author claus
Fri, 31 Mar 1995 05:12:37 +0200
changeset 60 c9dc64d2b4d6
child 92 18d1136ad2e0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Initial revision

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.5 on 26-mar-1995 at 10:19:24 am'!

View subclass:#ActiveHelpView

!ActiveHelpView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/,v 1.1 1995-03-31 03:12:34 claus Exp $

    a talking view

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

! !

!ActiveHelpView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    |helpView textView|

    helpView := self new.
    textView := ListView new.
    textView font:(helpView font on:textView device).
    ^ (helpView withView:textView) contents:someText

     (ActiveHelpView for:'hello world\this is an ActiveHelpView' withCRs) realize
     (ActiveHelpView for:'press here\to open a new\SystemBrowser' withCRs) realize

    ^ self new withView:aView

     (ActiveHelpView with:(TextView new)) realize
     (ActiveHelpView with:(TextView new)) open
     (ActiveHelpView with:(Button label:'ok')) open
! !

!ActiveHelpView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    self create.
    self computeShape.
    self enableMotionEvents.
    self enableButtonMotionEvents.
    super realize

    super initialize.
    font := Font family:'helvetica' size:12.
    self viewBackground:White
! !

!ActiveHelpView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    self addSubView:aView.
    myView := aView.
    myView borderWidth:0

    ^ true

    myView contents:someText.
    self resizeToFit
! !

!ActiveHelpView methodsFor:'private'!

    |extent shapeForm borderForm y1 bw h w mirrorH mirrorV
     p1 p2 p3 pB1 pB2 pB3 offs|

    extent := self extent.
    h := extent y.
    w := extent x.
    bw := 4.
    offs := 0.

    self corner x > self device width ifTrue:[
	mirrorH := true.
	self origin:((self origin x - w) @ (self origin y)).
	offs := bw * 2.
    ] ifFalse:[
	mirrorH := false
    self corner y > self device height ifTrue:[
	mirrorV := true.
	self origin:(self origin x @ (self origin y - h)).
    ] ifFalse:[
	mirrorV := false

    borderForm := Form width:w height:h.
    shapeForm := Form width:w height:h.
    borderForm fill:(Color colorId:0).
    shapeForm fill:(Color colorId:0).

    mirrorV ifTrue:[
	myView origin:(w // 7 + offs) @ (h//8)
	       extent:(w // 7 * 6) @ (h // 3 * 2).
	y1 := 0.
    ] ifFalse:[
	myView origin:(w // 7 + offs) @ (h // 3)
	       extent:(w // 7 * 6) @ (h // 3 * 2).
	y1 := h // 4.

    borderForm fillArcX:0 
		      h:(h // 3 * 2)

"/    shapeForm fillArcX:bw y:(h // 4) + bw 
"/                      w:(w - (bw * 2))
"/                      h:(h // 3 * 2 - (bw * 2))
"/                   from:0
"/                  angle:360.

    mirrorH ifTrue:[
	mirrorV ifTrue:[
	    p1 := w @ h. 
	    p2 := ((w * 7 // 8) @ (h // 2)).
	    p3 := ((w // 2) @ (h // 2)).
	    pB1 := (w-bw) @ (h-bw). 
	    pB2 := ((w * 7 // 8 - bw) @ (h // 2 - bw)).
	    pB3 := ((w // 2 + bw) @ (h // 2 - bw))
	] ifFalse:[
	    p1 := w @ 0. 
	    p2 := ((w * 7 // 8) @ (h // 2)).
	    p3 := ((w // 2) @ (h // 2)).
	    pB1 := (w-bw) @ bw. 
	    pB2 := ((w * 7 // 8 - bw) @ (h // 2 + bw)).
	    pB3 := ((w // 2 + bw) @ (h // 2 + bw))
    ] ifFalse:[
	mirrorV ifTrue:[
	    p1 := 0@h. 
	    p2 := ((w // 8) @ (h // 2)). 
	    p3 := ((w // 2) @ (h // 2)).
	    pB1 := bw@(h-bw). 
	    pB2 := ((w // 8 + bw) @ (h // 2 - bw)). 
	    pB3 := ((w // 2 - bw) @ (h // 2 - bw)).
	] ifFalse:[
	    p1 := 0@0. 
	    p2 := ((w // 8) @ (h // 2)). 
	    p3 := ((w // 2) @ (h // 2)).
	    pB1 := bw@bw. 
	    pB2 := ((w // 8 + bw) @ (h // 2 + bw)). 
	    pB3 := ((w // 2 - bw) @ (h // 2 + bw)).

    borderForm fillPolygon:(Array with:p1 with:p2 with:p3).
    shapeForm fillPolygon:(Array with:pB1 with:pB2 with:pB3).

    shapeForm lineWidth:bw.
    shapeForm paint:(Color colorId:0).
    shapeForm displayPolygon:(Array with:p3 with:p1 with:p2).

    shapeForm paint:(Color colorId:1).
    shapeForm fillArcX:bw 
		     y:y1 + bw 
		     w:(w - (bw * 2))
		     h:(h // 3 * 2 - (bw * 2))

    self borderShape:borderForm.
    self viewShape:shapeForm

    |h w|

    h := myView heightOfContents.
    w := myView widthOfContents.

    self extent:((w * 0.85) rounded asInteger)
		((h * 2.5) rounded asInteger)
! !

!ActiveHelpView methodsFor:'events'!

    self fill:White

    super sizeChanged:how.
    self computeShape
! !