author claus
Sun, 09 Jan 1994 22:51:01 +0100
changeset 17 1990d8455d01
parent 14 20638e830834
child 19 8527f194f903
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ImageReader subclass:#TIFFReader
                                subFileType stripOffsets rowsPerStrip
                                fillOrder compression group3options predictor
                                stripOffsetsPos stripByteCountsPos bitsPerSamplePos

TIFFReader comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1991 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/TIFFReader.st,v 1.6 1994-01-08 17:10:32 claus Exp $
written Summer 91 by claus

!TIFFReader class methodsFor:'documentation'!

This class knows how to read TIFF files and how to
write uncompressed TIFF files.

Only single image files are supported.
Currently, not all formats are implemented, and of those that are not 
all are tested.
It should work with most rgb, mono and 2-plane greyscale
images, since this is what I have as test material on
the NeXT.
It supports reading of uncompressed, LZW and G3 compressed 
images; JPEG and packbits are currently not implemented.

Only writing of uncompressed images is currently implemented.
More formats will come ...
! !

!TIFFReader class methodsFor:'testing'!

    "return true, if aFileName contains a GIF image"

    |inStream char1 char2 version|

    inStream := self streamReadingFile:aFileName.
    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    char1 := inStream next.
    char2 := inStream next.

    ((char1 ~~ char2) or:[(char1 ~~ $I) and:[char1 ~~ $M]]) ifTrue:[
        inStream close.
        ^ false

    inStream binary.
    version := inStream nextShortMSB:(char1 == $M).
    inStream close.

    (version ~~ 42) ifTrue:[^ false].
    ^ true
! !

!TIFFReader methodsFor:'reading from file'!

    "read an image from aFileName"

    |char1 char2 version 
     numberOfTags "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     tagType      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     numberType   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     length       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     result offset ok|

    inStream := self class streamReadingFile:aFileName.
    inStream isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    char1 := inStream next.
    char2 := inStream next.
    (char1 ~~ char2) ifTrue:[
        'not a tiff file' printNewline.
        inStream close.
        ^ nil
    (char1 == $I) ifTrue:[
        byteOrder := #lsb
    ] ifFalse:[
        (char1 == $M) ifTrue:[
            byteOrder := #msb
        ] ifFalse:[
            'not a tiff file' printNewline.
            inStream close.
            ^ nil

    inStream binary.

    version := self readShort.
    (version ~~ 42) ifTrue:[
        'version of tiff-file not supported' printNewline.
        inStream close.
        ^ nil

    "setup default values"

    compression := 1. "none"
    fillOrder := #msb.
    planarConfiguration := 1.
    photometric := nil.
    bitsPerSample := 1.
    samplesPerPixel := 1.
    width := nil.
    height := nil.
    stripOffsets := nil.
    rowsPerStrip := nil.
    "resolutionUnit := 2."
    predictor := 1.

    offset := self readLong + 1.
    inStream position:offset.

    numberOfTags := self readShort.
    1 to:numberOfTags do:[:index |
        tagType := self readShort.
        numberType := self readShort.
        length := self readLong.
        self decodeTiffTag:tagType numberType:numberType length:length

    offset := self readLong.
    (offset ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        'more tags ignored' printNewline

    "check for required tags"
    ok := true.
    width isNil ifTrue:[
        'missing width tag' printNewline.
        ok := false

    height isNil ifTrue:[
        'missing length tag' printNewline.
        ok := false

    photometric isNil ifTrue:[
        'missing photometric tag' printNewline.
        ok := false

    stripOffsets isNil ifTrue:[
        'missing stripOffsets tag' printNewline.
        ok := false

    ok ifFalse:[
        inStream close.
        ^ nil

    "given all the information, read the bits"

    rowsPerStrip isNil ifTrue:[
        rowsPerStrip := height

    (compression == 1) ifTrue:[
      result := self readUncompressedTiffImageData
    ] ifFalse:[
      (compression == 5) ifTrue:[
        result := self readLZWTiffImageData
      ] ifFalse:[
        (compression == 2) ifTrue:[
          "result := self readCCITT3ModHuffmanTiffImageData"
          'ccitt mod Huffman compression not implemented' printNewline
        ] ifFalse:[ 
          (compression == 3) ifTrue:[
            result := self readCCITTGroup3TiffImageData
          ] ifFalse:[ 
            (compression == 4) ifTrue:[
              "result := self readCCITTGroup4TiffImageData"
              'ccitt group4 fax compression not implemented' printNewline
            ] ifFalse:[ 
              (compression == 32773) ifTrue:[
                result := self readPackbitsTiffImageData
              ] ifFalse:[
                  (compression == 32865) ifTrue:[
                    result := self readJPEGTiffImageData
                  ] ifFalse:[
                    'compression type ' , compression printString , ' not known' printNewline

    inStream close.
    ^ result
! !

!TIFFReader methodsFor:'writing to file'!

save:image onFile:aFileName
    "save image as (uncompressed) TIFF file on aFileName"

    |pos1 pos|

    outStream := FileStream newFileNamed:aFileName.
    outStream isNil ifTrue:[
        'create error' printNewline. 
        ^ nil

    "save as msb"

    byteOrder := #msb.
    byteOrder := #lsb.
    fillOrder := #msb.
    width := image width.
    height := image height.
    photometric := image photometric.
    samplesPerPixel := image samplesPerPixel.
    bitsPerSample := image bitsPerSample.
    colorMap := image colorMap.
    planarConfiguration := 1.
    compression := 1.   "none"
    data := image bits.

    currentOffset := 0.

    (byteOrder == #msb) ifTrue:[
        outStream nextPut:$M.
        outStream nextPut:$M.
    ] ifFalse:[
        outStream nextPut:$I.
        outStream nextPut:$I.
    currentOffset := currentOffset + 2.

    outStream binary.

    self writeShort:42.
    currentOffset := currentOffset + 2.

    pos1 := outStream position.
    self writeLong:0.           "start of tags - filled in later"
    currentOffset := currentOffset + 4.

    "output strips"

    self writeUncompressedBits. "this outputs bits as strips, sets stripOffsets and stripByteCounts"
    self writeStripOffsets.     "this outputs strip offsets, sets stripOffsetsPos"
    self writeStripByteCounts.  "this outputs strip bytecounts, sets stripByteCountPos"
    self writeBitsPerSample.    "this outputs bitsPerSample, sets bitsPerSamplePos"
    photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
        self writeColorMap      "this outputs colorMap, sets colorMapPos"

    pos := outStream position.                  "backpatch tag offset"
    outStream position:pos1.
    self writeLong:(pos - 1).                   "fill in tag offset"
    outStream position:pos.
('patch tag offset at: ', (pos1 printStringRadix:16) , ' to ',
                         (pos printStringRadix:16)) printNewline.
    "output tag data"

    photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
        self writeShort:10.  "10 tags"
    ] ifFalse:[
        self writeShort:9.   "9 tags"
    self writeTag:256.               "image width"
    self writeTag:257.               "image height"
    self writeTag:258.               "bits per sample"
    self writeTag:259.               "compression"
    self writeTag:262.               "photometric"
    self writeTag:273.               "strip offsets"
    self writeTag:279.               "strip byte counts"
    self writeTag:284.               "planarconfig"
    self writeTag:278.               "rowsPerStrip"
    photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
        self writeTag:320            "colorMap"
    self writeLong:0.                "end of tags mark"
    outStream close
! !

!TIFFReader methodsFor:'private'!

    |oldPos offset values|

    values := Array new:n.
    (n == 1) ifTrue:[
        values at:1 put:self readLong.
    ] ifFalse:[
        offset := self readLong.
        oldPos := inStream position.
        inStream position:(offset + 1).
        1 to:n do:[:index |
            values at:index put:self readLong
        inStream position:oldPos
    ^ values

    1 to:longs size do:[:l |
        self writeLong:l

    |oldPos offset values|

    values := Array new:n.
    (n <= 2) ifTrue:[
        values at:1 put:self readShort.
        (n == 2) ifTrue:[
            values at:2 put:self readShort
        ] ifFalse:[
            self readShort
    ] ifFalse:[
        offset := self readLong.
        oldPos := inStream position.
        inStream position:(offset + 1).
        1 to:n do:[:index |
            values at:index put:self readShort
        inStream position:oldPos
    ^ values

    |oldPos offset string|

    string := String new:(n - 1).
    (n <= 4) ifTrue:[
        inStream nextBytes:(n - 1) into:string
    ] ifFalse:[
        offset := self readLong.
        oldPos := inStream position.
        inStream position:(offset + 1).
        inStream nextBytes:(n - 1) into:string.
        inStream position:oldPos
    ^ string

    |oldPos offset values n d|

    values := Array new:cnt.
    offset := self readLong.
    oldPos := inStream position.
    inStream position:(offset + 1).
    1 to:cnt do:[:index |
        n := self readLong.
        d := self readLong.
        values at:index put:(Fraction numerator:n denominator:d)
    inStream position:oldPos.
    ^ values

decodeTiffTag:tagType numberType:numberType length:length
    |offset value valueArray 
     n "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    (numberType == 3) ifTrue:[
        valueArray := self readShorts:length.
        value := valueArray at:1
    ] ifFalse:[
        (numberType == 4) ifTrue:[
            valueArray := self readLongs:length.
            value := valueArray at:1
        ] ifFalse:[
            (numberType == 2) ifTrue:[
                value := self readChars:length
            ] ifFalse:[
                (numberType == 5) ifTrue:[
                    valueArray := self readFracts:length.
                    value := valueArray at:1
                ] ifFalse:[
                    offset := self readLong

    (tagType == 254) ifTrue:[
        "newSubFileType := value."
        'newSubfiletype ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 255) ifTrue:[
        subFileType := value.
        'subfiletype ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 256) ifTrue:[
        width := value.
        'width ' print. width printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 257) ifTrue:[
        height := value.
        'height ' print. height  printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 258) ifTrue:[
         bitsPerSample := valueArray.
        'bitspersample ' print. bitsPerSample printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 259) ifTrue:[
        compression := value.
        'compression ' print. compression printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 262) ifTrue:[
        (value == 0) ifTrue:[
          photometric := #whiteIs0
        ] ifFalse:[
          (value == 1) ifTrue:[
            photometric := #blackIs0
          ] ifFalse:[
            (value == 2) ifTrue:[
              photometric := #rgb
            ] ifFalse:[
              (value == 3) ifTrue:[
                photometric := #palette
              ] ifFalse:[
                (value == 4) ifTrue:[
                  photometric := #transparency
                ] ifFalse:[
                  photometric := nil
        'photometric ' print. photometric printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 263) ifTrue:[
        "threshholding := value."
        'treshholding ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 264) ifTrue:[
        "cellWidth:= value."
        'cellWidth ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 265) ifTrue:[
        "cellLength:= value."
        'cellLength ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 266) ifTrue:[
        (value == 1) ifTrue:[
          fillOrder := #msb
        ] ifFalse:[
          (value == 2) ifTrue:[
            fillOrder := #lsb
          ] ifFalse:[
            fillOrder := nil
        'fillorder ' print. fillOrder printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 269) ifTrue:[
        'documentName ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 270) ifTrue:[
        'imageDescription ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 271) ifTrue:[
        'make ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 272) ifTrue:[
        'model ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 273) ifTrue:[
        stripOffsets := valueArray.
        'stripOffsets Array(' print. stripOffsets size print. ')' printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 274) ifTrue:[
        "orientation:= value."
        'orientation ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 277) ifTrue:[
        samplesPerPixel := value.
        'samplesperpixel ' print. samplesPerPixel printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 278) ifTrue:[
        rowsPerStrip := value.
        'rowsperstrip ' print. rowsPerStrip printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 279) ifTrue:[
        stripByteCounts := valueArray.
        'stripByteCounts Array(' print. 
        stripByteCounts size print.
        ')' printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 280) ifTrue:[
        "minSampleValue:= value."
        'minSampleValue ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 281) ifTrue:[
        "maxSampleValue:= value."
        'maxSampleValue ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 282) ifTrue:[
        'xres ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 283) ifTrue:[
        'yres ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 284) ifTrue:[
        (value == 1) ifTrue:[
          planarConfiguration := 1
        ] ifFalse:[
          (value == 2) ifTrue:[
            planarConfiguration := 2
          ] ifFalse:[
            planarConfiguration := nil
        'planarconfig ' print. planarConfiguration printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 285) ifTrue:[
        'pageName ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 286) ifTrue:[
        'xPos ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 287) ifTrue:[
        'yPos ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 288) ifTrue:[
        'freeOffsets ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 289) ifTrue:[
        'freeByteCounts ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 290) ifTrue:[
        'grayResponceUnit' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 291) ifTrue:[
        'grayResponceCurve' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 292) ifTrue:[
        group3options := value.
        'group3options ' print. group3options printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 293) ifTrue:[
        "group4options := value."
        'group4options ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 296) ifTrue:[
        (value == 1) ifTrue:[
            'res-unit pixel' printNewline
        ] ifFalse:[
            (value == 2) ifTrue:[
                'res-unit inch' printNewline
            ] ifFalse:[
                (value == 3) ifTrue:[
                    'res-unit mm' printNewline
                ] ifFalse:[
                    'res-unit invalid' printNewline
        "resolutionUnit := value."
        ^ self
    (tagType == 297) ifTrue:[
        "pageNumber := value."
        'pageNumber ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 300) ifTrue:[
        'colorResponceUnit' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 301) ifTrue:[
        'colorResponceCurve' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 306) ifTrue:[
        'dateTime ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 315) ifTrue:[
        'artist ' print. value printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 317) ifTrue:[
        predictor := value.
        'predictor ' print. predictor printNewline.
        ^ self
    (tagType == 320) ifTrue:[
        'colorMap (size=' print. valueArray size print. ')' printNewline.
        n := valueArray size // 3.
        colorMap := Array new:3.
        colorMap at:1 put:(valueArray copyFrom:1 to:n).
        colorMap at:2 put:(valueArray copyFrom:n+1 to:2*n).
        colorMap at:3 put:(valueArray copyFrom:2*n+1 to:3*n).
        1 to:3 do:[:c |
            1 to:n do:[:e |
                val := (colorMap at:c) at:e.
                val := (val * 255.0 / 16rFFFF) rounded.
                (colorMap at:c) at:e put:val
        ^ self

'tag:' print. tagType print. ' typ:' print. numberType print.
' len:' print. length print. ' offs:' print. offset print. 
' val:' print. value print. ' valArr:' print. valueArray printNewline.  

    'unknown type ' print. tagType printNewline

    "write bits as one or multiple strips"

    |offs bytesPerRow nBytes|

    nBytes := data size.
    nBytes < 16rFFFF ifTrue:[
        stripOffsets := Array with:(outStream position - 1).
        stripByteCounts := Array with:nBytes.
        outStream nextPutBytes:nBytes from:data.
        rowsPerStrip := height
    ] ifFalse:[
        stripOffsets := Array new:height.
        bytesPerRow := nBytes // height.
        stripByteCounts := Array new:height withAll:bytesPerRow.

        offs := 1.
        1 to:height do:[:row |
            stripOffsets at:row put:(outStream position - 1).
            outStream nextPutBytes:bytesPerRow from:data startingAt:offs.
            offs := offs + bytesPerRow
        rowsPerStrip := 1
    'stripOffsets: ' print. stripOffsets printNewline.
    'stripByteCounts: ' print. stripByteCounts printNewline.

    colorMapPos := outStream position.
    colorMap do:[:subMap |
        subMap do:[:entry |
            "my maps are 8 bit - tiff map is 16 bit"
            entry isNil ifTrue:[
                "unused map entry"
                self writeShort:0
            ] ifFalse:[
                self writeShort:(entry / 255 * 16rFFFF) rounded

'stripOffsets: ' print. stripOffsets printNewline.
'store stripoffsets at: ' print. outStream position printNewline.
    stripOffsetsPos := outStream position.
    stripOffsets do:[:o |
        self writeLong:o

'stripByteCounts: ' print. stripByteCounts printNewline.
'store stripbytecounts at: ' print. outStream position printNewline.
    stripByteCountsPos := outStream position.
    stripByteCounts do:[:c |
        self writeShort:c

'bitsPerSample: ' print. bitsPerSample printNewline.
'store bitspersample at: ' print. outStream position printNewline.
    bitsPerSamplePos := outStream position.
    bitsPerSample do:[:n |
        self writeShort:n

    self writeTiffTag:tagType.

    |value valueArray numberType count address|

    count := 1.
    address := nil.
    (tagType == 253) ifTrue:[
        "tiff class"
    (tagType == 254) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 255) ifTrue:[
        value := subFileType.
        numberType := #long.
    (tagType == 256) ifTrue:[
        value := width.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 257) ifTrue:[
        value := height.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 258) ifTrue:[
        address := bitsPerSamplePos - 1.
        numberType := #short.
        count := bitsPerSample size.
        valueArray := bitsPerSample
    (tagType == 259) ifTrue:[
        value := compression.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 262) ifTrue:[
        (photometric == #whiteIs0) ifTrue:[
          value := 0
        ] ifFalse:[
          (photometric == #blackIs0) ifTrue:[
            value := 1
          ] ifFalse:[
            (photometric == #rgb) ifTrue:[
              value := 2
            ] ifFalse:[
              (photometric == #palette) ifTrue:[
                value := 3
              ] ifFalse:[
                (photometric == #transparency) ifTrue:[
                  value := 4
                ] ifFalse:[
                  self error:'bad photometric'
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 263) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 264) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 265) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 266) ifTrue:[
        (fillOrder == #msb) ifTrue:[
            value := 1
        ] ifFalse:[
          (fillOrder == #lsb) ifTrue:[
            value := 2
          ] ifFalse:[
            self error:'bad fillOrder'
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 269) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 270) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 271) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 272) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 273) ifTrue:[
        address := stripOffsetsPos - 1.
        numberType := #long.
        count := stripOffsets size.
        valueArray := stripOffsets
    (tagType == 274) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 277) ifTrue:[
        value := samplesPerPixel.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 278) ifTrue:[
        value := rowsPerStrip.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 279) ifTrue:[
        address := stripByteCountsPos - 1.
        numberType := #short.
        count := stripByteCounts size.
        valueArray := stripByteCounts
    (tagType == 280) ifTrue:[
        "min sample value"
    (tagType == 281) ifTrue:[
        "max sample value"
    (tagType == 282) ifTrue:[
        "x resolution"
    (tagType == 283) ifTrue:[
        "y resolution"
    (tagType == 284) ifTrue:[
        value := planarConfiguration.
        numberType := #short.
    (tagType == 285) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 286) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 287) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 288) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 289) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 290) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 291) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 292) ifTrue:[
        value := group3options.
        numberType := #long.
    (tagType == 293) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 296) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    (tagType == 297) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 300) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 301) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 306) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 315) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 317) ifTrue:[
    (tagType == 320) ifTrue:[
        address := colorMapPos - 1.
        numberType := #short.
        count := (colorMap at:1) size * 3.

    (value isNil and:[address isNil]) ifTrue:[
        self error:'unhandled tag'.
        ^ self

'tag:' print. tagType print. ' typ:' print. numberType print.
' len:' print. count print.
' val:' print. value printNewline.  

    self writeShort:tagType.
    numberType == #short ifTrue:[
        self writeShort:3.
        self writeLong:count.
    ] ifFalse:[
        numberType == #long ifTrue:[
            self writeShort:4.
            self writeLong:count.
        ] ifFalse:[
            numberType == #byte ifTrue:[
                self writeShort:1.
                self writeLong:count.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self error:'bad numbertype'
    address notNil ifTrue:[
        (numberType == #long and:[count == 1]) ifTrue:[
            self writeLong:(valueArray at:1).
            ^ self
        (numberType == #short and:[count <= 2]) ifTrue:[
            self writeShort:(valueArray at:1).
            count == 2 ifTrue:[
                self writeShort:(valueArray at:2).
            ] ifFalse:[
                self writeShort:0
            ^ self
        (numberType == #byte and:[count <= 4]) ifTrue:[
            outStream nextPut:(valueArray at:1).
            count > 1 ifTrue:[
                outStream nextPut:(valueArray at:2).
                count > 2 ifTrue:[
                    outStream nextPut:(valueArray at:3).
                    count > 3 ifTrue:[
                        outStream nextPut:(valueArray at:4).
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        outStream nextPut:0
                ] ifFalse:[
                    outStream nextPut:0
            ] ifFalse:[
                outStream nextPut:0
            ^ self
        self writeLong:address.
        ^ self
    numberType == #short ifTrue:[
        self writeShort:value.
        self writeShort:0
    ] ifFalse:[
        numberType == #long ifTrue:[
            self writeLong:value
        ] ifFalse:[
            numberType == #byte ifTrue:[
                outStream nextPut:value.
                outStream nextPut:0.
                outStream nextPut:0.
                outStream nextPut:0.
            ] ifFalse:[
                self error:'bad numbertype'

    |bytesPerRow bitsPerRow nPlanes 
     stripNr       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     offset        "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     row           "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
     nBytes        "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     bitsPerPixel overAllBytes|

    nPlanes := samplesPerPixel.

    "only support 1-sample/pixel,
     with alpha - if separate planes,
     or rgb - if non separate planes and no alpha"

    (nPlanes == 2) ifTrue:[
        (planarConfiguration ~~ 2) ifTrue:[
            self error:'with alpha, only separate planes supported'.
            ^ nil
        'ignoring alpha plane' printNewline.
        nPlanes := 1.
        bitsPerPixel := bitsPerSample at:1
    ] ifFalse:[
        (nPlanes == 3) ifTrue:[
            (planarConfiguration ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
                self error:'only non separate planes supported'.
                ^ nil
            bitsPerSample ~= #(8 8 8) ifTrue:[
                self error:'only 8/8/8 rgb images supported'.
                ^ nil
            bitsPerPixel := 24
        ] ifFalse:[
            (nPlanes ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
                self error:'format not supported'.
                ^ nil
            bitsPerPixel := bitsPerSample at:1

    bitsPerRow := width * bitsPerPixel.
    bytesPerRow := bitsPerRow // 8.
    ((bitsPerRow \\ 8) ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        bytesPerRow := bytesPerRow + 1

    overAllBytes := bytesPerRow * height.
    data := ByteArray uninitializedNew:overAllBytes.

    offset := 1.
    stripNr := 0.

    row := 1.
    [row <= height] whileTrue:[
        stripNr := stripNr + 1.
        nBytes := stripByteCounts at:stripNr.
        inStream position:((stripOffsets at:stripNr) + 1).

        inStream nextBytes:nBytes into:data startingAt:offset.
        offset := offset + nBytes.
        row := row + rowsPerStrip

    "read LZW compressed tiff data; this method only
     handles 3x8 rgb and 1x2 or 2x2 greyscale images.
     For 2x2 greyscale images, the alpha plane is ignored.
     (maybe other formats work also - its simply not

    |bytesPerRow compressedStrip nPlanes 
     bytesPerStrip "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     nBytes        "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     prevSize      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     stripNr       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     offset        "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     row           "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    nPlanes := samplesPerPixel.

    (nPlanes == 3) ifTrue:[
        ((bitsPerSample at:1) ~~ 8) ifTrue:[
            self error:'only 8 bit/sample supported'.
            ^ nil
        ((bitsPerSample at:2) ~~ 8) ifTrue:[
            self error:'only 8 bit/sample supported'.
            ^ nil
        ((bitsPerSample at:3) ~~ 8) ifTrue:[
            self error:'only 8 bit/sample supported'.
            ^ nil
        bytesPerRow := width * samplesPerPixel.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (nPlanes == 2) ifTrue:[
            (planarConfiguration ~~ 2) ifTrue:[
                self error:'only separate planes supported'.
                ^ nil
            'ignoring alpha plane' printNewline.
            nPlanes := 1
        (nPlanes == 1) ifFalse:[
            self error:'only 3-sample rgb / monochrome supported'.
            ^ nil
        bytesPerRow := (width * (bitsPerSample at:1) + 7) // 8.

    stripByteCounts isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'currently require stripByteCounts'.
        ^ nil

    data := ByteArray uninitializedNew:(bytesPerRow * height).

    offset := 1.
    stripNr := 0.

    row := 1.
    bytesPerStrip := bytesPerRow * rowsPerStrip.
    prevSize := 0.
    [row <= height] whileTrue:[
        stripNr := stripNr + 1.
        inStream position:((stripOffsets at:stripNr) + 1).
        nBytes := stripByteCounts at:stripNr.
        (nBytes > prevSize) ifTrue:[
            compressedStrip := ByteArray uninitializedNew:nBytes.
            prevSize := nBytes
        inStream nextBytes:nBytes
        self class decompressLZWFrom:compressedStrip
        offset := offset + bytesPerStrip.
        row := row + rowsPerStrip

    (predictor == 2) ifTrue:[
        self class decodeDelta:3 in:data width:width height:height

    "not really tested - all I got is a single
     fax from NeXT step"

    |bytesPerRow bitsPerRow compressedStrip nPlanes 
     stripNr       "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     offset        "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     row           "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     bytesPerStrip "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    nPlanes := samplesPerPixel.
    (nPlanes == 2) ifTrue:[
        'ignoring alpha plane' printNewline.
        nPlanes := 1

    (nPlanes ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
        self error:'only monochrome/greyscale supported'.
        ^ nil

    stripByteCounts isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'currently require stripByteCounts'.
        ^ nil
    (rowsPerStrip ~~ 1) isNil ifTrue:[
        self error:'currently require rowsPerStrip to be 1'.
        ^ nil

    bitsPerRow := width * (bitsPerSample at:1).
    bytesPerRow := bitsPerRow // 8.
    ((bitsPerRow \\ 8) ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
        bytesPerRow := bytesPerRow + 1

    data := ByteArray new:(bytesPerRow * height).
    compressedStrip := ByteArray uninitializedNew:bytesPerRow.

    offset := 1.
    stripNr := 0.

    row := 1.
    bytesPerStrip := bytesPerRow * rowsPerStrip.
    [row <= height] whileTrue:[
        stripNr := stripNr + 1.
        inStream position:((stripOffsets at:stripNr) + 1).
        inStream nextBytes:(stripByteCounts at:stripNr) into:compressedStrip.
        self class decompressCCITT3From:compressedStrip
        offset := offset + bytesPerStrip.
        row := row + rowsPerStrip

    'jpeg compression not implemented' printNewline

    "had no samples yet - however, packbits decompression
     is rather trivial to add ..."

    'packbits compression not implemented' printNewline
! !