size - 1).
@@ -1193,16 +1193,16 @@
     ditherRGBBytes := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(lastColor * 3).
     index := 1.
     1 to:lastColor do:[:pix |
-        clr := ditherColors at:pix.
-        ditherRGBBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
-        ditherRGBBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
-        ditherRGBBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
-        aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-            ditherIds at:pix put:clr colorId.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            ditherIds at:pix put:(aMapOrNil at:pix).
-        ].
-        index := index + 3.
+	clr := ditherColors at:pix.
+	ditherRGBBytes at:index put:(clr redByte).
+	ditherRGBBytes at:index+1 put:(clr greenByte).
+	ditherRGBBytes at:index+2 put:(clr blueByte).
+	aMapOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+	    ditherIds at:pix put:clr colorId.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    ditherIds at:pix put:(aMapOrNil at:pix).
+	].
+	index := index + 3.
     pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
@@ -1232,23 +1232,23 @@
     int __nColors = __intVal(lastColor);
     int __wR = -1, __wG, __wB;
     static int __qScramble[16] = {
-                    0x000 /* 2r000000000000    0 */,
-                    0x004 /* 2r000000000100    1 */,
-                    0x020 /* 2r000000100000    2 */,
-                    0x024 /* 2r000000100100    3 */,
-                    0x100 /* 2r000100000000    4 */,
-                    0x104 /* 2r000100000100    5 */,
-                    0x120 /* 2r000100100000    6 */,
-                    0x124 /* 2r000100100100    7 */,
-                    0x800 /* 2r100000000000    8 */,
-                    0x804 /* 2r100000000100    9 */,
-                    0x820 /* 2r100000100000    a */,
-                    0x824 /* 2r100000100100    b */,
-                    0x900 /* 2r100100000000    c */,
-                    0x904 /* 2r100100000100    d */,
-                    0x920 /* 2r100100100000    e */,
-                    0x924 /* 2r100100100100    f */,
-                  };
+		    0x000 /* 2r000000000000    0 */,
+		    0x004 /* 2r000000000100    1 */,
+		    0x020 /* 2r000000100000    2 */,
+		    0x024 /* 2r000000100100    3 */,
+		    0x100 /* 2r000100000000    4 */,
+		    0x104 /* 2r000100000100    5 */,
+		    0x120 /* 2r000100100000    6 */,
+		    0x124 /* 2r000100100100    7 */,
+		    0x800 /* 2r100000000000    8 */,
+		    0x804 /* 2r100000000100    9 */,
+		    0x820 /* 2r100000100000    a */,
+		    0x824 /* 2r100000100100    b */,
+		    0x900 /* 2r100100000000    c */,
+		    0x904 /* 2r100100000100    d */,
+		    0x920 /* 2r100100100000    e */,
+		    0x924 /* 2r100100100100    f */,
+		  };
     if (__isByteArray(__INST(bytes))
      && __isByteArray(pseudoBits)
@@ -1257,50 +1257,50 @@
      && __isByteArray(ditherIds)
      && __isByteArray(clrLookup)
      && __isByteArray(error)) {
-        failed = false;
+	failed = false;
-        srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
-        dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pseudoBits)->ba_element;
-        rgbP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(rgbBytes)->ba_element;
-        idP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherIds)->ba_element;
-        __clrLookup = __ByteArrayInstPtr(clrLookup)->ba_element;
-        errP = (short *) __ByteArrayInstPtr(error)->ba_element;
+	srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
+	dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pseudoBits)->ba_element;
+	rgbP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(rgbBytes)->ba_element;
+	idP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherIds)->ba_element;
+	__clrLookup = __ByteArrayInstPtr(clrLookup)->ba_element;
+	errP = (short *) __ByteArrayInstPtr(error)->ba_element;
-        /*
-         * clear error accumulator
-         */
-        eP = errP;
-        bzero(eP, (__w+2) * 2 * 3);
+	/*
+	 * clear error accumulator
+	 */
+	eP = errP;
+	bzero(eP, (__w+2) * 2 * 3);
-        for (__y=__h; __y>0; __y--) {
-            __eR = __eG = __eB = 0;
+	for (__y=__h; __y>0; __y--) {
+	    __eR = __eG = __eB = 0;
-            eP = &(errP[3]);
-            __eR = eP[0];
-            __eG = eP[1];
-            __eB = eP[2];
+	    eP = &(errP[3]);
+	    __eR = eP[0];
+	    __eG = eP[1];
+	    __eB = eP[2];
-            for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
-                int __want;
-                int pix;
-                int __wantR, __wantG, __wantB;
-                int idx;
-                int tR, tG, tB;
-                int nR, nG, nB;
-                int dR, dG, dB;
-                int minDelta, bestIdx;
-                int cnt;
+	    for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
+		int __want;
+		int pix;
+		int __wantR, __wantG, __wantB;
+		int idx;
+		int tR, tG, tB;
+		int nR, nG, nB;
+		int dR, dG, dB;
+		int minDelta, bestIdx;
+		int cnt;
-                pix = *srcP++;
+		pix = *srcP++;
-                /*
-                 * wR, wG and wB is the wanted r/g/b value;
-                 */
-                idx = pix+pix+pix;  /* pix * 3 */
+		/*
+		 * wR, wG and wB is the wanted r/g/b value;
+		 */
+		idx = pix+pix+pix;  /* pix * 3 */
-                __wantR = rgbP[idx] + __eR;
-                __wantG = rgbP[idx+1] + __eG;
-                __wantB = rgbP[idx+2] + __eB;
+		__wantR = rgbP[idx] + __eR;
+		__wantG = rgbP[idx+1] + __eG;
+		__wantB = rgbP[idx+2] + __eB;
 #define RED_SCALE 30
 #define GREEN_SCALE 59
@@ -1317,236 +1317,236 @@
 #define NPROBE 8
 #ifndef FAST_LOOKUP
-                if ((__wantR == __wR)
-                 && (__wantG == __wG)
-                 && (__wantB == __wB)) {
-                    /*
-                     * same color again - reuse last bestMatch
-                     */
-                } else 
+		if ((__wantR == __wR)
+		 && (__wantG == __wG)
+		 && (__wantB == __wB)) {
+		    /*
+		     * same color again - reuse last bestMatch
+		     */
+		} else
-                {
-                    __wR = __wantR;
-                    __wG = __wantG;
-                    __wB = __wantB;
+		{
+		    __wR = __wantR;
+		    __wG = __wantG;
+		    __wB = __wantB;
-                    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
-                    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
-                    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
-                    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
-                    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
-                    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;
+		    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
+		    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
+		    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
+		    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
+		    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
+		    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;
-                    {
-                        int lookupIndex;
-                        int idx, idx0;
-                        int d, delta;
-                        unsigned char *dp0;
+		    {
+			int lookupIndex;
+			int idx, idx0;
+			int d, delta;
+			unsigned char *dp0;
-                        dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
-                        lookupIndex =    __qScramble[((__wR & 0xF0)>>4)];
-                        lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wG & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 1;
-                        lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wB & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 2;
-                        idx = bestIdx =__clrLookup[lookupIndex];
-                        dp += (idx+idx+idx);
+			dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
+			lookupIndex =    __qScramble[((__wR & 0xF0)>>4)];
+			lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wG & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 1;
+			lookupIndex |=   __qScramble[((__wB & 0xF0)>>4)] >> 2;
+			idx = bestIdx =__clrLookup[lookupIndex];
+			dp += (idx+idx+idx);
-                        /* try color at lookupIndex */
+			/* try color at lookupIndex */
-                        d = dp[0];
-                        delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
-                        if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
+			d = dp[0];
+			delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
+			if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
-                        d = dp[1];
-                        if (__wG > d) 
-                            delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                        else 
-                            delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                        d = dp[2];
-                        if (__wB > d) 
-                            delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                        else 
-                            delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			d = dp[1];
+			if (__wG > d)
+			    delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			else
+			    delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			d = dp[2];
+			if (__wB > d)
+			    delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			else
+			    delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                        if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
-                            goto foundBest;
-                        }
-                        minDelta = delta;
+			if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
+			    goto foundBest;
+			}
+			minDelta = delta;
 # ifndef ONE_SHOT
-                        idx0 = idx; dp0 = dp;
-                        cnt = 0;
-                        while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (idx > 0)) {
-                            /* try previous color(s) */
+			idx0 = idx; dp0 = dp;
+			cnt = 0;
+			while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (idx > 0)) {
+			    /* try previous color(s) */
-                            idx--; dp -= 3;
-                            d = dp[0];
-                            delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
-                            if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
-                            d = dp[1];
-                            if (__wG > d) 
-                                delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            else 
-                                delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            d = dp[2];
-                            if (__wB > d) 
-                                delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                            else 
-                                delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			    idx--; dp -= 3;
+			    d = dp[0];
+			    delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
+			    if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
+			    d = dp[1];
+			    if (__wG > d)
+				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    else
+				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    d = dp[2];
+			    if (__wB > d)
+				delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			    else
+				delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                            if (delta < minDelta) {
-                                bestIdx = idx;
-                                if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
-                                    goto foundBest;
-                                }
-                                minDelta = delta;
-                            }
-                        }
+			    if (delta < minDelta) {
+				bestIdx = idx;
+				if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
+				    goto foundBest;
+				}
+				minDelta = delta;
+			    }
+			}
-                        idx = idx0; dp = dp0;
-                        cnt = 0;
-                        while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (++idx < __nColors)) {
-                            /* try next color */
+			idx = idx0; dp = dp0;
+			cnt = 0;
+			while ((++cnt <= NPROBE) && (++idx < __nColors)) {
+			    /* try next color */
-                            dp += 3;
-                            d = dp[0];
-                            delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
-                            if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
-                            d = dp[1];
-                            if (__wG > d) 
-                                delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            else 
-                                delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            d = dp[2];
-                            if (__wB > d) 
-                                delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                            else 
-                                delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			    dp += 3;
+			    d = dp[0];
+			    delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
+			    if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
+			    d = dp[1];
+			    if (__wG > d)
+				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    else
+				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    d = dp[2];
+			    if (__wB > d)
+				delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			    else
+				delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                            if (delta < minDelta) {
-                                bestIdx = idx;
-                                if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
-                                    goto foundBest;
-                                }
-                                minDelta = delta;
-                            }
-                        }
+			    if (delta < minDelta) {
+				bestIdx = idx;
+				if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
+				    goto foundBest;
+				}
+				minDelta = delta;
+			    }
+			}
 # endif
-                    }
-        foundBest: ;
+		    }
+	foundBest: ;
-                    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
-                    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
-                    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
-                    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
-                    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
-                    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;
+		    if(__wR > 255) __wR = 255;
+		    else if (__wR < 0) __wR = 0;
+		    if(__wG > 255) __wG = 255;
+		    else if (__wG < 0) __wG = 0;
+		    if(__wB > 255) __wB = 255;
+		    else if (__wB < 0) __wB = 0;
-                    /* find the best matching color */
+		    /* find the best matching color */
-                    minDelta = 99999;
-                    bestIdx = -1;
-                    dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
-                    for (idx = 0; idx<__nColors; idx++) {
-                        int d, delta;
+		    minDelta = 99999;
+		    bestIdx = -1;
+		    dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
+		    for (idx = 0; idx<__nColors; idx++) {
+			int d, delta;
-                        d = dp[0];
-                        delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
-                        if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
-                        if (delta < minDelta) {
-                            d = dp[1];
-                            if (__wG > d) 
-                                delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            else 
-                                delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
-                            if (delta < minDelta) {
-                                d = dp[2];
-                                if (__wB > d) 
-                                    delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                                else 
-                                    delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
+			d = dp[0];
+			delta = (__wR - d) * RED_SCALE;
+			if (delta < 0) delta = -delta;
+			if (delta < minDelta) {
+			    d = dp[1];
+			    if (__wG > d)
+				delta += (__wG - d) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    else
+				delta += (d - __wG) * GREEN_SCALE;
+			    if (delta < minDelta) {
+				d = dp[2];
+				if (__wB > d)
+				    delta += (__wB - d) * BLUE_SCALE;
+				else
+				    delta += (d - __wB) * BLUE_SCALE;
-                                if (delta < minDelta) {
-                                    bestIdx = idx;
-                                    if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
-                                        break;
-                                    }
-                                    minDelta = delta;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        dp += 3;
-                    }
+				if (delta < minDelta) {
+				    bestIdx = idx;
+				    if (delta <= GOOD_DELTA) {
+					break;
+				    }
+				    minDelta = delta;
+				}
+			    }
+			}
+			dp += 3;
+		    }
-                }
-                dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
-                dp += bestIdx * 3;
-                dR = dp[0];
-                dG = dp[1];
-                dB = dp[2];
+		}
+		dp = __ByteArrayInstPtr(ditherRGBBytes)->ba_element;
+		dp += bestIdx * 3;
+		dR = dp[0];
+		dG = dp[1];
+		dB = dp[2];
-printf("want: %d/%d/%d (%d/%d/%d) got: %d/%d/%d\n",
-                __wantR, __wantG, __wantB,
-                __wR, __wG, __wB,
-                dR, dG, dB);
+console_printf("want: %d/%d/%d (%d/%d/%d) got: %d/%d/%d\n",
+		__wantR, __wantG, __wantB,
+		__wR, __wG, __wB,
+		dR, dG, dB);
-                /*
-                 * store the corresponding dither colors colorId
-                 */
-                *dstP++ = idP[bestIdx];
+		/*
+		 * store the corresponding dither colors colorId
+		 */
+		*dstP++ = idP[bestIdx];
-                /*
-                 * the new error & distribute the error
-                 */
-                __eR = __wantR - dR; 
-                if (__eR) {
-                    tR = __eR >> 4;  /* 16th of error */
-                    nR = eP[3] + (tR * 7);/* from accu: error for (x+1 / y) */
-                    eP[0] = tR*5;         /* 5/16th for (x / y+1) */
-                    eP[-3] = tR*3;        /* 3/16th for (x-1 / y+1) */
-                    eP[3] = __eR - (tR*15);  /* 1/16th for (x+1 / y+1) */
-                    __eR = nR;
-                } else {
-                    __eR = eP[3];
-                    eP[0] = eP[-3] = eP[3] = 0;
-                }
+		/*
+		 * the new error & distribute the error
+		 */
+		__eR = __wantR - dR;
+		if (__eR) {
+		    tR = __eR >> 4;  /* 16th of error */
+		    nR = eP[3] + (tR * 7);/* from accu: error for (x+1 / y) */
+		    eP[0] = tR*5;         /* 5/16th for (x / y+1) */
+		    eP[-3] = tR*3;        /* 3/16th for (x-1 / y+1) */
+		    eP[3] = __eR - (tR*15);  /* 1/16th for (x+1 / y+1) */
+		    __eR = nR;
+		} else {
+		    __eR = eP[3];
+		    eP[0] = eP[-3] = eP[3] = 0;
+		}
-                __eG = __wantG - dG;
-                if (__eG) {
-                    tG = __eG >> 4;
-                    nG = eP[4] + (tG * 7);/* plus 7/16'th of this error */
-                    eP[1] = tG*5;
-                    eP[-2] = tG*3;
-                    eP[4] = __eG - (tG*15);
-                    __eG = nG;
-                } else {
-                    __eG = eP[4];
-                    eP[1] = eP[-2] = eP[4] = 0;
-                }
+		__eG = __wantG - dG;
+		if (__eG) {
+		    tG = __eG >> 4;
+		    nG = eP[4] + (tG * 7);/* plus 7/16'th of this error */
+		    eP[1] = tG*5;
+		    eP[-2] = tG*3;
+		    eP[4] = __eG - (tG*15);
+		    __eG = nG;
+		} else {
+		    __eG = eP[4];
+		    eP[1] = eP[-2] = eP[4] = 0;
+		}
-                __eB = __wantB - dB; 
-                if (__eB) {
-                    tB = __eB >> 4;
-                    nB = eP[5] + (tB * 7);
-                    eP[2] = tB*5;
-                    eP[-1] = tB*3;
-                    eP[5] = __eB - (tB*15);
-                    __eB = nB;
-                } else {
-                    __eB = eP[5];
-                    eP[2] = eP[-1] = eP[5] = 0;
-                }
+		__eB = __wantB - dB;
+		if (__eB) {
+		    tB = __eB >> 4;
+		    nB = eP[5] + (tB * 7);
+		    eP[2] = tB*5;
+		    eP[-1] = tB*3;
+		    eP[5] = __eB - (tB*15);
+		    __eB = nB;
+		} else {
+		    __eB = eP[5];
+		    eP[2] = eP[-1] = eP[5] = 0;
+		}
-                eP += 3;
-            }
-        }
+		eP += 3;
+	    }
+	}
     failed ifTrue:[
-        self primitiveFailed.
-        ^ nil
+	self primitiveFailed.
+	^ nil
     ^ pseudoBits
@@ -1557,7 +1557,7 @@
      with a constant ditherMatrix, this can be used for thresholding.
      Redefined to make use of knowing that pixels are 8-bit values."
-    |dH nDither bytes  
+    |dH nDither bytes
      greyLevels greyMap1 greyMap2
      bytesPerRow  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
      bytesPerOutRow  "{Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -1581,25 +1581,25 @@
     bytesPerOutRow := (w * depth + 7) // 8.
     outBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(bytesPerOutRow * h).
     (outBits isNil or:[bytes isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
+	^ nil
     greyMap1 := self greyMapForRange:(greyLevels-1).                    "/ the pixels
     greyMap1 := (greyMap1 collect:[:b | b isNil ifTrue:[
-                                            0
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            b truncated
-                                        ]
-                                  ]) asByteArray.      
+					    0
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    b truncated
+					]
+				  ]) asByteArray.
     greyMap2 := self greyMapForRange:(greyLevels-1).
-    greyMap2 := (greyMap2 collect:[:el | 
-                                        el isNil ifTrue:[
-                                            0
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            ((el - el truncated)  "/ the error (0..1)
-                                            * nDither) rounded
-                                        ]]) asByteArray.
+    greyMap2 := (greyMap2 collect:[:el |
+					el isNil ifTrue:[
+					    0
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    ((el - el truncated)  "/ the error (0..1)
+					    * nDither) rounded
+					]]) asByteArray.
     int __dW = __intVal(dW);
@@ -1629,51 +1629,51 @@
     __oY = __dY = 0;
     for (__y=0; __y<__h; __y++) {
-        __nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerOutRow;
-        __nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;
+	__nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerOutRow;
+	__nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;
-        __byte = 0;
-        __bitCnt = 8;
+	__byte = 0;
+	__bitCnt = 8;
-        __oX = 0;
+	__oX = 0;
-        for (__x=0; __x<__w; __x++) {
-            __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx++];            /* 0..255 */
+	for (__x=0; __x<__w; __x++) {
+	    __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx++];            /* 0..255 */
-            __pixel = __greyMap1[__grey];            /* 0..(greyLevels-1) */
-            __dO    = __greyMap2[__grey];            /* 0.. nDither-1) */
-            __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];
+	    __pixel = __greyMap1[__grey];            /* 0..(greyLevels-1) */
+	    __dO    = __greyMap2[__grey];            /* 0.. nDither-1) */
+	    __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];
-            if (__dO > __dT)                         /* dither says: next pixel */
-                __pixel++;
+	    if (__dO > __dT)                         /* dither says: next pixel */
+		__pixel++;
-            __oX++;
-            if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;
+	    __oX++;
+	    if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;
-            __byte = (__byte << __depth) | __pixel;
+	    __byte = (__byte << __depth) | __pixel;
-            __bitCnt = __bitCnt - __depth;
-            if (__bitCnt == 0) {
-                __outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
-                __dstIdx++;
-                __byte = 0;
-                __bitCnt = 8;
-            }
-        }
+	    __bitCnt = __bitCnt - __depth;
+	    if (__bitCnt == 0) {
+		__outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
+		__dstIdx++;
+		__byte = 0;
+		__bitCnt = 8;
+	    }
+	}
-        if (__bitCnt != 8) {
-            __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
-            __outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
-        }
+	if (__bitCnt != 8) {
+	    __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
+	    __outBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
+	}
-        __oY++; __dY += __dW;
-        if (__oY == __dH) {
-            __oY = 0;
-            __dY = 0;
-        }
+	__oY++; __dY += __dW;
+	if (__oY == __dH) {
+	    __oY = 0;
+	    __dY = 0;
+	}
-        __srcIdx = __nextSrc;
-        __dstIdx = __nextDst;
+	__srcIdx = __nextSrc;
+	__dstIdx = __nextDst;
     ^ outBits
@@ -1684,7 +1684,7 @@
      with a constant ditherMatrix, this can be used for thresholding.
      Redefined to make use of knowing that pixels are 8-bit values."
-    |dH nDither bytes  
+    |dH nDither bytes
      greyMap monoBits
      bytesPerMonoRow "{Class: SmallInteger }"
      bytesPerRow     "{Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@
     bytesPerMonoRow := w + 7 // 8.
     monoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(bytesPerMonoRow * h).
     (monoBits isNil or:[bytes isNil]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
+	^ nil
     greyMap := self greyByteMapForRange:nDither.
@@ -1734,51 +1734,51 @@
     __oY = __dY = 0;
     for (__y=0; __y<__h; __y++) {
-        __nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerMonoRow;
-        __nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;
+	__nextDst = __dstIdx + __bytesPerMonoRow;
+	__nextSrc = __srcIdx + __bytesPerRow;
-        __byte = 0;
-        __bitCnt = 8;
+	__byte = 0;
+	__bitCnt = 8;
-        __oX = 0;
+	__oX = 0;
-        for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
-            __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx];   /* 0..255 */
-            __srcIdx++;
+	for (__x=__w; __x>0; __x--) {
+	    __grey = __bytes[__srcIdx];   /* 0..255 */
+	    __srcIdx++;
-            __grey = __greyMap[__grey];
-            __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];
+	    __grey = __greyMap[__grey];
+	    __dT = __ditherMatrix[__dY + __oX];
-            __oX++;
-            if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;
+	    __oX++;
+	    if (__oX == __dW) __oX = 0;
-            __byte = __byte << 1;
-            if (__grey > __dT) {
-                __byte = __byte | 1;           /* white */
-            }
+	    __byte = __byte << 1;
+	    if (__grey > __dT) {
+		__byte = __byte | 1;           /* white */
+	    }
-            __bitCnt--;
-            if (__bitCnt == 0) {
-                __monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
-                __dstIdx++;
-                __byte = 0;
-                __bitCnt = 8;
-            }
-        }
+	    __bitCnt--;
+	    if (__bitCnt == 0) {
+		__monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
+		__dstIdx++;
+		__byte = 0;
+		__bitCnt = 8;
+	    }
+	}
-        if (__bitCnt != 8) {
-            __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
-            __monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
-        }
+	if (__bitCnt != 8) {
+	    __byte = __byte << __bitCnt;
+	    __monoBits[__dstIdx] = __byte;
+	}
-        __oY++; __dY += __dW;
-        if (__oY == __dH) {
-            __oY = 0;
-            __dY = 0;
-        }
+	__oY++; __dY += __dW;
+	if (__oY == __dH) {
+	    __oY = 0;
+	    __dY = 0;
+	}
-        __srcIdx = __nextSrc;
-        __dstIdx = __nextDst;
+	__srcIdx = __nextSrc;
+	__dstIdx = __nextDst;
@@ -1838,15 +1838,15 @@
     colorArray := Array new:256.
     x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
-        value := bytes at:srcIndex.
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+	value := bytes at:srcIndex.
+	srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-        color := colorArray at:value+1.
-        color isNil ifTrue:[
-            color := self colorFromValue:value.
-            colorArray at:value+1 put:color
-        ].
-        aBlock value:x value:color
+	color := colorArray at:value+1.
+	color isNil ifTrue:[
+	    color := self colorFromValue:value.
+	    colorArray at:value+1 put:color
+	].
+	aBlock value:x value:color
     "Created: 7.6.1996 / 19:12:35 / cg"
@@ -1858,10 +1858,10 @@
      yStart..yEnd / xStart..xEnd.
      The block is passed the color at each pixel.
      This method allows slighly faster processing of an
-     image than using individual atX:y: accesses, 
+     image than using individual atX:y: accesses,
      both since some processing can be avoided when going from pixel to pixel,
-     and since the color composition is done outside of the pixel loop. 
-     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods 
+     and since the color composition is done outside of the pixel loop.
+     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods
      should be written which know how to deal with specific photometric interpretations."
     |srcIndex    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -1889,17 +1889,17 @@
     maxColor := colorArray size.
     y1 to:y2 do:[:y |
-        srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
-        x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
-            value := bytes at:srcIndex.
-            srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+	srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
+	x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
+	    value := bytes at:srcIndex.
+	    srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-            value >= maxColor ifTrue:[
-                value := 0.
-            ].
-            aBlock value:x value:y value:(colorArray at:value+1)
-        ].
-        srcIndex := srcNext.
+	    value >= maxColor ifTrue:[
+		value := 0.
+	    ].
+	    aBlock value:x value:y value:(colorArray at:value+1)
+	].
+	srcIndex := srcNext.
     ^ self
@@ -1927,9 +1927,9 @@
     bytes := self bits.
     x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
-        pixelValue := bytes at:srcIndex.
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-        aBlock value:x value:pixelValue 
+	pixelValue := bytes at:srcIndex.
+	srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+	aBlock value:x value:pixelValue
     "Created: 7.6.1996 / 19:09:47 / cg"
@@ -1940,9 +1940,9 @@
      yStart..yEnd / xStart..xEnd.
      The block is passed the pixelValue at each pixel.
      This method allows slighly faster processing of an
-     image than using individual valueAtX:y: accesses, 
-     since some processing can be avoided when going from pixel to pixel.. 
-     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods 
+     image than using individual valueAtX:y: accesses,
+     since some processing can be avoided when going from pixel to pixel..
+     However, for real high performance image processing, specialized methods
      should be written which know how to deal with specific photometric interpretations."
     |srcIndex    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -1965,14 +1965,14 @@
     bytes := self bits.
     y1 to:y2 do:[:y |
-        srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
-        x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
-            value := bytes at:srcIndex.
-            srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+	srcNext := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
+	x1 to:x2 do:[:x |
+	    value := bytes at:srcIndex.
+	    srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-            aBlock value:x value:y value:value
-        ].
-        srcIndex := srcNext.
+	    aBlock value:x value:y value:value
+	].
+	srcIndex := srcNext.
     ^ self
@@ -2013,12 +2013,12 @@
     newImage := self species new.
-    newImage 
-	width:newWidth 
-	height:newHeight 
-	photometric:photometric 
-	samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel 
-	bitsPerSample:#(8) 
+    newImage
+	width:newWidth
+	height:newHeight
+	photometric:photometric
+	samplesPerPixel:samplesPerPixel
+	bitsPerSample:#(8)
 	colorMap:colorMap copy
@@ -2065,8 +2065,8 @@
     ^ newImage
-magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart  
-          into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX
+magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart
+	  into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX
     "magnify a single pixel row - can only magnify by integer factors.
      Specially tuned for factors 2,3 and 4."
@@ -2083,90 +2083,90 @@
     if (__bothSmallInteger(srcStart, dstStart)
      && __bothSmallInteger(w, mX)
      && __isByteArray(srcBytes) && __isByteArray(dstBytes)) {
-        _mag = __intVal(mX);
-        srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(srcBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(srcStart);
-        dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(dstBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(dstStart);
-        _pixels = __intVal(w);
+	_mag = __intVal(mX);
+	srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(srcBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(srcStart);
+	dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(dstBytes)->ba_element - 1 + __intVal(dstStart);
+	_pixels = __intVal(w);
-        switch (_mag) {
-            case 1:
-                break;
+	switch (_mag) {
+	    case 1:
+		break;
-            case 2:
-                /* special code for common case */
-                if (((INT)dstP & 1) == 0) {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        _word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
-                        ((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
-                        dstP += 2;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
+	    case 2:
+		/* special code for common case */
+		if (((INT)dstP & 1) == 0) {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
+			((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
+			dstP += 2;
+		    }
+		} else {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
-            case 3:
-                /* special code for common case */
-                while (_pixels--) {
-                    _byte = *srcP++;
-                    *dstP++ = _byte;
-                    *dstP++ = _byte;
-                    *dstP++ = _byte;
-                }
-                break;
+	    case 3:
+		/* special code for common case */
+		while (_pixels--) {
+		    _byte = *srcP++;
+		    *dstP++ = _byte;
+		    *dstP++ = _byte;
+		    *dstP++ = _byte;
+		}
+		break;
-            case 4:
-                /* special code for common case */
-                if (((INT)dstP & 3) == 0) {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        _word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
-                        _word = (_word<<16) | _word;
-                        ((int *)dstP)[0] = _word;
-                        dstP += 4;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                        *dstP++ = _byte;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
+	    case 4:
+		/* special code for common case */
+		if (((INT)dstP & 3) == 0) {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
+			_word = (_word<<16) | _word;
+			((int *)dstP)[0] = _word;
+			dstP += 4;
+		    }
+		} else {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+			*dstP++ = _byte;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
-            default:
-                if ((((INT)dstP & 1) == 0) 
-                 && ((_mag & 1) == 0)) {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        _word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
-                        for (i=_mag; i>0; i-=2) {
-                            ((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
-                            dstP += 2;
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    while (_pixels--) {
-                        _byte = *srcP++;
-                        for (i=_mag; i>0; i--)
-                            *dstP++ = _byte;
-                    }
-                }
-                break;
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	    default:
+		if ((((INT)dstP & 1) == 0)
+		 && ((_mag & 1) == 0)) {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			_word = (_byte<<8) | _byte;
+			for (i=_mag; i>0; i-=2) {
+			    ((short *)dstP)[0] = _word;
+			    dstP += 2;
+			}
+		    }
+		} else {
+		    while (_pixels--) {
+			_byte = *srcP++;
+			for (i=_mag; i>0; i--)
+			    *dstP++ = _byte;
+		    }
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
-    super 
-        magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart
-        into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX
+    super
+	magnifyRowFrom:srcBytes offset:srcStart
+	into:dstBytes offset:dstStart factor:mX
 ! !
 !Depth8Image methodsFor:'private'!
@@ -2196,25 +2196,25 @@
      in those from the dithercolors
     1 to:nColors do:[:i |
-        clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
-        ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.
+	clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
+	ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.
-        ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
-            patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111].
-            pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
-            pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
-            pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
-            pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.
-        ].
+	ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
+	    patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111].
+	    pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
+	    pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
+	    pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
+	    pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.
+	].
@@ -2229,44 +2229,44 @@
     _srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
     _dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(formBytes)->ba_element;
     for (_h = __intVal(h); _h; _h--) {
-        _last = -1;
-        for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
-            _v = *_srcP++;
-            if (_v != _last) {
-                _patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
-                if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
-                    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
-                } else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
-                    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
-                }
-                _p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
-                _p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
-                _last = _v;
-            }
-            _outBits <<= 1;
-            if (_patternBits & __mask)
-                _outBits |= _p1;
-            else
-                _outBits |= _p0;
-            __mask >>= 1;
-            if (__mask == 0) {
-                __mask = 0x80;
-                *_dstP++ = _outBits;
-                _outBits = 0;
-            }
-        }
-        if (__mask != 0x80) {
-            while (__mask != 0) {
-                _outBits <<= 1;
-                __mask >>= 1;
-            }
-            *_dstP++ = _outBits;
-            __mask = 0x80;
-            _outBits = 0;
-        }
-        _patternOffset++;
-        if (_patternOffset == 8)
-            _patternOffset = 0;
+	_last = -1;
+	for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
+	    _v = *_srcP++;
+	    if (_v != _last) {
+		_patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
+		if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
+		    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
+		} else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
+		    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
+		}
+		_p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
+		_p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
+		_last = _v;
+	    }
+	    _outBits <<= 1;
+	    if (_patternBits & __mask)
+		_outBits |= _p1;
+	    else
+		_outBits |= _p0;
+	    __mask >>= 1;
+	    if (__mask == 0) {
+		__mask = 0x80;
+		*_dstP++ = _outBits;
+		_outBits = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (__mask != 0x80) {
+	    while (__mask != 0) {
+		_outBits <<= 1;
+		__mask >>= 1;
+	    }
+	    *_dstP++ = _outBits;
+	    __mask = 0x80;
+	    _outBits = 0;
+	}
+	_patternOffset++;
+	if (_patternOffset == 8)
+	    _patternOffset = 0;
@@ -2298,25 +2298,25 @@
      in those from the dithercolors"
     1 to:nColors do:[:i |
-        clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
-        ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.
+	clr := (map at:i) onDevice:aDevice.
+	ditherPattern := clr ditherForm.
-        ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
-            patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111
-                                2r11111111].
-            pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
-            pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
-            pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
-            pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.
-        ].
+	ditherPattern isNil ifTrue:[
+	    patterns at:i put:#[2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111
+				2r11111111].
+	    pixel0bytes at:i put:clr colorId.
+	    pixel1bytes at:i put:clr colorId
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    patterns at:i put:(ditherPattern bits).
+	    pixel0bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:1) colorId.
+	    pixel1bytes at:i put:(ditherPattern colorMap at:2) colorId.
+	].
@@ -2332,62 +2332,62 @@
     _srcP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_INST(bytes))->ba_element;
     _dstP = __ByteArrayInstPtr(formBytes)->ba_element;
     for (_h = __intVal(h); _h; _h--) {
-        _last = -1;
-        _outCount = 0;
-        for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
-            _v = *_srcP++;
-            if (_v != _last) {
-                _patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
-                if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
-                    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
-                } else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
-                    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
-                }
-                _p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
-                _p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
-                _last = _v;
-            }
-            _outBits <<= 2;
-            if (_patternBits & __mask)
-                _outBits |= _p1;
-            else
-                _outBits |= _p0;
-            __mask >>= 1;
-            _outCount++;
-            if (_outCount == 4) {
-                *_dstP++ = _outBits;
-                _outCount = 0;
-                if (__mask == 0) {
-                    __mask = 0x80;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        if (_outCount) {
-            do {
-                _outBits <<= 2;
-            } while (++_outCount != 4);
-            *_dstP++ = _outBits;
-        }
-        __mask = 0x80;
-        _outBits = 0;
-        _patternOffset++;
-        if (_patternOffset == 8)
-            _patternOffset = 0;
+	_last = -1;
+	_outCount = 0;
+	for (_w = __intVal(w); _w; _w--) {
+	    _v = *_srcP++;
+	    if (_v != _last) {
+		_patternBytes = __ArrayInstPtr(patterns)->a_element[_v];
+		if (__isByteArray(_patternBytes)) {
+		    _patternBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->ba_element[_patternOffset];
+		} else if (__isArrayLike(_patternBytes)) {
+		    _patternBits = __intVal(__ArrayInstPtr(_patternBytes)->a_element[_patternOffset]);
+		}
+		_p0 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel0bytes)->ba_element[_v];
+		_p1 = __ByteArrayInstPtr(pixel1bytes)->ba_element[_v];
+		_last = _v;
+	    }
+	    _outBits <<= 2;
+	    if (_patternBits & __mask)
+		_outBits |= _p1;
+	    else
+		_outBits |= _p0;
+	    __mask >>= 1;
+	    _outCount++;
+	    if (_outCount == 4) {
+		*_dstP++ = _outBits;
+		_outCount = 0;
+		if (__mask == 0) {
+		    __mask = 0x80;
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if (_outCount) {
+	    do {
+		_outBits <<= 2;
+	    } while (++_outCount != 4);
+	    *_dstP++ = _outBits;
+	}
+	__mask = 0x80;
+	_outBits = 0;
+	_patternOffset++;
+	if (_patternOffset == 8)
+	    _patternOffset = 0;
     f := Form width:w height:h depth:2.
     f initGC.
-    f graphicsDevice 
-        drawBits:formBytes
-        depth:2 
-        padding:8
-        width:w height:h 
-        x:0 y:0
-        into:f id 
-        x:0 y:0 
-        width:w height:h 
-        with:f gcId.
+    f graphicsDevice
+	drawBits:formBytes
+	depth:2
+	padding:8
+	width:w height:h
+	x:0 y:0
+	into:f id
+	x:0 y:0
+	width:w height:h
+	with:f gcId.
     ^ f
 ! !
@@ -2416,15 +2416,15 @@
      Pixel values start with 0."
     photometric == #whiteIs0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Color gray:100 - (100 / 255 * pixelValue)
+	^ Color gray:100 - (100 / 255 * pixelValue)
     photometric == #blackIs0 ifTrue:[
-        ^ Color gray:(100 / 255 * pixelValue)
+	^ Color gray:(100 / 255 * pixelValue)
     photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
-        pixelValue < colorMap size ifTrue:[
-            ^ colorMap at:(pixelValue + 1)
-        ]
+	pixelValue < colorMap size ifTrue:[
+	    ^ colorMap at:(pixelValue + 1)
+	]
     ^ super colorFromValue:pixelValue
@@ -2444,5 +2444,5 @@
 !Depth8Image class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Depth8Image.st,v 1.107 2005-07-13 14:03:09 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/Depth8Image.st,v 1.108 2007-01-24 13:41:11 cg Exp $'
 ! !
--- a/GLXWorkstation.st	Wed Jan 24 14:40:55 2007 +0100
+++ b/GLXWorkstation.st	Wed Jan 24 14:41:11 2007 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
  * on SGI, this class is compiled with -DGLX, while
  * for simulation (using vogl), this is compiled with -DVGL
- *   
+ *
  * New note: starting to support openGL (tm) (compile with -DOPENGL)
  * or its simulation (compile with -DMESA)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 static struct windowIDToGLContextMapping windowIDToGLContextMapping[MAX_OPENGL_VIEWS];
 	Window xId;
 	int i;
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
  * check for and fetch an icoord from ST-arg into C-dst
- * ST-object must be SmallInteger. Return from method if invalid. 
+ * ST-object must be SmallInteger. Return from method if invalid.
 #define _ICOORD_(arg, dst)              \
     if (__isSmallInteger(arg))          \
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@
  * check for and fetch an scoord from ST-arg into C-dst
- * ST-object must be SmallInteger. Return from method if invalid. 
+ * ST-object must be SmallInteger. Return from method if invalid.
 #define _SCOORD_(arg, dst)              \
     if (__isSmallInteger(arg))          \
@@ -405,25 +405,25 @@
     XGetErrorText(dpy, event->error_code, lastErrorMsg, 80);
     if (lastErrorMsg[0] == '\0') {
-        sprintf(lastErrorMsg, "code: %d", event->error_code);
+	sprintf(lastErrorMsg, "code: %d", event->error_code);
     lastRequestCode = event->request_code;
     lastMinorCode = event->minor_code;
     lastResource = event->resourceid;
     if ((event->error_code == BadWindow) && (lastRequestCode == 4) && (lastMinorCode == 0)) {
-        /* 
-         * this is a BadWindow error for X_DestroyWindow.
-         * ignore it here, since it results from the GC freeing windows
-         * in non bottom-up window order.
-         */
-        return 0;
+	/*
+	 * this is a BadWindow error for X_DestroyWindow.
+	 * ignore it here, since it results from the GC freeing windows
+	 * in non bottom-up window order.
+	 */
+	return 0;
     if (@global(ErrorPrinting) == true) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GLXWORKSTAT: x-error caught maj=%d (0x%x) min=%d (0x%x) resource=%x\n",
-                        event->request_code, event->request_code,
-                        event->minor_code, event->minor_code, event->resourceid);
-        fprintf(stderr, "GLXWORKSTAT: x-error message is [%d] '%s'\n", event->error_code, lastErrorMsg);
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GLXWORKSTAT: x-error caught maj=%d (0x%x) min=%d (0x%x) resource=%x\n",
+			event->request_code, event->request_code,
+			event->minor_code, event->minor_code, event->resourceid);
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GLXWORKSTAT: x-error message is [%d] '%s'\n", event->error_code, lastErrorMsg);
     __errorInterruptWithIDAndParameter__(@symbol(DisplayError), __MKOBJ(dpy));
@@ -433,14 +433,14 @@
 extern __XErrorHandler__();
  * begin moved from GLXsupport.c
  * This provides a helper function "GLXCreateWindow", which does
- * all the necessary magic to create an X window suitable for GL drawing 
- * to take place within. See the definition of GLXCreateWindow for a 
+ * all the necessary magic to create an X window suitable for GL drawing
+ * to take place within. See the definition of GLXCreateWindow for a
  * description of how to call it.
  * claus: I really had no time to look into all this,
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
 # include        <X11/Xlib.h>
 # include        <X11/Xutil.h>
 # ifndef VGL
-#  include        <gl/glws.h>  
+#  include        <gl/glws.h>
 # endif
 # include        <signal.h>
 # include        <setjmp.h>
@@ -462,9 +462,9 @@
  * glxhelper.h:
  *   List of drawing modes supported by GLXCreateWindow (in glxhelper.c).
- * More than this are possible with mixed model, but this is just an 
- * example.  You can either expand this list (and the corresponding code in 
- * GLXCreateWindow) or call the mixed model calls yourself, using 
+ * More than this are possible with mixed model, but this is just an
+ * example.  You can either expand this list (and the corresponding code in
+ * GLXCreateWindow) or call the mixed model calls yourself, using
  * GLXCreateWindow as an example.
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
  * Dorky little helper function used to build up a GLXconfig array.
-static void 
+static void
 set_entry (GLXconfig* ptr, int b, int m, int a)
     ptr->buffer = b;
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
  *      type            the GLXWindowType (see glxhelper.h) desribing the
  *                      typer of GL drawing to be done in this window
 __GLXCreateWindow(dpy, parent, x, y, w, h, borderWidth, type)
     Display* dpy;
     Window parent;
@@ -550,26 +550,26 @@
     if (setjmp(errorReturn)) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "hard error in GL - return\n");
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "hard error in GL - return\n");
-        sigaction(SIGSEGV, &oldSig, 0);
-        signal(SIGSEGV, oldSig);
+	sigaction(SIGSEGV, &oldSig, 0);
+	signal(SIGSEGV, oldSig);
 #if !defined(OPENGL)
-        __catchExit(0);
-        return 0;
+	__catchExit(0);
+	return 0;
     if (w <= 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GL: bad width: %d\n", w);
-        w = 1;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GL: bad width: %d\n", w);
+	w = 1;
     if (h <= 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GL: bad height: %d\n", h);
-        h = 1;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GL: bad height: %d\n", h);
+	h = 1;
 #if !defined(OPENGL)
@@ -580,22 +580,22 @@
     switch (type) {
       case GLXcolorIndexSingleBuffer:
       case GLXcolorIndexDoubleBuffer:
-        break;
+	break;
       case GLXrgbSingleBuffer:
       case GLXrgbDoubleBuffer:
-        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, VGL can't support %s type of windows\n", typeToName[type]);
-        __catchExit(0);
-        return 0;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, VGL can't support %s type of windows\n", typeToName[type]);
+	__catchExit(0);
+	return 0;
     scr = DefaultScreen(dpy);
     visual.visualid = CopyFromParent;
     cwa.border_pixel = 0;  /* Even if we don't use it, it must be something */
     win = XCreateWindow(dpy, parent, x, y, w, h,
-                             borderWidth, DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr), 
-                             InputOutput, &visual,
-                             CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
+			     borderWidth, DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr),
+			     InputOutput, &visual,
+			     CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
      * on some, seg-violations occur in the GL, if too many
@@ -618,9 +618,9 @@
 #  endif
     if (i < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GLXlink returned %d\n", i);
-        __catchExit(0);
-        return 0;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GLXlink returned %d\n", i);
+	__catchExit(0);
+	return 0;
 # else /* not VGL */
@@ -632,21 +632,21 @@
     next = params;
     switch (type) {
       case GLXcolorIndexSingleBuffer:
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, FALSE);
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, FALSE);
-        break;
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, FALSE);
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, FALSE);
+	break;
       case GLXcolorIndexDoubleBuffer:
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, FALSE);
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, TRUE);
-        break;
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, FALSE);
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, TRUE);
+	break;
       case GLXrgbSingleBuffer:
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, TRUE);
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, FALSE);
-        break;
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, TRUE);
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, FALSE);
+	break;
       case GLXrgbDoubleBuffer:
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, TRUE);
-        set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, TRUE);
-        break;
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_RGB, TRUE);
+	set_entry(next++, GLX_NORMAL, GLX_DOUBLE, TRUE);
+	break;
     set_entry(next, 0, 0, 0); /* The input to GLXgetconfig is null terminated */
@@ -658,9 +658,9 @@
     XGetWindowAttributes(dpy, parent, &pwa);
     retconfig = GLXgetconfig(dpy, XScreenNumberOfScreen(pwa.screen), params);
     if (retconfig == 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, can't support %s type of windows\n", typeToName[type]);
-        __catchExit(0);
-        return 0;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, can't support %s type of windows\n", typeToName[type]);
+	__catchExit(0);
+	return 0;
@@ -668,24 +668,24 @@
      * that supports the rendering mode.
     for (next = retconfig; next->buffer; next++) {
-        unsigned long buffer = next->buffer;
-        unsigned long mode = next->mode;
-        unsigned long value = next->arg;
-        switch (mode) {
-          case GLX_COLORMAP:
-            if (buffer == GLX_NORMAL) {
-                cmap = value;
-            }
-            break;
-          case GLX_VISUAL:
-            if (buffer == GLX_NORMAL) {
-                template.visualid = value;
-                template.screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
-                vis = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask,
-                                          &template, &nret);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
+	unsigned long buffer = next->buffer;
+	unsigned long mode = next->mode;
+	unsigned long value = next->arg;
+	switch (mode) {
+	  case GLX_COLORMAP:
+	    if (buffer == GLX_NORMAL) {
+		cmap = value;
+	    }
+	    break;
+	  case GLX_VISUAL:
+	    if (buffer == GLX_NORMAL) {
+		template.visualid = value;
+		template.screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
+		vis = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask,
+					  &template, &nret);
+	    }
+	    break;
+	}
@@ -694,18 +694,18 @@
     cwa.colormap = cmap;
     cwa.border_pixel = 0;  /* Even if we don't use it, it must be something */
     win = XCreateWindow(dpy, parent, x, y, w, h,
-                             borderWidth, vis->depth, InputOutput, vis->visual,
-                             CWColormap|CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
+			     borderWidth, vis->depth, InputOutput, vis->visual,
+			     CWColormap|CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
      * Rescan configuration info and find window slot that getconfig
      * provided.  Fill it in with the window we just created.
     for (next = retconfig; next->buffer; next++) {
-        if ((next->buffer == GLX_NORMAL) && (next->mode == GLX_WINDOW)) {
-            next->arg = win;
-            break;
-        }
+	if ((next->buffer == GLX_NORMAL) && (next->mode == GLX_WINDOW)) {
+	    next->arg = win;
+	    break;
+	}
@@ -732,9 +732,9 @@
 #  endif
     if (i < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "GLXlink returned %d\n", i);
-        __catchExit(0);
-        return 0;
+	console_fprintf(stderr, "GLXlink returned %d\n", i);
+	__catchExit(0);
+	return 0;
@@ -750,12 +750,12 @@
     visual.visualid = CopyFromParent;
     cwa.border_pixel = 0;  /* Even if we don't use it, it must be something */
     win = XCreateWindow(dpy, parent, x, y, w, h,
-                             borderWidth, DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr), 
-                             InputOutput, &visual,
-                             CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
+			     borderWidth, DisplayPlanes(dpy, scr),
+			     InputOutput, &visual,
+			     CWBorderPixel, &cwa);
     vis = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask|VisualIDMask, &visual, &nret);
-    fprintf(stderr, "vis is %x\n", vis);
+    console_fprintf(stderr, "vis is %x\n", vis);
 #endif /* GLX || VGL */
     return win;
@@ -784,40 +784,40 @@
     float f_angle;
     if (__isFloat(angle)) {
-        f_angle = (float)(_floatVal(angle));
-        if (f_angle != 0.0) {
-#ifdef OPENGL
-            rot(f_angle, axis);
-        }
-        return (true);
+	f_angle = (float)(_floatVal(angle));
+	if (f_angle != 0.0) {
+#ifdef OPENGL
+	    rot(f_angle, axis);
+	}
+	return (true);
     if (__isFraction(angle)
      && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_numerator)
      && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_denominator)) {
-        float n, d;
-        n = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_numerator));
-        d = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_denominator));
-        f_angle = n / d;
-        if (f_angle != 0.0) {
-#ifdef OPENGL
-            rot(f_angle, axis);
-        }
-        return (true);
+	float n, d;
+	n = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_numerator));
+	d = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(angle)->f_denominator));
+	f_angle = n / d;
+	if (f_angle != 0.0) {
+#ifdef OPENGL
+	    rot(f_angle, axis);
+	}
+	return (true);
     if (__isSmallInteger(angle)) {
-        f_angle = (float)(__intVal(angle));
-        if (f_angle != 0.0) {
-#ifdef OPENGL
-            rot(f_angle, axis);
-        }
-        return (true);
+	f_angle = (float)(__intVal(angle));
+	if (f_angle != 0.0) {
+#ifdef OPENGL
+	    rot(f_angle, axis);
+	}
+	return (true);
     return false;
@@ -842,10 +842,10 @@
     pElem = (char *)(_InstPtr(obj)) + nInstBytes;
     if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (long *)NULL;
     for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-        o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
-        if (! __isSmallInteger(o)) return (long *)NULL;
-        vec[i] = (long)__intVal(o);
-        pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
+	o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
+	if (! __isSmallInteger(o)) return (long *)NULL;
+	vec[i] = (long)__intVal(o);
+	pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
     return vec;
@@ -870,16 +870,16 @@
     pElem = (char *)(_InstPtr(obj)) + nInstBytes;
     if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (short *)NULL;
     for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-        o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
-        if (! __isSmallInteger(o)) return (short *)NULL;
-        vec[i] = (short)__intVal(o);
-        pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
+	o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
+	if (! __isSmallInteger(o)) return (short *)NULL;
+	vec[i] = (short)__intVal(o);
+	pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
     return vec;
- * fetch floats from an st-object into a c-float array 
+ * fetch floats from an st-object into a c-float array
  * which may be a floatArray, doubleArray or array-of-something,
  * where something may be a float, fraction or smallInteger,
@@ -904,56 +904,56 @@
     switch (__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
       case FLOATARRAY:
-        /*
-         * best speed for float array
-         * - the data is already as we want it
-         */
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return (float *)0;
-        return (float *)pElem;
+	/*
+	 * best speed for float array
+	 * - the data is already as we want it
+	 */
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return (float *)0;
+	return (float *)pElem;
       case DOUBLEARRAY:
-        /*
-         * for double array, have to copy-and-cast
-         */
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(double))) return (float *)0;
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            vec[i] = *((double *)pElem);
-            pElem += sizeof(double);
-        }
-        return vec;
+	/*
+	 * for double array, have to copy-and-cast
+	 */
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(double))) return (float *)0;
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    vec[i] = *((double *)pElem);
+	    pElem += sizeof(double);
+	}
+	return vec;
       case POINTERARRAY:
-        /*
-         * for other array, have to fetch, check and store
-         * the elements can be floats, smallintegers or fractions
-         */
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (float *)0;
-        /* get elements one-by-one */
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
-            if (__isFloat(o)) {
-                vec[i] = _floatVal(o);
-            } else if (__isSmallInteger(o)) {
-                vec[i] = (float)(__intVal(o));
-            } else if (__isFraction(o)
-                    && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
-                    && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
-                float n, d;
-                n = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
-                d = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
-                vec[i] = n / d;
-            } else
-                return 0;
-            pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
-        }
-        return vec;
+	/*
+	 * for other array, have to fetch, check and store
+	 * the elements can be floats, smallintegers or fractions
+	 */
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (float *)0;
+	/* get elements one-by-one */
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
+	    if (__isFloat(o)) {
+		vec[i] = _floatVal(o);
+	    } else if (__isSmallInteger(o)) {
+		vec[i] = (float)(__intVal(o));
+	    } else if (__isFraction(o)
+		    && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
+		    && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
+		float n, d;
+		n = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
+		d = (float)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
+		vec[i] = n / d;
+	    } else
+		return 0;
+	    pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
+	}
+	return vec;
     return (float *)0;
- * fetch doubles from an st-object into a c-double array 
+ * fetch doubles from an st-object into a c-double array
  * which may be a floatArray, doubleArray or array-of-something,
  * where something may be a float, fraction or smallInteger,
@@ -975,41 +975,41 @@
     switch (__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
       case DOUBLEARRAY:
-        /* best speed for double array - the data is already as we want it */
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(double))) return (double *)0;
-        return (double *)pElem;
+	/* best speed for double array - the data is already as we want it */
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(double))) return (double *)0;
+	return (double *)pElem;
       case FLOATARRAY:
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return (double *)0;
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            vec[i] = *((float *)pElem);
-            pElem += sizeof(float);
-        }
-        return vec;
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return (double *)0;
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    vec[i] = *((float *)pElem);
+	    pElem += sizeof(float);
+	}
+	return vec;
       case POINTERARRAY:
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (double *)0;
-        /* get elements one-by-one */
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
-            if (__isFloat(o)) 
-                vec[i] = _floatVal(o);
-            else if (__isSmallInteger(o)) 
-                vec[i] = (double)(__intVal(o));
-            else if (__isFraction(o)
-                     && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
-                     && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
-                double n, d;
-                n = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
-                d = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
-                vec[i] = n / d;
-            } else 
-                return 0;
-            pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
-        }
-        return vec;
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(OBJ))) return (double *)0;
+	/* get elements one-by-one */
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    o = *(OBJ *)pElem;
+	    if (__isFloat(o))
+		vec[i] = _floatVal(o);
+	    else if (__isSmallInteger(o))
+		vec[i] = (double)(__intVal(o));
+	    else if (__isFraction(o)
+		     && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
+		     && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
+		double n, d;
+		n = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
+		d = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
+		vec[i] = n / d;
+	    } else
+		return 0;
+	    pElem += sizeof(OBJ);
+	}
+	return vec;
     return (double *)0;
@@ -1038,20 +1038,20 @@
     switch (__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
       case FLOATARRAY:
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return 0;
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            *(float *)pElem = vec[i];
-            pElem += sizeof(float);
-        }
-        return 1;
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return 0;
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    *(float *)pElem = vec[i];
+	    pElem += sizeof(float);
+	}
+	return 1;
       case DOUBLEARRAY:
-        if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return 0;
-        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-            *(double *)pElem = vec[i];
-            pElem += sizeof(double);
-        }
-        return 1;
+	if (nByte < (count * sizeof(float))) return 0;
+	for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
+	    *(double *)pElem = vec[i];
+	    pElem += sizeof(double);
+	}
+	return 1;
     /* not implemented for others */
@@ -1082,52 +1082,52 @@
     pElem = (char *)(_InstPtr(obj)) + nInstBytes;
     switch (__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) {
-        case FLOATARRAY:
-            /*
-             * very easy for FLOATARRAY objects - no copying needed
-             */
-            if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(float))) return (Matrix *)0;
-            return (Matrix *) _FloatArrayInstPtr(obj)->f_element;
-        case DOUBLEARRAY:
-            /*
-             * for DOUBLEARRAY objects copy and cast
-             */
-            if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(double))) return (Matrix *)0;
-            for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
-                for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
-                    (*mp)[i][j] = _DoubleArrayInstPtr(obj)->d_element[x];
-                    x++;
-                }
-            }
-            return mp;
-        case POINTERARRAY:
-            if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(OBJ))) return (Matrix *)0;
-            /* 
-             * get elements one-by-one 
-             */
-            for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
-                for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
-                    o = _ArrayInstPtr(obj)->a_element[x];
-                    if (__isFloat(o)) {
-                        (*mp)[i][j] = _floatVal(o);
-                    } else if (__isSmallInteger(o)) {
-                        (*mp)[i][j] = (double)__intVal(o);
-                    } else if (__isFraction(o)
-                        && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
-                        && __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
-                        double n, d;
-                        n = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
-                        d = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
-                        (*mp)[i][j] = n / d;
-                    } else
-                        return (Matrix *)0;
-                    x++;
-                }
-            }
-            return mp;
+	    /*
+	     * very easy for FLOATARRAY objects - no copying needed
+	     */
+	    if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(float))) return (Matrix *)0;
+	    return (Matrix *) _FloatArrayInstPtr(obj)->f_element;
+	    /*
+	     * for DOUBLEARRAY objects copy and cast
+	     */
+	    if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(double))) return (Matrix *)0;
+	    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+		for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
+		    (*mp)[i][j] = _DoubleArrayInstPtr(obj)->d_element[x];
+		    x++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    return mp;
+	    if (nByte < (16 * sizeof(OBJ))) return (Matrix *)0;
+	    /*
+	     * get elements one-by-one
+	     */
+	    for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
+		for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
+		    o = _ArrayInstPtr(obj)->a_element[x];
+		    if (__isFloat(o)) {
+			(*mp)[i][j] = _floatVal(o);
+		    } else if (__isSmallInteger(o)) {
+			(*mp)[i][j] = (double)__intVal(o);
+		    } else if (__isFraction(o)
+			&& __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator)
+			&& __isSmallInteger(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator)) {
+			double n, d;
+			n = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_numerator));
+			d = (double)(__intVal(_FractionInstPtr(o)->f_denominator));
+			(*mp)[i][j] = n / d;
+		    } else
+			return (Matrix *)0;
+		    x++;
+		}
+	    }
+	    return mp;
     return (Matrix *)0;
@@ -1145,11 +1145,11 @@
     if (! _isNonNilObject(obj)) return (float *)0;
     cls = __qClass(obj);
     if (cls == @global(FloatArray))
-        return _FloatArrayInstPtr(obj)->f_element;
+	return _FloatArrayInstPtr(obj)->f_element;
     if ((__intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_flags) & ARRAYMASK) == FLOATARRAY) {
-        ninstVars = __intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars);
-        return (float *) &(_InstPtr(obj)->i_instvars[ninstVars]);
+	ninstVars = __intVal(_ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars);
+	return (float *) &(_InstPtr(obj)->i_instvars[ninstVars]);
@@ -1198,7 +1198,7 @@
     The interface offered here provides a very very low level (i.e one-to-one)
     interface to GL functions. More high-level stuff is required, to make
-    3D drawing be more object-oriented. 
+    3D drawing be more object-oriented.
     (see a bit of this in 'clients/IRIS-specials')
     Some functions are duplicated, Jeff and I developed those in parallel -
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@
     VGL stuff dec 93
     many many additions jan 94 by Jeff McAffer <jeff@is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
-    Since this is a demo (consider it a free add-on goody) there is 
+    Since this is a demo (consider it a free add-on goody) there is
     *** NO WARRANTY ** for this.
     Notice: this should be rewritten to use the openGL library functions
@@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@
     "Return the current character position as a point with integer coordinates"
     | x y |
     short s_x, s_y;
@@ -1779,8 +1779,8 @@
 !GLXWorkstation methodsFor:'color'!
 glxColor:index in:aGLXWindowId
-    "set the drawing color; 
-     for non gouraud shading, we dont care if the argument is integer or float; 
+    "set the drawing color;
+     for non gouraud shading, we dont care if the argument is integer or float;
      otherwise, better results are expected with float values."
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -1841,8 +1841,8 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    lRGBrange(_shortVal(rmin), _shortVal(gmin), _shortVal(bmin), 
-	_shortVal(rmax), _shortVal(gmax), _shortVal(bmax), 
+    lRGBrange(_shortVal(rmin), _shortVal(gmin), _shortVal(bmin),
+	_shortVal(rmax), _shortVal(gmax), _shortVal(bmax),
 	_longVal(znear), _longVal(zfar));
@@ -2334,7 +2334,7 @@
 glxRmv2:v in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 2D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 2D point,
      the relative distance is passed in vector v"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -2354,7 +2354,7 @@
 glxRmv2X: x y: y in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 2D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 2D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -2375,7 +2375,7 @@
 glxRmv2iX: x y: y in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 2D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 2D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y.
      The arguments must be smallIntegers."
@@ -2397,7 +2397,7 @@
 glxRmv2sX: x y: y in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 2D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 2D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y.
      The arguments must be smallIntegers."
@@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@
 glxRmv:v in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 3D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 3D point,
      the relative distance is passed in vector v"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@
 glxRmvX: x y: y z: z in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 3D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 3D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y/z"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -2461,7 +2461,7 @@
 glxRmviX: x y: y z: z in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 3D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 3D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y/z.
      The arguments must be smallIntegers."
@@ -2484,7 +2484,7 @@
 glxRmvsX: x y: y z: z in: aGLXWindowId
-    "change the graphics position to a 3D point, 
+    "change the graphics position to a 3D point,
      the relative distance is passed in x/y/z.
      The arguments must be smallIntegers."
@@ -2529,8 +2529,8 @@
     "/ Sorry. (I guess, there are some query functions for that available, but I
     "/ have no documentation).
     "/ Late note: setting the ForceGL classVar overrides above behavior.
-    "/ it may be set from a startupScript with: 'GLXWorkstation forceGL:true'  
-    "/ however: be careful: only set it to true, if you are certain that remoteGL works 
+    "/ it may be set from a startupScript with: 'GLXWorkstation forceGL:true'
+    "/ however: be careful: only set it to true, if you are certain that remoteGL works
     (self isTrueGL and:[ForceGL ~~ true]) ifTrue:[
 	glOK := (displayName = ':0') or:[displayName = ':0.0'].
@@ -2961,8 +2961,8 @@
 	defType = LIGHT7;
     else if (target == @symbol(lightModel))
 	defType = LMODEL;
-    else { 
-	RETURN (nil); 
+    else {
+	RETURN (nil);
     _INT_ (index, i_index);
@@ -3010,7 +3010,7 @@
 	    } else {
 		RETURN (nil);
-	} 
+	}
     lmdef(defType, i_index, i_np, fp);
@@ -3324,9 +3324,9 @@
 #ifdef OPENGL
     if (__isSmallInteger(obj)) {
-        SETWIN(aGLXWindowId)
-        delobj(_objectVal(obj));
-        RETURN (true);
+	SETWIN(aGLXWindowId)
+	delobj(_objectVal(obj));
+	RETURN (true);
@@ -3452,18 +3452,18 @@
-glxNurbsSurfaceUKnotCount: uKnotCount uKnot: uKnot 
+glxNurbsSurfaceUKnotCount: uKnotCount uKnot: uKnot
     vKnotCount: vKnotCount vKnot: vKnot
-    uOffset: uOffset vOffset: vOffset 
-    ctlArray: ctlArray 
-    uOrder: uOrder vOrder: vOrder 
+    uOffset: uOffset vOffset: vOffset
+    ctlArray: ctlArray
+    uOrder: uOrder vOrder: vOrder
     type: type in: aGLXWindowId
     | ctlPoints i |
     ctlPoints := DoubleArray new: ctlArray size * (ctlArray first size).
     i := 1.
     ctlArray do: [:point |
-	point do: [:coord | 
+	point do: [:coord |
 	    ctlPoints at: i put: coord.
 	    i := i + 1]].
@@ -3486,7 +3486,7 @@
 	__intVal(uKnotCount), (double *)uKnotElements,
 	__intVal(vKnotCount), (double *)vKnotElements,
 	__intVal(uOffset), __intVal(vOffset),
-	(double *)ctlElements, 
+	(double *)ctlElements,
 	__intVal(uOrder), __intVal(vOrder), __intVal(type));
@@ -3550,11 +3550,11 @@
     Matrix matrixX, matrixY, matrixZ;
     Matrix *mX, *mY, *mZ;
-    if (! (mX = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16XFloats, matrixX))) 
+    if (! (mX = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16XFloats, matrixX)))
 	RETURN (nil);
-    if (! (mY = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16YFloats, matrixY))) 
+    if (! (mY = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16YFloats, matrixY)))
 	RETURN (nil);
-    if (! (mZ = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16ZFloats, matrixZ))) 
+    if (! (mZ = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16ZFloats, matrixZ)))
 	RETURN (nil);
     patch(*mX, *mY, *mZ);
@@ -3574,13 +3574,13 @@
     Matrix matrixX, matrixY, matrixZ, matrixW;
     Matrix *mX, *mY, *mZ, *mW;
-    if (! (mX = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16XFloats, matrixX))) 
+    if (! (mX = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16XFloats, matrixX)))
 	RETURN (nil);
-    if (! (mY = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16YFloats, matrixY))) 
+    if (! (mY = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16YFloats, matrixY)))
 	RETURN (nil);
-    if (! (mZ = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16ZFloats, matrixZ))) 
+    if (! (mZ = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16ZFloats, matrixZ)))
 	RETURN (nil);
-    if (! (mW = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16WFloats, matrixW))) 
+    if (! (mW = __glx_getFloatsFromMatrixInto(arrayOf16WFloats, matrixW)))
 	RETURN (nil);
     rpatch(*mX, *mY, *mZ, *mW);
@@ -3601,8 +3601,8 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    rectcopy(_screencoordVal(x1), _screencoordVal(y1), 
-	     _screencoordVal(x2), _screencoordVal(y2), 
+    rectcopy(_screencoordVal(x1), _screencoordVal(y1),
+	     _screencoordVal(x2), _screencoordVal(y2),
 	     _screencoordVal(newx), _screencoordVal(newy));
@@ -3708,7 +3708,7 @@
     ) {
 	nRead = rectread(__intVal(x1), __intVal(sy1),
-			  __intVal(x2), __intVal(sy2), 
+			  __intVal(x2), __intVal(sy2),
 	for (i=0; i<nRead;i++) {
 	    __ArrayInstPtr(dest)->a_element[i] = __MKSMALLINT(buffer[i]);
@@ -3902,7 +3902,7 @@
 !GLXWorkstation methodsFor:'polygons'!
 glxBackface: b in: aGLXWindowId
-    "enable/disable culling of backfacing polygons (suppress its drawing). 
+    "enable/disable culling of backfacing polygons (suppress its drawing).
      A polygon is backfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is clockwise"
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -3929,8 +3929,8 @@
 glxFrontface: b in: aGLXWindowId
-    "enable/disable culling of frontfacing polygons (suppress its drawing). 
-     A polygon is frontfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is 
+    "enable/disable culling of frontfacing polygons (suppress its drawing).
+     A polygon is frontfacing if it's orientation in *screen* coords is
@@ -4426,7 +4426,7 @@
-     Display glVersion 
+     Display glVersion
@@ -4453,7 +4453,7 @@
     ^ hasStereoExtension
-     Display hasStereoExtension 
+     Display hasStereoExtension
@@ -4487,7 +4487,7 @@
     "return the max. Z value (only valid if z-buffer is supported)"
 #ifndef OPENGL
 # ifdef GD_ZMAX
     long zMax;
@@ -4528,7 +4528,7 @@
     ^ false
-     Display supportsDoubleBuffer 
+     Display supportsDoubleBuffer
@@ -4538,7 +4538,7 @@
     ^ glOK
-     Display supportsGLDrawing 
+     Display supportsGLDrawing
@@ -4556,7 +4556,7 @@
     ^ false
-     Display supportsLight 
+     Display supportsLight
@@ -4575,7 +4575,7 @@
     ^ false
-     Display supportsRGB 
+     Display supportsRGB
@@ -4597,7 +4597,7 @@
     ^ false
-     Display supportsTextures 
+     Display supportsTextures
@@ -4619,7 +4619,7 @@
     ^ false
-     Display supportsZBuffer 
+     Display supportsZBuffer
 ! !
@@ -4822,7 +4822,7 @@
     int buffer;
     Window win;
      && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
 	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
 	if (aBufferSymbol == @symbol(left)) {
@@ -4850,9 +4850,9 @@
      v := GLXView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:t.
      t openAndWait.
-     v device stereoExtensionBuffer:#left for:(v id).  
+     v device stereoExtensionBuffer:#left for:(v id).
      (Delay forSeconds:10) wait.
-     v device stereoExtensionBuffer:#right for:(v id).  
+     v device stereoExtensionBuffer:#right for:(v id).
@@ -4870,7 +4870,7 @@
     unsigned short us_h, us_o;
     Window win;
      && __bothSmallInteger(h, o)
      && __isExternalAddress(aWindowId)) {
 	win = _WindowVal(aWindowId);
@@ -4900,9 +4900,9 @@
     self primitiveFailed
-     Display stereoExtensionMode:#top height:492 offset:532 for:(Display rootWindowId).  
+     Display stereoExtensionMode:#top height:492 offset:532 for:(Display rootWindowId).
      (Delay forSeconds:10) wait.
-     Display stereoExtensionMode:#off height:0 offset:0 for:(Display rootWindowId).  
+     Display stereoExtensionMode:#off height:0 offset:0 for:(Display rootWindowId).
@@ -4939,7 +4939,7 @@
      v openAndWait.
      v device stereoExtensionModeIn:(v id)
-     Display stereoExtensionModeIn:Display rootWindowId 
+     Display stereoExtensionModeIn:Display rootWindowId
@@ -5518,7 +5518,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     Screencoord c_xmin, c_ymin;
-    Coord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2; 
+    Coord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2;
     _SCREENCOORD_ (xmin, c_xmin)
     _SCREENCOORD_ (ymin, c_ymin)
@@ -5537,7 +5537,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     Screencoord c_xmin, c_ymin;
-    Icoord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2; 
+    Icoord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2;
     _SCREENCOORD_ (xmin, c_xmin)
     _SCREENCOORD_ (ymin, c_ymin)
@@ -5556,7 +5556,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     Screencoord c_xmin, c_ymin;
-    Scoord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2; 
+    Scoord c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2;
     _SCREENCOORD_ (xmin, c_xmin)
     _SCREENCOORD_ (ymin, c_ymin)
@@ -5606,7 +5606,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef FULL_GLX
-    blendcolor(_floatVal(red), _floatVal(green), _floatVal(blue), _floatVal(alpha)); 
+    blendcolor(_floatVal(red), _floatVal(green), _floatVal(blue), _floatVal(alpha));
@@ -5626,7 +5626,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    blink(_shortVal(rate), _colorindexVal(i), 
+    blink(_shortVal(rate), _colorindexVal(i),
 	  _shortVal(red), _shortVal(green), _shortVal(blue));
@@ -6603,7 +6603,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    lshaderange(_colorindexVal(lowin), _colorindexVal(hiwin), 
+    lshaderange(_colorindexVal(lowin), _colorindexVal(hiwin),
 	_longVal(znear), _longVal(zfar));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -6820,14 +6820,14 @@
 glxNurbscurveKnotCount: knotCount knotList: knotList
-    offset: offset ctlArray: ctlArray 
+    offset: offset ctlArray: ctlArray
     order: order type: type in: aGLXWindowId
     | ctlPoints i |
     ctlPoints := DoubleArray new: ctlArray size * (ctlArray first size).
     i := 1.
     ctlArray do: [:point |
-	point do: [:coord | 
+	point do: [:coord |
 	    ctlPoints at: i put: coord.
 	    i := i + 1]].
@@ -6847,7 +6847,7 @@
     nurbscurve (
 	_longVal(knotCount), (double *)knotElements,
-	_longVal(offset), (double *)ctlElements, 
+	_longVal(offset), (double *)ctlElements,
 	_longVal(order), _longVal(type));
@@ -7099,7 +7099,7 @@
 glxQreadIn: aGLXWindowId
     | dev data |
     short c_data;
@@ -7139,14 +7139,14 @@
-glxRGBcursorIndex: index red: red green: green blue: blue 
+glxRGBcursorIndex: index red: red green: green blue: blue
     redm: redm greenm: greenm bluem: bluem in: aGLXWindowId
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    RGBcursor(_shortVal(index), 
-	_shortVal(red), _shortVal(green), _shortVal(blue), 
+    RGBcursor(_shortVal(index),
+	_shortVal(red), _shortVal(green), _shortVal(blue),
 	_shortVal(redm), _shortVal(greenm), _shortVal(bluem));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -7329,7 +7329,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    scrmask(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right), 
+    scrmask(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right),
 	_screencoordVal(bottom), _screencoordVal(top));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -7512,7 +7512,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    shaderange(_colorindexVal(lowin), _colorindexVal(hiwin), 
+    shaderange(_colorindexVal(lowin), _colorindexVal(hiwin),
 	_screencoordVal(z1), _screencoordVal(z2));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -7534,13 +7534,13 @@
     ^ false
-glxStencilEnable: enable ref: ref func: func mask: mask fail: fail 
+glxStencilEnable: enable ref: ref func: func mask: mask fail: fail
     pass: pass zpass: zpass in: aGLXWindowId
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    stencil(_longVal(enable), (ulong)__intVal(ref), _longVal(func), 
+    stencil(_longVal(enable), (ulong)__intVal(ref), _longVal(func),
 	(ulong)__intVal(mask), _longVal(fail), _longVal(pass), _longVal(zpass));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -7658,7 +7658,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
 #ifdef GLX
-    textport(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right), 
+    textport(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right),
 	_screencoordVal(bottom), _screencoordVal(top));
     RETURN (true);
@@ -8442,7 +8442,7 @@
 #ifdef OPENGL
-    viewport(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right), 
+    viewport(_screencoordVal(left), _screencoordVal(right),
 	     _screencoordVal(bottom), _screencoordVal(top));
@@ -8783,5 +8783,5 @@
 !GLXWorkstation class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/GLXWorkstation.st,v 1.83 2007-01-18 16:01:50 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview/GLXWorkstation.st,v 1.84 2007-01-24 13:41:11 cg Exp $'
 ! !