#OTHER by mawalch
Thu, 07 Jul 2016 20:21:42 +0200
changeset 7407 42d2b51f3c19
parent 7406 e35784ee543c
child 7408 d1cebfa53c19
#OTHER by mawalch Spelling fixes.
--- a/Depth8Image.st	Thu Jul 07 20:21:39 2016 +0200
+++ b/Depth8Image.st	Thu Jul 07 20:21:42 2016 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-"{ Encoding: utf8 }"
  COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
 	      All Rights Reserved
@@ -262,7 +260,7 @@
     "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture.
-     The main work is in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired.
+     The main work is in color reduction, when not all colors can be acquired.
      This method works for any photometric."
     |bytes pseudoBits f gcRound has8BitImage deviceDepth
@@ -277,36 +275,36 @@
      cube nR nG nB ditherColors clr|
     (cube := aDevice fixColors) notNil ifTrue:[
-	nR := aDevice numFixRed.
-	nG := aDevice numFixGreen.
-	nB := aDevice numFixBlue.
+        nR := aDevice numFixRed.
+        nG := aDevice numFixGreen.
+        nB := aDevice numFixBlue.
-	DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
-	    f := self
-		   asFloydSteinbergDitheredDepth8FormOn:aDevice
-		   colors:cube
-		   nRed:nR
-		   nGreen:nG
-		   nBlue:nB.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    f := self
-		   asNearestPaintDepth8FormOn:aDevice
-		   colors:cube
-		   nRed:nR
-		   nGreen:nG
-		   nBlue:nB.
-	].
-	f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
+        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
+            f := self
+                   asFloydSteinbergDitheredDepth8FormOn:aDevice
+                   colors:cube
+                   nRed:nR
+                   nGreen:nG
+                   nBlue:nB.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            f := self
+                   asNearestPaintDepth8FormOn:aDevice
+                   colors:cube
+                   nRed:nR
+                   nGreen:nG
+                   nBlue:nB.
+        ].
+        f notNil ifTrue:[^ f].
     "find used colors"
     bytes := self bits.
     usedColors := bytes usedValues.    "gets us an array filled with used values"
-				       "(could use bytes asBag)"
+                                       "(could use bytes asBag)"
     maxIndex := usedColors max + 1.
     usedColors size > 20 ifTrue:[
-	('Depth8Image [info]: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintCR.
+        ('Depth8Image [info]: allocating ' , usedColors size printString , ' colors ...') infoPrintCR.
     "sort by usage"
@@ -332,187 +330,187 @@
     gcRound := 0.
     usedColors do:[:aColorIndex |
-	|devColor color
-	 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-	 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+        |devColor color
+         r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+         mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-	fit ifTrue:[
-	    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-	    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+        fit ifTrue:[
+            mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+            "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-	    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
-	    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
-		"wow - an immediate hit"
-		devColor := color
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-		devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-		    "
-		     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush
-		     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by
-		     already free images.
-		    "
-		    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-			ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-			devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-			gcRound := 1
-		    ].
-		    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-			gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-			    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-				'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
-				ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-				devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
-			    ].
-			    gcRound := 2
-			]
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-		imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-		lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		fit := false
-	    ]
-	]
+            color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+            (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
+                "wow - an immediate hit"
+                devColor := color
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                    "
+                     could not allocate color - on the first round, do a GC to flush
+                     unused colors - this may help if some colors where locked by
+                     already free images.
+                    "
+                    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+                        ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+                        devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                        gcRound := 1
+                    ].
+                    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                        gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+                            CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+                                'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
+                                ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+                                devColor := color exactOn:aDevice.
+                            ].
+                            gcRound := 2
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+                lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                fit := false
+            ]
+        ]
     fit ifFalse:[
-	('Depth8Image [info]: got %1 exact colors (out of %2)' bindWith:lastOK with:usedColors size) infoPrintCR.
+        ('Depth8Image [info]: got %1 exact colors (out of %2)' bindWith:lastOK with:usedColors size) infoPrintCR.
-	DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
-	    dColors := imgMap collect:[:clr | clr isNil ifTrue:[clr]
-							ifFalse:[clr nearestOn:aDevice]].
-	    dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil] thenCollect:[:clr | clr exactOn:aDevice].
-	    dColors := dColors asSet.
-	    dColors addAll:(aDevice colorMap collect:[:c|c onDevice:aDevice] thenSelect:[:c | c colorId notNil]).
-	    ditherColors := aDevice availableDitherColors.
-	    ditherColors notNil ifTrue:[
-		dColors addAll:ditherColors.
-	    ].
-	    dColors := dColors asArray.
-	    dColors size > 256 ifTrue:[
-		dColors := dColors copyTo:256
-	    ].
-	    ^ self asFloydSteinbergDitheredPseudoFormUsing:dColors on:aDevice
-	].
+        DitherAlgorithm == #floydSteinberg ifTrue:[
+            dColors := imgMap collect:[:clr | clr isNil ifTrue:[clr]
+                                                        ifFalse:[clr nearestOn:aDevice]].
+            dColors := dColors select:[:clr | clr notNil] thenCollect:[:clr | clr exactOn:aDevice].
+            dColors := dColors asSet.
+            dColors addAll:(aDevice colorMap collect:[:c|c onDevice:aDevice] thenSelect:[:c | c colorId notNil]).
+            ditherColors := aDevice availableDitherColors.
+            ditherColors notNil ifTrue:[
+                dColors addAll:ditherColors.
+            ].
+            dColors := dColors asArray.
+            dColors size > 256 ifTrue:[
+                dColors := dColors copyTo:256
+            ].
+            ^ self asFloydSteinbergDitheredPseudoFormUsing:dColors on:aDevice
+        ].
-	"
-	 again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
-	"
-	error := 1.
-	[fit] whileFalse:[
-	    fit := true.
-	    usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-		|devColor color
-		 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
-		 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
+        "
+         again, this time allow wrong colors (loop while increasing allowed error)
+        "
+        error := 1.
+        [fit] whileFalse:[
+            fit := true.
+            usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+                |devColor color
+                 r        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 g        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 b        "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 mapIndex "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 rMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 gMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"
+                 bMask    "{Class: SmallInteger }"|
-		fit ifTrue:[
-		    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
+                fit ifTrue:[
+                    gMask := bMask := rMask := m.
-		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-		    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-		    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
-		    r := (color red * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-		    g := (color green * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-		    b := (color blue * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+                    r := (color red * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+                    g := (color green * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
+                    b := (color blue * 255 / 100.0) rounded.
-		    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
-				 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
-				  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
+                    color := Color red:((r bitShift:shift) bitAnd:rMask) * scale
+                                 green:((g bitShift:shift) bitAnd:gMask) * scale
+                                  blue:((b bitShift:shift) bitAnd:bMask) * scale.
-		    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
-			"wow - an immediate hit"
-			devColor := color.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-			(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-			    devColor := nil
-			].
-			devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-			    "
-			     no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
-			     colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
-			     free images.
-			    "
-			    gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
-				ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
-				devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-				(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-				    devColor := nil
-				].
-				gcRound := 1
-			    ].
-			    devColor isNil ifTrue:[
-				gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
-				    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
-					'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
-					ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
-					devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
-					(devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
-					    devColor := nil
-					].
-				    ].
-				    gcRound := 2
-				]
-			    ]
-			].
-		    ].
-		    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
-			imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
-			lastOK := lastOK + 1.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			fit := false
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
+                    (color isOnDevice:aDevice) ifTrue:[
+                        "wow - an immediate hit"
+                        devColor := color.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+                            devColor := nil
+                        ].
+                        devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                            "
+                             no free color - on the first round, do a GC to flush unused
+                             colors - this may help if some colors where locked by already
+                             free images.
+                            "
+                            gcRound == 0 ifTrue:[
+                                ObjectMemory scavenge; finalize.
+                                devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+                                (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+                                    devColor := nil
+                                ].
+                                gcRound := 1
+                            ].
+                            devColor isNil ifTrue:[
+                                gcRound == 1 ifTrue:[
+                                    CollectGarbageWhenRunningOutOfColors ifTrue:[
+                                        'Depth8Image [info]: force GC for possible color reclamation.' infoPrintCR.
+                                        ObjectMemory incrementalGC; finalize.
+                                        devColor := color nearestOn:aDevice.
+                                        (devColor notNil and:[(devColor deltaFrom:color) > error]) ifTrue:[
+                                            devColor := nil
+                                        ].
+                                    ].
+                                    gcRound := 2
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    (devColor notNil and:[devColor colorId notNil]) ifTrue:[
+                        imgMap at:mapIndex put:devColor.
+                        lastOK := lastOK + 1.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        fit := false
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
-	    fit ifTrue:[
-		('Depth8Image [info]: remaining colors with error <= %1' bindWith:error) infoPrintCR.
-	    ].
+            fit ifTrue:[
+                ('Depth8Image [info]: remaining colors with error <= %1' bindWith:error) infoPrintCR.
+            ].
-	    error := error * 2.
-	    error > 100 ifTrue:[
-		"
-		 break out, if the error becomes too big.
-		"
-		'Depth8Image [info]: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w for remaining colors' infoPrintCR.
-		"
-		 map to b&w as a last fallback.
-		 (should really do a dither here)
-		"
-		usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
-		    |color
-		     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+            error := error * 2.
+            error > 100 ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 break out, if the error becomes too big.
+                "
+                'Depth8Image [info]: hard color allocation problem - revert to b&w for remaining colors' infoPrintCR.
+                "
+                 map to b&w as a last fallback.
+                 (should really do a dither here)
+                "
+                usedColors from:(lastOK+1) to:(usedColors size) do:[:aColorIndex |
+                    |color
+                     mapIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
-		    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
-		    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
-		    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
-		    color brightness > 0.4 ifTrue:[
-			color := Color white.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			color := Color black.
-		    ].
-		    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color onDevice:aDevice).
-		].
-		fit := true.
-	    ]
-	].
+                    mapIndex := aColorIndex + 1.
+                    "/ color := colorMap at:mapIndex.
+                    color := self colorFromValue:aColorIndex.
+                    color brightness > 0.4 ifTrue:[
+                        color := Color white.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        color := Color black.
+                    ].
+                    imgMap at:mapIndex put:(color onDevice:aDevice).
+                ].
+                fit := true.
+            ]
+        ].
-	error > 10 ifTrue:[
-	    'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintCR
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintCR.
-	]
+        error > 10 ifTrue:[
+            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for a reasonable image' infoPrintCR
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            'Depth8Image [info]: not enough colors for exact picture' infoPrintCR.
+        ]
@@ -521,9 +519,9 @@
     mapSize := imgMap size.
     map := ByteArray new:256.
     1 to:mapSize do:[:i |
-	(clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
-	    map at:i put:clr colorId
-	]
+        (clr := imgMap at:i) notNil ifTrue:[
+            map at:i put:clr colorId
+        ]
@@ -531,38 +529,38 @@
     deviceDepth := aDevice depth.
     has8BitImage := (deviceDepth == 8)
-		    or:[ (aDevice supportedImageFormatForDepth:8) notNil ].
+                    or:[ (aDevice supportedImageFormatForDepth:8) notNil ].
      finally, create a form on the device and copy (& translate)
      the pixel values
     has8BitImage ifTrue:[
-	pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
+        pseudoBits := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(width * height).
-	bytes
-	    expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-	    width:width height:height
-	    into:pseudoBits
-	    mapping:map.
+        bytes
+            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+            width:width height:height
+            into:pseudoBits
+            mapping:map.
-	map := nil.
+        map := nil.
-	f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
-	f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-	f colorMap:imgMap.
-	f initGC.
-	aDevice
-	    drawBits:pseudoBits
-	    bitsPerPixel:8
-	    depth:deviceDepth
-	    padding:8
-	    width:width height:height
-	    x:0 y:0
-	    into:(f id) x:0 y:0
-	    width:width height:height
-	    with:(f gcId).
-	^ f
+        f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
+        f isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+        f colorMap:imgMap.
+        f initGC.
+        aDevice
+            drawBits:pseudoBits
+            bitsPerPixel:8
+            depth:deviceDepth
+            padding:8
+            width:width height:height
+            x:0 y:0
+            into:(f id) x:0 y:0
+            width:width height:height
+            with:(f gcId).
+        ^ f
@@ -575,14 +573,14 @@
     newImage bits:(ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * newImage bytesPerRow)).
     0 to:height-1 do:[:row |
-	pixelRow := self rowAt:row.
-	pixelRow
-	    expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
-	    width:width
-	    height:1
-	    into:pixelRow
-	    mapping:map.
-	newImage rowAt:row putAll:pixelRow
+        pixelRow := self rowAt:row.
+        pixelRow
+            expandPixels:8         "xlate only"
+            width:width
+            height:1
+            into:pixelRow
+            mapping:map.
+        newImage rowAt:row putAll:pixelRow
     f := Form width:width height:height depth:deviceDepth onDevice:aDevice.
@@ -591,14 +589,14 @@
     f initGC.
-	drawBits:(newImage bits)
-	depth:deviceDepth
-	padding:8
-	width:width height:height
-	x:0 y:0
-	into:(f id) x:0 y:0
-	width:width height:height
-	with:(f gcId).
+        drawBits:(newImage bits)
+        depth:deviceDepth
+        padding:8
+        width:width height:height
+        x:0 y:0
+        into:(f id) x:0 y:0
+        width:width height:height
+        with:(f gcId).
     ^ f
@@ -1026,7 +1024,7 @@
     "return a pseudoForm from the gray picture. The main work is
-     in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired."
+     in color reduction, when not all colors can be acquired."
     ^ self anyImageAsPseudoFormOn:aDevice
@@ -1049,7 +1047,7 @@
     "return a pseudoForm from the palette picture. The main work is
-     in color reduction, when not all colors can be aquired."
+     in color reduction, when not all colors can be acquired."
     ^ self anyImageAsPseudoFormOn:aDevice