changeset 3518 61cde5384831
child 3760 96d214ff4395
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Dec 17 12:10:53 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
+PanelView subclass:#MultiColumnPanelView
+	instanceVariableNames:'columnWidths'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Views-Layout'
+!MultiColumnPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    a View which arranges its child-views in a vertical column.
+    All real work is done in PanelView - except the layout computation is
+    redefined here.
+    The layout is controlled by the instance variables: 
+	horizontalLayout and verticalLayout
+    in addition to 
+	horizontalSpace and verticalSpace.
+    The vertical layout can be any of:
+	#top            arrange elements at the top
+	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
+	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
+	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
+	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
+	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
+	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
+	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but resize the first element to fit
+    the horizontal layout can be:
+	#left           place element at the left
+	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#right          place it at the right
+	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
+	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
+	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
+	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
+	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
+    The defaults is #center for both directions.
+    The layout is changed by the messages #verticalLayout: and #horizontalLayout:.
+    For backward compatibility (to times, where only vLayout existed), the simple
+    #layout: does the same as #verticalLayout:. Do not use this old method.
+    The panel assumes, that the elements do not resize themselfes, after it
+    became visible. This is not true for all widgets (buttons or labels may
+    like to change). If you have changing elements, tell this to the panel
+    with 'aPanel elementsChangeSize:true'. In that case, the panel will react
+    to size changes, and reorganize things.
+    If none of these layout/space combinations is exactly what you need in
+    your application, create a subclass, and redefine the setChildPositions method.
+    CAVEAT: this class started with #top and no horizontal alignments;
+    as time went by, more layouts were added and the setup should be changed
+    to use different selectors for space, max-resize and alignment
+    (i.e. having more and more layout symbols makes things a bit confusing ...)
+    [see also:]
+	HorizontalPanelView
+	VariableVerticalPanel VariableHorizontalPanel
+	Label
+    [author:]
+	Claus Gittinger
+    These examples demonstrate the effect of different layout
+    settings.
+    You should try more examples, combining spacing and different
+    verticalLayout:/horizontalLayout: combinations.
+    example: default layout (centered)
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v p b1 b2 b3 l1 l2 l3|
+        v := StandardSystemView new.
+        v label:'center (default)'.
+        p := MultiColumnPanelView in:v.
+        p origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
+        p columnWidths:#(0.3 0.7).
+        l1 := Label label:'label1' in:p.
+        b1 := Button label:'button1' in:p.
+        l2 := Label label:'l2' in:p.
+        b2 := Button label:'b2' in:p.
+        l3 := Label label:'lab3' in:p.
+        b3 := Button label:'butt3' in:p.
+        v extent:100 @ 300.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+! !
+!MultiColumnPanelView methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    something ~= columnWidths ifTrue:[
+        columnWidths := something.
+        self layoutChanged
+    ].
+    "return the horizontal layout as symbol.
+     the returned value is one of
+	#left           place element at the left
+	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#right          place it at the right
+	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
+	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
+	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
+	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
+	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
+      the default is #centered
+    "
+    ^ hLayout
+    "change the horizontal layout as symbol.
+     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
+	#left           place element at the left
+	#leftSpace      place element at the left, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#center         place elements horizontally centered; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#right          place it at the right
+	#rightSpace     place it at the right, offset by horizontalSpace
+	#fit            resize elements horizontally to fit this panel; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, but add spacing; ignore horizontalSpace
+	#leftMax        like #left, but resize elements to max of them
+	#leftSpaceMax   like #leftSpace, but resize elements
+	#centerMax      like #center, but resize elements
+	#rightMax       like #right, but resize elements to max of them
+	#rightSpaceMax  like #rightSpace, but resize elements
+      the default (if never changed) is #centered
+    "
+    (hLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
+	hLayout := aSymbol.
+	self layoutChanged
+    ]
+    "OBSOLETE compatibility interface. Will vanish.
+     leftover for historic reasons - do not use any more.
+     In the meantime, try to figure out what is meant ... a kludge"
+    <resource:#obsolete>
+    something isLayout ifTrue:[^ super layout:something].
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #verticalLayout:'.
+    ^ self verticalLayout:something
+    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 23:08:54 / claus"
+    "return the vertical layout as a symbol.
+     the returned value is one of
+	#top            arrange elements at the top
+	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
+	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
+	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
+	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
+	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
+	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
+	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but extend the first element to fit
+      the default is #centered
+    "
+    ^ vLayout
+    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:20:13 / cg"
+    "change the vertical layout as a symbol.
+     The argument, aSymbol must be one of:
+	#top            arrange elements at the top
+	#topSpace       arrange elements at the top, start with spacing
+	#bottom         arrange elements at the bottom
+	#bottomSpace    arrange elements at the bottom, start with spacing
+	#center         arrange elements in the center; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spread         spread elements evenly; ignore verticalSpace
+	#spreadSpace    spread elements evenly with spacing at ends; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fit            like #spread, but resize elements for tight packing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#fitSpace       like #fit, with spacing; ignore verticalSpace
+	#topFit         like #top, but resize the last element to fit
+	#topSpaceFit    like #topSpace, but resize the last element to fit
+	#bottomFit      like #bottom, but resize the first element to fit
+	#bottomSpaceFit like #bottomSpace, but extend the first element to fit
+      the default (if never changed) is #centered
+    "
+    (vLayout ~~ aSymbol) ifTrue:[
+	vLayout := aSymbol.
+	self layoutChanged
+    ]
+    "Modified: 17.8.1997 / 15:19:58 / cg"
+! !
+!MultiColumnPanelView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    hLayout := #fit.
+    vLayout := #top.
+    columnWidths := #(0.5 0.5).
+! !
+!MultiColumnPanelView methodsFor:'layout'!
+    "(re)compute position of every child"
+    |xpos ypos space sumOfHeights numChilds l hEach hInside hL vL
+     maxWidth maxHeight resizeToMaxV resizeToMaxH m2 subViews restHeight
+     rowsPerCol maxWidthPerCol col numCols cX cY|
+    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
+    subViews size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+"/    self extentChangedFlag ifTrue:[
+"/        ext := self computeExtent.
+"/        width := ext x.
+"/        height := ext y.
+"/    ].
+    space := verticalSpace.
+    numChilds := subViews size.
+    numCols := columnWidths size max:1.
+    m2 := margin * 2.
+    hInside := height - m2 + (borderWidth*2) - subViews last borderWidth.
+    hL := hLayout.
+    vL := vLayout.
+    rowsPerCol := Array new:numCols withAll:0.
+    maxWidthPerCol := Array new:numCols withAll:0.
+    maxHeight := 0.
+    col := 1.
+    subViews do:[:child |
+        |childsW childsH|
+        childsW := child widthIncludingBorder.
+        childsH := child heightIncludingBorder.
+        maxHeight := maxHeight max:childsH.
+        maxWidthPerCol at:col put:((maxWidthPerCol at:col) max:childsW).
+        rowsPerCol at:col put:(rowsPerCol at:col)+1.
+        col := col + 1.
+        col > numCols ifTrue:[ col := 1 ].
+    ].
+"/ new
+    xpos := 0.
+    ypos := 0.
+    col := 1.
+    subViews do:[:child |
+        col == numCols ifTrue:[
+            cX := width.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            cX := xpos + (width // numCols).
+        ].
+        cY := ypos + maxHeight.
+        child origin:(xpos@ypos)"corner:(cX @ cY)".
+        hLayout == #fit ifTrue:[
+            child width:(cX - xpos + 1).
+        ].
+        col := col + 1.
+        col > numCols ifTrue:[ 
+            col := 1.
+            xpos := 0.
+            ypos := cY + verticalSpace.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            xpos := cX + horizontalSpace.
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ self.
+"/ old
+    resizeToMaxV := false.
+    (vL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
+        resizeToMaxV := true.
+        hEach := maxHeight := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child heightIncludingBorder].
+        vL := (vL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
+    ].
+    numChilds == 1 ifTrue:[
+        (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #bottomFit]) ifTrue:[
+            vL := #fit
+        ].
+        (vL == #topSpaceFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+            vL := #fitSpace
+        ].
+    ].
+    vL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
+        "
+         adjust childs extents and set origins.
+         Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
+        "
+        hEach := (hInside - ((numChilds + 1) * space)) / numChilds.
+        ypos := space + margin - borderWidth.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        vL == #fit ifTrue:[
+            "
+             adjust childs extents and set origins.
+             Be careful to avoid accumulation of rounding errors
+            "
+            hEach := (hInside - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) / numChilds.
+            ypos := margin - borderWidth.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            l := vL.
+            "
+             compute net height needed
+            "
+            resizeToMaxV ifTrue:[
+                sumOfHeights := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + maxHeight + (child borderWidth*2)].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                sumOfHeights := subViews inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :child | sumSoFar + child heightIncludingBorder].
+                "/ adjust - do not include height of last(first) element if doing a fit
+                (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                    sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights - subViews last heightIncludingBorder.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (vL == #bottomFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                        sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights - subViews first heightIncludingBorder.
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            restHeight := height - sumOfHeights - ((numChilds-1)*space).
+            ((l == #center) and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spread].
+            (l == #spread and:[numChilds == 1]) ifTrue:[l := #spreadSpace].
+            "
+             compute position of topmost subview and space between them;
+             if they do hardly fit, leave no space between them 
+            "
+            ((sumOfHeights >= (height - m2))
+            and:[l ~~ #fixTopSpace and:[l ~~ #fixTop]]) ifTrue:[
+                "
+                 if we have not enough space for all the elements, 
+                 fill them tight, and show what can be shown (at least)
+                "
+                ypos := margin.
+                space := 0
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                l == #fixTopSpace ifTrue:[
+                    l := #topSpace
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    l == #fixTop ifTrue:[
+                        l := #top 
+                    ]
+                ].
+                ((l == #bottom) or:[l == #bottomSpace
+                or:[l == #bottomFit or:[l == #bottomSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
+                    ypos := restHeight - (space * (numChilds - 1)).
+"/                    borderWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
+"/                        ypos := ypos + space 
+"/                    ].
+                    (l == #bottomSpace
+                    or:[l == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                        ypos >= space ifTrue:[
+                            ypos := ypos - space
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    ypos := ypos - margin.
+                    ypos < 0 ifTrue:[
+                        space := space min:(restHeight // (numChilds + 1)).
+                        ypos := restHeight - (space * numChilds).
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse: [
+                    (l == #spread) ifTrue:[
+                        space := (restHeight - m2) // (numChilds - 1).
+                        ypos := margin.
+                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
+                            ypos := restHeight // 2
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse: [
+                      (l == #spreadSpace) ifTrue:[
+                        space := (restHeight - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
+                        ypos := space + margin.
+                        (space == 0) ifTrue:[
+                            ypos := restHeight // 2
+                        ]
+                      ] ifFalse: [
+                        ((l == #top) or:[l == #topSpace
+                        or:[l == #topFit or:[l == #topSpaceFit]]]) ifTrue:[
+                            space := space min:(restHeight - m2) // (numChilds + 1).
+                            (vL == #fixTop or:[vL == #fixTopSpace]) ifTrue:[
+                                space := space max:verticalSpace.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                space := space max:0.
+                            ].
+                            (l == #topSpace or:[l == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                                ypos := space + margin.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                "/
+                                "/ if the very first view has a 0-level AND
+                                "/ my level is non-zero, begin with margin
+                                "/
+                                true "(margin ~~ 0 and:[subViews first level == 0])" ifTrue:[
+                                    ypos := margin
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    ypos := 0
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            "center"
+                            ypos := (restHeight - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
+                            ypos < 0 ifTrue:[
+                                space := restHeight // (numChilds + 1).
+                                ypos := (restHeight - ((numChilds - 1) * space)) // 2.
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                      ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    resizeToMaxH := false.
+    (hL endsWith:'Max') ifTrue:[
+        resizeToMaxH := true.
+        maxWidth := subViews inject:0 into:[:maxSoFar :child | maxSoFar max:child widthIncludingBorder].
+        hL := (hL copyWithoutLast:3) asSymbol.
+    ].
+    "
+     now set positions
+    "
+    subViews keysAndValuesDo:[:index :child |
+        |xpos advance bwChild wChild newWChild x2|
+        wChild := child widthIncludingBorder.
+        bwChild := child borderWidth.
+        elementsChangeSize ifTrue:[
+            "to avoid a recursion when we change the elements size"
+            child removeDependent:self.
+        ].
+        resizeToMaxH ifTrue:[
+            child width:(wChild := maxWidth - (bwChild  * 2)).
+        ].
+        hL == #left ifTrue:[
+            xpos := 0 - borderWidth + margin.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            hL == #leftSpace ifTrue:[
+                xpos := horizontalSpace + margin
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                hL == #right ifTrue:[
+                    xpos := width - wChild - margin
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    hL == #rightSpace ifTrue:[
+                        xpos := width - horizontalSpace - wChild - margin.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        hL == #fitSpace ifTrue:[
+                            xpos := horizontalSpace + margin.
+                            newWChild := width - m2 - ((horizontalSpace + bwChild) * 2)
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            hL == #fit ifTrue:[
+                                newWChild := width "- (bwChild * 2)".
+                                borderWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
+                                    newWChild :=  newWChild - (bwChild * 2)
+                                ].
+                                true "child level == 0" ifTrue:[
+                                    xpos := margin - borderWidth.
+                                    newWChild := newWChild - m2
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    xpos := 0 - borderWidth. 
+                                ].
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                "centered"
+                                 xpos := margin + ((width - m2 - wChild) // 2).
+                            ]
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        newWChild notNil ifTrue:[
+            child width:newWChild
+        ].
+"/        (xpos < 0) ifTrue:[ xpos := 0 ].
+        x2 := xpos + child width - 1.
+        (vL == #fit 
+        or:[vL == #fitSpace
+        or:[resizeToMaxV]]) ifTrue:[
+            child origin:(xpos @ (ypos rounded))
+                  corner:(x2 @ (ypos + hEach - bwChild - 1) rounded).
+            advance := hEach
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            child origin:(xpos@ypos).
+            advance := child heightIncludingBorder
+        ].
+        index == numChilds ifTrue:[
+            |y|
+            (vL == #topFit or:[vL == #topSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                y := height - margin - 1.
+                vL == #topSpaceFit ifTrue:[
+                    y := y - space
+                ].
+                child corner:x2 @ y
+            ].
+        ].
+        index == 1 ifTrue:[
+            (vL == #bottomFit or:[vL == #bottomSpaceFit]) ifTrue:[
+                ypos := margin + 0 + (child borderWidth * 2) - borderWidth.
+                vL == #bottomSpaceFit ifTrue:[
+                    ypos := ypos + space
+                ].
+                advance := restHeight.
+                child origin:((child origin x) @ ypos)
+                      corner:((child corner x) @ (ypos+advance))
+            ].
+        ].
+        ypos := ypos + advance + space.
+        elementsChangeSize ifTrue:[
+            "reinstall dependency that we removed above"
+            child addDependent:self.
+        ].
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 04-09-1995 / 18:43:29 / claus"
+    "Modified: / 10-10-2007 / 13:47:56 / cg"
+! !
+!MultiColumnPanelView methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return a good extent, one that makes subviews fit"
+    |maxHeight maxWidth maxWidthPerCol w m2 subViews col numCols rowsPerCol|
+    "/ If I have an explicit preferredExtent ..
+    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ preferredExtent
+    ].
+    subViews := self subViewsToConsider.
+    (subViews size == 0) ifTrue:[
+        ^ super preferredExtent.
+    ].
+    "compute net height needed"
+    numCols := columnWidths size.
+    rowsPerCol := Array new:numCols withAll:0.
+    maxWidthPerCol := Array new:numCols withAll:0.
+    maxHeight := 0.
+    col := 1.
+    subViews do:[:child |
+        |childsPreference|
+        childsPreference := child preferredExtent.
+        maxHeight := maxHeight max:childsPreference y.
+        maxWidthPerCol at:col put:((maxWidthPerCol at:col) max:childsPreference y).
+        rowsPerCol at:col put:(rowsPerCol at:col)+1.
+        col := col + 1.
+        col > numCols ifTrue:[ col := 1 ].
+    ].
+    borderWidth ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+        maxWidth := maxWidth + (horizontalSpace * 2).
+    ].
+"/    sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + ((subViews size - 1) * verticalSpace).
+"/    ((vLayout == #topSpace) or:[vLayout == #bottomSpace]) ifTrue:[
+"/        sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + verticalSpace
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        ((vLayout == #center) or:[vLayout == #spread]) ifTrue:[
+"/            sumOfHeights := sumOfHeights + (verticalSpace * 2)
+"/        ]
+"/    ].
+"/    ((hLayout == #leftSpace) or:[hLayout == #rightSpace]) ifTrue:[
+"/        maxWidth := maxWidth + horizontalSpace
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        ((hLayout == #fitSpace) or:[hLayout == #center]) ifTrue:[
+"/            maxWidth := maxWidth + (horizontalSpace * 2)
+"/        ]        
+"/    ].
+    m2 := margin * 2.
+"/    ^ (maxWidth + m2) @ (sumOfHeights + m2)
+    w := maxWidthPerCol inject:0 into:[:sumSoFar :thisWidth | sumSoFar + thisWidth].
+    ^ (w+m2) @ (rowsPerCol max * maxHeight) + m2
+    "Modified: / 17.1.1998 / 00:18:16 / cg"
+! !
+!MultiColumnPanelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.1 2007-12-17 11:10:53 cg Exp $'
+! !