changeset 21 66b31c91177f
parent 18 5a1262eeb9d7
child 24 6bc436eb4c4a
--- a/	Fri Feb 25 14:11:30 1994 +0100
+++ b/	Fri Jun 03 02:54:11 1994 +0200
@@ -18,57 +18,103 @@
 WindowsIconReader comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
-COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
+!WindowsIconReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
               All Rights Reserved
-this class provides methods for loading and saving Windows and OS2
-icon files..
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
-$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.5 1994-01-09 21:53:13 claus Exp $
-written Jun 93 by claus
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.6 1994-06-03 00:54:08 claus Exp $
+    this class provides methods for loading Windows and OS2 icon files..
+! !
 !WindowsIconReader methodsFor:'reading from file'!
-fromWindowsFile: aFilename 
-    | fileSize header inDepth
-      rawMap rMap gMap bMap srcIndex dstIndex
-      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow|
+fromOS2File: aFilename 
+    inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
+    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    inStream binary.
+    ^ self fromOS2Stream.
+fromWindowsBMPFile: aFilename 
     inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
     inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    inStream binary.
+    ^ self fromWindowsBMPStream.
+fromWindowsICOFile: aFilename 
+    inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
+    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ self fromWindowsICOStream.
+    "
+     Image fromFile:'/phys/clam2//LocalLibrary/Images/WIN_icons/ibm.ico'.
+    "
+    | header inDepth
+      rawMap rMap gMap bMap srcIndex dstIndex
+      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow nColor|
     inStream binary.
-    fileSize := inStream size.
     "read the header"
-    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:16r50.
-    inStream nextBytes:16r50 into:header.
-    width := header at:7.
-    height := header at:8.
+    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(6 + 16 + 40).
+    inStream nextBytes:(6 + 16 + 40) into:header.
+    width := header at:(6+1).
+    height := header at:(7+1).
+    nColor := header at:(8+1).
+    "10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ? (reserve)"
+    "15, 16, 17, 18       pixel array size"
+    "19, 20, 21, 22       offset        "
+    "23, ... , 62         ?"
     inDepth := header at:16r25.
     "read the colormap"
-    rawMap := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(16*3).
-    inStream nextBytes:(16*3) into:rawMap.
+    rawMap := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(16*4).
+    inStream nextBytes:(16*4) into:rawMap.
     rMap := Array new:16.
     gMap := Array new:16.
     bMap := Array new:16.
     srcIndex := 1.
     1 to:16 do:[:i |
-        rMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        bMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
         srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
         gMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
         srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-        bMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        rMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
         srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-    inStream position:16r7F.
     "read the data bits"
     bytesPerRow := width * inDepth + 7 // 8.
@@ -108,18 +154,156 @@
     inStream close.
-     |i f|
-     i := Image fromFile:'/LocalLibrary/Images/WIN_icons/ibm.ico'.
-     f := i asFormOn:Display.
-     v displayOpaqueForm:(f ) x:5 y:5.
-     v displayOpaqueForm:(f magnifyBy:2@2) x:45 y:5
+     WindowsIconReader new fromWindowsICOFile:'/phys/clam2//LocalLibrary/Images/WIN_icons/ibm.ico'.
-fromOS2File: aFilename 
-    | fileSize header inDepth
+    | fileSize header inDepth inPlanes compression
+      imgSize resH resV numColor numImportantColor
+      dataStart
       rawMap rMap gMap bMap srcIndex dstIndex
-      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow nColors nByte|
+      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow fourBytesPerColorInfo|
+    fileSize := inStream size.
+    "read the header"
+    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:16r54.
+    inStream nextBytes:18 into:header.
+    ((header at:(16r0E + 1)) == 40) ifTrue:[    "header-size"
+        "
+         its an Windows3.x BMP file
+         or OS/2 vsn 2 BMP file
+        "
+        'BMP: Win3.x or OS/2 vsn 2 format' errorPrintNL.
+        inStream nextBytes:(40-4) into:header startingAt:19.
+        width := header wordAt:(16r12 + 1).  "(header at:19) + ((header at:20) * 256).   "
+        height := header wordAt:(16r16 + 1). "(header at:23) + ((header at:24) * 256).   "
+        inPlanes := header wordAt:(16r1A + 1).
+        inDepth := header wordAt:(16r1C + 1).
+        compression := header wordAt:(16r1E + 1).
+        imgSize := header doubleWordAt:(16r22 + 1).
+        resH := header doubleWordAt:(16r26 + 1).
+        resV := header doubleWordAt:(16r2A + 1).
+        numColor := header doubleWordAt:(16r2E + 1).
+        numImportantColor := header doubleWordAt:(16r32 + 1).
+        numColor == 0 ifTrue:[
+            "
+             some bmp-writers seem to leave this as zero (which is wrong)
+            "
+            numColor := 1 bitShift:inDepth.
+            'BMP: missing nColor in header - assume ' errorPrint. numColor errorPrintNL
+        ].
+        rawMap := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(numColor * 4).
+        inStream nextBytes:(numColor * 4) into:rawMap.
+        fourBytesPerColorInfo := true.
+        dataStart := header wordAt:(16r0A + 1)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        ((header at:(16r0E + 1)) == 12) ifTrue:[     "core-info header size"
+            "
+             its an OS/2 (vsn1.2) BMP file
+            "
+           'BMP: OS/2 vsn 1.2 format' errorPrintNL.
+            inStream nextBytes:(12-4) into:header startingAt:19.
+            width := header wordAt:(16r12 + 1).  "(header at:19) + ((header at:20) * 256).   "
+            height := header wordAt:(16r14 + 1). "(header at:21) + ((header at:22) * 256).   "
+            inPlanes := header wordAt:(16r16 + 1).
+            inDepth := header wordAt:(16r18 + 1).
+            numColor := 1 bitShift:inDepth.
+            rawMap := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(numColor * 3).
+            inStream nextBytes:(numColor * 3) into:rawMap.
+            fourBytesPerColorInfo := false.
+            compression := 0.
+            dataStart := header wordAt:(16r0A + 1)
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            'BMP: unknown format' errorPrintNL.
+            inStream close.
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+    ].
+    "read the colormap"
+    rMap := Array new:numColor.
+    gMap := Array new:numColor.
+    bMap := Array new:numColor.
+    srcIndex := 1.
+    1 to:numColor do:[:i |
+        bMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+        gMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+        rMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+        fourBytesPerColorInfo ifTrue:[
+            srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "
+     currently only normal (non-rle) bitmaps
+     supported
+    "
+    compression ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        'BMP compression type ' errorPrint. compression errorPrint.
+        'not supported' errorPrintNL.
+        inStream close.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    inPlanes ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
+        'BMP only 1 plane images supported' errorPrintNL.
+        inStream close.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    "read the data bits"
+    bytesPerRow := width * inDepth + 7 // 8.
+    data4 := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * bytesPerRow).
+    inStream position:(dataStart + 1).
+    inStream nextBytes:(height * bytesPerRow) into:data4.
+    "read mask"
+    mask := ByteArray new:(width * height / 8).
+    inStream nextBytes:(width * height / 8) into:mask.
+    "stupid: last row first"
+    tmp := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * bytesPerRow).
+    srcIndex := 1.
+    dstIndex := (height - 1) * bytesPerRow + 1.
+    1 to:height do:[:row |
+        tmp replaceFrom:dstIndex to:(dstIndex + bytesPerRow - 1)
+                   with:data4 startingAt:srcIndex.
+        srcIndex := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
+        dstIndex := dstIndex - bytesPerRow.
+    ].
+    data4 := tmp.
+    "expand into bytes"
+    data := ByteArray new:(width * height).
+    data4 expandPixels:inDepth width:width height:height
+                  into:data mapping:nil.
+    photometric := #palette.
+    samplesPerPixel := 1.
+    bitsPerSample := #(8).
+    colorMap := Array with:rMap with:gMap with:bMap.
+    inStream close.
+fromFile: aFilename 
+    | fileSize header |
     inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
     inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
@@ -127,10 +311,61 @@
     inStream binary.
     fileSize := inStream size.
+    fileSize < 16 ifTrue:[
+        inStream close.
+        self error:'WINREADER: short file'.
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:4.
+    inStream nextBytes:4 into:header.
+    (header startsWith:#(66 77)) ifTrue:[     "BM"
+        inStream position:1.
+        'WINREADER: Win3.x or OS/2 vsn 2 BM format' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ self fromWindowsBMPStream
+    ].
+    (header startsWith:#(66 65)) ifTrue:[     "BA"
+        inStream position:1.
+        'WINREADER: OS/2 vsn 2 BA format' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ self fromOS2Stream
+    ].
+    (header startsWith:#(73 67)) ifTrue:[     "IC"
+        inStream position:1.
+        'WINREADER: OS/2 IC format' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ self fromOS2Stream
+    ].
+    (header startsWith:#(80 84)) ifTrue:[     "PT"
+        inStream position:1.
+        'WINREADER: OS/2 PT format' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ self fromOS2Stream
+    ].
+    (header startsWith:#(0 0 1 0)) ifTrue:[
+        inStream position:1.
+        'WINREADER: Win3.x ICO format' errorPrintNL.
+        ^ self fromWindowsICOStream
+    ].
+    self error:'WINREADER: format not supported'.
+    inStream close.
+    ^ nil
+    "
+     Image fromFile:'/phys/clam//LocalLibrary/Images/OS2_icons/dos.ico'
+    "
+    | header inDepth
+      rawMap rMap gMap bMap srcIndex dstIndex
+      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow nColors nByte|
+    inStream binary.
     "read the header"
     header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:8r110.
     inStream nextBytes:16 into:header.
     (header startsWith:#(73 67)) ifTrue:[
         "IC format"
         inStream nextBytes:10 into:header startingAt:17.
@@ -210,133 +445,4 @@
      f := i asFormOn:Display.
      v displayOpaqueForm:(f magnifyBy:2@2) x:5 y:5
-fromWindowsBMPFile: aFilename 
-    | fileSize header inDepth
-      rawMap rMap gMap bMap srcIndex dstIndex
-      data4 mask tmp bytesPerRow|
-    inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
-    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    inStream binary.
-    fileSize := inStream size.
-    "read the header"
-    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:16r50.
-    inStream nextBytes:16r50 into:header.
-    ((header at:15) == 40) ifTrue:[
-        width := (header at:19) + ((header at:20) * 256).
-        height := (header at:23) + ((header at:24) * 256).
-        inDepth := header at:29.
-    ].
-    ((header at:15) == 12) ifTrue:[
-        width := (header at:19) + ((header at:20) * 256).
-        height := (header at:21) + ((header at:22) * 256).
-        inDepth := header at:25.
-    ].
-    width isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    "read the colormap"
-    rawMap := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(16*3).
-    inStream nextBytes:(16*3) into:rawMap.
-    rMap := Array new:16.
-    gMap := Array new:16.
-    bMap := Array new:16.
-    srcIndex := 1.
-    1 to:16 do:[:i |
-        rMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-        gMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-        bMap at:i put:(rawMap at:srcIndex).
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + 1.
-    ].
-    inStream position:16r78.
-    "read the data bits"
-    bytesPerRow := width * inDepth + 7 // 8.
-    data4 := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * bytesPerRow).
-    inStream nextBytes:(height * bytesPerRow) into:data4.
-    "read mask"
-    mask := ByteArray new:(width * height / 8).
-    inStream nextBytes:(width * height / 8) into:mask.
-    "stupid: last row first"
-    tmp := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(height * bytesPerRow).
-    srcIndex := 1.
-    dstIndex := (height - 1) * bytesPerRow + 1.
-    1 to:height do:[:row |
-        tmp replaceFrom:dstIndex to:(dstIndex + bytesPerRow - 1)
-                   with:data4 startingAt:srcIndex.
-        srcIndex := srcIndex + bytesPerRow.
-        dstIndex := dstIndex - bytesPerRow.
-    ].
-    data4 := tmp.
-    "expand into bytes"
-    data := ByteArray new:(width * height).
-    data4 expandPixels:inDepth width:width height:height
-                  into:data mapping:nil.
-    photometric := #palette.
-    samplesPerPixel := 1.
-    bitsPerSample := #(8).
-    colorMap := Array with:rMap with:gMap with:bMap.
-    inStream close.
-fromFile: aFilename 
-    | fileSize header |
-    inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFilename.
-    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    inStream binary.
-    fileSize := inStream size.
-    fileSize < 16 ifTrue:[
-        inStream close.
-        self error:'short file'.
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    header := ByteArray uninitializedNew:16.
-    inStream nextBytes:16 into:header.
-    (header startsWith:#(66 77)) ifTrue:[     "BM"
-        inStream close.
-        ^ self fromWindowsBMPFile:aFilename
-    ].
-    (header startsWith:#(66 65)) ifTrue:[     "BA"
-        inStream close.
-        ^ self fromOS2File:aFilename
-    ].
-    (header startsWith:#(73 67)) ifTrue:[     "IC"
-        inStream close.
-        ^ self fromOS2File:aFilename
-    ].
-    (header startsWith:#(0 0 1 0 1 0)) ifTrue:[
-        inStream close.
-        ^ self fromWindowsFile:aFilename
-    ].
-    self error:'format not supported'.
-    inStream close.
-    ^ nil
-    "Image fromFile:'/LocalLibrary/Images/OS2_icons/dos.ico'"
 ! !