changeset 5187 b313547fe799
parent 5184 50ede725bf12
child 5188 cc161d523f4f
--- a/	Wed Nov 26 21:15:34 2014 +0100
+++ b/	Thu Nov 27 00:21:40 2014 +0100
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libwidg' }"
 DialogBox subclass:#FontPanel
-	instanceVariableNames:'previewField listOfEncodings familyList faceList sizeList
-		revertButton currentFamily currentFace currentStyle
-		currentFaceAndStyle currentSize sizeUnit currentEncoding
-		selectedFont nameLabel encodingFilter encodingLabel filter
-		combinedFilter encoding sizeLabelHolder pixelPointSwitch
-		xftFontsOnlyHolder'
+	instanceVariableNames:'previewField listOfEncodings allFonts fontsPerFamily familyList
+		faceList sizeList revertButton currentFamily currentFace
+		currentStyle currentFaceAndStyle currentSize sizeUnit
+		currentEncoding selectedFont nameLabel encodingFilter
+		encodingLabel filter combinedFilter encoding sizeLabelHolder
+		pixelPointSwitch xftFontsOnlyHolder'
@@ -481,22 +481,26 @@
     "set the font to be selected initially"
-    |encoding|
+    |fontEncoding|
     selectedFont := aFont.
     currentFamily := aFont family.
     currentFace := aFont face.
     currentStyle := aFont style.
-    currentSize := aFont size.
     currentFaceAndStyle := currentFace,'-',currentStyle.
     self xftFontsOnlyHolder value:(aFont isXftFont).
-    encoding := aFont encoding.    
+    fontEncoding := aFont encoding.    
     sizeUnit := aFont sizeUnit.
+    sizeUnit = #px ifTrue:[
+        currentSize := aFont size asString , 'px'.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        currentSize := aFont size asString.
+    ].
 "/ self halt.
-    encodingFilter contents:encoding.
-    self encodingFilterSelected:encoding.
+    encodingFilter contents:fontEncoding.
+    self encodingFilterSelected:fontEncoding.
     self showSelectedFont.
     "Modified: 23.2.1996 / 00:51:32 / cg"
@@ -661,8 +665,7 @@
     familyList := familyList scrolledView.
     self makeTabable:familyList.
-    v2 := View origin:0.4@0.0 corner:0.8@1.0
-                   in:fontBrowserView.
+    v2 := View origin:0.4@0.0 corner:0.8@1.0 in:fontBrowserView.
     faceLabel := Label label:(resources string:'Typeface') in:v2.
     faceLabel borderWidth:0.
@@ -814,88 +817,206 @@
     "get the preview font"
-    |font allFonts fonts|
+    |fontShown fonts sz szUnitUsed|
     currentSize isNil ifTrue:[
         ^ nil.
+    sz := Integer readFrom:currentSize.
+    szUnitUsed := sizeUnit.
+    (currentSize endsWith:'px') ifTrue:[
+        szUnitUsed := #px.
+    ].
-    font := 
-        ((Screen current supportsXFTFonts and:[self xftFontsOnlyHolder value])
-            ifTrue:[XftFontDescription]
-            ifFalse:[Font])
-              family:currentFamily 
-              face:currentFace 
-              style:currentStyle
-              size:currentSize      
-              sizeUnit:sizeUnit
-              encoding:encoding.
-    font notNil ifTrue:[^ font].
+    fonts := (fontsPerFamily at:currentFamily)
+                select:[:fntDescr |
+                    fntDescr face = currentFace
+                    and:[ fntDescr style = currentStyle
+                    and:[ (szUnitUsed == #px)
+                            ifTrue:[ (fntDescr pixelSize = sz) or:[ fntDescr isScaledFont] ]
+                            ifFalse:[ (fntDescr size = sz) or:[ fntDescr isScaledFont] ]]]
+                ].
-    allFonts := self graphicsDevice 
-                    fontsInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
-                    face:(currentFace ? '*')
-                    style:(currentStyle ? '*')
-                    filtering:combinedFilter.
+    fonts size > 1 ifTrue:[
+        'FontPanel [info]: huh - multiple entries: ' infoPrint. fonts infoPrintCR.
+    ].
+    fontShown := fonts first.
+    fontShown isScaledFont ifTrue:[
+        szUnitUsed == #px ifTrue:[
+            fontShown := fontShown asPixelSize:sz
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            fontShown := fontShown asSize:sz
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ fontShown onDevice:self graphicsDevice
-    sizeUnit == #px ifTrue:[
-        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f pixelSize = currentSize].
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f size = currentSize].
-    ].
-    fonts notEmpty ifTrue:[
-        font := fonts anElement.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        "/ mhmh:
-        "/   size=0 is returned for scalable fonts. 
-        "/   Any size is possible.
-        "/
-        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f size = 0].
-        fonts notEmpty ifTrue:[
-            font := Font family:currentFamily 
-                      face:currentFace 
-                      style:currentStyle
-                      size:currentSize      
-                      sizeUnit:sizeUnit
-                      encoding:(fonts anElement encoding).
-        ]    
-    ].
-    ^ font
+"/    fontShown :=
+"/        ((Screen current supportsXFTFonts and:[selectedFont isXftFont "self xftFontsOnlyHolder value" ])
+"/            ifTrue:[XftFontDescription]
+"/            ifFalse:[Font])
+"/              family:currentFamily 
+"/              face:currentFace 
+"/              style:currentStyle
+"/              size:currentSize      
+"/              sizeUnit:sizeUnit
+"/              encoding:encoding.
+"/    fontShown notNil ifTrue:[^ fontShown].
+"/    allFonts := self graphicsDevice 
+"/                    fontsInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
+"/                    face:(currentFace ? '*')
+"/                    style:(currentStyle ? '*')
+"/                    filtering:combinedFilter.
+"/    sizeUnit == #px ifTrue:[
+"/        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f pixelSize = currentSize].
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f size = currentSize].
+"/    ].
+"/    fonts notEmpty ifTrue:[
+"/        fontShown := fonts anElement.
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        "/ mhmh:
+"/        "/   size=0 is returned for scalable fonts. 
+"/        "/   Any size is possible.
+"/        "/
+"/        fonts := allFonts select:[:f | f size = 0].
+"/        fonts notEmpty ifTrue:[
+"/            fontShown := Font family:currentFamily 
+"/                      face:currentFace 
+"/                      style:currentStyle
+"/                      size:currentSize      
+"/                      sizeUnit:sizeUnit
+"/                      encoding:(fonts anElement encoding).
+"/        ]    
+"/    ].
+"/    ^ fontShown
 getFacesForFamily:aFamilyName filtering:filter
     "the list of font faces for a given family"
-    ^ self graphicsDevice facesInFamily:aFamilyName filtering:filter.
+    |familyFonts|
+    familyFonts := fontsPerFamily at:aFamilyName ifAbsent:nil.
+    familyFonts isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ familyFonts 
+        select:[:fntDescr |
+            (filter isNil or:[filter value:fntDescr])
+        ]
+        thenCollect:[:fntDescr |
+            fntDescr face.
+        ]
+"/    ^ self graphicsDevice facesInFamily:aFamilyName filtering:filter.
     "the list of font families"
-    ^ self graphicsDevice fontFamiliesFiltering:combinedFilter.
+    |d|
+    allFonts := self graphicsDevice listOfAvailableFonts.
+    allFonts isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    d := Dictionary new.
+    allFonts do:[:fntDescr |
+        |family|
+        (combinedFilter isNil or:[combinedFilter value:fntDescr]) ifTrue:[
+            family := fntDescr family.
+            family isNil ifTrue:[
+                family := font name ? 'unnamed'
+            ].
+            (d at:family ifAbsentPut:[Set new]) add:fntDescr
+        ]
+    ].
+    fontsPerFamily := d.
+    ^ d keys asOrderedCollection sort
+"/    ^ self graphicsDevice fontFamiliesFiltering:combinedFilter.
 getSizesInFamily:aFamilyName face:face style:style filtering:filter
-    sizeUnit == #px ifTrue:[
-        ^ self graphicsDevice 
-             pixelSizesInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
-             face:(currentFace ? '*')
-             style:(currentStyle ? '*')
-             filtering:filter.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        ^ self graphicsDevice 
-             sizesInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
-             face:(currentFace ? '*')
-             style:(currentStyle ? '*')
-             filtering:filter.
+    |familyFonts faceAndStyleFonts sizes hasScalableFont|
+    familyFonts := fontsPerFamily at:aFamilyName ifAbsent:nil.
+    familyFonts isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    hasScalableFont := false.
+    faceAndStyleFonts := 
+        familyFonts 
+            select:[:fntDescr |
+                (filter isNil or:[filter value:fntDescr])
+                and:[ fntDescr face = face 
+                and:[ fntDescr style = style ]]
+            ].
+    sizes := 
+        faceAndStyleFonts
+            collect:[:fntDescr |
+                fntDescr isScaledFont ifTrue:[
+                    hasScalableFont := true.
+                ].
+                sizeUnit == #px 
+                    ifTrue:[ fntDescr pixelSize ]
+                    ifFalse:[ fntDescr size ]
+            ].
+    hasScalableFont ifTrue:[
+        sizeUnit == #px ifTrue:[
+            ^ #(10 16 20 24 28 32 48 56 64 72 80 92 128)
+        ].
+        ^ #(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 48 64 72 96 144 192 288)
+    (sizes size == 1 and:[sizes first == 0]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ some font may only be available in certain pixel sizes...
+        sizeUnit == #pt ifTrue:[
+            ^ (faceAndStyleFonts collect:[:fontDescr | fontDescr pixelSize]) asOrderedCollection
+                sort collect:[:sz | sz asString , 'px' ].
+        ].
+        ^ (faceAndStyleFonts collect:[:fontDescr | fontDescr size]) asOrderedCollection
+                sort collect:[:sz | sz asString , 'pt' ].
+    ].
+    ^ sizes asOrderedCollection sort.
+"/    sizeUnit == #px ifTrue:[
+"/        ^ self graphicsDevice 
+"/             pixelSizesInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
+"/             face:(currentFace ? '*')
+"/             style:(currentStyle ? '*')
+"/             filtering:filter.
+"/    ] ifFalse:[
+"/        ^ self graphicsDevice 
+"/             sizesInFamily:(currentFamily ? '*')
+"/             face:(currentFace ? '*')
+"/             style:(currentStyle ? '*')
+"/             filtering:filter.
+"/    ].
 getStylesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFace filtering:filter
     "the list of font styles for a given family-face"
-    ^ self graphicsDevice stylesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFace filtering:filter.
+    |familyFonts|
+    familyFonts := fontsPerFamily at:aFamilyName ifAbsent:nil.
+    familyFonts isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ familyFonts 
+        select:[:fntDescr |
+            (filter isNil or:[filter value:fntDescr])
+            and:[fntDescr face = aFace]
+        ]
+        thenCollect:[:fntDescr |
+            fntDescr style.
+        ]
+"/    ^ self graphicsDevice stylesInFamily:aFamilyName face:aFace filtering:filter.
@@ -1004,21 +1125,28 @@
         currentSize == 0 ifTrue:[
             currentSize := oldSize 
-        currentSize notNil ifTrue:[
-            (sizes includes:currentSize) ifFalse:[
-                sizes add:currentSize
+"/        currentSize notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            (sizes includes:currentSize) ifFalse:[
+"/                sizes add:currentSize
+"/            ].
+"/        ].
+    ].
+    "/ sizes sort.
+    sizeStrings := sizes collect:[:entry | entry asString].
+    sizeList list:sizeStrings.
+    currentSize notNil ifTrue:[
+        (sizeStrings includes:(currentSize asString)) ifTrue:[
+            sizeList setSelectElement:currentSize asString.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            sizeStrings notEmpty ifTrue:[
+                sizeList setSelectElement:sizeStrings first.
+                currentSize := sizeStrings first.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                currentSize := nil
-    sizes sort.
-    sizeStrings := sizes collect:[:entry | entry printString].
-    sizeList list:sizeStrings.
-    currentSize notNil ifTrue:[
-        (sizeStrings includes:(currentSize printString)) ifTrue:[
-            sizeList setSelectElement:currentSize printString.
-        ]
-    ].
@@ -1250,6 +1378,14 @@
     "ok was pressed; hide myself and evaluate the okAction, passing
      family, face, style and size as arguments"
+    |sz szUnitUsed|
+    szUnitUsed := (sizeUnit ? #pt).
+    sz := Number readFrom:currentSize.
+    (currentSize endsWith:'px') ifTrue:[
+        szUnitUsed := #px
+    ].
     self hide.
     okAction notNil ifTrue:[
         currentFamily notNil ifTrue:[
@@ -1260,8 +1396,8 @@
-                      size:currentSize      
-                      sizeUnit:(sizeUnit ? #pt)
+                      size:sz      
+                      sizeUnit:szUnitUsed
                       encoding:(currentEncoding ? encoding)).
@@ -1296,11 +1432,10 @@
 sizeSelected:aNumberOrString showPreview:showPreview
     "a size was selected; update preview"
-    aNumberOrString isNumber ifTrue:[
-        currentSize := aNumberOrString
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        currentSize := Number readFromString:aNumberOrString onError:nil
-    ].
+    currentSize := aNumberOrString.
+"/    aNumberOrString isNumber ifFalse:[
+"/        currentSize := Number readFromString:aNumberOrString onError:nil
+"/    ].
     showPreview ifTrue:[self showPreview]
     "Modified: 29.4.1996 / 09:43:23 / cg"
@@ -1319,10 +1454,10 @@
 !FontPanel class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.129 2014-11-26 16:02:19 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.130 2014-11-26 23:21:40 cg Exp $'
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.129 2014-11-26 16:02:19 stefan Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/,v 1.130 2014-11-26 23:21:40 cg Exp $'
 ! !