changeset 5789 a6db617369e9
parent 5780 cf2d9f737b92
child 5790 d9bc25103826
--- a/	Tue Jul 19 17:23:51 2016 +0200
+++ b/	Tue Jul 19 21:45:20 2016 +0200
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
  other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
  hereby transferred.
+'From Smalltalk/X, Version: on 15-07-2016 at 17:28:27'                   !
 "{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
 "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"
@@ -87,10 +89,10 @@
     (especially: attributed Text and labelAndIcon-like entities).
     The internal version of the text has tabulators expanded to blanks. ListView is not prepared
-    to deal with them. When text is exchanged with an external medium (i.e. reading/writing files), 
-    these are expanded/compressed assuming a tab-setting of 8. 
+    to deal with them. When text is exchanged with an external medium (i.e. reading/writing files),
+    these are expanded/compressed assuming a tab-setting of 8.
     This is done independent of the user's tab setting, which is used ONLY for positioning,
-    while the text is edited. 
+    while the text is edited.
     Thus, even if the tab setting is multiple of 4's, tabs are
     written in multiples of 8 when the text is saved. Since this is the default on all ascii
     terminals and printers, this assures that the text looks correctly indented when finally printed.
@@ -104,11 +106,11 @@
     views. The general scrolling code (in View) uses the transformation for transparent scrolling
     using the viewOrigin (transparent means, that the code does not need to know - it simply draws
     as if all of the text was visible).
-    Here in ListView, the transformation is not used, instead it is done again, and different, 
+    Here in ListView, the transformation is not used, instead it is done again, and different,
     by keeping the firstLineShown (i.e. vertical offset) and leftOffset (horizontal offset).
-    Even worse: the firstLineShown is a line-index, the most annoying consequence of this is that 
-    scrolling is done by lines here, whereas it is done in pixels in the View class. 
-    Thus, be very careful, when changing things (better: don't touch it ;-). 
+    Even worse: the firstLineShown is a line-index, the most annoying consequence of this is that
+    scrolling is done by lines here, whereas it is done in pixels in the View class.
+    Thus, be very careful, when changing things (better: don't touch it ;-).
     Also, the viewOrigin variable is only valid for the x coordinate. The viewOrigin's y is always 0 !!
     Also, all controller functionality is completely performed by the listView
@@ -145,15 +147,15 @@
     [Instance variables:]
       list                <aCollection>           the text strings, a collection of lines.
-                                                  Nils may be used for empty lines.
+						  Nils may be used for empty lines.
       firstLineShown      <Number>                the index of the 1st visible line (1 ..)
       leftOffset          <Number>                left offset for horizontal scroll
       nFullLinesShown     <Number>                the number of unclipped lines in visible area
-                                                  (internal; updated on size changes)
+						  (internal; updated on size changes)
       nLinesShown         <Number>                the number of lines in visible area, incl. partial
-                                                  (internal; updated on size changes)
+						  (internal; updated on size changes)
       fgColor             <Color>                 color to draw characters
       bgColor             <Color>                 the background
@@ -171,39 +173,39 @@
       fontWidth           <Number>                width of space (internal)
       lineSpacing         <Number>                pixels between lines
       lastSearchPattern   <String>                last pattern for searching
-                                                  (kept to provide a default for next search)
+						  (kept to provide a default for next search)
       lastSearchIgnoredCase   <Boolean>           last search ignored case
-                                                  (kept to provide a default for next search)
+						  (kept to provide a default for next search)
       wordCheck           <Block>                 rule used for check for word boundaries in word select
-                                                  The default rule is to return true for alphaNumeric characters.
-                                                  (can be changed to allow for underscore and other
-                                                   characters to be treated as alphaCharacters)
+						  The default rule is to return true for alphaNumeric characters.
+						  (can be changed to allow for underscore and other
+						   characters to be treated as alphaCharacters)
       autoScrollBlock     <Block>                 block installed as timeoutBlock when doing an
-                                                  autoScroll (internal)
+						  autoScroll (internal)
       autoScrollDeltaT                            computed scroll time delta in seconds (internal)
       includesNonStrings                          cached flag if any non-strings are in list
       widthOfWidestLine                           cached width of widest line
       listMsg                                     if view has a model and listMsg is non-nil,
-                                                  this is sent to the model to acquired a new contents
-                                                  whenever a change of the aspect  (aspectMsg) occurs.
+						  this is sent to the model to acquired a new contents
+						  whenever a change of the aspect  (aspectMsg) occurs.
       viewOrigin                                  the current origin
       backgroundAlreadyClearedColor               internal; speedup by avoiding
-                                                  multiple fills when drawing
-                                                  internal lines
+						  multiple fills when drawing
+						  internal lines
-                                <Symbol>        defines how the view is scrolled if the
-                                                model changes its value by some outside activity
-                                                (i.e. not by user input).
-                                                Can be one of:
-                                                    #keep / nil     -> stay unchanged
-                                                    #endOfText      -> scroll to the end
-                                                    #beginOfText    -> scroll to the top
-                                                The default is #beginOfText (i.e. scroll to top).
+				<Symbol>        defines how the view is scrolled if the
+						model changes its value by some outside activity
+						(i.e. not by user input).
+						Can be one of:
+						    #keep / nil     -> stay unchanged
+						    #endOfText      -> scroll to the end
+						    #beginOfText    -> scroll to the top
+						The default is #beginOfText (i.e. scroll to top).
     [StyleSheet parameters:]
@@ -213,10 +215,10 @@
       textTabPositions                            defaults to #(1 9 17 25 ...)
-        Claus Gittinger
+	Claus Gittinger
     [see also:]
-        TextView EditTextView
+	TextView EditTextView
@@ -229,215 +231,215 @@
     anyway, here are a few examples:
      basic simple setup:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       specifying textMargins (these have NOTHING to do with the viewInset):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        l topMargin:10.
-        l leftMargin:20.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	l topMargin:10.
+	l leftMargin:20.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       globally set the fg/bg colors:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
-        l foregroundColor:(Color white).
-        l backgroundColor:(Color blue).
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
+	l foregroundColor:(Color white).
+	l backgroundColor:(Color blue).
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       non-string (text) entries:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top list l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors')
-                with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
-                collect:[:s :clr |
-                            Text string:s
-                                 emphasis:(Array with:#bold
-                                                 with:(#color->(Color name:clr))) ].
-        l list:list.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top list l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors')
+		with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
+		collect:[:s :clr |
+			    Text string:s
+				 emphasis:(Array with:#bold
+						 with:(#color->(Color name:clr))) ].
+	l list:list.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       generic non-string entries:
       (notice: ColoredListEntry is obsoleted by Text)
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top list l|
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors')
-                with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
-                collect:[:s :clr | ColoredListEntry string:s color:(Color name:clr) ].
-        l list:list.
-        top open
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top list l|
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	list := #('all' 'of' 'your' 'preferred' 'colors')
+		with:#(red green blue 'orange' cyan)
+		collect:[:s :clr | ColoredListEntry string:s color:(Color name:clr) ].
+	l list:list.
+	top open
+									[exEnd]
       using a model (default listMessage is aspectMessage):
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top model l theModelsText|
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#modelsAspect
-                   with:[ theModelsText ].
-        top := StandardSystemView new.
-        top extent:100@200.
-        l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l model:model.
-        l aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-        theModelsText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        model changed:#modelsAspect.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top model l theModelsText|
+	model := Plug new.
+	model respondTo:#modelsAspect
+		   with:[ theModelsText ].
+	top := StandardSystemView new.
+	top extent:100@200.
+	l := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l model:model.
+	l aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	top open.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:3.
+	theModelsText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
+	model changed:#modelsAspect.
+									[exEnd]
       using a model with different aspects
       for two listViews:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |top model l1 l2 plainText|
-        plainText := #('').
-        model := Plug new.
-        model respondTo:#modelsUppercaseText
-                   with:[ plainText asStringCollection
-                              collect:[:l | l asUppercase]].
-        model respondTo:#modelsLowercaseText
-                   with:[ plainText asStringCollection
-                              collect:[:l | l asLowercase]].
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        l1 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5 in:top.
-        l1 model:model.
-        l1 aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        l1 listMessage:#modelsUppercaseText.
-        l2 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
-        l2 model:model.
-        l2 aspect:#modelsAspect.
-        l2 listMessage:#modelsLowercaseText.
-        top open.
-        Delay waitForSeconds:3.
-        plainText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
-        model changed:#modelsAspect.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|top model l1 l2 plainText|
+	plainText := #('').
+	model := Plug new.
+	model respondTo:#modelsUppercaseText
+		   with:[ plainText asStringCollection
+			      collect:[:l | l asUppercase]].
+	model respondTo:#modelsLowercaseText
+		   with:[ plainText asStringCollection
+			      collect:[:l | l asLowercase]].
+	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
+	l1 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.5 in:top.
+	l1 model:model.
+	l1 aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	l1 listMessage:#modelsUppercaseText.
+	l2 := ListView origin:0.0 @ 0.5 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
+	l2 model:model.
+	l2 aspect:#modelsAspect.
+	l2 listMessage:#modelsLowercaseText.
+	top open.
+	Delay waitForSeconds:3.
+	plainText := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
+	model changed:#modelsAspect.
+									[exEnd]
       using a big list (100000 lines),
       wrapping in a ScrollableView:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |bigList top lv|
-        bigList := (1 to:100000) collect:[:lineNr | 'List line Nr. ' , lineNr printString].
-        bigList at:10 put:('Some Text ' asText , 'with Bold part' allBold).
-        bigList at:20 put:('Some Text ' asText , 'with Italic part' allItalic).
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        lv := HVScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
-        lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        lv list:bigList expandTabs:false scanForNonStrings:false includesNonStrings:false.
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|bigList top lv|
+	bigList := (1 to:100000) collect:[:lineNr | 'List line Nr. ' , lineNr printString].
+	bigList at:10 put:('Some Text ' asText , 'with Bold part' allBold).
+	bigList at:20 put:('Some Text ' asText , 'with Italic part' allItalic).
+	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
+	lv := HVScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
+	lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+	lv list:bigList expandTabs:false scanForNonStrings:false includesNonStrings:false.
+	top open.
+									[exEnd]
       using a huge virtual list (1 mio simulated lines),
       wrapping in a ScrollableView:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |virtualList top lv|
-        virtualList := Plug new.
-        virtualList inheritFrom:SequenceableCollection.
-        virtualList respondTo:#size with:[ 1000000 ].
-        virtualList respondTo:#at:  with:[:lineNr | 'List line Nr. ' , lineNr printString ].
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        lv := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
-        lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        lv list:virtualList expandTabs:false scanForNonStrings:false includesNonStrings:false.
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|virtualList top lv|
+	virtualList := Plug new.
+	virtualList inheritFrom:SequenceableCollection.
+	virtualList respondTo:#size with:[ 1000000 ].
+	virtualList respondTo:#at:  with:[:lineNr | 'List line Nr. ' , lineNr printString ].
+	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
+	lv := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
+	lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+	lv list:virtualList expandTabs:false scanForNonStrings:false includesNonStrings:false.
+	top open.
+									[exEnd]
       using a huge virtual array (1 mio simulated lines),
       wrapping in a ScrollableView.
       To simulate an expensive computation, a delay is planted into the line generator;
       Startup and display of page full of lines should not take longer than the number of lines shown:
-                                                                        [exBegin]
-        |virtualList top lv|
-        virtualList := VirtualArray new.
-        virtualList 
-            setSize:1000000; 
-            generator:[:index | Transcript showCR:index.
-                                Delay waitForSeconds:0.5.
-                                '%1 -> %2' bindWith:index with:index squared].
-        top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
-        lv := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
-        lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
-        lv expandTabsWhenUpdating:false.
-        lv checkLineEndConventionWhenUpdating:false.
-        lv checkedLinesForWidthOfContentsComputation:-1.
-        lv list:virtualList.
-        top open.
-                                                                        [exEnd]
+									[exBegin]
+	|virtualList top lv|
+	virtualList := VirtualArray new.
+	virtualList
+	    setSize:1000000;
+	    generator:[:index | Transcript showCR:index.
+				Delay waitForSeconds:0.5.
+				'%1 -> %2' bindWith:index with:index squared].
+	top := StandardSystemView extent:200@200.
+	lv := ScrollableView for:ListView in:top.
+	lv origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0.
+	lv expandTabsWhenUpdating:false.
+	lv checkLineEndConventionWhenUpdating:false.
+	lv checkedLinesForWidthOfContentsComputation:-1.
+	lv list:virtualList.
+	top open.
+									[exEnd]
 ! !
@@ -482,11 +484,11 @@
     "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"
     <resource: #style (#'text.foregroundColor' #'text.backgroundColor'
-                       #'text.tabPositions'
-                       #'text.font')>
-    DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.foregroundColor' default:Black.
-    DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.backgroundColor' default:White.
+		       #'text.tabPositions'
+		       #'text.font')>
+    DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.foregroundColor' default:Color black.
+    DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.backgroundColor' default:Color white.
     DefaultFont := StyleSheet fontAt:'text.font'.
     "/ that's not style, but a personal setting
     "/ DefaultTabPositions := StyleSheet at:'text.tabPositions'.
@@ -579,14 +581,14 @@
     "return the compare when updating behavior.
-     If true (the default), the list of lines as given due to a model update 
-     is processed and compared against the currently shown text. 
+     If true (the default), the list of lines as given due to a model update
+     is processed and compared against the currently shown text.
      If they are the same, no action is taken.
      This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
      However, you may turn this off iff:
-        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
-          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
-          the fly).
+	- it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
+	  is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
+	  the fly).
      One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
      which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
      simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed."
@@ -596,14 +598,14 @@
     "define the compare when updating behavior.
-     If true (the default), the list of lines as given due to a model update 
-     is processed and compared against the currently shown text. 
+     If true (the default), the list of lines as given due to a model update
+     is processed and compared against the currently shown text.
      If they are the same, no action is taken.
      This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
      However, you may turn this off iff:
-        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
-          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
-          the fly).
+	- it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
+	  is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
+	  the fly).
      One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
      which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
      simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed."
@@ -613,15 +615,15 @@
     "return the tab expansion behavior.
-     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or 
+     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or
      due to a model update is processed and lines are replaced by lines with
      tabs expanded.
      This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
      However, you may turn this off iff:
-        - you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
-        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
-          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
-          the fly).
+	- you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
+	- it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
+	  is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
+	  the fly).
      One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
      which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
      simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed."
@@ -631,15 +633,15 @@
     "define the tab expansion behavior.
-     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or 
+     If true (the default), the list of lines as given via #list: or
      due to a model update is processed and lines are replaced by lines with
      tabs expanded.
      This behavior is ok in 99.99% of all applications.
      However, you may turn this off iff:
-        - you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
-        - it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
-          is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
-          the fly).
+	- you are certain, that no tabs are in the passed in list
+	- it is very expensive to process the list (for example, because the list
+	  is defined by a virtual array, which computes the lines dynamically, on
+	  the fly).
      One use where this flag should be turned off is in the hex-memory display,
      which is able to simulate texts with millions of lines, but they are actually
      simulated by generating the presented lines dynamically, as they are displayed."
@@ -710,22 +712,22 @@
     list add:aString.
     includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-        includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
-        includesNonStrings ifTrue:[
-            fontHeightBefore := fontHeight.
-            self getFontParameters.
-            fontHeightBefore ~~ fontHeight ifTrue:[
-                self invalidate
-            ].
-        ].
+	includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
+	includesNonStrings ifTrue:[
+	    fontHeightBefore := fontHeight.
+	    self getFontParameters.
+	    fontHeightBefore ~~ fontHeight ifTrue:[
+		self invalidate
+	    ].
+	].
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:nil.
+	self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:nil.
     shown ifTrue:[
-        self redrawLine:(self size).
+	self redrawLine:(self size).
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.             "recompute scrollbars"
@@ -741,29 +743,29 @@
     list add:aString beforeIndex:index.
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:nil.
+	self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:nil.
     includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-        includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
+	includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
 "/        includesNonStrings ifTrue:[self getFontParameters].
     shown ifTrue:[
-        lastShown := self lastLineShown.
-        index <= 2 ifTrue:[
-            self invalidate
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            index to:lastShown do:[:eachLine |
-                self invalidateLine:eachLine
-            ].
-        ].
+	lastShown := self lastLineShown.
+	index <= 2 ifTrue:[
+	    self invalidate
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    index to:lastShown do:[:eachLine |
+		self invalidateLine:eachLine
+	    ].
+	].
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.  "recompute scrollbars"
     (scrollWhenUpdating == #end or:[scrollWhenUpdating == #endOfText]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ self selection isNil ifTrue:[
-            self scrollToBottom.
-        "/ ]
+	"/ self selection isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self scrollToBottom.
+	"/ ]
     "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 12:00:42 / cg"
@@ -776,43 +778,43 @@
     list isNil ifTrue:[list := OrderedCollection new].
     aCollectionOfLines do:[:eachLine |
-        list addAll:aCollectionOfLines beforeIndex:index.
+	list addAll:aCollectionOfLines beforeIndex:index.
     includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-        includesNonStrings := 
-            aCollectionOfLines 
-                contains:[:someLine |
-                    someLine notNil and:[(someLine isSingleByteString) not].
-                ]
+	includesNonStrings :=
+	    aCollectionOfLines
+		contains:[:someLine |
+		    someLine notNil and:[(someLine isSingleByteString) not].
+		]
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        aCollectionOfLines do:[:eachLine |
-            self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:eachLine old:nil.
-        ].
+	aCollectionOfLines do:[:eachLine |
+	    self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:eachLine old:nil.
+	].
 "/    widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
     self textChanged.
     shown ifTrue:[
-        lastShown := self lastLineShown.
-        ((index-1) <= lastShown) ifTrue:[
-            index <= 2 ifTrue:[
-                self invalidate
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                index-1 to:lastShown do:[:eachLine |
-                    self invalidateLine:eachLine
-                ].
-                "/  self redrawFromLine:index-1.
-            ].
-        ].
+	lastShown := self lastLineShown.
+	((index-1) <= lastShown) ifTrue:[
+	    index <= 2 ifTrue:[
+		self invalidate
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		index-1 to:lastShown do:[:eachLine |
+		    self invalidateLine:eachLine
+		].
+		"/  self redrawFromLine:index-1.
+	    ].
+	].
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.  "recompute scrollbars"
     (scrollWhenUpdating == #end or:[scrollWhenUpdating == #endOfText]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ self selection isNil ifTrue:[
-            self scrollToBottom.
-        "/ ]
+	"/ self selection isNil ifTrue:[
+	    self scrollToBottom.
+	"/ ]
     "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 12:00:54 / cg"
@@ -837,12 +839,12 @@
     self withoutRedrawAt:index put:aString.
     shown ifTrue:[
-        fontHeightBefore ~= fontHeight ifTrue:[
-            "/ must redraw everything
-            self invalidate.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        self redrawLine:index.
+	fontHeightBefore ~= fontHeight ifTrue:[
+	    "/ must redraw everything
+	    self invalidate.
+	    ^ self
+	].
+	self redrawLine:index.
 "/ the code below is wrong - we really have to redraw everything, if the
 "/ fontHeight changes (due to a labelAndIcon in the list).
@@ -860,16 +862,16 @@
 "/            self redrawLine:index
 "/        ].
-        "/ asynchronous:
+	"/ asynchronous:
 "/        visibleLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:index.
 "/        visibleLine notNil ifTrue:[
 "/            y := self yOfVisibleLine:visibleLine.
 "/            self invalidate:((margin @ y) extent:(width@fontHeight))
 "/        ].
-        widthBefore ~~ widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
-            self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification
-        ]
+	widthBefore ~~ widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
+	    self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification
+	]
     "Modified: / 25-07-2012 / 12:01:46 / cg"
@@ -918,17 +920,17 @@
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
     self lineEndCRLF ifTrue:[
-        lineEnd := String crlf.
+	lineEnd := String crlf.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        lineEnd := Character cr.
+	lineEnd := Character cr.
     stringCollection := list asStringCollection.
-    ^ stringCollection 
-        asStringWith:lineEnd
-        from:1 to:stringCollection size 
-        compressTabs:false 
-        final:lineEnd
+    ^ stringCollection
+	asStringWith:lineEnd
+	from:1 to:stringCollection size
+	compressTabs:false
+	final:lineEnd
     "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 19:18:47 / fm"
@@ -1018,7 +1020,7 @@
      (remembered to optimize later redraws)."
-        list:aCollection expandTabs:expand scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nil
+	list:aCollection expandTabs:expand scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nil
     "Modified: 5.6.1997 / 12:40:35 / cg"
@@ -1031,12 +1033,12 @@
      otherwise, take the information from the nonStrings arg.
      (the nonStrings information is remembered to optimize later redraws & height computations)."
-    self 
-        list:aCollection 
-        expandTabs:expand 
-        scanForNonStrings:scan 
-        includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan 
-        redraw:true
+    self
+	list:aCollection
+	expandTabs:expand
+	scanForNonStrings:scan
+	includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan
+	redraw:true
 list:aCollection expandTabs:expand scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan redraw:doRedraw
@@ -1056,61 +1058,61 @@
     "/ notice, that it may be very expensive to ask aCollection for each line
     "/ for example, iff the lines are generated on the fly by an algorithm
     false ifTrue:[
-        "/ see if there is a change at all.
-        "/ use to compare using =, but that's not enough in case of emphasis change.
-        aCollection size == list size ifTrue:[
-            same := true.
-            aCollection size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                aCollection with:list do:[:eachNewLine :eachOldLine |
-                    (eachNewLine == eachOldLine)
-                    ifFalse:[
-                        same := false.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-            same ifTrue:[^ self].
-        ].
+	"/ see if there is a change at all.
+	"/ use to compare using =, but that's not enough in case of emphasis change.
+	aCollection size == list size ifTrue:[
+	    same := true.
+	    aCollection size > 0 ifTrue:[
+		aCollection with:list do:[:eachNewLine :eachOldLine |
+		    (eachNewLine == eachOldLine)
+		    ifFalse:[
+			same := false.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ].
+	    same ifTrue:[^ self].
+	].
     scrollToTop := scrollWhenUpdating == #begin or:[scrollWhenUpdating == #beginOfText].
     scrollToEnd := scrollWhenUpdating == #end or:[scrollWhenUpdating == #endOfText].
     (aCollection isEmptyOrNil and:[list isEmptyOrNil]) ifTrue:[
-        "no contents change"
-        list := aCollection.
-        scrollLocked ifFalse:[
-            scrollToTop ifTrue:[
-                self scrollToTop.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                scrollToEnd ifTrue:[
-                    self scrollToBottom.
-                ]
-            ].
-            self scrollToLeft.
-        ].
-        ^ self
+	"no contents change"
+	list := aCollection.
+	scrollLocked ifFalse:[
+	    scrollToTop ifTrue:[
+		self scrollToTop.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		scrollToEnd ifTrue:[
+		    self scrollToBottom.
+		]
+	    ].
+	    self scrollToLeft.
+	].
+	^ self
     checkLineEndConventionWhenUpdating ifTrue:[
-        "Check if the we use DOS/Windows line end convention with CR LF.
-         The LF has already been consumed by the conversion to a StringCollection,
-         now check for and remove the trailing left over CRs"
-        lineEndCRLF := (aCollection size > 0
-                        and:[(firstLine := aCollection at:1) isString
-                        and:[firstLine notEmpty
-                        and:[firstLine string endsWith:Character return]]]).
+	"Check if the we use DOS/Windows line end convention with CR LF.
+	 The LF has already been consumed by the conversion to a StringCollection,
+	 now check for and remove the trailing left over CRs"
+	lineEndCRLF := (aCollection size > 0
+			and:[(firstLine := aCollection at:1) isString
+			and:[firstLine notEmpty
+			and:[firstLine string endsWith:Character return]]]).
     lineEndCRLF ifTrue:[
-        list := aCollection
-                    collect:[:eachLineWithCROrNil |
-                        eachLineWithCROrNil isNil
-                            ifTrue:nil
-                            ifFalse:[(eachLineWithCROrNil endsWith:Character return)
-                                     ifTrue:[eachLineWithCROrNil copyButLast:1]
-                                     ifFalse:[eachLineWithCROrNil]]].
+	list := aCollection
+		    collect:[:eachLineWithCROrNil |
+			eachLineWithCROrNil isNil
+			    ifTrue:nil
+			    ifFalse:[(eachLineWithCROrNil endsWith:Character return)
+				     ifTrue:[eachLineWithCROrNil copyButLast:1]
+				     ifFalse:[eachLineWithCROrNil]]].
     ] ifFalse:[
-        list := aCollection.
+	list := aCollection.
     nonStringsBefore := includesNonStrings.
@@ -1118,18 +1120,18 @@
     includesNonStrings := false.
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        expand ifTrue:[
-            self expandTabs
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            scan ifTrue:[
-                includesNonStrings := list contains:[:e | e isString not].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                includesNonStrings := nonStringsIfNoScan ? nonStringsBefore
-            ]
-        ].
+	expand ifTrue:[
+	    self expandTabs
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    scan ifTrue:[
+		includesNonStrings := list contains:[:e | e isString not].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		includesNonStrings := nonStringsIfNoScan ? nonStringsBefore
+	    ]
+	].
     (includesNonStrings ~~ nonStringsBefore) ifTrue:[
-        self getFontParameters.
+	self getFontParameters.
     widthOfWidestLine := nil.   "/ i.e. unknown
@@ -1137,49 +1139,49 @@
     oldLeft := viewOrigin x.
     (includesNonStrings ~~ nonStringsBefore) ifTrue:[
-        self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
+	self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
     scrollLocked ifFalse:[
-        newLeftOffset := viewOrigin x.
-        scrollToTop ifTrue:[
-            firstLineShown := 1.
-            newLeftOffset := 0.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            scrollToEnd ifTrue:[
-                firstLineShown := (list size - nFullLinesShown + 1) max:1.
-                newLeftOffset := 0.
-            ]
-        ].
-        newLeftOffset > 0 ifTrue:[
-            wText := self widthOfContents.
-            (viewOrigin x + self innerWidth) > wText ifTrue:[
-                newLeftOffset := (wText - self innerWidth) max:0.
-            ].
-        ].
-        newLeftOffset ~= oldLeft ifTrue:[
-            viewOrigin := newLeftOffset @ viewOrigin y.
-        ].
+	newLeftOffset := viewOrigin x.
+	scrollToTop ifTrue:[
+	    firstLineShown := 1.
+	    newLeftOffset := 0.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    scrollToEnd ifTrue:[
+		firstLineShown := (list size - nFullLinesShown + 1) max:1.
+		newLeftOffset := 0.
+	    ]
+	].
+	newLeftOffset > 0 ifTrue:[
+	    wText := self widthOfContents.
+	    (viewOrigin x + self innerWidth) > wText ifTrue:[
+		newLeftOffset := (wText - self innerWidth) max:0.
+	    ].
+	].
+	newLeftOffset ~= oldLeft ifTrue:[
+	    viewOrigin := newLeftOffset @ viewOrigin y.
+	].
     realized ifTrue:[
-        self contentsChanged.
-        scrollLocked ifFalse:[
-            "
-             don't use scroll here to avoid double redraw
-            "
-            viewOrigin := viewOrigin isNil ifTrue:[0@0] ifFalse:[(viewOrigin x) @ 0].
-            transformation := nil.
-            oldFirst ~~ firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-                self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) * fontHeight negated).
-            ].
-        ].
-        doRedraw ifTrue:[
-            shown ifTrue:[
-                self invalidate.
-            ]
-        ]
+	self contentsChanged.
+	scrollLocked ifFalse:[
+	    "
+	     don't use scroll here to avoid double redraw
+	    "
+	    viewOrigin := viewOrigin isNil ifTrue:[0@0] ifFalse:[(viewOrigin x) @ 0].
+	    gc transformation:nil.
+	    oldFirst ~~ firstLineShown ifTrue:[
+		self originChanged:0 @ ((oldFirst - 1) * fontHeight negated).
+	    ].
+	].
+	doRedraw ifTrue:[
+	    shown ifTrue:[
+		self invalidate.
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: / 30-08-1995 / 19:07:13 / claus"
@@ -1215,20 +1217,20 @@
     list removeFromIndex:startLineNr toIndex:(endLineNr min:list size).
     widthOfWidestLine == widestLineRemoved ifTrue:[
-        widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+	widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
     self textChanged.
     ((startLineNr <= self lastLineShown)
     and:[endLineNr >= firstLineShown]) ifTrue:[
-        startLineNr to:self lastLineShown do:[:eachLine |
-            self invalidateLine:eachLine
-        ].
+	startLineNr to:self lastLineShown do:[:eachLine |
+	    self invalidateLine:eachLine
+	].
     nLines := list size.
     (firstLineShown >= nLines) ifTrue:[
-        self makeLineVisible:nLines
+	self makeLineVisible:nLines
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.
@@ -1291,7 +1293,7 @@
     list removeIndex:lineNr.
     lineNr < firstLineShown ifTrue:[
-        firstLineShown := firstLineShown - 1
+	firstLineShown := firstLineShown - 1
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.
     ^ true
@@ -1303,7 +1305,7 @@
     "replace some lines"
     list isNil ifTrue:[
-        list := OrderedCollection new.
+	list := OrderedCollection new.
     list replaceFrom:startLineNr to:endLineNr with:aCollection startingAt:replStartIndex.
@@ -1312,7 +1314,7 @@
     ((startLineNr <= self lastLineShown)
     and:[endLineNr >= firstLineShown]) ifTrue:[
-        self invalidate.
+	self invalidate.
     self enqueueDelayedContentsChangedNotification.
@@ -1366,9 +1368,9 @@
      This can be used to update a self-changing list
      (for example: a file list being shown, without disturbing the user too much)"
-    self 
-        setList:aCollection expandTabs:expandTabs scanForNonStrings:true includesNonStrings:nil
-        redraw:doRedraw
+    self
+	setList:aCollection expandTabs:expandTabs scanForNonStrings:true includesNonStrings:nil
+	redraw:doRedraw
 setList:aCollection expandTabs:expandTabs scanForNonStrings:scan includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan redraw:doRedraw
@@ -1377,24 +1379,24 @@
      This can be used to update a self-changing list
      (for example: a file list being shown, without disturbing the user too much).
     TODO: this stinks: most of the code is the same as in #list:expandTabs:...
-          needs a refactoring"
+	  needs a refactoring"
     prev := scrollLocked.
-        scrollLocked := false.
-        self 
-            list:aCollection 
-            expandTabs:expandTabs 
-            scanForNonStrings:scan 
-            includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan 
-            redraw:doRedraw
+	scrollLocked := false.
+	self
+	    list:aCollection
+	    expandTabs:expandTabs
+	    scanForNonStrings:scan
+	    includesNonStrings:nonStringsIfNoScan
+	    redraw:doRedraw
     ] ensure:[
-        scrollLocked := prev
+	scrollLocked := prev
 "/"/                scrollLocked ifTrue:[
 "/"/                    self setList:newText expandTabs:expandTabsWhenUpdating
 "/"/                ] ifFalse:[
@@ -1517,10 +1519,10 @@
     endLine isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
     (startLine == endLine) ifTrue:[
-        "part of a line"
-        ^ StringCollection with:(self listAt:startLine from:startCol to:endCol)
+	"part of a line"
+	^ StringCollection with:(self listAt:startLine from:startCol to:endCol)
     sz := endLine - startLine + 1.
     sz < 1 ifTrue:[^ ''].
@@ -1529,17 +1531,17 @@
     "get 1st and last (possibly) partial lines"
     text at:1 put:(self listAt:startLine from:startCol).
     endCol == 0 ifTrue:[
-        last := ''
+	last := ''
     ] ifFalse:[
-        last := self listAt:endLine to:endCol.
+	last := self listAt:endLine to:endCol.
     text at:sz put:last.
     "get bulk of text"
     index := 2.
     (startLine + 1) to:(endLine - 1) do:[:lineNr |
-        text at:index put:(self listAt:lineNr).
-        index := index + 1
+	text at:index put:(self listAt:lineNr).
+	index := index + 1
     ^ text
@@ -1559,25 +1561,25 @@
     oldLine := self listAt:index.
     list at:index put:aString.
     oldLine ~= aString ifTrue:[
-        self textChanged
+	self textChanged
     didIncludeNonStrings := includesNonStrings.
     includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
-        includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
+	includesNonStrings := (aString notNil and:[(aString isSingleByteString) not]).
     ] ifTrue:[
-        (aString isNil or:[(aString isSingleByteString)]) ifTrue:[
-            includesNonStrings := list contains:[:l | l notNil and:[(l isSingleByteString) not]].
-        ]
+	(aString isNil or:[(aString isSingleByteString)]) ifTrue:[
+	    includesNonStrings := list contains:[:l | l notNil and:[(l isSingleByteString) not]].
+	]
     includesNonStrings ~~ didIncludeNonStrings ifTrue:[
-        self getFontParameters.
-        self computeNumberOfLinesShown
+	self getFontParameters.
+	self computeNumberOfLinesShown
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:oldLine.
+	self recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:aString old:oldLine.
     "Modified: / 26.7.1998 / 13:00:14 / cg"
@@ -1614,13 +1616,13 @@
     aFont isNil ifTrue:[
         ^ self error:'nil font' mayProceed:true
-    font ~~ aFont ifTrue:[
-        super font:(aFont onDevice:device).
+    gc font ~~ aFont ifTrue:[
         preferredExtent := nil.
         widthOfWidestLine := nil. "/ i.e. unknown
+        super font:aFont.
         self getFontParameters.
         realized ifTrue:[
-            (font graphicsDevice == device) ifTrue:[
+            (gc font graphicsDevice == device) ifTrue:[
                 self computeNumberOfLinesShown.
                 shown ifTrue:[
                     self redrawFromVisibleLine:1 to:nLinesShown
@@ -1638,7 +1640,7 @@
      by which lines are vertically separated."
     fontHeight ~~ pixels ifTrue:[
-        fontHeight := pixels.
+	fontHeight := pixels.
     "Created: 17.4.1997 / 01:41:33 / cg"
@@ -1735,8 +1737,8 @@
      by which lines are vertically separated."
     lineSpacing ~~ pixels ifTrue:[
-        lineSpacing := pixels.
-        self getFontParameters.
+	lineSpacing := pixels.
+	self getFontParameters.
     "Modified: 22.5.1996 / 12:22:29 / cg"
@@ -1817,10 +1819,10 @@
     "ST-80 compatibility"
     aspectSymbol notNil ifTrue:[
-        aspectMsg := aspectSymbol.
-        listMsg isNil ifTrue:[
-            listMsg := aspectSymbol
-        ]
+	aspectMsg := aspectSymbol.
+	listMsg isNil ifTrue:[
+	    listMsg := aspectSymbol
+	]
     listSymbol notNil ifTrue:[listMsg := listSymbol].
     changeSymbol notNil ifTrue:[changeMsg := changeSymbol].
@@ -1916,11 +1918,11 @@
     sH := lineSpacing // 2.
     backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
-        self paint:bg.
-        self fillRectangleX:margin
-                          y:y-sH
-                      width:(width - (margin * 2))
-                     height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
+	self paint:bg.
+	self fillRectangleX:margin
+			  y:y-sH
+		      width:(width - (margin * 2))
+		     height:(endVisLineNr - startVisLineNr + 1) * fontHeight + (lineSpacing - sH).
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -1930,29 +1932,29 @@
     startLine := startVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     endLine := endVisLineNr + firstLineShown - 1.
     (startLine == 0) ifTrue:[
-        y := y + fontHeight.
-        startLine := startLine + 1
+	y := y + fontHeight.
+	startLine := startLine + 1
     (endLine > listSize) ifTrue:[
-        e := listSize
+	e := listSize
     ] ifFalse:[
-        e := endLine
+	e := endLine
     (startLine <= e) ifTrue:[
-        x := textStartLeft - viewOrigin x.
-        self paint:fg on:bg.
-        "/ don't use list from:to:do:, to allow for subclasses to redefine the enumeration (TableView)
-        self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
-            line notNil ifTrue:[
-                "/ remove line's color emphasis, to enforce color.
-                "/ otherwise blue text is not visible if selection-bg is blue
-                l := self withoutColorEmphasis:line ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
-                self displayOpaqueString:l x:x y:y
-            ].
-            y := y + fontHeight
-        ]
+	x := textStartLeft - viewOrigin x.
+	self paint:fg on:bg.
+	"/ don't use list from:to:do:, to allow for subclasses to redefine the enumeration (TableView)
+	self from:startLine to:e do:[:line |
+	    line notNil ifTrue:[
+		"/ remove line's color emphasis, to enforce color.
+		"/ otherwise blue text is not visible if selection-bg is blue
+		l := self withoutColorEmphasis:line ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
+		self displayOpaqueString:l x:x y:y
+	    ].
+	    y := y + fontHeight
+	]
     "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 23:19:39 / cg"
@@ -1967,28 +1969,28 @@
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
     backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
-        self paint:bg.
-        halfSpacing := (lineSpacing//2).
-        extraBelow := 0.
-        self highlightLineSpacing ifTrue:[
-            extraBelow := halfSpacing.
-        ].
-        self fillRectangleX:margin y:y - halfSpacing
-                      width:(width - (2 * margin))
-                     height:fontHeight+extraBelow.
+	self paint:bg.
+	halfSpacing := (lineSpacing//2).
+	extraBelow := 0.
+	self highlightLineSpacing ifTrue:[
+	    extraBelow := halfSpacing.
+	].
+	self fillRectangleX:margin y:y - halfSpacing
+		      width:(width - (2 * margin))
+		     height:fontHeight+extraBelow.
     line notNil ifTrue:[
-        self paint:fg on:bg.
-        "/ remove lines color emphasis, to enforce color.
-        "/ otherwise blue text is not visible if selection-bg is blue.
-        "/ this is only done in EditTextViews and subClasses.
-        self suppressEmphasisInSelection ifTrue:[
-            l := self withoutColorEmphasis:line ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            l := line
-        ].
-        self displayOpaqueString:l x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	self paint:fg on:bg.
+	"/ remove lines color emphasis, to enforce color.
+	"/ otherwise blue text is not visible if selection-bg is blue.
+	"/ this is only done in EditTextViews and subClasses.
+	self suppressEmphasisInSelection ifTrue:[
+	    l := self withoutColorEmphasis:line ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    l := line
+	].
+	self displayOpaqueString:l x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
     "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 23:19:46 / cg"
@@ -2031,7 +2033,7 @@
     (lineString notNil and:[lineString isString not]) ifTrue:[
 	w := lineString widthFrom:col to:(col min:len) on:self.
 	w <= 0 ifTrue:[
-	    w := font width.
+	    w := gc font width.
 	    self fillRectangleX:x y:yf width:w height:fontHeight.
 	    self paint:fg
@@ -2042,7 +2044,7 @@
     (lineString isNil or:[col > len]) ifTrue:[
-	self fillRectangleX:x y:yf width:(font width) height:fontHeight.
+	self fillRectangleX:x y:yf width:(gc font width) height:fontHeight.
 	self paint:fg
     ] ifFalse:[
 	characterString := lineString copyFrom:col to:col.
@@ -2128,7 +2130,7 @@
                     fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
                         w := (eCol - sCol + 1) * fontWidth
                     ] ifFalse:[
-                        w := font widthOf:lineString from:sCol to:eCol
+                        w := gc font widthOf:lineString from:sCol to:eCol
                 ] ifFalse:[
                     w := lineString widthFrom:sCol to:endCol on:self
@@ -2147,7 +2149,7 @@
             ] ifFalse:[
                 "/ self displayOpaqueString:lineString from:sCol to:eCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-                self displayString:lineString from:sCol to:eCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+                self displayString:lineString from:sCol to:eCol x:x y:(y + fontAscent) opaque:false maxWidth:self width
@@ -2161,31 +2163,31 @@
     |y x index1 index2 lineWithoutColor|
     (startCol < 1) ifTrue:[
-        index1 := 1
+	index1 := 1
     ] ifFalse:[
-        index1 := startCol
+	index1 := startCol
     y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
     x := (self xOfCol:index1 inVisibleLine:visLineNr) - viewOrigin x.
     backgroundAlreadyClearedColor == bg ifFalse:[
-        self paint:bg.
-        self fillRectangleX:x y:y - (lineSpacing // 2)
-                      width:(width + viewOrigin x - x)
-                     height:fontHeight.
-    ].                                      
+	self paint:bg.
+	self fillRectangleX:x y:y - (lineSpacing // 2)
+		      width:(width + viewOrigin x - x)
+		     height:fontHeight.
+    ].
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineString isString ifFalse:[
-            self drawLine:lineString inVisible:visLineNr from:startCol to:nil with:fg and:bg.
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            lineWithoutColor := self withoutColorEmphasis:lineString ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
-            index2 := lineWithoutColor size.
-            (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
-            (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
-                self paint:fg on:bg.
-                "/ self displayOpaqueString:lineWithoutColor from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-                self displayString:lineWithoutColor from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
-            ]
-        ]
+	lineString isString ifFalse:[
+	    self drawLine:lineString inVisible:visLineNr from:startCol to:nil with:fg and:bg.
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    lineWithoutColor := self withoutColorEmphasis:lineString ifFg:fg andBg:bg.
+	    index2 := lineWithoutColor size.
+	    (index2 < index1) ifTrue:[^ self].
+	    (index1 <= index2) ifTrue:[
+		self paint:fg on:bg.
+		"/ self displayOpaqueString:lineWithoutColor from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+		self displayString:lineWithoutColor from:index1 to:index2 x:x y:(y + fontAscent)
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: / 15.12.1999 / 23:24:40 / cg"
@@ -2242,13 +2244,11 @@
 fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
     "fill rectangle; checks whether the rectangle already is filled with
-     the current paint (#redrawX:y:w:h).
-    "
-    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor ~~ paint ifTrue:[
-	super fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
+     the current paint (#redrawX:y:w:h)."
+    backgroundAlreadyClearedColor ~~ self paint ifTrue:[
+        super fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
@@ -2263,14 +2263,14 @@
     visLineNr := self listLineToVisibleLine:line.
     visLineNr notNil ifTrue:[
-        yTop := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
-        yTop isNil ifTrue:[^ self]. "/ not visible
-        (yTop + fontHeight) < 0 ifTrue:[^ self]. "/ not visible
-        self
-            invalidateDeviceRectangle:(Rectangle
-                            left:margin top:yTop-(lineSpacing//2)
-                            width:(width - (2 * margin)) height:fontHeight)
-            repairNow:false.
+	yTop := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.
+	yTop isNil ifTrue:[^ self]. "/ not visible
+	(yTop + fontHeight) < 0 ifTrue:[^ self]. "/ not visible
+	self
+	    invalidateDeviceRectangle:(Rectangle
+			    left:margin top:yTop-(lineSpacing//2)
+			    width:(width - (2 * margin)) height:fontHeight)
+	    repairNow:false.
     "Created: / 5.3.1998 / 01:24:19 / cg"
@@ -2285,24 +2285,24 @@
     |listSize newOrigin|
     shown ifTrue:[
-        list notNil ifTrue:[
-            listSize := self numberOfLines.
-            listSize == 0 ifTrue:[
-                widthOfWidestLine := 0.
-            ].
-            "
-             if we are beyond the end, scroll up a bit
-            "
-            ((firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) > listSize) ifTrue:[
-                newOrigin := listSize - nFullLinesShown + 1.
-                newOrigin < 1 ifTrue:[
-                    newOrigin := 1
-                ].
-                self scrollToLine: newOrigin.
-            ].
-        ].
+	list notNil ifTrue:[
+	    listSize := self numberOfLines.
+	    listSize == 0 ifTrue:[
+		widthOfWidestLine := 0.
+	    ].
+	    "
+	     if we are beyond the end, scroll up a bit
+	    "
+	    ((firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) > listSize) ifTrue:[
+		newOrigin := listSize - nFullLinesShown + 1.
+		newOrigin < 1 ifTrue:[
+		    newOrigin := 1
+		].
+		self scrollToLine: newOrigin.
+	    ].
+	].
     ^ super contentsChanged
@@ -2347,7 +2347,7 @@
     "CTRL-wheel action"
-    |oldSize newSize delta mul|
+    |oldSize newSize delta mul font|
     amount > 0 ifTrue:[
         "/ delta := 1.  mul := 1.
@@ -2357,7 +2357,8 @@
         delta := 0. mul := 0.8.
-    font sizeUnit == #px ifFalse:[
+    font := gc font.
+    font sizeUnit ~~ #px ifTrue:[
         oldSize := font size.
         newSize := ((oldSize + delta)* mul) max:2.
         newSize ~= oldSize ifTrue:[
@@ -2379,47 +2380,47 @@
     startLine := self visibleLineOfY:y.
     stopLine := self visibleLineOfY:(y + h).
-    saveClip := clipRect.
+    saveClip := gc clippingBoundsOrNil.
     self clippingRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h).
     self paint:bgColor.
     self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
     backgroundAlreadyClearedColor := bgColor.
     (includesNonStrings or:[w > (width // 4 * 3)]) ifTrue:[
-        "includes non strings or area is big enough: redraw whole lines"
-        self redrawFromVisibleLine:startLine to:stopLine
+	"includes non strings or area is big enough: redraw whole lines"
+	self redrawFromVisibleLine:startLine to:stopLine
     ] ifFalse:[
-        line := self visibleAt:startLine.
-        (fontIsFixedWidth and:[line isSingleByteString]) ifFalse:[
-            "start/end col has to be computed for each line"
-            startLine to:stopLine do:[:i |
-                startCol := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:i.
-                endCol := self colOfX:(x + w) inVisibleLine:i.
-                startCol > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    endCol > 0 ifTrue:[
-                        self redrawVisibleLine:i from:startCol to:endCol
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifTrue:[
-            "start/end col is the same for all lines"
-            startCol := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:startLine.
-            endCol := self colOfX:(x + w) inVisibleLine:startLine.
-            startCol > 0 ifTrue:[
-                endCol > 0 ifTrue:[
-                    startLine to:stopLine do:[:i |
-                        line := self visibleAt:i.
-                        (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                            self redrawVisibleLine:i from:startCol to:endCol
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            self redrawVisibleLine:i
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	line := self visibleAt:startLine.
+	(fontIsFixedWidth and:[line isSingleByteString]) ifFalse:[
+	    "start/end col has to be computed for each line"
+	    startLine to:stopLine do:[:i |
+		startCol := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:i.
+		endCol := self colOfX:(x + w) inVisibleLine:i.
+		startCol > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    endCol > 0 ifTrue:[
+			self redrawVisibleLine:i from:startCol to:endCol
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	] ifTrue:[
+	    "start/end col is the same for all lines"
+	    startCol := self colOfX:x inVisibleLine:startLine.
+	    endCol := self colOfX:(x + w) inVisibleLine:startLine.
+	    startCol > 0 ifTrue:[
+		endCol > 0 ifTrue:[
+		    startLine to:stopLine do:[:i |
+			line := self visibleAt:i.
+			(line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+			    self redrawVisibleLine:i from:startCol to:endCol
+			] ifFalse:[
+			    self redrawVisibleLine:i
+			]
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     backgroundAlreadyClearedColor := nil.
     self clippingRectangle:saveClip.
@@ -2494,21 +2495,21 @@
     n := DefaultTopMargin.
     n isInteger ifFalse:[
-        n := (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:n) rounded.
+	n := (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:n) rounded.
     self topMargin:n.
     n := DefaultLeftMargin.
     n isInteger ifFalse:[
-        n := (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:n) rounded.
+	n := (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:n) rounded.
     self leftMargin:n.
     lineSpacing := 2.
     "/ q&d temporary hack.
     "/ X11 fonts are currently so ugly... add more spacing.
-    device platformName == #X11 ifTrue:[
-        lineSpacing := lineSpacing + 3.
+    device isX11Platform ifTrue:[
+	lineSpacing := lineSpacing + 3.
     fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor.
     bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor.
@@ -2531,7 +2532,7 @@
     partialLines := true.
     tabPositions := UserDefaultTabPositions ? self class defaultTabPositions.
     includesNonStrings := false.
-    lineEndCRLF := false.    
+    lineEndCRLF := false.
     checkedLinesForWidthOfContentsComputation := nil."/ i.e. all
     self getFontParameters.
     self initializeWordCheckAction.
@@ -2661,34 +2662,34 @@
     and:[lineString isNil
-          or:[lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis not]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (xRel // fontWidth) + 1
+	  or:[lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis not]]) ifTrue:[
+	^ (xRel // fontWidth) + 1
      for variable fonts, more work is required ...
     lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-        lineString := self visibleStringFrom:lineString.
-        (hasEmphasis := lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis) ifTrue:[
-            linePixelWidth := lineString widthOn:self
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            lineString := lineString string.
-            linePixelWidth := font widthOf:lineString.
-        ]
+	lineString := self visibleStringFrom:lineString.
+	(hasEmphasis := lineString hasChangeOfEmphasis) ifTrue:[
+	    linePixelWidth := lineString widthOn:self
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    lineString := lineString string.
+	    linePixelWidth := gc font widthOf:lineString.
+	]
     ] ifFalse:[
-        linePixelWidth := 0
+	linePixelWidth := 0
     (linePixelWidth <= xRel) ifTrue:[
-        fontWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
-            "
-             although this 'cannot happen',
-             it seems that X reports this width for some strange fonts ...
-            "
-            ^ lineString size
-        ].
-        ^ lineString size + ((xRel - linePixelWidth) // fontWidth) + 1
+	fontWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
+	    "
+	     although this 'cannot happen',
+	     it seems that X reports this width for some strange fonts ...
+	    "
+	    ^ lineString size
+	].
+	^ lineString size + ((xRel - linePixelWidth) // fontWidth) + 1
     "/ cannot simply count individual characters,
@@ -2696,53 +2697,53 @@
     "/ use a binary search, initialized with some guess.
     "/ a guess: take some 'average' character's width and compute an initial guess
-    runCol := x // (font widthOf:'e').
+    runCol := x // (gc font widthOf:'e').
     runCol := runCol min:lineString size.
 "/    runCol := lineString size // 2.
 "/    (runCol == 0) ifTrue:[runCol := 1].
     hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-        posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
-        posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
+	posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
+	posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
     ] ifFalse:[
-        posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1).
-        posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol.
+	posLeft := gc font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1).
+	posRight := gc font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol.
     done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel].
     [done] whileFalse:[
-        oPosRight := posRight.
-        oPosLeft := posLeft.
-        (posRight <= xRel) ifTrue:[
-            runCol := runCol + 1.
-            posLeft := posRight.
-            hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-                posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                posRight := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (posLeft > xRel) ifTrue:[
-                runCol := runCol - 1.
-                (runCol == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
-                posRight := posLeft.
-                hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
-                    posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    posLeft := font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1)
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
-        done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel].
+	oPosRight := posRight.
+	oPosLeft := posLeft.
+	(posRight <= xRel) ifTrue:[
+	    runCol := runCol + 1.
+	    posLeft := posRight.
+	    hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
+		posRight := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:runCol) widthOn:self.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		posRight := gc font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:runCol
+	    ]
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (posLeft > xRel) ifTrue:[
+		runCol := runCol - 1.
+		(runCol == 0) ifTrue:[^ 0].
+		posRight := posLeft.
+		hasEmphasis ifTrue:[
+		    posLeft := (lineString copyFrom:1 to:(runCol - 1)) widthOn:self.
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    posLeft := gc font widthOf:lineString from:1 to:(runCol - 1)
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
+	done := (posLeft <= xRel) and:[posRight > xRel].
-        ((oPosRight == posRight) and:[oPosLeft == posLeft]) ifTrue:[
-            "/ paranoia: just in case there are unprintable characters
-            "/ (avoid endless loop if the binary search does not make progress)
-            done := true.
-        ]
+	((oPosRight == posRight) and:[oPosLeft == posLeft]) ifTrue:[
+	    "/ paranoia: just in case there are unprintable characters
+	    "/ (avoid endless loop if the binary search does not make progress)
+	    done := true.
+	]
 "/self paint:Color red.
 "/self displayRectangleX:posLeft+textStartLeft-viewOrigin x y:(self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr)
@@ -2834,7 +2835,7 @@
     sensor := self sensor.
     (sensor hasUserEvent:#contentsChanged for:self) ifFalse:[
-        sensor pushUserEvent:#contentsChanged for:self
+	sensor pushUserEvent:#contentsChanged for:self
     "/ used to be syncronous:
     "/ self contentsChanged.             "recompute scrollbars"
@@ -2849,36 +2850,36 @@
      Therefore, this method should be redefined in views which will be used
      with national characters (i.e. editTextViews)."
-    |hMax|
-    font := font onDevice:device.
-    hMax := font height.
+    |hMax newDeviceFont|
+    newDeviceFont := gc createFontOnDevice.
+    hMax := newDeviceFont height.
     includesNonStrings == true ifTrue:[
-        "/
-        "/ find maximum height of lines
-        "/
-        hMax := list inject:hMax into:[:maxSoFar :thisLine |
-                                        thisLine isNil ifTrue:[
-                                            maxSoFar
-                                        ] ifFalse:[
-                                            (thisLine isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                                                maxSoFar
-                                            ] ifFalse:[
-                                                maxSoFar max:(thisLine heightOn:self)
-                                            ]
-                                        ]
-                              ].
+	"/
+	"/ find maximum height of lines
+	"/
+	hMax := list inject:hMax into:[:maxSoFar :thisLine |
+					thisLine isNil ifTrue:[
+					    maxSoFar
+					] ifFalse:[
+					    (thisLine isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+						maxSoFar
+					    ] ifFalse:[
+						maxSoFar max:(thisLine heightOn:self)
+					    ]
+					]
+			      ].
-    fontHeight := font maxHeight.
+    fontHeight := newDeviceFont maxHeight.
     "/ fontHeight := font height.
     fontHeight := fontHeight max:(hMax + lineSpacing).
-    fontAscent := font ascent. "/ maxAscent. -- see SelectionInListViews selection in motif style
+    fontAscent := newDeviceFont ascent. "/ maxAscent. -- see SelectionInListViews selection in motif style
     "/ fontAscent := font maxAscent "ascent". "/ maxAscent. -- see SelectionInListViews selection in motif style
     "/ fontAscent := (font maxAscent + font ascent) // 2. "/ maxAscent. -- see SelectionInListViews selection in motif style
-    fontWidth := font width.
-    fontIsFixedWidth := font isFixedWidth.
+    fontWidth := newDeviceFont width.
+    fontIsFixedWidth := newDeviceFont isFixedWidth.
     "Modified: 3.7.1997 / 12:24:25 / cg"
@@ -2890,55 +2891,55 @@
     |newText msg doCompareIfUnchanged|
     model notNil ifTrue:[
-        msg := listMsg ? aspectMsg.
-        msg notNil ifTrue:[
-            doCompareIfUnchanged := compareModelOnUpdate.
-            newText := model perform:msg.
-            "/ cg: this makes many optimizations (virtualArray) useless;
-            "/ I do not think that this is a good idea:
-            "/     text notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ so I changed it to:
-            (newText notNil and:[newText isString]) ifTrue:[
-                newText := newText asStringCollection.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newText == model ifTrue:[
-                    "/ I must operate on a copy
-                    newText := model asNewOrderedCollection.
-                    "/ doCompareIfUnchanged := false.
-                ].
-            ].
-            doCompareIfUnchanged ifTrue:[
-                "/ see if there is a change at all.
-                "/ use to compare using =, but that's not enough in case of emphasis change.
-                newText size == list size ifTrue:[
-                    |same|
-                    same := true.
-                    newText size > 0 ifTrue:[
-                        newText with:list do:[:eachNewLine :eachOldLine |
-                            (eachNewLine == eachOldLine) ifFalse:[
-                                same := false.
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                    same ifTrue:[^ self].
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ SV: this compare does not work, if model uses (i.e. updates)
-            "/ the same stringCollection as the view!!
-            true "text ~= list" ifTrue:[
-                "/ changed #list to care for scrollLocked
+	msg := listMsg ? aspectMsg.
+	msg notNil ifTrue:[
+	    doCompareIfUnchanged := compareModelOnUpdate.
+	    newText := model perform:msg.
+	    "/ cg: this makes many optimizations (virtualArray) useless;
+	    "/ I do not think that this is a good idea:
+	    "/     text notNil ifTrue:[
+	    "/ so I changed it to:
+	    (newText notNil and:[newText isString]) ifTrue:[
+		newText := newText asStringCollection.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		newText == model ifTrue:[
+		    "/ I must operate on a copy
+		    newText := model asNewOrderedCollection.
+		    "/ doCompareIfUnchanged := false.
+		].
+	    ].
+	    doCompareIfUnchanged ifTrue:[
+		"/ see if there is a change at all.
+		"/ use to compare using =, but that's not enough in case of emphasis change.
+		newText size == list size ifTrue:[
+		    |same|
+		    same := true.
+		    newText size > 0 ifTrue:[
+			newText with:list do:[:eachNewLine :eachOldLine |
+			    (eachNewLine == eachOldLine) ifFalse:[
+				same := false.
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ].
+		    same ifTrue:[^ self].
+		].
+	    ].
+	    "/ SV: this compare does not work, if model uses (i.e. updates)
+	    "/ the same stringCollection as the view!!
+	    true "text ~= list" ifTrue:[
+		"/ changed #list to care for scrollLocked
 "/                scrollLocked ifTrue:[
 "/                    self setList:newText expandTabs:expandTabsWhenUpdating
 "/                ] ifFalse:[
-                    self list:newText expandTabs:expandTabsWhenUpdating scanForNonStrings:expandTabsWhenUpdating
+		    self list:newText expandTabs:expandTabsWhenUpdating scanForNonStrings:expandTabsWhenUpdating
 "/                ]
-            ].
-        ].
+	    ].
+	].
     "Modified: 26.4.1996 / 14:09:42 / cg"
@@ -2955,9 +2956,9 @@
     prev := scrollLocked.
     scrollLocked := aBoolean not.
-        self getListFromModel
+	self getListFromModel
     ] ensure:[
-        scrollLocked := prev.
+	scrollLocked := prev.
@@ -2999,14 +3000,14 @@
     lineLen := line size.
     (line isNil or:[startCol > lineLen]) ifTrue:[
-        (nCols > 0) ifTrue:[
-            ^ (String new:nCols)
-        ].
-        ^ nil
+	(nCols > 0) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (String new:nCols)
+	].
+	^ nil
     (endCol > lineLen) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (line copyFrom:startCol to:lineLen) , (String new:(endCol-lineLen))
+	^ (line copyFrom:startCol to:lineLen) , (String new:(endCol-lineLen))
     ^ line copyFrom:startCol to:endCol
@@ -3018,16 +3019,16 @@
     line := self listAt:lineNr.
     line isNil ifTrue:[
-        (endCol > 0) ifTrue:[
-            ^ (String new:endCol)
-        ].
-        ^ nil
+	(endCol > 0) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ (String new:endCol)
+	].
+	^ nil
     lineSize := line size.
     (endCol > lineSize) ifTrue:[
-        ^ (line copyTo:lineSize) , (String new:(endCol - lineSize)).
+	^ (line copyTo:lineSize) , (String new:(endCol - lineSize)).
     ^ line copyTo:endCol
@@ -3064,47 +3065,47 @@
 recomputeWidthOfWidestLineFor:newEntry old:oldEntry
     "a new line was added (oldEntry == nil) or replaced oldEntry.
-     Update the widthOfWidestLine cache or flush it, if we cannot easily 
+     Update the widthOfWidestLine cache or flush it, if we cannot easily
      figure out the overall text width"
     |newW oldW|
     widthOfWidestLine notNil ifTrue:[
-        newEntry isNil ifTrue:[
-            newW := 0
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            (newEntry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                newW := font widthOf:newEntry
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                newW := newEntry widthOn:self
-            ].
-        ].
-        newW >= widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
-            widthOfWidestLine := newW.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            oldEntry isNil ifTrue:[
-                oldW := 0
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (oldEntry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                    oldW := font widthOf:oldEntry
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    oldW := oldEntry widthOn:self
-                ].
-            ].
-            newW > oldW ifTrue:[
-                "/ no change; new entries width is between this width and amx width
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "/ new entry is smaller than oldEntry; if the oldEntry was the previos max,
-                "/ we don't know the new max
-                oldW = widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
-                    widthOfWidestLine := nil "/ means: unknown
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "/ old line was not the widest, and new line is shorter;
-                    "/ no change
-                ]
-            ]
-        ].
+	newEntry isNil ifTrue:[
+	    newW := 0
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    (newEntry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+		newW := gc font widthOf:newEntry
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		newW := newEntry widthOn:self
+	    ].
+	].
+	newW >= widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
+	    widthOfWidestLine := newW.
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    oldEntry isNil ifTrue:[
+		oldW := 0
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(oldEntry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+		    oldW := gc font widthOf:oldEntry
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    oldW := oldEntry widthOn:self
+		].
+	    ].
+	    newW > oldW ifTrue:[
+		"/ no change; new entries width is between this width and amx width
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		"/ new entry is smaller than oldEntry; if the oldEntry was the previos max,
+		"/ we don't know the new max
+		oldW = widthOfWidestLine ifTrue:[
+		    widthOfWidestLine := nil "/ means: unknown
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "/ old line was not the widest, and new line is shorter;
+		    "/ no change
+		]
+	    ]
+	].
     ^ widthOfWidestLine
@@ -3210,7 +3211,7 @@
     entry isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
     (entry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-        ^ font widthOf:entry
+	^ gc font widthOf:entry
     ^ entry widthOn:self
@@ -3229,11 +3230,11 @@
      listSize "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |
     includesNonStrings ifTrue:[
-        ^ width
+	^ width
     fontIsFixedWidth ifTrue:[
-        ^ (self lengthOfLongestLineBetween:firstLine and:lastLine) * fontWidth
+	^ (self lengthOfLongestLineBetween:firstLine and:lastLine) * fontWidth
     listSize := self size.
     max := 0.
@@ -3242,27 +3243,27 @@
     (first > listSize) ifTrue:[^ max].
     (last > listSize) ifTrue:[
-        last := listSize
+	last := listSize
     self from:first to:last do:[:line |
-        line notNil ifTrue:[
-            (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                thisLen := font widthOf:line
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                thisLen := line widthOn:self
-            ].
-            (thisLen > max) ifTrue:[
-                max := thisLen
-            ]
-        ]
+	line notNil ifTrue:[
+	    (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+		thisLen := gc font widthOf:line
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		thisLen := line widthOn:self
+	    ].
+	    (thisLen > max) ifTrue:[
+		max := thisLen
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ max
     (line notNil and:[line isText]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ line withoutAnyColorEmphasis
+	^ line withoutAnyColorEmphasis
     ^ line
@@ -3277,14 +3278,14 @@
     (line notNil and:[line isText]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ line withoutBackgroundColorEmphasis
+	^ line withoutBackgroundColorEmphasis
     ^ line
     (line notNil and:[line isText]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ line withoutForegroundColorEmphasis
+	^ line withoutForegroundColorEmphasis
     ^ line
@@ -3296,7 +3297,7 @@
     (line notNil
     and:[line isText
     and:[fg ~= fgColor or:[bg ~= bgColor]]]) ifTrue:[
-        ^ line withoutAnyColorEmphasis
+	^ line withoutAnyColorEmphasis
     ^ line
@@ -3309,35 +3310,35 @@
     |line lineSize tcol lText|
     col == 1 ifTrue:[
-        lText := 0
+	lText := 0
     ] ifFalse:[
-        tcol := col - 1.
-        line := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
-        (fontIsFixedWidth
-        and:[line isNil or:[line isSingleByteString]])
-        ifTrue:[
-            lText := (tcol * fontWidth)
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            line notNil ifTrue:[
-                lineSize := line string size
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                lineSize := 0
-            ].
-            (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
-                lText := (tcol * fontWidth)
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (lineSize < col) ifTrue:[
-                    lText := (line widthOn:self) + (fontWidth * (tcol - lineSize))
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                        lText := (font widthOf:line from:1 to:tcol)
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        lText := line widthFrom:1 to:tcol on:self.
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	tcol := col - 1.
+	line := self visibleAt:visLineNr.
+	(fontIsFixedWidth
+	and:[line isNil or:[line isSingleByteString]])
+	ifTrue:[
+	    lText := (tcol * fontWidth)
+	] ifFalse:[
+	    line notNil ifTrue:[
+		lineSize := line string size
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		lineSize := 0
+	    ].
+	    (lineSize == 0) ifTrue:[
+		lText := (tcol * fontWidth)
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(lineSize < col) ifTrue:[
+		    lText := (line widthOn:self) + (fontWidth * (tcol - lineSize))
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
+			lText := (gc font widthOf:line from:1 to:tcol)
+		    ] ifFalse:[
+			lText := line widthFrom:1 to:tcol on:self.
+		    ]
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     ^ lText + textStartLeft
@@ -3352,7 +3353,7 @@
     visLine := self listLineToVisibleLine:lineNr.
     visLine isNil ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
+	^ nil
     ^ self yOfVisibleLine:visLine
@@ -3390,18 +3391,18 @@
     self checkForExistingLine:lineNr.
     charPos := 1.
     1 to:(lineNr - 1) do:[:lnr |
-        lineString := self at:lnr.
-        lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-            charPos := charPos + (lineString string) size
-        ].
-        charPos := charPos + lineEndCharSize   "the return-character"
+	lineString := self at:lnr.
+	lineString notNil ifTrue:[
+	    charPos := charPos + (lineString string) size
+	].
+	charPos := charPos + lineEndCharSize   "the return-character"
-    "/ NEW: expand that line, so that characterAtCharacterPosition returns the correct character 
-"/ wrong: will modify!! 
+    "/ NEW: expand that line, so that characterAtCharacterPosition returns the correct character
+"/ wrong: will modify!!
 "/    (lineString := self at:lineNr) size < colArg ifTrue:[
 "/        "/ expand this line
-"/        self at:lineNr put:((lineString ? ''),(String new:colArg-lineString size)).    
+"/        self at:lineNr put:((lineString ? ''),(String new:colArg-lineString size)).
 "/    ].
     "/ OLD: if beyond end of line, be careful to not advance into next line.
@@ -3445,9 +3446,11 @@
     "return the height of the receiver, if numberOfLines are to be displayed"
+    |font|
     "need a device font for query"
-    font := font onDevice:device.
-    ^ numberOfLines * fontHeight + topMargin + font descent + (lineSpacing) + (margin * 2)
+    font := gc createFontOnDevice.
+    ^ numberOfLines * fontHeight + topMargin + font descent + lineSpacing + (margin * 2)
     "Created: 27.1.1996 / 16:55:39 / cg"
@@ -3456,7 +3459,7 @@
     "return the height of the contents in pixels
      - used for scrollbar interface"
-    | numLines |
+    |numLines font|
     numLines := self numberOfLines.
     numLines == 0 ifTrue:[^ 0].
@@ -3470,12 +3473,11 @@
      need device-font for query
-    font := font onDevice:device.
-    ^ numLines * fontHeight "don't take font height here - think of LabelAndIcons"
+    font := gc createFontOnDevice.
+    ^ numLines * fontHeight "dont take font height here - think of LabelAndIcons"
 "/                            + textStartTop
                             - (lineSpacing // 2)
                             + (font descent)
-"/                            + (font descent)
 "/                            + (font descent * 2) "makes it look better"
@@ -3580,12 +3582,12 @@
     sum := 0.
     lastLine := self size.
     [(sum < charPos) and:[lineNr <= lastLine]] whileTrue:[
-        l := (self at:lineNr) ? ''.
-        sum := sum + (l string "withoutTrailingSeparators" size) + lineEndCharSize.
-        lineNr := lineNr + 1
+	l := (self at:lineNr) ? ''.
+	sum := sum + (l string "withoutTrailingSeparators" size) + lineEndCharSize.
+	lineNr := lineNr + 1
     sum == charPos ifTrue:[
-        ^ lineNr
+	^ lineNr
     ^ (lineNr - 1) max:1
@@ -3605,9 +3607,9 @@
 preferredExtentForLines:numLines cols:numCols
-    ^ (((font widthOf:'x') * numCols + margin + margin)
+    ^ (((gc font widthOf:'x') * numCols + margin + margin)
-      (fontHeight * numLines + margin + margin + font descent + lineSpacing + topMargin)).
+      (fontHeight * numLines + margin + margin + gc font descent + lineSpacing + topMargin)).
     "Modified: 26.5.1996 / 12:26:41 / cg"
@@ -3622,8 +3624,7 @@
     "return the width of the contents in pixels
      - used for scrollbar interface"
-    |f d 
-     start "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+    |font start "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
      stop  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
      lengthOfLongestString  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
      lengthOfLongestLine    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
@@ -3635,12 +3636,7 @@
         ^ widthOfWidestLine + (leftMargin * 2)
-    (d := device) isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ mhmh - really dont know yet
-        d := Screen current
-    ].
-    f := font := font onDevice:d.
+    font := gc createFontOnDevice.
     checkedLinesForWidthOfContentsComputation isNil ifTrue:[
         start := 1.
         stop := list size
@@ -3662,7 +3658,7 @@
             entry := list at:lineNr.
             entry notNil ifTrue:[
                 (entry isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-                    w := f widthOf:entry
+                    w := font widthOf:entry
                 ] ifFalse:[
                     w := entry widthOn:self
@@ -3717,21 +3713,16 @@
     "return the width of a line in pixels"
-    |line f d|
+    |line font|
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
     lineNr > list size ifTrue:[^ 0].
     line := list at:lineNr.
     list isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
-    (d := device) isNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ mhmh - really dont know yet
-        d := Screen current
-    ].
-    f := font := font onDevice:d.
+    font := gc createFontOnDevice.
     (line isSingleByteString) ifTrue:[
-        ^ f widthOf:line
+        ^ font widthOf:line
     ^ line widthOn:self
@@ -3966,7 +3957,7 @@
     "return the amount to scroll when stepping up/down.
      Here, the scrolling unit is characters."
-    ^ font width
+    ^ gc font width
     "Created: / 21.5.1999 / 15:55:06 / cg"
@@ -3996,7 +3987,7 @@
      no, the above does not look good, if you click / select at the
      far right - makes selecting so difficult ...
-    (xVis >= 0 and:[xVis < (width - font width)]) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    (xVis >= 0 and:[xVis < (width - gc font width)]) ifTrue:[^ self].
     self scrollHorizontalTo:(xWant - (width // 2)).
@@ -4209,7 +4200,7 @@
 	^ self
-    pxlOffset := font width * (aColNr - 1).
+    pxlOffset := gc font width * (aColNr - 1).
     pxlOffset < leftOffset ifTrue:[
 	self scrollLeft:(leftOffset - pxlOffset)
@@ -4300,8 +4291,8 @@
      Return true, to tell caller that scrolling is allowed (redefined in editField)"
-        startAutoScrollVertical:yDistance
-        scrollSelector:#scrollSelectDown.
+	startAutoScrollVertical:yDistance
+	scrollSelector:#scrollSelectDown.
     ^ true
@@ -4330,8 +4321,8 @@
      - timeDelta for scroll is computed from distance"
-        startAutoScrollHorizontal:xDistance negated
-        scrollSelector:#scrollSelectLeft.
+	startAutoScrollHorizontal:xDistance negated
+	scrollSelector:#scrollSelectLeft.
     ^ true
@@ -4340,8 +4331,8 @@
      - timeDelta for scroll is computed from distance"
-        startAutoScrollHorizontal:xDistance
-        scrollSelector:#scrollSelectRight.
+	startAutoScrollHorizontal:xDistance
+	scrollSelector:#scrollSelectRight.
     ^ true
@@ -4351,8 +4342,8 @@
      Return true, to tell caller that scrolling is allowed (redefined in editField)"
-        startAutoScrollVertical:yDistance negated
-        scrollSelector:#scrollSelectUp.
+	startAutoScrollVertical:yDistance negated
+	scrollSelector:#scrollSelectUp.
     ^ true
@@ -4364,15 +4355,15 @@
     autoScroll ifFalse:[^ self].
-    mm := (yDistance abs // self verticalIntegerPixelPerMillimeter) + 1.     
+    mm := (yDistance abs // self verticalIntegerPixelPerMillimeter) + 1.
     deltaT := 0.5 / mm.
     (deltaT = autoScrollDeltaT) ifFalse:[
-        autoScrollDeltaT := deltaT.
-        autoScrollBlock isNil ifTrue:[
-            autoScrollBlock := [self realized ifTrue:[self perform:scrollSelector]].
-            Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:deltaT
-        ]
+	autoScrollDeltaT := deltaT.
+	autoScrollBlock isNil ifTrue:[
+	    autoScrollBlock := [self realized ifTrue:[self perform:scrollSelector]].
+	    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:deltaT
+	]
     "Modified: / 08-08-2010 / 11:26:26 / cg"
@@ -4415,7 +4406,7 @@
      to be visible if it is positioned right behind the longest line of text.
      The default returned here is the width of a blank (to beautify italic text)"
-    ^ font width
+    ^ gc font width
 scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw
@@ -4444,42 +4435,42 @@
 "/  compute valid horizontal offset x
     (x := dltOrg x) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        tmp := viewOrigin x + x.
-        x < 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling left
-            tmp < 0 ifTrue:[x := 0 - viewOrigin x]
-        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling right
-         "/ allows scrolling to the right of widest line
-            max := self widthOfContents + (self additionalMarginForHorizontalScroll).
-            tmp + width > max ifTrue:[
-                x := (max - viewOrigin x - width) max:0
-            ]
-        ]
+	tmp := viewOrigin x + x.
+	x < 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling left
+	    tmp < 0 ifTrue:[x := 0 - viewOrigin x]
+	] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling right
+	 "/ allows scrolling to the right of widest line
+	    max := self widthOfContents + (self additionalMarginForHorizontalScroll).
+	    tmp + width > max ifTrue:[
+		x := (max - viewOrigin x - width) max:0
+	    ]
+	]
 "/  compute valid vertical offset measured in lines
     (y := dltOrg y // fontHeight) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        tmp := firstLineShown + y.
-        y < 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling up
-            tmp < 1 ifTrue:[y := 1 - firstLineShown]
-        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling down
-            max := self size.
-            tmp + nFullLinesShown > max ifTrue:[
-                y := (max - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1) max:0
-            ]
-        ]
+	tmp := firstLineShown + y.
+	y < 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling up
+	    tmp < 1 ifTrue:[y := 1 - firstLineShown]
+	] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling down
+	    max := self size.
+	    tmp + nFullLinesShown > max ifTrue:[
+		y := (max - firstLineShown - nFullLinesShown + 1) max:0
+	    ]
+	]
     (x == 0 and:[y == 0]) ifTrue:[                              "/ has viewOrigin changed ?
-        ^ self
+	^ self
     (noLn := y) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-        y := y * fontHeight
+	y := y * fontHeight
     delta := (x @ y).
@@ -4487,11 +4478,11 @@
     newViewOrigin := viewOrigin + delta.
     (shown and:[doRedraw]) ifFalse:[
-        self originWillChange.
-        firstLineShown := newFirstLine.
-        viewOrigin := newViewOrigin.
-        self assert:(viewOrigin x >= 0).
-        ^ self originChanged:delta
+	self originWillChange.
+	firstLineShown := newFirstLine.
+	viewOrigin := newViewOrigin.
+	self assert:(viewOrigin x >= 0).
+	^ self originChanged:delta
 "/    (self sensor notNil and: [self sensor hasExposeEventFor:self]) ifTrue:[               "/ outstanding expose events
@@ -4504,18 +4495,18 @@
       or:[(noLn abs) >= nLinesShown     "/ at least one area is
       or:[(x abs) > (width // 4 * 3)]]  "/ big enough to redraw all
     ) ifTrue:[
-        self originWillChange.
-        firstLineShown := newFirstLine.
-        viewOrigin := newViewOrigin.
-        self invalidate.
-        ^ self originChanged:delta
+	self originWillChange.
+	firstLineShown := newFirstLine.
+	viewOrigin := newViewOrigin.
+	self invalidate.
+	^ self originChanged:delta
     "/ OLD:
     "/ self repairDamage.
     (wg := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-        wg processRealExposeEventsFor:self.
+	wg processRealExposeEventsFor:self.
     self originWillChange.
@@ -4526,61 +4517,61 @@
     self catchExpose.
     x == 0 ifTrue:[
-        "/ scrolling vertical
-        y0 := textStartTop + (y abs).
-        h  := hBefore - margin - y0.
-        w  := wBefore - margin.
-        y > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ copy down
-            "/ kludge: if the selection highlighting draws into the textStartTop area,
-            "/ the copy below leaves some selection depris in the top area.
-            "/ Therefore, clear the top area.
-            "/ (should avoid this, in case we know there cannot be anything
-            "/  there - selection is nil or >= firstLineShown).
-            self clearDeviceRectangleX:margin y:margin width:width-margin-margin height:(textStartTop-margin).
+	"/ scrolling vertical
+	y0 := textStartTop + (y abs).
+	h  := hBefore - margin - y0.
+	w  := wBefore - margin.
+	y > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ copy down
+	    "/ kludge: if the selection highlighting draws into the textStartTop area,
+	    "/ the copy below leaves some selection depris in the top area.
+	    "/ Therefore, clear the top area.
+	    "/ (should avoid this, in case we know there cannot be anything
+	    "/  there - selection is nil or >= firstLineShown).
+	    self clearDeviceRectangleX:margin y:margin width:width-margin-margin height:(textStartTop-margin).
 "/            self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((margin@margin) corner:(width-margin@textStartTop)) repairNow:false.
-            self copyFrom:self
-                        x:0 y:y0 toX:0 y:textStartTop
-                    width:w height:h async:true.
-            y1 := h - 1.
-            y0 := y0 + 1.
-        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ copy up
-            self copyFrom:self
-                        x:margin y:textStartTop toX:margin y:y0
-                    width:w height:h async:true.
-            y1 := 0.
-        ].
-        inv := (margin@y1) extent:(w@y0+margin).
+	    self copyFrom:self
+			x:0 y:y0 toX:0 y:textStartTop
+		    width:w height:h async:true.
+	    y1 := h - 1.
+	    y0 := y0 + 1.
+	] ifFalse:[                                             "/ copy up
+	    self copyFrom:self
+			x:margin y:textStartTop toX:margin y:y0
+		    width:w height:h async:true.
+	    y1 := 0.
+	].
+	inv := (margin@y1) extent:(w@y0+margin).
     ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ scrolling horizontal
-        x > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling right
-            y0 := margin + x.
-            y1 := wBefore - y0.
-        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling left
-            y0 := margin - x.
-            y1 := 0.
-        ].
-        h := hBefore - margin - margin.
-        w := wBefore - margin - y0.
-        x > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ copy right
-            self copyFrom:self x:y0 y:margin toX:margin y:margin
-                    width:w height:h async:true.
-        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ copy left
-            "/ self copyFrom:self x:textStartLeft y:margin toX:y0 y:margin
+	"/ scrolling horizontal
+	x > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ scrolling right
+	    y0 := margin + x.
+	    y1 := wBefore - y0.
+	] ifFalse:[                                             "/ scrolling left
+	    y0 := margin - x.
+	    y1 := 0.
+	].
+	h := hBefore - margin - margin.
+	w := wBefore - margin - y0.
+	x > 0 ifTrue:[                                          "/ copy right
+	    self copyFrom:self x:y0 y:margin toX:margin y:margin
+		    width:w height:h async:true.
+	] ifFalse:[                                             "/ copy left
+	    "/ self copyFrom:self x:textStartLeft y:margin toX:y0 y:margin
 "/            viewOrigin x > margin ifTrue:[
 "/                self copyFrom:self x:0 y:margin toX:y0-margin y:margin
 "/                        width:w height:h async:true.
 "/            ] ifFalse:[
-                self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin toX:y0 y:margin
-                        width:w height:h async:true.
+		self copyFrom:self x:margin y:margin toX:y0 y:margin
+			width:w height:h async:true.
 "/            ].
-        ].
-        inv := (y1@margin) extent:(y0@h).
+	].
+	inv := (y1@margin) extent:(y0@h).
     firstLineShown := newFirstLine.
@@ -4588,14 +4579,14 @@
     self invalidateDeviceRectangle:inv repairNow:false.
     viewOrigin x <= margin ifTrue:[
-        self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0@margin) extent:(margin@h)) repairNow:false.
+	self invalidateDeviceRectangle:((0@margin) extent:(margin@h)) repairNow:false.
     self originChanged:delta.
     self waitForExpose.
     (wg := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
-        wg processRealExposeEventsFor:self.
+	wg processRealExposeEventsFor:self.
 "/    (hBefore ~= height or:[wBefore ~= width]) ifTrue:[
@@ -4694,13 +4685,13 @@
      found evaluate block2.
      Sorry, but pattern is no regular expression pattern (yet)"
-    ^ self 
-        searchBackwardUsingSpec:(SearchSpec new
-                                        pattern:pattern
-                                        ignoreCase:ignCase
-                                        match:false)
-        startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol 
-        ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
+    ^ self
+	searchBackwardUsingSpec:(SearchSpec new
+					pattern:pattern
+					ignoreCase:ignCase
+					match:false)
+	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
+	ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
 searchBackwardFor:pattern startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
@@ -4745,82 +4736,82 @@
     and:[startLine > 0
     and:[patternSize ~~ 0]])
-        self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
-            col := startCol - 1.
-            firstChar1 := pattern at:1.
-            ignCase ifTrue:[
-                firstChar1 := firstChar1 asLowercase.
-                firstChar2 := firstChar1 asUppercase.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                firstChar2 := firstChar1
-            ].
-            line1 := startLine.
-            line1 > list size ifTrue:[
-                line1 := list size.
-                col := -999
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                col > (list at:line1) size ifTrue:[
-                    col := -999
-                ]
-            ].
-            line1 to:1 by:-1 do:[:lnr |
-                lineString := list at:lnr.
-                lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-                    lineString := lineString asString.
-                    lineString isString ifTrue:[
-                        "/ quick check if pattern is present
-                        col1 := lineString
-                                findString:pattern startingAt:1
-                                ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive: ignCase not.
-                        col1 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                            lineSize := lineString size.
-                            col == -999 ifTrue:[col := lineSize - patternSize + 1].
-                            [(col > 0)
-                             and:[(c := lineString at:col) ~= firstChar1
-                             and:[c ~= firstChar2]]] whileTrue:[
-                                col := col - 1
-                            ].
-                            [col > 0] whileTrue:[
-                                cc := col.
-                                found := true.
-                                1 to:patternSize do:[:cnr |
-                                    cc > lineSize ifTrue:[
-                                        found := false
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        pc := pattern at:cnr.
-                                        c := lineString at:cc.
-                                        pc ~= c ifTrue:[
-                                            (ignCase not or:[pc asLowercase ~= c asLowercase]) ifTrue:[
-                                                found := false
-                                            ]
-                                        ]
-                                    ].
-                                    cc := cc + 1
-                                ].
-                                found ifTrue:[
-                                    (fullWord not
-                                        or:[ (self findBeginOfWordAtLine:lnr col:col) == col
-                                              and:[ (self findEndOfWordAtLine:lnr col:col) == (col + patternSize - 1) ]]
-                                    ) ifTrue:[
-                                        (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[col == 1]) ifTrue:[
-                                            ^ block1 value:lnr value:col optionalArgument:nil.
-                                        ]
-                                    ]
-                                ].
-                                col := col - 1.
-                                [(col > 0)
-                                and:[(c := lineString at:col) ~= firstChar1
-                                and:[c ~= firstChar2]]] whileTrue:[
-                                    col := col - 1
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                    ].
-                ].
-                col := -999.
-            ]
-        ]
+	self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
+	    col := startCol - 1.
+	    firstChar1 := pattern at:1.
+	    ignCase ifTrue:[
+		firstChar1 := firstChar1 asLowercase.
+		firstChar2 := firstChar1 asUppercase.
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		firstChar2 := firstChar1
+	    ].
+	    line1 := startLine.
+	    line1 > list size ifTrue:[
+		line1 := list size.
+		col := -999
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		col > (list at:line1) size ifTrue:[
+		    col := -999
+		]
+	    ].
+	    line1 to:1 by:-1 do:[:lnr |
+		lineString := list at:lnr.
+		lineString notNil ifTrue:[
+		    lineString := lineString asString.
+		    lineString isString ifTrue:[
+			"/ quick check if pattern is present
+			col1 := lineString
+				findString:pattern startingAt:1
+				ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive: ignCase not.
+			col1 ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+			    lineSize := lineString size.
+			    col == -999 ifTrue:[col := lineSize - patternSize + 1].
+			    [(col > 0)
+			     and:[(c := lineString at:col) ~= firstChar1
+			     and:[c ~= firstChar2]]] whileTrue:[
+				col := col - 1
+			    ].
+			    [col > 0] whileTrue:[
+				cc := col.
+				found := true.
+				1 to:patternSize do:[:cnr |
+				    cc > lineSize ifTrue:[
+					found := false
+				    ] ifFalse:[
+					pc := pattern at:cnr.
+					c := lineString at:cc.
+					pc ~= c ifTrue:[
+					    (ignCase not or:[pc asLowercase ~= c asLowercase]) ifTrue:[
+						found := false
+					    ]
+					]
+				    ].
+				    cc := cc + 1
+				].
+				found ifTrue:[
+				    (fullWord not
+					or:[ (self findBeginOfWordAtLine:lnr col:col) == col
+					      and:[ (self findEndOfWordAtLine:lnr col:col) == (col + patternSize - 1) ]]
+				    ) ifTrue:[
+					(atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[col == 1]) ifTrue:[
+					    ^ block1 value:lnr value:col optionalArgument:nil.
+					]
+				    ]
+				].
+				col := col - 1.
+				[(col > 0)
+				and:[(c := lineString at:col) ~= firstChar1
+				and:[c ~= firstChar2]]] whileTrue:[
+				    col := col - 1
+				]
+			    ]
+			]
+		    ].
+		].
+		col := -999.
+	    ]
+	]
     "not found"
@@ -4835,12 +4826,12 @@
      found evaluate block2."
     ^ self
-        searchForwardUsingSpec:(SearchSpec new
-                                    pattern:pattern 
-                                    ignoreCase:ignCase 
-                                    match:match)
-        startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol 
-        ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
+	searchForwardUsingSpec:(SearchSpec new
+				    pattern:pattern
+				    ignoreCase:ignCase
+				    match:match)
+	startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol
+	ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
 searchForwardFor:pattern ignoreCase:ignCase startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
@@ -4865,12 +4856,12 @@
 searchForwardUsingSpec:searchSpec startingAtLine:startLine col:startCol ifFound:block1 ifAbsent:block2
-    "search for a pattern, if found evaluate block1 with row/col as arguments, 
-     if not found evaluate block2. 
+    "search for a pattern, if found evaluate block1 with row/col as arguments,
+     if not found evaluate block2.
      If the block is a three-arg block, it gets the end-col (or nil, if not known)"
     |lineString col pattern match regexMatch ignCase fullWord atBeginOfLineOnly
-     wrapAtEndOfText patternSize matcher lnr   "{Class: SmallInteger}"  
+     wrapAtEndOfText patternSize matcher lnr   "{Class: SmallInteger}"
      line1 "{Class: SmallInteger}"
      line2 "{Class: SmallInteger}"
      p realPattern runner foundCol endCol|
@@ -4879,9 +4870,9 @@
     match := searchSpec match.
     regexMatch := searchSpec regexMatch.
     (match and:[regexMatch not]) ifTrue:[
-        pattern := pattern globPatternAsRegexPattern.
-        regexMatch := true.
-    ].    
+	pattern := pattern globPatternAsRegexPattern.
+	regexMatch := true.
+    ].
     ignCase := searchSpec ignoreCase.
     fullWord := searchSpec fullWord.
     atBeginOfLineOnly := searchSpec atBeginOfLineOnly.
@@ -4889,106 +4880,106 @@
     patternSize := pattern size.
     (list notNil and:[patternSize ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
-        self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
-            col := startCol + 1.
-            line1 := startLine.
-            line2 := list size.
-            "/ call searchBlock with lnr, col, and line. Cares for wrap
-            runner := 
-                [:searchBlock |
-                    |didWrap|
-                    lnr := line1.
-                    didWrap := false.
-                    [lnr <= line2] whileTrue:[
-                        lineString := list at:lnr.
-                        lineString notNil ifTrue:[
-                            lineString := lineString asString string.
-                            lineString isString ifTrue:[
-                                searchBlock value:lnr value:col value:lineString
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        col := 1.
-                        lnr := lnr + 1.
-                        lnr > line2 ifTrue:[
-                            (wrapAtEndOfText and:[didWrap not]) ifTrue:[
-                                didWrap := true.
-                                lnr := 1.
-                                line2 := line1-1.
-                            ].   
-                        ].    
-                   ].
-                ].
-            (match and:[regexMatch]) ifTrue:[
-                "perform a findMatchString (regex matching)"
-                Regex::RxParser isNil ifTrue:[
-                    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/regex'
-                ].
-                matcher := ignCase ifTrue:[pattern asRegexIgnoringCase] ifFalse:[pattern asRegex]. 
-                runner 
-                    value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
-                        "/ first a crude check ...
-                        (matcher hasMatchesIn:lineString) ifTrue:[
-                            "/ find which match to show
-                            1 to:matcher subexpressionCount do:[:i | 
-                                foundCol := matcher subBeginning:i.
-                                endCol := matcher subEnd:i.
-                                (foundCol notNil and: [endCol notNil]) ifTrue: [
-                                    foundCol := foundCol + 1. "/ regex uses 0-based indexes (sigh)
-                                    foundCol >= col ifTrue:[
-                                        (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
-                                            ^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:endCol.
-                                        ]]]]]].
-            ] ifFalse:[    
-                (match and:[pattern includesUnescapedMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
-                    "perform a findMatchString (glob matching)"
-                    p := pattern species new:0.
-                    (pattern startsWith:$*) ifFalse:[p := p , '*'].
-                    p := p , pattern.
-                    (pattern endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[p := p , '*'].
-                    realPattern := pattern.
-                    (realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
-                        realPattern := realPattern copyFrom:2
-                    ].
-                    runner 
-                        value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
-                            (p match:lineString caseSensitive:ignCase not) ifTrue:[
-                                "/ ok, there it is; look at which position
-                                foundCol := lineString
-                                        findMatchString:realPattern startingAt:col
-                                        caseSensitive:ignCase not ifAbsent:0.
-                                foundCol ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                    (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
-                                        ^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:nil.
-                                    ]]]].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "perform a findString (no matching)"
-                    p := pattern.
-                    (match and:[pattern includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
-                        p := pattern withoutMatchEscapes
-                    ].    
-                    runner 
-                        value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
-                            foundCol := lineString
-                                    findString:p startingAt:col ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive: ignCase not.
-                            foundCol ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-                                (fullWord not
-                                    or:[ (self findBeginOfWordAtLine:lnr col:foundCol) == foundCol
-                                          and:[ (self findEndOfWordAtLine:lnr col:foundCol) == (foundCol + patternSize - 1) ]]
-                                ) ifTrue:[
-                                    (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
-                                        ^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:nil.
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        ]
+	self withCursor:Cursor questionMark do:[
+	    col := startCol + 1.
+	    line1 := startLine.
+	    line2 := list size.
+	    "/ call searchBlock with lnr, col, and line. Cares for wrap
+	    runner :=
+		[:searchBlock |
+		    |didWrap|
+		    lnr := line1.
+		    didWrap := false.
+		    [lnr <= line2] whileTrue:[
+			lineString := list at:lnr.
+			lineString notNil ifTrue:[
+			    lineString := lineString asString string.
+			    lineString isString ifTrue:[
+				searchBlock value:lnr value:col value:lineString
+			    ]
+			].
+			col := 1.
+			lnr := lnr + 1.
+			lnr > line2 ifTrue:[
+			    (wrapAtEndOfText and:[didWrap not]) ifTrue:[
+				didWrap := true.
+				lnr := 1.
+				line2 := line1-1.
+			    ].
+			].
+		   ].
+		].
+	    (match and:[regexMatch]) ifTrue:[
+		"perform a findMatchString (regex matching)"
+		Regex::RxParser isNil ifTrue:[
+		    Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/regex'
+		].
+		matcher := ignCase ifTrue:[pattern asRegexIgnoringCase] ifFalse:[pattern asRegex].
+		runner
+		    value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
+			"/ first a crude check ...
+			(matcher hasMatchesIn:lineString) ifTrue:[
+			    "/ find which match to show
+			    1 to:matcher subexpressionCount do:[:i |
+				foundCol := matcher subBeginning:i.
+				endCol := matcher subEnd:i.
+				(foundCol notNil and: [endCol notNil]) ifTrue: [
+				    foundCol := foundCol + 1. "/ regex uses 0-based indexes (sigh)
+				    foundCol >= col ifTrue:[
+					(atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
+					    ^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:endCol.
+					]]]]]].
+	    ] ifFalse:[
+		(match and:[pattern includesUnescapedMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
+		    "perform a findMatchString (glob matching)"
+		    p := pattern species new:0.
+		    (pattern startsWith:$*) ifFalse:[p := p , '*'].
+		    p := p , pattern.
+		    (pattern endsWith:$*) ifFalse:[p := p , '*'].
+		    realPattern := pattern.
+		    (realPattern startsWith:$*) ifTrue:[
+			realPattern := realPattern copyFrom:2
+		    ].
+		    runner
+			value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
+			    (p match:lineString caseSensitive:ignCase not) ifTrue:[
+				"/ ok, there it is; look at which position
+				foundCol := lineString
+					findMatchString:realPattern startingAt:col
+					caseSensitive:ignCase not ifAbsent:0.
+				foundCol ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+				    (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
+					^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:nil.
+				    ]]]].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    "perform a findString (no matching)"
+		    p := pattern.
+		    (match and:[pattern includesMatchCharacters]) ifTrue:[
+			p := pattern withoutMatchEscapes
+		    ].
+		    runner
+			value:[:lnr :col :lineString |
+			    foundCol := lineString
+				    findString:p startingAt:col ifAbsent:0 caseSensitive: ignCase not.
+			    foundCol ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
+				(fullWord not
+				    or:[ (self findBeginOfWordAtLine:lnr col:foundCol) == foundCol
+					  and:[ (self findEndOfWordAtLine:lnr col:foundCol) == (foundCol + patternSize - 1) ]]
+				) ifTrue:[
+				    (atBeginOfLineOnly not or:[foundCol == 1]) ifTrue:[
+					^ block1 value:lnr value:foundCol optionalArgument:nil.
+				    ]
+				]
+			    ]
+			].
+		].
+	    ].
+	]
     "not found"
@@ -5008,12 +4999,12 @@
     (prefs := UserPreferences current) whitespaceWordSelectMode ifTrue:[
-        "an extremely simple mode, where every non-space is treated as part of the word"
-        ^ char isSeparator not
+	"an extremely simple mode, where every non-space is treated as part of the word"
+	^ char isSeparator not
     prefs extendedWordSelectMode ifTrue:[
-        "the typical mode, useful for text and code"
-        ^ char isNationalAlphaNumeric or:[char == $_]
+	"the typical mode, useful for text and code"
+	^ char isNationalAlphaNumeric or:[char == $_]
     "another typical mode, also useful for text and code"
     ^ char isNationalAlphaNumeric
@@ -5032,20 +5023,20 @@
     includesNonStrings := false.
     list notNil ifTrue:[
-        nLines := self size.
-        1 to:nLines do:[:index |
-            line := self at:index.
-            line notNil ifTrue:[
-                (line isString) ifTrue:[
-                    newLine := line withTabsExpanded.
-                    newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
-                        list at:index put:newLine
-                    ].
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    includesNonStrings := true.
-                ]
-            ]
-        ]
+	nLines := self size.
+	1 to:nLines do:[:index |
+	    line := self at:index.
+	    line notNil ifTrue:[
+		(line isString) ifTrue:[
+		    newLine := line withTabsExpanded.
+		    newLine ~~ line ifTrue:[
+			list at:index put:newLine
+		    ].
+		] ifFalse:[
+		    includesNonStrings := true.
+		]
+	    ]
+	]
     "Modified: 30.8.1995 / 19:06:37 / claus"
@@ -5311,7 +5302,7 @@
     ^ pattern
     pattern := patternString.
@@ -5333,11 +5324,11 @@
     forward := forwardBoolean
-pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean 
-          match:matchBoolean regexMatch:regexMatchBoolean
-          variable:variableBoolen 
-          fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
-          atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
+pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean
+	  match:matchBoolean regexMatch:regexMatchBoolean
+	  variable:variableBoolen
+	  fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
+	  atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
     pattern := patternString.
     ignoreCase := ignoredCaseBoolean.
     match := matchBoolean.
@@ -5348,12 +5339,12 @@
     atBeginOfLineOnly := atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
-pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean 
-          match:matchBoolean regexMatch:regexMatchBoolean
-          variable:variableBoolen 
-          fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
-          atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
-          wrapAtEnd:wrapAtEndOfTextArg
+pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean
+	  match:matchBoolean regexMatch:regexMatchBoolean
+	  variable:variableBoolen
+	  fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
+	  atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
+	  wrapAtEnd:wrapAtEndOfTextArg
     pattern := patternString.
     ignoreCase := ignoredCaseBoolean.
     match := matchBoolean.
@@ -5382,9 +5373,9 @@
     forward := forwardBoolean
-pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean match:matchBoolean variable:variableBoolen 
-                      fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
-                      atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
+pattern:patternString ignoreCase:ignoredCaseBoolean match:matchBoolean variable:variableBoolen
+		      fullWord:fullWordBoolen forward:forwardBoolean
+		      atBeginOfLineOnly:atBeginOfLineOnlyArg
     pattern := patternString.
     ignoreCase := ignoredCaseBoolean.
     match := matchBoolean.