author ca
Fri, 01 Oct 1999 17:40:13 +0200
changeset 1246 48f23f3ffb28
parent 1245 93d262fccc63
child 1247 dee345f571b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
delegate menuBar to keyboardProcessor

Object subclass:#Menu
	instanceVariableNames:'items groupSizes receiver'

!Menu class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    not yet finished Menu class - this will eventually replace
    most of the MenuView and PopUpMenu stuff.
    (and hopefully be ST-80 compatible ...)

    For now, only a subset of the full protocol is implemented.

	Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]
! !

!Menu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

labelArray:arrayOfString lines:linesArray values:valueArrayOrNil
    "return a menu with menu items built with labels from arrayOfString (not Symbols).  
     The linesArray describes which menu items are the last menu item in their group. 
     The valueArray contains value objects for each menu item 
     (or is nil if no value objects are specified)."

    |nLabel valueArray menuItems groupLengths|

    nLabel := arrayOfString size.

    valueArrayOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
        (valueArray := arrayOfString isEmpty) ifTrue: [
            valueArray := #()
        ] ifFalse:[
            valueArray := (1 to:nLabel)
    ] ifFalse:[
        valueArray := valueArrayOrNil

    nLabel ~~ valueArray size ifTrue: [
        ^ self error: 'illegal menu combination'

    menuItems := Array new:nLabel.
    1 to:nLabel do:[:i |
        |mi v|

        mi := MenuItem labeled:(arrayOfString at:i) asString.
        v := valueArray at:i.
        (v isKindOf:Menu) ifTrue:[mi submenu:v].
        menuItems at:i put:mi

    (linesArray size == 0) ifTrue:[
        groupLengths := (menuItems isEmpty)
                            ifTrue: [Array new:0]
                            ifFalse: [Array with:menuItems size]
    ] ifFalse:[
        groupLengths := Array new:(linesArray size + 1).
        groupLengths at:1 put:linesArray first.
        2 to:linesArray size do: [:i | 
            groupLengths at:i put:((linesArray at:i) - (linesArray at:i - 1))
        groupLengths at:groupLengths size put:(menuItems size - linesArray last).

    ^ self new 

    "Modified: / 19.4.1998 / 11:30:18 / cg"

labelArray:arrayOfString values:valueArrayOrNil
    "return a menu with menu items built with labels from arrayOfString (not Symbols).  
     The valueArray contains value objects for each menu item 
     (or is nil if no value objects are specified)."

    ^ self 
        values: valueArrayOrNil


labelList:arrayOfGroupStrings values:valueArrayOrNil
    |labels lines|

    lines := arrayOfGroupStrings collect:[:each | each size].
    labels := OrderedCollection new.
    arrayOfGroupStrings do:[:group | labels addAll:group].
    ^ self labelArray:labels lines:lines values:valueArrayOrNil

    "Modified: 20.6.1997 / 10:46:45 / cg"
    "Created: 13.9.1997 / 10:35:46 / cg"

labels:aString lines:linesArray values:valueArrayOrNil
    ^ self 
	labelArray:(aString asCollectionOfLines)

    "Created: / 31.10.1997 / 03:12:20 / cg"
    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 03:23:42 / cg"
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'ST-80 compatibility'!


    ^ items indexOf:anItem

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 16:34:19 / cg"

    "ST-80 seems to use a special menuButton class here.
     Here, kludge a collection of menuItems."

    ^ items

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 16:33:35 / cg"
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the menuItem for the given nameKey; nil if no such item is in the menu.
     Searches in allItems (i.e. also in subMenus)"

    self allItemsDo:[:anItem|
	anItem nameKey == aNameKey ifTrue:[^ anItem]
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 27.10.1997 / 15:12:00 / cg"

    "return the value of the instance variable 'groupSizes' (automatically generated)"

    ^ groupSizes!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'groupSizes' (automatically generated)"

    groupSizes := something.!

    "gets the label of the menu item at the given index or nil

    (item := self menuItemAt:anIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ item label
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:28:32 / cg"

    "gets the label of the menu item assigned to value

    item := self menuAndSubmenusDetectItem:[:anItem | anItem value == aValue ].

    item notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ item label
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:28:28 / cg"

    "return a collection of labels from my items"

    items isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].
    ^ items collect:[:anItem | anItem label]

    "Created: / 25.2.1997 / 19:47:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 02:36:22 / cg"

    "returns last item
    ^ items notNil ifTrue:[items last] ifFalse:[nil]

    "return the indexes of the menu items that are the last menu item in their group (except the very last)."

    |lines groupSz|

    (groupSz := groupSizes size) <= 1 ifTrue: [^ Array new].
    lines := Array new:(groupSz - 1).
    lines at:1 put:groupSizes first.
    2 to:(groupSz-1) do:[:i |
        lines at:i put:(lines at:(i - 1)) + (groupSizes at:i)
    ^ lines

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:28:19 / cg"

    "gets the menu item at the given index. When the index is out of bounds
     nil is returned
    (index > 0 and:[index <= items size]) ifTrue:[
	^ items at:index
  ^ nil

    "return the menuItem for the given nameKey; nil if no such item is in the menu.
     Searches all items (i.e. also submenu items)"

    self allItemsDo:[:anItem|

		((l := anItem label) sameAs: anItemLabel) ifTrue:[
		    ^ anItem
		(l includes:$&) ifTrue:[
		    ((l copyWithout:$&) sameAs: anItemLabel) ifTrue:[
			^ anItem
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 13.9.1997 / 10:25:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 27.10.1997 / 15:23:33 / cg"

    ^ items

menuItems:aCollectionOfMenuItems menuItemGroups:sizes values:values

    items := aCollectionOfMenuItems.
    groupSizes := sizes.
    sizes size > 0 ifTrue:[
        n := sizes inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :this | sumSoFar + this].
        n = items size ifTrue:[
            groupSizes := sizes copyWithoutLast:1

    values notNil ifTrue:[
        items with:values do:[:anItem :aValue |anItem value:aValue]

    "Modified: / 19.4.1998 / 11:47:34 / cg"

    "set the receiver of the menu messages"

    receiver := something.

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:26:29 / cg"

    "return the number of items in this menu"

    ^ items size

    "Created: / 6.3.1997 / 15:15:53 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:26:40 / cg"

    "return the receiver of the menu messages"

    ^ receiver

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:26:20 / cg"

    "set the receiver of the menu messages"

    receiver := something.

    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:26:29 / cg"

    "return a collection of values from my items"

    ^ (items at:index) value

    "Created: 25.2.1997 / 19:49:41 / cg"

valueAt:anIndex put:aValue
    "put value an an index"

    (items at:anIndex) value:aValue

    "Created: 6.3.1997 / 15:15:48 / cg"

    "return a collection of values from my items"

    ^ items collect:[:anItem | anItem value]

    "Created: 25.2.1997 / 19:49:29 / cg"

    "return a collection of values from my items"


    s := aCollectionOfValues readStream.
    self itemsDo:[:item |

        val := s next.
        item value:val
    s atEnd ifFalse:[
        self halt:'not enough elements in value collection'

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 15:15:47 / cg"

    |itemGroups visibleItemGroups nextItem|

    itemGroups := OrderedCollection new.
    nextItem := 1.
    groupSizes do:[:groupSize |
        itemGroups addLast: (items copyFrom:nextItem to:nextItem + groupSize - 1).
        nextItem := nextItem + groupSize
    self hasHiddenItems ifFalse:[^ itemGroups].

    "Remove the hidden items."
    visibleItemGroups := OrderedCollection new.
    itemGroups do:[:eachItemGroup |

        visibleItemGroup := eachItemGroup reject:[:eachMenuItem | eachMenuItem hidden].
        visibleItemGroup isEmpty ifFalse:[
            visibleItemGroups addLast: visibleItemGroup
    ^ visibleItemGroups

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 15:07:50 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:25:52 / cg"
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'accessing resource'!

    "setup a resource owner
    aResourceContainerOrApplication notNil ifTrue:[
	items notNil ifTrue:[
	    items do:[:anItem| anItem findGuiResourcesIn:aResourceContainerOrApplication ]

! !

!Menu methodsFor:'adding & removing'!

    "add a menuItem at the end;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"

    items isNil ifTrue:[
        items := OrderedCollection new
    ] ifFalse:[
        items := items asOrderedCollection
    items add:aMenuItem.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:31:13 / cg"

addItem:aMenuItem beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add a menuItem at some position;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"

    items isNil ifTrue:[
        items := OrderedCollection new
    ] ifFalse:[
        items := items asOrderedCollection
    items add:aMenuItem beforeIndex:anIndex.

    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:31:39 / cg"

addItem:aMenuItem value:aValue
    aMenuItem value:aValue.
    self addItem:aMenuItem.

    "add a group of items at the end;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"

    groupSizes isNil ifTrue:[
        groupSizes := OrderedCollection new
    groupSizes add:aCollectionOfItems size.

    aCollectionOfItems do:[:item |
        self addItem:item

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 15:02:15 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:32:06 / cg"

addItemGroup:aGroup values:values
    "add a group of items at the end;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"

    groupSizes isNil ifTrue:[
        groupSizes := OrderedCollection new
    groupSizes add:items size.

    aGroup with:values do:[:item :value |
        self addItem:item value:value

    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:32:18 / cg"

addItemGroupLabels:labels values:values
    "add a group of items at the end;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"


    items := labels with:values
                collect:[:label :value | 
                            MenuItem label:label value:value
    self addItemGroup:items

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 19:49:27 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:35:22 / cg"

addItemLabel:label value:value
    "add an item at the end;
     useful to build a menu programmatically (or, to add more items dynamically)"

    self addItem:(MenuItem label:label value:value)

    "Created: / 27.10.1997 / 19:47:12 / cg"
    "Modified: / 4.8.1998 / 17:34:44 / cg"

    "remove an item from the menu"


    items notNil ifTrue:[
        idx := items identityIndexOf:aMenuItem.
        idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            items removeAtIndex:idx

    "Created: / 13.9.1997 / 10:27:31 / cg"
    "Modified: / 2.2.1998 / 13:26:49 / cg"

    "remove item at an index
    anIndex <= items size ifTrue:[
        ^ items removeAtIndex:anIndex
    ^ nil
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'converting'!

    "read my contents from a aLiteralEncodedArray"

    |items groups values|

"/    ((aLiteralEncodedArray at:2) at:1) == #OrderedCollection ifTrue:[
"/        items := (aLiteralEncodedArray at:2) decodeAsLiteralArray
"/    ] ifFalse:[
    items := (aLiteralEncodedArray at:2) collect:[:item | item decodeAsLiteralArray].
"/    ].
    groups := aLiteralEncodedArray at:3.
    values := aLiteralEncodedArray at:4.
    self menuItems:items menuItemGroups:groups values:values.

    "extract from PD
     #(#Menu #(
                        #rawLabel: 'left' 
                        #value: #left ) 
                        #rawLabel: 'center' 
                        #value: #center ) 
                        #rawLabel: 'right' 
                        #value: #right ) 
             #(3 ) 
       ) decodeAsLiteralArray
     #(#Menu #(
                        #label: 'Straighten Up' ) 
                        #label: 'Inspect' ) 
                        #label: 'Coredump' ) 
             #(3 ) 
            #(#straightenUp #inspect #halt ) 
       ) decodeAsLiteralArray startUp  

    "extract from
     #(#Menu #(
                        #label: 'Straighten Up' ) 
                        #label: 'Inspect' ) 
                        #label: 'Coredump' ) 
             #(3 ) 
             #(1 2 3 )
       ) decodeAsLiteralArray startUp  

    "extract from
     #(#Menu #(
                    #label: 'File List' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'File Editor...' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 6 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Refactoring Tool...' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Workspace' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'New Canvas' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Palette' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Canvas Tool' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Image Editor' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Menu Editor' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'Advanced' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'DLL and C Connect' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 1 ) 
                #(#MenuItem #label: 'System Transcript' 
                    #accessCharacterPosition: 8 ) 
              #(4 5 2 1 ) 
              #(#openFileList #openFileEditor #openRefactoringTool #toolsNewWorkspace #toolsNewCanvas #toolsPalette #toolsCanvasTool #toolsMaskEditor #toolsMenuEditor nil #openExternalFinder #toggleSystemTranscript ) 
        ) decodeAsLiteralArray startUp

     #(#Menu #(
                        #label: 'Foo' 
                        #submenu: #(#Menu #(
                                            #(#MenuItem #label: 'foo 1')     
                                            #(#MenuItem #label: 'foo 2')     
                                          #(11 22)
                        #label: 'Inspect' ) 
                        #label: 'Coredump' ) 
             #(3 ) 
             #(1 2 3 )
       ) decodeAsLiteralArray startUp  

    "Modified: 20.6.1997 / 10:45:51 / cg"

    "return myself encoded as a literal array"

    |coll array size|

    coll := OrderedCollection new.
    coll add:#Menu.

    (size := items size) == 0  ifTrue:[
        array := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        array := Array new:size.
        items keysAndValuesDo:[:anIndex :anItem|
            array at:anIndex put:(anItem literalArrayEncoding)
    coll add:array.

    (size := groupSizes size) == 0  ifTrue:[
        array := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        array := Array new:size.
        groupSizes keysAndValuesDo:[:anIndex :aSize|
            array at:anIndex put:(aSize literalArrayEncoding)
    coll add:array.
    coll add:nil.
  ^ coll asArray
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    "evaluate block on each item and submenu items
    self itemsDo:[:anItem|

        aOneArgBlock value:anItem.
        (sub := anItem submenu) notNil ifTrue:[
            sub allItemsDo:aOneArgBlock

    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 00:34:53 / cg"

    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each item in the menu until the
     block returns true; in this case return the item which caused the
     true evaluation.
     If none of the evaluations returns true, return the result of the
     evaluation of the exceptionBlock
    ^ self detectItem:aBlock ifNone:[self errorNotFound]


detectItem:aBlock ifNone:exceptionBlock
    "evaluate the argument, aBlock for each item in the menu until the
     block returns true; in this case return the item which caused the
     true evaluation.
     If none of the evaluations returns true, return the result of the
     evaluation of the exceptionBlock
    items notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ items detect:aBlock ifNone:exceptionBlock
    ^ exceptionBlock value

    "evaluate the block for each item in the current menu
    items notNil ifTrue:[items do:aOneArgBlock]

    "evaluate the block for each item in the current menu and all
     submenus. In case that the block returns a non nil argument,
     the item will be returned

    items notNil ifTrue:[
        items do:[:anItem|

            (aOneArgBlock value:anItem) ifTrue:[
                ^ anItem
            (sub := anItem submenu) notNil ifTrue:[
                item := sub menuAndSubmenusDetectItem:aOneArgBlock.
                item notNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ item
    ^ nil

    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 00:35:00 / cg"
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'kludged fixes'!


    "Created: 28.7.1997 / 10:16:52 / cg"
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'menu items'!

    "get the menu item with that label; in case that the label
     is not found, nil is returned
    ^ self someMenuItemLabeled:aLabel ifNone:nil

    "Created: / 14.11.1997 / 20:55:17 / cg"

someMenuItemLabeled:aLabel ifNone:exceptionBlock
    "get the menu item labeled aLabel; in case that the value
     is not found, the given exceptionBlock is executed and its value returned

    item := self menuAndSubmenusDetectItem:[:anItem| anItem label = aLabel].

    item notNil ifTrue:[
	^ item
    ^ exceptionBlock value

    "Created: / 14.11.1997 / 20:56:13 / cg"

    "get the menu item assigned with the value; in case that the value
     is not found nil is returned
    ^ self someMenuItemWithValue:aValue ifNone:nil

someMenuItemWithValue:aValue ifNone:exceptionBlock
    "get the menu item assigned with the value; in case that the value
     is not found, the given exceptionBlock is executed and returned

    item := self menuAndSubmenusDetectItem:[:anItem| anItem value == aValue].

    item notNil ifTrue:[
	^ item
  ^ exceptionBlock value
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'queries'!

    "test whether any item is hidden"

    self allItemsDo:[:anItem|
	anItem isHidden ifTrue:[^ true]
    ^ false

    "Modified: / 27.10.1997 / 15:12:44 / cg"

    "test whether the menu item at the given index has a submenu
    ^ (self menuItemAt:anIndex) hasSubmenu
! !

!Menu methodsFor:'startup'!

    "realize the menu at its last position; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ (MenuPanel menu:self) show ? 0


    "realize the menu at aPoint; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ self showAt:aPoint resizing:true


showAt:aPoint resizing:aBoolean
    "realize the menu at aPoint; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ ((MenuPanel menu:self) showAt:aPoint resizing:aBoolean) ? 0

    "Modified: / 8.7.1998 / 19:57:55 / cg"

    "realize the menu at the current pointer position; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ self startUp

    "realize the menu visible at the aView center; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ ((MenuPanel menu:self) showCenteredIn:aView) ? 0

    "Modified: / 8.7.1998 / 19:58:05 / cg"

    "display the menu as a popUp; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ (MenuPanel menu:self) startUp ? 0


	m := #(#Menu #(
				#rawLabel: 'left' 
				#value: #left ) 
				#rawLabel: 'center' 
				#value: #center ) 
				#rawLabel: 'right' 
				#value: #right ) ) 
	) decodeAsLiteralArray.

      Transcript showCR:(m startUp)        

    "display the menu as a popUp at aPoint; returns the value associated with the
     selected item, 0 if none was selected"

    ^ ((MenuPanel menu:self) startUpAt:aPoint) ? 0


        m := #(#Menu #(
                                #rawLabel: 'left' 
                                #value: #left ) 
                                #rawLabel: 'center' 
                                #value: #center ) 
                                #rawLabel: 'right' 
                                #value: #right ) ) 
        ) decodeAsLiteralArray.

      Transcript showCR:(m startUpAt:100@100)        

    "Created: / 21.5.1998 / 14:15:21 / cg"
    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 14:17:46 / cg"
! !

!Menu class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.39 1999-09-25 12:59:36 ca Exp $'
! !