changeset 0 3f9277473954
child 1 6fe019b6ea79
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DisplayObject.st	Fri Jul 16 11:42:12 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+Object subclass:#DisplayObject
+       instanceVariableNames:'frame'
+       classVariableNames:''
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Graphics-Display Objects'
+DisplayObject comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+generic superclass for Display Objects held in ObjectViews
+see DrawObject/LogicObject/DeskTopObject and subclasses for example use
+%W% %E%
+written fall/winter 89 by claus
+!DisplayObject class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    ^ self basicNew initialize
+! !
+!DisplayObject class methodsFor:'behavior'!
+    "if true, dragging is done by drawing outline only;
+     if false, dragging is done by full draw (fast servers only)
+     - can be redefined in subclasses"
+    ^ true
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    ^ self
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return true, if the receiver can be moved around"
+    ^ true
+    "return true, if the receiver has fixed size i.e. cannot be
+     resized
+     - by default, we do not allow resizing"
+    ^ true
+    "object must decide, if its within a rectangle"
+    ^ aRectangle contains:frame
+containsPoint: aPoint
+        ^ frame containsPoint: aPoint
+    "object must decide, if its intersecting a rectangle"
+    ^ frame intersects:aRectangle
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "object must return a frame boundary rectangle"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame
+    "return the width of the frame"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame width
+    "return the height of the frame"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame height
+    "return the extent of the frame"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame extent
+    "return the frame origin"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame origin
+    "return the frame corner"
+    frame isNil ifTrue:[
+        frame := self computeBoundingBox
+    ].
+    ^ frame corner
+    "object must calculate its dimension from outline"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+origin:origin corner:corner
+    "object must calculate its dimension from outline"
+    ^ self subclassResponsibility
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'users actions'!
+    "object must move to new origin
+     - default is to stay; ought to be redefined in subclass"
+    ^ self
+    ^ self
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'queries'!
+isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:delta
+    "object must decide, if hit by a click at aPoint;
+     usually this method is redefined in subclasses for a more complete
+     check (i.e. if objects boundary is not rectangular)"
+    |org left right top bott px py d2|
+    (delta == 0) ifTrue:[
+        ^ frame containsPoint:aPoint
+    ].
+    "its quicker to not create a new rectangle for the test"
+    org := frame origin.
+    left := org x - delta.
+    px := aPoint x.
+    (px < left) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    d2 := delta * 2.
+    right := left + frame width + d2.
+    (px > right) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    top := org y - delta.
+    py := aPoint y.
+    (py < top) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    bott := top + frame height + d2.
+    (py > bott) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    ^ true
+    "object must decide, if hit by a click at aPoint"
+    ^ self isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:0
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'ST-80 drawing'!
+displayOn: aDisplayMedium
+    self drawIn:aDisplayMedium offset:0@0
+    self displayOn:aDisplayMedium 
+                at:0@0 
+       clippingBox:nil 
+              rule:#copy
+              mask:nil
+displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:aPoint clippingBox:clipRectangle
+    ^ self displayOn:aDisplayMedium 
+                  at:aPoint 
+         clippingBox:clipRectangle 
+                rule:#copy
+                mask:nil
+displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:aPoint clippingBox:clip rule:rule mask: aForm
+    aDisplayMedium function:rule.
+    ^ self drawIn:aDisplayMedium 
+               at:(aPoint + self origin)
+displayOn:aDisplayMedium at:aPoint 
+    ^ self drawIn:aDisplayMedium 
+               at:(aPoint + self origin)
+! !
+!DisplayObject methodsFor:'drawing'!
+drawIn:aView offset:anOffset
+    "draw the receiver at its origin offset by anOffset, aPoint"
+    ^ self subclassResponsiblitity
+    "draw the receiver at its origin"
+    self drawIn:aView offset:(0@0)
+drawIn:aView at:drawOrigin
+    "draw the receiver at drawOrigin, aPoint"
+    self drawIn:aView offset:(drawOrigin - (self origin))
+drawSelectedIn:aView offset:anOffset
+    "draw the receiver highlighted - this is usually redefined"
+    self drawIn:aView offset:anOffset.
+    self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:anOffset
+    "draw the receiver highlighted at its position"
+    self drawSelectedIn:aView offset:(0@0)
+drawOutlineIn:aView offset:anOffset
+    "draw the receivers outline at its origin offset by anOffset, aPoint"
+    |org|
+    org := self origin + anOffset - aView viewOrigin.
+    aView drawRectangleX:(org x) y:(org y)
+                   width:(frame width) height:(frame height)
+    "draw the receivers outline at its origin"
+    self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:(0@0)
+drawOutlineIn:aView at:drawOrigin
+    "draw the receivers outline at drawOrigin, aPoint"
+    self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:(drawOrigin - (self origin))
+drawDragIn:aView at:drawOrigin
+    "draw the receiver for dragging"
+    self class dragOutline ifTrue:[
+        self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:(drawOrigin - (self origin))
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        self drawIn:aView offset:(drawOrigin - (self origin))
+    ]
+drawDragIn:aView offset:drawOrigin
+    self class dragOutline ifTrue:[
+        self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:drawOrigin
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        self drawIn:aView offset:drawOrigin
+    ]
+    self class dragOutline ifTrue:[
+        self drawOutlineIn:aView offset:(0 @ 0)
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        self drawIn:aView offset:(0 @ 0)
+    ]
+! !