changeset 76 81e3409404d2
child 91 e8db16616e97
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DialogBox.st	Mon Feb 06 01:52:01 1995 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.4 on 28-dec-1994 at 1:38:02 pm'!
+ModalBox subclass:#DialogBox
+	 instanceVariableNames:'buttonPanel okButton okAction abortButton abortAction
+		acceptReturnAsOK'
+	 classVariableNames:''
+	 poolDictionaries:''
+	 category:'Views-DialogBoxes'
+!DialogBox class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/DialogBox.st,v 1.1 1995-02-06 00:52:01 claus Exp $
+    this class implements the common behavior of dialogboxes.
+    DialogBox is an (abstract) superclass of many other boxes - see InfoBox,
+    WarningBox, YesNoBox etc. for concrete examples.
+    Most of them simply add buttons or other elements.
+    instance variables:
+	buttonPanel      <PanelView>    contains the button(s)
+	okButton         <Button>       the ok-Button
+	okAction         <Block>        the action to be performed when ok is pressed,
+					or return is pressed.
+	acceptReturnAsOK <Boolean>      if true, pressing the return-key counts
+					as if ok was pressed. Default is true.
+	abortButton      <Button>       the cancel-Button
+	abortAction      <Block>        the action to be performed when cancel is
+					pressed.
+    DialogBox new open
+    DialogBox new addOkButton; open
+    DialogBox new addAbortButton; addOkButton; open
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
+	      All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+! !
+!DialogBox methodsFor:'user actions'!
+    "user pressed ok-button; make myself invisible and if an action was
+     specified do it"
+    self hideAndEvaluate:okAction
+    "user pressed abort button - hide myself and evaluate okAction"
+    self hideAndEvaluate:abortAction
+keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
+    "return-key dublicates ok-function if acceptReturnAsOK is true"
+    acceptReturnAsOK ifTrue:[
+	(aKey == #Return) ifTrue:[^ self okPressed]
+    ].
+    super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
+! !
+!DialogBox methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return the delta, by which the box should be displayed
+     from the mouse pointer. Value returned here makes center of
+     okButton appear under the cursor"
+    okButton isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ self extent // 2
+    ].
+    buttonPanel setChildPositionsIfChanged.
+    ^ (okButton originRelativeTo:self) + (okButton extent // 2)
+    "return my prefered extent"
+    |w h|
+    okButton isNil ifTrue:[
+	^ super preferedExtent
+    ].
+    w := okButton preferedExtent x + (ViewSpacing * 2).
+    h := ViewSpacing
+	 + okButton preferedExtent y
+	 + ViewSpacing.
+    ^ w @ h
+! !
+!DialogBox methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    |mm|
+    super initialize.
+    label := 'Dialog'.
+    mm := ViewSpacing.
+    acceptReturnAsOK := true.
+    buttonPanel := HorizontalPanelView in:self.
+    buttonPanel origin:(0.0 @ 1.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
+    buttonPanel bottomInset:mm; 
+		topInset:(font height + mm * 2) negated.
+    buttonPanel borderWidth:0.
+    buttonPanel layout:#spread.
+    "
+     |b|
+     b := DialogBox new.
+     b addAbortButton; addOkButton; showAtPointer
+    "
+    "
+     |b|
+     b := DialogBox new.
+     b addOkButton; showAtPointer
+    "
+    "create an okButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
+     methods in subclasses."
+    buttonPanel subViews size == 1 ifTrue:[
+	buttonPanel layout:#fitSpace.
+    ].
+    okButton := Button okButtonIn:buttonPanel.
+    okButton action:[
+		       okButton turnOffWithoutRedraw.
+		       self okPressed 
+		    ].
+    okButton isReturnButton:acceptReturnAsOK.
+    "create an abortButton - to be sent from redefined initialize
+     methods in subclasses."
+    buttonPanel subViews size == 1 ifTrue:[
+	buttonPanel layout:#fitSpace.
+    ].
+    abortButton := Button abortButtonIn:buttonPanel.
+    abortButton action:[
+			   abortButton turnOffWithoutRedraw.
+			   self abortPressed
+		       ].
+    "sent late in snapin processing - gives me a chance
+     to resize for changed font dimensions."
+    super reAdjustGeometry.
+    okButton notNil ifTrue:[okButton resize].
+    abortButton notNil ifTrue:[abortButton resize].
+    self resize
+! !
+!DialogBox methodsFor:'private'!
+    "make myself invisible and evaluate aBlock"
+    self hide.
+    aBlock notNil ifTrue:[aBlock value]
+! !
+!DialogBox methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "turn on/off interpretation of return-key as ok.
+     Default is on"
+    acceptReturnAsOK := aBoolean.
+    okButton notNil ifTrue:[
+	okButton isReturnButton:aBoolean.
+    ]
+    "define the action to be performed when ok is pressed"
+    okAction := aBlock
+    "set the action to be performed when user presses ok-button;
+     aBlock must be nil or a block. This method simply
+     reuses okAction: and has been added for a consistent action-setting
+     protocol."
+    self okAction:aBlock
+    "return the okButton"
+    ^ okButton
+    "define the text in the ok-button"
+    |oldSize|
+    aString ~= okButton label ifTrue:[
+	oldSize := okButton extent.
+	okButton label:aString.
+	okButton resize.
+	okButton extent ~= oldSize ifTrue:[
+	    self resize
+	]
+    ]
+    "define the action to be performed when abort is pressed"
+    abortAction := aBlock
+    "return the abortButton"
+    ^ abortButton
+    "define the label in the abort-button"
+    |oldSize|
+    aString ~= abortButton label ifTrue:[
+	oldSize := abortButton extent.
+	abortButton label:aString.
+	abortButton resize.
+	abortButton extent ~= oldSize ifTrue:[
+	    self resize
+	]
+    ]
+okText:okString abortText:abortString
+    "set both texts displayed in the buttons"
+    (abortString ~= abortButton label 
+    or:[okString ~= okButton label]) ifTrue:[
+	okButton label:okString.
+	abortButton label:abortString.
+	okButton resize.
+	abortButton resize.
+	self resize
+    ]
+! !