#FEATURE by cg
authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Wed, 27 Feb 2019 16:13:50 +0100
changeset 8639 8315520bb610
parent 8638 9981f5698198
child 8640 c1719ce9f411
#FEATURE by cg class: ResourcePack changed: #localAt: no need for extra xlations ending with "%1"
--- a/ResourcePack.st	Sat Feb 23 18:57:59 2019 +0100
+++ b/ResourcePack.st	Wed Feb 27 16:13:50 2019 +0100
@@ -1059,7 +1059,8 @@
           or aKey starts with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and prepend '\' to the result.
           or aKey starts with a '*', then lookup aKey without '*' and prepend '*' to the result.
           or aKey starts with a '<', then lookup aKey without '<' and prepend '<' to the result.
-          or aKey ends with a '>', then lookup aKey without '>' and prepend '>' to the result.
+          or aKey ends with ''%1'' , then lookup aKey without ''%1'' and append ''%1'' to the result.
+          or aKey ends with a '>', then lookup aKey without '>' and append '>' to the result.
           or aKey ends with a '\', then lookup aKey without '\' and append '\' to the result.
           or aKey ends with a ':', then lookup aKey without ':' and append ':' to the result.
           or aKey ends with a '=', then lookup aKey without '=' and append '=' to the result.
@@ -1157,6 +1158,12 @@
             val notNil ifTrue:[^ val, (aKey copyFrom:usedKey size + 1)].      "/ append the stripped separators
+        (aKey endsWith:'"%1"') ifTrue:[
+            usedKey := aKey withoutSuffix:'"%1"'.
+            val := self localAt:usedKey.        "/ recursion
+            val notNil ifTrue:[^ val , '"%1"'].
+        ].
         (';*:=.?!!,-><\/' includes:last) ifTrue:[
             aKey size >= 2 ifTrue:[
                 usedKey := aKey copyButLast:1.
@@ -1194,8 +1201,7 @@
     "Created: / 18-09-2006 / 17:33:27 / cg"
     "Modified: / 05-08-2010 / 16:52:32 / sr"
     "Modified: / 27-11-2017 / 15:33:48 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 04-11-2018 / 12:33:50 / Claus Gittinger"
-    "Modified (comment): / 20-02-2019 / 12:47:16 / Claus Gittinger"
+    "Modified: / 27-02-2019 / 16:12:38 / Claus Gittinger"
 name:aKey default:default