author claus
Fri, 31 Mar 1995 05:08:53 +0200
changeset 59 98a4d38cfc96
child 92 18d1136ad2e0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial revision

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.5 on 26-mar-1995 at 10:19:20 am'!

EventListener subclass:#ActiveHelp
	 instanceVariableNames:'currentView currentHelpView currentFrame closeProcess'
	 classVariableNames:'ShowTime TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener'

!ActiveHelp class methodsFor:'documentation'!

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.1 1995-03-31 03:08:53 claus Exp $

    The active help listener

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

! !

!ActiveHelp class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    ShowTime := 15
! !

!ActiveHelp class methodsFor:'startup'!

    TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener isNil ifTrue:[
	TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener := self new.
    TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener listen

     ActiveHelp start

    TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener notNil ifTrue:[
	TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener unlisten.

     ActiveHelp stop


    self stop.
    TheOneAndOnlyHelpListener := nil

     ActiveHelp release
! !

!ActiveHelp methodsFor:'private'!

helpTextFor:aView atX:x y:y
    |model text view org found v sv|

    view := aView.

    (model := aView model) notNil ifTrue:[
"/ model printNL.
	(model respondsTo:#helpTextFor:at:) ifTrue:[
	    text := model helpTextFor:aView at:x@y.
	    text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].
	(model respondsTo:#helpTextFor:) ifTrue:[
	    text := model helpTextFor:aView.
	    text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].

    (aView respondsTo:#helpText) ifTrue:[
	text := aView helpText.
	text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].

    "walk up the chain - maybe someone knows about its subview ..."
    v := aView.

    [(sv := v superView) notNil] whileTrue:[
	(model := sv model) notNil ifTrue:[
	    (model respondsTo:#helpTextFor:at:) ifTrue:[
		text := model helpTextFor:aView at:x@y.
		text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].
	    (model respondsTo:#helpTextFor:) ifTrue:[
		text := model helpTextFor:aView.
		text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].

	(sv respondsTo:#helpTextFor:) ifTrue:[
	    text := sv helpTextFor:aView.
	    text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].
	    text := sv helpTextFor:v.
	    text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].
	 v := sv.

    (view class respondsTo:#helpText) ifTrue:[
	text := view class helpText.
	text notNil ifTrue:[^ text].

    ^ nil


    whereOnScreen := aView device pointerPosition.

    (currentFrame notNil
    and:[(currentFrame insetBy:1@1) containsPoint:whereOnScreen]) ifFalse:[
	self hideHelp.
	currentView := nil

! !

!ActiveHelp methodsFor:'listening'!

buttonPress:state x:x y:y view:view
    self hideHelp.
    ^ false

pointerEnter:state x:x y:y view:aView

    self hideIfPointerLeft:aView.
    aView topView == currentHelpView ifTrue:[
	^ true

    text := self helpTextFor:aView atX:x y:y.

    text notNil ifTrue:[
	self showHelp:text for:aView

    ^ false

pointerLeave:state view:view
    self hideIfPointerLeft:view.
    ^ false

keyPress:state x:x y:y view:view
    self hideHelp.
    ^ false

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y view:view
    self hideIfPointerLeft:view.
    ^ false
! !

!ActiveHelp methodsFor:'show / hide help'!

    currentHelpView notNil ifTrue:[
	    currentHelpView destroy.
	    currentHelpView := nil.
	    currentView := nil.
	] valueUninterruptably
    currentFrame := nil.
    closeProcess notNil ifTrue:[
	closeProcess terminate.

showHelp:aHelpText for:view

    view == currentView ifTrue:[^ self].

    currentHelpView notNil ifTrue:[
	self hideHelp

    org := view originRelativeTo:nil.
    currentFrame := org extent:view extent.
    org :=org + (view extent // 2).

org := view device pointerPosition.

    currentHelpView := ActiveHelpView for:aHelpText withCRs.
    currentHelpView origin:org.
"/    currentHelpView open.
    currentHelpView realize.
    currentHelpView enableButtonMotionEvents.
    currentHelpView enableMotionEvents.

    currentView := view.
    closeProcess := [
	Process terminateSignal handle:[:ex |
	    closeProcess := nil.
	] do:[
	    (Delay forSeconds:ShowTime) wait.
		currentHelpView notNil ifTrue:[
		    currentHelpView destroy.
		    currentHelpView := nil.
	    ] valueUninterruptably
    ] forkAt:(Processor userSchedulingPriority + 1).
! !

ActiveHelp initialize!