author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 15:16:03 +0100
changeset 494 ce8c074d5e6b
parent 411 8b8b0128d129
child 513 8334721d93bb
permissions -rw-r--r--
checkin from browser

Object subclass:#DragAndDropManager
	instanceVariableNames:'dragView motionAction releaseAction initialPoint previousPoint
		rememberedDelegate dragBlock lineMode dropAction opaque saveUnder
		dragSize dragOffset dropObjects saveCursor lastView'

View subclass:#DemoView

View subclass:#DemoView2

View subclass:#DemoView3

!DragAndDropManager class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    this class provides low-level drag & drop mechanisms.

        Claus Gittinger



    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:02:00 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:21:42 / cg"
! !

!DragAndDropManager class methodsFor:'simple start'!

startDrag:anObjectOrCollection from:aView
    "start a drop at the current pointer position"

    (self new) startDrag:anObjectOrCollection from:aView offset:0@0

     |o v|

     v := (Button label:'press me').
     v pressAction:[
                o := DropObject newFile:('.').
                DragAndDropManager startDrag:o from:v.
                v turnOff
     v openAt:100@100


startDrag:anObjectOrCollection from:aView offset:offset
    "start a drop at the current pointer position"

    (self new) startDrag:anObjectOrCollection from:aView offset:offset

     |o v|

     v := (Button label:'press me').
     v pressAction:[
                o := DropObject newFile:('.').
                DragAndDropManager startDrag:o from:v offset:10@10.
                v turnOff
     v openAt:100@100

! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ dropObjects


    anObjectOrCollection isCollection ifTrue:[
        dropObjects := anObjectOrCollection
    ] ifFalse:[
        dropObjects := Array with:anObjectOrCollection
! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'dragging - generic'!

doGenericDragX:x y:y

    previousPoint notNil ifTrue:[
        opaque ifTrue:[
            self restoreGenericAt:previousPoint
        ] ifFalse:[
            self invertGenericAt:previousPoint
    previousPoint := x @ y.

    view := self destinationViewAt:previousPoint.
    view ~~ lastView ifTrue:[
        view isNil ifTrue:[
            "/ alien view
            dragView cursor:(Cursor questionMark) now:true
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ ST/X view
            (view canDrop:dropObjects) ifTrue:[
                dragView cursor:(Cursor thumbsUp) now:true.
            ] ifFalse:[
                dragView cursor:(Cursor thumbsDown) now:true
        lastView := view

    opaque ifTrue:[
        self drawGenericAt:previousPoint.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self invertGenericAt:previousPoint

    |t offs p rootView|

    rootView := dragView device rootView.

    p := ip.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        p := t applyTo:p.

     translate to screen
    offs := dragView device 
                from:(dragView id) to:(rootView id).
    p := p + offs.

    rootView clippedByChildren:false.
    saveUnder isNil ifTrue:[
        saveUnder := Form width:dragSize x height:dragSize y depth:rootView device depth on:dragView device.
        saveUnder clippedByChildren:false.
        x:p x - dragOffset x 
        y:p y - dragOffset y
        width:dragSize x 
        height:dragSize y.

    rootView lineWidth:0. 
    dragBlock value:p value:rootView.
    rootView flush


endGenericDragX:x y:y
    previousPoint notNil ifTrue:[
        opaque ifTrue:[
            self restoreGenericAt:previousPoint
        ] ifFalse:[
            self invertGenericAt:previousPoint
    previousPoint := nil.
    self uncatchEvents.
    self endDragAt:x @ y

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:17:20 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:22:41 / cg"


    |t offs p rootView|

    rootView := dragView device rootView.

    p := ip.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        p := t applyTo:p.

     translate to screen
    offs := dragView device 
                from:(dragView id) to:(rootView id).
    p := p + offs.

    rootView clippedByChildren:false.
    rootView xoring:[
        rootView lineWidth:0. 
        dragBlock value:p value:rootView.
        rootView flush

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:15:26 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:27:09 / cg"


    |t offs p rootView|

    rootView := dragView device rootView.
    p := ip.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        p := t applyTo:p.

     translate to screen
    offs := dragView device 
                from:(dragView id) to:(rootView id).
    p := p + offs.

    rootView clippedByChildren:false.
        toX:p x - dragOffset x
        y:p y - dragOffset y
        width:dragSize x 
        height:dragSize y.


startGenericDrag:aTwoArgDragBlock in:aView at:p atEnd:aFourArgEndBlock
    "start a generic (caller-provided drag);
     the dragBlock, aTwoArgDragBlock will be called with two args
     aPoint and a drawingGC, to perform the drawing at some dragPoint.
     The drag starts in aView at point p.
     When finished, the endAction is called with four args:
     the targetView, the targetViews windowID (useful, if its an alien view),
     the dropPoint in root-coordinates and the dropPoint within the targetView"

    self catchEventsFrom:aView.
    motionAction := #doGenericDragX:y:.
    releaseAction := #endGenericDragX:y:.
    initialPoint := p.
    previousPoint := nil.
    dragBlock := aTwoArgDragBlock.
    dropAction := aFourArgEndBlock.

    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:26 / cg"
    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:16:13 / cg"


startOpaqueDrag:aTwoArgDragBlock offset:offs extent:ext in:aView at:p atEnd:aFourArgEndBlock
    "start a generic opaque (caller-provided drag);
     opaque drag means, that the drawing cannot be undone by two inverting
     draws, but instead, the area under the dragged object must be saved
     and restored. The areas size to be saved/restored is passed in ext.
     the dragBlock, aTwoArgDragBlock will be called with two args
     aPoint and a drawingGC, to perform the drawing at some dragPoint.
     The drag starts in aView at point p.
     When finished, the endAction is called with four args:
     the targetView, the targetViews windowID (useful, if its an alien view),
     the dropPoint in root-coordinates and the dropPoint within the targetView"

    self catchEventsFrom:aView.
    motionAction := #doGenericDragX:y:.
    releaseAction := #endGenericDragX:y:.
    initialPoint := p.
    previousPoint := nil.
    dragBlock := aTwoArgDragBlock.
    dropAction := aFourArgEndBlock.
    opaque := true.
    dragSize := ext.
    dragOffset := offs.

    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:26 / cg"
    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:16:13 / cg"

! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'dragging - lines'!

doLineDragX:x y:y
    previousPoint notNil ifTrue:[
        self invertLineFrom:initialPoint to:previousPoint
    previousPoint := x @ y.
    self invertLineFrom:initialPoint to:previousPoint

    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:16:59 / cg"


endLineDragX:x y:y
    previousPoint notNil ifTrue:[
        self invertLineFrom:initialPoint to:previousPoint
    previousPoint := nil.
    self uncatchEvents.
    self endDragAt:x @ y

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:17:20 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:22:41 / cg"


invertLineFrom:ip1 to:ip2
    |t offs p1 p2 rootView a|

    rootView := dragView device rootView.

    p1 := ip1.
    p2 := ip2.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        p1 := t applyTo:p1.
        p2 := t applyTo:p2.

     translate to screen
    offs := dragView device 
                from:(dragView id) to:(rootView id).
    p1 := p1 + offs.
    p2 := p2 + offs.

    rootView clippedByChildren:false.
    rootView xoring:[
        rootView lineWidth:0. 
        lineMode == #arrow ifTrue:[
            a := Arrow from:p1 to:p2.
            a arrowHeadLength:(rootView device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter * 4) rounded.
            a displayFilledOn:rootView.
        ] ifFalse:[
            rootView displayLineFrom:p1 to:p2.
        rootView flush

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:15:26 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:27:09 / cg"


startArrowDragIn:aView at:p atEnd:aBlock
    "start a line-drag of an arrow-line.
     The drag starts in aView at point p.
     When finished, the endAction is called with four args:
     the targetView, the targetViews windowID (useful, if its an alien view),
     the dropPoint in root-coordinates and the dropPoint within the targetView"

    self catchEventsFrom:aView.
    motionAction := #doLineDragX:y:.
    releaseAction := #endLineDragX:y:.
    initialPoint := p.
    previousPoint := nil.
    dragBlock := nil.
    lineMode := #arrow.
    dropAction := aBlock.

    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:26 / cg"
    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:16:13 / cg"


startLineDragIn:aView at:p atEnd:aFourArgEndBlock
    "start a line-drag of a normal line.
     The drag starts in aView at point p.
     When finished, the endAction is called with four args:
     the targetView, the targetViews windowID (useful, if its an alien view),
     the dropPoint in root-coordinates and the dropPoint within the targetView"

    self catchEventsFrom:aView.
    motionAction := #doLineDragX:y:.
    releaseAction := #endLineDragX:y:.
    initialPoint := p.
    previousPoint := nil.
    dragBlock := nil.
    lineMode := nil.
    dropAction := aFourArgEndBlock.

    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:26 / cg"
    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:16:13 / cg"

! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'drawing'!

showDragging:items in:aView at:p

    items size > 1 ifTrue:[
        offs := 0.
        items do:[:item |
            item displayOn:aView at:p + (0@offs).
            offs := offs + (item heightOn:self)
    ] ifFalse:[
        items first displayOn:aView at:p.

    "Created: 14.11.1996 / 15:31:31 / cg"
    "Modified: 14.11.1996 / 16:32:00 / cg"

! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'easy drag & drop'!

startDrag:anObjectOrCollection from:aView offset:offset
    "start a drop at the current pointer position"

    |pos displayObjects device width height|

    self dropObjects:anObjectOrCollection.

    device := aView device.
    pos := device translatePoint:(device pointerPosition)
                            from:(device rootView id) 
                              to:(aView id).

    displayObjects := dropObjects collect:[:each | each displayObject on:device].
    height := displayObjects inject:0 into:[:sum :each | sum + (each heightOn:aView)].
    width  := displayObjects inject:0 into:[:max :each | max max:(each widthOn:aView)].

    self startOpaqueDrag:[:aPoint :aView|self showDragging:displayObjects in:aView at:(aPoint - offset)]
                  extent:(width @ height)
! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'event catching'!

buttonMotion:button x:x y:y view:aView
    self perform:motionAction with:x with:y

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:00 / cg"


buttonRelease:button x:x y:y view:aView
    self perform:releaseAction with:x with:y

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:09:14 / cg"


drop:something in:targetView at:aPoint from:sourceView ifOk:okAction ifFail:failAction
    "try to drop some object in a targetView;
     if the targetView takes it, okAction is evaluated ;
     if not, failAction is evaluated"

    (targetView canDrop:something) ifFalse:[
        failAction value.
        ^ false
    targetView drop:something at:aPoint from:sourceView 
               with:[:o | okAction. ^ true]
               ifFail:[:o | failAction. ^ false].
    ^ false


handlesButtonMotion:button inView:aView
    "query from event processor: am I interested in button-events ?
     yes I am (to activate the clicked-on field)."

    ^ aView == dragView

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:05:36 / cg"


handlesButtonRelease:button inView:aView
    "query from event processor: am I interested in button-events ?
     yes I am (to activate the clicked-on field)."

    ^ aView == dragView

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:05:48 / cg"

! !

!DragAndDropManager methodsFor:'private'!

    dragView   := aView.
    saveCursor := dragView cursor.

    rememberedDelegate := aView delegate.
    aView delegate:self.

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:03:12 / cg"
    "Modified: 26.10.1996 / 15:21:57 / cg"


    |rootPoint t viewId offs destinationId lastViewId destinationView
     rootView destinationPoint device|

    device    := dragView device.
    rootView  := device rootView.
    rootPoint := ip.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        rootPoint := t applyTo:ip.
    viewId := rootView id.

     translate to screen
    offs := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(dragView id) to:viewId.
    rootPoint := rootPoint + offs.

    "search view the drop is in"

    [viewId notNil] whileTrue:[
        destinationId := device viewIdFromPoint:rootPoint in:viewId.
        lastViewId := viewId.
        viewId := destinationId
    ^ device viewFromId:lastViewId

    |rootPoint t viewId offs destinationId lastViewId destinationView
     rootView destinationPoint device|

    dragView cursor:saveCursor now:true.
    device := dragView device.
    rootView := device rootView.
    rootPoint := ip.

     get device coordinates
    (t := dragView transformation) notNil ifTrue:[
        rootPoint := t applyTo:ip.
    viewId := rootView id.

     translate to screen
    offs := device translatePoint:0@0 from:(dragView id) to:viewId.
    rootPoint := rootPoint + offs.

    "search view the drop is in"

    [viewId notNil] whileTrue:[
        destinationId := device viewIdFromPoint:rootPoint in:viewId.
        lastViewId := viewId.
        viewId := destinationId
    destinationView := device viewFromId:lastViewId.
    destinationId := lastViewId.

    "into another one"
    destinationView notNil ifTrue:[
        destinationPoint := device translatePoint:rootPoint
                                             from:(rootView id) 
                                               to:(destinationView id).
        destinationView transformation notNil ifTrue:[
            destinationPoint := destinationView transformation applyInverseTo:destinationPoint
    ] ifFalse:[
         not one of my views

    dropAction isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ XXX add external clipboard mechanism via display
        (destinationView notNil and:[destinationView canDrop:dropObjects]) ifTrue:[
            destinationView drop:dropObjects at:destinationPoint
        ^ self

    dropAction value:destinationView

    dragView delegate:rememberedDelegate.

    "Created: 26.10.1996 / 15:22:29 / cg"

     DragAndDropManager allInstancesDo:[:m |
        m uncatchEvents
! !

!DragAndDropManager::DemoView methodsFor:'events'!

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    DragAndDropManager new
        startLineDragIn:self at:(x@y) 
               :viewPoint | 

               Transcript show:'dropped at ';
                          show:' in '.
               view notNil ifTrue:[
                   Transcript showCR:view
               ] ifFalse:[
                   Transcript show:'alien view ';
                              showCR:viewID address

     self new open
! !

!DragAndDropManager::DemoView2 methodsFor:'events'!

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    DragAndDropManager new
        startGenericDrag:[:p :v | v displayString:'hello' at:p]
               :viewPoint | ]

     self new open

! !

!DragAndDropManager::DemoView3 methodsFor:'events'!

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    DragAndDropManager new
               :viewPoint | ]

     self new open
! !

!DragAndDropManager class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libview2/DragAndDropManager.st,v 1.10 1997-02-11 19:09:24 ca Exp $'
! !