changeset 2328 90f481d446bc
parent 2327 32f68e607e13
child 2329 f5a1833995a1
--- a/	Wed Apr 25 12:25:38 2007 +0200
+++ b/	Wed Apr 25 12:27:22 2007 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libview2' }"
 PrinterContext subclass:#WinPrinterContext
-        instanceVariableNames:'deviceFonts'
-        classVariableNames:''
-        poolDictionaries:''
-        category:'Interface-Printing'
+	instanceVariableNames:'deviceFonts'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-Printing'
 !WinPrinterContext primitiveDefinitions!
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
  COPYRIGHT (c) 2006 by eXept Software AG
-              All Rights Reserved
+	      All Rights Reserved
  This software is furnished under a license and may be used
  only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
     When you open a printer, you will typically talk to me.
-        Felix Madrid (
+	Felix Madrid (
 ! !
@@ -253,9 +253,9 @@
     h := OperatingSystem openPrinter:printerNameString.
     ^ OperatingSystem
-        getDocumentProperties:nil
-        hPrinter:h
-        pDeviceName:printerNameString.
+	getDocumentProperties:nil
+	hPrinter:h
+	pDeviceName:printerNameString.
     "Created: / 27-07-2006 / 10:22:32 / fm"
     "Modified: / 01-08-2006 / 16:01:44 / fm"
@@ -287,31 +287,31 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Advanced Lines'.
-        printer foreground:Color red background:Color white.
-        pairOfPointsArray
-            do:[:pairOfPointsAndContext |
-                 |pairOfPoints|
-                 pairOfPoints := pairOfPointsAndContext at:1.
-                 printer
-                    lineWidth: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:2);
-                    lineStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:3);
-                    capStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:4);
-                    joinStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:5);
-                    foreground: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:6);
-                    displayAdvanceLineFrom: (pairOfPoints at:1)  to: (pairOfPoints at:2).
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Advanced Lines'.
+	printer foreground:Color red background:Color white.
+	pairOfPointsArray
+	    do:[:pairOfPointsAndContext |
+		 |pairOfPoints|
+		 pairOfPoints := pairOfPointsAndContext at:1.
+		 printer
+		    lineWidth: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:2);
+		    lineStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:3);
+		    capStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:4);
+		    joinStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:5);
+		    foreground: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:6);
+		    displayAdvanceLineFrom: (pairOfPoints at:1)  to: (pairOfPoints at:2).
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printAdvancedLines:
-        (Array with: (Array with: (Array with:10@10 with:1000@5000) with: 3 with:#dashed with: #butt with: #miter with: Color green)
-               with: (Array with: (Array with:10@10 with:3500@2000) with: 2 with:#solid  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color yellow)
-               with: (Array with: (Array with:1000@800 with:6000@5000) with: 8 with:#dashed  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color black)
-               with: (Array with: (Array with:2000@2800 with:2000@5000) with: 1 with:#dashed  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color red)
-        )
+	(Array with: (Array with: (Array with:10@10 with:1000@5000) with: 3 with:#dashed with: #butt with: #miter with: Color green)
+	       with: (Array with: (Array with:10@10 with:3500@2000) with: 2 with:#solid  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color yellow)
+	       with: (Array with: (Array with:1000@800 with:6000@5000) with: 8 with:#dashed  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color black)
+	       with: (Array with: (Array with:2000@2800 with:2000@5000) with: 1 with:#dashed  with: #butt with: #miter with: Color red)
+	)
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:09:48 / fm"
@@ -329,10 +329,10 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Image'.
-        printer background:Color white.
-        anImage displayOn:printer x:1000 y:1000.
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Image'.
+	printer background:Color white.
+	anImage displayOn:printer x:1000 y:1000.
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
@@ -358,21 +358,21 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Circles'.
-        arrayOfPointsAndRadiusWithContextArray
-            do:[:pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray |
-                printer foreground:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:3).
-                printer fillCircle:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:1)
-                        radius:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:2).
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Circles'.
+	arrayOfPointsAndRadiusWithContextArray
+	    do:[:pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray |
+		printer foreground:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:3).
+		printer fillCircle:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:1)
+			radius:(pointsAndRadiusWithContextArray at:2).
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext fillCircles:
-        (Array with: (Array with: 800@800 with: 600 with:Color red)
-               with: (Array with: 1500@1500 with: 1000 with:Color blue)
-               with: (Array with: 4000@2500 with: 2000 with:Color gray))
+	(Array with: (Array with: 800@800 with: 600 with:Color red)
+	       with: (Array with: 1500@1500 with: 1000 with:Color blue)
+	       with: (Array with: 4000@2500 with: 2000 with:Color gray))
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:46:52 / fm"
@@ -389,33 +389,33 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Polygons'.
-        polygonsWithContextArray
-            do:[:polygonWithContextArray |
-                 |aPolygon|
-                 aPolygon := polygonWithContextArray at: 1.
-                 printer foreground:(polygonWithContextArray at: 2).
-                 aPolygon displayFilledOn: printer.
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Polygons'.
+	polygonsWithContextArray
+	    do:[:polygonWithContextArray |
+		 |aPolygon|
+		 aPolygon := polygonWithContextArray at: 1.
+		 printer foreground:(polygonWithContextArray at: 2).
+		 aPolygon displayFilledOn: printer.
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext fillPolygons:
-        (Array with: (Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
-                                Array
-                                    with:100@100
-                                    with:600@1000
-                                    with:3500@4000
-                                    with:100@4000
-                                    with:100@100))
-                            with: Color red)
-                with: (Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
-                                Array
-                                    with:1000@1000
-                                    with:1000@2000
-                                    with:2000@1000))
-                             with: Color blue)
+	(Array with: (Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
+				Array
+				    with:100@100
+				    with:600@1000
+				    with:3500@4000
+				    with:100@4000
+				    with:100@100))
+			    with: Color red)
+		with: (Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
+				Array
+				    with:1000@1000
+				    with:1000@2000
+				    with:2000@1000))
+			     with: Color blue)
@@ -434,25 +434,25 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Rectangles'.
-        printer foreground:Color blue background:Color white.
-        rectangles
-            do:[:rectangle |
-                printer fillRectangleX: rectangle origin x
-                        y: rectangle origin y
-                        width: rectangle width
-                        height: rectangle height.
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Fill Rectangles'.
+	printer foreground:Color blue background:Color white.
+	rectangles
+	    do:[:rectangle |
+		printer fillRectangleX: rectangle origin x
+			y: rectangle origin y
+			width: rectangle width
+			height: rectangle height.
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext fillRectangles:
-        (Array with: (Rectangle left:20 top:20 width:400 height:600)
-               with: (Rectangle left:500 top:700 width:600 height:400)
-               with: (Rectangle left:800 top:1000 width:1600 height:2000)
-               with: (Rectangle left:1040 top:1240 width:3000 height:3000)
-        )
+	(Array with: (Rectangle left:20 top:20 width:400 height:600)
+	       with: (Rectangle left:500 top:700 width:600 height:400)
+	       with: (Rectangle left:800 top:1000 width:1600 height:2000)
+	       with: (Rectangle left:1040 top:1240 width:3000 height:3000)
+	)
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:40:48 / fm"
@@ -487,12 +487,12 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer
-            print: aString
-            font: aFont
-            title: aTitle
-            wordWrap: wordWrap
-            marginsRect: nil
+	printer
+	    print: aString
+	    font: aFont
+	    title: aTitle
+	    wordWrap: wordWrap
+	    marginsRect: nil
     ] forkAt: 3
@@ -515,21 +515,21 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Circles'.
-        printer foreground:Color green background:Color white.
-        arrayOfPointsAndRadius
-            do:[:pointAndRadius |
-                printer displayCircle:(pointAndRadius at:1)
-                        radius:(pointAndRadius at:2).
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Circles'.
+	printer foreground:Color green background:Color white.
+	arrayOfPointsAndRadius
+	    do:[:pointAndRadius |
+		printer displayCircle:(pointAndRadius at:1)
+			radius:(pointAndRadius at:2).
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printCircles:
-        (Array with: (Array with: 800@800 with: 600)
-               with: (Array with: 1500@1500 with: 1000)
-               with: (Array with: 4000@2500 with: 2000))
+	(Array with: (Array with: 800@800 with: 600)
+	       with: (Array with: 1500@1500 with: 1000)
+	       with: (Array with: 4000@2500 with: 2000))
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:46:52 / fm"
@@ -546,19 +546,19 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Circles In Rectangles'.
-        rectangles
-           do:[:rectangle |
-               printer displayCircleIn: rectangle.
-           ].
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Circles In Rectangles'.
+	rectangles
+	   do:[:rectangle |
+	       printer displayCircleIn: rectangle.
+	   ].
        printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printCirclesIn:
-        (Array with: (Rectangle left:20 top:20 width:400 height:600)
-               with: (Rectangle left:40 top:40 width:600 height:400)
-        )
+	(Array with: (Rectangle left:20 top:20 width:400 height:600)
+	       with: (Rectangle left:40 top:40 width:600 height:400)
+	)
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:48:46 / fm"
@@ -575,26 +575,26 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Lines'.
-        pairOfPointsWithContextArray
-            do:[:pairOfPointsAndContext |
-                 |pairOfPoints|
-                 pairOfPoints := pairOfPointsAndContext at: 1.
-                 printer
-                    foreground:(pairOfPointsAndContext at:2);
-                    lineWidth: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:3);
-                    lineStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:4);
-                    displayLineFrom: (pairOfPoints at:1)  to: (pairOfPoints at:2).
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Lines'.
+	pairOfPointsWithContextArray
+	    do:[:pairOfPointsAndContext |
+		 |pairOfPoints|
+		 pairOfPoints := pairOfPointsAndContext at: 1.
+		 printer
+		    foreground:(pairOfPointsAndContext at:2);
+		    lineWidth: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:3);
+		    lineStyle: (pairOfPointsAndContext at:4);
+		    displayLineFrom: (pairOfPoints at:1)  to: (pairOfPoints at:2).
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printLines:
-        (Array with: (Array with:(Array with:10@10 with:1000@5000) with: Color red with:4 with: #solid)
-               with: (Array with:(Array with:10@10 with:3500@2000) with: Color blue with:1 with: #dashed)
-               with: (Array with:(Array with:1000@800 with:6000@5000) with: Color black with: 1 with:#dotted)
-               with: (Array with: (Array with:2000@2800 with:2000@5000) with: Color green with:8 with: nil))
+	(Array with: (Array with:(Array with:10@10 with:1000@5000) with: Color red with:4 with: #solid)
+	       with: (Array with:(Array with:10@10 with:3500@2000) with: Color blue with:1 with: #dashed)
+	       with: (Array with:(Array with:1000@800 with:6000@5000) with: Color black with: 1 with:#dotted)
+	       with: (Array with: (Array with:2000@2800 with:2000@5000) with: Color green with:8 with: nil))
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:09:48 / fm"
@@ -612,22 +612,22 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Points'.
-        aCollectionOfPoints do:[:each |
-            printer displayPointX: each x y: each y.
-        ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Points'.
+	aCollectionOfPoints do:[:each |
+	    printer displayPointX: each x y: each y.
+	].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printPoints:
-        (Array with: (10 @ 10)
-               with: (500 @ 700)
-               with: (900 @ 1000)
-               with: (1500 @ 1700)
-               with: (2100 @ 2000)
-               with: (2500 @ 2700)
-        )
+	(Array with: (10 @ 10)
+	       with: (500 @ 700)
+	       with: (900 @ 1000)
+	       with: (1500 @ 1700)
+	       with: (2100 @ 2000)
+	       with: (2500 @ 2700)
+	)
@@ -641,29 +641,29 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Polygons'.
-        printer foreground:Color black background:Color white.
-        polygons
-            do:[:aPolygon |
-                 aPolygon displayStrokedOn: printer.
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Polygons'.
+	printer foreground:Color black background:Color white.
+	polygons
+	    do:[:aPolygon |
+		 aPolygon displayStrokedOn: printer.
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printPolygons:
-        (Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
-                                Array
-                                    with:100@100
-                                    with:600@1000
-                                    with:3500@4000
-                                    with:100@4000
-                                    with:100@100))
-                with: (Polygon vertices:(
-                                Array
-                                    with:1000@1000
-                                    with:1000@2000
-                                    with:2000@1000)))
+	(Array with: (Polygon vertices:(
+				Array
+				    with:100@100
+				    with:600@1000
+				    with:3500@4000
+				    with:100@4000
+				    with:100@100))
+		with: (Polygon vertices:(
+				Array
+				    with:1000@1000
+				    with:1000@2000
+				    with:2000@1000)))
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:09:48 / fm"
@@ -681,20 +681,20 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Polylines'.
-        printer displayPolylines:evenCollectionOfPoints.
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Polylines'.
+	printer displayPolylines:evenCollectionOfPoints.
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printPolylines:
-        (Array with: (10 @ 10)
-               with: (500 @ 700)
-               with: (900 @ 1000)
-               with: (1500 @ 1700)
-               with: (2100 @ 2000)
-               with: (2500 @ 2700)
-        )
+	(Array with: (10 @ 10)
+	       with: (500 @ 700)
+	       with: (900 @ 1000)
+	       with: (1500 @ 1700)
+	       with: (2100 @ 2000)
+	       with: (2500 @ 2700)
+	)
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:40:48 / fm"
@@ -711,31 +711,31 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Rectangles'.
-        printer foreground:Color red background:Color white.
-        rectanglesWithContextArray do:[:rectangleWithContextArray |
-            |rectangle|
-            rectangle := rectangleWithContextArray at: 1.
-            printer
-                foreground:(rectangleWithContextArray at:2);
-                lineWidth: (rectangleWithContextArray at:3);
-                lineStyle: (rectangleWithContextArray at:4);
-                displayRectangleX: rectangle origin x
-                        y: rectangle origin y
-                        width: rectangle width
-                        height: rectangle height.
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Rectangles'.
+	printer foreground:Color red background:Color white.
+	rectanglesWithContextArray do:[:rectangleWithContextArray |
+	    |rectangle|
+	    rectangle := rectangleWithContextArray at: 1.
+	    printer
+		foreground:(rectangleWithContextArray at:2);
+		lineWidth: (rectangleWithContextArray at:3);
+		lineStyle: (rectangleWithContextArray at:4);
+		displayRectangleX: rectangle origin x
+			y: rectangle origin y
+			width: rectangle width
+			height: rectangle height.
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printRectangles:
-        (Array with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:30 top:10 width:400 height:600) with: Color red with:4 with: #solid)
-               with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:100 top:140 width:700 height:800) with: Color blue with:1 with: #dashed)
-               with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:800 top:1500 width:2600 height:3400) with: Color green with:1 with: #dotted)
-               with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:1000 top:1200 width:1400 height:1600) with: Color gray with:8 with: #dashed)
-               with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:2600 top:1200 width:1400 height:1600) with: Color darkGray with:1 with: #dashDotDot)
-        )
+	(Array with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:30 top:10 width:400 height:600) with: Color red with:4 with: #solid)
+	       with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:100 top:140 width:700 height:800) with: Color blue with:1 with: #dashed)
+	       with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:800 top:1500 width:2600 height:3400) with: Color green with:1 with: #dotted)
+	       with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:1000 top:1200 width:1400 height:1600) with: Color gray with:8 with: #dashed)
+	       with: (Array with: (Rectangle left:2600 top:1200 width:1400 height:1600) with: Color darkGray with:1 with: #dashDotDot)
+	)
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 11:40:48 / fm"
@@ -752,21 +752,21 @@
     printer := self fromPrinterInfo: printerInfo.
-        printer startPrintJob: 'Strings with Position'.
-        printer foreground:Color black background:Color white.
-        stringAndPositionsArray
-            do:[:pairOfPointsAndPosition |
-                 printer displayString:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 1)
-                            x:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 2) x
-                            y:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 2) y
-            ].
-        printer endPrintJob.
+	printer startPrintJob: 'Strings with Position'.
+	printer foreground:Color black background:Color white.
+	stringAndPositionsArray
+	    do:[:pairOfPointsAndPosition |
+		 printer displayString:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 1)
+			    x:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 2) x
+			    y:(pairOfPointsAndPosition at: 2) y
+	    ].
+	printer endPrintJob.
     ] forkAt: 3
      WinPrinterContext printStrings:
-        (Array with: (Array with:'Testing printing with standart method' with:10@10)
-               with: (Array with:'Another test string to print' with:80@200))
+	(Array with: (Array with:'Testing printing with standart method' with:10@10)
+	       with: (Array with:'Another test string to print' with:80@200))
     "Created: / 07-08-2006 / 12:09:48 / fm"
@@ -909,13 +909,13 @@
     int id, ir, ig, ib;
     if (__bothSmallInteger(r, g) && __isSmallInteger(b)) {
-        ir = (__intVal(r) >> 8) & 0xff;
-        ig = (__intVal(g) >> 8) & 0xff;
-        ib = (__intVal(b) >> 8) & 0xff;
-        id = RGB( ir, ig, ib);
-        RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT(id) );
+	ir = (__intVal(r) >> 8) & 0xff;
+	ig = (__intVal(g) >> 8) & 0xff;
+	ib = (__intVal(b) >> 8) & 0xff;
+	id = RGB( ir, ig, ib);
     self primitiveFailed.
@@ -930,19 +930,19 @@
     HDC hDC;
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF bg, oldBg;
-        oldBg = GetBkColor(hDC);
-        bg = __intVal(bgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF bg, oldBg;
+	oldBg = GetBkColor(hDC);
+	bg = __intVal(bgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
 /*        bg = (COLORREF)st2RGB(__intVal(bgColorIndex),gcData);         */
-        if (bg != oldBg) {
-            SetBkColor(hDC, bg);
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	if (bg != oldBg) {
+	    SetBkColor(hDC, bg);
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -953,17 +953,17 @@
     |colorId deviceColor|
     (color isOnDevice:self) ifTrue:[
-        colorId := color colorId.
+	colorId := color colorId.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        deviceColor := color onDevice:self.
-        deviceColor notNil ifTrue:[
-            colorId := deviceColor colorId.
-        ]
+	deviceColor := color onDevice:self.
+	deviceColor notNil ifTrue:[
+	    colorId := deviceColor colorId.
+	]
     colorId isNil ifTrue:[
-        'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: could not set bg color' infoPrintCR.
+	'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: could not set bg color' infoPrintCR.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self setBackground:colorId in:aGCId.
+	self setBackground:colorId in:aGCId.
@@ -973,27 +973,27 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fg, bg, oldFg, oldBg;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fg, bg, oldFg, oldBg;
 /*        fg = (COLORREF)st2RGB(__intVal(fgColorIndex),gcData);    */
-        fg = __intVal(fgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
+	fg = __intVal(fgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
 /*        bg = (COLORREF)st2RGB(__intVal(bgColorIndex),gcData);    */
-        bg = __intVal(bgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
-        oldFg = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        oldBg = GetBkColor(hDC);
-        if ((fg != oldFg) || (bg != oldBg)) {
-            /* Pen only depends upon fg-color */
-            if (fg != oldFg) {
-                SetTextColor(hDC, fg);
-            }
-            if (bg != oldBg) {
-                SetBkColor(hDC, bg);
-            }
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	bg = __intVal(bgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
+	oldFg = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	oldBg = GetBkColor(hDC);
+	if ((fg != oldFg) || (bg != oldBg)) {
+	    /* Pen only depends upon fg-color */
+	    if (fg != oldFg) {
+		SetTextColor(hDC, fg);
+	    }
+	    if (bg != oldBg) {
+		SetBkColor(hDC, bg);
+	    }
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -1006,19 +1006,19 @@
     HDC hDC;
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fg, oldFg;
-        oldFg = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        fg = __intVal(fgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fg, oldFg;
+	oldFg = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	fg = __intVal(fgColorIndex) & 0xffffff;
 /*        fg = (COLORREF)st2RGB(__intVal(fgColorIndex),gcData);         */
-        if (fg != oldFg) {
-            SetTextColor(hDC, fg);
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	if (fg != oldFg) {
+	    SetTextColor(hDC, fg);
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -1029,17 +1029,17 @@
     |colorId deviceColor|
     (color isOnDevice:self) ifTrue:[
-        colorId := color colorId.
+	colorId := color colorId.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        deviceColor := color onDevice:self.
-        deviceColor notNil ifTrue:[
-            colorId := deviceColor colorId.
-        ]
+	deviceColor := color onDevice:self.
+	deviceColor notNil ifTrue:[
+	    colorId := deviceColor colorId.
+	]
     colorId isNil ifTrue:[
-        'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: could not set fg color' infoPrintCR.
+	'DeviceWorkstation [warning]: could not set fg color' infoPrintCR.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        self setForeground:colorId in:aGCId.
+	self setForeground:colorId in:aGCId.
 ! !
@@ -1052,52 +1052,52 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isSmallInteger(__INST(lineWidth))) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        HANDLE hPen, prevPen;
-        int lineStyleInt, capStyleInt, joinStyleInt, lineWidth;
-        lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
-        if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else
-            lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        } else
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
-        } else
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen(lineStyleInt | capStyleInt | joinStyleInt, lineWidth, fgColor);
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        RETURN (self);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	HANDLE hPen, prevPen;
+	int lineStyleInt, capStyleInt, joinStyleInt, lineWidth;
+	lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
+	if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	} else
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
+	} else
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen(lineStyleInt | capStyleInt | joinStyleInt, lineWidth, fgColor);
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	RETURN (self);
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -1110,50 +1110,50 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(__INST(gcId))
      && __isSmallInteger(__INST(lineWidth))) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        HANDLE hPen;
-        int lineStyleInt, capStyleInt, joinStyleInt, lineWidth;
-        lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
-        if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else
-            lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        } else
-            capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
-        } else
-            joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen(lineStyleInt | capStyleInt | joinStyleInt, lineWidth, fgColor);
-        RETURN (self);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	HANDLE hPen;
+	int lineStyleInt, capStyleInt, joinStyleInt, lineWidth;
+	lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
+	if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else
+	    lineStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	} else
+	    capStyleInt= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
+	} else
+	    joinStyleInt= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen(lineStyleInt | capStyleInt | joinStyleInt, lineWidth, fgColor);
+	RETURN (self);
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -1165,10 +1165,10 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        SelectClipRgn(hDC, NULL);
-        RETURN (self);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	SelectClipRgn(hDC, NULL);
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -1179,20 +1179,20 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        HBITMAP oldM;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
 /*        oldM = gcData->hMask;
-        if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId))
-            gcData->hMask = _HBITMAPVAL(aBitmapId);
-        else
-            gcData->hMask = 0;
-        if (oldM != gcData->hMask) {
-          FLUSH_CACHED_DC(gcData);
-            CPRINTF(("masks set to %x\n",gcData->hMask));
-        }                                                     */
-        RETURN (self);
+	if (__isExternalAddress(aBitmapId))
+	    gcData->hMask = _HBITMAPVAL(aBitmapId);
+	else
+	    gcData->hMask = 0;
+	if (oldM != gcData->hMask) {
+	  FLUSH_CACHED_DC(gcData);
+	    CPRINTF(("masks set to %x\n",gcData->hMask));
+	}                                                     */
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@
       h     |  the clipping rectangle
       |     |
-          where p = ( clipX, clipY ), w = clipWidth, h = clipHeight
+	  where p = ( clipX, clipY ), w = clipWidth, h = clipHeight
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
@@ -1214,36 +1214,36 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(clipX, clipY)
      && __bothSmallInteger(clipWidth, clipHeight) ) {
-        HANDLE hDC;
-        int cX, cY, cW, cH;
-        POINT ptOrg;
-        hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        GetViewportOrgEx(hDC,&ptOrg);
-        // set the clip rectangle
-        // and offset the rectangle by the viewport origin
-        cX = __intVal(clipX) + ptOrg.x;
-        cY = __intVal(clipY) + ptOrg.y;
-        cW = __intVal(clipWidth)+ ptOrg.x;
-        cH = __intVal(clipHeight)+ ptOrg.y;
-        {
-            HRGN region = CreateRectRgn(cX, cY, cX + cW, cY + cH);
-            if (region == NULL ) {
-                console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstat [warning]: clipping region creation failed\n");
-            } else {
-                if (SelectClipRgn(hDC, region) == ERROR ) {
-                    console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstat [warning]: select clipping region failed\n");
-                }
-                DeleteObject(region);
-            }
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	int cX, cY, cW, cH;
+	POINT ptOrg;
+	hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	GetViewportOrgEx(hDC,&ptOrg);
+	// set the clip rectangle
+	// and offset the rectangle by the viewport origin
+	cX = __intVal(clipX) + ptOrg.x;
+	cY = __intVal(clipY) + ptOrg.y;
+	cW = __intVal(clipWidth)+ ptOrg.x;
+	cH = __intVal(clipHeight)+ ptOrg.y;
+	{
+	    HRGN region = CreateRectRgn(cX, cY, cX + cW, cY + cH);
+	    if (region == NULL ) {
+		console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstat [warning]: clipping region creation failed\n");
+	    } else {
+		if (SelectClipRgn(hDC, region) == ERROR ) {
+		    console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstat [warning]: select clipping region failed\n");
+		}
+		DeleteObject(region);
+	    }
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aGCId)) {
-        DPRINTF(("WinWorkstat [warning]: dashes not (yet) implemented\n"));
+	DPRINTF(("WinWorkstat [warning]: dashes not (yet) implemented\n"));
@@ -1269,42 +1269,42 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isSmallInteger(aNumber)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        int style;
-        if (lineStyle == @symbol(solid)) {
-            style = PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            style= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            style= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            style= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            style= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else
-            style= PS_SOLID;
-        if (capStyle == @symbol(round)) {
-            style = PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
-        } else if (capStyle == @symbol(square)) {
-            style = PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
-        } else if (capStyle == @symbol(flat)) {
-            style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        } else
-            style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        if (joinStyle == @symbol(bevel)) {
-            style = PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
-        } else if (joinStyle == @symbol(miter)) {
-            style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        } else if (joinStyle == @symbol(round)) {
-            style = PS_JOIN_ROUND;
-        } else
-            style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        RETURN (self);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	int style;
+	if (lineStyle == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    style = PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    style= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    style= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    style= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    style= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else
+	    style= PS_SOLID;
+	if (capStyle == @symbol(round)) {
+	    style = PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
+	} else if (capStyle == @symbol(square)) {
+	    style = PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
+	} else if (capStyle == @symbol(flat)) {
+	    style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	} else
+	    style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	if (joinStyle == @symbol(bevel)) {
+	    style = PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
+	} else if (joinStyle == @symbol(miter)) {
+	    style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	} else if (joinStyle == @symbol(round)) {
+	    style = PS_JOIN_ROUND;
+	} else
+	    style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	RETURN (self);
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -1317,17 +1317,17 @@
     if (__isExternalAddress(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(orgX,orgY)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        int oX, oY, maskOrgX, maskOrgY;
-        oX = __intVal(orgX);
-        oY = __intVal(orgY);
-        if ((oX != maskOrgX)
-         || (oY != maskOrgY)) {
-            maskOrgX = __intVal(orgX);
-            maskOrgY = __intVal(orgY);;
-        }
-        RETURN (self);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	int oX, oY, maskOrgX, maskOrgY;
+	oX = __intVal(orgX);
+	oY = __intVal(orgY);
+	if ((oX != maskOrgX)
+	 || (oY != maskOrgY)) {
+	    maskOrgX = __intVal(orgX);
+	    maskOrgY = __intVal(orgY);;
+	}
+	RETURN (self);
@@ -1337,10 +1337,10 @@
     "Sets the viewport origin (LOGICAL point (0,0)) of the device context"
     ^ OperatingSystem
-            setViewportOrg: gcId "deviceContext"
-            x: aPoint x
-            y: aPoint y
-            oldOrigin: nil
+	    setViewportOrg: gcId "deviceContext"
+	    x: aPoint x
+	    y: aPoint y
+	    oldOrigin: nil
     "Created: / 01-08-2006 / 16:14:08 / fm"
 ! !
@@ -1357,105 +1357,105 @@
     double f;
     if (__isSmallInteger(startAngle))
-        angle1 = (float)(__intVal(startAngle));
+	angle1 = (float)(__intVal(startAngle));
     else if (__isFloat(startAngle)) {
-        angle1 = (float) __floatVal(startAngle);
+	angle1 = (float) __floatVal(startAngle);
     } else if (__isShortFloat(startAngle)) {
-        angle1 = __shortFloatVal(startAngle);
+	angle1 = __shortFloatVal(startAngle);
     } else goto bad;
     if (__isSmallInteger(angle))
-        angle2 = (float)(__intVal(angle));
+	angle2 = (float)(__intVal(angle));
     else if (__isFloat(angle)) {
-        angle2 = (float) __floatVal(angle);
+	angle2 = (float) __floatVal(angle);
     } else if (__isShortFloat(angle)) {
-        angle2 = __shortFloatVal(angle);
+	angle2 = __shortFloatVal(angle);
     } else goto bad;
     if (angle2 <= 0) {
-        RETURN (self);
+	RETURN (self);
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
      && __bothSmallInteger(width, height))
-        POINT p;
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        DWORD clr = 0 /* 0xFFFFFFFF */;
-        HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-        double xB, yB, xE, yE, xR, yR;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
-        int lw;
-        lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
-        lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
-            only works with lineWidth = 1  */
-        if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
-        } else
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
-        w = __intVal(width);
-        h = __intVal(height);
-        __x = __intVal(x);
-        __y = __intVal(y);
-            xR = w / 2;
-            yR = h / 2;
-            if (angle2 - angle1 >= 360) {
-                xB = xE = __x + xR + 0.5;
-                yB = yE = __y /*+ yR + 0.5*/;
-            } else {
-                double sin(), cos();
-                float rad1, rad2;
-                if (angle1 <= 180)
-                  angle1 = 180 - angle1;
-                else
-                  angle1 = 360 + 180 - angle1;
-                angle2 = angle1 - angle2;
-                /* sigh - compute the intersections ... */
-                rad1 = (angle1 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
-                rad2 = (angle2 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
-                xB = cos(rad1) * xR;
-                yB = sin(rad1) * yR;
-                xE = cos(rad2) * xR;
-                yE = sin(rad2) * yR;
-                xB = __x + xR - xB + 0.5;
-                yB = __y + yR - yB + 0.5;
-                xE = __x + xR - xE + 0.5;
-                yE = __y + yR - yE + 0.5;
-            }
-            prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-            DPRINTF(("Arc x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d xB=%d xE=%d yB=%d yE=%d a1=%f a2=%f\n",__x,__y,w,h,(int)xB,(int)xE,(int)yB,(int)yE,angle1,angle2));
-            Arc(hDC,
-                __x, __y,
-                __x + w, __y + h,
-                (int)xB, (int)yB,
-                (int)xE, (int)yE);
-            SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-            DeleteObject(hPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	POINT p;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	DWORD clr = 0 /* 0xFFFFFFFF */;
+	HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	double xB, yB, xE, yE, xR, yR;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
+	int lw;
+	lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
+	lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
+	    only works with lineWidth = 1  */
+	if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
+	} else
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
+	w = __intVal(width);
+	h = __intVal(height);
+	__x = __intVal(x);
+	__y = __intVal(y);
+	    xR = w / 2;
+	    yR = h / 2;
+	    if (angle2 - angle1 >= 360) {
+		xB = xE = __x + xR + 0.5;
+		yB = yE = __y /*+ yR + 0.5*/;
+	    } else {
+		double sin(), cos();
+		float rad1, rad2;
+		if (angle1 <= 180)
+		  angle1 = 180 - angle1;
+		else
+		  angle1 = 360 + 180 - angle1;
+		angle2 = angle1 - angle2;
+		/* sigh - compute the intersections ... */
+		rad1 = (angle1 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
+		rad2 = (angle2 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
+		xB = cos(rad1) * xR;
+		yB = sin(rad1) * yR;
+		xE = cos(rad2) * xR;
+		yE = sin(rad2) * yR;
+		xB = __x + xR - xB + 0.5;
+		yB = __y + yR - yB + 0.5;
+		xE = __x + xR - xE + 0.5;
+		yE = __y + yR - yE + 0.5;
+	    }
+	    prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	    DPRINTF(("Arc x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d xB=%d xE=%d yB=%d yE=%d a1=%f a2=%f\n",__x,__y,w,h,(int)xB,(int)xE,(int)yB,(int)yE,angle1,angle2));
+	    Arc(hDC,
+		__x, __y,
+		__x + w, __y + h,
+		(int)xB, (int)yB,
+		(int)xE, (int)yE);
+	    SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	    DeleteObject(hPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
     bad: ;
@@ -1472,57 +1472,57 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-        int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
-        int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
-        int lw;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
+	int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
+	int lw;
 /*      DPRINTF(("displayLine: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n",
-                    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
-                    __x1, __y1));
+		    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
+		    __x1, __y1));
-        lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
-        lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
-            only works with lineWidth = 1  */
-        if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
-        } else
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
-        /*
-         * end-point ...
-         */
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-        DeleteObject(hPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
+	lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
+	    only works with lineWidth = 1  */
+	if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
+	} else
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
+	/*
+	 * end-point ...
+	 */
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	DeleteObject(hPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
@@ -1533,16 +1533,16 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(px, py)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        POINT p;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        int __x = __intVal(px), __y = __intVal(py);
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        SetPixelV(hDC, __x, __y, fgColor);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	POINT p;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	int __x = __intVal(px), __y = __intVal(py);
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	SetPixelV(hDC, __x, __y, fgColor);
+	RETURN ( self );
@@ -1562,79 +1562,79 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      /* && __isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) */
      && __isSmallInteger(numberOfPoints)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        POINT p;
-        DWORD clr = 0 /* 0xFFFFFFFF */;
-        HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-        int lw;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
-        lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
-        lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
-            only works with lineWidth = 1  */
-        if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
-        } else
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
-        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-            point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-            if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
-            px = _point_X(point);
-            py = _point_Y(point);
-            if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py)) {
-                goto fail;
-            }
-        }
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-            point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-            px = _point_X(point);
-            py = _point_Y(point);
-            p.x = __intVal(px);
-            p.y = __intVal(py);
-            if (i == 0) {
-                MoveToEx(hDC, p.x, p.y, NULL);
-            } else {
-                if (i == (num-1)) {
-                    PolylineTo(hDC, &p, 1);
-                } else {
-                    LineTo(hDC, p.x, p.y);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	POINT p;
+	DWORD clr = 0 /* 0xFFFFFFFF */;
+	HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	int lw;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
+	lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
+	lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
+	    only works with lineWidth = 1  */
+	if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
+	} else
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
+	    px = _point_X(point);
+	    py = _point_Y(point);
+	    if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py)) {
+		goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    px = _point_X(point);
+	    py = _point_Y(point);
+	    p.x = __intVal(px);
+	    p.y = __intVal(py);
+	    if (i == 0) {
+		MoveToEx(hDC, p.x, p.y, NULL);
+	    } else {
+		if (i == (num-1)) {
+		    PolylineTo(hDC, &p, 1);
+		} else {
+		    LineTo(hDC, p.x, p.y);
 #ifdef PRE_04_JUN_04
-                    /*
-                     * end-point ...
-                     */
-                    LineTo(hDC, p.x+1, p.y);
+		    /*
+		     * end-point ...
+		     */
+		    LineTo(hDC, p.x+1, p.y);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-        DeleteObject(hPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	DeleteObject(hPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
 fail: ;
@@ -1663,74 +1663,74 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isSmallInteger(numberOfPoints)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        POINT p;
-        HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        int lw;
-        int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
-        lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
-        lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
-            only works with lineWidth = 1  */
-        if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
-            lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
-        } else
-            lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
-        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-            point = __AT_(aPolyline, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-            if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
-            px = _point_X(point);
-            py = _point_Y(point);
-            if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py)) {
-                goto fail;
-            }
-        }
-        hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-            point = __AT_(aPolyline, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-            px = _point_X(point);
-            py = _point_Y(point);
-            p.x = __intVal(px);
-            p.y = __intVal(py);
-            DPRINTF(("printing point"));
-            DPRINTF(("displayPolygon: no pen\n"));
-            if ((i & 1) == 0) {
-                MoveToEx(hDC, p.x, p.y, NULL);
-            } else {
-                LineTo(hDC, p.x, p.y);
-                /*
-                 * end-point ...
-                 */
-                LineTo(hDC, p.x+1, p.y);
-            }
-        }
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-        DeleteObject(hPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	POINT p;
+	HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	int lw;
+	int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
+	lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
+	lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
+	    only works with lineWidth = 1  */
+	if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
+	    lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
+	} else
+	    lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolyline, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
+	    px = _point_X(point);
+	    py = _point_Y(point);
+	    if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py)) {
+		goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
+	hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolyline, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    px = _point_X(point);
+	    py = _point_Y(point);
+	    p.x = __intVal(px);
+	    p.y = __intVal(py);
+	    DPRINTF(("printing point"));
+	    DPRINTF(("displayPolygon: no pen\n"));
+	    if ((i & 1) == 0) {
+		MoveToEx(hDC, p.x, p.y, NULL);
+	    } else {
+		LineTo(hDC, p.x, p.y);
+		/*
+		 * end-point ...
+		 */
+		LineTo(hDC, p.x+1, p.y);
+	    }
+	}
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	DeleteObject(hPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
 fail: ;
@@ -1746,58 +1746,58 @@
      && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
      && __bothSmallInteger(width, height)) {
-        xL = __intVal(x);
-        yT = __intVal(y);
-        w = __intVal(width);
-        h = __intVal(height);
-        DPRINTF(("displayRectangle: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n", xL, yT, w, h));
-        if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
-            HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-            COLORREF fgColor;
-            HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-            int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
-            int lw;
-            lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
-            lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
-                only works with lineWidth = 1  */
-            if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-            } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
-            } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
-            } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
-            } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-            } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
-                lStyleInt= PS_INSIDEFRAME;
-            } else
-                lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
-            fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-            hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
-            prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-            MoveToEx(hDC, xL, yT, NULL);
-            LineTo(hDC, xL+w, yT);       // to top-right
-            LineTo(hDC, xL+w, yT+h);     // to bot-right
-            MoveToEx(hDC, xL, yT, NULL); // back to top-left
-            LineTo(hDC, xL, yT+h);       // to bot-left
-            LineTo(hDC, xL+w+1, yT+h);   // move pen one pixel more
-            SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-            DeleteObject(hPen);
-        }
-        RETURN ( self );
+	xL = __intVal(x);
+	yT = __intVal(y);
+	w = __intVal(width);
+	h = __intVal(height);
+	DPRINTF(("displayRectangle: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n", xL, yT, w, h));
+	if ((w >= 0) && (h >= 0)) {
+	    HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	    COLORREF fgColor;
+	    HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	    int lStyleSymbol, lStyleInt;
+	    int lw;
+	    lw= __intVal(__INST(lineWidth));
+	    lStyleSymbol= __INST(lineStyle);
+		only works with lineWidth = 1  */
+	    if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(solid)) {
+		lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	    } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashed)) {
+		lStyleInt= PS_DASH;
+	    } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dotted)) {
+		lStyleInt= PS_DOT;
+	    } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+		lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOT;
+	    } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+		lStyleInt= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	    } else if (lStyleSymbol == @symbol(insideFrame)) {
+	    } else
+		lStyleInt= PS_SOLID;
+	    fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	    hPen = CreatePen(lStyleInt, lw, fgColor);
+	    prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	    MoveToEx(hDC, xL, yT, NULL);
+	    LineTo(hDC, xL+w, yT);       // to top-right
+	    LineTo(hDC, xL+w, yT+h);     // to bot-right
+	    MoveToEx(hDC, xL, yT, NULL); // back to top-left
+	    LineTo(hDC, xL, yT+h);       // to bot-left
+	    LineTo(hDC, xL+w+1, yT+h);   // move pen one pixel more
+	    SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	    DeleteObject(hPen);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -1810,14 +1810,14 @@
      If the coordinates are not integers, retry with rounded."
-        displayString:aString
-        from:index1
-        to:index2
-        x:x
-        y:y
-        in:aDrawableId
-        with:aGCId
-        opaque:false
+	displayString:aString
+	from:index1
+	to:index2
+	x:x
+	y:y
+	in:aDrawableId
+	with:aGCId
+	opaque:false
 displayString:aString from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:y in:ignoredDrawableId with:aDC opaque:opaque
@@ -2030,29 +2030,29 @@
      If the coordinates are not integers, retry with rounded."
-        displayString:aString
-        x:x
-        y:y
-        in:aDrawableId
-        with:aDC
-        opaque:false
+	displayString:aString
+	x:x
+	y:y
+	in:aDrawableId
+	with:aDC
+	opaque:false
 displayString:aString x:x y:y in:aDrawableId with:aDC opaque:opaque
     "draw a string"
     self displayString:aString
-                  from:1
-                    to:aString size
-                     x:x
-                     y:y
-                     in:aDrawableId
-                     with:aDC
-                     opaque:opaque
+		  from:1
+		    to:aString size
+		     x:x
+		     y:y
+		     in:aDrawableId
+		     with:aDC
+		     opaque:opaque
 fillArcX:x y:y width:width height:height from:startAngle angle:angle
-               in:ignoredDrawableId with:aDC
+	       in:ignoredDrawableId with:aDC
     "fill an arc. If any coordinate is not integer, an error is triggered.
      The angles may be floats or integer - they are given in degrees."
@@ -2061,110 +2061,110 @@
     float angle1, angle2;
     if (__isSmallInteger(startAngle))
-        angle1 = (float)(__intVal(startAngle));
+	angle1 = (float)(__intVal(startAngle));
     else if (__isFloat(startAngle)) {
-        angle1 = __floatVal(startAngle);
+	angle1 = __floatVal(startAngle);
     } else if (__isShortFloat(startAngle)) {
-        angle1 = __shortFloatVal(startAngle);
+	angle1 = __shortFloatVal(startAngle);
     } else goto bad;
     if (__isSmallInteger(angle))
-        angle2 = (float)(__intVal(angle));
+	angle2 = (float)(__intVal(angle));
     else if (__isFloat(angle)) {
-        angle2 = __floatVal(angle);
+	angle2 = __floatVal(angle);
     } else if (__isShortFloat(angle)) {
-        angle2 = __shortFloatVal(angle);
+	angle2 = __shortFloatVal(angle);
     } else goto bad;
     if (angle2 <= 0) {
-        RETURN (self);
+	RETURN (self);
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x, y)
      && __bothSmallInteger(width, height))
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        HBRUSH hBrush, prevBrush;
-        HPEN prevPen = 0;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        w = __intVal(width);
-        h = __intVal(height);
-        __x = __intVal(x);
-        __y = __intVal(y);
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fgColor);
-        prevBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);
-        if (hBrush == 0) {
-            DPRINTF(("fillArc: no brush\n"));
-        } else {
-            HPEN hPen = 0;
-            if (0 /* __isWinNT */) {
-                fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-                hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, fgColor);
-                prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-                if (hPen == 0) {
-                    DPRINTF(("fillArc: no pen\n"));
-                    goto failpen;
-                }
-            } else {
-                prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
-                w++;
-                h++;
-            }
-            {
-                double xB, yB, xE, yE, xR, yR;
-                xR = w / 2;
-                yR = h / 2;
-                if (angle2 - angle1 >= 360) {
-                    xB = xE = __x + xR + 0.5;
-                    yB = yE = __y /*+ yR + 0.5*/;
-                } else {
-                    double sin(), cos();
-                    float rad1, rad2;
-                    if (angle1 <= 180)
-                        angle1 = 180 - angle1;
-                    else
-                        angle1 = 360 + 180 - angle1;
-                    angle2 = angle1 - angle2;
-                    /* sigh - compute the intersections ... */
-                    rad1 = (angle1 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
-                    rad2 = (angle2 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
-                    xB = cos(rad1) * xR;
-                    yB = sin(rad1) * yR;
-                    xE = cos(rad2) * xR;
-                    yE = sin(rad2) * yR;
-                    xB = __x + xR - xB + 0.5;
-                    yB = __y + yR - yB + 0.5;
-                    xE = __x + xR - xE + 0.5;
-                    yE = __y + yR - yE + 0.5;
-                }
-                DPRINTF(("fillArc x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d xB=%d xE=%d yB=%d yE=%d a1=%f a2=%f\n",__x,__y,w,h,(int)xB,(int)xE,(int)yB,(int)yE,angle1,angle2));
-                Pie(hDC,
-                    __x, __y,
-                    __x + w + 1, __y + h + 1,
-                    (int)xB, (int)yB,
-                    (int)xE, (int)yE);
-                if (hPen) {
-                    DeleteObject(hPen);
-                }
-            }
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	HBRUSH hBrush, prevBrush;
+	HPEN prevPen = 0;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	w = __intVal(width);
+	h = __intVal(height);
+	__x = __intVal(x);
+	__y = __intVal(y);
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fgColor);
+	prevBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);
+	if (hBrush == 0) {
+	    DPRINTF(("fillArc: no brush\n"));
+	} else {
+	    HPEN hPen = 0;
+	    if (0 /* __isWinNT */) {
+		fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+		hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, fgColor);
+		prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+		if (hPen == 0) {
+		    DPRINTF(("fillArc: no pen\n"));
+		    goto failpen;
+		}
+	    } else {
+		prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
+		w++;
+		h++;
+	    }
+	    {
+		double xB, yB, xE, yE, xR, yR;
+		xR = w / 2;
+		yR = h / 2;
+		if (angle2 - angle1 >= 360) {
+		    xB = xE = __x + xR + 0.5;
+		    yB = yE = __y /*+ yR + 0.5*/;
+		} else {
+		    double sin(), cos();
+		    float rad1, rad2;
+		    if (angle1 <= 180)
+			angle1 = 180 - angle1;
+		    else
+			angle1 = 360 + 180 - angle1;
+		    angle2 = angle1 - angle2;
+		    /* sigh - compute the intersections ... */
+		    rad1 = (angle1 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
+		    rad2 = (angle2 * 3.14159265359) / 180.0;
+		    xB = cos(rad1) * xR;
+		    yB = sin(rad1) * yR;
+		    xE = cos(rad2) * xR;
+		    yE = sin(rad2) * yR;
+		    xB = __x + xR - xB + 0.5;
+		    yB = __y + yR - yB + 0.5;
+		    xE = __x + xR - xE + 0.5;
+		    yE = __y + yR - yE + 0.5;
+		}
+		DPRINTF(("fillArc x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d xB=%d xE=%d yB=%d yE=%d a1=%f a2=%f\n",__x,__y,w,h,(int)xB,(int)xE,(int)yB,(int)yE,angle1,angle2));
+		Pie(hDC,
+		    __x, __y,
+		    __x + w + 1, __y + h + 1,
+		    (int)xB, (int)yB,
+		    (int)xE, (int)yE);
+		if (hPen) {
+		    DeleteObject(hPen);
+		}
+	    }
-            if (prevPen) SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-            DeleteObject(hPen);
-            SelectObject(hDC, prevBrush);
-            DeleteObject(hBrush);
-        }
-        RETURN ( self );
+	    if (prevPen) SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	    DeleteObject(hPen);
+	    SelectObject(hDC, prevBrush);
+	    DeleteObject(hBrush);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
     bad: ;
@@ -2179,8 +2179,8 @@
     numberOfPoints := aPolygon size.
-        primFillPolygon:aPolygon n:numberOfPoints
-        in:ignoredDrawableId with:aGCId
+	primFillPolygon:aPolygon n:numberOfPoints
+	in:ignoredDrawableId with:aGCId
 fillRectangleX:x y:y width:width height:height in:ignoredDrawableId with:aDC
@@ -2229,60 +2229,60 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isSmallInteger(numberOfPoints)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        POINT p;
-        HBRUSH hBrush, prevBrush;
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
-        if (num < 3) {
-            RETURN ( self );
-        }
-        for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-            point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-            if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
-            px = _point_X(point);
-            py = _point_Y(point);
-            if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py))
-                goto fail;
-        }
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fgColor);
-        if (hBrush == 0) {
-            DPRINTF(("fillPolygon: no brush\n"));
-        } else {
-            HPEN prevPen;
-            prevBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);
-            prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
-            BeginPath(hDC);
-            for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
-                point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
-                px = _point_X(point);
-                py = _point_Y(point);
-                if (i == 0) {
-                    MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(px), __intVal(py), NULL);
-                } else {
-                    if (i == (num-1)) {
-                        p.x = __intVal(px);
-                        p.y = __intVal(py);
-                        PolylineTo(hDC, &p, 1);
-                    } else {
-                        LineTo(hDC, __intVal(px), __intVal(py));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            EndPath(hDC);
-            FillPath(hDC);
-            SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-            SelectObject(hDC, prevBrush);
-            DeleteObject(hBrush);
-        }
-        RETURN ( self );
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	POINT p;
+	HBRUSH hBrush, prevBrush;
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	num = __intVal(numberOfPoints);
+	if (num < 3) {
+	    RETURN ( self );
+	}
+	for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+	    point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+	    if (! __isPoint(point)) goto fail;
+	    px = _point_X(point);
+	    py = _point_Y(point);
+	    if (! __bothSmallInteger(px, py))
+		goto fail;
+	}
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(fgColor);
+	if (hBrush == 0) {
+	    DPRINTF(("fillPolygon: no brush\n"));
+	} else {
+	    HPEN prevPen;
+	    prevBrush = SelectObject(hDC, hBrush);
+	    prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN));
+	    BeginPath(hDC);
+	    for (i=0; i<num; i++) {
+		point = __AT_(aPolygon, __MKSMALLINT(i+1));
+		px = _point_X(point);
+		py = _point_Y(point);
+		if (i == 0) {
+		    MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(px), __intVal(py), NULL);
+		} else {
+		    if (i == (num-1)) {
+			p.x = __intVal(px);
+			p.y = __intVal(py);
+			PolylineTo(hDC, &p, 1);
+		    } else {
+			LineTo(hDC, __intVal(px), __intVal(py));
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	    EndPath(hDC);
+	    FillPath(hDC);
+	    SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	    SelectObject(hDC, prevBrush);
+	    DeleteObject(hBrush);
+	}
+	RETURN ( self );
 fail: ;
@@ -2328,7 +2328,7 @@
 copyFromId:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcGCId to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstGCId
-                width:w height:h
+		width:w height:h
     "do a bit-blt; copy bits from the rectangle defined by
      srcX/srcY and w/h from the sourceId drawable to the rectangle
      below dstX/dstY in the destId drawable. Trigger an error if any
@@ -2341,39 +2341,39 @@
     if (! __isExternalAddressLike(srcGCId)
      || ! __isExternalAddressLike(dstGCId)) {
-        goto fail;
+	goto fail;
     if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h)
      && __bothSmallInteger(srcX, srcY)
      && __bothSmallInteger(dstX, dstY)) {
-        HANDLE srcDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(srcGCId));
-        HANDLE dstDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(dstGCId));
-        int fun, aFunctionSymbol;
-        int src_fg, src_bg, dst_fg, dst_bg;
-        char buf[5];
+	HANDLE srcDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(srcGCId));
+	HANDLE dstDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(dstGCId));
+	int fun, aFunctionSymbol;
+	int src_fg, src_bg, dst_fg, dst_bg;
+	char buf[5];
 //          fun = dstGcData->bitbltrop2;
-        aFunctionSymbol= __INST(function);
-        if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copy)) {
-            fun = SRCCOPY /* R2_COPYPEN */ ;
+	aFunctionSymbol= __INST(function);
+	if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copy)) {
+	    fun = SRCCOPY /* R2_COPYPEN */ ;
 /*            bfun = BITBLT_COPY;                                          */
-        } else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copyInverted)) {
-            fun = NOTSRCCOPY /* R2_NOTCOPYPEN */;
+	} else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(copyInverted)) {
+	    fun = NOTSRCCOPY /* R2_NOTCOPYPEN */;
 /*            bfun = BITBLT_COPYINVERTED;                                  */
-        } else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(xor)) {
-            fun = SRCINVERT /* R2_XORPEN */;
+	} else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(xor)) {
+	    fun = SRCINVERT /* R2_XORPEN */;
 /*            bfun = BITBLT_XOR;                                           */
-        } else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(and)) {
-            fun = SRCAND /* R2_MASKPEN */ ;
+	} else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(and)) {
+	    fun = SRCAND /* R2_MASKPEN */ ;
 /*            bfun = BITBLT_AND;                                           */
-        } else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(or)) {
-            fun = MERGECOPY /* R2_MERGEPEN */ ;
+	} else if (aFunctionSymbol == @symbol(or)) {
+	    fun = MERGECOPY /* R2_MERGEPEN */ ;
 /*            bfun = BITBLT_OR;                                            */
-        }
+	}
     // convert 123 to string [buf]
     // itoa(fun, buf, 10);
@@ -2382,75 +2382,75 @@
 #if 0
-        switch (fun) {
-          case BITBLT_COPY:
-            console_printf("BITBLT_COPY\n");
-            break;
-          case BITBLT_COPYINVERTED:
-            console_printf("BITBLT_COPYINVERTED\n");
-            break;
-          case BITBLT_XOR:
-            console_printf("BITBLT_XOR\n");
-            break;
-          case BITBLT_AND:
-            console_printf("BITBLT_AND\n");
-            break;
-          case BITBLT_OR:
-            console_printf("BITBLT_OR\n");
-            break;
-        }
+	switch (fun) {
+	  case BITBLT_COPY:
+	    console_printf("BITBLT_COPY\n");
+	    break;
+	    console_printf("BITBLT_COPYINVERTED\n");
+	    break;
+	  case BITBLT_XOR:
+	    console_printf("BITBLT_XOR\n");
+	    break;
+	  case BITBLT_AND:
+	    console_printf("BITBLT_AND\n");
+	    break;
+	  case BITBLT_OR:
+	    console_printf("BITBLT_OR\n");
+	    break;
+	}
 //          fun = dstGcData->bitbltrop2;
-        if (0 /* fun == BITBLT_COPY */) {
-            src_fg = dst_fg = 0xFFFFFF;
-            src_bg = dst_bg = 0x000000;
-        } else {
-            src_fg = GetTextColor(srcDC) /* srcGcData->fgColor */;
-            src_bg = GetBkColor(dstDC) /* srcGcData->bgColor */;
-            dst_fg = GetTextColor(srcDC) /* dstGcData->fgColor */;
-            dst_bg = GetBkColor(dstDC) /* dstGcData->bgColor */;
-        }
-        SetBkColor(dstDC, dst_fg);
-        SetTextColor(dstDC, dst_bg);
-        SetBkColor(srcDC, src_fg);
-        SetTextColor(srcDC, src_bg);
+	if (0 /* fun == BITBLT_COPY */) {
+	    src_fg = dst_fg = 0xFFFFFF;
+	    src_bg = dst_bg = 0x000000;
+	} else {
+	    src_fg = GetTextColor(srcDC) /* srcGcData->fgColor */;
+	    src_bg = GetBkColor(dstDC) /* srcGcData->bgColor */;
+	    dst_fg = GetTextColor(srcDC) /* dstGcData->fgColor */;
+	    dst_bg = GetBkColor(dstDC) /* dstGcData->bgColor */;
+	}
+	SetBkColor(dstDC, dst_fg);
+	SetTextColor(dstDC, dst_bg);
+	SetBkColor(srcDC, src_fg);
+	SetTextColor(srcDC, src_bg);
-        CPRINTF(("bitblt src f:%x b:%x",GetTextColor(srcDC),GetBkColor(srcDC)));
-        CPRINTF(("dst f:%x b:%x\n",GetTextColor(dstDC),GetBkColor(dstDC)));
+	CPRINTF(("bitblt src f:%x b:%x",GetTextColor(srcDC),GetBkColor(srcDC)));
+	CPRINTF(("dst f:%x b:%x\n",GetTextColor(dstDC),GetBkColor(dstDC)));
-        if (BitBlt(dstDC,
-             __intVal(dstX), __intVal(dstY),
-             __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
-             srcDC,
-             __intVal(srcX), __intVal(srcY),
-             fun)
-           == 0
-          ) {
-            console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstation [info]: ERROR in BitBlt\n");
-        }
+	if (BitBlt(dstDC,
+	     __intVal(dstX), __intVal(dstY),
+	     __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
+	     srcDC,
+	     __intVal(srcX), __intVal(srcY),
+	     fun)
+	   == 0
+	  ) {
+	    console_fprintf(stderr, "WinWorkstation [info]: ERROR in BitBlt\n");
+	}
-        if (dstGcData != srcGcData) {
-            SetBkColor(dstDC, dstGcData->bgColor);
-            SetTextColor(dstDC, dstGcData->fgColor);
-        }
-        SetBkColor(srcDC, srcGcData->bgColor);
-        SetTextColor(srcDC, srcGcData->fgColor);
+	if (dstGcData != srcGcData) {
+	    SetBkColor(dstDC, dstGcData->bgColor);
+	    SetTextColor(dstDC, dstGcData->fgColor);
+	}
+	SetBkColor(srcDC, srcGcData->bgColor);
+	SetTextColor(srcDC, srcGcData->fgColor);
-        if (srcGcData != dstGcData) {
-            _releaseDC(srcGcData);
-        }
-        _releaseDC(dstGcData);
+	if (srcGcData != dstGcData) {
+	    _releaseDC(srcGcData);
+	}
+	_releaseDC(dstGcData);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	RETURN ( self );
  fail: ;
@@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@
 copyPlaneFromId:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcDCId to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstDCId
-                width:w height:h
+		width:w height:h
     "do a bit-blt, but only copy the low-bit plane;
      copy bits from the rectangle defined by
      srcX/srcY and w/h from the sourceId drawable to the rectangle
@@ -2476,10 +2476,10 @@
      argument is not integer."
     ^ self
-        copyFromId:sourceId
-                 x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcDCId
-                to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstDCId
-             width:w height:h
+	copyFromId:sourceId
+		 x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcDCId
+		to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstDCId
+	     width:w height:h
 copyPlaneFromPixmapId:sourceId x:srcX y:srcY gc:srcGCId to:destId x:dstX y:dstY gc:dstGCId width:w height:h
@@ -2497,7 +2497,7 @@
     bitmapId := self primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h.
     bitmapId isNil ifTrue:[
-        'WINWORKSTATION: cannot create bitmap' errorPrintCR.
+	'WINWORKSTATION: cannot create bitmap' errorPrintCR.
     ^ bitmapId
@@ -2512,23 +2512,23 @@
     /*console_printf("CreateBitmap Color\n");*/
     if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h) && __isSmallInteger(d) /*&& ISCONNECTED */) {
-        if (__intVal(d) == 1) {
-            newBitmapHandle = CreateBitmap(__intVal(w), __intVal(h) , 1, 1, NULL);
-        } else {
+	if (__intVal(d) == 1) {
+	    newBitmapHandle = CreateBitmap(__intVal(w), __intVal(h) , 1, 1, NULL);
+	} else {
 #if 0
-            if (__intVal(d) != __depth) {
-                console_printf("invalid depth\n");
-                RETURN (nil);
-            }
+	    if (__intVal(d) != __depth) {
+		console_printf("invalid depth\n");
+		RETURN (nil);
+	    }
-            newBitmapHandle = CreateCompatibleBitmap(rootDC, __intVal(w), __intVal(h) );
-        }
-        if (newBitmapHandle) {
-            RETURN ( __MKOBJ(newBitmapHandle));
-        }
+	    newBitmapHandle = CreateCompatibleBitmap(rootDC, __intVal(w), __intVal(h) );
+	}
+	if (newBitmapHandle) {
+	    RETURN ( __MKOBJ(newBitmapHandle));
+	}
-        DPRINTF(("empty bitmap handle = %x\n", newBitmapHandle));
+	DPRINTF(("empty bitmap handle = %x\n", newBitmapHandle));
     RETURN (nil);
@@ -2539,23 +2539,23 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId) /* && ISCONNECTED */ ) {
-        HANDLE bitmapHandle = _HANDLEVal(aDrawableId);
-        if (bitmapHandle) {
-            DeleteObject(bitmapHandle);
-        /*    _DeleteObject(bitmapHandle, __LINE__);    */
-        }
+	HANDLE bitmapHandle = _HANDLEVal(aDrawableId);
+	if (bitmapHandle) {
+	    DeleteObject(bitmapHandle);
+	/*    _DeleteObject(bitmapHandle, __LINE__);    */
+	}
 drawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth padding:padd
-                          width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
-                              x:srcx y:srcy
-                           into:ignoredDrawableId
-                              x:dstx y:dsty
-                          width:w height:h
-                           with:aGCId
+			  width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
+			      x:srcx y:srcy
+			   into:ignoredDrawableId
+			      x:dstx y:dsty
+			  width:w height:h
+			   with:aGCId
     "draw a bitImage which has depth id, width iw and height ih into
      the drawable. draw a region of w/h pixels from srcx/srcy to dstx/dsty.
@@ -2571,74 +2571,21 @@
      an unlimited stack, and thus cannot send primitiveFailed
     (self primDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth padding:padd
-                                        width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
-                                             x:srcx y:srcy
-                                          into:ignoredDrawableId
-                                             x:dstx y:dsty
-                                         width:w height:h
-                                          with:aGCId)
+					width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
+					     x:srcx y:srcy
+					  into:ignoredDrawableId
+					     x:dstx y:dsty
+					 width:w height:h
+					  with:aGCId)
-        "
-         also happens, if a segmentation violation occurs in the
-         XPutImage ...
-        "
-        self primitiveFailed
+	"
+	 also happens, if a segmentation violation occurs in the
+	 XPutImage ...
+	"
+	self primitiveFailed
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)){
-        BITMAP bitmap;
-        HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(aDrawableId);
-        HBITMAP memBM;
-        HANDLE compatibleDC, rootDC, hdcScreen;
-   //     HANDLE printerDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
-        if (! hBitmap) {
-            RETURN (nil);
-        }
-        if (GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap)) {
-            DDPRINTF(("bitmap info:%d\n", bitmap.bmBitsPixel));
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(("noinfo returned for bitmap\n"));
-            /* mhmh - can this happen ? */
-            bitmap.bmBitsPixel = 1;
-        }
-        gcData->hBitmap = hBitmap;
-        gcData->bitmapColorBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
-        rootDC  = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(rootDC);
-        SelectObject(compatibleDC, hBitmap);
-   //     hdcScreen= CreateDC("NULL", NULL, NULL, NULL);
-   //       compatibleDC =  rootDC;
-   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(printerDC);
-   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
-   //     memBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( compatibleDC, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight );
-   //     SelectObject ( compatibleDC, memBM );
-        RETURN (__MKOBJ(compatibleDC));
-        RETURN ( __MKOBJ(gcData) );
-    }
-    RETURN (nil);
 primCreateBitmapFromArray:anArray width:w height:h
@@ -2654,70 +2601,70 @@
     if (__bothSmallInteger(w, h)
      && _isNonNilObject(anArray)) {
-        OBJ cls = __qClass(anArray);
-        b_width = __intVal(w);
-        b_height = __intVal(h);
-        bytesPerRowST = (b_width + 7) / 8;
-        bytesPerRowWN = ((b_width + 15) / 16) * 2;
-        padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
-        if ((padding == 0) && (cls == @global(ByteArray))) {
-            b_bits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
-            cp = 0;
-        } else {
-            int nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
-            if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
-                cp = b_bits = fastBits;
-            } else {
-                cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
-                if (! cp) goto fail;
-            }
-        }
-        if (cp) {
-            if (cls == @global(Array)) {
-                OBJ *op;
-                index = 1;
-                op = &(__ArrayInstPtr(anArray)->a_element[index - 1]);
-                for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
-                    for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
-                        num = *op++;
-                        if (! __isSmallInteger(num))
-                            goto fail;
-                        *cp++ = __intVal(num);
-                    }
-                    cp += padding;
-                }
-            } else if (cls == @global(ByteArray)) {
-                unsigned char *pBits;
-                pBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
-                for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
-                    for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
-                        *cp++ = ( *pBits++ /*^ 0xFF*/ );
-                    }
-                    cp += padding;
-                }
-            } else {
-                goto fail;
-            }
-        }
+	OBJ cls = __qClass(anArray);
+	b_width = __intVal(w);
+	b_height = __intVal(h);
+	bytesPerRowST = (b_width + 7) / 8;
+	bytesPerRowWN = ((b_width + 15) / 16) * 2;
+	padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
+	if ((padding == 0) && (cls == @global(ByteArray))) {
+	    b_bits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
+	    cp = 0;
+	} else {
+	    int nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
+	    if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
+		cp = b_bits = fastBits;
+	    } else {
+		cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
+		if (! cp) goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (cp) {
+	    if (cls == @global(Array)) {
+		OBJ *op;
+		index = 1;
+		op = &(__ArrayInstPtr(anArray)->a_element[index - 1]);
+		for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
+		    for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
+			num = *op++;
+			if (! __isSmallInteger(num))
+			    goto fail;
+			*cp++ = __intVal(num);
+		    }
+		    cp += padding;
+		}
+	    } else if (cls == @global(ByteArray)) {
+		unsigned char *pBits;
+		pBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(anArray)->ba_element;
+		for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
+		    for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
+			*cp++ = ( *pBits++ /*^ 0xFF*/ );
+		    }
+		    cp += padding;
+		}
+	    } else {
+		goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
-        CPRINTF(("create bitmap ...\n"));
+	CPRINTF(("create bitmap ...\n"));
-        newBitmapHandle = CreateBitmap(b_width, b_height, 1, 1, b_bits );
-        if (newBitmapHandle ) {
+	newBitmapHandle = CreateBitmap(b_width, b_height, 1, 1, b_bits );
+	if (newBitmapHandle ) {
-            DDPRINTF(("returning bitmap %x ...\n", newBitmapHandle));
+	    DDPRINTF(("returning bitmap %x ...\n", newBitmapHandle));
-            if (allocatedBits) {
-                free(allocatedBits);
-            }
-            RETURN ( __MKOBJ(newBitmapHandle));
-        }
+	    if (allocatedBits) {
+		free(allocatedBits);
+	    }
+	    RETURN ( __MKOBJ(newBitmapHandle));
+	}
 fail: ;
@@ -2725,9 +2672,9 @@
     if (allocatedBits) {
-        CPRINTF(("freeing up bitmap bits ...\n"));
+	CPRINTF(("freeing up bitmap bits ...\n"));
-        free(allocatedBits);
+	free(allocatedBits);
     CPRINTF(("returning nil ...\n"));
@@ -2737,12 +2684,12 @@
 primDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth padding:padd
-                              width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
-                                  x:srcx y:srcy
-                               into:ignoredDrawableId
-                                  x:dstx y:dsty
-                              width:w height:h
-                               with:aGCId
+			      width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
+				  x:srcx y:srcy
+			       into:ignoredDrawableId
+				  x:dstx y:dsty
+			      width:w height:h
+			       with:aGCId
     "since XPutImage may allocate huge amount of stack space
      (some implementations use alloca), this must run with unlimited stack."
@@ -2754,9 +2701,9 @@
     unsigned char *__imageBits = 0;
     if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-        __imageBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+	__imageBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
     } else if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-        __imageBits = (unsigned char *)(__externalBytesAddress(imageBits));
+	__imageBits = (unsigned char *)(__externalBytesAddress(imageBits));
     if (/* ISCONNECTED
@@ -2769,120 +2716,120 @@
      && __isSmallInteger(padd)
      && __imageBits)
-        struct
-        {
-          BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader;
-          DWORD r;
-          DWORD g;
-          DWORD b;
-        } bitmap;
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aGCId));
-        HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(__INST(drawableId));
+	struct
+	{
+	  DWORD r;
+	  DWORD g;
+	  DWORD b;
+	} bitmap;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aGCId));
+	HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(__INST(drawableId));
-        DDPRINTF(("hDC = %x\n", hDC));
+	DDPRINTF(("hDC = %x\n", hDC));
-        if (__intVal(padd) != WIN32PADDING) {
-            int row, col;
-            unsigned char *cp;
-            unsigned char *pBits;
-            int b_width, b_height, bytesPerRowST, bytesPerRowWN, padding, nBytes;
-            int bi = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
-            b_width = __intVal(w);
-            b_height = __intVal(h);
-            bytesPerRowST = (b_width * bi + (__intVal(padd)-1)) / __intVal(padd);
-            bytesPerRowWN = (b_width * bi + (WIN32PADDING-1)) / WIN32PADDING * (WIN32PADDING/8);
-            padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
-            nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
-            /*console_printf("padd %d bs %d bw %d p %d\n",__intVal(padd),bytesPerRowST,bytesPerRowWN,padding);*/
-            if (padding) {
-                if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
-                    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
-                } else {
-                    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
-                }
-                if (cp) {
-                    pBits = __imageBits;
-                    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
-                        for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
-                            *cp++ = *pBits++;
-                        }
-                        cp += padding;
-                    }
-                } else
-                    goto fail;
-            }
-        }
-        if (b_bits == 0) {
-            b_bits = __imageBits;
-        }
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
-        if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 24) {
-            /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
-            bitmap.r = 0xff0000;
-            bitmap.g = 0x00ff00;
-            bitmap.b = 0x0000ff;*/
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-        } else if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 16) {
-            /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
-            bitmap.b = 0x001f;
-            bitmap.g = 0x07e0;
-            bitmap.r = 0xf800;*/
-            bitmap.b = 0;
-            bitmap.g = 0;
-            bitmap.r = 0;
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-        }
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth = __intVal(imageWidth);
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(__intVal(imageHeight));
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
-        /*console_printf("drawBits depth:%d bitsPerPixel:%d IW%d W:%d H:%d\n",__intVal(imageDepth),bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount,bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth,__intVal(w),bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight);*/
-        SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC,__intVal(dstx),__intVal(dsty),
-                              __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
-                              __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),
-                              0,__intVal(h),
-                              (void *)b_bits,
-                              (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+	if (__intVal(padd) != WIN32PADDING) {
+	    int row, col;
+	    unsigned char *cp;
+	    unsigned char *pBits;
+	    int b_width, b_height, bytesPerRowST, bytesPerRowWN, padding, nBytes;
+	    int bi = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
+	    b_width = __intVal(w);
+	    b_height = __intVal(h);
+	    bytesPerRowST = (b_width * bi + (__intVal(padd)-1)) / __intVal(padd);
+	    bytesPerRowWN = (b_width * bi + (WIN32PADDING-1)) / WIN32PADDING * (WIN32PADDING/8);
+	    padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
+	    nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
+	    /*console_printf("padd %d bs %d bw %d p %d\n",__intVal(padd),bytesPerRowST,bytesPerRowWN,padding);*/
+	    if (padding) {
+		if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
+		    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
+		} else {
+		    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
+		}
+		if (cp) {
+		    pBits = __imageBits;
+		    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
+			for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
+			    *cp++ = *pBits++;
+			}
+			cp += padding;
+		    }
+		} else
+		    goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (b_bits == 0) {
+	    b_bits = __imageBits;
+	}
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+	if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 24) {
+	    /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
+	    bitmap.r = 0xff0000;
+	    bitmap.g = 0x00ff00;
+	    bitmap.b = 0x0000ff;*/
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	} else if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 16) {
+	    /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
+	    bitmap.b = 0x001f;
+	    bitmap.g = 0x07e0;
+	    bitmap.r = 0xf800;*/
+	    bitmap.b = 0;
+	    bitmap.g = 0;
+	    bitmap.r = 0;
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	}
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth = __intVal(imageWidth);
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(__intVal(imageHeight));
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
+	/*console_printf("drawBits depth:%d bitsPerPixel:%d IW%d W:%d H:%d\n",__intVal(imageDepth),bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount,bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth,__intVal(w),bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight);*/
+	SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC,__intVal(dstx),__intVal(dsty),
+			      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
+			      __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),
+			      0,__intVal(h),
+			      (void *)b_bits,
+			      (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
-        SetDIBits(hDC,hBitmap,
-                              0,__intVal(h),
-                              (void *)b_bits,
-                              (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+	SetDIBits(hDC,hBitmap,
+			      0,__intVal(h),
+			      (void *)b_bits,
+			      (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
-        StretchDIBits(hDC,
-                      __intVal(dstx),(__intVal(dsty)),            //  x & y coord of destination upper-left corner
-                      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),                 // width & height of destination rectangle
-                      __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),           // x & y coord of source upper-left corner
-                      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),                 // width & height of source rectangle
-                      (void *)b_bits,                           // bitmap bits
-                      (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,                     // bitmap data
-                      DIB_RGB_COLORS,                           // usage options
-                      SRCCOPY                                   // raster operation code
-        );
+	StretchDIBits(hDC,
+		      __intVal(dstx),(__intVal(dsty)),            //  x & y coord of destination upper-left corner
+		      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),                 // width & height of destination rectangle
+		      __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),           // x & y coord of source upper-left corner
+		      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),                 // width & height of source rectangle
+		      (void *)b_bits,                           // bitmap bits
+		      (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,                     // bitmap data
+		      DIB_RGB_COLORS,                           // usage options
+		      SRCCOPY                                   // raster operation code
+	);
-        if (allocatedBits) {
-            free(allocatedBits);
-        }
+	if (allocatedBits) {
+	    free(allocatedBits);
+	}
 #ifndef CACHE_LAST_DC
-        _releaseDC(gcData);
+	_releaseDC(gcData);
-        RETURN ( true );
+	RETURN ( true );
 fail: ;
@@ -2891,14 +2838,14 @@
     if (allocatedBits) {
-        PRINTF(("freeing up temp bitmap bits ...\n"));
+	PRINTF(("freeing up temp bitmap bits ...\n"));
-        free(allocatedBits);
+	free(allocatedBits);
 #ifndef CACHE_LAST_DC
     if (hDC) {
-        _releaseDC(gcData);
+	_releaseDC(gcData);
@@ -2978,191 +2925,6 @@
 "/    ^ bitsRed
      ^Display shiftRed
-%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
-    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)){
-        BITMAP bitmap;
-        HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(aDrawableId);
-        HBITMAP memBM;
-        HANDLE compatibleDC, rootDC, hdcScreen;
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
-        if (! hBitmap) {
-            RETURN (nil);
-        }
-        if (GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap)) {
-            DDPRINTF(("bitmap info:%d\n", bitmap.bmBitsPixel));
-        } else {
-            DPRINTF(("noinfo returned for bitmap\n"));
-            /* mhmh - can this happen ? */
-            bitmap.bmBitsPixel = 1;
-        }
-        gcData->hBitmap = hBitmap;
-        gcData->bitmapColorBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
-        rootDC  = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
-        SelectObject(compatibleDC, hBitmap);
-   //     hdcScreen= CreateDC("NULL", NULL, NULL, NULL);
-   //       compatibleDC =  rootDC;
-   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
-   //         compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
-   //     memBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( compatibleDC, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight );
-   //     SelectObject ( compatibleDC, memBM );
-        RETURN (__MKOBJ(compatibleDC));
-        RETURN ( __MKOBJ(gcData) );
-    }
-    RETURN (nil);
-xprimDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth padding:padd width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
-                                  x:srcx y:srcy
-                               into:ignoredDrawableId
-                                  x:dstx y:dsty
-                              width:w height:h
-                               with:aDC
-    "since XPutImage may allocate huge amount of stack space
-     (some implementations use alloca), this must run with unlimited stack."
-    unsigned char fastBits[10000];
-    unsigned char *b_bits = 0;
-    unsigned char *allocatedBits = 0;
-    unsigned char *__imageBits = 0;
-    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
-        __imageBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
-    } else if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
-        __imageBits = (unsigned char *)(__externalBytesAddress(imageBits));
-    }
-    if (/* ISCONNECTED
-     && */  __isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(srcx, srcy)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(dstx, dsty)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(imageWidth, imageHeight)
-     && __bothSmallInteger(imageDepth, bitsPerPixel)
-     && __isSmallInteger(padd)
-     && __imageBits)
-     {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        struct
-        {
-          BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader;
-          DWORD r;
-          DWORD g;
-          DWORD b;
-        } bitmap;
-        if (__intVal(padd) != WIN32PADDING) {
-            int row, col;
-            unsigned char *cp;
-            unsigned char *pBits;
-            int b_width, b_height, bytesPerRowST, bytesPerRowWN, padding, nBytes;
-            int bi = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
-            b_width = __intVal(w);
-            b_height = __intVal(h);
-            bytesPerRowST = (b_width * bi + (__intVal(padd)-1)) / __intVal(padd);
-            bytesPerRowWN = (b_width * bi + (WIN32PADDING-1)) / WIN32PADDING * (WIN32PADDING/8);
-            padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
-            nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
-            /*console_printf("padd %d bs %d bw %d p %d\n",__intVal(padd),bytesPerRowST,bytesPerRowWN,padding);*/
-            if (padding) {
-                if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
-                    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
-                } else {
-                    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
-                }
-                if (cp) {
-                    pBits = __imageBits;
-                    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
-                        for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
-                            *cp++ = *pBits++;
-                        }
-                        cp += padding;
-                    }
-                } else
-                    goto fail;
-            }
-        }
-        if (b_bits == 0) {
-            b_bits = __imageBits;
-        }
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
-        if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 24) {
-            /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
-            bitmap.r = 0xff0000;
-            bitmap.g = 0x00ff00;
-            bitmap.b = 0x0000ff;*/
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-        } else if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 16) {
-            /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
-            bitmap.b = 0x001f;
-            bitmap.g = 0x07e0;
-            bitmap.r = 0xf800;*/
-            bitmap.b = 0;
-            bitmap.g = 0;
-            bitmap.r = 0;
-            bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
-        }
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth = __intVal(imageWidth);
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(__intVal(imageHeight));
-        bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
-        /*console_printf("drawBits depth:%d bitsPerPixel:%d IW%d W:%d H:%d\n",__intVal(imageDepth),bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount,bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth,__intVal(w),bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight);*/
-        SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC,__intVal(dstx),__intVal(dsty),
-                              __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
-                              __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),
-                              0,__intVal(h),
-                              (void *)b_bits,
-                              (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
-        if (allocatedBits) {
-            free(allocatedBits);
-        }
-        RETURN ( true );
-    }
-fail: ;
-    PRINTF(("create temp bitmap FAILED!!!\n"));
-    if (allocatedBits) {
-        PRINTF(("freeing up temp bitmap bits ...\n"));
-        free(allocatedBits);
-    }
-    ^ false
 ! !
 !WinPrinterContext methodsFor:'font stuff'!
@@ -3177,24 +2939,24 @@
     char *fn;
     if (__isString(aFontName) || __isSymbol(aFontName)) {
-        fn = __stringVal(aFontName);
-        if ((strcmp(fn, "fixed") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "ANSI_FIXED_FONT") == 0)) {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
-        } else if ((strcmp(fn, "variable") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "ANSI_VAR_FONT") == 0)) {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT);
-        } else if ((strcmp(fn, "system") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "SYSTEM_FONT") == 0)) {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
-        } else if ((strcmp(fn, "systemFixed") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT") == 0)) {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT);
-        } else if ((strcmp(fn, "deviceDefault") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT") == 0)) {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT);
-        } else {
-            hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
-        }
-        if (hFont) {
-            DPRINTF(("createFontFor:%s -> %x\n", fn, hFont));
-            RETURN ( __MKOBJ(hFont) );
-        }
+	fn = __stringVal(aFontName);
+	if ((strcmp(fn, "fixed") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "ANSI_FIXED_FONT") == 0)) {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
+	} else if ((strcmp(fn, "variable") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "ANSI_VAR_FONT") == 0)) {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_VAR_FONT);
+	} else if ((strcmp(fn, "system") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "SYSTEM_FONT") == 0)) {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
+	} else if ((strcmp(fn, "systemFixed") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT") == 0)) {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT);
+	} else if ((strcmp(fn, "deviceDefault") == 0) || (strcmp(fn, "DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT") == 0)) {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT);
+	} else {
+	    hFont = GetStockObject(ANSI_FIXED_FONT);
+	}
+	if (hFont) {
+	    DPRINTF(("createFontFor:%s -> %x\n", fn, hFont));
+	    RETURN ( __MKOBJ(hFont) );
+	}
     ^ nil
@@ -3207,8 +2969,8 @@
     rawData := Array new:15.
     (self primFontMetricsOf:fontId hdc:gcId intoArray:rawData) isNil ifTrue:[
-        self primitiveFailed.
-        ^ self
+	self primitiveFailed.
+	^ self
     rawData at:11 put:#'ms-ansi'.
@@ -3239,7 +3001,7 @@
 getFontWithFamily:familyString face:faceString
-            style:styleArgString size:sizeArg encoding:encodingSym
+	    style:styleArgString size:sizeArg encoding:encodingSym
     "try to get the specified font, if not available, try the next smaller
@@ -3250,94 +3012,94 @@
     "special: if face is nil, allow access to X-fonts"
     faceString isNil ifTrue:[
-        sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
-            theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            theName := familyString
-        ].
-        theName isNil ifTrue:[
-            "
-             mhmh - fall back to the default font
-            "
-            theName := 'fixed'
-        ].
-        theId := self createFontFor:theName.
-        theId isNil ifTrue:[
-            theId := self getDefaultFont
-        ].
-        ^ theId
+	sizeArg notNil ifTrue:[
+	    theName := familyString , '-' , sizeArg printString
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    theName := familyString
+	].
+	theName isNil ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     mhmh - fall back to the default font
+	    "
+	    theName := 'fixed'
+	].
+	theId := self createFontFor:theName.
+	theId isNil ifTrue:[
+	    theId := self getDefaultFont
+	].
+	^ theId
     "/ spacing other than 'normal' is contained as last component
     "/ in style
     styleString notNil ifTrue:[
-        ((styleString endsWith:'-narrow')
-         or:[styleString endsWith:'-semicondensed']) ifTrue:[
-            |i|
-            i := styleString lastIndexOf:$-.
-            spacing := styleString copyFrom:(i+1).
-            styleString := styleString copyTo:(i-1).
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            spacing := 'normal'.
-        ].
+	((styleString endsWith:'-narrow')
+	 or:[styleString endsWith:'-semicondensed']) ifTrue:[
+	    |i|
+	    i := styleString lastIndexOf:$-.
+	    spacing := styleString copyFrom:(i+1).
+	    styleString := styleString copyTo:(i-1).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    spacing := 'normal'.
+	].
     xlatedStyle := styleString.
     xlatedStyle notNil ifTrue:[
-        xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
+	xlatedStyle := xlatedStyle first asString
     id := self
-            getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-            family:familyString asLowercase
-            weight:faceString
-            slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
-            spacing:spacing
-            pixelSize:nil
-            size:sizeArg
-            registry:'*'
-            encoding:encodingSym.
+	    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+	    family:familyString asLowercase
+	    weight:faceString
+	    slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
+	    spacing:spacing
+	    pixelSize:nil
+	    size:sizeArg
+	    registry:'*'
+	    encoding:encodingSym.
     id isNil ifTrue:[
-        (encodingSym notNil and:[encodingSym ~= '*']) ifTrue:[
-            "/ too stupid: encodings come in both cases
-            "/
-            id := self
-                    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-                    family:familyString asLowercase
-                    weight:faceString
-                    slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
-                    spacing:spacing
-                    pixelSize:nil
-                    size:sizeArg
-                    registry:'*'
-                    encoding:encodingSym asUppercase.
-            id isNil ifTrue:[
-                id := self
-                        getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-                        family:familyString asLowercase
-                        weight:faceString
-                        slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
-                        spacing:spacing
-                        pixelSize:nil
-                        size:sizeArg
-                        registry:'*'
-                        encoding:encodingSym asLowercase.
-                id isNil ifTrue:[
-                    id := self
-                            getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-                            family:familyString asLowercase
-                            weight:faceString asLowercase
-                            slant:styleString asLowercase
-                            spacing:spacing
-                            pixelSize:nil
-                            size:sizeArg
-                            registry:'*'
-                            encoding:encodingSym asLowercase.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	(encodingSym notNil and:[encodingSym ~= '*']) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ too stupid: encodings come in both cases
+	    "/
+	    id := self
+		    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+		    family:familyString asLowercase
+		    weight:faceString
+		    slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
+		    spacing:spacing
+		    pixelSize:nil
+		    size:sizeArg
+		    registry:'*'
+		    encoding:encodingSym asUppercase.
+	    id isNil ifTrue:[
+		id := self
+			getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+			family:familyString asLowercase
+			weight:faceString
+			slant:styleString "/ xlatedStyle
+			spacing:spacing
+			pixelSize:nil
+			size:sizeArg
+			registry:'*'
+			encoding:encodingSym asLowercase.
+		id isNil ifTrue:[
+		    id := self
+			    getFontWithFoundry:'*'
+			    family:familyString asLowercase
+			    weight:faceString asLowercase
+			    slant:styleString asLowercase
+			    spacing:spacing
+			    pixelSize:nil
+			    size:sizeArg
+			    registry:'*'
+			    encoding:encodingSym asLowercase.
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ id
@@ -3346,8 +3108,8 @@
 getFontWithFoundry:foundry family:family weight:weight
-              slant:slant spacing:spc pixelSize:pixelSize size:pointSize
-              registry:registry encoding:encoding
+	      slant:slant spacing:spc pixelSize:pixelSize size:pointSize
+	      registry:registry encoding:encoding
     "get the specified font, if not available, return nil.
      For now, this is a poor (incomplete) emulation of the X code ...
@@ -3367,43 +3129,43 @@
      Windows-NT/95 allows the creation of a font with the following parameters
-        nHeight
-        nWidth
-        nEscapement
-        nOrientation
-        fnWeight        FW_DONTCARE, FW_NORMAL, FW_MEDIUM, FW_BOLD, ...
-        fdwItalic       TRUE or FALSE
-        fdwUnderline    TRUE or FALSE
-        fdwStrikeOut    TRUE or FALSE
-        fdwCharSet      ANSI_CHARSET, UNICODE_, SYMBOL_, SHIFTJIS_,...
-        fdwOutputPrecision      DEFAULT, STRING, CHAR, ...
-        fdwClipPrecision        DEFAULT, CHAR, STROKE, MASK, ...
-        fdwQuality      DEFAULT, DRAFT, or PROOF.
-        fdwPitchAndFamily
-                DEFAULT, FIXED or VARIABLE pitch
-        lpszFace
-                Typeface Name
+	nHeight
+	nWidth
+	nEscapement
+	nOrientation
+	fdwItalic       TRUE or FALSE
+	fdwUnderline    TRUE or FALSE
+	fdwStrikeOut    TRUE or FALSE
+	fdwOutputPrecision      DEFAULT, STRING, CHAR, ...
+	fdwClipPrecision        DEFAULT, CHAR, STROKE, MASK, ...
+	fdwQuality      DEFAULT, DRAFT, or PROOF.
+	fdwPitchAndFamily
+	lpszFace
+		Typeface Name
       These two above descriptions will be matched as follows:
-        foundry   - ignored
-        family    - mapped to type face name.
-        weight    - mapped to fnWeight
-        slant     - used for style
-        spacing   - NOT USED INITIALLY
-        pixelSize - NOT USED INITIALLY
-        size      - mapped to nHeight
-        registry  - NOT USED INITIALLY
-        encoding  - mapped to fdwCharSet
+	foundry   - ignored
+	family    - mapped to type face name.
+	weight    - mapped to fnWeight
+	slant     - used for style
+	spacing   - NOT USED INITIALLY
+	size      - mapped to nHeight
+	registry  - NOT USED INITIALLY
+	encoding  - mapped to fdwCharSet
     pixelSize notNil ifTrue:[
-        logSize := pixelSize
+	logSize := pixelSize
     ] ifFalse:[
-        logSize := (pointSize * (self getLogicalPixelSizeY) / 72.0) rounded.
+	logSize := (pointSize * (self getLogicalPixelSizeY) / 72.0) rounded.
     HGDIOBJ hFont;
@@ -3438,152 +3200,152 @@
     fdwCharSet   = ANSI_CHARSET;
     if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-ansi'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = ANSI_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = ANSI_CHARSET;
     } else if (encoding == @symbol('ms-default')) {
-        fdwCharSet   = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-symbol'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('misc-fontspecific'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('misc-fontspecific'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = SYMBOL_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-shiftjis'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('jisx0208.1983-0'))){
-        fdwCharSet   = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('jisx0208.1983-0'))){
+	fdwCharSet   = SHIFTJIS_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-gb2312'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('gb2312.1980-0'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = GB2312_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('gb2312.1980-0'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = GB2312_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-hangeul'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ksc5601.1987-0'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = HANGEUL_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ksc5601.1987-0'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = HANGEUL_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-chinesebig5'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('big5'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('big5'))) {
     } else if (encoding == @symbol('ms-oem')) {
-        fdwCharSet   = OEM_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = OEM_CHARSET;
     } else if (encoding == @symbol('ms-johab')) {
-        fdwCharSet   = JOHAB_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = JOHAB_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-hebrew'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1255'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = HEBREW_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1255'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = HEBREW_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-arabic'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1256'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = ARABIC_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1256'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = ARABIC_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-greek'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1253'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = GREEK_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1253'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = GREEK_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-turkish'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1254'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = TURKISH_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1254'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = TURKISH_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-russian'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1251'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = RUSSIAN_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1251'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = RUSSIAN_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-easteurope'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1250'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = EASTEUROPE_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1250'))) {
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-baltic'))
-            || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1257'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = BALTIC_CHARSET;
+	    || (encoding == @symbol('ms-cp1257'))) {
+	fdwCharSet   = BALTIC_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-vietnamese'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = VIETNAMESE_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-thai'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = THAI_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = THAI_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-mac'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = MAC_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = MAC_CHARSET;
     } else if ((encoding == @symbol('ms-unicode'))) {
-        fdwCharSet   = UNICODE_CHARSET;
+	fdwCharSet   = UNICODE_CHARSET;
     if ( __isString( family ) ) {
-        work = __stringVal( family );
-        if (strcmp( work, "nil" ) != 0 ) {
-            strncpy( faceName, work, sizeof(faceName)-1 );
-        }
+	work = __stringVal( family );
+	if (strcmp( work, "nil" ) != 0 ) {
+	    strncpy( faceName, work, sizeof(faceName)-1 );
+	}
     /* Q: should we allow those ? (they make ST/X programs less portable to X */
     if( __isString( weight ) ) {
-        work = __stringVal( weight );
-        if (strcmp( work, "bold" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_BOLD;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "medium" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_MEDIUM;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "normal" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_NORMAL;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "light" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_LIGHT;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "demi" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_LIGHT;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "heavy" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_HEAVY;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "extraBold" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_EXTRABOLD;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "semiBold" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "thin" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_THIN;
-        } else if (strcmp( work, "extraLight" ) == 0 ) {
-            fnWeight = FW_EXTRALIGHT;
-        }
+	work = __stringVal( weight );
+	if (strcmp( work, "bold" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_BOLD;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "medium" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_MEDIUM;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "normal" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_NORMAL;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "light" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_LIGHT;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "demi" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_LIGHT;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "heavy" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_HEAVY;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "extraBold" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_EXTRABOLD;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "semiBold" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_SEMIBOLD;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "thin" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_THIN;
+	} else if (strcmp( work, "extraLight" ) == 0 ) {
+	    fnWeight = FW_EXTRALIGHT;
+	}
     } else if (__isSmallInteger(weight)) {
-        fnWeight = __intVal(weight);
+	fnWeight = __intVal(weight);
     if(__isSmallInteger( logSize )) {
-        nHeight = __intVal( logSize );
+	nHeight = __intVal( logSize );
     if (__isString(slant)) {
-        work2 = __stringVal( slant );
-        work  = __stringVal( slant );
-        if (strncmp(work2, "italic", 6) == 0)  {
-            fdwItalic = TRUE;
-            if ( work2[6] == '-' )
-                strncpy( work, &work2[7], ( strlen( work2) - 7) );
-        } else {
-            if (strncmp(work2, "oblique", 7) == 0)  {
-                fdwItalic = TRUE;
-                if ( work2[7] == '-' )
-                    strncpy( work, &work2[8], ( strlen( work2) - 8) );
-            }
-        }
-        if (strncmp( work, "underline", 9 ) == 0 ) {
-            fdwUnderline = TRUE;
-            if( work[10] == '-' )
-                strncpy( work2, &work[11], ( strlen( work ) - 10 ) );
-        }
-        if (strncmp( work2, "strikeOut", 9 ) == 0 ) {
-            fdwStrikeOut = TRUE;
-        }
+	work2 = __stringVal( slant );
+	work  = __stringVal( slant );
+	if (strncmp(work2, "italic", 6) == 0)  {
+	    fdwItalic = TRUE;
+	    if ( work2[6] == '-' )
+		strncpy( work, &work2[7], ( strlen( work2) - 7) );
+	} else {
+	    if (strncmp(work2, "oblique", 7) == 0)  {
+		fdwItalic = TRUE;
+		if ( work2[7] == '-' )
+		    strncpy( work, &work2[8], ( strlen( work2) - 8) );
+	    }
+	}
+	if (strncmp( work, "underline", 9 ) == 0 ) {
+	    fdwUnderline = TRUE;
+	    if( work[10] == '-' )
+		strncpy( work2, &work[11], ( strlen( work ) - 10 ) );
+	}
+	if (strncmp( work2, "strikeOut", 9 ) == 0 ) {
+	    fdwStrikeOut = TRUE;
+	}
     DPRINTF(("CreateFont face:%s h=%d w=%d wght=%d\n",
-                faceName, nHeight, nWidth, fnWeight));
+		faceName, nHeight, nWidth, fnWeight));
     hFont = CreateFont( -nHeight,   /* character height - not cell height */
-                        nWidth,
-                        nEscapement,
-                        nOrientation,
-                        fnWeight,
-                        fdwItalic,
-                        fdwUnderline,
-                        fdwStrikeOut,
-                        fdwCharSet,
-                        fdwOutputPrecision,
-                        fdwClipPrecision,
-                        fdwQuality,
-                        fdwPitchAndFamily,
-                        faceName );
+			nWidth,
+			nEscapement,
+			nOrientation,
+			fnWeight,
+			fdwItalic,
+			fdwUnderline,
+			fdwStrikeOut,
+			fdwCharSet,
+			fdwOutputPrecision,
+			fdwClipPrecision,
+			fdwQuality,
+			fdwPitchAndFamily,
+			faceName );
     if (hFont != NULL) {
-        DPRINTF(("createFont: %x\n", hFont));
+	DPRINTF(("createFont: %x\n", hFont));
-        __cnt_font++;
-        RES1PRINTF(("CreateFont %d\n", __cnt_font));
+	__cnt_font++;
+	RES1PRINTF(("CreateFont %d\n", __cnt_font));
-        RETURN ( __MKOBJ(hFont) );
+	RETURN ( __MKOBJ(hFont) );
     DPRINTF(("***** ERROR createFontWithFoundry failed ERROR *****\n" ));
@@ -3592,14 +3354,14 @@
      Display getFontWithFoundry:'*'
-                         family:'courier'
-                         weight:'medium'
-                          slant:'r'
-                        spacing:nil
-                      pixelSize:nil
-                           size:13
-                       registry:'iso8859'
-                       encoding:'*'
+			 family:'courier'
+			 weight:'medium'
+			  slant:'r'
+			spacing:nil
+		      pixelSize:nil
+			   size:13
+		       registry:'iso8859'
+		       encoding:'*'
     "new NT Version: 20.2.1997 / 22:33:29 / dq"
@@ -3627,57 +3389,57 @@
      && __isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isArray(rawData)
      && (__arraySize(rawData) >= 11)) {
-        SIZE size;
-        int avgWidth;
-        HGDIOBJ hFont;
-        HGDIOBJ prevFont;
-        TEXTMETRIC tmet;
-        static char *s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
-        static int len;
-        OBJ t;
-        HANDLE hDC;
-        hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(fontId);
-        hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        /*
-         * temporarily set this font in the tmpDC (root-) context
-         */
-        prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
-        GetTextMetricsW(hDC, &tmet);
-        if (len == 0) {
-            len = strlen(s);
-        }
+	SIZE size;
+	int avgWidth;
+	HGDIOBJ hFont;
+	HGDIOBJ prevFont;
+	static char *s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
+	static int len;
+	OBJ t;
+	hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(fontId);
+	hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	/*
+	 * temporarily set this font in the tmpDC (root-) context
+	 */
+	prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
+	GetTextMetricsW(hDC, &tmet);
+	if (len == 0) {
+	    len = strlen(s);
+	}
 #if 0
-        GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, s, len, &size);
-        avgWidth = ( / (len / 2) + 1) / 2;
+	GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, s, len, &size);
+	avgWidth = ( / (len / 2) + 1) / 2;
-        avgWidth = tmet.tmAveCharWidth;
+	avgWidth = tmet.tmAveCharWidth;
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[0] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmAscent);        /* ascent     -> (data at:1) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[1] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDescent);       /* descent    -> (data at:2) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[2] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmAscent);        /* maxAscent  -> (data at:3) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[3] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDescent);       /* maxDescent -> (data at:4) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[4] = __MKSMALLINT(avgWidth);             /* minWidth   -> (data at:5) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[5] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmMaxCharWidth);  /* maxWidth   -> (data at:6) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[6] = __MKSMALLINT(avgWidth);             /* avgWidth   -> (data at:7) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[7] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmFirstChar);     /* min        -> (data at:8) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[8] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmLastChar);      /* max        -> (data at:9) */
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[9] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDefaultChar);   /* default    -> (data at:10) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[0] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmAscent);        /* ascent     -> (data at:1) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[1] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDescent);       /* descent    -> (data at:2) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[2] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmAscent);        /* maxAscent  -> (data at:3) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[3] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDescent);       /* maxDescent -> (data at:4) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[4] = __MKSMALLINT(avgWidth);             /* minWidth   -> (data at:5) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[5] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmMaxCharWidth);  /* maxWidth   -> (data at:6) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[6] = __MKSMALLINT(avgWidth);             /* avgWidth   -> (data at:7) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[7] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmFirstChar);     /* min        -> (data at:8) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[8] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmLastChar);      /* max        -> (data at:9) */
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[9] = __MKSMALLINT(tmet.tmDefaultChar);   /* default    -> (data at:10) */
 #if 0
-        t = __charSetSymbolFor(tmet.tmCharSet);
-        __ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[10]= t; __STORE(rawData, t);             /* charSet    -> (data at:11) */
+	t = __charSetSymbolFor(tmet.tmCharSet);
+	__ArrayInstPtr(rawData)->a_element[10]= t; __STORE(rawData, t);             /* charSet    -> (data at:11) */
-        DPRINTF(("textMetrics h=%x  avgAsc=%d avgDesc=%d minW=%d maxW=%d avgW=%d\n",
-                    hFont, tmet.tmAscent, tmet.tmDescent, avgWidth, tmet.tmMaxCharWidth,
-                    tmet.tmAveCharWidth));
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
-        RETURN (self);
+	DPRINTF(("textMetrics h=%x  avgAsc=%d avgDesc=%d minW=%d maxW=%d avgW=%d\n",
+		    hFont, tmet.tmAscent, tmet.tmDescent, avgWidth, tmet.tmMaxCharWidth,
+		    tmet.tmAveCharWidth));
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
+	RETURN (self);
     RETURN (nil);
@@ -3687,12 +3449,12 @@
 %{  /* NOCONTEXT */
     if (__isExternalAddress(aFontId)) {
-        HGDIOBJ hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
-        if (hFont) {
-           DPRINTF(("ReleaseFont: %x\n", hFont));
-           DeleteObject(hFont);
-        }
+	HGDIOBJ hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
+	if (hFont) {
+	   DPRINTF(("ReleaseFont: %x\n", hFont));
+	   DeleteObject(hFont);
+	}
@@ -3705,13 +3467,13 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __isExternalAddress(aFontId))
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        HGDIOBJ prevFont, hFont;
-        hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
-        prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	HGDIOBJ prevFont, hFont;
+	hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
+	prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
+	RETURN ( self );
     self primitiveFailed
@@ -3731,94 +3493,94 @@
      && __isExternalAddress(aFontId)
      && __isExternalAddressLike(__INST(gcId))
      && __isNonNilObject(aString)) {
-        HGDIOBJ hFont,prevFont;
-        HANDLE hDC;
-        SIZE tsize;
+	HGDIOBJ hFont,prevFont;
+	SIZE tsize;
 #ifndef PRE_22_FEP_2007
 #       define N_QUICK_CHARS    1024
-        unsigned short quickWchars[N_QUICK_CHARS];
-        unsigned short *wcharPtr;
-        int mustFree = 0;
-        int i;
+	unsigned short quickWchars[N_QUICK_CHARS];
+	unsigned short *wcharPtr;
+	int mustFree = 0;
+	int i;
-        hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
-        hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
-        prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
-        i1 = __intVal(index1) - 1;
-        cls = __qClass(aString);
-        if (i1 >= 0) {
-            i2 = __intVal(index2) - 1;
-            if (i2 < i1) {
-                RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( 0 ) );
-            }
-            cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
-            l = i2 - i1 + 1;
-            if ((cls == @global(String)) || (cls == @global(Symbol))) {
-                n = _stringSize(aString);
+	hFont = _HGDIOBJVal(aFontId);
+	hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
+	prevFont = SelectObject(hDC, hFont);
+	i1 = __intVal(index1) - 1;
+	cls = __qClass(aString);
+	if (i1 >= 0) {
+	    i2 = __intVal(index2) - 1;
+	    if (i2 < i1) {
+		RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( 0 ) );
+	    }
+	    cp = (char *) _stringVal(aString);
+	    l = i2 - i1 + 1;
+	    if ((cls == @global(String)) || (cls == @global(Symbol))) {
+		n = _stringSize(aString);
-                if (i2 < n) {
-                    cp += i1;
+		if (i2 < n) {
+		    cp += i1;
 #ifdef PRE_22_FEP_2007
-                    GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, cp, l, &tsize);
+		    GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, cp, l, &tsize);
-                    if (l <= N_QUICK_CHARS) {
-                        wcharPtr = quickWchars;
-                        mustFree = 0;
-                    } else {
-                        wcharPtr = malloc(sizeof(short)*l);
-                        if (! wcharPtr) RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(0));
-                        mustFree = 1;
-                    }
-                    for (i=0; i<l; i++) wcharPtr[i] = ((unsigned char *)cp)[i];
-                    GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, wcharPtr, l, &tsize);
-                    if (mustFree) free(wcharPtr);
+		    if (l <= N_QUICK_CHARS) {
+			wcharPtr = quickWchars;
+			mustFree = 0;
+		    } else {
+			wcharPtr = malloc(sizeof(short)*l);
+			if (! wcharPtr) RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(0));
+			mustFree = 1;
+		    }
+		    for (i=0; i<l; i++) wcharPtr[i] = ((unsigned char *)cp)[i];
+		    GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, wcharPtr, l, &tsize);
+		    if (mustFree) free(wcharPtr);
-                    if (__debug__) {
-                        char buf[80];
-                        GetTextFace(hDC,80,buf);
-                        console_printf("font1 %x %s >%s< l=%d dx=%d\n",hFont,buf,cp,l,;
-                    }
+		    if (__debug__) {
+			char buf[80];
+			GetTextFace(hDC,80,buf);
+			console_printf("font1 %x %s >%s< l=%d dx=%d\n",hFont,buf,cp,l,;
+		    }
-                    SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
-                    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( );
-                }
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(0));
-            }
-            nInstBytes = __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars));
-            cp += nInstBytes;
-            n = __byteArraySize(aString) - nInstBytes;
-            if (__isBytes(aString)) {
-                goto commonWidthChars;
-            }
-            /* Unicode */
-            if (__isWords(aString)) {
-                n = n / 2;
-                if (i2 < n) {
-                    WIDECHAR *w_cp = (WIDECHAR *)cp;
-                    w_cp += i1;
-                    GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, w_cp, l, &tsize);
-                    SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
-                    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( );
-                }
-                RETURN (__MKSMALLINT(0));
-            }
-        }
+		    SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
+		    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( );
+		}
+	    }
+	    nInstBytes = __OBJS2BYTES__(__intVal(__ClassInstPtr(cls)->c_ninstvars));
+	    cp += nInstBytes;
+	    n = __byteArraySize(aString) - nInstBytes;
+	    if (__isBytes(aString)) {
+		goto commonWidthChars;
+	    }
+	    /* Unicode */
+	    if (__isWords(aString)) {
+		n = n / 2;
+		if (i2 < n) {
+		    WIDECHAR *w_cp = (WIDECHAR *)cp;
+		    w_cp += i1;
+		    GetTextExtentPoint32W(hDC, w_cp, l, &tsize);
+		    SelectObject(hDC, prevFont);
+		    RETURN ( __MKSMALLINT( );
+		}
+	    }
+	}
     self primitiveFailed.
@@ -3856,8 +3618,8 @@
     id := gcId.
     id notNil ifTrue:[
-        gcId := nil.
-        self deleteDC.
+	gcId := nil.
+	self deleteDC.
 "/    Lobby unregister:self.
@@ -3865,15 +3627,15 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        DeleteDC(hDC);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	DeleteDC(hDC);
-        if (lastGcData == gcData) {
-            _releaseDC(gcData);
-        }
+	if (lastGcData == gcData) {
+	    _releaseDC(gcData);
+	}
@@ -3909,20 +3671,57 @@
     deviceFonts isEmptyOrNil ifFalse:[
-        deviceFonts do:[:afont |
-            afont releaseFromDevice.
-        ].
+	deviceFonts do:[:afont |
+	    afont releaseFromDevice.
+	].
     deviceFonts := CachingRegistry new cacheSize:10.
 ! !
+!WinPrinterContext methodsFor:'non standard methods'!
+stringWidthOf:aString at:index
+    "Return the width of aString up to index
+     when written using the current font; expand tabs out
+     to 4 spaces for calculations"
+    |answer str size spaceWidth|
+    index <= 0 ifTrue:[ ^ 0 ].
+    str := index >= aString size ifTrue:[ aString ] ifFalse:[ aString copyFrom:1 to:index ].
+    true "self font isNil" ifTrue:[
+	"if font not set yet, calculate based on default font"
+	"/            extString := str asExternalString.
+	size := Win32OperatingSystem::WinPointStructure new.
+	(OperatingSystem
+	    getTextExtentPoint:gcId
+	    string:str
+	    size:size) ifFalse:[ ^ self error ].
+	answer := size x.
+"/        Transcript showCR: 'FROM PRIM ******* ', str, '   ',  answer printString.
+"/        Transcript showCR: 'FROM DEVICE ***** ', str, '   ',(self font widthOf:str on:self device) printString.
+	#TODO.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	answer := self font widthOf:str on:self device
+    ].
+    index > aString size ifTrue:[
+	spaceWidth := self font widthOf:Character space on:self device.
+	answer := answer + ((index - aString size) * spaceWidth)
+    ].
+    ^ answer.
+    "Created: / 03-08-2006 / 10:27:20 / fm"
+    "Modified: / 04-08-2006 / 12:27:26 / fm"
+    "Modified: / 10-10-2006 / 18:20:43 / cg"
+! !
 !WinPrinterContext methodsFor:'not supported yet'!
 displayAdvanceLineFrom:point1 to:point2
     "draw a line"
     self displayAdvanceLineFromX:(point1 x) y:(point1 y)
-                      toX:(point2 x) y:(point2 y)
+		      toX:(point2 x) y:(point2 y)
 displayAdvanceLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1
@@ -3931,52 +3730,52 @@
     |pX0 pY0 pX1 pY1 easy fgId bgId|
     gcId isNil ifTrue:[
-        self initGC
+	self initGC
     lineStyle == #doubleDashed ifTrue:[
-        "
-         if bgPaint or paint is not a real color, we have to do it the hard way ...
-        "
-        easy := true.
-        paint isColor ifFalse:[
-            easy := false
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            fgId := paint colorId.
-            fgId isNil ifTrue:[
-                easy := false
-            ]
-        ].
-        bgPaint isColor ifFalse:[
-            easy := false
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            bgId := bgPaint colorId.
-            bgId isNil ifTrue:[
-                easy := false
-            ]
-        ].
-        easy ifTrue:[
-            ((foreground ~~ paint) or:[background ~~ bgPaint]) ifTrue:[
-                device setForeground:fgId background:bgId in:gcId.
-                foreground := paint.
-                background := bgPaint.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            'DeviceGraphicsContext [warning]: cannot draw dashes with dithered colors' errorPrintCR
-        ].
+	"
+	 if bgPaint or paint is not a real color, we have to do it the hard way ...
+	"
+	easy := true.
+	paint isColor ifFalse:[
+	    easy := false
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    fgId := paint colorId.
+	    fgId isNil ifTrue:[
+		easy := false
+	    ]
+	].
+	bgPaint isColor ifFalse:[
+	    easy := false
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    bgId := bgPaint colorId.
+	    bgId isNil ifTrue:[
+		easy := false
+	    ]
+	].
+	easy ifTrue:[
+	    ((foreground ~~ paint) or:[background ~~ bgPaint]) ifTrue:[
+		device setForeground:fgId background:bgId in:gcId.
+		foreground := paint.
+		background := bgPaint.
+	    ].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    'DeviceGraphicsContext [warning]: cannot draw dashes with dithered colors' errorPrintCR
+	].
     transformation notNil ifTrue:[
-        pX0 := transformation applyToX:x0.
-        pY0 := transformation applyToY:y0.
-        pX1 := transformation applyToX:x1.
-        pY1 := transformation applyToY:y1.
+	pX0 := transformation applyToX:x0.
+	pY0 := transformation applyToY:y0.
+	pX1 := transformation applyToX:x1.
+	pY1 := transformation applyToY:y1.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        pX0 := x0.
-        pY0 := y0.
-        pX1 := x1.
-        pY1 := y1
+	pX0 := x0.
+	pY0 := y0.
+	pX1 := x1.
+	pY1 := y1
     pX0 := pX0 rounded.
@@ -3998,44 +3797,97 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
 /*      DPRINTF(("displayLine: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n",
-                    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
-                    __x1, __y1));
+		    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
+		    __x1, __y1));
 /*        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
  *        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, fgColor);
-        MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
-        /*
-         * end-point ...
-         */
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
+	/*
+	 * end-point ...
+	 */
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
+	RETURN ( self );
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)){
+	BITMAP bitmap;
+	HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(aDrawableId);
+	HANDLE compatibleDC, rootDC, hdcScreen;
+   //     HANDLE printerDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
+	if (! hBitmap) {
+	    RETURN (nil);
+	}
+	if (GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap)) {
+	    DDPRINTF(("bitmap info:%d\n", bitmap.bmBitsPixel));
+	} else {
+	    DPRINTF(("noinfo returned for bitmap\n"));
+	    /* mhmh - can this happen ? */
+	    bitmap.bmBitsPixel = 1;
+	}
+	gcData->hBitmap = hBitmap;
+	gcData->bitmapColorBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
+	rootDC  = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(rootDC);
+	SelectObject(compatibleDC, hBitmap);
+   //     hdcScreen= CreateDC("NULL", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+   //       compatibleDC =  rootDC;
+   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(printerDC);
+   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+   //     memBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( compatibleDC, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight );
+   //     SelectObject ( compatibleDC, memBM );
+	RETURN (__MKOBJ(compatibleDC));
+	RETURN ( __MKOBJ(gcData) );
+    }
+    RETURN (nil);
     "Get a pen for my context"
     |maskOriginX maskOriginY|
     self maskOrigin isNil ifFalse:[
-        maskOriginX := self maskOrigin x.
-        maskOriginY := self maskOrigin y.
+	maskOriginX := self maskOrigin x.
+	maskOriginY := self maskOrigin y.
@@ -4063,40 +3915,40 @@
     if (lineStyle == @symbol(solid)) {
-        style = PS_SOLID;
+	style = PS_SOLID;
     } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashed)) {
-        style= PS_DASH;
+	style= PS_DASH;
     } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dotted)) {
-        style= PS_DOT;
+	style= PS_DOT;
     } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-        style= PS_DASHDOT;
+	style= PS_DASHDOT;
     } else if (lineStyle == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-        style= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
     } else
-        style= PS_SOLID;
+	style= PS_SOLID;
     lStyle &= ~PS_STYLE_MASK;
     lStyle |= style;
     if (capStyle == @symbol(round)) {
-        style = PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
+	style = PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
     } else if (capStyle == @symbol(square)) {
-        style = PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
     } else if (capStyle == @symbol(flat)) {
-        style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
     } else
-        style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	style = PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
     lStyle &= ~PS_ENDCAP_MASK;
     lStyle |= style;
     if (joinStyle == @symbol(bevel)) {
-        style = PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
+	style = PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
     } else if (joinStyle == @symbol(miter)) {
-        style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
     } else if (joinStyle == @symbol(round)) {
-        style = PS_JOIN_ROUND;
+	style = PS_JOIN_ROUND;
     } else
-        style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	style = PS_JOIN_MITER;
     lStyle &= ~PS_JOIN_MASK;
     lStyle |= style;
@@ -4104,38 +3956,38 @@
     if (((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK) == PS_SOLID)
      && (hMask == 0)
      && (lw /* lineWidth */ <= 1)) {
-        if (fgColor == 0 /* BlackPixel */ ) {
-            hPen = GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
-            prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-            RETURN( hPen );
-        }
-        if (fgColor == 1 /* WhitePixel */) {
-            hPen = GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
-            prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-            RETURN( hPen );
-        }
+	if (fgColor == 0 /* BlackPixel */ ) {
+	    hPen = GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN);
+	    prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	    RETURN( hPen );
+	}
+	if (fgColor == 1 /* WhitePixel */) {
+	    hPen = GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN);
+	    prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	    RETURN( hPen );
+	}
     hPen = (HPEN) 0;
     if (0 /* __isWinNT */) {
-        if (lw == 0) {
-            lw = 1;
-        }
-        /*
-         * NT supports masked drawing with any lineStyle,
-         * and also non-solid lines with any lineWidth.
-         */
-        if (hMask) {
-            Brush.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN;
-            Brush.lbHatch = (DWORD)hMask;
-            Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
-        } else {
+	if (lw == 0) {
+	    lw = 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * NT supports masked drawing with any lineStyle,
+	 * and also non-solid lines with any lineWidth.
+	 */
+	if (hMask) {
+	    Brush.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN;
+	    Brush.lbHatch = (DWORD)hMask;
+	    Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
+	} else {
 #ifndef PRE_07_APR_04
-            hPen = CreatePen((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK), lw, fgColor);
+	    hPen = CreatePen((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK), lw, fgColor);
 /*            RESPRINTF(("CreatePen %x %d(%d) %x %x\n",
  *                       lStyle,
@@ -4143,92 +3995,92 @@
  *                       fgColor, hMask));
-            SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
-            bkMode = BK_TRANSPARENT;
+	    SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
+	    bkMode = BK_TRANSPARENT;
-            Brush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
-            Brush.lbHatch = 0;
-            Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
+	    Brush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
+	    Brush.lbHatch = 0;
+	    Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
-        }
-        if (! hPen)
-        {
-            hPen = ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC | lStyle,
-                            lw, /* lineWidth, */
-                            &Brush,
-                            0, 0);
+	}
+	if (! hPen)
+	{
+	    hPen = ExtCreatePen(PS_GEOMETRIC | lStyle,
+			    lw, /* lineWidth, */
+			    &Brush,
+			    0, 0);
 /*            RESPRINTF(("ExtCreatePen1 %x %d(%d) %x %x\n",
  *                       lStyle,
  *                       lw, __INST(lineWidth),
  *                       fgColor, hMask));
-            if (hMask) {
-                SetBrushOrgEx(hDC, maskOrgX, maskOrgY, 0);
-            }
-        }
+	    if (hMask) {
+		SetBrushOrgEx(hDC, maskOrgX, maskOrgY, 0);
+	    }
+	}
     } else {
-        /*
-         * W95 only supports masked drawing with SOLID lines
-         * also, we should use COSMETIC pens if possible
-         * with non-solid lineStyles.
-         */
-        if ((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK) == PS_SOLID) {
-            int ps = PS_GEOMETRIC;
-            if (hMask) {
-                Brush.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN;
-                Brush.lbHatch = (DWORD)hMask;
-                Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
-            } else {
-                Brush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
-                Brush.lbHatch = 0;
-                Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
-                if (lw /* lineWidth */ <= 1) {
-                    ps = PS_COSMETIC;
-                }
-            }
-            hPen = ExtCreatePen(ps | lStyle,
-                                lw, /* lineWidth */
-                                &Brush,
-                                0, 0);
+	/*
+	 * W95 only supports masked drawing with SOLID lines
+	 * also, we should use COSMETIC pens if possible
+	 * with non-solid lineStyles.
+	 */
+	if ((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK) == PS_SOLID) {
+	    int ps = PS_GEOMETRIC;
+	    if (hMask) {
+		Brush.lbStyle = BS_PATTERN;
+		Brush.lbHatch = (DWORD)hMask;
+		Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
+	    } else {
+		Brush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID;
+		Brush.lbHatch = 0;
+		Brush.lbColor = fgColor;
+		if (lw /* lineWidth */ <= 1) {
+		    ps = PS_COSMETIC;
+		}
+	    }
+	    hPen = ExtCreatePen(ps | lStyle,
+				lw, /* lineWidth */
+				&Brush,
+				0, 0);
 /*            RESPRINTF(("ExtCreatePen1 %x %d %x %x\n",
  *                           lStyle,
  *                           lw,
  *                           fgColor, hMask));
-            if (hMask) {
-                SetBrushOrgEx(hDC, maskOrgX, maskOrgY, 0);
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (lw == 1) {
-                lw = 0;
-            }
-            /*
-             * dashes only supported with lineWidth 0
-             */
-            hPen = CreatePen((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK),
-                             lw,
-                             fgColor);
+	    if (hMask) {
+		SetBrushOrgEx(hDC, maskOrgX, maskOrgY, 0);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if (lw == 1) {
+		lw = 0;
+	    }
+	    /*
+	     * dashes only supported with lineWidth 0
+	     */
+	    hPen = CreatePen((lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK),
+			     lw,
+			     fgColor);
 /*            RESPRINTF(("CreatePen %x %d %x\n",
  *                               (lStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK),
  *                               lw,
  *                               fgColor));
-            //
-            // CG: wrong; must set to opaque, if doubleDashed
-            //
-            SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
-            bkMode = BK_TRANSPARENT;
-        }
+	    //
+	    // CG: wrong; must set to opaque, if doubleDashed
+	    //
+	    SetBkMode(hDC, TRANSPARENT);
+	    bkMode = BK_TRANSPARENT;
+	}
     prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
@@ -4238,6 +4090,191 @@
+%{  /* NOCONTEXT */
+    if (__isExternalAddress(aDrawableId)){
+	BITMAP bitmap;
+	HBITMAP hBitmap = _HBITMAPVAL(aDrawableId);
+	HANDLE compatibleDC, rootDC, hdcScreen;
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(__INST(gcId)));
+	if (! hBitmap) {
+	    RETURN (nil);
+	}
+	if (GetObject(hBitmap, sizeof(bitmap), &bitmap)) {
+	    DDPRINTF(("bitmap info:%d\n", bitmap.bmBitsPixel));
+	} else {
+	    DPRINTF(("noinfo returned for bitmap\n"));
+	    /* mhmh - can this happen ? */
+	    bitmap.bmBitsPixel = 1;
+	}
+	gcData->hBitmap = hBitmap;
+	gcData->bitmapColorBitCount = bitmap.bmBitsPixel;
+	rootDC  = CreateDC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+	compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
+	SelectObject(compatibleDC, hBitmap);
+   //     hdcScreen= CreateDC("NULL", NULL, NULL, NULL);
+   //       compatibleDC =  rootDC;
+   //     compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
+   //         compatibleDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
+   //     memBM = CreateCompatibleBitmap ( compatibleDC, bitmap.bmWidth, bitmap.bmHeight );
+   //     SelectObject ( compatibleDC, memBM );
+	RETURN (__MKOBJ(compatibleDC));
+	RETURN ( __MKOBJ(gcData) );
+    }
+    RETURN (nil);
+xprimDrawBits:imageBits bitsPerPixel:bitsPerPixel depth:imageDepth padding:padd width:imageWidth height:imageHeight
+				  x:srcx y:srcy
+			       into:ignoredDrawableId
+				  x:dstx y:dsty
+			      width:w height:h
+			       with:aDC
+    "since XPutImage may allocate huge amount of stack space
+     (some implementations use alloca), this must run with unlimited stack."
+    unsigned char fastBits[10000];
+    unsigned char *b_bits = 0;
+    unsigned char *allocatedBits = 0;
+    unsigned char *__imageBits = 0;
+    if (__isByteArray(imageBits)) {
+	__imageBits = __ByteArrayInstPtr(imageBits)->ba_element;
+    } else if (__isExternalBytesLike(imageBits)) {
+	__imageBits = (unsigned char *)(__externalBytesAddress(imageBits));
+    }
+    if (/* ISCONNECTED
+     && */  __isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(srcx, srcy)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(dstx, dsty)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(w, h)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(imageWidth, imageHeight)
+     && __bothSmallInteger(imageDepth, bitsPerPixel)
+     && __isSmallInteger(padd)
+     && __imageBits)
+     {
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	struct
+	{
+	  DWORD r;
+	  DWORD g;
+	  DWORD b;
+	} bitmap;
+	if (__intVal(padd) != WIN32PADDING) {
+	    int row, col;
+	    unsigned char *cp;
+	    unsigned char *pBits;
+	    int b_width, b_height, bytesPerRowST, bytesPerRowWN, padding, nBytes;
+	    int bi = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
+	    b_width = __intVal(w);
+	    b_height = __intVal(h);
+	    bytesPerRowST = (b_width * bi + (__intVal(padd)-1)) / __intVal(padd);
+	    bytesPerRowWN = (b_width * bi + (WIN32PADDING-1)) / WIN32PADDING * (WIN32PADDING/8);
+	    padding = bytesPerRowWN - bytesPerRowST;
+	    nBytes = b_height * bytesPerRowWN;
+	    /*console_printf("padd %d bs %d bw %d p %d\n",__intVal(padd),bytesPerRowST,bytesPerRowWN,padding);*/
+	    if (padding) {
+		if (nBytes < sizeof(fastBits)) {
+		    cp = b_bits = fastBits;
+		} else {
+		    cp = b_bits = allocatedBits = (unsigned char *) malloc(nBytes);
+		}
+		if (cp) {
+		    pBits = __imageBits;
+		    for (row = b_height; row; row--) {
+			for (col = bytesPerRowST; col; col--) {
+			    *cp++ = *pBits++;
+			}
+			cp += padding;
+		    }
+		} else
+		    goto fail;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (b_bits == 0) {
+	    b_bits = __imageBits;
+	}
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
+	if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 24) {
+	    /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
+	    bitmap.r = 0xff0000;
+	    bitmap.g = 0x00ff00;
+	    bitmap.b = 0x0000ff;*/
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	} else if (__intVal(imageDepth) == 16) {
+	    /*bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_BITFIELDS;
+	    bitmap.b = 0x001f;
+	    bitmap.g = 0x07e0;
+	    bitmap.r = 0xf800;*/
+	    bitmap.b = 0;
+	    bitmap.g = 0;
+	    bitmap.r = 0;
+	    bitmap.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
+	}
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth = __intVal(imageWidth);
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight = -(__intVal(imageHeight));
+	bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount = __intVal(bitsPerPixel);
+	/*console_printf("drawBits depth:%d bitsPerPixel:%d IW%d W:%d H:%d\n",__intVal(imageDepth),bitmap.bmiHeader.biBitCount,bitmap.bmiHeader.biWidth,__intVal(w),bitmap.bmiHeader.biHeight);*/
+	SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC,__intVal(dstx),__intVal(dsty),
+			      __intVal(w), __intVal(h),
+			      __intVal(srcx), __intVal(srcy),
+			      0,__intVal(h),
+			      (void *)b_bits,
+			      (BITMAPINFO*)&bitmap,DIB_RGB_COLORS);
+	if (allocatedBits) {
+	    free(allocatedBits);
+	}
+	RETURN ( true );
+    }
+fail: ;
+    PRINTF(("create temp bitmap FAILED!!!\n"));
+    if (allocatedBits) {
+	PRINTF(("freeing up temp bitmap bits ...\n"));
+	free(allocatedBits);
+    }
+    ^ false
 xxdisplayLineFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 in:ignoredDrawableId with:aDC
     "draw a line. If the coordinates are not integers, an error is triggered."
@@ -4249,81 +4286,81 @@
     if (__isExternalAddressLike(aDC)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
-        int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
-                                                                          /*  Obtaining Pen  */
-        int style, styleInt, lineWidth;
-        lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
-        if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
-            style= PS_SOLID;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
-            style= PS_DASH;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
-            style= PS_DOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
-            style= PS_DASHDOT;
-        } else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
-            style= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
-        } else
-            style= PS_SOLID;
-        styleInt &= ~PS_STYLE_MASK;
-        styleInt |= style;
-        if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            style= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
-            style= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
-        } else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
-            style= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        } else
-            style= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
-        styleInt &= ~PS_ENDCAP_MASK;
-        styleInt |= style;
-        if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
-            style= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
-            style= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        } else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
-            style= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
-        } else
-            style= PS_JOIN_MITER;
-        styleInt &= ~PS_JOIN_MASK;
-        styleInt |= style;
-        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
-        hPen = CreatePen((styleInt & PS_STYLE_MASK), lineWidth, fgColor);
-                                                                             /*  Finish Obtaining Pen  */
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	HANDLE prevPen, hPen;
+	int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
+									  /*  Obtaining Pen  */
+	int style, styleInt, lineWidth;
+	lineWidth= __INST(lineWidth);
+	if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(solid)) {
+	    style= PS_SOLID;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashed)) {
+	    style= PS_DASH;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dotted)) {
+	    style= PS_DOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDot)) {
+	    style= PS_DASHDOT;
+	} else if (__INST(lineStyle) == @symbol(dashDotDot)) {
+	    style= PS_DASHDOTDOT;
+	} else
+	    style= PS_SOLID;
+	styleInt &= ~PS_STYLE_MASK;
+	styleInt |= style;
+	if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    style= PS_ENDCAP_ROUND;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(square)) {
+	    style= PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE;
+	} else if (__INST(capStyle) == @symbol(flat)) {
+	    style= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	} else
+	    style= PS_ENDCAP_FLAT;
+	styleInt &= ~PS_ENDCAP_MASK;
+	styleInt |= style;
+	if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(bevel)) {
+	    style= PS_JOIN_BEVEL;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(miter)) {
+	    style= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	} else if (__INST(joinStyle) == @symbol(round)) {
+	    style= PS_JOIN_ROUND;
+	} else
+	    style= PS_JOIN_MITER;
+	styleInt &= ~PS_JOIN_MASK;
+	styleInt |= style;
+	fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
+	hPen = CreatePen((styleInt & PS_STYLE_MASK), lineWidth, fgColor);
+									     /*  Finish Obtaining Pen  */
 /*      DPRINTF(("displayLine: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n",
-                    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
-                    __x1, __y1));
+		    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
+		    __x1, __y1));
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
-        /*
-         * end-point ...
-         */
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
+	/*
+	 * end-point ...
+	 */
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
@@ -4340,37 +4377,37 @@
      && __isExternalAddressLike(penHandle)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x0, y0)
      && __bothSmallInteger(x1, y1)) {
-        HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
-        HANDLE hPen = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(penHandle));
-        COLORREF fgColor;
-        HANDLE prevPen;
-        int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
+	HANDLE hDC = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(aDC));
+	HANDLE hPen = (HANDLE)(__externalAddressVal(penHandle));
+	COLORREF fgColor;
+	HANDLE prevPen;
+	int __x1 = __intVal(x1), __y1 = __intVal(y1);
 /*      DPRINTF(("displayLine: %d/%d -> %d/%d\n",
-                    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
-                    __x1, __y1));
+		    __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0),
+		    __x1, __y1));
 /*        fgColor = GetTextColor(hDC);
  *        hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, fgColor);
-        prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
-        MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
-        /*
-         * end-point ...
-         */
-        LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
-        SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
-        RETURN ( self );
+	prevPen = SelectObject(hDC, hPen);
+	MoveToEx(hDC, __intVal(x0), __intVal(y0), NULL);
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1, __y1);
+	/*
+	 * end-point ...
+	 */
+	LineTo(hDC, __x1+1, __y1);
+	SelectObject(hDC, prevPen);
+	RETURN ( self );
 ! !
@@ -4381,7 +4418,7 @@
     "Informs device that we are finished writing to a page."
     (OperatingSystem endPage:gcId) > 0 ifFalse:[
-        self error
+	self error
     "Created: / 27-07-2006 / 18:20:48 / fm"
@@ -4409,7 +4446,7 @@
     "Starts a page."
     (OperatingSystem startPage:gcId) > 0 ifFalse:[
-        ^ self error
+	^ self error
     "Created: / 27-07-2006 / 18:25:55 / fm"
@@ -4425,28 +4462,28 @@
     |docInfoStruct nameAddress title fileNameAddress|
     gcId isNil ifTrue:[
-        self buildPrinter
+	self buildPrinter
     abort := false.
     title := aString ? 'Smalltalk/X'.
     nameAddress := title asExternalBytes unprotectFromGC.
     aFileName isNil ifFalse:[
-        fileNameAddress := aFileName pathName asExternalBytes unprotectFromGC
+	fileNameAddress := aFileName pathName asExternalBytes unprotectFromGC
     docInfoStruct := Win32OperatingSystem::DocInfoStructure new.
-        cbSize:docInfoStruct sizeInBytes;
-        lpszDocName:nameAddress address.
+	cbSize:docInfoStruct sizeInBytes;
+	lpszDocName:nameAddress address.
     fileNameAddress isNil ifFalse:[
-        docInfoStruct lpszOutput:fileNameAddress address
+	docInfoStruct lpszOutput:fileNameAddress address
     jobid := OperatingSystem startDoc:gcId docInfo:docInfoStruct.
     jobid > 0 ifFalse:[
-        jobid = -1 ifTrue:[
-            abort := true.
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        ^ self error
+	jobid = -1 ifTrue:[
+	    abort := true.
+	    ^ nil
+	].
+	^ self error
     self startPage
@@ -4517,45 +4554,8 @@
     deviceFonts unregister:aFont.
 ! !
-!WinPrinterContext methodsFor:'text printing'!
-stringWidthOf:aString at:index
-    "Return the width of aString up to index
-     when written using the current font; expand tabs out
-     to 4 spaces for calculations"
-    |answer str size spaceWidth|
-    index <= 0 ifTrue:[ ^ 0 ].
-    str := index >= aString size ifTrue:[ aString ] ifFalse:[ aString copyFrom:1 to:index ].
-    true "self font isNil" ifTrue:[
-        "if font not set yet, calculate based on default font"
-        "/            extString := str asExternalString.
-        size := Win32OperatingSystem::WinPointStructure new.
-        (OperatingSystem
-            getTextExtentPoint:gcId
-            string:str
-            size:size) ifFalse:[ ^ self error ].
-        answer := size x.
-"/        Transcript showCR: 'FROM PRIM ******* ', str, '   ',  answer printString.
-"/        Transcript showCR: 'FROM DEVICE ***** ', str, '   ',(self font widthOf:str on:self device) printString.
-        #TODO.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        answer := self font widthOf:str on:self device
-    ].
-    index > aString size ifTrue:[
-        spaceWidth := self font widthOf:Character space on:self device.
-        answer := answer + ((index - aString size) * spaceWidth)
-    ].
-    ^ answer.
-    "Created: / 03-08-2006 / 10:27:20 / fm"
-    "Modified: / 04-08-2006 / 12:27:26 / fm"
-    "Modified: / 10-10-2006 / 18:20:43 / cg"
-! !
 !WinPrinterContext class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.12 2007-04-25 10:25:38 fm Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.13 2007-04-25 10:27:22 fm Exp $'
 ! !