changeset 12 48db03aa2650
child 23 b894e51653f4
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uzbl/Makefile	Thu Jun 09 12:04:42 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# first entries are for gnu make, 2nd for BSD make.  see
+# packagers, set DESTDIR to your "package directory" and PREFIX to the prefix you want to have on the end-user system
+# end-users who build from source: don't care about DESTDIR, update PREFIX if you want to
+# RUN_PREFIX : what the prefix is when the software is run. usually the same as PREFIX
+# gtk2
+REQ_PKGS += gtk+-2.0 webkit-1.0
+# gtk3
+#REQ_PKGS += gtk+-3.0 webkitgtk-3.0
+# --- configuration ends here ---
+REQ_PKGS += libsoup-2.4 gthread-2.0 glib-2.0
+ARCH:=$(shell uname -m)
+ARCH!=echo `uname -m`
+COMMIT_HASH:=$(shell ./misc/
+COMMIT_HASH!=echo `./misc/`
+PKG_CFLAGS:=$(shell pkg-config --cflags $(REQ_PKGS))
+PKG_CFLAGS!=echo pkg-config --cflags $(REQ_PKGS)
+LDLIBS:=$(shell pkg-config --libs $(REQ_PKGS) x11)
+LDLIBS!=echo pkg-config --libs $(REQ_PKGS) x11
+CFLAGS += -std=c99 $(PKG_CFLAGS) -ggdb -W -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -pthread
+SRC = $(wildcard src/*.c)
+HEAD = $(wildcard src/*.h)
+OBJ  = $(foreach obj, $(SRC:.c=.o),  $(notdir $(obj)))
+LOBJ = $(foreach obj, $(SRC:.c=.lo), $(notdir $(obj)))
+all: uzbl-browser
+${OBJ}: ${HEAD}
+uzbl-core: ${OBJ}
+uzbl-browser: uzbl-core
+# the 'tests' target can never be up to date
+.PHONY: tests
+# this is here because the .so needs to be compiled with -fPIC on x86_64
+${LOBJ}: ${SRC} ${HEAD}
+	$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -fPIC -c src/$(@:.lo=.c) -o $@
+# When compiling unit tests, compile uzbl as a library first
+tests: ${LOBJ} force
+	$(CC) -shared -Wl ${LOBJ} -o ./tests/
+	cd ./tests/; $(MAKE)
+test-uzbl-core: uzbl-core
+	./uzbl-core --uri --verbose
+test-uzbl-browser: uzbl-browser
+	./bin/uzbl-browser --uri --verbose
+test-uzbl-core-sandbox: uzbl-core
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-core
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-example-data
+	cp -np ./misc/ ./sandbox/
+	. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-core --uri --verbose
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox uninstall
+	rm -rf ./sandbox/usr
+test-uzbl-browser-sandbox: uzbl-browser
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-core
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-browser
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-example-data
+	cp -np ./misc/ ./sandbox/
+	-. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-event-manager restart -avv
+	. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-browser --uri --verbose
+	. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-event-manager stop -ivv
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox uninstall
+	rm -rf ./sandbox/usr
+test-uzbl-tabbed-sandbox: uzbl-browser
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-core
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-browser
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-uzbl-tabbed
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox RUN_PREFIX=`pwd`/sandbox/usr/local install-example-data
+	cp -np ./misc/ ./sandbox/
+	-. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-event-manager restart -avv
+	. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-tabbed
+	. ./sandbox/ && uzbl-event-manager stop -ivv
+	make DESTDIR=./sandbox uninstall
+	rm -rf ./sandbox/usr
+	rm -f uzbl-core
+	rm -f uzbl-core.o
+	rm -f events.o
+	rm -f callbacks.o
+	rm -f inspector.o
+	rm -f cookie-jar.o
+	rm -f util.o io.o menu.o
+	find ./examples/ -name "*.pyc" -delete
+	cd ./tests/; $(MAKE) clean
+	rm -rf ./sandbox/
+	@echo Stripping binary
+	@strip uzbl-core
+	@echo ... done.
+install: install-uzbl-core install-uzbl-browser install-uzbl-tabbed
+	[ -d "$(INSTALLDIR)/bin" ] || install -d -m755 $(INSTALLDIR)/bin
+install-uzbl-core: all install-dirs
+	install -d $(INSTALLDIR)/share/uzbl/
+	install -d $(DOCDIR)
+	install -m644 docs/* $(DOCDIR)/
+	install -m644 src/config.h $(DOCDIR)/
+	install -m644 README $(DOCDIR)/
+	install -m644 AUTHORS $(DOCDIR)/
+	cp -r examples $(INSTALLDIR)/share/uzbl/
+	chmod 755 $(INSTALLDIR)/share/uzbl/examples/data/scripts/*
+	install -m755 uzbl-core $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-core
+install-uzbl-browser: install-dirs
+	install -m755 bin/uzbl-browser $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser
+	install -m755 bin/uzbl-event-manager $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager
+	mv $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser.bak
+	sed 's#^PREFIX=.*#PREFIX=$(RUN_PREFIX)#' < $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser.bak > $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser
+	chmod 755 $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser
+	rm $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-browser.bak
+	mv $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager.bak
+	sed "s#^PREFIX = .*#PREFIX = '$(RUN_PREFIX)'#" < $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager.bak > $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager
+	chmod 755 $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager
+	rm $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-event-manager.bak
+install-uzbl-tabbed: install-dirs
+	install -m755 bin/uzbl-tabbed $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-tabbed
+# you probably only want to do this manually when testing and/or to the sandbox. not meant for distributors
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)/home/.config/uzbl
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)/home/.cache/uzbl
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)/home/.local/share/uzbl
+	cp -rp examples/config/* $(DESTDIR)/home/.config/uzbl/
+	cp -rp examples/data/*   $(DESTDIR)/home/.local/share/uzbl/
+	rm -rf $(INSTALLDIR)/bin/uzbl-*
+	rm -rf $(INSTALLDIR)/share/uzbl