changeset 5023 a18a03c5c572
child 5085 52e9f87d45c8
child 5087 001f9ac320b2
child 5131 f18ec7b3199b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/EditTextView.st	Thu May 08 10:30:56 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,8619 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version: on 18-02-2014 at 18:37:41'                   !
+"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
+TextView subclass:#EditTextView
+	instanceVariableNames:'cursorLine cursorVisibleLine cursorCol cursorShown
+		prevCursorState readOnly modifiedChannel fixedSize exceptionBlock
+		cursorFgColor cursorBgColor cursorNoFocusFgColor cursorType
+		cursorTypeNoFocus typeOfSelection lastAction replacing
+		showMatchingParenthesis hasKeyboardFocus acceptAction lockUpdates
+		tabMeansNextField autoIndent insertMode editMode trimBlankLines
+		wordWrap replacementWordSelectStyle acceptChannel acceptEnabled
+		st80Mode disableIfInvisible cursorMovementWhenUpdating learnMode
+		learnedMacro cursorLineHolder cursorColHolder tabRequiresControl
+		undoSupport lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch
+		lastReplacementInfo completionSupport codeAspectHolder'
+	classVariableNames:'DefaultCursorForegroundColor DefaultCursorBackgroundColor
+		DefaultCursorType DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor
+		DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus LastColumnNumberForSort Macros'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Views-Text'
+Object subclass:#EditAction
+	instanceVariableNames:'userFriendlyInfo'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#DeleteRange
+	instanceVariableNames:'line1 col1 line2 col2'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#DeleteCharacters
+	instanceVariableNames:'line col1 col2'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+Object subclass:#EditMode
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditMode subclass:#InsertAndSelectMode
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView::EditMode
+EditTextView::EditMode subclass:#InsertMode
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView::EditMode
+EditTextView::EditMode subclass:#OverwriteMode
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:'InsertMode OverwriteMode InsertAndSelectMode'
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView::EditMode
+Query subclass:#ExecutingMacroQuery
+	instanceVariableNames:''
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+Object subclass:#LastReplacementInfo
+	instanceVariableNames:'lastReplacement lastStringToReplace lastReplaceWasMatch
+		lastReplaceIgnoredCase stillCollectingInput previousReplacements'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#PasteString
+	instanceVariableNames:'line col string selected'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#ReplaceCharacter
+	instanceVariableNames:'line col character'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#ReplaceCharacters
+	instanceVariableNames:'line col1 col2 characters'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#ReplaceContents
+	instanceVariableNames:'text'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#ReplaceLine
+	instanceVariableNames:'line text'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+EditTextView::EditAction subclass:#ReplaceLines
+	instanceVariableNames:'line text'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	privateIn:EditTextView
+!EditTextView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+    a view for editable text - adds editing functionality to TextView
+    Also, it adds accept functionality, and defines a new actionBlock:
+    acceptAction to be performed for accept
+    If used with a model, this is informed by sending it a changeMsg with
+    the current contents as argument.
+    (however, it is possible to define both changeMsg and acceptAction)
+    Please read the historic notice in the ListView class.
+    [Instance variables:]
+        cursorLine              <Number>        line where cursor sits (1..)
+        cursorVisibleLine       <Number>        visible line where cursor sits (1..nLinesShown)
+        cursorCol               <Number>        col where cursor sits (1..)
+        cursorShown             <Boolean>       true, if cursor is currently shown
+        readOnly                <Boolean>       true, if text may not be edited
+        modifiedChannel         <ValueHolder>   holding true, if text has been modified.
+                                                cleared on accept.
+        acceptChannel           <ValueHolder>   holding true, if text has been accepted.
+        fixedSize               <Boolean>       true, if no lines may be added/removed
+        exceptionBlock          <Block>         block to be evaluated when readonly text is about to be modified
+                                                if it returns true, the modification will be done anyway.
+                                                if it returns anything else, the modification is not done.
+        cursorFgColor           <Color>         color used for cursor drawing
+        cursorBgColor           <Color>         color used for cursor drawing
+        cursorType              <Symbol>        how the cursor is drawn; currently implemented
+                                                are #none, #block (solid-block cursor), #ibeam
+                                                (vertical bar at insertion point)
+                                                and #caret (caret below insertion-point).
+                                                see cursorType: for an up-to-date list.
+        cursorTypeNoFocus       <Symbol>        like above, if view has no focus
+                                                nil means: hide the cursor.
+        undoAction              <Block>         block which undoes last cut, paste or replace
+                                                (not yet fully implemented)
+        typeOfSelection         <Symbol>        #paste, if selection created by paste, nil otherwise
+                                                this affects the next keyPress: if #paste it does not
+                                                replace; otherwise it replaces the selection.
+        lastCut                 <String>        last cut or replaced string
+        lastReplacementInfo     <LastReplacementInfo>        holds the information about the last replace action
+                                                             lastStringToReplace is the string to be replaced by lastReplacement
+                                                             lastReplacement is the string to replace lastStringToReplace
+        lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch   <String>        string to be taken be the next search action 
+                                                             (cleared after a new selection)
+        replacing               <Boolean>       true if entered characters replace last selection
+        showMatchingParenthesis <Boolean>       if true, shows matching parenthesis
+                                                when entering one; this is the default.
+        hasKeyboardFocus        <Boolean>       true if this view has the focus
+        acceptAction            <Block>         accept action - evaluated passing the contents as
+                                                argument
+        tabMeansNextField       <Boolean>       if true, Tab is ignored as input and shifts keyboard
+                                                focus to the next field. For editTextViews, this is false
+                                                by default (i.e. tabs can be entered into the text).
+                                                For some subclasses (inputFields), this may be true.
+        trimBlankLines          <Boolean>       if true, trailing blanks are
+                                                removed when editing.
+                                                Default is true.
+        wordWrap                <Boolean>       Currently not used.
+        lockUpdates             <Boolean>       internal, private
+        prevCursorState         <Boolean>       temporary, private
+        cursorMovementWhenUpdating
+                                <Symbol>        defines where the cursor is to be positioned if the
+                                                model changes its value by some outside activity
+                                                (i.e. not by user input into the field).
+                                                Can be one of:
+                                                    #keep / nil     -> stay where it was
+                                                    #endOfText      -> cursor to the end
+                                                    #endOfLine      -> stay in the line, but move to end
+                                                    #beginOfText    -> cursor to the beginning
+                                                    #beginOfLine    -> stay in the line, but move to begin
+                                                The default is #beginOfText
+        dropTarget              <DropTarget|nil> drop operation descriptor or nil (drop disabled)
+    userPreference values:
+        userPreferences.st80EditMode
+                                <Boolean>       if true, cursor positioning is
+                                                done as in vi or ST80; i.e.
+                                                wysiwyg mode is somewhat relaxed,
+                                                in that the cursor cannot be
+                                                positioned behind a lines end.
+                                                This is not yet completely implemented.
+    used globals:
+        DeleteHistory           <Text>          last 1000 lines of deleted text
+                                                (but only if this variable exists already)
+    [styleSheet parameters:]
+        textCursorForegroundColor <Color>          cursor fg color; default: text background
+        textCursorBackgroundColor <Color>          cursor bg color; default: text foreground
+        textCursorNoFocusForegroundColor
+                                  <Color>          cursor fg color if no focus; default: cursor fg color
+        textCursorType            <Symbol>         cursor type; default:  #block
+    [author:]
+        Claus Gittinger
+    [see also:]
+        CodeView Workspace TextView ListView
+        EditField
+  non MVC operation:
+    basic setup:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top textView|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        textView := EditTextView new.
+        textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:textView.
+        textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    with vertical scrollbar:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top scrollView textView|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        scrollView := ScrollableView for:EditTextView.
+        textView := scrollView scrolledView.
+        scrollView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:scrollView.
+        textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    with horizontal & vertical scrollbars:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top scrollView textView|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        scrollView := HVScrollableView for:EditTextView.
+        textView := scrollView scrolledView.
+        scrollView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:scrollView.
+        textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    set the action for accept:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top textView|
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        textView := EditTextView new.
+        textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:textView.
+        textView contents:('/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile).
+        textView acceptAction:[:contents |
+                                Transcript showCR:'will not overwrite the file with:'.
+                                Transcript showCR:contents asString
+                              ].
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    non-string (text) items:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top textView list|
+        list := '/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile asStringCollection.
+        1 to:list size by:2 do:[:nr |
+            list at:nr put:(Text string:(list at:nr)
+                                 emphasis:(Array with:#bold with:(#color->Color red)))
+        ].
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        textView := EditTextView new.
+        textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:textView.
+        textView contents:list.
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+  MVC operation:
+    (the examples model here is a plug simulating a real model;
+     real world applications would not use a plug ..)
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top textView model|
+        model := Plug new.
+        model respondTo:#accepted:
+                   with:[:newContents |
+                                Transcript showCR:'will not overwrite the file with:'.
+                                Transcript showCR:newContents asString
+                        ].
+        model respondTo:#getList
+                   with:['/etc/hosts' asFilename contentsOfEntireFile].
+        top := StandardSystemView new.
+        top extent:300@200.
+        textView := EditTextView new.
+        textView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top addSubView:textView.
+        textView listMessage:#getList;
+                 model:model;
+                 changeMessage:#accepted:;
+                 aspect:#list.
+        top open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+    two textViews on the same model:
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |top1 textView1 top2 textView2 model currentContents|
+        model := Plug new.
+        model respondTo:#accepted:
+                   with:[:newContents |
+                                Transcript showCR:'accepted:'.
+                                Transcript showCR:newContents asString.
+                                currentContents := newContents.
+                                model changed:#contents
+                        ].
+        model respondTo:#getList
+                   with:[Transcript showCR:'query'.
+                         currentContents].
+        top1 := StandardSystemView new.
+        top1 extent:300@200.
+        textView1 := EditTextView new.
+        textView1 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top1 addSubView:textView1.
+        textView1 listMessage:#getList;
+                  model:model;
+                  aspect:#contents;
+                  changeMessage:#accepted:.
+        top1 open.
+        top2 := StandardSystemView new.
+        top2 extent:300@200.
+        textView2 := EditTextView new.
+        textView2 origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+        top2 addSubView:textView2.
+        textView2 listMessage:#getList;
+                  model:model;
+                  aspect:#contents;
+                  changeMessage:#accepted:.
+        top2 open.
+                                                                        [exEnd]
+! !
+!EditTextView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 26-09-2013 / 17:59:27 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    "return true, if the st80 editing mode is turned on.
+     This setting affects the behavior of the cursor, when positioned
+     beyond the end of a line or the end of the text."
+    ^ UserPreferences current st80EditMode
+   "
+    EditTextView st80Mode:true
+    EditTextView st80Mode:false
+   "
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:54:57 / cg"
+    "turns on/off st80 behavior, where the cursor cannot be positioned
+     beyond the end of a line or the last line"
+    UserPreferences current st80EditMode:aBoolean.
+   "
+    EditTextView st80Mode:true
+    EditTextView st80Mode:false
+   "
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:55:19 / cg"
+    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
+    <resource: #style (#'textCursor.foregroundColor' #'textCursor.backgroundColor'
+                       #'textCursor.noFocusForegroundColor'
+                       #'textCursor.type'
+                       #'textCursor.typeNoFocus'
+                       #'editText.st80Mode')>
+    DefaultCursorForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.foregroundColor'.
+    DefaultCursorBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.backgroundColor'.
+    DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'textCursor.noFocusForegroundColor'.
+    DefaultCursorType := StyleSheet at:'textCursor.type' default:#block.
+    DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus := StyleSheet at:'textCursor.typeNoFocus'.
+    "
+     self updateStyleCache
+    "
+    "Modified: / 20.5.1998 / 04:27:41 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView class methodsFor:'specs'!
+    "This resource specification was automatically generated
+     by the UIPainter of ST/X."
+    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
+     the UIPainter may not be able to read the specification."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:DAPASX::ProjectEditorTextView andSelector:#searchReplaceDialogSpec
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^
+     #(FullSpec
+        name: searchReplaceDialogSpec
+        window:
+       (WindowSpec
+          label: 'String Search and Replace'
+          name: 'String Search and Replace'
+          min: (Point 283 196)
+          max: (Point 283 196)
+          bounds: (Rectangle 0 0 279 192)
+        )
+        component:
+       (SpecCollection
+          collection: (
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Search Pattern:'
+              name: 'label'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 1 0.0 3 0 -1 1.0 20 0)
+              level: 0
+              translateLabel: true
+              adjust: left
+            )
+           (ComboBoxSpec
+              name: 'patternComboBox'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 3 0.0 26 0 -3 1.0 48 0)
+              tabable: true
+              model: searchPattern
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnLeave: true
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: true
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+              autoSelectInitialText: true
+              comboList: patternList
+            )
+           (ComboBoxSpec
+              name: 'replaceComboBox'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 3 0.0 76 0 -3 1.0 98 0)
+              tabable: true
+              model: replacePattern
+              immediateAccept: false
+              acceptOnLeave: true
+              acceptOnReturn: true
+              acceptOnTab: true
+              acceptOnLostFocus: true
+              acceptOnPointerLeave: false
+              autoSelectInitialText: true
+              comboList: patternList
+            )
+           (CheckBoxSpec
+              label: 'Ignore Case'
+              name: 'ignoreCaseCheckBox'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 3 0.0 107 0 -3 1.0 130 0)
+              level: 0
+              tabable: true
+              model: ignoreCase
+              translateLabel: true
+            )
+           (VariableVerticalPanelSpec
+              name: 'VariableVerticalPanel1'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 0 0 -64 1 0 1 -4 1)
+              component:
+             (SpecCollection
+                collection: (
+                 (HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+                    name: 'HorizontalPanel1'
+                    level: 0
+                    horizontalLayout: fitSpace
+                    verticalLayout: center
+                    horizontalSpace: 3
+                    verticalSpace: 3
+                    ignoreInvisibleComponents: true
+                    reverseOrderIfOKAtLeft: true
+                    component:
+                   (SpecCollection
+                      collection: (
+                       (ActionButtonSpec
+                          label: 'Replace'
+                          name: 'replaceButton'
+                          level: 2
+                          translateLabel: true
+                          tabable: true
+                          model: replaceAction
+                          extent: (Point 134 21)
+                        )
+                       (ActionButtonSpec
+                          label: 'Replace All'
+                          name: 'replaceAllButton'
+                          level: 2
+                          borderWidth: 1
+                          translateLabel: true
+                          tabable: true
+                          model: replaceAllAction
+                          extent: (Point 134 21)
+                        )
+                       )
+                    )
+                  )
+                 (HorizontalPanelViewSpec
+                    name: 'horizontalPanelView'
+                    level: 0
+                    horizontalLayout: fitSpace
+                    verticalLayout: center
+                    horizontalSpace: 3
+                    verticalSpace: 3
+                    ignoreInvisibleComponents: true
+                    reverseOrderIfOKAtLeft: true
+                    component:
+                   (SpecCollection
+                      collection: (
+                       (ActionButtonSpec
+                          label: 'Cancel'
+                          name: 'cancelButton'
+                          level: 2
+                          translateLabel: true
+                          tabable: true
+                          model: cancel
+                          extent: (Point 88 21)
+                        )
+                       (ActionButtonSpec
+                          label: 'Prev'
+                          name: 'prevButton'
+                          level: 2
+                          translateLabel: true
+                          tabable: true
+                          model: prevAction
+                          extent: (Point 89 21)
+                        )
+                       (ActionButtonSpec
+                          label: 'Next'
+                          name: 'nextButton'
+                          level: 2
+                          borderWidth: 1
+                          translateLabel: true
+                          tabable: true
+                          model: nextAction
+                          isDefault: true
+                          extent: (Point 88 21)
+                        )
+                       )
+                    )
+                  )
+                 )
+              )
+              handles: (Any 0.5 1.0)
+            )
+           (LabelSpec
+              label: 'Replace By:'
+              name: 'ReplaceLabel'
+              layout: (LayoutFrame 1 0.0 53 0 -1 1.0 70 0)
+              level: 0
+              translateLabel: true
+              adjust: left
+            )
+           )
+        )
+      )
+    "Modified: / 11-10-2006 / 21:05:09 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'Compatibility-ST80'!
+    "ignored for now"
+    "Created: / 5.6.1998 / 15:30:32 / cg "
+    "ignored for now"
+    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 00:03:49 / cg"
+    self cut
+    "Created: / 31.10.1997 / 03:29:50 / cg"
+    "remove the selection"
+    ^ self unselect
+    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:41:54 / cg"
+    self readOnly:aBoolean not
+    "Created: / 30.3.1999 / 15:10:23 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 15:10:53 / stefan"
+    self searchFwd:pattern ifAbsent:nil
+    "Created: / 29.1.1999 / 19:09:42 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 29.1.1999 / 19:10:12 / cg"
+insert:aString at:aCharacterPosition
+    "insert a string at aCharacterPosition."
+    |line col|
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:aCharacterPosition.
+    col := aCharacterPosition - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
+    col < 1 ifTrue:[
+        col := 1
+    ].
+    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col.
+    "
+     |top v|
+     top := StandardSystemView new.
+     top extent:300@300.
+     v := EditTextView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
+     top openAndWait.
+     v contents:'1234567890\1234567890\1234567890\' withCRs.
+     v insert:'<- hello there' at:5.
+    "
+    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 17:20:08 / cg"
+insertAndSelect:aString at:aCharacterPosition
+    "insert a selected string at aCharacterPosition."
+    |line col|
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:aCharacterPosition.
+    col := (aCharacterPosition - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1) max:1.
+    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col.
+    self selectFromLine:line col:col toLine:line col:col + aString size - 1
+    "
+     |v|
+     v := EditTextView new openAndWait.
+     v contents:'1234567890\1234567890\1234567890\' withCRs.
+     v insertAndSelect:'<- hello there' at:5.
+    "
+    self paste
+    "Created: / 31.10.1997 / 03:28:53 / cg"
+    ^ self replaceSelectionBy:aString
+    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:42:32 / cg"
+    "move the cursor before cursorPosition."
+    self cursorToCharacterPosition:pos
+    "Modified: / 19.6.1998 / 02:41:28 / cg"
+    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 02:43:39 / cg"
+    ^ self modified
+    "Created: / 19.6.1998 / 00:09:43 / cg"
+    "ST-80 compatibility: set/clear the modified flag."
+    self modified:aBoolean
+    "Created: / 5.2.2000 / 17:07:59 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    | codeAspect app |
+    codeAspect := codeAspectHolder value.
+    codeAspect notNil ifTrue:[^codeAspect].
+    self editedMethod notNil ifTrue:[^SyntaxHighlighter codeAspectMethod].
+    "/ Applications should set it explictly, however, to make it behavinh like
+    "/ CodeView2, I kept fetching code here for now.
+    ^((app := self topView application) notNil and:[app respondsTo: #codeAspect])
+        ifTrue:[app codeAspect]
+        ifFalse:[nil]
+    "Created: / 27-09-2013 / 09:53:40 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+codeAspect: aSymbol
+    codeAspectHolder value: aSymbol
+    "Created: / 27-09-2013 / 09:50:52 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    ^ completionSupport
+    completionSupport := anEditTextViewCompletionSupport.
+    ^ self class defaultCompletionSupportClass
+    "Created: / 26-09-2013 / 17:54:24 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    |cm|
+    cm := self editedMethodOrClass.
+    cm isBehavior ifTrue:[^ cm].
+    cm isMethod ifTrue:[^ cm mclass].
+    ^ nil
+    ^ nil
+    "Created: / 18-09-2013 / 14:16:38 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+editedLanguage: aProgrammingLanguage
+    "Sets the edited language. Only defined here to make it polymorph with Workspace"
+    "Created: / 27-09-2013 / 10:15:35 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    |cm|
+    cm := self editedMethodOrClass.
+    cm isMethod ifTrue:[^ cm].
+    cm isBehavior ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ nil
+    ^ nil
+editedMethodOrClass: methodOrClass
+    "Sets the edited method or class. Only defined here to make it polymorph with Workspace"
+    "Created: / 27-09-2013 / 10:10:14 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    ^ (self selectionOrTextOfCursorLine:false) notNil
+    ^ self selectionOrTextOfCursorLine:true
+    |sel lNr line|
+    sel := self selectionAsString.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[^ sel].
+    lNr := self cursorLine.
+    line := self listAt:lNr.
+    line notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        doSelect ifTrue:[
+            self selectLine:lNr.
+        ].
+        ^ line
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
+    "return the action to be performed on accept (or nil)"
+    ^ acceptAction
+    "set the action to be performed on accept"
+    acceptAction := aBlock
+    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was accepted.
+     By placing a true into this channel, an accept can also be forced."
+    ^ acceptChannel
+    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:17:11 / cg"
+    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was accepted.
+     By placing a true into this channel, an accept can also be forced."
+    |prev|
+    prev := acceptChannel.
+    acceptChannel := aValueHolder.
+    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev
+    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:51:09 / cg"
+    "enable/disable accept. This greys the corresponding item in the menu"
+    acceptEnabled := aBoolean
+    "Created: 7.3.1997 / 11:04:34 / cg"
+    "return true if text was accepted"
+    ^ acceptChannel value
+    "Created: 14.2.1997 / 16:43:46 / cg"
+    "set/clear the accepted flag.
+     This may force my current contents to be placed into my model."
+    acceptChannel value:aBoolean.
+    "Created: / 14.2.1997 / 16:44:01 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:20:15 / cg"
+    autoIndent := aBoolean
+    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 14:37:50 / cg"
+    ^ codeAspectHolder
+    codeAspectHolder := something.
+    "return what is be done with the cursor,
+     when I get a new text (via the model or the #contents/#list)
+     Allowed arguments are:
+        #keep / nil     -> stay where it was
+        #endOfText      -> position cursor to the end
+        #beginOfText    -> position cursor to the beginning
+        #endOfLine      -> position cursor to the current lines end
+        #beginOfLine    -> position cursor to the current lines start
+     The default is #beginOfText.
+     This may be useful for fields which get new values assigned from
+     the program (i.e. not from the user)"
+    ^ cursorMovementWhenUpdating
+    "Modified: 16.12.1995 / 16:27:55 / cg"
+    "define what should be done with the cursor,
+     when I get a new text (via the model or the #contents/#list)
+     Allowed arguments are:
+        #keep / nil     -> stay where it was
+        #endOfText      -> position cursor to the end
+        #beginOfText    -> position cursor to the beginning
+        #endOfLine      -> position cursor to the current lines end
+        #beginOfLine    -> position cursor to the current lines start
+     The default is #beginOfText.
+     This may be useful for fields which get new values assigned from
+     the program (i.e. not from the user)"
+    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := aSymbolOrNil
+    "Modified: 16.12.1995 / 16:27:55 / cg"
+    disableIfInvisible := aBoolean
+    "remember that the current selection was created by a paste operation
+     (as opposed to an explicit selection by the user).
+     This selection will not be replaced by followup user input,
+     so multiple pastes will be possible."
+    typeOfSelection := #paste
+    ^ editMode.
+    editMode value:EditMode insertMode
+    editMode value:EditMode insertAndSelectMode
+    editMode value:EditMode overwriteMode
+    "define the action to be triggered when user tries to modify
+     readonly text"
+    exceptionBlock := aBlock
+    "make the texts size fixed (no lines may be added).
+     OBSOLETE: use readOnly"
+    <resource:#obsolete>
+    |menu|
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #readOnly:'.
+    readOnly == true ifFalse:[
+        readOnly := true.
+        (menu := self middleButtonMenu) notNil ifTrue:[
+            menu disableAll:#(cut paste replace indent)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:24 / cg"
+    editMode value:(aBoolean ifTrue:[EditMode insertMode] ifFalse:[EditMode overwriteMode])
+    "Created: 6.3.1996 / 12:24:05 / cg"
+    ^ BlockValue
+        with:[:m | m isInsertMode]
+        argument:(editMode).
+    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 22:58:37 / cg"
+    ^ editMode value isInsertMode
+    "return true, if the text is readonly."
+    ^ readOnly value
+    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:56 / cg"
+    "a valueHolder, which contains 'L' (learnMode), I (insertMode) or empty"
+    ^ BlockValue
+        with:[:e :l |
+            self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
+                ''
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                l ifTrue:[ 'L' allBold colorizeAllWith:Color red]
+                  ifFalse:[ e infoPrintString]]]
+        argument:(self editModeHolder)
+        argument:(self learnModeHolder).
+    "Modified: / 08-03-2007 / 22:58:59 / cg"
+    "return true if text was modified"
+    ^ modifiedChannel value
+    "set/clear the modified flag"
+    modifiedChannel value:aBoolean
+    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:44:05 / cg"
+    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"
+    ^ modifiedChannel
+    "set the valueHolder holding true if text was modified"
+    |prev|
+    prev := modifiedChannel.
+    modifiedChannel := aValueHolder.
+    self setupChannel:aValueHolder for:nil withOld:prev
+    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:51:32 / cg"
+    "make the text readonly.
+     Obsolete because it is obfuscating (looks like a getter)
+     - use #readOnly:"
+    <resource:#obsolete>
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #readOnly:'.
+    self readOnly:true.
+    "Modified: / 14-02-1997 / 17:35:56 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 02-08-2013 / 16:46:57 / cg"
+    "make the text readonly (aBoolean == true) or writable (aBoolean == false).
+     The argument may also be a valueHolder."
+    readOnly := aBoolean
+    "Created: 14.2.1997 / 17:35:39 / cg"
+    "return the valueHolder holding true if text was really modified.
+     For compatibility with views which use the modified flag for syntax highlighting."
+    ^ self modifiedChannel
+    "set/clear the st80Mode flag.
+     If on, the cursor wraps at the line end (like in vi or st80);
+     if off, we have the Rand-editor behavior (random access)"
+    st80Mode := aBoolean
+    "Created: / 09-11-2010 / 13:55:50 / cg"
+    "set/clear tabbing to the next field.
+     If true, Tab is ignored and shifts the keyboard focus.
+     If false, tabs can be entered into the text.
+     The default is true for editTextView, false for single-line
+     input fields."
+    tabMeansNextField := aBoolean
+    "returns true, if a focus tabbing requires a control-key to be pressed.
+     The default is true for editTextView, false for other widgets,
+     to allow for easier text entry"
+    ^ tabRequiresControl
+    "controls if a focus tabbing requires a control-key to be pressed.
+     The default is true for editTextView, false for other widgets,
+     to allow for easier text entry"
+    tabRequiresControl := aBoolean
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!
+at:lineNr basicPut:aLine
+    "change a line without change notification"
+    (self at:lineNr) = aLine ifFalse:[
+        super at:lineNr put:aLine.
+    ].
+at:lineNr put:aLine
+    (self at:lineNr) = aLine ifFalse:[
+        super at:lineNr put:aLine.
+        self textChanged
+    ].
+    "return the character one after the cursor - space if beyond line."
+    ^ self characterAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol+1
+    "return the character to the left of cursor - space if beyond line, nil if at the beginning."
+    cursorCol == 1 ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ self characterAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1
+    "Created: / 17.6.1998 / 15:16:41 / cg"
+    "return the character under the cursor - space if beyond line.
+     For non-block cursors, this is the character immediately to the right
+     of the insertion-bar or caret."
+    ^ self characterAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "return the contents as a String or Text (i.e. with emphasis)"
+    list isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
+    self removeTrailingBlankLines.
+    ^ super contents.
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 19:22:32 / fm"
+    self contents:something keepUndoHistory:false.
+contents:something keepUndoHistory:keepUndoHistory
+    super contents:something.
+    keepUndoHistory ifFalse:[
+        undoSupport resetHistories.
+    ].
+    "return the contents as a String (i.e. without emphasis)"
+    list isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
+    self removeTrailingBlankLines.
+    ^ (list collect:[:each | each isNil ifTrue:['']
+                                        ifFalse:[each string]
+                    ]) asStringWithCRs
+    "return the cursors col (1..).
+     This is the absolute col; NOT the visible col"
+    ^ cursorCol
+    "return a valueHolder for the cursors column (1..)."
+    ^ cursorColHolder
+    "return the cursors line (1..).
+     This is the absolute line; NOT the visible line"
+    ^ cursorLine
+    "return a valueHolder for the cursors line (1..).
+     This is the absolute line; NOT the visible line"
+    ^ cursorLineHolder
+    "return the line's string before the cursor.
+     Pad with spaces up to the cursor position if beyond the end of line"
+    |line|
+    line := ((self at:cursorLine) ? '') string.
+    line size < (cursorCol-1) ifTrue:[
+        ^ line paddedTo:(cursorCol-1)
+    ].
+    ^ line copyTo:(cursorCol-1)
+    "position cursor home when setting contents"
+    |prevCursorLine prevCursorCol|
+    prevCursorLine := cursorLine.
+    prevCursorCol := cursorCol.
+    super list:something.
+    (cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #endOfText
+    or:[cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #end]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self cursorToEndOfText
+    ].
+    (cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #endOfLine) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self cursorLine:prevCursorLine col:(self listAt:cursorLine) size + 1.
+    ].
+    (cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #beginOfText
+    or:[cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #begin]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self cursorHome
+    ].
+    (cursorMovementWhenUpdating == #beginOfLine) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self cursorLine:prevCursorLine col:1.
+    ].
+    "/ default: stay where it was
+    "/ self cursorLine:prevCursorLine col:prevCursorCol.
+    |selType|
+    undoSupport resetHistories.
+    selType := typeOfSelection.
+    super setContents:something.
+    typeOfSelection := selType.
+    "Created: / 31.3.1998 / 23:35:06 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-dimensions'!
+    |accumulatedX container|
+    accumulatedX := 0.
+    container := self.
+    [ container notNil ] whileTrue:[
+        accumulatedX := accumulatedX + container origin x.
+        container := container isTopView ifFalse:[
+                    container container
+                ] ifTrue:[ nil ].
+    ].
+    ^ (self xOfPosition:positionInText) + accumulatedX
+    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:05:19 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    | accumulatedY container |
+    accumulatedY := 0.
+    container := self.
+    [ container notNil ] whileTrue:[
+        accumulatedY := accumulatedY + container origin y.
+        container := container isTopView 
+            ifFalse:[container container]
+            ifTrue:[nil].
+    ].
+    ^(self yOfCursor) + accumulatedY
+    "Created: / 27-05-2005 / 07:45:53 / janfrog"
+    "Modified: / 27-05-2005 / 23:03:40 / janfrog"
+    |point|
+    cursorVisibleLine isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ take the end of the selection, if any
+        (selectionStartLine notNil 
+            and:[ self listLineIsVisible:selectionEndLine ])
+        ifTrue:[
+            ^ self xOfCol:selectionEndCol inVisibleLine:selectionEndLine.
+        ].
+"/        point := device 
+"/                    translatePoint:(device pointerPosition)
+"/                    fromView:nil
+"/                    toView:self.
+"/        ((self bounds) containsPoint:point) ifTrue:[
+"/            ^ point x
+"/        ].
+"/        ^ 0
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    ^self xOfCol:cursorCol inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+    "Created: / 27-05-2005 / 07:43:41 / janfrog"
+xOfPosition: positionInText
+    | line col |
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition: positionInText.
+    col  := positionInText - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
+    ^
+        (self xOfCol:col inVisibleLine:(self listLineToVisibleLine: line))
+            - viewOrigin x.
+    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:04:27 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    ^self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+    "Created: / 27-05-2005 / 07:43:41 / janfrog"
+yOfPosition: positionInText
+    | line |
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition: positionInText.
+    ^self yOfVisibleLine:(self listLineToVisibleLine: line)
+    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:08:21 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
+cursorForegroundColor:color1 backgroundColor:color2
+    "set both cursor foreground and cursor background colors"
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    cursorFgColor := color1 onDevice:self graphicsDevice.
+    cursorBgColor := color2 onDevice:self graphicsDevice.
+    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
+    "return the style of the text cursor.
+     Currently, supported are: #none
+                               #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
+                               #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
+    ^ cursorType
+    "Modified: / 5.5.1999 / 14:52:33 / cg"
+    "set the style of the text cursor.
+     Currently, supported are: #none
+                               #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
+                               #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
+    cursorType := aCursorTypeSymbol.
+    "Created: 21.9.1997 / 13:42:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: 21.9.1997 / 13:43:35 / cg"
+    "return the style of the text cursor when the view has no focus.
+     If left unspecified, this is the same as the regular cursorType."
+    ^ cursorTypeNoFocus
+    "Created: / 5.5.1999 / 14:52:46 / cg"
+    "set the style of the text cursor when the view has no focus.
+     If left unspecified, this is the same as the regular cursorType."
+    cursorTypeNoFocus := aCursorTypeSymbol
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'accessing-replace'!
+    ^ lastReplacementInfo
+lastStringToReplace: aString
+    "accessor for the code completion"
+    ^ lastReplacementInfo previousReplacements
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'change & update'!
+    "accept the current contents by executing the accept-action and/or
+     changeMessage."
+    acceptEnabled == false ifTrue:[
+        self beep.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (disableIfInvisible == true and:[self reallyRealized not]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    lockUpdates := true.
+    "/
+    "/ ST-80 way of doing it
+    "/
+    model notNil ifTrue:[
+        self sendChangeMessage:changeMsg with:self argForChangeMessage.
+        acceptChannel value:true withoutNotifying:self.
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ ST/X way of doing things
+    "/ as a historic (and temporary) leftover,
+    "/ the block is called with a stringCollection
+    "/ - not with the actual string
+    "/
+    acceptAction notNil ifTrue:[
+        acceptAction value:self list
+    ].
+    lockUpdates := false.
+    "Modified: / 30.1.1998 / 14:19:00 / cg"
+    "return the argument to be passed with the change notification.
+     Defined as separate method for easier subclassability."
+    ^ self contents
+    "Modified: 29.4.1996 / 12:42:14 / cg"
+    "get my contents from the model.
+     Redefined to ignore updates resulting from my own changes
+     (i.e. if lockUpdates is true)."
+    "
+     ignore updates from my own change
+    "
+    lockUpdates ifTrue:[
+        lockUpdates := false.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    super getListFromModel.
+    undoSupport resetHistories.
+    "/ validate the cursorLine
+    (cursorLine notNil
+     and:[ cursorLine > list size ]) ifTrue:[
+        self cursorLine:list size + 1 col:1
+    ].
+update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
+    changedObject == acceptChannel ifTrue:[
+        acceptChannel value == true ifTrue:[
+            self accept.
+        ].
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
+    "Created: / 30.1.1998 / 14:15:56 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 1.2.1998 / 13:15:55 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'cursor handling'!
+    "move cursor to start of next line; scroll if at end of visible text"
+    |wasOn|
+    self checkForExistingLine:(cursorLine + 1).
+    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        nFullLinesShown notNil ifTrue:[
+            (cursorVisibleLine >= nFullLinesShown) ifTrue:[self scrollDown]
+        ]
+    ].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:(cursorLine + 1) col:1.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:34 / cg"
+    ^ self characterPositionOfLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "move cursor to prev tabstop"
+    self cursorCol:(self prevTabBefore:cursorCol).
+    "move cursor to some column in the current line"
+    |wasOn|
+    (cursorCol == newCol) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    self setValidatedCursorCol:newCol.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 14:25:53 / cg"
+    "move cursor down; scroll if at end of visible text;
+     beep if at end of physical text."
+    |wasOn|
+    self cursorDown:1.
+    "/ cursor beyond text ?
+    cursorLine > list size ifTrue:[
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        self setValidatedCursorLine:(list size + 1) col:cursorCol.
+        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+        self beep.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 17:00:23 / cg"
+    "move cursor down by n lines; scroll if at end of visible text"
+    |wasOn nv nL|
+    (nL := cursorLine) isNil ifTrue:[
+        nL := firstLineShown
+    ].
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        nL == list size ifTrue:[
+            wasOn := self hideCursor.
+            self setValidatedCursorLine:(list size) col:(self listAt:list size) size + 1.
+            self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+            self beep.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
+    ].
+    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        nv := cursorVisibleLine + n - 1.
+        (nv >= nFullLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+            self scrollDown:(nv - nFullLinesShown + 1)
+        ].
+        self setValidatedCursorLine:(cursorLine + n) col:cursorCol.
+        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self setValidatedCursorLine:(nL + n) col:cursorCol.
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 16:59:17 / cg"
+    "scroll to top AND move cursor to first line of text."
+    self cursorLine:1 col:1
+"/    |wasOn|
+"/    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+"/    self scrollToTop.
+"/    cursorLine := cursorVisibleLine := 1.
+"/    cursorCol := self validateCursorCol:1 inLine:cursorLine.
+"/    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:26:42 / cg"
+    "move cursor to left"
+    (cursorCol ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
+        self cursorCol:(cursorCol - 1)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorLine ~~ 1 ifTrue:[
+            self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+                self cursorUp.
+                self cursorToEndOfLine.
+           ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 23.1.1998 / 12:37:13 / cg"
+    "move cursor to left"
+    n timesRepeat:[
+        self cursorLeft
+    ].
+cursorLine:line col:col
+    "this positions onto physical - not visible - line"
+    |wasOn newCol|
+    ((line == cursorLine) and:[col == cursorCol]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:line.
+    (col < 1) ifTrue:[
+        newCol := 1
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newCol := col.
+    ].
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        (cursorLine == list size
+        and:[cursorLine ~~ line]) ifTrue:[
+            newCol := (self listAt:(list size)) size + 1.
+        ]
+    ].
+    self setValidatedCursorCol:newCol.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:06 / cg"
+    "return true, if the user may move the cursor around
+     (via button-click, or cursor-key with selection).
+     By default, true is returned, but this may be redefined
+     in special subclasses (such as a terminal view), where
+     this is not wanted"
+    ^ true
+    "Created: / 18.6.1998 / 14:11:16 / cg"
+    "move cursor to start of next line; scroll if at end of visible text"
+    self basicCursorReturn
+    "move cursor to right"
+    |l|
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        l := (self listAt:cursorLine).
+        cursorCol >= (l size + 1) ifTrue:[
+            cursorLine < list size ifTrue:[
+                self cursorReturn.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    self cursorCol:(cursorCol + 1)
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:07 / cg"
+    "move cursor to right"
+    n timesRepeat:[
+        self cursorRight
+    ].
+    "change cursor visibility
+     return true if cursor was visible before."
+    |oldState|
+    aBoolean == cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        ^ cursorShown
+    ].
+    oldState := cursorShown.
+    aBoolean ifTrue:[
+        self drawCursor.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (cursorShown and:[shown]) ifTrue: [
+            self undrawCursor.
+        ].
+    ].
+    cursorShown := aBoolean.
+    ^ oldState
+    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 15:32:43 / stefan"
+    "Created: / 30.3.1999 / 15:59:30 / stefan"
+    "move cursor to next tabstop"
+    self cursorCol:(self nextTabAfter:cursorCol).
+    "move cursor to the start of the current line"
+    |textStart l|
+    l := self listAt:cursorLine.
+    textStart := l isNil ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[l indexOfNonSeparator].
+    cursorCol > textStart ifTrue:[
+        self cursorCol:textStart
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self cursorCol:1
+    ]
+    "Created: / 8.8.2004 / 18:51:21 / janfrog"
+    "move cursor to the last line of text (col 1)"
+    |wasOn newTop|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    newTop := list size - nFullLinesShown.
+    (newTop < 1) ifTrue:[
+        newTop := 1
+    ].
+    self scrollToLine:newTop.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:(list size) col:1.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:45 / cg"
+    "compute line/col from character position (1..)
+     and move the cursor onto that char"
+    |line col|
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:pos.
+    col := pos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
+    self cursorLine:line col:col
+    "Created: / 15.1.1998 / 21:55:33 / cg"
+    "move cursor down below last line of text"
+    |wasOn newTop lineNr line|
+    lineNr := list size.
+    cursorLine >= lineNr ifTrue:[
+        line := self listAt:cursorLine.
+        (line isEmptyOrNil) ifTrue:[
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    lineNr := lineNr + 1.
+    newTop :=  lineNr - nFullLinesShown.
+    (newTop < 1) ifTrue:[
+        newTop := 1
+    ].
+    self scrollToLine:newTop.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:lineNr col:1.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:27:53 / cg"
+    "move cursor to end of current line"
+    |line|
+    line := (self listAt:cursorLine).
+    self cursorCol:(line size + 1)
+    "Modified: 13.8.1997 / 15:34:02 / cg"
+    "move cursor to the end of the text (behind the last character in last line)"
+    |wasOn newTop lastLineLength pos|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    newTop := list size - nFullLinesShown.
+    (newTop < 1) ifTrue:[
+        newTop := 1
+    ].
+    self scrollToLine:newTop.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:list size.
+    lastLineLength := (self listAt:cursorLine) size.
+    pos := (lastLineLength==0) ifTrue:[0] ifFalse:[lastLineLength+1].
+    self setCursorCol:(self validateCursorCol:pos inLine:cursorLine).
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: / 15-07-2011 / 20:14:43 / cg"
+    "move the cursor to the end of the word"
+    (cursorLine > list size) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol do:[
+        :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+        self cursorLine:endLine col:endCol+1
+    ]
+    "Created: / 28-06-2006 / 19:16:30 / cg"
+    "place cursor into the first visible line; do not scroll."
+    self cursorLine:(self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:1) col:1
+    "place cursor into the first visible line; do not scroll."
+    self cursorLine:(self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:nFullLinesShown) col:1
+    "move the cursor to the beginning of the next word"
+    |col line searching|
+    (cursorLine > list size) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self 
+        wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol 
+        do:[
+            :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+            line := endLine.
+            col := endCol + 1.
+            searching := true.
+            [searching and:[(self characterAtLine:line col:col) isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
+                self wordAtLine:line col:col do:[
+                    :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+                    (line > list size) ifTrue:[
+                        "break out"
+                        searching := false
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        line := endLine.
+                        col := endCol + 1.
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            self cursorLine:line col:col
+    ]
+    "move the cursor to the beginning of this or the previous word"
+    |col line searching l|
+    (cursorLine > list size) ifTrue:[^ self].      "/ this is rubbish
+    self wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol do:[
+        :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+        line := beginLine.
+        col := beginCol.
+        style == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
+            col := col + 1
+        ].
+        (cursorLine == line
+        and:[cursorCol == col]) ifTrue:[
+            searching := true.
+            col > 1 ifTrue:[
+                col := col - 1.
+            ].
+            [searching] whileTrue:[
+                (col == 1) ifTrue:[
+                    line == 1 ifTrue:[
+                        searching := false
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        line := line - 1.
+                        l := list at:line.
+                        col := l size + 1.
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (self characterAtLine:line col:col) isSeparator ifFalse:[
+                        self wordAtLine:line col:col do:[
+                            :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+                            line := beginLine.
+                            col := beginCol.
+                            style == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
+                                col := col + 1
+                            ].
+                            searching := false.
+                        ]
+                    ] ifTrue:[
+                        col := col - 1
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        self cursorLine:line col:col
+    ]
+    "Created: 8.3.1996 / 21:52:48 / cg"
+    "Modified: 8.3.1996 / 22:12:45 / cg"
+    "move cursor to absolute home"
+    self cursorLine:1 col:1
+    "move cursor up; scroll if at start of visible text"
+    self cursorUp:1
+    "move cursor up n lines; scroll if at start of visible text"
+    |wasOn nv nl|
+    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[
+        self setCursorLine:(firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown - 1).
+    ].
+    nl := cursorLine - n.
+    nl < 1 ifTrue:[nl := 1].
+    (nl ~~ cursorLine) ifTrue: [
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            nv := cursorVisibleLine - n.
+            nv < 1 ifTrue:[
+                self scrollUp:(nv negated + 1)
+            ].
+        ].
+        self setValidatedCursorLine:nl col:cursorCol.
+"/        wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
+        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    ]
+    "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 18:28:11 / cg"
+cursorVisibleLine:visibleLineNr col:colNr
+    "put cursor to visibleline/col"
+    |wasOn newCol listLine|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    listLine := self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:visibleLineNr.
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:listLine.
+    cursorVisibleLine := visibleLineNr.
+    newCol := colNr.
+    (newCol < 1) ifTrue:[
+        newCol := 1
+    ].
+    self setValidatedCursorCol:newCol.
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:40:28 / cg"
+cursorX:x y:y
+    "put cursor to position next to x/y coordinate in view"
+    |line col|
+    line := self visibleLineOfY:y.
+    col := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:line.
+    self cursorVisibleLine:line col:col.
+    "draw the cursor if shown and cursor is visible.
+     (but not, if there is a selection - to avoid confusion)"
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            self hasSelection ifFalse:[
+                self drawCursorCharacter
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+drawCursor:cursorType with:fgColor and:bgColor
+    "draw a cursor; the argument cursorType specifies what type
+     of cursor should be drawn.
+     Currently, supported are: #none, 
+                               #block, #frame, #ibeam, #caret, #solidCaret
+                               #bigCaret and #bigSolidCaret"
+    |x y w char y2 x1 x2 oldPaint oldClip|
+    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+        "
+         hide cursor, if there is a selection
+        "
+        ^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
+    ].
+    cursorType == #none ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    cursorType == #block ifTrue:[
+        super drawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol with:fgColor and:bgColor.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    x := (self xOfCol:cursorCol inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - viewOrigin x.
+    y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+    oldPaint := self paint. "/ do not clobber GC
+    cursorType == #frame ifTrue:[
+        super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
+        char := self characterUnderCursor asString.
+        self paint:bgColor.                       
+        self displayRectangleX:x y:y width:(gc font widthOf:char) height:fontHeight-2.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self paint:bgColor.
+        cursorType == #ibeam ifTrue:[
+            x1 := x - 1.
+            y2 := y + fontHeight - lineSpacing.
+            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y toX:x1 y:y2.
+            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:y2.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        cursorType == #Ibeam ifTrue:[
+            x1 := x - 1.
+            y := y + 1.
+            y2 := y + fontHeight - lineSpacing.
+            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y toX:x1 y:y2.
+            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:y2.
+            self displayLineFromX:x1-2 y:y toX:x+2 y:y.
+            self displayLineFromX:x1-2 y:y2 toX:x+2 y:y2.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        y := y + fontHeight - 3.
+        ((cursorType == #bigCaret) or:[cursorType == #bigSolidCaret]) ifTrue:[
+            w := (fontWidth * 2 // 3) max:4.
+            y2 := y + w + (w//2).
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            w := (fontWidth // 2) max:4.
+            y2 := y + w.
+        ].
+        x1 := x - w.
+        x2 := x + w.
+        oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
+        self clippingRectangle:(margin@margin extent:(width-margin) @ (height-margin)).
+        cursorType == #caret ifTrue:[
+            self lineWidth:2.
+            self displayLineFromX:x1 y:y2 toX:x y:y.
+            self displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x2 y:y2.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "anything else: solidCaret"
+            self fillPolygon:(Array with:(x1 @ y2)
+                                    with:(x @ y)
+                                    with:(x2 @ y2))
+        ].
+        self clippingRectangle:oldClip
+    ].
+    self paint:oldPaint.
+    "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 22:24:17 / cg"
+    "draw the cursor.
+     (i.e. the cursor if no selection)
+     - helper for many cursor methods"
+    (hasKeyboardFocus
+     and:[self enabled
+     and:[self isReadOnly not]]) ifTrue:[
+        self drawFocusCursor
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self drawNoFocusCursor
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 23.3.1999 / 13:52:48 / cg"
+    "draw the cursor when the focus is in the view."
+    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+        ^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
+    ].
+    cursorType == #none ifTrue:[
+        ^ self undrawCursor
+    ].
+    self drawCursor:cursorType with:cursorFgColor and:cursorBgColor.
+    "Modified: 22.9.1997 / 00:16:38 / cg"
+    "draw the cursor for the case when the view has no keyboard focus"
+    |cType|
+    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+        ^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol.
+    ].
+    cType := cursorTypeNoFocus ? cursorType.
+    cType == #none ifTrue:[
+        ^ self undrawCursor
+    ].
+    cType == #block ifTrue:[
+        ^ self drawCursor:#frame with:cursorNoFocusFgColor and:cursorBgColor
+    ].
+    ^ self drawCursor:cType with:cursorNoFocusFgColor and:cursorNoFocusFgColor.
+    "Modified: 22.9.1997 / 00:16:13 / cg"
+    "position cursor onto line, aLineNumber.
+     Make certain that this line is visible"
+    self makeLineVisible:aLineNumber.
+    self unselect.
+    self cursorLine:aLineNumber col:1
+    "make cursor invisible if currently invisible"
+    ^ self cursorShown:false
+    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 16:02:28 / stefan"
+    "scroll text to make cursorline visible
+     (i.e. to have cursorLine in visible area)"
+    |line col|
+    cursorLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        line := cursorLine.
+        col := cursorCol.
+        "
+         if there is a selection, its better to
+         have its start being visible, instead of the end
+        "
+        (selectionStartLine notNil
+        and:[selectionEndLine notNil]) ifTrue:[
+            expandingTop ~~ false ifTrue:[
+                line := selectionStartLine.
+                col := selectionStartCol.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                line := selectionEndLine.
+                col := selectionEndCol
+            ]
+        ].
+        self makeLineVisible:line.
+        self makeColVisible:col inLine:line
+    ]
+    "Modified: 6.3.1996 / 13:46:46 / cg"
+    "scroll to make cursorLine visible;
+     if flag is true, draw the cursor"
+    self makeCursorVisible.
+    flag ifTrue:[self showCursor]
+    "strictly private: set the cursorCol"
+    cursorCol := (colNr max:1).
+    cursorColHolder value:cursorCol.
+    "strictly private: set the cursorLine"
+    "/ self assert:(lineNr notNil).
+    cursorLine := (lineNr ? 1).
+    cursorLineHolder value:cursorLine.
+    self updateCursorVisibleLine.
+setCursorLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "strictly private: set the cursorLine, col and update the visibleLine"
+    self setCursorLine:lineNr.
+    self setCursorCol:colNr.
+    "strictly private: set the cursorCol"
+    self setCursorCol:(self validateCursorCol:colNr inLine:cursorLine).
+    "strictly private: set the cursorLine and update the visibleLine"
+    self setCursorLine:(self validateCursorLine:lineNr).
+setValidatedCursorLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "strictly private: set the cursorLine, col and update the visibleLine"
+    self setValidatedCursorLine:lineNr.
+    self setValidatedCursorCol:colNr.
+    "make cursor visible if currently invisible"
+    ^ self cursorShown:true
+    "Modified: / 30.3.1999 / 16:02:34 / stefan"
+    "undraw the cursor (i.e. redraw the character(s) under the cursor)"
+    |prevCol line oldClip x y e1 e2 e3|
+    cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        prevCol := cursorCol - 1.
+        "/ if there is any italic stuff in the cursor line,
+        "/ redraw it completely (because characters overlap).
+        cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+            (line := self listAt:cursorLine) notNil ifTrue:[
+                line hasChangeOfEmphasis ifTrue:[
+                    line size >= (cursorCol-1) ifTrue:[
+                        e1 := Text extractEmphasis:#italic from:(line emphasisAt:cursorCol-1).
+                        line size >= (cursorCol) ifTrue:[
+                            e2 := Text extractEmphasis:#italic from:(line emphasisAt:cursorCol).
+                            line size >= (cursorCol+1) ifTrue:[
+                                e3 := Text extractEmphasis:#italic from:(line emphasisAt:cursorCol+1)
+                            ].
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    (e1 notNil or:[e2 notNil or:[e3 notNil]]) ifTrue:[
+                        ^ super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        ((cursorType == #caret)
+         or:[cursorType == #solidCaret
+         or:[cursorType == #bigSolidCaret
+         or:[cursorType == #bigCaret
+         or:[cursorType == #Ibeam]]]]) ifTrue:[
+            "caret-cursor touches 4 characters"
+            ((cursorCol > 1) and:[fontIsFixedWidth]) ifTrue:[
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine-1 from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine+1 from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "care for left margin"
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine; redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine+1.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        cursorType == #ibeam ifTrue:[
+            "ibeam-cursor touches 2 characters"
+            cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:prevCol to:cursorCol.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "care for left margin"
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        "block cursor is simple - just one character under cursor"
+        "/ however, if italic characters are involved, we must care
+        "/ for the chars before/after the cursor.
+        "/ We redraw the part of the previous character which got
+        "/ detroyed by the block cursor.
+        "/ (must change the clip, to avoid destroying the prev-prev character)
+        line := self visibleAt:cursorVisibleLine.
+        (line notNil and:[line isText]) ifTrue:[
+            cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+                oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
+                x := (self xOfCol:cursorCol inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - viewOrigin x.
+                y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+                self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((gc font width * 2) @ fontHeight)).
+                super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine from:cursorCol-1 to:cursorCol.
+                self clippingRectangle:oldClip.
+                ^ self.
+            ].
+        ].
+        super redrawVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine col:cursorCol
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 22:25:59 / cg"
+    "strictly private: set the visibleLine from the cursorLine.
+     notice: visibleLine will be set to nil if the cursor is not visible"
+    cursorVisibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:cursorLine.
+validateCursorCol:col inLine:line
+    "check of col is a valid cursor position; return a new col-nr if not.
+     Here, no limits are enforced (and col is returned),
+     but it may be redefined in EditFields or views which dont like the
+     cursor to be positioned behind the end of a textLine (vi/st-80 behavior)"
+    |l max|
+    "/ in ST80 mode,
+    "/ the cursor may not be positioned beyond the
+    "/ end of a line or beyond the last line of the text
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        l := (self listAt:line).
+        max := l size + 1.
+        col > max ifTrue:[
+            ^ max
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ col
+    "Created: / 22.5.1996 / 14:25:30 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:24 / cg"
+    "check of line is a valid cursor line; return a fixed line-nr if not.
+     Here, no limits are enforced (and line is returned), but it may be
+     redefined in views which dont like the cursor to be positioned
+     behind the end of the text (vi/st-80 behavior), or want to
+     skip reserved regions"
+    "/
+    "/ in st80Mode, the cursor may not be positioned
+    "/ beyond the last line
+    "/
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        ^ (line min:(list size)) max:1
+    ].
+    ^ line
+    "Created: / 22.5.1996 / 18:22:23 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 18:19:26 / cg"
+    "evaluate aBlock with cursor off; turn it on afterwards."
+    (shown not or:[cursorShown not]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ aBlock value
+    ].
+    self hideCursor.
+    aBlock ensure:[
+        self showCursor
+    ]
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'drag & drop'!
+    "enable/disable drop support"
+    aBoolean ifFalse:[
+        dropTarget := nil.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        dropTarget isNil ifTrue:[
+            dropTarget := DropTarget 
+                                receiver:self
+                                argument:nil
+                                dropSelector:#'drop:'
+                                canDropSelector:#'canDrop:'
+        ]
+    ].
+    "public from d&d.
+     I accept textObjects and fileObjects only."
+    "/ cg: disabled to avoid unintended drop (is same as copy-past, anyway)
+    aDropContext sourceWidget == self ifTrue:[^ false].
+    ^ self canDropObjects:aDropContext dropObjects
+    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 17:41:09 / cg"
+    "public from d&d.
+     I accept textObjects and fileObjects only."
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ false].
+    aCollectionOfDropObjects isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ false ].
+    ^ aCollectionOfDropObjects conform:[:obj| (obj isTextObject or:[obj isFileObject])]
+    "Created: / 13-10-2006 / 15:56:57 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 17:41:14 / cg"
+    "public from d&d.
+     drop objects (new API)"
+    self dropObjects:(aDropContext dropObjects)
+    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 17:41:19 / cg"
+    "drop objects
+     For bw. compatibility, also collections of drop objects are handled (may vanish)"
+    |answer text fn pasteWhat sensor dontAskAgainHolder enforcedDropMode app|
+    pasteWhat := #name.
+    fn := aDropObject asFilename.
+    (fn exists and:[fn isRegularFile]) ifTrue:[
+        enforcedDropMode := UserPreferences current enforcedDropModeForFiles.
+        (enforcedDropMode notNil 
+        and:[enforcedDropMode ~~ #name or:[fn fileSize <= (1024*1024)]]) ifTrue:[
+            pasteWhat := enforcedDropMode.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            sensor := self sensor.
+            (sensor shiftDown or:[sensor ctrlDown]) ifTrue:[
+                pasteWhat := #name.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (sensor metaDown) ifTrue:[
+                    pasteWhat := #contents.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    dontAskAgainHolder := false asValue.
+                    answer := Dialog
+                        confirmWithCancel:(resources
+                                            stringWithCRs:'Drop the Filename (%1)\or its Contents ?\\Hint: bypass this dialog by pressing SHIFT/CTRL or ALT during the next drop.\SHIFT/CTRL to drop the name, ALT for the contents.'
+                                            with:fn name allBold)
+                        labels:#( 'Cancel' 'Name' 'Contents' )
+                        values:#( nil #name #contents )
+                        default:#contents
+                        check:(resources string:'Do not ask again; instead, always paste the contents of small files.') on:dontAskAgainHolder
+                        title:(resources string:'Drop What').
+                    answer isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+                    dontAskAgainHolder value ifTrue:[
+                        UserPreferences current enforcedDropModeForFiles:#contents
+                    ].
+                    pasteWhat := answer.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    pasteWhat == #name ifTrue:[
+        text := fn pathName
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self withWaitCursorDo:[
+            text := fn contentsOfEntireFile
+        ].
+        (app := self application) notNil ifTrue:[
+            app droppedFile:fn in:self
+        ].
+    ].
+    self 
+        undoablePaste:text 
+        info:'Drop File'.
+    "Created: / 13-10-2006 / 17:38:31 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:27:09 / cg"
+    "drop objects
+     For bw. compatibility, also collections of drop objects are handled (may vanish)"
+    |text|
+    (aDropObject isFileObject) ifTrue:[
+        self dropFileObject:aDropObject
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aDropObject isTextObject ifTrue:[
+            text := aDropObject theObject.
+            text isStringCollection ifTrue:[
+                text := text asStringWithoutFinalCR
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            text := aDropObject theObject asString
+        ].
+        self 
+            undoablePaste:text 
+            info:'Drop'.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 13-10-2006 / 17:37:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:26:53 / cg"
+    "public from d&d.
+     drop objects (old API)"
+    aCollectionOfDropObjects do:[:el |
+        self dropObject:el
+    ].
+    "Created: / 13-10-2006 / 15:59:40 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 13-10-2006 / 17:41:23 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'editing'!
+    "toLower/toUppercaseFirst/toUpper selected text"
+    |line1 line2|
+    line1 := self selectionStartLine.
+    line2 := self selectionEndLine.
+    line1 isNil ifTrue:[
+        line1 := self perform:#cursorLine ifNotUnderstood:nil.
+        line1 notNil ifTrue:[
+            line2 := line1
+        ]
+    ].
+    line1 notNil ifTrue:[
+        line1 to:line2 do:[:lineNr |
+            |line col1 col2 isAllLower isLowerFirst isAllUpper isUpperFirst
+             makeLowercase makeUppercase makeUppercaseFirst makeLowercaseFirst|
+            line := (self listAt:lineNr) copy.
+            line size > 0 ifTrue:[
+                lineNr == line1 ifTrue:[
+                    col1 := selectionStartCol.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    col1 := 1.
+                ].
+                lineNr == line2 ifTrue:[
+                    col2 := selectionEndCol.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    col2 := (self listAt:lineNr) size.
+                ].
+                isAllLower := isAllUpper := isUpperFirst := isLowerFirst := true.
+                col1 to:col2 do:[:col |
+                    |ch|
+                    ch := line at:col.
+                    ch isUppercase ifTrue:[
+                        isAllLower := false.
+                        col == col1 ifTrue:[
+                            isLowerFirst := false.
+                        ].
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ch isLowercase ifTrue:[
+                            isAllUpper := false.
+                            col == col1 ifTrue:[
+                                isUpperFirst := false.
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                ].
+                makeLowercase := makeUppercase := makeUppercaseFirst := makeLowercaseFirst := false.
+                isLowerFirst ifTrue:[
+                    makeUppercaseFirst := true.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "/ must remember where we come from - otherwise, we end up
+                    "/ in upperFirst - lowerFirst cycle.
+                    "/ think about a good place to store this state
+                    false "(isUpperFirst and:[isAllUpper not])" ifTrue:[
+                        makeLowercaseFirst := true.
+                     ] ifFalse:[
+                        isAllUpper ifTrue:[
+                            makeLowercase := true.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            makeUppercase := true.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ].
+                makeUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
+                    line at:col1 put:(line at:col1) asUppercase.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    makeLowercaseFirst ifTrue:[
+                        line at:col1 put:(line at:col1) asLowercase.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        col1 to:col2 do:[:col |
+                            |ch|
+                            ch := line at:col.
+                            ch := makeLowercase
+                                    ifTrue:[ ch asLowercase ]
+                                    ifFalse:[
+                                        makeUppercase
+                                            ifTrue:[ ch asUppercase ]
+                                            ifFalse:[
+                                                col == col1
+                                                    ifTrue:[ ch asUppercase ]
+                                                    ifFalse:[ ch asLowercase ]
+                                            ]
+                                    ].
+                            line at:col put:ch.
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                ].
+                self withoutRedrawAt:lineNr put:line.
+                self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ]
+    "Created: / 14-07-2011 / 11:40:26 / cg"
+    "copy the selection into the pastBuffer and delete it"
+    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        self setClipboardText:(self selection).
+        self deleteSelection.
+    ].
+    "Created: 27.1.1996 / 16:23:28 / cg"
+    "delete single character under cursor; does not merge lines"
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    self deleteCharAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
+deleteCharAtLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "delete a single character at colNr in line lineNr"
+    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+        (self listAt:cursorLine) size + 1 = colNr ifTrue:[
+            | wasOn |
+            wasOn := self hideCursor.
+            self
+                cursorReturn;
+                cursorCol:1;
+                deleteCharBeforeCursor.
+            wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor].
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+    ].
+    self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr toCol:colNr
+    "delete single character to the left of cursor and move cursor to left"
+    |soCol wasOn lineNrAboveCursor ln originalLine prevTab|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    (autoIndent and:[ (tabPositions includes:cursorCol)]) ifTrue:[
+        prevTab := (self prevTabBefore:cursorCol) max:1.
+        ln := originalLine := (list at:cursorLine ifAbsent:'') ? ''.
+        ln size < prevTab ifTrue:[
+            ln := ln , (String new:prevTab withAll:Character space).
+        ].
+        (ln copyTo:prevTab) isBlank ifTrue:[
+            (ln copyFrom:prevTab+1) isBlank ifTrue:[
+                cursorCol > prevTab ifTrue:[
+                    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+                        "/ ensure that there is no conflict here: st80EditMode will
+                        "/ not allow a cursor position beyond the end of line,
+                        "/ so avoid that cursorLine:col: will force us to the beginning of the line
+                        originalLine size < prevTab ifTrue:[
+                            self basicListAt:cursorLine put:ln
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    self cursorLine:cursorLine col:prevTab.
+                    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ].
+                    ^  self
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self deleteFromLine:cursorLine col:prevTab toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1.
+                self cursorLine:cursorLine col:prevTab.
+                wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ].
+                ^  self.
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+"/        (autoIndent
+"/    and:[cursorCol  ~~ 1
+"/    and:[cursorLine <= (list size)]])
+"/     ifTrue:[
+"/        soCol := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) + 1.
+"/        (cursorCol == soCol and:[soCol > 1]) ifTrue:[
+"/            ln := list at:cursorLine.
+"/            (ln notNil and:[(ln indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1) < soCol]) ifTrue:[
+"/                soCol := 1
+"/            ]
+"/        ]
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+        soCol := 1.
+"/    ].
+    (cursorCol ~~ soCol and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
+        "
+         somewhere in the middle of a line
+        "
+        self cursorLeft.
+        self deleteCharAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "
+         at begin of line - merge with previous line;
+         except for the very first line.
+        "
+        (cursorLine == 1) ifFalse:[
+            lineNrAboveCursor := self validateCursorLine:(cursorLine - 1).
+            lineNrAboveCursor < cursorLine ifTrue:[
+                (lineNrAboveCursor > 0 and:[lineNrAboveCursor > list size]) ifTrue:[
+                    "/ we are beyond the end of the text.
+                    "/ move the cursor to the previous line.
+                    self cursorLine:lineNrAboveCursor col:1.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    self mergeLine:lineNrAboveCursor removeBlanks:false.
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ]
+    "Modified: / 16.1.1998 / 22:33:04 / cg"
+deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr
+    "delete characters from colNr up to the end in line lineNr"
+    |line|
+    (line := self listAt:lineNr) notNil ifTrue:[
+        self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:colNr toCol:(line size)
+    ]
+deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol
+    "delete characters from startCol to endCol in line lineNr"
+    |deleted|
+    deleted := self textFromLine:lineNr col:startCol toLine:lineNr col:endCol.
+    self basicDeleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol.
+    self addUndo:(PasteString line:lineNr col:startCol string:deleted info:'delete').
+deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr toCol:colNr
+    "delete characters from start up to colNr in line lineNr"
+    self deleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:1 toCol:colNr
+    "delete the line where the cursor sits"
+    self deleteLine:cursorLine
+deleteFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2
+    "delete a substring at a character position"
+    |line1 col1 line2 col2|
+    line1 := self lineOfCharacterPosition:charPos1.
+    col1 := charPos1 - (self characterPositionOfLine:line1 col:1) + 1.
+    col1 == 0 ifTrue:[
+        line1 := line1 - 1.
+        col1 := (self listAt:line1) size + 1.
+    ].
+    line2 := self lineOfCharacterPosition:charPos2.
+    col2 := charPos2 - (self characterPositionOfLine:line2 col:1) + 1.
+    self deleteFromLine:line1 col:col1 toLine:line2 col:col2.
+deleteFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol
+    "delete all text from startLine/startCol to endLine/endCol -
+     joining lines if nescessary"
+    |line newLine lineSize nMore|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    startLine > list size ifTrue:[ ^ self]. "/ deleted space below text
+    (startLine == endLine) ifTrue:[
+        "/ delete chars within a line
+        self deleteCharsAtLine:startLine fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    ((startCol == 1) and:[endCol == 0]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ delete full lines only
+        endLine > startLine ifTrue:[
+            self deleteFromLine:startLine toLine:(endLine - 1)
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ delete right rest of 1st line
+    self deleteCharsAtLine:startLine fromCol:(startCol max:1).
+    "/ delete the inner lines ...
+    endLine > (startLine + 1) ifTrue:[
+        self deleteFromLine:(startLine + 1) toLine:(endLine - 1)
+    ].
+    (endCol ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+        "/ delete the left rest of the last line
+        self deleteCharsAtLine:(startLine + 1) toCol:endCol.
+        "/ must add blanks, if startCol lies beyond end of startLine
+        startLine <= list size ifTrue:[
+            line := list at:startLine.
+            lineSize := line size.
+            (startCol > lineSize) ifTrue:[
+                newLine := line.
+                line isNil ifTrue:[
+                    newLine := String new:(startCol - 1)
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    nMore := startCol - 1 - lineSize.
+                    nMore > 0 ifTrue:[
+                        newLine := line , (line species new:nMore)
+                    ]
+                ].
+                newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
+                    self basicListAt:startLine put:newLine.
+                ].
+                "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
+                "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
+                "/ length was (one of) the longest.
+                "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
+                widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+                self textChanged.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ merge the left rest of 1st line with right rest of last line into one
+    self mergeLine:startLine removeBlanks:false
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 23:52:59 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18-03-2011 / 18:25:01 / az"
+deleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr
+    "delete some lines"
+    |deleted|
+    deleted := self textFromLine:startLineNr col:1 toLine:endLineNr+1 col:0.
+    self basicDeleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr.
+    self addUndo:(PasteString line:startLineNr col:1 string:deleted info:'delete').
+    "delete line"
+    self deleteFromLine:lineNr toLine:lineNr
+    "delete line - no redraw;
+     return true, if something was really deleted"
+    |deleted ret|
+    deleted := self textFromLine:lineNr col:1 toLine:lineNr+1 col:0.
+    ret := self basicDeleteLineWithoutRedraw:lineNr.
+    self addUndo:(PasteString line:lineNr col:1 string:deleted info:'delete').
+    ^ ret.
+deleteLinesWithoutRedrawFrom:startLine to:endLine
+    "delete lines - no redraw;
+     return true, if something was really deleted"
+    |lastLine|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ false].
+    (list isNil or:[startLine > list size]) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    (endLine > list size) ifTrue:[
+        lastLine := list size
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        lastLine := endLine
+    ].
+    self basicListRemoveFromIndex:startLine toIndex:lastLine.
+    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
+    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
+    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
+    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
+    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+    self textChanged.
+    ^ true
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:55:29 / cg"
+    "delete the selection"
+    |wasOn startLine startCol endLine endCol|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        startLine := selectionStartLine.
+        startCol := selectionStartCol.
+        endLine := selectionEndLine.
+        endCol := selectionEndCol.
+        self unselectWithoutRedraw.
+        self deleteFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
+        self setCursorLine:startLine col:startCol.
+        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn
+    ]
+    "delete the word to the left of cursor and move cursor to left"
+    |wasOn beginCol beginLine endCol endLine|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    self 
+        undoableDo:[
+            endCol := cursorCol-1.
+            endLine := cursorLine.
+            self cursorToPreviousWord.
+            beginCol := cursorCol.
+            beginLine := cursorLine.
+            self deleteFromLine:beginLine col:beginCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
+        ] 
+        info:'Delete Word'.
+    wasOn ifTrue:[ self showCursor ].
+    "Modified: / 22.2.2000 / 23:59:04 / cg"
+insert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert a single character at lineNr/colNr;
+     set emphasis to character at current position"
+    self basicInsert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    aCharacter ~~ Character cr ifTrue:[
+        self addUndo:(DeleteCharacters line:lineNr col:colNr info:'insert').
+    ]
+    "insert a single character at cursor-position - advance cursor."
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    aCharacter == Character tab ifTrue:[
+        "/ needs special care to advance cursor correctly
+        self insertTabAtCursor
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self insert:aCharacter atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+        aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
+            self basicCursorReturn
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self cursorRight.
+        ].
+    ].
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 21:50:20 / cg"
+insertLine:aString before:lineNr
+    "insert the line aString before line lineNr"
+    ^ self insertLines:(Array with:aString) from:1 to:1  before:lineNr.
+    "Modified: 14.5.1996 / 13:42:54 / cg"
+insertLines:aStringCollection before:lineNr
+    "insert a bunch before line lineNr"
+    self insertLines:aStringCollection from:1 to:aStringCollection size before:lineNr
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 20:51:03 / claus"
+insertLines:someText from:start to:end before:lineNr
+    "insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr.
+     The cursor position is left unchanged."
+    |text indent visLine w nLines "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     srcY "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     dstY "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    autoIndent ifTrue:[
+        indent := self leftIndentForLine:lineNr.
+        text := someText 
+            collect:[:ln||line|
+                ln notNil ifTrue:[
+                    line := ln withoutLeadingSeparators.
+                    (line isEmpty or:[indent == 0]) ifFalse:[
+                        line := (String new:indent), line
+                    ].
+                    line
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    nil
+                ]
+            ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        text := someText
+    ].
+    visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:lineNr.
+    (shown not or:[visLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
+        self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
+             from:start to:end
+             before:lineNr.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        nLines := end - start + 1.
+        ((visLine + nLines) >= nLinesShown) ifTrue:[
+            self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
+                 from:start to:end
+                 before:lineNr.
+            self redrawFromVisibleLine:visLine to:nLinesShown
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            w := self widthForScrollBetween:(lineNr + nLines)
+                                        and:(firstLineShown + nLines + nLinesShown).
+            srcY := topMargin + ((visLine - 1) * fontHeight).
+            dstY := srcY + (nLines * fontHeight).
+            "/
+            "/ scroll ...
+            "/
+            "
+             stupid: must catchExpose before inserting new
+             stuff - since catchExpose may perform redraws
+            "
+            self catchExpose.
+            self withoutRedrawInsertLines:text
+                 from:start to:end
+                 before:lineNr.
+            self
+                copyFrom:self
+                x:textStartLeft y:srcY
+                toX:textStartLeft y:dstY
+                width:w
+                height:(height - dstY)
+                async:true.
+            self redrawFromVisibleLine:visLine to:(visLine + nLines - 1).
+            self waitForExpose
+        ].
+    ].
+    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        text do:[:line |
+            widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
+        ]
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    "Modified: 29.1.1997 / 13:02:39 / cg"
+insertLines:lines withCR:withCr
+    "insert a bunch of lines at cursor position.
+     Cursor is moved behind insertion.
+     If withCr is true, append cr after last line"
+    |start end nLines wasOn|
+    lines notNil ifTrue:[
+        nLines := lines size.
+        (nLines == 1) ifTrue:[
+            self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:1).
+            withCr ifTrue:[
+                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr)
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (cursorCol ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
+                self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:1).
+                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+                start := 2
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                start := 1
+            ].
+            withCr ifTrue:[
+                end := nLines
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                end := nLines - 1
+            ].
+            (start <= nLines) ifTrue:[
+                (end >= start) ifTrue:[
+                    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+                    self insertLines:lines from:start to:end before:cursorLine.
+                    self setCursorLine:(cursorLine + (end - start + 1)).
+                    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
+                ]
+            ].
+            withCr ifFalse:[
+                "last line without cr"
+                self insertStringAtCursor:(lines at:nLines)
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 18.5.1996 / 15:32:06 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 12.6.1998 / 21:51:16 / cg"
+insertLines:lines withCr:withCr
+    "insert a bunch of lines at cursor position. Cursor
+     is moved behind insertion.
+     If withCr is true, append cr after last line"
+    <resource:#obsolete>
+    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'use #insertLines:withCR:'.
+    self insertLines:lines withCR:withCr.
+    "Modified: 31.7.1997 / 23:07:22 / cg"
+    "insert the argument, aString at cursor position and select it"
+    |startLine startCol|
+    startLine := cursorLine.
+    startCol := cursorCol.
+    self insertStringAtCursor:aString.
+    self selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol
+                 toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1).
+    self makeSelectionVisible.
+insertString:aString atCharacterPosition:charPos
+    "insert the argument, aString at a character position"
+    |line col|
+    line := self lineOfCharacterPosition:charPos.
+    col := charPos - (self characterPositionOfLine:line col:1) + 1.
+    self insertString:aString atLine:line col:col
+insertString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert the string, aString at line/col;
+     handle cr's correctly"
+    |start           "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     stop            "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     end             "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     subString c
+     l               "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self insertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    ].
+    l := lineNr.
+    c := colNr.
+    start := 1.
+    end := aString size.
+    [start <= end] whileTrue:[
+        stop := aString indexOf:(Character cr) startingAt:start.
+        stop == 0 ifTrue:[
+            stop := end + 1
+        ].
+        subString := aString copyFrom:start to:(stop - 1).
+        self insertStringWithoutCRs:subString atLine:l col:c.
+        (stop <= end) ifTrue:[
+            c := c + subString size.
+            self insert:(Character cr) atLine:l col:c.
+            l := l + 1.
+            c := 1
+        ].
+        start := stop + 1
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:03:59 / cg"
+    "insert the argument, aString at cursor position
+     handle cr's correctly. A nil argument is interpreted as an empty line."
+    aString isNil ifTrue:[
+        "new:"
+        self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (aString includes:(Character cr)) ifFalse:[
+        ^ self insertStringWithoutCRsAtCursor:aString
+    ].
+    self insertLines:aString asStringCollection withCR:false.
+    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 19:03:21 / cg"
+insertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert aString (which has no crs) at lineNr/colNr"
+    self withoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+            self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2010 / 13:43:03 / cg"
+    "insert a string (which has no crs) at cursor position
+     - advance cursor"
+    |wasOn oldLen newLen deltaLen|
+    aString size > 0 ifTrue:[
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        (aString includes:Character tab) ifTrue:[
+            self checkForExistingLine:cursorLine.
+            oldLen := (list at:cursorLine) size.
+            self insertString:aString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+            newLen := (list at:cursorLine) size.
+            deltaLen := newLen - oldLen.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self insertString:aString atLine:(cursorLine ? 1) col:cursorCol.
+            deltaLen := aString size.
+        ].
+        self setCursorCol:(cursorCol + deltaLen).
+        wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 10.6.1998 / 20:43:52 / cg"
+    "insert spaces to next tab"
+    |wasOn nextTab|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    nextTab := self nextTabAfter:cursorCol.
+    self insertStringAtCursor:(String new:(nextTab - cursorCol)).
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "join lines (remove line-break)"
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    self
+        undoableDo:[
+            |line col lineLen|
+            line := cursorLine.
+            col := cursorCol.
+            lineLen := (list at:line) size.
+            col > lineLen ifTrue:[
+                self insertString:(String new:col-lineLen) atLine:line col:col+1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self deleteCharsAtLine:line fromCol:col toCol:lineLen.
+            ].
+            self mergeLine:line removeBlanks:true.
+            self cursorLine:line col:col.
+        ]
+        info:'Join'
+    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"
+    self mergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:true
+    "Modified: 9.9.1997 / 09:28:03 / cg"
+mergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks
+    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"
+    |len|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    len := (self listAt:lineNr) size.
+    self nonUndoableDo:[
+        self basicMergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks.
+    ].
+    self addUndo:(PasteString new line:lineNr col:len+1 string:(Character cr asString) selected:false).
+parenthizeSelectionWith:openingCharacter and:closingCharacter
+    |newSelectionEnd|
+    self hasSelection ifFalse:[^ self].
+    newSelectionEnd := selectionEndCol.
+    (self characterAtLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol) == openingCharacter ifTrue:[
+        (self characterAtLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol) == closingCharacter ifTrue:[
+            self deleteCharAtLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol.
+            newSelectionEnd := newSelectionEnd-1.
+        ].
+        self deleteCharAtLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
+        selectionStartLine == selectionEndLine ifTrue:[
+            newSelectionEnd := newSelectionEnd-1.
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self insert:closingCharacter atLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol+1.
+        newSelectionEnd := newSelectionEnd+1.
+        self insert:openingCharacter atLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
+        selectionStartLine == selectionEndLine ifTrue:[
+            newSelectionEnd := newSelectionEnd+1.
+        ]
+    ].
+    self
+        selectFromLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol
+        toLine:selectionEndLine col:newSelectionEnd.
+    "remove all blank lines at end of text"
+    |lastLine "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     line finished|
+    lastLine := list size.
+    finished := false.
+    [finished] whileFalse:[
+        (lastLine <= 1) ifTrue:[
+            finished := true
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            line := list at:lastLine.
+            line notNil ifTrue:[
+                line isBlank ifTrue:[
+                    self basicListAt:lastLine put:nil.
+                    line := nil
+                ]
+            ].
+            line notNil ifTrue:[
+                finished := true
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                lastLine := lastLine - 1
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    (lastLine ~~ list size) ifTrue:[
+        list grow:lastLine.
+"/        self textChanged
+    ]
+replace:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "replace a single character at lineNr/colNr"
+    |originalChar|
+    originalChar := self characterAtLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    self basicReplace:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    self addUndo:(ReplaceCharacters line:lineNr col:colNr character:originalChar info:'replace').
+replace:patternArg by:replacePatternArg all:all ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    |pattern replacePattern|
+    pattern := patternArg string.
+    replacePattern := replacePatternArg string.
+    (pattern notEmpty and:[ replacePattern notEmpty ]) ifTrue:[
+        self rememberSearchPattern:pattern.
+        self rememberSearchPattern:replacePattern.
+        LastSearchIgnoredCase := ignoreCase.
+        self
+            undoableDo:[
+                all ifTrue:[
+                    self
+                        replaceString:pattern
+                        to:replacePattern
+                        ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (self selectionAsString notNil
+                        and:[ self selectionAsString sameAs:pattern caseSensitive:ignoreCase not ])
+                            ifTrue:[
+                                self replaceSelectionBy:replacePattern.
+                                self
+                                    search:pattern
+                                    ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+                                    forward:(lastSearchDirection = #forward).
+                            ].
+                ]
+            ]
+            info:'Replace'
+    ]
+    "Created: / 11-07-2006 / 11:19:57 / fm"
+    "replace a single character at cursor-position - advance cursor"
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
+        self cursorReturn
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self replace:aCharacter atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+        self cursorRight.
+    ].
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Created: 6.3.1996 / 12:27:42 / cg"
+    "replace everything"
+    |originalContents|
+    originalContents := self contents.
+    self contents:newContents keepUndoHistory:true.
+    self addUndo:(ReplaceContents text:originalContents info:'replace').
+replaceFromCharacterPosition:charPos1 to:charPos2 with:newString
+    "replace a substring at a character position"
+    "/ sigh - insert first, to avoid troible due to shifing-in virtual line ends
+    self insertString:newString atCharacterPosition:charPos1.
+    self deleteFromCharacterPosition:charPos1+newString size to:charPos2+newString size.
+replaceLine:lineNr with:newText
+    "replace a line at lineNr"
+    |originalLine|
+    originalLine := self listAt:lineNr.
+    originalLine isNil ifTrue:[
+        self checkForExistingLine:lineNr
+    ].
+    self list at:lineNr put:newText.
+    self addUndo:(ReplaceLine line:lineNr string:originalLine info:'replace').
+    self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+    "Modified: / 12-04-2007 / 09:31:33 / cg"
+replaceLines:lines withCR:withCr
+    "replace a bunch of lines at cursor position. Cursor
+     is moved behind replacement.
+     If withCr is true, move to the beginning of the next line
+     after the last line"
+    |line col nLines wasOn|
+    lines notNil ifTrue:[
+        wasOn := self hideCursor.
+        nLines := lines size.
+        line := cursorLine.
+        col := cursorCol.
+        lines keysAndValuesDo:[:i :l |
+            self replaceString:(l ? '') atLine:line col:col.
+            (i ~~ nLines or:[withCr]) ifTrue:[
+                line := line + 1.
+                col := 1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                col := col + (l size).
+            ]
+        ].
+        self cursorLine:line col:col.
+        self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+        "/ wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
+    ]
+    "Created: / 18-05-1996 / 15:32:06 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-07-2013 / 17:00:53 / cg"
+    "delete the selection (if any) and insert something, a character or string;
+     leave cursor after insertion"
+    self replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:false select:false
+replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:keep
+    "delete the selection (if any) and insert something, a character or string;
+     leave cursor after insertion or leave it, depending on keep"
+    self replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:keep select:false
+    "Modified: 9.10.1996 / 16:14:35 / cg"
+replaceSelectionBy:something keepCursor:keep select:selectNewText
+    "delete the selection (if any) and insert something, a character or string;
+     leave cursor after insertion or leave it, depending on keep.
+     If selectNewText is true, select the new text; otherwise deselect"
+    |sel l c selStartLine selStartCol|
+    l := cursorLine.
+    c := cursorCol.
+    sel := self selectionAsString.
+    sel isNil ifTrue:[
+        selStartLine := l.
+        selStartCol := c.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        selStartLine := selectionStartLine.
+        selStartCol := selectionStartCol.
+        self setLastStringToReplace: sel.
+        self deleteSelection.
+        replacing := true.
+        lastReplacementInfo rememberReplacement.
+        lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: ''.
+        lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:true.
+        undoSupport actionInfo:'replace'.
+    ].
+    something isCharacter ifTrue:[
+        lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
+            lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput ifTrue:[
+                lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: (lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement copyWith:something).
+            ].
+        ].
+        self isInInsertMode ifTrue:[
+            self insertCharAtCursor:something
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self replaceCharAtCursor:something
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        something isString ifTrue:[
+            lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: something.
+            self isInInsertMode ifTrue:[
+                self insertStringAtCursor:something
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self replaceStringAtCursor:something
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            Transcript showCR:'EditTextView: non String-or-Character in replace'.
+        ].
+    ].
+    keep ifTrue:[
+        self cursorLine:l col:c
+    ].
+    selectNewText ifTrue:[
+        self selectFromLine:selStartLine col:selStartCol toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1
+    ]
+    "Modified: 9.10.1996 / 16:14:35 / cg"
+replaceString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "replace multiple characters starting at lineNr/colNr.
+     This is not prepared to encounter special chars (except TAB) in the string."
+    |originalString|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    originalString := self textFromLine:lineNr col:colNr toLine:lineNr col:colNr+aString size-1.
+    self basicReplaceString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    self addUndo:(ReplaceCharacters line:lineNr col:colNr characters:originalString info:'replace').
+replaceString:aString to:aNewString ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    |continue count|
+    self cursorToTop.
+    self selectFromBeginning.
+    count := 0.
+    continue := true.
+    [ continue ] whileTrue:[
+        (self selectionAsString notNil
+        and:[ self selectionAsString sameAs:aString caseSensitive:ignoreCase not ])
+            ifTrue:[
+                self replaceSelectionBy:aNewString.
+                count := count + 1.
+            ].
+        self
+            searchFwd:aString
+            ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+            ifAbsent:[
+                Dialog information:('%1 has been replaced by %2 %3 times' 
+                                    bindWith:aString with:aNewString with:count).
+                continue := false.
+            ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 10-07-2006 / 16:42:48 / fm"
+    "replace multiple characters at cursor-position - advance cursor"
+    |wasOn i1 i2|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    (aString includes:Character tab) ifTrue:[
+        "/ need special care for TAB (to move cursor correctly)
+        i1 := 1.
+        [i1 ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
+            i2 := aString indexOf:Character tab startingAt:i1.
+            i2 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                i1 ~~ i2 ifTrue:[
+                    self replaceString:(aString copyFrom:i1 to:i2-1) atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+                    self cursorCol:(cursorCol + (i2 - i1)).
+                ].
+                self replaceTABAtCursor.
+                i2 := i2 + 1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self replaceString:(aString copyFrom:i1) atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+                self cursorCol:(cursorCol + (aString size - i1 + 1)).
+            ].
+            i1 := i2.
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self replaceString:aString atLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol.
+        self cursorCol:(cursorCol + aString size).
+    ].
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Created: / 9.6.1998 / 20:33:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 20.6.1998 / 19:41:02 / cg"
+    "replace a single character at cursor-position by a TAB character"
+    |wasOn nextTab|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    nextTab := self nextTabAfter:cursorCol.
+    self replaceStringAtCursor:(String new:(nextTab - cursorCol)).
+    self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+    "Created: / 12.6.1998 / 21:53:23 / cg"
+    "select the word to the left of cursor"
+    |savCursorLine savCursorCol  beginCol beginLine endCol endLine|
+    savCursorLine := cursorLine.
+    savCursorCol := cursorCol.
+    endCol := cursorCol-1.
+    endLine := cursorLine.
+    self cursorToPreviousWord.
+    beginCol := cursorCol.     
+    beginLine := cursorLine.
+    self cursorLine:savCursorLine col:savCursorCol.
+    self selectFromLine:beginLine col:beginCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
+    "Created: / 14-06-2011 / 14:46:35 / cg"
+splitLine:lineNr before:colNr
+    "split the line linNr before colNr; the right part (from colNr)
+     is cut off and inserted after lineNr; the view is redrawn"
+    self basicSplitLine:lineNr before:colNr.
+    self addUndo:(DeleteRange line1:lineNr col1:colNr line2:lineNr+1 col2:0 info:'split').
+withoutRedrawAt:lineNr put:aString
+    "replace a line at lineNr"
+    |originalLine|
+    originalLine := self listAt:lineNr.
+    self addUndo:(ReplaceLine line:lineNr string:originalLine info:'replace').
+    super withoutRedrawAt:lineNr put:aString.
+withoutRedrawInsertLine:aString before:lineNr
+    "insert the argument, aString before line lineNr; the string
+     becomes line lineNr; everything else is moved down; the view
+     is not redrawn"
+    self basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines:{ aString } from:1 to:1 before:lineNr.
+    self addUndo:(DeleteRange line1:lineNr col1:1 line2:lineNr+1 col2:0 info:'insert').
+withoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr
+    "insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr; the view is not redrawn"
+    self basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr.
+    self isReadOnly ifFalse:[
+        self addUndo:(DeleteRange line1:lineNr col1:1 line2:lineNr+end-start+1 col2:0 info:'insert').
+    ].
+withoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert aString (which has no crs) at lineNr/colNr"
+    self basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+    self addUndo:(DeleteRange line1:lineNr col1:colNr line2:lineNr col2:colNr+aString size-1 info:'insert').
+    "wrap lines (insert line-break)"
+    |lineLength answerString string|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
+        self selectLine:cursorLine.
+    ].
+    string := self selectionAsString.
+    string isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        Dialog information:(resources string:'Nothing selected.').
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    answerString := Dialog request:(resources string:'Line length (wrap after how many chars)?') initialAnswer:80.
+    lineLength := Number readFrom:answerString onError:nil.
+    lineLength isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    lineLength < 1 ifTrue:[
+        lineLength := 1.
+    ].
+    self
+        undoableDo:[
+            |inStream line col lineLen lastGoodCol lastStartCol word|
+            line := selectionStartLine.
+            col := selectionStartCol.
+            self cutSelection.
+            self cursorLine:line col:col.
+            lastGoodCol := col.
+            inStream := string readStream.
+            [ inStream atEnd ] whileFalse:[
+                [inStream atEnd not and:[inStream peek isSeparator]] whileTrue:[ inStream next ].
+                word := WriteStream on:(String new:10).
+                [inStream atEnd not and:[inStream peek isSeparator not]] whileTrue:[ word nextPut:inStream next ].
+                (col + 1 + word size > lineLength) ifTrue:[
+                    self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+                    col := 1.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    col ~~ 1 ifTrue:[ 
+                        self insertStringAtCursor:' '.
+                        col := col + 1.
+                    ]    
+               ].
+               self insertStringAtCursor:word contents.
+               col := col + word size.
+            ].
+        ]
+        info:'Wrap'
+    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 19:56:22 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'editing-basic'!
+basicDeleteCharsAtLine:lineNr fromCol:startCol toCol:endCol
+    "delete characters from startCol to endCol in line lineNr"
+    |line lineSize newLine start stop prevWidth newWidth|
+    self unselect.
+    cursorLine == lineNr ifTrue:[
+        cursorCol >= startCol ifTrue:[
+            cursorCol >= endCol ifTrue:[
+                cursorCol := startCol.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                cursorCol := cursorCol - (endCol - startCol + 1).
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    line := self listAt:lineNr.
+    (self checkModificationsAllowed and:[line notNil]) ifFalse:[^ self].
+    lineSize := line size.
+    startCol == 0 ifFalse:[ start := startCol ] ifTrue:[ start := 1 ].
+    endCol > lineSize ifFalse:[ stop  := endCol ] ifTrue:[ stop  := lineSize ].
+    stop >= start ifTrue:[
+        start ~~ 1 ifTrue:[ newLine := line copyFrom:1 to:(start-1) ]
+                  ifFalse:[ newLine := '' ].
+        stop == lineSize ifFalse:[
+            line bitsPerCharacter > newLine bitsPerCharacter ifTrue:[
+                newLine := line string species fromString:newLine.
+            ].
+            newLine := newLine, (line copyFrom:(stop + 1) to:lineSize)
+        ].
+        (trimBlankLines and:[newLine isBlank]) ifTrue:[
+            newLine := nil
+        ].
+        prevWidth := self widthOfLine:lineNr.
+        self basicListAt:lineNr put:newLine.
+        (prevWidth = widthOfWidestLine) ifTrue:[
+            "/ remember old width of this line,
+            "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this lines
+            "/ length was (one of) the longest.
+            "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
+            widthOfWidestLine := nil.   "i.e. unknown"
+            "/ scroll left if reqiured
+            viewOrigin x > 0 ifTrue:[
+                newWidth := self widthOfLine:lineNr.
+                newWidth < (viewOrigin x + width) ifTrue:[
+                    self scrollHorizontalTo:(newWidth
+                                             - width
+                                             + margin + margin
+                                             + (gc font widthOf:'  '))
+                ]
+            ].
+            self textChanged.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self textChanged "/ textChangedButNoSizeChange
+        ].
+        gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+            self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self redrawLine:lineNr from:start.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2010 / 13:42:45 / cg"
+basicDeleteFromLine:startLineNr toLine:endLineNr
+    "delete some lines"
+    |wasOn nLines|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    "/ isnt this the same as:
+    "/ self deleteLinesWithoutRedrawFrom:startLineNr to:endLineNr.
+    startLineNr <= list size ifTrue:[
+        self basicListRemoveFromIndex:startLineNr toIndex:(endLineNr min:list size).
+    ].
+    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
+    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
+    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
+    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
+    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+    self textChanged.
+    self redrawFromLine:startLineNr.
+    nLines := list size.
+    (firstLineShown >= nLines) ifTrue:[
+        self makeLineVisible:nLines
+    ].
+    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor].
+    "Modified: / 10-11-1998 / 23:55:05 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18-03-2011 / 18:26:23 / az"
+    "delete line - no redraw;
+     return true, if something was really deleted"
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ false].
+    (list isNil or:[lineNr > list size]) ifTrue:[^ false].
+    list removeIndex:lineNr.
+    "/ TODO: remember old maxwidth of linerange,
+    "/ only clear widthOfWidestLine, if this max
+    "/ length was (one of) the longest.
+    "/ avoids slow delete with huge texts.
+    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+    self textChanged.
+    ^ true
+    "Modified: / 10.11.1998 / 23:53:24 / cg"
+basicInsert:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert a single character at lineNr/colNr;
+     set emphasis to character at current position"
+    |line lineSize newLine drawCharacterOnly attribute oldClip x y|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
+        self splitLine:lineNr before:colNr.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    drawCharacterOnly := false.
+    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
+    line := list at:lineNr.
+    lineSize := line size.
+    self st80EditMode ifFalse:[
+        (trimBlankLines
+        and:[colNr > lineSize
+        and:[aCharacter == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := aCharacter asString species new:colNr.
+        drawCharacterOnly := true
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
+            colNr == (lineSize +1) ifTrue:[
+                attribute := line emphasisAt:lineSize
+            ].
+            newLine := line species new:colNr.
+            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
+            drawCharacterOnly := true
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            attribute := line emphasisAt:colNr.
+            newLine   := line species new:(lineSize + 1).
+            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:(colNr - 1) with:line startingAt:1.
+            newLine replaceFrom:(colNr + 1) to:(lineSize + 1) with:line startingAt:colNr
+        ]
+    ].
+    aCharacter asString bitsPerCharacter > newLine bitsPerCharacter ifTrue:[
+        newLine := aCharacter asString species fromString:newLine.
+        line isText ifTrue:[
+            newLine := newLine asText
+        ]
+    ].
+    newLine at:colNr put:aCharacter.
+    attribute notNil ifTrue:[
+        newLine emphasisAt:colNr put:attribute.
+    ].
+    aCharacter == (Character tab) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
+        drawCharacterOnly := false
+    ].
+    self basicListAt:lineNr put:(newLine ifNil:[newLine] ifNotNil:[newLine asSingleByteStringIfPossible]).
+    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:newLine).
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        "/ care for italic text - in this case, we must also
+        "/ redraw the character before the insertion in order
+        "/ to fix the slanted piece of the character.
+        "/ (but we must clip, to avoid destoying the character before)
+        (newLine notNil and:[newLine isText]) ifTrue:[
+            colNr > 1 ifTrue:[
+                cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+                    oldClip := self clippingRectangleOrNil.
+                    x := (self xOfCol:colNr-1 inVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine) - viewOrigin x.
+                    y := self yOfVisibleLine:cursorVisibleLine.
+                    gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+                        self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
+                            self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((gc font width * 2) @ fontHeight)).
+                            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr-1 to:colNr
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            self clippingRectangle:(x@y extent:((width - x) @ fontHeight)).
+                            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr-1
+                        ].
+                        self clippingRectangle:oldClip.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                ^ self.
+            ].
+        ].
+        gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+            self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
+                self redrawLine:lineNr col:colNr
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2010 / 13:43:18 / cg"
+basicListAt:lineNr put:newLine
+    "redefinable for special subclasses (with virtual list)"
+    list at:lineNr put:newLine.
+basicListRemoveFromIndex:startLineNr toIndex:endLineNr
+    "redefinable for special subclasses (with virtual list)"
+    list removeFromIndex:startLineNr toIndex:(endLineNr min:list size).
+basicMergeLine:lineNr removeBlanks:removeBlanks
+    "merge line lineNr with line lineNr+1"
+    |leftPart rightPart bothParts nextLineNr i|
+    (list notNil and:[(list size) >= lineNr]) ifFalse:[
+        "/ empty list or beyond end of text
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    leftPart := self listAt:lineNr.
+    leftPart isNil ifTrue:[
+        leftPart := ''.
+        autoIndent ifTrue:[
+            (i := self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) == 0 ifFalse:[
+                leftPart := String new:i
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    self cursorLine:lineNr col:((leftPart size) + 1).
+    nextLineNr := self validateCursorLine:(lineNr + 1).
+    nextLineNr > (list size) ifFalse:[
+        (rightPart := self listAt:nextLineNr) isNil ifTrue:[
+            rightPart := ''
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            removeBlanks ifTrue:[
+                rightPart := rightPart withoutLeadingSeparators.
+            ]
+        ].
+        bothParts := leftPart , rightPart.
+        (trimBlankLines and:[bothParts isBlank]) ifTrue:[bothParts := nil].
+        self basicListAt:lineNr put:bothParts.
+        self redrawLine:lineNr.
+        self deleteLine:nextLineNr
+    ]
+    "Created: 9.9.1997 / 09:27:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: 9.9.1997 / 09:28:27 / cg"
+basicReplace:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "replace a single character at lineNr/colNr"
+    |line lineSize newLine drawCharacterOnly|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    aCharacter == (Character cr) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    drawCharacterOnly := true.
+    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
+    line := list at:lineNr.
+    lineSize := line size.
+    (trimBlankLines
+    and:[colNr > lineSize
+    and:[aCharacter == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := aCharacter asString species new:colNr.
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
+            newLine := line species new:colNr.
+            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            newLine := line copy.
+        ]
+    ].
+    newLine at:colNr put:aCharacter.
+    aCharacter == (Character tab) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
+        drawCharacterOnly := false
+    ].
+    self basicListAt:lineNr put:(newLine ifNil:[newLine] ifNotNil:[newLine asSingleByteStringIfPossible]).
+    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:newLine).
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+            self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            drawCharacterOnly ifTrue:[
+                self redrawLine:lineNr col:colNr
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 06-03-1996 / 12:29:20 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2010 / 13:42:54 / cg"
+basicReplaceString:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "replace multiple characters starting at lineNr/colNr.
+     This is not prepared to encounter special chars (except TAB)
+     in the string."
+    |line lineSize newLine endCol|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[ ^ self].
+    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
+    line := list at:lineNr.
+    lineSize := line size.
+    endCol := colNr + aString size - 1.
+    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := aString species new:endCol.
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        (endCol > lineSize) ifTrue: [
+            aString isText ifTrue:[
+                newLine := aString species new:endCol.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                newLine := line species new:endCol.
+            ].
+            newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            aString isText ifTrue:[
+                newLine := aString species new:line size.
+                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                newLine := line copy.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    newLine replaceFrom:colNr with:aString.
+    (aString includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := self withTabsExpanded:newLine.
+    ].
+    self basicListAt:lineNr put:(newLine ifNil:[newLine] ifNotNil:[newLine asSingleByteStringIfPossible]).
+    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:newLine).
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    shown ifTrue:[
+        gc font hasOverlappingCharacters ifTrue:[
+            self invalidateLine:lineNr.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self redrawLine:lineNr from:colNr
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 11-06-1998 / 10:38:32 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 09-11-2010 / 13:42:56 / cg"
+basicSplitLine:lineNr before:colNr
+    "split the line linNr before colNr; the right part (from colNr)
+     is cut off and inserted after lineNr; the view is redrawn"
+    |line lineSize leftRest rightRest visLine w h mustWait
+     srcY    "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
+    list isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    lineNr > (list size) ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    (colNr == 1) ifTrue:[
+        self nonUndoableDo:[
+            self insertLine:nil before:lineNr.
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    line := list at:lineNr.
+    line notNil ifTrue:[
+        lineSize := line size.
+        (colNr <= lineSize) ifTrue:[
+            rightRest := line copyFrom:colNr to:lineSize.
+            (colNr > 1) ifTrue:[
+                leftRest := line copyTo:(colNr - 1)
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            leftRest := line
+        ]
+    ].
+    leftRest notNil ifTrue:[
+        (trimBlankLines and:[leftRest isBlank]) ifTrue:[leftRest := nil]
+    ].
+    self basicListAt:lineNr put:leftRest.
+    self nonUndoableDo:[
+        self withoutRedrawInsertLine:rightRest before:(lineNr + 1).
+    ].
+    visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:(lineNr).
+    visLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        w := self widthForScrollBetween:lineNr
+                                    and:(firstLineShown + nLinesShown).
+        srcY := topMargin + (visLine * fontHeight).
+        h := ((nLinesShown - visLine - 1) * fontHeight).
+        (mustWait := (w > 0 and:[h > 0])) ifTrue:[
+            self catchExpose.
+            self
+                copyFrom:self
+                x:textStartLeft y:srcY
+                toX:textStartLeft y:(srcY + fontHeight)
+                width:w
+                height:((nLinesShown - visLine - 1) * fontHeight)
+                async:true.
+        ].
+        self redrawLine:lineNr.
+        self redrawLine:(lineNr + 1).
+        mustWait ifTrue:[self waitForExpose]
+    ].
+    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ unknown
+    self textChanged.
+    "Modified: / 06-12-2010 / 13:12:55 / cg"
+basicWithoutRedrawInsertLines:lines from:start to:end before:lineNr
+    "insert a bunch of lines before line lineNr; the view is not redrawn.
+     Tabs are expanded here with a tab=8 setting (independent of any editor-setting,
+     because the text might have been pasted from an alien view."
+    |newLine newLines nLines|
+    nLines := end - start + 1.
+    newLines := Array new:(lines size).
+    start to:end do:[:index |
+        newLine := lines at:index.
+        newLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            newLine isString ifTrue:[
+                newLine isBlank ifTrue:[
+                    newLine := nil
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (newLine includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
+                        newLine := self withTabs:(ListView tab8Positions) expand:newLine
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        newLines at:index put:newLine
+    ].
+    list isNil ifTrue: [
+        list := StringCollection new:(lineNr + nLines + 1)
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        list grow:((list size + nLines) max:(lineNr + nLines - 1))
+    ].
+    "I have changed 'replaceFrom:to:with:startingAt:' to correctly handle
+     overlapping copy - if it didn't, we had to use:"
+    index := list size.
+    [index > lineNr] whileTrue: [
+        pIndex := index - 1.
+        list at:index put:(list at:pIndex).
+        index := pIndex
+    ].
+    list replaceFrom:(lineNr + nLines) to:(list size) with:list startingAt:lineNr.
+    list replaceFrom:lineNr to:(lineNr + nLines - 1) with:newLines startingAt:start.
+    self contentsChanged
+    "Modified: / 07-10-2011 / 15:55:18 / cg"
+basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr
+    "insert aString (which has no crs) at lineNr/colNr.
+     Tabs are expanded here with a tab=8 setting (independent of any editor-setting,
+     because the text might have been pasted from an alien view."
+    |isText strLen line lineSize newLine stringType sz lineCharWidth stringCharWidth|
+    (aString isNil) ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+    strLen := aString size.
+    self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
+    stringType := aString string species.
+    isText     := aString isText.
+    line       := list at:lineNr.
+    line notNil ifTrue:[
+        lineSize := line size.
+        line isString ifFalse:[
+            stringType := line species
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            lineCharWidth := line bitsPerCharacter.
+            stringCharWidth := aString bitsPerCharacter.
+            lineCharWidth > stringCharWidth ifTrue:[
+                stringType := line string species
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                stringCharWidth > lineCharWidth ifTrue:[
+                    stringType := aString string species
+                ]
+            ].
+            line isText ifTrue:[ isText := true ]
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        lineSize := 0
+    ].
+    ((colNr == 1) and:[lineSize == 0]) ifTrue: [
+        newLine := aString
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (lineSize == 0 or:[colNr > lineSize]) ifTrue: [
+            sz := colNr + strLen - 1
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            sz := lineSize + strLen
+        ].
+        newLine := stringType new:sz.
+        isText ifTrue:[
+            newLine := Text string:newLine
+        ].
+        (lineSize ~~ 0) ifTrue: [
+            (colNr > lineSize) ifTrue: [
+                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:lineSize with:line startingAt:1
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                newLine replaceFrom:1 to:(colNr - 1) with:line startingAt:1.
+                newLine replaceFrom:(colNr + strLen) to:(lineSize + strLen) with:line startingAt:colNr
+            ]
+        ].
+        newLine replaceFrom:(colNr max:1) to:(colNr + strLen - 1) with:aString startingAt:1
+    ].
+    (aString includes:(Character tab)) ifTrue:[
+        newLine := self withTabs:(ListView tab8Positions) expand:newLine
+    ].
+    self basicListAt:lineNr put:(newLine ifNil:[newLine] ifNotNil:[newLine asSingleByteStringIfPossible]).
+    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:newLine).
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    "Modified: / 25-01-2012 / 00:37:29 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'event handling'!
+buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    "hide the cursor when button is activated"
+    hasKeyboardFocus := true.
+    dragIsActive := false.
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[ 
+        "/ also give that guy a chance to close its popup view
+        completionSupport buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    ].
+    cursorShown ifTrue: [
+        self drawCursor
+    ].
+    "On X11, be nice and paste PRIMARY when middle click. 
+     Note, that middle button on X11 is translated to button
+     128 in Smalltalk/X - see XWorkstation class>>initializeConstants"
+    (button == #paste and:[self graphicsDevice platformName == #X11]) ifTrue:[
+        self undoableDo:[
+            self paste: (self getClipboardText:#selection).
+        ].
+        ^self.
+    ].
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        self hideCursor
+    ].
+"/ some very old code from times, when a right-click was a paste in X11
+"/    (button == #paste) ifTrue:[
+"/        self pasteOrReplace.
+"/        ^ self
+"/    ].
+    super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    "Modified: / 23-03-1999 / 13:51:40 / cg"
+    "Modified (comment): / 17-04-2012 / 21:02:25 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    "move the cursor to the click-position of previous button press"
+    |x1 x2 x2_3 newCursorCol|
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        typeOfSelection := nil.
+        dragIsActive ifTrue:[
+            self unselect
+        ].
+        selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[
+            clickCol notNil ifTrue:[
+                self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                    newCursorCol := clickCol.
+                    cursorType ~~ #block ifTrue:[
+                        clickPos notNil ifTrue:[
+                            "/ we do something special, if the text-cursor's type is not a block-cursor
+                            "/ (i.e. if its an ibeam).
+                            "/ adjust clickCol if the user clicked in the right third of a character.
+                            x1 := self xOfCol:clickCol inVisibleLine:clickLine.  
+                            x2 := self xOfCol:clickCol+1 inVisibleLine:clickLine.
+                            x2_3 := x1 + ((x2-x1) * (2/3)).
+                            (clickPos x >= x2_3) ifTrue:[ newCursorCol := clickCol+1 ].
+                        ].
+                    ].
+                    self cursorLine:clickLine col:newCursorCol.
+                ].
+                true "self hadSelectionBeforeClick not" ifTrue:[
+                    list notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                        UserPreferences current selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd ifTrue:[
+                            (clickLine >= list size) ifTrue:[
+                                (clickLine > (self list size + 2) 
+                                or:[ clickCol > (list last size + 5) ]) ifTrue:[
+                                    self selectAll
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch := nil.  "new selection invalidates remembered string"
+        ].
+        self showCursor
+    ].
+    super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    "Modified: / 07-03-2012 / 18:48:37 / cg"
+cursorKeyPress:key shifted:shifted
+    <resource: #keyboard (#CursorRight #CursorDown #CursorUp #CursorDown)>
+    |n|
+    self changeTypeOfSelectionTo:nil.
+    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
+        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
+            selectionStartLine := selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
+            selectionStartCol := selectionEndCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol.
+            expandingTop := false.
+            self validateNewSelection.
+            self setPrimarySelection.
+            self selectionChanged.
+            self redrawLine:selectionStartLine.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                "/
+                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
+                "/
+                self setCursorLine:(selectionEndLine ? selectionStartLine).
+                selectionEndCol == 0 ifTrue:[
+                    selectionEndCol := 1.
+                ].
+                self setCursorCol:selectionEndCol.
+                shifted ifTrue:[
+                    self expandSelectionRight.
+                    ^ self
+                ].
+                self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+                cursorCol == 1 ifTrue:[^ self].
+            ].
+        ].
+        self cursorRight.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #CursorDown) ifTrue:[
+        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
+            selectionStartLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine. selectionEndLine := cursorLine + 1.
+            selectionStartCol := clickStartCol := selectionEndCol := cursorCol.
+            selectionEndCol == 1 ifTrue:[
+                selectionEndCol := 0.
+            ].
+            self validateNewSelection.
+            self selectionChanged.
+            self redrawLine:selectionStartLine.
+            expandingTop := false.
+            self redrawLine:selectionEndLine.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                "/
+                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
+                "/
+                self setCursorLine:(selectionEndLine ? selectionStartLine).
+                self setCursorCol:selectionStartCol.
+                (cursorCol == 0 or:[selectionEndCol == 0]) ifTrue:[
+                    self setCursorCol:1.
+                    self setCursorLine:(cursorLine - 1).
+                ].
+                self makeCursorVisible.
+                shifted ifTrue:[
+                    clickLine := cursorLine.
+                    clickCol := cursorCol.
+                    self expandSelectionDown.
+                    ^ self
+                ].
+                self unselect.
+            ].
+        ].
+        n := 1 + (self sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:#CursorDown).
+        self cursorDown:n.
+        "/
+        "/ flush keyboard to avoid runaway cursor
+        "/
+        self sensor flushKeyboardFor:self.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #CursorLeft or:[key == #CursorUp]) ifTrue:[
+        (shifted and:[selectionStartLine isNil]) ifTrue:[
+            expandingTop := true.
+            key == #CursorLeft ifTrue:[
+                cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+                    selectionStartLine := selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
+                    selectionEndCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol-1.
+                    selectionStartCol := cursorCol-1.
+                    self validateNewSelection.
+                    self selectionChanged.
+                    self redrawLine:selectionStartLine.
+                    ^ self
+                ]
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                cursorLine > 1 ifTrue:[
+                    selectionEndLine := clickStartLine := cursorLine.
+                    selectionEndCol := selectionStartCol := clickStartCol := cursorCol.
+                    selectionStartLine := cursorLine - 1.
+                    selectionEndCol == 1 ifTrue:[
+                        selectionEndCol := 0.
+                    ].
+                    self validateNewSelection.
+                    self selectionChanged.
+                    self redrawFromLine:selectionStartLine to:cursorLine.
+                    ^ self
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                "/
+                "/ treat the whole selection as cursor
+                "/
+                self setCursorLine:selectionStartLine.
+                self setCursorCol:selectionStartCol.
+                (key == #CursorLeft) ifTrue:[
+                    self setCursorCol:(cursorCol+1).  "/ compensate for followup crsr-left
+                ].
+                self makeCursorVisible.
+                shifted ifTrue:[
+                    (key == #CursorUp) ifTrue:[
+                        clickLine := cursorLine.
+                        self expandSelectionUp.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        self expandSelectionLeft.
+                    ].
+                    ^ self
+                ].
+                self unselect.
+            ].
+        ].
+        (key == #CursorLeft) ifTrue:[
+            self cursorLeft. ^self
+        ].
+        (key == #CursorUp)        ifTrue:[
+            n := 1 + (self sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:#CursorUp).
+            self cursorUp:n.
+            "/
+            "/ flush keyboard to avoid runaway cursor
+            "/
+            self sensor flushKeyboardFor:self.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 17-04-2012 / 21:01:15 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+doKeyPress:key x:x y:y
+    "handle keyboard input"
+    <resource: #keyboard (#Paste #Insert #PasteFromHistory #Cut #Again #AgainForAll
+                          #Replace #Undo #Redo #Accept
+                          #Delete #BasicDelete #BackSpace #BasicBackspace
+                          #DeleteSpaces #Join
+                          #SearchMatchingParent #SelectMatchingParents
+                          #SelectWord #ExpandSelectionByWord
+                          #SelectToEnd #SelectFromBeginning
+                          #SelectLine #ExpandSelectionByLine
+                          #BeginOfLine #EndOfLine #NextWord #PreviousWord
+                          #CursorRight #CursorDown #CursorLeft #CursorUp
+                          #Return #Tab #BackTab #NonInsertingTab #Escape
+                          #GotoLine #BeginOfText #EndOfText
+                          #InsertLine #DeleteLine
+                          #SelectLineFromBeginning
+                          #LearnKeyboardMacro #ExecuteKeyboardMacro #ToggleInsertMode
+                          #OpenSpecialCharacterWindow
+                          #'F*' #'f*')>
+    |fKeyMacros shiftPressed ctrlPressed i event macroName
+     immediateCompletion currentUserPrefs|
+    currentUserPrefs := UserPreferences current.
+    "/ experimental
+    immediateCompletion := currentUserPrefs immediateCodeCompletion.
+    (immediateCompletion 
+    or:[currentUserPrefs codeCompletionOnControlKey
+    or:[currentUserPrefs codeCompletionOnTabKey]]) ifTrue:[
+        completionSupport isNil ifTrue:[
+            self initializeCompletionSupport.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "/ JV: why setting it to nil here?
+"/    ifFalse:[
+"/        completionService := nil
+"/    ].
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+        (completionSupport handleKeyPress:key x:x y:y) ifTrue:["eaten" ^ self].
+    ].
+    key isSymbol ifTrue:[
+        (self graphicsDevice modifierKeys includes:key) ifFalse:[
+            lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        ]
+    ].
+    (key == #LearnKeyboardMacro) ifTrue:[
+        lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        self toggleLearnMode.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #ExecuteKeyboardMacro) ifTrue:[
+        lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        self executeLearnedKeyboardMacro.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #Undo) ifTrue:[self undo. ^self].
+    (key == #Redo) ifTrue:[self redo. ^self].
+    self learnMode ifTrue:[
+        event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
+        learnedMacro add:event.
+    ].
+    (self executekeyboardMacroNamed:key) ifTrue:[
+        "the macro named key exists"
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    key isSymbol ifFalse:[
+        "the usual case: key is a character, but maybe a string also (in X11)"
+        self handleNonCommandKey:key.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    event isNil ifTrue:[
+        event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
+    ].
+    shiftPressed := event hasShift.
+    ctrlPressed := event hasCtrl and:[(event rawKey asString startsWith:'Ctrl') not].
+    (key == #DeleteWordBeforeCursor) ifTrue:[
+        self deleteWordBeforeCursor.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #BackSpace or:[key == #BasicBackspace]) ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            ((key == #BasicBackspace)
+            or:[ currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not ])
+            ifTrue:[
+                self deleteSelection.
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self makeCursorVisible.
+"/          (shiftPressed and:[ ctrlPressed ]) ifTrue:[
+"/            self deleteWordBeforeCursor.
+"/          ] ifFalse:[
+            self deleteCharBeforeCursor.
+"/          ].
+        ].
+        true "immediateCompletion" ifTrue:[ 
+            completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[ completionSupport postKeyPress:key].
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #ToggleAutoIndent) ifTrue:[
+        self autoIndent:(autoIndent not).
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    key == #ToggleInsertMode ifTrue:[
+        self insertMode:(editMode value == EditMode insertMode) not.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    key == #OpenSpecialCharacterWindow ifTrue:[
+        CharacterSetView notNil ifTrue:[
+            self specialCharacters.
+            ^ self.
+        ]        
+    ].
+    replacing := false.
+    "
+     Fn      pastes a key-sequence (but only if not overlayed with
+             another function in the keyboard map)
+     see TextView>>:x:y
+    "
+    (key at:1) asLowercase == $f ifTrue:[
+        (('[fF][0-9]' match:key)
+        or:['[fF][0-9][0-9]' match:key]) ifTrue:[
+            shiftPressed ifFalse:[
+                fKeyMacros := currentUserPrefs functionKeySequences.
+                fKeyMacros notNil ifTrue:[
+                    (fKeyMacros includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+                        self pasteOrReplace:(fKeyMacros at:key) asStringCollection.
+                        ^ self
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    (key == #'Ctrl8' or:[key == #'Ctrl9']) ifTrue:[
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$( and:$).
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #'Ctrl2') ifTrue:[
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$" and:$".
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #'Ctrl#') ifTrue:[
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$' and:$'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #'ConvertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst') ifTrue:[
+        self convertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #Accept)  ifTrue:[^ self accept].
+    ((key == #Paste) or:[key == #Insert or:[key == #PasteFromHistory]]) ifTrue:[self pasteOrReplace. ^self].
+    (key == #Cut) ifTrue:[self cut. ^self].
+    (key == #Again) ifTrue:[self again. ^self].
+    (key == #AgainForAll) ifTrue:[self multipleAgain. ^self].
+    (key == #Join) ifTrue:[self joinLines. ^self].
+    (key == #Replace) ifTrue:[self replace. ^self].
+    (key == #ExpandSelectionByWord) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self findNextWordAfterSelectionAndAddToSelection.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #SelectWord) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self selectWordUnderCursor.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #SearchMatchingParent) ifTrue:[self searchForMatchingParenthesis. ^ self].
+    (key == #SelectMatchingParents) ifTrue:[self searchForAndSelectMatchingParenthesis. ^ self].
+    (key == #SelectToEnd) ifTrue:[self selectUpToEnd. ^ self].
+    (key == #SelectFromBeginning) ifTrue:[self selectFromBeginning. ^ self].
+" disabled - nobody liked it ...
+  and if you like it, its better done in the keymap.
+    (key == #Ctrlb) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorLeft. ^ self].
+    (key == #Ctrlf) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorRight. ^ self].
+    (key == #Ctrln) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorDown. ^ self].
+    (key == #Ctrlp) ifTrue:[self unselect. self cursorUp. ^ self].
+    (key == #BeginOfLine) ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressed ifTrue: [
+            "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
+            "/ self unselect.
+            "/ self cursorHome.
+            "Jan's modification"
+            "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToBeginOfLine ].
+            "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
+            self selectFromBeginOfLine.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            self unselect.
+            ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorHome.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self cursorToBeginOfLine.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #EndOfLine) ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressed ifTrue:[
+            "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
+            "/ self unselect.
+            "/ self cursorToBottom
+            " Jan's modification"
+            "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToEndOfLine ] .
+            "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
+            self selectToEndOfLine.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self unselect.
+            ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorToBottom
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self cursorToEndOfLine.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #NextWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToNextWord. ^self].
+    (key == #EndOfWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToEndOfWord. ^self].
+    (key == #PreviousWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToPreviousWord. ^self].
+    (key == #GotoLine) ifTrue:[self gotoLine. ^self].
+    (key == #CursorRight
+    or:[key == #CursorDown
+    or:[key == #CursorLeft
+    or:[key == #CursorUp]]]) ifTrue:[
+        self cursorKeyPress:key shifted:shiftPressed.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (key == #NonInsertingReturn) ifTrue:[
+        self unselect. self cursorReturn.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #Return) ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressed ifTrue:[
+            self unselect. self cursorReturn.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
+            self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+            self cursorReturn
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self isInInsertMode ifFalse:[
+                self cursorReturn.
+                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
+                    i := self leftIndentForLine:(cursorLine + 1).
+                    (self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                        self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                |left right oldIndent|
+                "/ old version just unselected ...
+                "/ self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+                "/ new version deletes ...
+                typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
+                    self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+                ].
+                left := (self listAt:cursorLine to:cursorCol-1) ? ''.
+                right := (self listAt:cursorLine from:cursorCol) ? ''.
+                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
+                    (right isEmpty and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
+                        "/ nothing to do.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ((self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil 
+                        or:[ cursorCol == 1 ]) ifTrue:[
+                            i := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine).
+                            left := left withoutSeparators.
+                            right := right withoutSeparators.
+                            (left endsWith:'[') ifTrue:[
+"/                                i := i + 4.
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (false "(left endsWith:']')" or:[(right startsWith:']')]) ifTrue:[
+                                    i := i - 4.
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                            oldIndent := self leftIndentOfLine:cursorLine.
+                            self indentFromLine:cursorLine toLine:cursorLine by:(i-oldIndent).
+                            self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+                                (self listAt:cursorLine) size < i ifTrue:[
+                                    self insertStringAtCursor:(String new:((i-oldIndent) max:0)).
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                            self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #NonInsertingTab) ifTrue:[
+        self unselect. self cursorTab.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    ((key == #BackTab) or:[(key == #Tab)]) ifTrue:[
+        self tabMeansNextField ifTrue:[^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y].
+        self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+            selectStyle == #line ifTrue:[
+                ((key == #Tab) and:[shiftPressed not]) ifTrue:[
+                    macroName := #IndentBy4.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    macroName := #UndentBy4.
+                ].
+                macroName notNil ifTrue:[
+                    self executekeyboardMacroNamed:macroName.
+                ].
+            ]
+        ].
+        self unselect.
+        (key == #Tab) ifTrue:[
+            (shiftPressed or:[self isInInsertMode not]) ifTrue:[
+                self cursorTab.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            self insertTabAtCursor.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self cursorBacktab.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "/ key == #DeleteSpaces ifTrue:[
+    (key == #Delete) ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressed ifTrue:[
+            [(cursorCol <= (self listAt:cursorLine) size)
+             and:[self characterUnderCursor isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
+             self makeCursorVisible.
+                self deleteCharAtCursor.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ]
+    ].
+    (key == #Delete
+     or:[key == #BasicDelete]) ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[  
+"/          Again function is not supporting Delete action (on purpose, to avoid replacing the next search string)
+"/          To remove text repetetively, use Cut instead.
+"/            self setLastStringToReplace: self selection asStringWithoutFinalCR.
+"/            lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: nil.
+            ((key == #BasicDelete)
+            or:[currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not]) ifTrue:[
+                self deleteSelection.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self deleteCharAtCursor.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #BeginOfText) ifTrue:[     "i.e. HOME"
+        self unselect.
+        cursorVisibleLine == 1 ifTrue:[
+            self cursorHome.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self cursorToFirstVisibleLine
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #EndOfText) ifTrue:[       "i.e. END"
+        self unselect.
+        cursorVisibleLine == nFullLinesShown ifTrue:[
+            self cursorToBottom.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self cursorToLastVisibleLine
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    ((key == #Escape)
+    or:[key == #SelectLineFromBeginning]) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self selectCursorLineFromBeginning.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #SelectLine) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self selectCursorLine.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #ExpandSelectionByLine) ifTrue:[
+        "/ self makeCursorVisible.
+        self selectExpandCursorLine.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #DeleteLine) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self deleteCursorLine.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    (key == #InsertLine) ifTrue:[
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self insertLine:nil before:cursorLine.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    super keyPress:key x:x y:y
+    "Modified: / 06-02-1998 / 11:59:59 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 14-07-2011 / 12:08:28 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 26-09-2013 / 17:52:04 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    Error handle:[:ex |
+        self warn:'Error in keyboard macro: ' , ex description.
+        ex return.
+    ] do:[
+        AbortOperationRequest handle:[:ex |
+            self warn:'Keyboard macro aborted'.
+            ex return.
+        ] do:[
+            Parser
+                evaluate:cmdMacro asString
+                receiver:self
+                notifying:nil
+                compile:false.
+        ].
+    ].
+    |selStartLineBefore selStartColBefore selEndLineBefore selEndColBefore key|
+    self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
+        self flashReadOnly.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    key := keyArg.
+    typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
+        "pasted selection will NOT be replaced by keystroke"
+        self unselect
+    ].
+    selStartLineBefore := selectionStartLine.
+    selStartColBefore := self selectionStartCol.
+    selEndLineBefore := selectionEndLine.
+    selEndColBefore := self selectionEndCol.
+    (gc characterEncoding ? #'iso10646-1') ~~ #'iso10646-1' ifTrue:[
+        key isCharacter ifTrue:[
+            key := CharacterEncoder encode:key from:#'iso10646-1' into:gc characterEncoding.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            key := CharacterEncoder encodeString:key from:#'iso10646-1' into:gc characterEncoding.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "replace selection by what is typed in -
+     if word was selected with a space, keep it.
+     if there was no selection, the key's character is inserted"
+    editMode value isInsertAndSelectMode ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine := selectionStartCol := selectionEndLine := selectionEndCol := nil.
+    ].
+    (selectStyle == #wordLeft) ifTrue:[
+        self replaceSelectionBy:(' ' , key asString)
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (selectStyle == #wordRight) ifTrue:[
+            self replaceSelectionBy:(key asString , ' ').
+            self cursorLeft
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self replaceSelectionBy:key
+        ]
+    ].
+    selectStyle := nil.
+    editMode value isInsertAndSelectMode ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine := selStartLineBefore.
+        selectionStartCol := selStartColBefore.
+        selectionEndLine := selEndLineBefore.
+        selectionEndCol := selEndColBefore.
+    ].
+    showMatchingParenthesis ifTrue:[
+        "emacs style parenthesis shower"
+      (ExecutingMacroQuery query ? false) ifFalse:[
+        "claus: only do it for closing parenthesis -
+                otherwise its too anoying.
+        "
+        ('()[]{}' includes:key) ifTrue:[
+        (')]}' includes:key) ifTrue:[
+        self
+            searchForMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1)
+            ifFound:[:line :col |
+                         |savLine savCol sensor|
+                         self withCursor:Cursor eye do:[
+                             savLine := cursorLine.
+                             savCol := cursorCol.
+                             self cursorLine:line col:col.
+                             self flush.
+                             "/ want to wait 200ms, but not if another keyPress
+                             "/ arrives in the meantime ...
+                             sensor := self sensor.
+                             5 timesRepeat:[
+                                 (sensor hasKeyPressEventFor:self) ifFalse:[
+                                     Processor activeProcess millisecondDelay:40.
+                                 ]
+                             ].
+                             self cursorLine:savLine col:savCol
+                         ]
+                    ]
+            ifNotFound:[self showNotFound]
+            onError:[self beep]
+        ].
+      ]
+    ].
+"/    true "autoExpandWhileTyping" ifTrue:[
+"/        self wordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1 do:[
+"/            :beginLine :beginCol :endLine :endCol :style |
+"/            self selectFromLine:beginLine col:beginCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
+"/            self selection.
+"/            typeOfSelection := #paste.
+"/        ].
+"/    ].
+    editMode value isInsertAndSelectMode ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[
+            self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1 toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self selectFromLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1.
+        ].
+    ].
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[ completionSupport postKeyPress:keyArg ].
+    "Modified (comment): / 25-01-2012 / 00:30:11 / cg"
+keyPress:key x:x y:y
+    "handle keyboard input"
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := cursorShown.
+    NoModificationError handle:[:ex |
+        self flashReadOnly.
+        (cursorShown not and:[wasOn]) ifTrue:[
+            self makeCursorVisibleAndShowCursor:wasOn.
+        ].
+    ] do:[
+        self undoableDo:[
+            self doKeyPress:key x:x y:y
+        ].
+    ].
+    self repairDamage
+    "Modified: / 18-04-2011 / 21:35:27 / cg"
+    "view was made visible"
+    super mapped.
+    self updateCursorVisibleLine.
+    "this is invoked when a dialog closes via accept or cancel.
+     This forces my value to be accepted into my model"
+    acceptEnabled == false ifTrue:[
+        "/ nope -
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    self accept.
+    ^ true.
+    "make certain, cursor is visible after the sizechange"
+    |cv|
+    cv := cursorVisibleLine.
+    super sizeChanged:how.
+    cv notNil ifTrue:[
+        self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
+    ]
+    super unmapped.
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+        completionSupport release.
+    ].
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'focus handling'!
+    super focusOut.
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+        completionSupport release.
+    ].
+    "sent by the windowGroup, a delegate or myself to make me show a block cursor
+     (otherwise, I would not know about this)"
+    hasKeyboardFocus := aBoolean.
+    (cursorShown
+    and:[self enabled
+    and:[self isReadOnly not]]) ifTrue:[
+        self drawCursor
+    ].
+    hasKeyboardFocus ifFalse:[
+        completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ this is a hack for Windows:
+            "/ on windows, an activate:false event is first sent to my textView,
+            "/ then an activate is sent to the completion popup.
+            "/ this is done BEFORE the buttonPress event is delivered.
+            "/ therefore, allow for the activate of the completionMenu and it's button event to be processed.
+            "/ before forcing it to be closed...
+            Processor addTimedBlock:[completionSupport "release" editViewLostFocus] afterMilliseconds:200.
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified (format): / 06-11-2013 / 15:37:31 / cg"
+    "in addition to however my superclass thinks how a focusView is to be
+     displayed, show the cursor when I got the focus"
+    self showCursor.
+    self hasKeyboardFocus:true.
+    super showFocus:explicit
+    "Modified: 11.12.1996 / 16:56:54 / cg"
+    "the view lost the keyboard focus 
+     (either explicit, via tabbing; or implicit, by pointer movement)
+      - change any display attributes as req'd."
+    super showNoFocus:explicit.
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+        completionSupport release.
+    ].
+    "return true, if I want the focus when
+     the mouse pointer enters"
+    (UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse ~~ false
+     and:[(styleSheet at:#'editText.requestFocusOnPointerEnter' default:true)
+     and:[self enabled
+     and:[true "self isReadOnly not"]]]
+    ) ifTrue:[
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ false
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'formatting'!
+    "try to execute the keyboard macro; 
+     return true if that worked, false otherwise"
+    |cmdMacro|
+    cmdMacro := UserPreferences current functionKeySequences at:macroName ifAbsent:[^ false].
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ self executeKeyboardMacro:cmdMacro ]
+        info: macroName.
+    ^ true
+    "
+      EditTextView open
+                contents:'bla';
+                selectAll;
+                executekeyboardMacroNamed:#IndentBy4.
+      EditTextView open
+                contents:'bla';
+                selectAll;
+                executekeyboardMacroNamed:#blabla.
+    "
+    "Modified: / 14-02-2012 / 11:17:27 / cg"
+    "indent a line-range - this is done by searching for the
+     last non-empty line before the selection, and changing the indent
+     of the selected line-range based on that line's indent."
+    |start end|
+    selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    start := selectionStartLine.
+    end := selectionEndLine.
+    (selectionEndCol == 0) ifTrue:[
+        end := end - 1
+    ].
+    self unselect.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[self indentFromLine:start toLine:end]
+        info:'Indent'
+    self executekeyboardMacroNamed:#IndentBy4.
+    "Modified: / 06-04-2011 / 18:52:40 / cg"
+indentFromLine:start toLine:end
+    "indent a line-range - this is done by searching for the
+     last non-empty line before start, and change the indent
+     of the selected line-range based on that line's indent."
+    |leftStart delta|
+    leftStart := self leftIndentForLine:start.
+    (leftStart == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    delta := leftStart - (self leftIndentOfLine:start).
+    (delta == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self indentFromLine:start toLine:end by:delta
+indentFromLine:start toLine:end by:delta
+    "indent a line-range - this is done by searching for the
+     last non-empty line before start, and change the indent
+     of the selected line-range based on that line's indent."
+    |d line spaces anyChange|
+    (delta == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    (delta > 0) ifTrue:[
+        spaces := String new:delta
+    ].
+    anyChange := false.
+    start to:end do:[:lineNr |
+        line := self listAt:lineNr.
+        line notNil ifTrue:[
+            line isBlank ifTrue:[
+                self basicListAt:lineNr put:nil
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (delta > 0) ifTrue:[
+                    line := spaces , line.
+                    widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
+                        widthOfWidestLine := widthOfWidestLine max:(self widthOfLineString:line).
+                    ]
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "check if deletion is ok"
+                    d := delta negated + 1.
+                    line size > d ifTrue:[
+                        (line copyTo:(d - 1)) withoutSeparators isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                            line := line copyFrom:d
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    widthOfWidestLine := nil
+                ].
+                self replaceLine:lineNr with:line.
+                anyChange := true.
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    anyChange ifTrue:[ self textChanged ].
+    "/ self redrawFromLine:start to:end
+    "Modified: 5.3.1996 / 14:59:18 / cg"
+    "find an appropriate indent for a line.
+     this is done by searching for the last non-empty line before it
+     and returning its indent.
+     cg: changed: only look for the single previous line."
+    "SHOULD GO TO ListView"
+    |line lnr indent|
+    lnr := lineNr.
+    "/ [lnr ~~ 1] whileTrue:[
+    (lnr ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
+        lnr  := lnr - 1.
+        line := self listAt:lnr.
+        line notNil ifTrue:[
+            indent := line indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
+            indent ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+                (line endsWith:$[) ifTrue:[
+                    ^ indent + 4 - 1
+                ].
+                ^ indent - 1
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ 0
+    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 14:58:53 / cg"
+    self executekeyboardMacroNamed:#UndentBy4.
+    "Modified: / 06-04-2011 / 18:52:49 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    "fetch device colors, to avoid reallocation at redraw time"
+    super fetchDeviceResources.
+    cursorFgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorFgColor := cursorFgColor onDevice:self graphicsDevice].
+    cursorBgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorBgColor := cursorBgColor onDevice:self graphicsDevice].
+    cursorNoFocusFgColor notNil ifTrue:[cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorNoFocusFgColor onDevice:self graphicsDevice].
+    "Created: 14.1.1997 / 00:15:24 / cg"
+    "Modified: 18.2.1997 / 15:02:46 / cg"
+    "enable enter/leave events in addition"
+    super initEvents.
+    self enableEnterLeaveEvents
+    "initialize style specific stuff"
+    super initStyle.
+    "/ lineSpacing := 2.       "/ for underwave - also looks better
+    lockUpdates := false.
+    cursorFgColor := DefaultCursorForegroundColor.
+    cursorFgColor isNil ifTrue:[cursorFgColor := bgColor].
+    cursorBgColor := DefaultCursorBackgroundColor.
+    cursorBgColor isNil ifTrue:[cursorBgColor := fgColor].
+    cursorType isNil ifTrue:[cursorType := DefaultCursorType].
+    cursorTypeNoFocus isNil ifTrue:[
+        cursorTypeNoFocus := cursorType.
+        DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus notNil ifTrue:[
+            cursorTypeNoFocus := DefaultCursorTypeNoFocus.
+        ]
+    ].
+    cursorNoFocusFgColor := DefaultCursorNoFocusForegroundColor.
+    cursorNoFocusFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
+        cursorType ~~ #block ifTrue:[
+            cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorBgColor
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            cursorNoFocusFgColor := cursorFgColor
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 22:27:45 / cg"
+    "initialize a new EditTextView;
+     setup some instance variables"
+    super initialize.
+    self level:-1.
+    readOnly := false.
+    fixedSize := false.
+    exceptionBlock := [:errorText | ].
+    cursorShown := prevCursorState := true.
+    cursorLine := 1.
+    cursorVisibleLine := 1.
+    cursorCol := 1.
+    cursorLineHolder := 1 asValue.
+    cursorColHolder := 1 asValue.
+    modifiedChannel := ValueHolder with:false.
+    acceptChannel := ValueHolder with:false.
+    acceptChannel addDependent:self.
+    showMatchingParenthesis := false.
+    hasKeyboardFocus := false.
+    tabMeansNextField := false.
+    autoIndent := false.
+    editMode := EditMode insertMode asValue.
+    learnMode := false asValue.
+    trimBlankLines := self st80EditMode not.
+    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := #beginOfText.
+    lastReplacementInfo := LastReplacementInfo new.
+    "/ enable drop by default
+    self allowDrop:true.        "/ readOnly tested in #canDrop:
+    undoSupport := UndoSupport for:self.
+    codeAspectHolder := nil asValue.
+    "Modified: / 27-09-2013 / 09:41:32 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    |supportClass|
+    completionSupport isNil ifTrue:[
+        (supportClass := self completionSupportClass) notNil ifTrue:[
+            completionSupport := supportClass for:self.            
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Created: / 26-09-2013 / 17:51:45 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+        completionSupport release
+    ].
+    super release
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'macros'!
+    "replay the characters as learned previously"
+    (self learnMode not and:[learnedMacro size > 0]) ifTrue:[
+        ExecutingMacroQuery 
+            answer:true
+            do:[
+                learnedMacro do:[:event |
+                            WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal answer:event
+                            do:[
+                                self
+                                    dispatchEvent:event
+                                    withFocusOn:nil
+                                    delegate:false
+                            ]
+                ]
+            ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self flash.
+    ].
+    "true if currently learning"
+    ^ (learnMode value ? false).
+    "toggle the learn-mode"
+    |fg bg|
+    self learnModeHolder value:aBoolean.
+    aBoolean ifTrue:[
+        learnedMacro := OrderedCollection new.
+        fg := Color white.
+        bg := Color black.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorFgColor := fg := (DefaultCursorForegroundColor ? bgColor).
+        cursorBgColor := bg := (DefaultCursorBackgroundColor ? fgColor).
+    ].
+    self cursorForegroundColor:fg backgroundColor:bg.
+    "a holder returning true, if in learn mode"
+    learnMode isNil ifTrue:[
+        learnMode := false asValue
+    ].
+    ^ learnMode
+rememberLearnedMacroAs: nameString
+    Macros isNil ifTrue:[
+        Macros := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    Macros at:nameString put:learnedMacro
+    "toggle the learn-mode"
+    self learnMode:(self learnMode not).
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'menu & menu actions'!
+    "translate the selected text and paste it after the selection"
+    |original translated|
+    original := self selectionAsString.
+    original size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        (HostNameLookupError , SOAP::SoapImplError) handle:[:ex |
+            Dialog warn:('Translation failed - WEB Service error:\\%1.' bindWith:ex description allBold) withCRs
+        ] do:[
+            translated := SOAP::BabelFishClient new translate:original mode:fromToModeString.
+        ]
+    ].
+    "/ v pasteOrReplace:translated
+    self cursorLine:(self selectionEndLine) col:(self selectionEndCol + 1).
+    self unselect.
+    self 
+        undoablePaste:translated 
+        info:'Translate'
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:27:21 / cg"
+    "compare the selection against the clipboard contents"
+    |t1 t2|
+    t2 := self getClipboardText.
+    t2 isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        Dialog information:'Clipboard is empty.'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+        t1 := self selectionAsString.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        t1 := self contents asString
+    ].
+    t1 := t1 string.
+    t1 = t2 ifTrue:[
+        Dialog information:'Strings are equal.'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    DiffTextView
+        openOn:t1 label:'Editor'
+        and:t2 label:'Clipboard'
+    "cut selection into copybuffer"
+    self deleteCopyToClipboard:true
+    "return a default value to show in the gotoLine box"
+    cursorLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ cursorLine
+    ].
+    ^ super defaultForGotoLine
+    "cut selection into copybuffer"
+    |line col history sel |
+    (self checkModificationsAllowed) ifFalse:[
+        self flashReadOnly.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    sel := self selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        self setLastStringToReplace: sel.
+        line := selectionStartLine.
+        col := selectionStartCol.
+        toClipboard ifTrue:[
+            "
+             remember in CopyBuffer
+            "
+            self setClipboardText:sel. "/ lastString.
+        ].
+        "
+         append to DeleteHistory (if there is one)
+        "
+        history := Smalltalk at:#DeleteHistory.
+        history notNil ifTrue:[
+            history addAll:(sel asStringCollection).
+            history size > 1000 ifTrue:[
+                history := history copyFrom:(history size - 1000)
+            ].
+        ].
+        "
+         now, delete it
+        "
+        self 
+            undoableDo:[self deleteSelection] 
+            info:'Delete'.
+        lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "
+         a cut without selection will search&cut again
+        "
+        self undoableDo:[
+            self again
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:51:53 / cg"
+    "return the views middleButtonMenu"
+    <resource: #keyboard (#Again #AgainForAll #Copy #Cut #Paste #Accept 
+                          #Find #GotoLine #SaveAs #Print
+                          #PasteFromHistory #Join #Wrap #Undo #Redo 
+                          #ToggleAutoIndent #ToggleInsertMode 
+                          #LearnKeyboardMacro #ExecuteKeyboardMacro )>
+    <resource: #programMenu>
+    |items m sub translateItems sortItems miscItems toolItems subSub toolSub
+     transSub sortSub what undoIdx redoIdx sensor main mainItems|
+    items := #(
+                    ('Redo'             redo           Redo        )
+                    ('Again (for All)'  multipleAgain  AgainForAll )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Search...'        search         Find     )
+                    ('Goto Line...'     gotoLine       GotoLine )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Tools'            tools                   )
+                    ('Insert Unicode...' insertUnicode )
+            ).
+    CharacterSetView notNil ifTrue:[
+        items := items ,
+                    #(
+                        ('Special Characters...'    specialCharacters  OpenSpecialCharacterWindow )
+                    ).
+    ].
+    items := items , #(
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Save As...'       save           SaveAs   )
+                    ('Print'            doPrint        Print    )
+                    ('='                                        )
+                    ('Misc'             misc           ShiftCtrl) ).
+    miscItems := #(
+                    ('AutoIndent \c'    autoIndent:                  ToggleAutoIndent )
+                    ('InsertMode \c'    insertMode:                  ToggleInsertMode )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Paste Previous...'   pasteOrReplaceFromHistory PasteFromHistory )
+                    ('Join Lines'       joinLines                    Join )
+                    ('Wrap Lines...'    wrapLines                    Wrap )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Learn Macro'      learnMode:                   LearnKeyboardMacro)
+                    ('Execute Macro'    executeLearnedKeyboardMacro  ExecuteKeyboardMacro )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Insert File...'           insertFile          )
+                    ('Insert URL Contents...'   insertURL           )
+                    ('Insert new UUID'      insertUUID          )
+                    ('Insert Date && Time'  insertDateAndTime   )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('Insert File as String Literal...' insertFileAsStringLiteral  )
+                    ('Paste as String Literal'          pasteAsStringLiteral       )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                ).
+"/    CharacterSetView notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        miscItems := miscItems ,
+"/                    #(
+"/                        ('Special Characters...'    specialCharacters  OpenSpecialCharacterWindow )
+"/                    ).
+"/    ].
+    miscItems := miscItems ,
+                #(
+                    ('Font...'                  changeFont              )
+"/                    ('Encoding...'      changeEncoding          )
+                ).
+    translateItems := #(
+                    ('English -> German'      (babelFishTranslate: 'en_de')   )
+                    ('English -> French'      (babelFishTranslate: 'en_fr')   )
+                    ('English -> Italian'     (babelFishTranslate: 'en_it')   )
+                    ('English -> Spanish'     (babelFishTranslate: 'en_es')   )
+                    ('English -> Portuguese'  (babelFishTranslate: 'en_pt')   )
+                    ('-'                                        )
+                    ('German -> English'      (babelFishTranslate: 'de_en')   )
+                    ('French -> English'      (babelFishTranslate: 'fr_en')   )
+                    ('Italian -> English'     (babelFishTranslate: 'it_en')   )
+                    ('Spanish -> English'     (babelFishTranslate: 'es_en')   )
+                    ('Portuguese -> English'  (babelFishTranslate: 'pt_en')   )
+              ).
+    sortItems := #(
+                    ('Lines'                            (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #lines false)        )
+                    ('Lines by First Word'              (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByFirstWord false)     )
+                    ('Lines by n''th Word'              (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByNthWord false)       )
+                    ('Lines by n''th Number'            (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByNthNumber false)     )
+                    ('Lines by n''th Hex Number'        (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByNthHexNumber false)     )
+                    ('Words'                            (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #words false)        )
+                    ('-'                                                      )
+                    ('Lines (ignore case)'               (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #lines true)         )
+                    ('Lines by First Word (ignore case)' (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByFirstWord true)      )
+                    ('Lines by n''th Word (ignore case)' (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByNthWord true)        )
+                    ('Words (ignore case)'               (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #words true)         )
+                    ('-'                                                      )
+                    ('By Line Length'                    (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #linesByLength nil)         )
+                    ('Reverse'                           (sortSelection:ignoreCase: #reverse       nil)         )
+              ).
+    toolItems := #(
+                    ('Indent'                      indent                     )
+                    ('Toggle Case'      convertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst   ConvertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst)
+                    ('Sort'                        sort                       )
+                    ('-'                                                      )
+                    ('Google Spell Check'          googleSpellingSuggestion   )
+                    ('Builtin Spell Check'         internalSpellingSuggestion   )
+                    ('Translate'                   babelFishTranslate         )
+                    ('Compare with Clipboard...'   compareWithClipboard       )
+              ).
+    Smalltalk isStandAloneApp ifFalse:[
+        toolItems := toolItems , #(
+                        ('-'                                                      )
+                        ('Open FileBrowser on It'      openFileBrowserOnIt        )
+                        ('Open Workspace with It'      openWorkspaceWithIt        )
+                  ).
+    ].
+    sub := PopUpMenu itemList:items resources:resources performer:model.
+    sub receiver:self.
+    toolSub := PopUpMenu itemList:toolItems resources:resources performer:model.
+    toolSub receiver:self.
+    sub subMenuAt:#tools put:toolSub.
+    transSub := PopUpMenu itemList:translateItems resources:resources performer:model.
+    transSub receiver:self.
+    toolSub subMenuAt:#babelFishTranslate put:transSub.
+    sortSub := PopUpMenu itemList:sortItems resources:resources performer:model.
+    sortSub receiver:self.
+    toolSub subMenuAt:#sort put:sortSub.
+    subSub := PopUpMenu itemList:miscItems resources:resources performer:model.
+    subSub receiver:self.
+    subSub checkToggleAt:#autoIndent: put:autoIndent.
+    subSub checkToggleAt:#insertMode: put:(self isInInsertMode).
+    subSub checkToggleAt:#learnMode: put:(self learnModeHolder value).
+    sub subMenuAt:#misc put:subSub.
+    mainItems := #(
+                    ('Undo'    undo             Undo   )
+                    ('Again'   again            Again  )
+                    ('-'                               )
+                    ('Cut'     cut              Cut    )
+                    ('Copy'    copySelection    Copy   )
+                    ('Paste'   pasteOrReplace   Paste  )
+                    ('-'                               )
+                    ('Accept'  accept           Accept )
+                    ('='                               )
+                    ('More'    others           Ctrl   )
+              ).
+    main := PopUpMenu itemList:mainItems resources:resources.
+    main subMenuAt:#others put:sub.
+    sensor := self sensor.
+    (sensor notNil and:[sensor ctrlDown]) ifTrue:[
+       sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
+            m := subSub
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            m := sub
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        m := main
+    ].
+    "/ the 'Smalltalk at:' code is here to
+    "/ avoid making the SOAP package a prerequisite for this package (libwidg)
+    (Smalltalk at:#'SOAP::GoogleClient') isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ GoogleClient new spellingSuggestionOf: 'Smmalltlaak and Soaap'.
+        m disable:#googleSpellingSuggestion
+    ].
+    (Smalltalk at:#'RBSpellChecker') isNil ifTrue:[
+        m disable:#internalSpellingSuggestion
+    ].
+    HTTPInterface isNil ifTrue:[
+        m disableAll:#(insertURL)
+    ].
+    self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
+        m disableAll:#(accept undo again multipleAgain redo
+                       paste pasteOrReplace pasteOrReplaceFromHistory
+                       cut indent autoIndent: insertMode:
+                       insertFile insertFileAsStringLiteral insertURL
+                       babelFishTranslate googleSpellingSuggestion sort
+                       convertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst 
+                       joinLines wrapLines insertUUID insertDateAndTime pasteAsStringLiteral
+                       insertUnicode specialCharacters)
+    ].
+    self hasSelectionForCopy ifFalse:[
+        m disable:#copySelection.
+    ].
+    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
+        m disableAll:#(cut googleSpellingSuggestion babelFishTranslate openFileBrowserOnIt openWorkspaceWithIt sort indent).
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        (Error handle:[:ex |
+            ex return:false
+        ] do:[
+            |fn|
+            fn := self selectionAsString.
+            fn asFilename exists or:[ fn withoutSeparators withoutQuotes asFilename exists ]
+        ]) ifFalse:[
+            m disableAll:#(openFileBrowserOnIt).
+        ]
+    ].
+    self hasUndoAction ifFalse:[
+        m disable:#undo.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        what := undoSupport undoActionInfo.
+        what notNil ifTrue:[
+            undoIdx := m indexOf:#undo.
+            m labelAt:undoIdx put:(resources string:'Undo (%1)' with:what).
+        ]
+    ].
+    self hasRedoAction ifFalse:[
+        sub disable:#redo.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        what := undoSupport redoActionInfo.
+        what notNil ifTrue:[
+            redoIdx := sub indexOf:#redo.
+            sub labelAt:redoIdx put:(resources string:'Redo (%1)' with:what).
+        ]
+    ].
+    acceptEnabled == false ifTrue:[
+        m disable:#accept
+    ].
+    ^ m.
+    "Modified: / 01-03-2012 / 19:56:58 / cg"
+    |sel list box history|
+    history := self graphicsDevice getCopyBufferHistory copy.
+    list := history collect:[:entry |
+                |text shown|
+                text := entry asString string asCollectionOfLines.
+                shown := text detect:[:line| line notEmptyOrNil] ifNone:['      '].
+                text size > 1 ifTrue:[
+                    shown := shown,(resources string:' ... [%1 lines]' with:text size).
+                ].
+                shown
+            ].
+    box := ListSelectionBox
+                title:(resources string:'Clipboard History')
+                okText:(resources string:'Paste')
+                abortText:(resources string:'Cancel')
+                list:list
+                action:[:idx | idx notNil ifTrue:[sel := history at:idx]].
+    box label:(resources string:'Select Previous Copybuffer String').
+    box useIndex:true.
+    box show.
+    ^ sel.
+    "Modified: / 25-08-2010 / 22:02:14 / cg"
+    self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
+        ^ self getTextSelectionFromHistory
+    ].
+    "/ return either the (xterm-) selection or the clipBoard depending on
+    "/ the Ctrl-Key state.
+    "/ ouch - this used to be ok for ALT-c / ALT-v,
+    "/ but no longer works with CTRL-c / CTRL-v.
+    ^ self getClipboardText:#clipboard
+"/    ^ self
+"/        getClipboardText:(self sensor ctrlDown
+"/                            ifTrue:[#selection]
+"/                            ifFalse:[#clipboard])
+    "Modified: / 13-07-2011 / 14:55:58 / cg"
+    "insert the google-spelling suggestion for the selected text.
+     Requires that the SOAP stuff is loaded and working."
+    |text suggestion|
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        text := self selection asString string withoutSeparators.
+        text size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+        "/ the 'Smalltalk at:' code is here to
+        "/ avoid making the SOAP package a prerequisite for this package (libwidg)
+        (Smalltalk at:#'SOAP::SoapImplError') handle:[:ex |
+            Dialog warn:('Spelling correction failed - WEB Service error:\\%1.' bindWith:ex description allBold) withCRs.
+            ^ self.
+        ] do:[
+            suggestion := (Smalltalk at:#'SOAP::GoogleClient') new spellingSuggestionOf:text.
+        ].
+        suggestion size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            self information:('No spelling suggestion from Google for: ' , text).
+            Transcript showCR:('No spelling suggestion from Google for: ' , text).
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+    ].
+    self 
+        undoablePaste:suggestion 
+        info:'Spelling Suggestion'.
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:25:10 / cg"
+    "insert the curent date and time string"
+    typeOfSelection := nil.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ self pasteOrReplace:(Timestamp now printStringRFC1123Format)]
+        info:'Paste Date and Time'
+    "insert contents of a file
+     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."
+    self insertFileAsStringLiteral:false
+    "insert a file's contents as a string literal.
+     Almost the same as the insert file, but single-quotes are doubled,
+     to make it a legal string literal"
+    self insertFileAsStringLiteral:true
+    "insert contents of a file; either as-is or as a string literal.
+     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."
+    |sel selFn file text ok initial|
+    ((sel := self selectionAsString) notEmptyOrNil
+    and:[ (selFn := sel asFilename) exists
+    and:[ selFn isRegularFile ]])
+    ifTrue:[
+        initial := selFn pathName.
+    ].
+    [
+        |why|
+        file := Dialog
+            requestFileName:(resources string:'Insert Contents Of:')
+            default:initial
+            ok:(resources string:'Insert')
+            abort:(resources string:'Cancel')
+            pattern:nil
+            fromDirectory:directoryForFileDialog.
+        file isNil ifTrue:[
+            "cancel"
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        file := file asFilename.
+        directoryForFileDialog := file.
+        ok := file isReadable and:[file isDirectory not].
+        ok ifFalse:[
+            file isReadable ifFalse:[
+                why := '%1 is unreadable.\\Please try again.'
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                why := '%1 is a directory.\\Please try again.'
+            ].
+            Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:why with:file pathName).
+        ].
+    ] doUntil:[ok].
+    text := file contentsOfEntireFile.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ self paste:(asStringLiteral ifTrue:[text storeString] ifFalse:[text]) ]
+        info:'Paste File'
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:23:32 / cg"
+    "insert contents of a URL
+     - ask user for URL using a dialog."
+    self insertURLAsStringLiteral:false
+    "insert contents of a file; either as-is or as a string literal.
+     - ask user for filename using a fileSelectionBox."
+    |sel url text response initial|
+    (sel := self selectionAsString) notEmptyOrNil
+    ifTrue:[
+        initial := sel.
+    ].
+    url := Dialog
+        request:(resources string:'Insert Contents of URL:')
+        initialAnswer:initial
+        okLabel:(resources string:'Insert')
+        title:(resources string:'URL').
+    url isNil ifTrue:[
+        "cancel"
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    response := HTTPInterface get:url.
+    response isErrorResponse ifTrue:[
+        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Could not fetch the document: %1' with:url).
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    text := response data asString.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ 
+            self paste:(asStringLiteral ifTrue:[text storeString] ifFalse:[text]) 
+        ]
+        info:'Insert Contents of URL'
+    "insert a new UUID's string"
+    typeOfSelection := nil.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ self pasteOrReplace:(UUID genUUID printString)]
+        info:'Paste New UUID'
+    "Created: / 28-07-2007 / 13:01:16 / cg"
+    "open a Dialog requesting an integer value and insert it as unicode character"
+    |unicodePoint unicodeChar unicodeString|
+    unicodeString := Dialog request:'Enter unicode (U+01FF or decimal number):'.
+    unicodeString size < 2 ifTrue:[
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (unicodeString second = $+ and:['Uu' includes:unicodeString first]) ifTrue:[
+        unicodePoint := Integer readFrom:(unicodeString copyFrom:3) radix:16 onError:[^ self].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        unicodePoint := Integer readFrom:unicodeString onError:[^ self].
+    ].
+    unicodeChar := Character value:unicodePoint.
+    self keyPress:unicodeChar x:0 y:0.
+    self keyRelease:unicodeChar x:0 y:0.
+    "insert the internal-spelling suggestion for the selected text.
+     Requires that the RefactoryBrowser/line/spelCheck stuff is loaded."
+    |text suggestions best|
+    self withWaitCursorDo:[
+        text := self selection asString string withoutSeparators.
+        text size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+        suggestions := RBSpellChecker default bestMatchesFor:text.
+        suggestions size == 0 ifTrue:[
+            self information:('No spelling suggestion from builtin checker for: ' , text).
+            Transcript showCR:('No spelling suggestion from builtin checker for: ' , text).
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        Transcript showCR:suggestions.
+        best := suggestions first.
+    ].
+    self 
+        undoablePaste:best 
+        info:'Spelling Suggestion'.
+    "open a fileBrowser on the given fileNameString"
+    |fn|
+    fn := fileNameString asFilename.
+    fn exists ifFalse:[
+        fn := fileNameString withoutSeparators withoutQuotes asFilename.
+        fn exists ifFalse:[
+            ^ self warn:'Oops - file is gone'.
+        ].
+    ].
+    UserPreferences fileBrowserClass openOn:fn
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2012 / 14:47:22 / cg"
+    "open a fileBrowser on the selected fileName"
+    |fileNameString|
+    fileNameString := self selectionAsString.
+    self openFileBrowserOnFileNamed:fileNameString
+    "Modified: / 06-09-2012 / 14:47:22 / cg"
+    "open a workspace containing the selected text"
+    |text|
+    text := self selectionAsString.
+    WorkspaceApplication openWith:text selected:true
+    "Created: / 26-05-2007 / 06:05:22 / cg"
+    "paste the copybuffer; if there is a selection, unselect first.
+     Then paste at cursor position."
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifTrue:[
+        self withSelfAndTextForPasteDo:[:me :text |
+            me unselect.
+            me undoablePaste:text
+        ]
+    ]
+    "paste someText at cursor"
+    self paste:someText withCR:false
+paste:someText withCR:withCR
+    "paste someText at cursor"
+    |s nLines startLine startCol l1 l2 c1 c2 codingErrorReported|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
+    someText isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    s := someText.
+    codingErrorReported := false.
+    CharacterEncoderError handle:[:ex |
+        |code msg|
+        code := ex parameter.
+        codingErrorReported ifFalse:[
+            msg := 'Cannot represent pasted string in this Views encoding (',gc characterEncoding,').'.
+            code notNil ifTrue:[
+                msg := msg , '\\Reason: No representation for ' , (code radixPrintStringRadix:16).
+            ].
+            Dialog warn:(resources stringWithCRs:msg).
+            codingErrorReported := true.
+        ].
+        ex proceedWith:ex defaultValue
+    ] do:[
+        s isString ifTrue:[
+            s encoding ~~ gc characterEncoding ifTrue:[
+                s := s encodeFrom:(s encoding) into:gc characterEncoding.
+            ].
+            s := s asStringCollection.
+            (someText endsWith:Character cr) ifTrue:[
+                "/ s := s copyWith:nil.
+                s := s copyWith:'' "/ an empty line at the end
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            s isStringCollection ifTrue:[
+                s := s encodeFrom:(s encoding) into:gc characterEncoding.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (self
+                    confirm:(resources
+                        stringWithCRs:'Selection (%1) is not convertable to Text.\\Paste storeString ?'
+                        with:s class name)) ifFalse:[^ self].
+                s := StringCollection with:s storeString .
+                "/ ^ self
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    (nLines := s size) == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
+    (nLines == 1 and:[(s at:1) size == 0]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    typeOfSelection := #paste.
+    startLine := l1 := cursorLine.
+    startCol := c1 := cursorCol.
+    "do not expand tabs into spaces here -
+     they get expanded in basicWithoutRedrawInsertStringWithoutCRs:aString atLine:lineNr col:colNr.
+     Some Subviews want to paste with unexpanded tabs!!"
+    self insertLines:s withCR:withCR.
+    l2 := cursorLine.
+    c2 := (cursorCol - 1).
+    self selectFromLine:l1 col:c1 toLine:l2 col:c2.
+    typeOfSelection := #paste. "/ sigh - cleared by #selectFromLine:
+    "Modified: / 14-02-1996 / 11:14:14 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 25-01-2012 / 00:31:30 / cg"
+    "insert clipboard string as a string literal.
+     Almost the same as a normal paste, but single-quotes are doubled,
+     to make it a legal string literal"
+    typeOfSelection := nil.
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ self pasteOrReplace:(self getClipboardText storeString) ]
+        info:'Paste as String Literal'
+    "paste the copybuffer; if there is a selection, replace it.
+     otherwise paste at cursor position.
+     Replace is not done for selections which were created by a paste,
+     to allow multiple paste operations in a row."
+    self withSelfAndTextForPasteDo:[:me :text | me pasteOrReplace:text]
+    "paste someText; if there is a selection, replace it.
+     otherwise paste at cursor position. Replace is not done
+     for originating by a paste, to allow multiple
+     paste."
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self undoableDo:[
+        ((self hasSelection == true) and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #paste]) ifTrue:[
+            self replace:someText
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self paste:someText.
+        ]
+    ] info:'Paste/Replace'.
+    "Modified: / 30.1.2000 / 02:33:00 / cg"
+    "paste a previous item from the copybuffer history.
+     (i.e. repaste some previously deleted or copied text)"
+    |text|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[
+        self flashReadOnly.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    text := self getTextSelectionFromHistory.
+    text notNil ifTrue:[
+        self pasteOrReplace:text
+    ]
+    "replace the selection by the contents of the copybuffer"
+    self hasSelection ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self withSelfAndTextForPasteDo:[:me :text |
+        me undoableDo:[ me replace:text ]
+        info:'Replace'
+    ]
+    "replace the selection by someText"
+    |selected selectedString
+     selStartLine selStartCol selEndLine selEndCol|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self undoableDo:[
+        selected := self selection.
+        selected isNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ self paste:someText
+        ].
+        self deleteSelection.
+        "take care, if we replace a selection without space by a word selected
+         with one - in this case we usually do not want the space.
+         But, if we replace a word-selected selection by something without a
+         space, we DO want the space added."
+        selected size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            selectedString := selected at:1.
+        ].
+        someText size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            |cutOffSpace addSpace replacement replacementString|
+            cutOffSpace := false.
+            addSpace := false.
+            replacement := someText copyFrom:1.
+            selectedString notNil ifTrue:[
+                ((selectedString startsWith:' ') or:[selectedString endsWith:' ']) ifFalse:[
+                   "selection has no space"
+                    ((selectStyle == #wordleft) or:[selectStyle == #wordRight]) ifTrue:[
+                        cutOffSpace := true
+                    ]
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    addSpace := true
+                ]
+            ].
+            replacementString := replacement at:1.
+            cutOffSpace ifTrue:[
+                (replacementString startsWith:' ') ifTrue:[
+                    replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                selectStyle == #wordLeft ifTrue:[
+                    "want a space at left"
+                    (replacementString startsWith:' ') ifFalse:[
+                        replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces.
+                        replacementString := ' ' , replacementString
+                    ]
+                ].
+                selectStyle == #wordRight ifTrue:[
+                    "want a space at right"
+                    (replacementString endsWith:' ') ifFalse:[
+                        replacementString := replacementString withoutSpaces.
+                        replacementString := replacementString , ' '
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+            replacement at:1 put: replacementString.
+            self paste:replacement.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self paste:someText
+        ].
+        self setLastStringToReplace: selectedString.
+        lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: someText.
+        selStartLine := selectionStartLine.
+        selStartCol := self selectionStartCol.
+        selEndLine := selectionEndLine.
+        selEndCol := self selectionEndCol.
+    ]
+    info:'Replace'
+    "Modified: / 14.2.1996 / 10:37:02 / stefan"
+    "Modified: / 5.4.1998 / 16:55:28 / cg"
+    "search for a string - show a box to enter searchpattern
+     replace for the found searchpattern or replace all searchpattern found to a new pattern - show  a box to enter replacepattern
+     - currently no regular expressions are handled."
+    |searchBox patternHolder replacePatternHolder caseHolder flag ign initialString bindings bldr search modal replace action|
+    modal := false "(UserPreferences current searchDialogIsModal)".
+    lastSearchDirection := #forward.
+    ign := lastSearchIgnoredCase ? LastSearchIgnoredCase ? true.
+    caseHolder := ign asValue.
+    patternHolder := '' asValue.
+    replacePatternHolder := '' asValue.
+    lastSearchPattern notNil ifTrue:[
+        initialString := lastSearchPattern
+    ].
+    self hasSelectionWithinSingleLine ifTrue:[
+        initialString := self selectionAsString
+    ].
+    initialString isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastSearchPatterns size > 0 ifTrue:[
+            initialString := LastSearchPatterns first
+        ]
+    ].
+    initialString notNil ifTrue:[
+        patternHolder value:initialString.
+        replacePatternHolder value:initialString.
+    ].
+    flag := true.
+    search := [:fwd |
+            self
+                search:patternHolder value
+                ignoreCase:caseHolder value
+                forward:fwd.
+        ].
+    replace := [:all |
+            self
+                replace:patternHolder value
+                by:replacePatternHolder value
+                all:all
+                ignoreCase:caseHolder value
+        ].
+    bindings := IdentityDictionary new.
+    bindings at:#searchPattern put:patternHolder.
+    bindings at:#replacePattern put:replacePatternHolder.
+    modal ifTrue:[
+        bindings at:#nextAction
+            put:[
+                flag := true.
+                action := search.
+                searchBox doAccept.
+            ].
+        bindings at:#prevAction
+            put:[
+                flag := false.
+                action := search.
+                searchBox doAccept.
+            ].
+        bindings at:#replaceAction
+            put:[
+                flag := false.
+                action := replace.
+                searchBox doAccept.
+            ].
+        bindings at:#replaceAllAction
+            put:[
+                flag := true.
+                action := replace.
+                searchBox doAccept.
+            ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        bindings at:#nextAction put:[ search value:true. ].
+        bindings at:#prevAction put:[ search value:false. ].
+        bindings at:#replaceAction put:[ replace value:false. ].
+        bindings at:#replaceAllAction put:[ replace value:true. ].
+    ].
+    bindings at:#ignoreCase put:caseHolder.
+    bindings at:#patternList put:LastSearchPatterns.
+    modal ifTrue:[
+        searchBox := SimpleDialog new.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        searchBox := ApplicationModel new.
+        searchBox createBuilder.
+    ].
+    searchBox resources:(self resources).
+    bldr := searchBox builder.
+    bldr addBindings:bindings.
+    searchBox allButOpenFrom:(self class searchReplaceDialogSpec).
+    (bldr componentAt:#nextButton) cursor:(Cursor thumbsUp).
+    (bldr componentAt:#prevButton) cursor:(Cursor thumbsUp).
+    (bldr componentAt:#cancelButton) cursor:(Cursor thumbsDown).
+    modal ifTrue:[
+        searchBox openDialog.
+        searchBox accepted ifTrue:[
+            action value:flag
+        ].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (bldr componentAt:#nextButton) isReturnButton:false.
+        (bldr componentAt:#cancelButton)
+            label:(resources string:'Close');
+            action:[ searchBox closeRequest ].
+        "/ searchBox masterApplication:self application.
+        self topView beMaster.
+        (searchBox window)
+            beSlave;
+            openInGroup:(self windowGroup).
+        "/ searchBox window open.
+        searchBox window assignKeyboardFocusToFirstInputField.
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 11-07-2006 / 11:20:06 / fm"
+    "open a readonly editor on all deleted text"
+    |v|
+    v := EditTextView openWith:(Smalltalk at:#DeleteHistory).
+    v readOnly:true.
+    v topView label:'deleted text'.
+sort:how ignoreCase:ignoreCase fromLine:start toLine:end
+    "sort/reorder the selected lines.
+     how:
+        #lines
+        #linesByFirstWord
+        #linesByNthWord
+        #linesByNthNumber
+        #linesByNthHexNumber
+        #words
+        #linesByLength
+        #reverse
+    "
+    |lines extractor innerExtractor fetcher operation lineWise nStr n s words|
+    lineWise := true.
+    how == #reverse ifTrue:[
+        operation := [:lines | lines reverse].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        operation := [:linesOrWords |
+                        linesOrWords sort:[:item1 :item2 | (fetcher value:item1) < (fetcher value:item2)]
+                     ].
+        how == #linesByLength ifTrue:[
+            fetcher := [:l | l size].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            how == #lines ifTrue:[
+                extractor := [:l | l withoutLeadingSeparators].
+            ] ifFalse:[ 
+                how == #linesByFirstWord ifTrue:[
+                    extractor := [:l | ((l asCollectionOfWords select:[:w | w isEmpty or:[w first isLetterOrDigit]]) at:1 ifAbsent:'')].
+                ] ifFalse:[ 
+                    ((how == #linesByNthWord) or:[ how == #linesByNthNumber  or:[ how == #linesByNthHexNumber]]) ifTrue:[
+                        nStr := Dialog request:'Word/Column (1..)' initialAnswer:(LastColumnNumberForSort ? 2).
+                        nStr isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+                        n := Integer readFrom:nStr onError:[^ self].
+                        LastColumnNumberForSort := n.
+                        extractor := [:l | ((l string asCollectionOfWords) at:n ifAbsent:'')].
+                        how == #linesByNthNumber ifTrue:[
+                            innerExtractor := extractor.
+                            extractor := [:l | Integer readFrom:(innerExtractor value:l) onError:0]
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            how == #linesByNthHexNumber ifTrue:[
+                                innerExtractor := extractor.
+                                extractor := [:l | 
+                                    |s|                                 
+                                    s := innerExtractor value:l.
+                                    (s startsWith:'16r') ifTrue:[
+                                        (Integer readSmalltalkSyntaxFrom:s) ? 0
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        Integer readFrom:s radix:16 onError:[ 0 ]
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                    ] ifFalse:[ 
+                        how == #words ifTrue:[
+                            lineWise := false.
+                            extractor := [:w | w].
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            self error:'unknown sort criteria: ', how printString.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+            ignoreCase ifTrue:[
+                fetcher := [:l | (extractor value:l) asLowercase].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                fetcher := extractor.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    lineWise ifTrue:[
+        "process the lines of the selection (aka a collection of lines)"
+        start == end ifTrue:[^ self ].
+        lines := (start to:end) collect:[:lineNr | (self listAt:lineNr) ? ''].
+        lines := operation value:lines.
+        (start to:end) with:lines do:[:lineNr :line | self replaceLine:lineNr with:line].
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "process the whole selection as a string"
+        s := self selectionAsString.
+        words := s asCollectionOfWords.
+        words := operation value:words.
+        s := words asStringCollection asStringWith:Character space.
+        self replace:s.
+    ].
+    self textChanged.
+    "Modified: / 31-03-2012 / 10:59:28 / cg"
+sortSelection:how ignoreCase:ignoreCase
+    "sort the selected lines"
+    |start end|
+    selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    start := selectionStartLine.
+    end := selectionEndLine.
+    (selectionEndCol == 0) ifTrue:[
+        end := end - 1
+    ].
+    self
+        undoableDo:[ 
+            self sort:how ignoreCase:ignoreCase fromLine:start toLine:end 
+        ]
+        info:'Sort'
+    "Modified (format): / 15-02-2012 / 16:52:53 / cg"
+    CharacterSetView
+        openAsInputFor:self
+        label:'Special Character Input'
+        clickLabel:'Click to Insert Character'.
+    self undoablePaste:someText info:nil.
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:25:46 / cg"
+undoablePaste:someText info:infoOrNil
+    self
+        undoableDo:[
+            self paste:someText.
+        ]
+        info:infoOrNil
+    "Created: / 28-07-2007 / 13:25:30 / cg"
+undoablePasteOrReplace:someText info:infoOrNil
+    self
+        undoableDo:[
+            self pasteOrReplace:someText.
+        ]
+        info:infoOrNil
+    "Created: / 28-07-2007 / 13:26:16 / cg"
+undoablePasteReplacingAll:someText info:infoOrNil
+    self
+        undoableDo:[
+            self selectAll.
+            self pasteOrReplace:someText.
+        ]
+        info:infoOrNil
+    "Created: / 28-07-2007 / 13:25:30 / cg"
+    "common code for paste/replace of the copybuffer"
+    |sel|
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[
+        self flashReadOnly.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    sel := self getTextSelectionOrTextSelectionFromHistory.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        aBlock value:self value:sel.
+    ]
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'private'!
+    UserPreferences current beepInEditor ifTrue:[                
+        super beep
+    ]
+    "check if the text can be modified (i.e. is not readOnly).
+     evaluate the exceptionBlock if not.
+     This block should be provided by the application or user of the textView,
+     and may show a warnBox or whatever."
+    self isReadOnly ifTrue: [
+        exceptionBlock isNil ifTrue:[
+            ^ false
+        ].
+        (exceptionBlock value:'Text may not be modified') ~~ true ifTrue:[
+            ^ false
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ true
+    "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 15:51:10 / cg"
+    typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
+        ^ DefaultAlternativeSelectionBackgroundColor ? selectionBgColor
+    ].
+    ^ super currentSelectionBgColor
+    "
+     DefaultAlternativeSelectionBackgroundColor := Color yellow blendWith:Color green
+    "
+    typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
+        ^ DefaultAlternativeSelectionForegroundColor ? selectionFgColor
+    ].
+    ^ super currentSelectionFgColor
+    "clear the autosearch action, when the first pattern is searched for"
+    super resetVariablesBeforeNewSearch.
+    "/ new search invalidates remembered string
+    lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch := nil.
+    "Modified (comment): / 07-03-2012 / 23:21:06 / cg"
+setLastStringToReplace: aString
+    "This method will set the information coming from the last replace into the replacementInfo"
+    |lastReplaceIgnoredCase|
+    "/ The searchAction is mantained until a cut/replace or a search with a user selection is done
+    self clearSearchAction.
+    lastReplacementInfo lastStringToReplace: aString.
+    lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch := aString.
+    "If the replace came after a search, the next replace will have the ignored case from that search action"
+    lastReplaceIgnoredCase := (typeOfSelection == #search) 
+                                ifTrue: [lastSearchIgnoredCase] 
+                                ifFalse: [nil].
+    lastReplacementInfo lastReplaceIgnoredCase: lastReplaceIgnoredCase.
+    ^ st80Mode ? (UserPreferences current st80EditMode)
+    "selection is shown without emphasis"
+    ^ true
+    "my text was modified (internally).
+     Sent whenever text has been edited (not to confuse with
+     contentsChanged, which is triggered when the size has changed, and
+     is used to notify scrollers, other views etc.).
+     As some authors of this code have been very sloppy in tha past 
+     (not sending contentsChanged, but textChanged),
+     we do it here despite what is written above, to ensure that scrollers update correctly."
+    self contentsChanged.
+    self modified:true.
+    contentsWasSaved := false
+    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:58:38 / cg"
+    "my text was modified (internally).
+     Sent whenever text has been edited (not to confuse with
+     contentsChanged, which is triggered when the size has changed, and
+     is used to notify scrollers, other views etc.)"
+    self modified:true.
+    contentsWasSaved := false
+    "Modified: 14.2.1997 / 16:58:38 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "the current line (for relative gotos)"
+    ^ cursorLine
+    "Created: / 17.5.1998 / 20:07:52 / cg"
+    ^ typeOfSelection == #searchAction
+    "return true, if the receiver is a keyboard consumer;
+     Return true here, redefined from SimpleView."
+    ^ self isReadOnly not
+    "redefined, since the name of my specClass is nonStandard (i.e. not EditTextSpec)"
+    self class == EditTextView ifTrue:[^ TextEditorSpec].
+    ^ super specClass
+    "Modified: / 31.10.1997 / 19:48:19 / cg"
+    "return true, if a Tab character should shift focus."
+    "if not readOnly, I want my tab keys ..."
+    ^ self isReadOnly or:[tabMeansNextField]
+    "Created: 7.2.1996 / 19:15:31 / cg"
+    "return the width of the contents in pixels
+     Redefined to add the size of a space (for the cursor).
+     this enables us to scroll one position further than the longest
+     line (and possibly see the cursor behind the line)"
+    |w dev|
+    w := super widthOfContents.
+    (dev := self graphicsDevice ) isNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ really don't know ...
+        dev := Screen current
+    ].
+    ^ w + (gc font widthOn:dev)
+    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 19:32:25 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'realization'!
+    "make the view visible - scroll to make the cursor visible."
+    super realize.
+    self makeCursorVisible.
+    cursorFgColor := cursorFgColor onDevice:self graphicsDevice.
+    cursorBgColor := cursorBgColor onDevice:self graphicsDevice.
+    "Modified: 20.12.1996 / 14:16:05 / cg"
+    "Created: 24.7.1997 / 18:24:12 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'redrawing'!
+redrawCursorIfBetweenVisibleLine:startVisLine and:endVisLine
+    "redraw the cursor, if it sits in a line range"
+    cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        cursorVisibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            (cursorVisibleLine between:startVisLine and:endVisLine) ifTrue:[
+                self drawCursorCharacter
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+    "redraw the cursor, if it sits in visible line"
+    cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        (visLine == cursorVisibleLine) ifTrue:[
+            self drawCursorCharacter
+        ]
+    ]
+redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLine to:endVisLine
+    "redraw a visible line range"
+    super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLine to:endVisLine.
+    self redrawCursorIfBetweenVisibleLine:startVisLine and:endVisLine
+    "redraw a visible line"
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine.
+    self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
+redrawVisibleLine:visLine col:colNr
+    "redraw the single character in visibleline at colNr"
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine col:colNr.
+    cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        (visLine == cursorVisibleLine) ifTrue:[
+            (colNr == cursorCol) ifTrue:[
+                self drawCursorCharacter.
+                ^ self
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 05-11-2007 / 17:35:53 / cg"
+redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol
+    "redraw a visible line from startCol to the end of line"
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol.
+    cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
+    ]
+redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol to:endCol
+    "redraw a visible line from startCol to endCol"
+    super redrawVisibleLine:visLine from:startCol to:endCol.
+    self redrawCursorIfInVisibleLine:visLine
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'scrolling'!
+    "return the number of pixels by which we may scroll more than the actual
+     width of the document would allow.
+     This is redefined by editable textViews, to allo for the cursor
+     to be visible if it is positioned right behind the longest line of text.
+     The default returned here is 10 pixels, which should be ok for most cursors"
+    ^ 10 max:gc font width
+    "half a page down - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
+     within the real text  "
+    |prevCursorLine|
+    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
+    super halfPageDown.
+    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "half a page up - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
+     within the real text  "
+    |prevCursorLine|
+    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
+    super halfPageUp.
+    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "sent after scrolling - have to show the cursor if it was on before"
+    super originChanged:delta.
+    "
+     should we move the cursor with the scroll - or leave it ?
+    "
+    self updateCursorVisibleLine.
+    prevCursorState ifTrue:[
+        self showCursor
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 17.6.1998 / 16:13:24 / cg"
+    "sent before scrolling - have to hide the cursor"
+    prevCursorState := cursorShown.
+    "/ cursorShown := false.
+    cursorShown ifTrue:[
+        self hideCursor
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 6.7.1998 / 13:07:23 / cg"
+    "page down - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
+     within the real text  "
+    |prevCursorLine|
+    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
+    super pageDown.
+    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "page up - to keep cursor on same visible line, it has to be moved
+     within the real text  "
+    |prevCursorLine|
+    prevCursorLine := cursorVisibleLine.
+    super pageUp.
+    self cursorVisibleLine:prevCursorLine col:cursorCol
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'searching'!
+searchBwd:pattern ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a backward search"
+    self searchBwd:pattern ignoreCase:false ifAbsent:aBlock
+searchBwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a backward search"
+    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    super searchBwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign ifAbsent:aBlock
+searchBwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a backward search"
+    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self
+        searchBackwardFor:pattern
+        ignoreCase:ign
+        startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
+        ifFound:[:line :col |
+            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorLine:line col:col.
+            ].
+            self showMatch:pattern isMatch:false atLine:line col:col.
+"/            self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
+            typeOfSelection := #search]
+        ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 13:02:13 / cg"
+    "select characters enclosed by matching parenthesis if one is under cusor"
+    self searchForAndSelectMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "search for a matching parenthesis starting at cursor position.
+     Search for the corresponding character is done forward if its an opening,
+     backwards if its a closing parenthesis.
+     Positions the cursor if found, peeps if not"
+    self cursorMovementAllowed ifFalse:[^ self].
+    self
+        searchForMatchingParenthesisFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
+        ifFound:[:line :col | self cursorLine:line col:col]
+        ifNotFound:[self showNotFound]
+        onError:[self beep]
+    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:56:30 / cg"
+searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign match: match startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a forward search"
+    cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    self 
+        searchForwardFor:pattern 
+        ignoreCase:ign
+        match: match
+        startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
+        ifFound:[:line :col |
+            self cursorMovementAllowed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorLine:line col:col.
+            ].
+            self showMatch:pattern isMatch:match atLine:line col:col.
+"/            self makeLineVisible:cursorLine
+            typeOfSelection := #search
+        ]
+        ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "Modified: 9.10.1997 / 12:57:47 / cg"
+    "Created: 9.10.1997 / 13:01:12 / cg"
+searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a forward search"
+    self searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:ign match: false startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+searchFwd:pattern startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "do a forward search"
+    self searchFwd:pattern ignoreCase:false startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifAbsent:aBlock
+    "Returns the next searchPattern from the user selection or from the autoSearch"
+    |searchPattern|
+    searchPattern := self searchPatternFromUserSelectionOrReplace.
+    searchPattern isNil 
+        ifTrue: [searchPattern := lastSearchPattern]
+        ifFalse: [lastSearchPattern := searchPattern].
+    ^ searchPattern
+setSearchPatternWithMatchEscapes: match
+    "set the searchpattern from the selection if there is one, and position
+     cursor to start of pattern"
+    |sel|
+    "/
+    "/ if the last operation was a replace, set pattern to last
+    "/ original string (for search after again)
+    "/ for cut or delete actions allow lastReplacement with nil
+    "/
+"/    (lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch notNil
+"/     and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #search]) ifTrue:[
+"/        lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch isString ifTrue:[
+"/            lastSearchPattern := lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch.
+"/        ] ifFalse:[
+"/            lastSearchPattern := lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch asStringWithoutFinalCR.
+"/        ].
+"/        ^ self
+"/    ].
+    "/
+    "/ if there is a selection:
+    "/    if there was no previous search, take it as search pattern.
+    "/    if there was a previous search, only take the selection if
+    "/    it did not result from a paste or from the last search itself.
+    "/    (to allow search-paste to be repeated)
+    "/
+    sel := self selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        (lastSearchPattern isNil
+        or:[typeOfSelection ~~ #paste and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #search]]
+        ) ifTrue:[
+            self cursorLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
+            lastSearchPattern := sel asStringWithoutFinalCR.
+            match ifTrue:[lastSearchPattern := lastSearchPattern withMatchEscapes].
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Modified: / 07-05-2011 / 17:25:59 / cg"
+showMatch:pattern isMatch:isMatch atLine:line col:col
+    super showMatch:pattern isMatch:isMatch atLine:line col:col.
+    typeOfSelection := #search.
+    ^ self startPositionForSearchBackwardBasedOnCursorOrSelection
+    |startLine startCol|
+    selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        startLine := selectionStartLine.
+        startCol := selectionStartCol
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorLine isNil ifTrue:[
+            startLine := list size.
+            startCol := self listAt:startLine size.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            startLine := cursorLine min:list size.
+            startCol := cursorCol
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ startCol @ cursorLine
+    ^ self startPositionForSearchForwardBasedOnCursorOrSelection
+    |startCol|
+    "/ if there is no selection and the cursor is at the origin,
+    "/ assume its the first search and do not skip the very first match
+    startCol := cursorCol.
+    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+        ^ selectionEndCol @ selectionEndLine.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (cursorLine == 1 and:[cursorCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
+            startCol := 0
+        ].
+        startCol := startCol min:(self at:cursorLine) size
+    ].
+    ^ startCol @ cursorLine
+    "Modified (format): / 24-05-2012 / 13:58:37 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'selections'!
+    "Pokud existuje selekce, upravi ji
+     podle aktualni pozice kurzoru a pozice
+     po provedeni blocku.
+     Urceno k implementaci Shift-Home a Shift-End
+     Nejak nevim, jak to presneji popsat :-)"
+    |startLine startCol endLine endCol |
+    self hasSelection ifTrue: [
+        startLine := selectionStartLine .
+        startCol := selectionStartCol .
+        endLine := selectionEndLine .
+        endCol := selectionEndCol .
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        startLine := endLine :=  cursorLine .
+        startCol := endCol := cursorCol .
+    ].
+    "deselectim a provedu presun kurzoru..."
+    self unselect .
+    aBlock value .
+    "funguje dost mizerne, jen na jednom radku..."
+    (startCol - cursorCol) abs <= (endCol - cursorCol) abs
+        ifTrue: [
+            startCol := cursorCol.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            endCol := cursorCol - 1.
+        ].
+    self selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine: endLine col:endCol .
+    "return true, if the cursor should be automatically moved to the
+     end of a selection.
+     Redefined to return false in terminalViews, where the cursor should
+     not be affected by selecting"
+    ^ true
+    typeOfSelection ~~ newType ifTrue:[
+        typeOfSelection := newType.
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            self
+                redrawFromLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol
+                toLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol
+        ].
+    ].
+    |selStartCol selStartLine selEndCol selEndLine|
+    selectionStartCol isNil ifTrue:[
+        self selectWordUnderCursor.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    selStartCol := selectionStartCol.
+    selEndCol := selectionEndCol.
+    selStartLine := selectionStartLine.
+    selEndLine := selectionEndLine.
+    self cursorToNextWord.
+    self selectWordUnderCursor.
+    self selectFromLine:selStartLine col:selStartCol toLine:selectionEndLine col:selectionEndCol.
+    |sel searchPattern|
+    "/
+    "/ if the last operation was a replace, set pattern to last
+    "/ original string (for search after again)
+    "/
+    (lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch notNil
+     and:[typeOfSelection ~~ #search]) ifTrue:[
+        lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch isString ifTrue:[
+            searchPattern := lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            searchPattern := lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch asStringWithoutFinalCR.
+        ].
+        ^ searchPattern
+    ].
+    "/
+    "/ if there is a selection:
+    "/    if there was no previous search, take it as search pattern.
+    "/    if there was a previous search, only take the selection if
+    "/    it did not result from a paste.
+    "/    (to allow search-paste to be repeated)
+    "/
+    sel := self selection.
+    sel notNil ifTrue:[
+        typeOfSelection ~~ #search ifTrue:[
+            typeOfSelection ~~ #paste ifTrue:[
+                self cursorLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol.
+                searchPattern := sel asStringWithoutFinalCR.
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ searchPattern
+    "select the whole text.
+     redefined to send super selectFrom... since we dont want the
+     cursor to be moved in this case."
+    list isNil ifTrue:[
+        self unselect
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super selectFromLine:1 col:1 toLine:(list size + 1) col:0.
+        typeOfSelection := nil
+    ]
+    "Modified: 28.2.1997 / 19:14:54 / cg"
+    "select the whole text. This is called only once during the initialization
+     for editFields which are shown in a table or tree.
+     The selectAll is called via this method to allow for easier redefinition and
+     to distinguish auto-select from user-initiated selects."
+    self selectAll
+    "select cursorline"
+    self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:1 toLine:cursorLine+1 col:0
+    "select cursorline up to cursor position"
+    cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+        self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:1
+                     toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol-1)
+    ]
+    "Modified: 16.8.1996 / 19:14:14 / cg"
+    "expand selection by one line or select cursorline"
+    selectionStartLine isNil ifTrue:[
+        self selectCursorLine
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self selectFromLine:selectionStartLine col:selectionStartCol
+                     toLine:cursorLine+1 col:0.
+        self makeLineVisible:selectionEndLine
+    ]
+    "select the text from the beginning of the current line to the current cursor position."
+    | newCursorCol ln |
+    list isNil ifTrue:[
+        self unselect
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorCol > 1 ifTrue:[
+            ln := list at: cursorLine.
+            newCursorCol := ln notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ln indexOfNonSeparator] ifFalse:[1].
+            self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:newCursorCol toLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol-1.
+            cursorCol := newCursorCol.
+            typeOfSelection := nil
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 22:47:04 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 18-07-2012 / 17:00:26 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    "select the text from the beginning to the current cursor position."
+    |col|
+    list isNil ifTrue:[
+        self unselect
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorCol == 0 ifTrue:[
+            col := 0
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            col := cursorCol - 1
+        ].
+        super selectFromLine:1 col:1 toLine:cursorLine col:col.
+        typeOfSelection := nil
+    ]
+selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol
+    "when a range is selected, position the cursor behind the selection
+     for easier editing. Also typeOfSelection is nilled here."
+    super selectFromLine:startLine col:startCol toLine:endLine col:endCol.
+    (selectionEndLine notNil and:[self autoMoveCursorToEndOfSelection]) ifTrue:[
+        self cursorLine:selectionEndLine col:(selectionEndCol + 1).
+    ].
+    typeOfSelection := nil
+    "select the text from the current cursor position to the end of the current line"
+    | newCursorCol line |
+    list isNil ifTrue:[
+        self unselect
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        cursorCol >= 1 ifTrue:[
+            line := list at: cursorLine.
+            newCursorCol := line size.
+            [ newCursorCol > 1 and:[(line at:newCursorCol) isSeparator] ]      
+                whileTrue:[newCursorCol := newCursorCol - 1].
+            self selectFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol toLine:cursorLine col: newCursorCol.
+            cursorCol := newCursorCol.
+            typeOfSelection := nil
+        ]
+    ]
+    "Created: / 28-06-2011 / 23:07:07 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 30-06-2011 / 19:51:21 / Jan Vrany <jan.vrany@fit.cvut.cz>"
+    "select the text from the current cursor position to the end."
+    list isNil ifTrue:[
+        self unselect
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super selectFromLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol toLine:(list size + 1) col:0.
+        typeOfSelection := nil
+    ]
+    "select the word under the cursor"
+    self selectWordAtLine:cursorLine col:cursorCol
+    "forget and unhilight selection - must take care of cursor here"
+    |wasOn|
+    wasOn := self hideCursor.
+    super unselect.
+    typeOfSelection := nil.
+    wasOn ifTrue:[self showCursor]
+! !
+!EditTextView methodsFor:'undo & again'!
+    ^ undoSupport addUndo:action.
+    "repeat the last action (which was a cut or replace).
+     If current selection is not last string, search forward to
+     next occurrence of it before repeating the last operation."
+    |s l c sel savedSelectStyle startColForSearch 
+     lastStringToReplace lastReplaceIgnoredCase lastReplaceWasMatch|
+    lastStringToReplace := lastReplacementInfo lastStringToReplace.
+    lastStringToReplace isNil ifTrue:[
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    lastReplaceIgnoredCase := lastReplacementInfo lastReplaceIgnoredCase.
+    lastReplaceWasMatch := lastReplacementInfo lastReplaceWasMatch.
+    self undoableDo:[
+        s := lastStringToReplace asString.
+        "remove final cr"
+        (s endsWith:Character cr) ifTrue:[s := s copyButLast:1].
+    "/        s := s withoutSpaces.        "XXX - replacing text with spaces ..."
+        "set lastStringToReplace as the next search string 
+         and set lastReplaceIgnoredCase as the next search ignored case flag"
+        lastStringFromReplaceForNextSearch := s.
+        lastSearchIgnoredCase := lastReplaceIgnoredCase.
+        savedSelectStyle := selectStyle.
+        selectStyle := nil.
+        sel := self selection.
+        "if we are already there (after a find), ommit search"
+        (sel notNil and:[sel asString withoutSeparators = s]) ifTrue:[
+            l := selectionStartLine "cursorLine".
+            c := selectionStartCol "cursorCol".
+            self deleteSelection.
+            lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
+                self insertLines:lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement asStringCollection withCR:false.
+                self selectFromLine:l col:c toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1).
+                typeOfSelection := #paste
+            ].
+            selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
+            ^ true
+        ].
+        sel isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+            startColForSearch := cursorCol - 1
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            startColForSearch := selectionEndCol ? (cursorCol - 1)
+        ].
+        self 
+            searchForwardFor:s
+            ignoreCase: lastReplaceIgnoredCase 
+            match: lastReplaceWasMatch 
+            startingAtLine:cursorLine col:startColForSearch
+            ifFound:
+                [
+                    :line :col |
+                    |repl|
+                    self selectFromLine:line col:col
+                                 toLine:line col:(col + s size - 1).
+                    self makeLineVisible:line.
+                    self deleteSelection.
+                    lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement notNil ifTrue:[
+                        lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement isString ifFalse:[
+                            repl := lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement asString "withoutSpaces"
+                        ] ifTrue:[
+                            repl := lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement "withoutSpaces".
+                        ].
+                        self insertLines:repl asStringCollection withCR:false.
+                        self selectFromLine:line col:col toLine:cursorLine col:(cursorCol - 1).
+                        undoSupport actionInfo:'replace'.
+                    ].
+                    selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
+                    typeOfSelection := #paste.
+                    ^ true
+                ]
+            ifAbsent:
+                [
+                    self sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:#Again.
+                    self showNotFound.
+                    selectStyle := savedSelectStyle.
+                    ^ false
+                ].
+    ].
+    ^ true.
+    "Modified: 9.10.1996 / 16:14:11 / cg"
+    ^ undoSupport hasRedoAction.
+    ^ undoSupport hasUndoAction.
+    "repeat the last action (which was a cut or replace) until search fails"
+    [self again] whileTrue:[]
+    undoSupport nonUndoableDo:aBlock.
+    "undo the last undo"
+    undoSupport hasRedoAction ifFalse:[
+        self beep
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        undoSupport redo.
+    ]
+    "undo the last edit operation"
+    undoSupport hasUndoAction ifFalse:[
+        self beep
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        undoSupport undo.
+    ]
+    self undoableDo:aBlock info:nil.
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:20:14 / cg"
+undoableDo:aBlock info:aString
+    self checkModificationsAllowed ifFalse:[
+        "/ will trigger an error-dialog there (no need for undo-carekeeping)
+        aBlock value.
+    ] ifTrue:[
+        undoSupport undoableDo:aBlock info:aString.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 28-07-2007 / 13:21:00 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditAction class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+line1:arg1 col1:arg2 line2:arg3 col2:arg4
+    ^ self new line1:arg1 col1:arg2 line2:arg3 col2:arg4
+line1:arg1 col1:arg2 line2:arg3 col2:arg4 info:info
+    ^ (self new line1:arg1 col1:arg2 line2:arg3 col2:arg4) info:info
+line:arg1 col:arg2 character:arg3
+    ^ self new line:arg1 col:arg2 character:arg3
+line:arg1 col:arg2 character:arg3 info:info
+    ^ (self new line:arg1 col:arg2 character:arg3) info:info
+line:arg1 col:arg2 characters:arg3 info:info
+    ^ (self new line:arg1 col:arg2 characters:arg3) info:info
+line:arg1 col:arg2 info:arg3
+    ^ self new line:arg1 col:arg2 info:arg3
+line:arg1 col:arg2 string:arg3
+    ^ self new line:arg1 col:arg2 string:arg3
+line:arg1 col:arg2 string:arg3 info:info
+    ^ (self new line:arg1 col:arg2 string:arg3) info:info
+line:arg1 string:arg3 info:info
+    ^ (self new line:arg1 string:arg3) info:info
+text:arg info:info
+    ^ (self new text:arg) info:info
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditAction methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ userFriendlyInfo
+    userFriendlyInfo := aString
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditAction methodsFor:'combining'!
+canCombineWithPreviousPasteStringAction: aPasteStringAction
+    ^ false.
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:16:25 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditAction methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ false
+! !
+!EditTextView::DeleteRange methodsFor:'accessing'!
+line1:line1Arg col1:col1Arg line2:line2Arg col2:col2Arg
+    "set instance variables (automatically generated)"
+    self assert:(line1Arg notNil).
+    self assert:(col1Arg notNil).
+    self assert:(line2Arg notNil).
+    self assert:(col2Arg notNil).
+    line1 := line1Arg.
+    col1 := col1Arg.
+    line2 := line2Arg.
+    col2 := col2Arg.
+! !
+!EditTextView::DeleteRange methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor unselect.
+    editor
+        deleteFromLine:line1
+        col:col1
+        toLine:line2
+        col:col2.
+    editor cursorLine:line1 col:col1.
+! !
+!EditTextView::DeleteCharacters methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ col1
+    ^ col2
+    ^ line
+line:lineArg col1:col1Arg col2:col2Arg
+    "set instance variables (automatically generated)"
+    self assert:(lineArg notNil).
+    self assert:(col1Arg notNil).
+    self assert:(col2Arg notNil).
+    line := lineArg.
+    col1 := col1Arg.
+    col2 := col2Arg.
+line:lineArg col:colArg info:infoArg
+    self assert:(lineArg notNil).
+    self assert:(colArg notNil).
+    line := lineArg.
+    col1 := col2 := colArg.
+    self info:infoArg.
+! !
+!EditTextView::DeleteCharacters methodsFor:'combining'!
+    ^ anotherAction perform:#canCombineWithPreviousDeleteCharactersAction: with:self ifNotUnderstood:false
+    "I will combine only if we both are single character deletes,
+     and my col-to-delete is the next after anotherDeleteActions col-to-delete.
+     (i.e. single-character typing)"
+    previousDeleteAction line == line ifTrue:[
+        previousDeleteAction col2 == (col1-1) ifTrue:[
+            ^ true
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    self assert:(line == nextDeleteAction line).
+    self assert:(col2 == (nextDeleteAction col1 - 1)).
+    col2 := nextDeleteAction col2.
+    userFriendlyInfo := 'insert ' , (col2 - col1 + 1) printString
+! !
+!EditTextView::DeleteCharacters methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor unselect.
+    editor
+        deleteFromLine:line
+        col:col1
+        toLine:line
+        col:col2.
+    editor cursorLine:line col:col1.
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode class methodsFor:'constants'!
+    ^ InsertAndSelectMode
+    ^ InsertMode
+    ^ OverwriteMode
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ false
+    ^ false
+    self subclassResponsibility
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode::InsertAndSelectMode class methodsFor:'info'!
+    ^ 'IS'
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode::InsertAndSelectMode class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ true
+    ^ true
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode::InsertMode class methodsFor:'info'!
+    ^ 'I'
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode::InsertMode class methodsFor:'queries'!
+    ^ true
+! !
+!EditTextView::EditMode::OverwriteMode class methodsFor:'info'!
+    ^ 'O'
+! !
+!EditTextView::LastReplacementInfo methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ lastReplaceIgnoredCase ? false
+    lastReplaceIgnoredCase := something.
+    ^ lastReplaceWasMatch ? false
+    lastReplaceWasMatch := something.
+    ^ lastReplacement
+"/Transcript showCR: 'lastReplacement:', something printString.
+    lastReplacement := something.
+    ^ lastStringToReplace
+    lastStringToReplace := something.
+    ^ previousReplacements ? #()
+    ^ stillCollectingInput
+    stillCollectingInput := aBoolean.
+! !
+!EditTextView::LastReplacementInfo methodsFor:'history'!
+    "remember the previous replacement (called when a new one appears).
+     Mostly for the benefit of the code completion..."
+    |oldString newString|
+    oldString := lastStringToReplace.
+    newString := lastReplacement.
+    (oldString notEmptyOrNil and:[newString notEmptyOrNil]) ifTrue:[
+        previousReplacements isNil ifTrue:[
+            previousReplacements := OrderedCollection new.
+        ].
+        previousReplacements := previousReplacements reject:[:entry | entry key = oldString].
+        previousReplacements addFirst:(oldString -> newString).
+        previousReplacements size > 20 ifTrue:[
+            previousReplacements removeLast.
+        ]
+    ].
+! !
+!EditTextView::PasteString methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ col
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:19:59 / cg"
+    ^ col + string size - 1
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:20:18 / cg"
+    ^ line
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:21:08 / cg"
+line:lineArg col:colArg string:stringArg
+    self assert:(lineArg notNil).
+    self assert:(colArg notNil).
+    self assert:(stringArg notNil).
+    line := lineArg.
+    col := colArg.
+    string := stringArg.
+line:lineArg col:colArg string:stringArg selected:selectedArg
+    self assert:(lineArg notNil).
+    self assert:(colArg notNil).
+    self assert:(stringArg notNil).
+    line := lineArg.
+    col := colArg.
+    string := stringArg.
+    selected := selectedArg.
+    ^ string
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:25:59 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView::PasteString methodsFor:'combining'!
+    ^ anotherAction canCombineWithPreviousPasteStringAction:self
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:15:59 / cg"
+canCombineWithPreviousPasteStringAction: previousPasteAction
+    "I will combine only if we both are single character inserts,
+     and my col-to-insert is the next after anotherInsertActions end-col.
+     (i.e. single-character deletes)"
+    previousPasteAction line == line ifTrue:[
+        previousPasteAction col == (self col2+1) ifTrue:[
+            ^ true
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "Modified: / 25-09-2006 / 12:22:21 / cg"
+    |s1 s2|
+    self assert:(line == nextPasteAction line).
+    self assert:((col - 1) == (nextPasteAction col2)).
+    s1 := nextPasteAction string.
+    s1 isString ifFalse:[s1 := s1 asStringWith:nil].
+    s2 := string.
+    s2 isString ifFalse:[s2 := s2 asStringWith:nil].
+    string := s1, s2.
+    col := nextPasteAction col.
+    userFriendlyInfo := 'delete ' , string size printString
+    "Created: / 25-09-2006 / 12:24:10 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView::PasteString methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor cursorLine:line col:col.
+    editor paste:string.
+    selected ~~ true ifTrue:[
+        editor unselect
+    ].
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceCharacter methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ col
+    ^ col
+    ^ col
+    ^ line
+line:lineArg col:colArg character:characterArg
+    line := lineArg.
+    col := colArg.
+    character := characterArg.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceCharacter methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor
+        replace:character
+        atLine:line
+        col:col.
+    editor cursorLine:line col:col.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceCharacters methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    ^ characters
+    ^ col1
+    ^ col2
+    ^ line
+line:lineArg col:colArg character:characterArg
+    line := lineArg.
+    col1 := col2 := colArg.
+    characters := characterArg asString.
+line:lineArg col:colArg characters:charactersArg
+    line := lineArg.
+    col1 := colArg.
+    characters := charactersArg asString.
+    col2 := col1 + charactersArg size - 1
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceCharacters methodsFor:'combining'!
+    ^ anotherAction perform:#canCombineWithPreviousReplaceCharactersAction: with:self ifNotUnderstood:false
+    "I will combine only if we both are single character deletes,
+     and my col-to-delete is the next after anotherDeleteActions col-to-delete.
+     (i.e. single-character typing)"
+    previousReplaceAction line == line ifTrue:[
+        previousReplaceAction col2 == (col1-1) ifTrue:[
+            ^ true
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    self assert:(line == nextReplaceAction line).
+    self assert:(self col2 == (nextReplaceAction col1 - 1)).
+    col2 := nextReplaceAction col2.
+    userFriendlyInfo := 'replace ' , (col2 - col1 + 1) printString.
+    characters := characters , nextReplaceAction characters.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceCharacters methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor
+        replaceString:characters
+        atLine:line
+        col:col1.
+    editor cursorLine:line col:col1.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceContents methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    text := something.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceContents methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor contents:text
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceLine methodsFor:'accessing'!
+line:lineArg string:stringArg
+    line := lineArg.
+    text := stringArg.
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceLine methodsFor:'execution'!
+    editor list at:line put:text.
+    editor invalidateLine:line
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceLines methodsFor:'accessing'!
+line:lineArg lines:lineCollectionArg
+    line := lineArg.
+    text := lineCollectionArg.
+    "Created: / 09-10-2006 / 10:35:22 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView::ReplaceLines methodsFor:'execution'!
+    |lnr|
+    lnr := line.
+    text do:[:eachLine |
+        editor list at:lnr put:eachLine.
+        editor invalidateLine:lnr.
+        lnr := lnr + 1.
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 09-10-2006 / 10:39:16 / cg"
+! !
+!EditTextView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/EditTextView.st,v 1.604.2.1 2014-05-08 08:30:56 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/EditTextView.st,v 1.604.2.1 2014-05-08 08:30:56 stefan Exp $'
+! !