changeset 202 01f3cbb8e20e
parent 174 d80a6cc3f9b2
child 205 6814c0bf8df8
--- a/PullDMenu.st	Thu Nov 23 11:44:18 1995 +0100
+++ b/PullDMenu.st	Thu Nov 23 15:37:40 1995 +0100
@@ -11,23 +11,17 @@
 SimpleView subclass:#PullDownMenu
-       instanceVariableNames:'receiver menus titles selectors activeMenuNumber
-			      showSeparatingLines topMargin
-			      fgColor bgColor activeFgColor activeBgColor
-			      onLevel offLevel edgeStyle
-			      keepMenu toggleKeep raiseTopWhenActivated'
-       classVariableNames:'DefaultFont
-			   DefaultViewBackground 
-			   DefaultForegroundColor 
-			   DefaultBackgroundColor
-			   DefaultHilightForegroundColor 
-			   DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
-			   DefaultLevel DefaultHilightLevel
-			   DefaultShadowColor DefaultLightColor 
-			   DefaultEdgeStyle DefaultKeepMenu DefaultToggleKeep
-			   DefaultSeparatingLines'
-       poolDictionaries:''
-       category:'Views-Menus'
+	 instanceVariableNames:'receiver menus titles selectors activeMenuNumber
+                showSeparatingLines topMargin fgColor bgColor activeFgColor
+                activeBgColor onLevel offLevel edgeStyle keepMenu toggleKeep
+                raiseTopWhenActivated'
+	 classVariableNames:'DefaultFont DefaultViewBackground DefaultForegroundColor
+                DefaultBackgroundColor DefaultHilightForegroundColor
+                DefaultHilightBackgroundColor DefaultLevel DefaultHilightLevel
+                DefaultShadowColor DefaultLightColor DefaultEdgeStyle
+                DefaultKeepMenu DefaultToggleKeep DefaultSeparatingLines'
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Views-Menus'
 !PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'documentation'!
@@ -46,10 +40,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/PullDMenu.st,v 1.26 1995-11-11 16:22:17 cg Exp $'
     PullDown menu provides the top (always visible) part of these menus. 
@@ -330,6 +320,18 @@
 	top open
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/PullDMenu.st,v 1.27 1995-11-23 14:35:27 cg Exp $'
+! !
+!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    "create and return a new PullDownMenu"
+    ^ self new labels:titleArray
 ! !
 !PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'defaults'!
@@ -384,23 +386,596 @@
 ! !
-!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!
+at:aString putLabels:labels selector:selector args:args receiver:anObject
+    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
+    |menuView|
+    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
+		       selector:selector
+			   args:args
+		       receiver:anObject
+			    for:self.
+    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
+at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
+    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
+    |menuView|
+    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
+		      selectors:selectors
+			   args:args
+		       receiver:anObject
+			    for:self.
+    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
+at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
+    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
+    |menuView|
+    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
+		      selectors:selectors
+		       receiver:anObject
+			    for:self.
+    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
+at:aString putMenu:aMenu
+    "set the menu under the title, aString"
+    |index|
+    index := self indexOf:aString.
+    (index == 0) ifTrue:[
+	self error:'no such menu entry'.
+	^ nil
+    ].
+"/ not needed:
+"/    aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
+"/                  @
+"/                  (height + aMenu borderWidth)).
+    aMenu hiddenOnRealize:true.
+    menus at:index put:aMenu.
+    aMenu masterView:self.
+    "return the menu-titles (group-headers)"
+    ^ titles
-    "create and return a new PullDownMenu"
+    "define the menu-titles (group-headers)"
+    |numberOfLabels|
+    numberOfLabels := titleArray size.
+    menus := Array new:numberOfLabels.
+    titles := Array new:numberOfLabels.
+    titleArray keysAndValuesDo:[:index :entry |
+	|e|
+	entry isImage ifTrue:[
+	    e := entry on:device
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    e := entry printString
+	].
+	titles at:index put:e
+    ].
+    shown ifTrue:[
+	self clear.
+	self redraw
+    ]
+labels:titleArray selectors:selectorArray
+    "define the menu-titles (group-headers) and selectors.
+     Selectors are mostly used as access keys to get to submenus later."
+    self labels:titleArray.
+    self selectors:selectorArray
+    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 20:15:54 / cg"
+    "return the menu with the title; return nil if not found"
+    |index|
+    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
+    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ menus at:index
+    "setup blank title-space to be filled in later"
+    menus := Array new:n.
+    titles := Array new:n
+    "set the menu-receiver. Thats the one who gets the
+     messages (both from myself and from my submenus).
+     This only sets the receiver for menus which are already
+     created - menus added later should get their receiver in
+     the creation send."
+    receiver := anObject.
+    menus notNil ifTrue:[
+	menus do:[:aMenu |
+	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
+		aMenu receiver:anObject
+	    ]
+	]
+    ]
+    "define the menu-selectors. These are used as accesskey only
+     in menuAt: accesses. This makes PullDownMenu accesss
+     somewhat more compatible to PopUpMenus."
+    selectors := selectorArray.
+! !
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
+    "set the background drawing color.
+     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
+     defined in the styleSheet."
+    bgColor := aColor on:device
+    "set the menus font.
+     adjusts menu-origins when font changes.
+     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
+     defined in the styleSheet."
+    aFont ~~ font ifTrue:[
+	super font:(aFont on:device).
+	self height:(font height + (font descent * 2)).
+	shown ifTrue:[
+	    self setMenuOrigins
+	]
+    ]
+    "set the foreground drawing color.
+     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
+     defined in the styleSheet."
+    fgColor := aColor on:device
+    "turn on/off drawing of separating lines.
+     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
+     defined in the styleSheet."
+    showSeparatingLines := aBoolean.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+	self setMenuOrigins.
+	self redraw
+    ]
+! !
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'drawing '!
+    |x|
+    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+	x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
+	self drawTitle:(titles at:activeMenuNumber) x:x selected:selected 
+    ]
+drawTitle:stringOrImage x:x0 selected:selected
+    |y w x wSpace fg bg map|
+    selected ifTrue:[
+	fg := activeFgColor.
+	bg := activeBgColor
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	fg := fgColor.
+	bg := bgColor
+    ].
+    wSpace := font widthOf:' '.
+    x := x0.
+    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
+	y := ((height - (font height)) // 2) + (font ascent) "+ topMargin".
+	w := font widthOf:stringOrImage.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	y := ((height - stringOrImage height) // 2) max:0.
+	w := stringOrImage width
+    ].
+    w := w + (wSpace * 2).
+    self paint:bg.
+    self fillRectangleX:x y:0 width:w height:height.
+    self is3D ifTrue:[
+	self drawEdgesForX:x y:0
+		     width:w
+		    height:height
+		     level:(selected ifTrue:[onLevel] ifFalse:[offLevel])
+    ].
+    self paint:fg.
+    x := x + wSpace.
+    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
+	self displayString:stringOrImage x:x y:y
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	stringOrImage isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
+	    stringOrImage depth == 1 ifTrue:[
+		(map := stringOrImage colorMap) notNil ifTrue:[
+		    self paint:(map at:2) on:(map at:1).
+		    self displayOpaqueForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y.
+		    ^ self
+		]
+	    ].
+	    self displayForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    stringOrImage displayOn:self x:x y:y
+	]
+    ]
+    "Modified: 20.10.1995 / 22:03:27 / cg"
+    self drawActiveTitleSelected:true 
+    |x     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     y     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     wSpace clr|
+    shown ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
+    titles isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
+    x := 0.
+    y := height "- 1".
+    index := 1.
+    titles do:[:title |
+	self drawTitle:title x:x selected:(index == activeMenuNumber).
+	title isString ifTrue:[
+	    x := x + (font widthOf:title).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    x := x + title width
+	].
+	x := x + wSpace + wSpace.
+	showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
+	    self is3D ifTrue:[
+		self paint:shadowColor.
+		self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
+		x := x + 1.
+		clr := lightColor.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		clr := fgColor.
+	    ].
+	    self paint:clr.
+	    self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
+	    x := x + 1
+	].
+	index := index + 1
+    ]
+    self drawActiveTitleSelected:false 
+! !
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'event handling'!
+buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
+    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|
+    state == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+	activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
+    ].
-    ^ self new labels:titleArray
+    (y < height) ifTrue:[
+	"moving around in title line"
+	activeMenu notNil ifTrue:[
+	    activeMenu selection:nil
+	].
+	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
+	titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber) ifTrue:[
+		self pullMenu:titleIndex
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    self hideActiveMenu
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	"moving around below"
+	activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
+	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
+	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
+	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
+		"moving around in menu"
+		activeMenu buttonMotion:state
+				      x:(x - activeLeft)
+				      y:(y - activeTop).
+		^ self
+	    ]
+	].
+	"moved outside menu"
+	activeMenu selection:nil
+    ]
+buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop m|
+    device ungrabPointer.
+    (y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
+	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
+    ].
+    "
+     now, titleIndex is non-nil if pressed within myself
+    "
+    (titleIndex notNil and:[titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber]) ifTrue:[
+	m := self pullMenu:titleIndex.
+	(keepMenu and:[m notNil]) ifTrue:[
+	    device grabPointerInView:self.
+	    self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	(keepMenu and:[toggleKeep not]) ifTrue:[
+	    titleIndex == activeMenuNumber ifTrue:[
+		"same pressed again ... stay"
+		device grabPointerInView:self.
+		^ self
+	    ].
+	    "moving around below"
+	    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+	    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
+	    activeLeft := activeMenu left.
+	    (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
+		activeTop := activeMenu top.
+		(y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
+		    "moving around in menu"
+		    activeMenu buttonPress:button
+					 x:(x - activeLeft)
+					 y:(y - activeTop).
+		    ^ self
+		]
+	    ].
+	].
+	self hideActiveMenu
+    ]
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    |activeMenu activeLeft activeTop hideMenu sel|
+    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
+    hideMenu := false.
+    (y >= height) ifTrue:[
+	"release below title-line"
+	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
+	"
+	 released in a submenu ?
+	"
+	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
+	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
+	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
+		"release in menu"
+		self hideActiveMenu.   
+		activeMenu buttonRelease:button
+				       x:(x - activeLeft)
+				       y:(y - activeTop).
+		^ self
+	    ]
+	].
+	hideMenu := true.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	y < 0 ifTrue:[
+	    hideMenu := true
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[
+		selectors notNil ifTrue:[
+		    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
+		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+			receiver perform:sel
+		    ].
+		].
+		hideMenu := true.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		keepMenu ifFalse:[   
+		    hideMenu := true
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
+    ].                  
+    hideMenu ifTrue:[
+       self hideActiveMenu.
+    ]
+keyPress:key x:x y:y
+    <resource: #keyboard (#CursorLeft #CursorRight #MenuSelect)>
+    |index m sel|
+    "
+     handle CursorLeft/Right for non-mouse operation
+     (for example, if it has the explicit focus)
+     These will pull the previous/next menu
+    "
+    ((key == #CursorRight) or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
+	activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
+	    index := (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[menus size].
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
+		index := activeMenuNumber+1
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		index := activeMenuNumber-1
+	    ].
+	    index == 0 ifTrue:[index := menus size]
+	    ifFalse:[
+		index > menus size ifTrue:[index := 1]
+	    ]
+	].
+	self pullMenu:index.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+    "
+     Return, space or the (virtual) MenuSelect key trigger
+     a menu entry (for non-submenu entries).
+     Otherwise, if we have a submenu open,
+     pass the key on to it ...
+    "
+    m := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
+    m isNil ifTrue:[
+	(key == #Return 
+	or:[key == #MenuSelect
+	or:[key == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
+	    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
+	    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+		receiver perform:sel
+	    ]
+	].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	m keyPress:key x:0 y:0.
+    ].
+    "when stepping focus, hide any active menu"
+    self hideActiveMenu.
+    super showNoFocus
+! !
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'hiding/showing menus'!
+    "hide currently active menu - release grab if there is any grab (keepMenu)"
+    ^ self hideActiveMenuRelease:true
+    "hide currently active menu - release grab if aBoolean is true
+     and a grab was set (keepMenu)"
+    |m|
+    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
+	(m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
+	    m hiddenOnRealize:true.
+	    m unrealize.
+	].
+	self unHighlightActiveTitle.
+	activeMenuNumber := nil
+    ].
+    aBoolean ifTrue:[
+	device ungrabPointer. 
+	self cursor:Cursor normal
+    ].
+    "activate a menu, return it or nil"
+    |subMenu r posY|
+    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[self hideActiveMenuRelease:false].
+    activeMenuNumber := aNumber.
+    subMenu := menus at:aNumber.
+    raiseTopWhenActivated ifTrue:[
+	self topView raise.
+    ].
+    (activeMenuNumber notNil 
+    and:[
+	 subMenu notNil
+	 or:[selectors notNil and:[(selectors at:activeMenuNumber) notNil]]]) ifTrue:[
+	    self highlightActiveTitle.
+	 ].
+    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
+	subMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:aNumber)) 
+		       @
+		       (posY := height + subMenu borderWidth)).
+	subMenu hiddenOnRealize:false.
+	subMenu deselect.
+	subMenu create.
+	subMenu saveUnder:true.
+	subMenu superMenu:self.
+	subMenu right > (r := self right) ifTrue:[
+	    subMenu origin:((r - subMenu width) @ posY).
+	].
+	subMenu raise show.
+    ].
+    ^ subMenu
+    keepMenu ifTrue:[
+	device grabPointerInView:self.
+	self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
+    ]
 ! !
 !PullDownMenu methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
-    super initialize.
+    super create.
+    self setMenuOrigins
+    "have to destroy the menus manually here,
+     since they are no real subviews of myself"
-    font := font on:device.
-    self origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
-	 extent:(1.0 @ self preferredExtent y)
-"/         extent:(1.0 @ (font height + (font descent * 2)  + topMargin)).
+    menus notNil ifTrue:[
+	menus do:[:m |
+	    m notNil ifTrue:[m destroy]
+	].
+	menus := nil
+    ].
+    activeMenuNumber := nil.
+    super destroy.
+    "set up a hand cursor"
+    cursor := Cursor hand
@@ -480,10 +1055,13 @@
     raiseTopWhenActivated := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuRaiseTop' default:true.
-    "set up a hand cursor"
+    super initialize.
-    cursor := Cursor hand
+    font := font on:device.
+    self origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
+	 extent:(1.0 @ self preferredExtent y)
+"/         extent:(1.0 @ (font height + (font descent * 2)  + topMargin)).
@@ -501,25 +1079,6 @@
     self setMenuOrigins
-    super create.
-    self setMenuOrigins
-    "have to destroy the menus manually here,
-     since they are no real subviews of myself"
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:m |
-	    m notNil ifTrue:[m destroy]
-	].
-	menus := nil
-    ].
-    activeMenuNumber := nil.
-    super destroy.
     "when my superView changes, all of my menus must change as well"
@@ -533,240 +1092,8 @@
 ! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    "turn on/off drawing of separating lines.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    showSeparatingLines := aBoolean.
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self setMenuOrigins.
-	self redraw
-    ]
-    "set the menus font.
-     adjusts menu-origins when font changes.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    aFont ~~ font ifTrue:[
-	super font:(aFont on:device).
-	self height:(font height + (font descent * 2)).
-	shown ifTrue:[
-	    self setMenuOrigins
-	]
-    ]
-    "set the foreground drawing color.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    fgColor := aColor on:device
-    "set the background drawing color.
-     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
-     defined in the styleSheet."
-    bgColor := aColor on:device
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!
-    "set the menu-receiver. Thats the one who gets the
-     messages (both from myself and from my submenus).
-     This only sets the receiver for menus which are already
-     created - menus added later should get their receiver in
-     the creation send."
-    receiver := anObject.
-    menus notNil ifTrue:[
-	menus do:[:aMenu |
-	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		aMenu receiver:anObject
-	    ]
-	]
-    ]
-    "setup blank title-space to be filled in later"
-    menus := Array new:n.
-    titles := Array new:n
-    "define the menu-titles (group-headers)"
-    |numberOfLabels|
-    numberOfLabels := titleArray size.
-    menus := Array new:numberOfLabels.
-    titles := Array new:numberOfLabels.
-    titleArray keysAndValuesDo:[:index :entry |
-	|e|
-	entry isImage ifTrue:[
-	    e := entry on:device
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    e := entry printString
-	].
-	titles at:index put:e
-    ].
-    shown ifTrue:[
-	self clear.
-	self redraw
-    ]
-    "return the menu-titles (group-headers)"
-    ^ titles
-    "define the menu-selectors. These are used as accesskey only
-     in menuAt: accesses. This makes PullDownMenu accesss
-     somewhat more compatible to PopUpMenus."
-    selectors := selectorArray.
-labels:titleArray selectors:selectorArray
-    "define the menu-titles (group-headers) and selectors.
-     Selectors are mostly used as access keys to get to submenus later."
-    self labels:titleArray.
-    self selectors:selectorArray
-    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 20:15:54 / cg"
-    "return the menu with the title; return nil if not found"
-    |index|
-    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ^ menus at:index
-at:aString putMenu:aMenu
-    "set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |index|
-    index := self indexOf:aString.
-    (index == 0) ifTrue:[
-	self error:'no such menu entry'.
-	^ nil
-    ].
-"/ not needed:
-"/    aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
-"/                  @
-"/                  (height + aMenu borderWidth)).
-    aMenu hiddenOnRealize:true.
-    menus at:index put:aMenu.
-    aMenu masterView:self.
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |menuView|
-    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
-		      selectors:selectors
-			   args:args
-		       receiver:anObject
-			    for:self.
-    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
-at:aString putLabels:labels selector:selector args:args receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |menuView|
-    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
-		       selector:selector
-			   args:args
-		       receiver:anObject
-			    for:self.
-    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
-at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
-    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"
-    |menuView|
-    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
-		      selectors:selectors
-		       receiver:anObject
-			    for:self.
-    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'queries'!
-    |w|
-    w := self titleLenUpTo:(titles size + 1).
-    ^ w @ (font height + (font descent * 2) "+ topMargin" + (margin*2)).
-! !
 !PullDownMenu methodsFor:'private'!
-    "answer len (in pixels) of all title-strings up-to 
-     (but excluding) title-index. Used to compute x-position when drawing
-     individual entries."
-    |len "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wSpace wSep|
-    (index <= 1) ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
-    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
-	self is3D ifTrue:[
-	    wSep := 2
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    wSep := 1
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	wSep := 0
-    ].
-    len := 0.
-    titles from:1 to:(index - 1) do:[:entry |
-	|thisLength|
-	entry isString ifTrue:[
-	    thisLength := (font widthOf:entry).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    thisLength := entry width
-	].
-	len := len + thisLength + wSpace + wSep + wSpace.
-    ].
-    ^ len
     "return the index of the menu with title; return 0 if not found.
      stringOrNumber may be a number, a selector from the selectorArray
@@ -784,6 +1111,20 @@
     ^ titles indexOf:stringOrNumber
+    "adjust origins of menus when font changes"
+    (font device == device) ifTrue:[
+	menus keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aMenu |
+	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
+		aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
+			      @
+			      (height + aMenu borderWidth))
+	    ].
+	]
+    ]
     "find a menu item.
      Currently, in ST/X, instances of MenuItem are only created as dummy"
@@ -808,20 +1149,6 @@
     ^ nil
-    "adjust origins of menus when font changes"
-    (font device == device) ifTrue:[
-	menus keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aMenu |
-	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-		aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
-			      @
-			      (height + aMenu borderWidth))
-	    ].
-	]
-    ]
     "given a click x-position, return index in title or nil"
@@ -854,189 +1181,49 @@
 	xstart := xend
     ^ nil
-! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'hiding/showing menus'!
-    "hide currently active menu - release grab if aBoolean is true
-     and a grab was set (keepMenu)"
-    |m|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-	(m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
-	    m hiddenOnRealize:true.
-	    m unrealize.
-	].
-	self unHighlightActiveTitle.
-	activeMenuNumber := nil
-    ].
-    aBoolean ifTrue:[
-	device ungrabPointer. 
-	self cursor:Cursor normal
-    ].
-    "hide currently active menu - release grab if there is any grab (keepMenu)"
-    ^ self hideActiveMenuRelease:true
-    "activate a menu, return it or nil"
+    "answer len (in pixels) of all title-strings up-to 
+     (but excluding) title-index. Used to compute x-position when drawing
+     individual entries."
-    |subMenu r posY|
+    |len "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
+     wSpace wSep|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[self hideActiveMenuRelease:false].
-    activeMenuNumber := aNumber.
-    subMenu := menus at:aNumber.
-    raiseTopWhenActivated ifTrue:[
-	self topView raise.
+    (index <= 1) ifTrue:[^ 0].
+    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
+    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
+	self is3D ifTrue:[
+	    wSep := 2
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    wSep := 1
+	]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+	wSep := 0
-    (activeMenuNumber notNil 
-    and:[
-	 subMenu notNil
-	 or:[selectors notNil and:[(selectors at:activeMenuNumber) notNil]]]) ifTrue:[
-	    self highlightActiveTitle.
-	 ].
+    len := 0.
+    titles from:1 to:(index - 1) do:[:entry |
+	|thisLength|
-    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-	subMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:aNumber)) 
-		       @
-		       (posY := height + subMenu borderWidth)).
-	subMenu hiddenOnRealize:false.
-	subMenu deselect.
-	subMenu create.
-	subMenu saveUnder:true.
-	subMenu superMenu:self.
-	subMenu right > (r := self right) ifTrue:[
-	    subMenu origin:((r - subMenu width) @ posY).
+	entry isString ifTrue:[
+	    thisLength := (font widthOf:entry).
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    thisLength := entry width
-	subMenu raise show.
+	len := len + thisLength + wSpace + wSep + wSpace.
-    ^ subMenu
-    keepMenu ifTrue:[
-	device grabPointerInView:self.
-	self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
-    ]
+    ^ len
 ! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'drawing '!
-    |x     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     y     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
-     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
-     wSpace clr|
-    shown ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
-    titles isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
-    x := 0.
-    y := height "- 1".
-    index := 1.
-    titles do:[:title |
-	self drawTitle:title x:x selected:(index == activeMenuNumber).
-	title isString ifTrue:[
-	    x := x + (font widthOf:title).
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    x := x + title width
-	].
-	x := x + wSpace + wSpace.
-	showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
-	    self is3D ifTrue:[
-		self paint:shadowColor.
-		self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
-		x := x + 1.
-		clr := lightColor.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		clr := fgColor.
-	    ].
-	    self paint:clr.
-	    self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
-	    x := x + 1
-	].
-	index := index + 1
-    ]
-drawTitle:stringOrImage x:x0 selected:selected
-    |y w x wSpace fg bg map|
-    selected ifTrue:[
-	fg := activeFgColor.
-	bg := activeBgColor
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	fg := fgColor.
-	bg := bgColor
-    ].
+!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'queries'!
-    wSpace := font widthOf:' '.
-    x := x0.
-    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
-	y := ((height - (font height)) // 2) + (font ascent) "+ topMargin".
-	w := font widthOf:stringOrImage.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	y := ((height - stringOrImage height) // 2) max:0.
-	w := stringOrImage width
-    ].
-    w := w + (wSpace * 2).
-    self paint:bg.
-    self fillRectangleX:x y:0 width:w height:height.
+    |w|
-    self is3D ifTrue:[
-	self drawEdgesForX:x y:0
-		     width:w
-		    height:height
-		     level:(selected ifTrue:[onLevel] ifFalse:[offLevel])
-    ].
-    self paint:fg.
-    x := x + wSpace.
-    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
-	self displayString:stringOrImage x:x y:y
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	stringOrImage isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
-	    stringOrImage depth == 1 ifTrue:[
-		(map := stringOrImage colorMap) notNil ifTrue:[
-		    self paint:(map at:2) on:(map at:1).
-		    self displayOpaqueForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y.
-		    ^ self
-		]
-	    ].
-	    self displayForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    stringOrImage displayOn:self x:x y:y
-	]
-    ]
-    "Modified: 20.10.1995 / 22:03:27 / cg"
-    |x|
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-	x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
-	self drawTitle:(titles at:activeMenuNumber) x:x selected:selected 
-    ]
-    self drawActiveTitleSelected:true 
-    self drawActiveTitleSelected:false 
+    w := self titleLenUpTo:(titles size + 1).
+    ^ w @ (font height + (font descent * 2) "+ topMargin" + (margin*2)).
 ! !
 !PullDownMenu methodsFor:'submenu notifications'!
@@ -1062,196 +1249,3 @@
     self showPassive
 ! !
-!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'event handling'!
-    "when stepping focus, hide any active menu"
-    self hideActiveMenu.
-    super showNoFocus
-keyPress:key x:x y:y
-    <resource: #keyboard (#CursorLeft #CursorRight #MenuSelect)>
-    |index m sel|
-    "
-     handle CursorLeft/Right for non-mouse operation
-     (for example, if it has the explicit focus)
-     These will pull the previous/next menu
-    "
-    ((key == #CursorRight) or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
-	activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
-	    index := (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[menus size].
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
-		index := activeMenuNumber+1
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		index := activeMenuNumber-1
-	    ].
-	    index == 0 ifTrue:[index := menus size]
-	    ifFalse:[
-		index > menus size ifTrue:[index := 1]
-	    ]
-	].
-	self pullMenu:index.
-	^ self
-    ].
-    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-    "
-     Return, space or the (virtual) MenuSelect key trigger
-     a menu entry (for non-submenu entries).
-     Otherwise, if we have a submenu open,
-     pass the key on to it ...
-    "
-    m := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    m isNil ifTrue:[
-	(key == #Return 
-	or:[key == #MenuSelect
-	or:[key == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
-	    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
-	    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-		receiver perform:sel
-	    ]
-	].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	m keyPress:key x:0 y:0.
-    ].
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop m|
-    device ungrabPointer.
-    (y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
-	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
-    ].
-    "
-     now, titleIndex is non-nil if pressed within myself
-    "
-    (titleIndex notNil and:[titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber]) ifTrue:[
-	m := self pullMenu:titleIndex.
-	(keepMenu and:[m notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	    device grabPointerInView:self.
-	    self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	(keepMenu and:[toggleKeep not]) ifTrue:[
-	    titleIndex == activeMenuNumber ifTrue:[
-		"same pressed again ... stay"
-		device grabPointerInView:self.
-		^ self
-	    ].
-	    "moving around below"
-	    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-	    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-	    activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-	    (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-		activeTop := activeMenu top.
-		(y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-		    "moving around in menu"
-		    activeMenu buttonPress:button
-					 x:(x - activeLeft)
-					 y:(y - activeTop).
-		    ^ self
-		]
-	    ].
-	].
-	self hideActiveMenu
-    ]
-buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
-    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|
-    state == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
-    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
-	activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    ].
-    (y < height) ifTrue:[
-	"moving around in title line"
-	activeMenu notNil ifTrue:[
-	    activeMenu selection:nil
-	].
-	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
-	titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
-	    (titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber) ifTrue:[
-		self pullMenu:titleIndex
-	    ]
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self hideActiveMenu
-	]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	"moving around below"
-	activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
-	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-		"moving around in menu"
-		activeMenu buttonMotion:state
-				      x:(x - activeLeft)
-				      y:(y - activeTop).
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	].
-	"moved outside menu"
-	activeMenu selection:nil
-    ]
-buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
-    |activeMenu activeLeft activeTop hideMenu sel|
-    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
-    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
-    hideMenu := false.
-    (y >= height) ifTrue:[
-	"release below title-line"
-	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
-	"
-	 released in a submenu ?
-	"
-	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
-	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
-	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
-		"release in menu"
-		self hideActiveMenu.   
-		activeMenu buttonRelease:button
-				       x:(x - activeLeft)
-				       y:(y - activeTop).
-		^ self
-	    ]
-	].
-	hideMenu := true.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-	y < 0 ifTrue:[
-	    hideMenu := true
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[
-		selectors notNil ifTrue:[
-		    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
-		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
-			receiver perform:sel
-		    ].
-		].
-		hideMenu := true.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		keepMenu ifFalse:[   
-		    hideMenu := true
-		]
-	    ]
-	]
-    ].                  
-    hideMenu ifTrue:[
-       self hideActiveMenu.
-    ]
-! !