changeset 0 e6a541c1c0eb
child 3 9d7eefb5e69f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ObjectView.st	Fri Jul 16 11:44:44 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1880 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+View subclass:#ObjectView
+       instanceVariableNames:'contents
+                              sorted
+                              lastButt lastPointer lastButtonTime
+                              pressAction releaseAction
+                              shiftPressAction doublePressAction
+                              motionAction keyPressAction
+                              selection
+                              gridShown gridPixmap
+                              scaleShown scaleMetric
+                              groupRectangleFrame
+                              leftHandCursor readCursor oldCursor
+                              movedObject moveStartPoint
+                              moveDelta
+                              buffer
+                              documentFormat
+                              leftMarginForScale topMarginForScale
+                              canDragOutOfView rootMotion rootView aligning'
+       classVariableNames:''
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Views-Basic'
+ObjectView comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-92 by Claus Gittinger
+             All Rights Reserved
+a View which can hold DisplayObjects, can make selections, move them around etc.
+this is an abstract class providing common mechanisms - actual instances are
+DrawView, DirectoryView, LogicView or DocumentView.
+%W% %E%
+written spring/summer 89 by claus
+!ObjectView class methodsFor:'defaults'!
+    "when clicking an object, allow for hitDelta pixels around object;
+     0 is exact; 1*pixelPerMillimeter is good for draw programs"
+    ^ 0
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    |pixPerMM|
+    super initialize.
+    viewBackground := White.
+    bitGravity := #NorthWest.
+    contents := OrderedCollection new.
+    gridShown := false.
+    scaleShown := false.
+    canDragOutOfView := false.
+    rootView := DisplayRootView new.
+    rootView noClipByChildren.
+    rootMotion := false.
+    (Language == #english) ifTrue:[
+        documentFormat := 'letter'.
+        scaleMetric := #inch
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        documentFormat := 'a4'.
+        scaleMetric := #mm
+    ].
+    pixPerMM := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:1.
+    topMarginForScale := ((pixPerMM * 2.0) + 0.5) asInteger.
+    pixPerMM := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter:1.
+    leftMarginForScale := ((pixPerMM * 2.0) + 0.5) asInteger.
+    readCursor := Cursor read.
+    leftHandCursor := Cursor leftHand.
+    sorted := false.
+    aligning := false
+    self backingStore:true.
+    self enableButtonEvents.
+    self enableButtonMotionEvents
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "answer the height of the document in millimeters"
+    (documentFormat = 'a3') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 420
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'a4') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 296
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'a5') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 210
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'letter') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 11 * 25.4
+    ].
+    "assuming window size is document size"
+    ^ (height / self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:1) asInteger
+    "answer the width of the document in millimeters"
+    (documentFormat = 'a3') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 296
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'a4') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 210
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'a5') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 148
+    ].
+    (documentFormat = 'letter') ifTrue:[
+        ^ 8.5 * 25.4
+    ].
+    "assuming window size is document size"
+    ^ (width / self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter:1) asInteger
+    "answer the height of the document in pixels"
+    ^ ((self heightOfContentsInMM 
+        * (self verticalPixelPerMillimeter:1)) + 0.5) asInteger
+    "answer the width of the document in pixels"
+    ^ ((self widthOfContentsInMM 
+        * (self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter:1)) + 0.5) asInteger
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'drawing'!
+    "redraw complete View"
+    realized ifTrue:[
+        gridShown ifTrue:[
+            self redrawGrid
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self fill:viewBackground
+        ].
+        scaleShown ifTrue:[
+            self redrawScale
+        ].
+        self redrawObjects
+    ]
+    "redraw the grid"
+    gridPixmap notNil ifTrue:[
+        self drawOpaqueForm:gridPixmap x:0 y:0
+    ]
+    "redraw the horizontal scale"
+    |x mmH short step xRounded shortLen longLen len|
+    self clearRectangle:((0 @ 0) corner:(width @ topMarginForScale)).
+    scaleShown ifFalse:[^ self].
+    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
+        "long blibs every centimeter; short ones every half"
+        mmH := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
+        step := mmH * 5.0.
+        x := step.
+        short := true.
+        shortLen := (topMarginForScale / 2) asInteger.
+        longLen := topMarginForScale.
+        [x < width] whileTrue:[
+            xRounded := (x + 0.5) asInteger.
+            short ifTrue:[
+                len := shortLen
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                len := longLen
+            ].
+            self displayLineFromX:xRounded y:0 toX:xRounded y:len.
+            short := short not.
+            x := x + step
+        ]
+    ]
+    "redraw the vertical scale"
+    |y mmV short step yRounded shortLen longLen len|
+    self clearRectangle:((0 @ 0) corner:(leftMarginForScale @ height)).
+    scaleShown ifFalse:[^ self].
+    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
+        "long blibs every centimeter; short ones every half"
+        mmV := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
+        step := mmV * 5.0.
+        y := step.
+        short := true.
+        shortLen := (leftMarginForScale / 2) asInteger.
+        longLen := leftMarginForScale.
+        [y < height] whileTrue:[
+            yRounded := (y + 0.5) asInteger.
+            short ifTrue:[
+                len := shortLen
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                len := longLen
+            ].
+            self displayLineFromX:0 y:yRounded toX:len y:yRounded.
+            short := short not.
+            y := y + step
+        ]
+    ]
+    "redraw the scales"
+    self redrawHorizontalScale.
+    self redrawVerticalScale
+    "redraw all objects on a graphic context"
+    |vFrame org|
+    (aGC == self) ifTrue:[
+        realized ifFalse:[^ self].
+        org := viewOrigin + (leftMarginForScale @ topMarginForScale).
+        vFrame := Rectangle origin:org
+                            corner:(viewOrigin + (width @ height)).
+        self redrawObjectsIntersecting:vFrame
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        "loop over pages"
+        org := 0 @ 0.
+        vFrame := Rectangle origin:org
+                            corner:(org + (width @ height)).
+        self redrawObjectsIntersecting:vFrame
+    ]
+    "redraw all objects"
+    self redrawObjectsOn:self
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in aRectangle"
+    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        self show:theObject
+    ]
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in a vis rectangle"
+    self objectsIntersectingVisible:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        self show:theObject
+    ]
+redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in aRectangle
+     and are above (in front of) anObject"
+    self objectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        self show:theObject
+    ]
+redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:aRectangle
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themself in a vis rectangle
+     and are above (in front of) anObject"
+    self objectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        self show:theObject
+    ]
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in aRectangle
+     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
+    |visRect|
+    realized ifTrue:[
+        visRect := Rectangle origin:(aRectangle origin - viewOrigin)
+                             extent:(aRectangle extent).
+        self clippedTo:visRect do:[
+            gridShown ifTrue:[
+                self redrawGrid
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self paint:viewBackground.
+                self fillRectangle:visRect
+            ].
+            self redrawObjectsIntersecting:aRectangle
+        ]
+    ]
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in a vis rectangle
+     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
+    realized ifTrue:[
+        self clippedTo:visRect do:[
+            gridShown ifTrue:[
+                self redrawGrid
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self paint:viewBackground.
+                self fillRectangle:visRect
+            ].
+            self redrawObjectsIntersectingVisible:visRect
+        ]
+    ]
+redrawObjectsAbove:anObject in:aRectangle
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in aRectangle
+     and are above (in front of) anObject.
+     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
+    realized ifTrue:[
+        self clippedTo:aRectangle do:[
+            self redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle
+        ]
+    ]
+redrawObjectsAbove:anObject inVisible:aRectangle
+    "redraw all objects which have part of themselfes in a vis rectangle
+     and are above (in front of) anObject.
+     draw only in (i.e. clip output to) aRectangle"
+    realized ifTrue:[
+        self clippedTo:aRectangle do:[
+            self redrawObjectsAbove:anObject intersectingVisible:aRectangle
+        ]
+    ]
+    "show the object, either selected or not"
+    (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
+        self showSelected:anObject
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self showUnselected:anObject
+    ]
+showDragging:something offset:anOffset
+    "show an object while dragging"
+    |drawOffset top drawer|
+    canDragOutOfView ifTrue:[
+        "drag in root-window"
+        top := self topView.
+        drawOffset := device translatePoint:anOffset
+                                       from:(self id) to:(rootView id).
+        drawer := rootView
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        drawOffset := anOffset.
+        drawer := self
+    ].
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        anObject drawDragIn:drawer offset:drawOffset
+    ]
+    "show an object as selected"
+    shown ifTrue:[anObject drawSelectedIn:self]
+    "show an object as unselected"
+    shown ifTrue:[anObject drawIn:self]
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'selections'!
+    "apply block to every object in selection"
+    self forEach:selection do:aBlock
+    "show the selection - draw hilights - whatever that is"
+    self selectionDo:[:object |
+        self showSelected:object
+    ]
+    "hide the selection - undraw hilights - whatever that is"
+    self selectionDo:[:object |
+        self showUnselected:object
+    ]
+    "unselect - hide selection; clear selection buffer"
+    self hideSelection.
+    selection := nil
+    "select something - hide previouse selection, set to something and hilight"
+    (selection == something) ifFalse:[
+        self hideSelection.
+        selection := something.
+        self showSelection
+    ]
+    "select all objects"
+    self hideSelection.
+    selection := contents.
+    self showSelection
+    "add anObject to the selection"
+    (selection isKindOf:Collection) ifFalse:[
+        selection := OrderedCollection with:selection
+    ].
+    selection add:anObject.
+    self showSelected:anObject
+    "remove anObject from the selection"
+    (selection isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+        selection remove:anObject ifAbsent:[nil].
+        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[
+            selection := selection first
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (selection == anObject) ifTrue:[
+            selection := nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    self showUnselected:anObject
+    "select all objects touched by aRectangle"
+    self hideSelection.
+    selection := OrderedCollection new.
+    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        selection add:theObject
+    ].
+    (selection size == 0) ifTrue:[
+        selection := nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[selection := selection first]
+    ].
+    self showSelection
+    "select all objects fully in aRectangle"
+    self hideSelection.
+    selection := OrderedCollection new.
+    self objectsIn:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        selection add:theObject
+    ].
+    (selection size == 0) ifTrue:[
+        selection := nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (selection size == 1) ifTrue:[selection := selection first]
+    ].
+    self showSelection
+    "evaluate aBlock while selection is hidden"
+    |sel|
+    sel := selection.
+    self unselect.
+    aBlock value.
+    self select:sel
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'testing objects'!
+    "find the last object (by looking from back to front) which is hit by
+     the argument, aPoint - this is the topmost object hit"
+    |hdelta|
+    hdelta := self class hitDelta.
+    contents reverseDo:[:object |
+        (object isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:hdelta) ifTrue:[^ object]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "find the last object (by looking from back to front) which is hit by
+     a visible point - this is the topmost object hit"
+    ^ self findObjectAt:(aPoint + viewOrigin)
+findObjectAt:aPoint suchThat:aBlock
+    "find the last object (back to front ) which is hit by
+     the argument, aPoint and for which the testBlock, aBlock evaluates to
+     true"
+    |hdelta|
+    hdelta := self class hitDelta.
+    contents reverseDo:[:object |
+        (object isHitBy:aPoint withDelta:hdelta) ifTrue:[
+            (aBlock value:object) ifTrue:[^ object]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+findObjectAtVisible:aPoint suchThat:aBlock
+    "find the last object (back to front ) which is hit by
+     the argument, aPoint and for which the testBlock, aBlock evaluates to
+     true"
+    ^ self findObjectAt:(aPoint + viewOrigin) suchThat:aBlock
+    "answer the maximum extent defined by the argument, anObject or a
+     collection of objects"
+    |first frameAll|
+    anObjectOrCollection isNil ifTrue:[^ nil ].
+    first := true.
+    self forEach:anObjectOrCollection do:[:theObject |
+        first ifTrue:[
+            frameAll := theObject frame.
+            first := false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            frameAll := frameAll merge:(theObject frame)
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ frameAll
+    "return true, if the argument, anObject or a collection can be moved"
+    (something isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+        self forEach:something do:[:theObject |
+            (theObject canBeMoved) ifFalse:[^ false]
+        ].
+        ^ true
+    ].
+    ^ something canBeMoved
+    "return true, if the argument, anObject is in the selection"
+    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
+    (selection == anObject) ifTrue:[^ true].
+    (selection isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+        ^ (selection identityIndexOf:anObject startingAt:1) ~~ 0
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the argument, anObject is obscured (partially or whole)
+     by any other object"
+    |frameToBeTested frameleft frameright frametop framebot
+     objectsFrame startIndex|
+    (objectToBeTested == (contents last)) ifTrue:[
+        "quick return if object is on top"
+        ^ false
+    ].
+    frameToBeTested := self frameOf:objectToBeTested.
+    frameleft := frameToBeTested left.
+    frameright := frameToBeTested right.
+    frametop := frameToBeTested top.
+    framebot := frameToBeTested bottom.
+    "check objects after the one to check"
+    startIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested ifAbsent:[self error].
+    contents from:(startIndex + 1) to:(contents size) do:[:object |
+        objectsFrame := self frameOf:object.
+        (objectsFrame right < frameleft) ifFalse:[
+            (objectsFrame left > frameright) ifFalse:[
+                (objectsFrame bottom < frametop) ifFalse:[
+                    (objectsFrame top > framebot) ifFalse:[
+                        ^ true
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+    "return true, if the argument something, anObject or a collection of
+     objects is obscured (partially or whole) by any other object"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        (self objectIsObscured:anObject) ifTrue:[
+            ^ true
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ false
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'layout manipulation'!
+move:something to:aPoint in:aView
+    "can only happen when dragOutOfView is true
+     - should be redefined in subclasses"
+    self notify:'cannot move object(s) out of view'
+move:something to:aPoint inAlienViewId:aViewId
+    "can only happen when dragOutOfView is true
+     - should be redefined in subclasses"
+    self notify:'cannot move object(s) to alien views'
+move:something by:delta
+    "change the position of something, an Object or Collection 
+     by delta, aPoint"
+    (delta x == 0) ifTrue:[
+        (delta y == 0) ifTrue:[^ self]
+    ].
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self moveObject:anObject by:delta
+    ]
+moveObject:anObject by:delta
+    "change the position of anObject by delta, aPoint"
+    self moveObject:anObject to:(anObject origin + delta)
+moveObject:anObject to:newOrigin
+    "move anObject to newOrigin, aPoint"
+    |oldOrigin oldFrame newFrame 
+     objectsIntersectingOldFrame objectsIntersectingNewFrame 
+     wasObscured isObscured intersects
+     vx vy oldLeft oldTop w h newLeft newTop|
+    anObject isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    anObject canBeMoved ifFalse:[^ self].
+    oldOrigin := anObject origin.
+    (oldOrigin = newOrigin) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    oldFrame := self frameOf:anObject.
+    objectsIntersectingOldFrame := self objectsIntersecting:oldFrame.
+    wasObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
+    anObject moveTo:newOrigin.
+    newFrame := self frameOf:anObject.
+    objectsIntersectingNewFrame := self objectsIntersecting:newFrame.
+    "try to redraw the minimum possible"
+    "if no other object intersects both frames we can do a copy:"
+    intersects := oldFrame intersects:newFrame.
+    intersects ifFalse:[
+        gridShown ifFalse:[
+            (objectsIntersectingOldFrame size == 1) ifTrue:[
+                (objectsIntersectingNewFrame size == 1) ifTrue:[
+                    vx := viewOrigin x.
+                    vy := viewOrigin y.
+                    oldLeft := oldFrame left - vx.
+                    oldTop := oldFrame top - vy.
+                    newLeft := newFrame left - vx.
+                    newTop := newFrame top - vy.
+                    w := oldFrame width.
+                    h := oldFrame height.
+                    ((newLeft < width) and:[newTop < height]) ifTrue:[
+                        ((newLeft >= 0) and:[newTop >= 0]) ifTrue:[
+                            self copyFrom:self x:oldLeft y:oldTop
+                                             toX:newLeft y:newTop
+                                           width:w height:h.
+                            self waitForExpose
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    ((oldLeft < width) and:[oldTop < height]) ifTrue:[
+                        ((oldLeft >= 0) and:[oldTop >= 0]) ifTrue:[
+                            self fillRectangleX:oldLeft y:oldTop width:w height:h
+                                           with:viewBackground
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                    ^ self
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    isObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
+    (oldFrame intersects:newFrame) ifTrue:[
+        isObscured ifFalse:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:oldFrame.
+            self show: anObject
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:(oldFrame merge:newFrame)
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self redrawObjectsIn:oldFrame.
+        isObscured ifFalse:[
+            self show: anObject
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:newFrame
+        ]
+    ]
+    "bring the argument, anObject to front"
+    |wasObscured|
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        wasObscured := self isObscured:anObject.
+        contents remove:anObject.
+        contents addLast:anObject.
+        wasObscured ifTrue:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "bring the argument, anObject or a collection of objects to front"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self objectToFront:anObject
+    ]
+    "bring the selection to front"
+    self toFront:selection
+    "bring the argument, anObject to back"
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        contents remove:anObject.
+        contents addFirst:anObject.
+        (self isObscured:anObject) ifTrue:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "bring the argument, anObject or a collection of objects to back"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self objectToBack:anObject
+    ]
+    "bring the selection to back"
+    self toBack:selection
+    |leftMost|
+    leftMost := 999999.
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        leftMost := leftMost min:(anObject frame left)
+    ].
+    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+            self moveObject:anObject to:(leftMost @ (anObject frame top))
+        ]
+    ]
+    |rightMost|
+    rightMost := -999999.
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        rightMost := rightMost max:(anObject frame right)
+    ].
+    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+            self moveObject:anObject to:(rightMost - (anObject frame width))
+                                         @ (anObject frame top)
+        ]
+    ]
+    |topMost|
+    topMost := 999999.
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        topMost := topMost min:(anObject frame top)
+    ].
+    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+            self moveObject:anObject to:((anObject frame left) @ topMost)
+        ]
+    ]
+    |botMost|
+    botMost := -999999.
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        botMost := botMost max:(anObject frame bottom)
+    ].
+    self withSelectionHiddenDo:[
+        self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+            self moveObject:anObject to:(anObject frame left)
+                                        @
+                                        (botMost - (anObject frame height))
+        ]
+    ]
+    "align selected objects left"
+    self alignLeft:selection
+    "align selected objects right"
+    self alignRight:selection
+    "align selected objects at top"
+    self alignTop:selection
+    "align selected objects at bottom"
+    self alignBottom:selection
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'adding / removing'!
+    "delete the selection"
+    buffer := selection.
+    self unselect.
+    self remove:buffer.
+    selection := nil
+    "add the objects in the paste-buffer"
+    self unselect.
+    self addSelected:buffer
+    "copy the selection into the paste-buffer"
+    buffer := OrderedCollection new.
+    self selectionDo:[:object |
+        buffer add:(object copy)
+    ].
+    self forEach:buffer do:[:anObject |
+        anObject moveTo:(anObject origin + (8 @ 8))
+    ]
+    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
+     and select it"
+    self add:something.
+    self select:something
+    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
+     do not redraw"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self addObjectWithoutRedraw:anObject
+    ]
+    "add the argument, anObject to the contents - no redraw"
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        contents addLast:anObject
+    ]
+    "add something, anObject or a collection of objects to the contents
+     with redraw"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self addObject:anObject
+    ]
+    "add the argument, anObject to the contents - with redraw"
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        contents addLast:anObject.
+        "its on top - only draw this one"
+        realized ifTrue:[
+            self showUnselected:anObject
+        ]
+    ]
+    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
+     do redraw"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self removeObject:anObject
+    ]
+    "remove the argument, anObject from the contents - no redraw"
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        self removeFromSelection:anObject.
+        contents remove:anObject.
+        realized ifTrue:[
+            self redrawObjectsIn:(anObject frame)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "remove something, anObject or a collection of objects from the contents
+     do not redraw"
+    self forEach:something do:[:anObject |
+        self removeObjectWithoutRedraw:anObject
+    ]
+    "remove the argument, anObject from the contents - no redraw"
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        self removeFromSelection:anObject.
+        contents remove:anObject
+    ]
+    "remove all - no redraw"
+    selection := nil.
+    contents := OrderedCollection new
+    "remove all - redraw"
+    self removeAllWithoutRedraw.
+    self redraw
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'misc'!
+    motionAction := [:movePoint | nil].
+    releaseAction := [nil]
+    motionAction := [:movePoint | self doRectangleDrag:movePoint].
+    releaseAction := [self endRectangleDrag]
+    motionAction := [:movePoint | self doObjectMove:movePoint].
+    releaseAction := [self endObjectMove]
+forEach:aCollection do:aBlock
+    "apply block to every object in a collectioni;
+     (adds a check for non-collection)"
+    aCollection isNil ifTrue:[^self].
+    (aCollection isKindOf:Collection) ifTrue:[
+        aCollection do:[:object |
+            object notNil ifTrue:[
+                aBlock value:object
+            ]
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse: [
+        aBlock value:aCollection
+    ]
+objectsInVisible:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object which is completely in a 
+     visible rectangle"
+    |absRect|
+    absRect := Rectangle left:(aRectangle left + viewOrigin x)
+                          top:(aRectangle top + viewOrigin y)
+                        width:(aRectangle width)
+                       height:(aRectangle height).
+    self objectsIn:absRect do:aBlock
+objectsIn:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object which is completely in a rectangle"
+    |bot|
+    sorted ifTrue:[
+        bot := aRectangle bottom.
+        contents do:[:theObject |
+            (theObject isContainedIn:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+                aBlock value:theObject
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                theObject frame top > bot ifTrue:[^ self]
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    contents do:[:theObject |
+        (theObject isContainedIn:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+            aBlock value:theObject
+        ]
+    ]
+    "do something to every visible object"
+    |absRect|
+    absRect := Rectangle left:viewOrigin x
+                          top:viewOrigin y
+                        width:width
+                       height:height.
+    self objectsIntersecting:absRect do:aBlock
+    "answer the number of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle"
+    |absRect|
+    absRect := Rectangle
+                 left:(aRectangle left + viewOrigin x)
+                  top:(aRectangle top  + viewOrigin y)
+                width:(aRectangle width)
+               height:(aRectangle height).
+    ^ self numberOfObjectsIntersecting:aRectangle
+    "answer the number of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle"
+    |tally|
+    tally := 0.
+    contents do:[:theObject |
+        (theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+            tally := tally + 1
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ tally
+    "answer a Collection of objects intersecting the argument, aRectangle"
+    |newCollection|
+    newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
+    self objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:[:theObject |
+        newCollection add:theObject
+    ].
+    (newCollection size == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ newCollection
+    "answer a Collection of objects intersecting a visible aRectangle"
+    |absRect|
+    absRect := Rectangle left:(aRectangle left + viewOrigin x)
+                          top:(aRectangle top + viewOrigin y)
+                        width:(aRectangle width)
+                       height:(aRectangle height).
+    ^ self objectsIntersecting:absRect
+objectsIntersecting:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object which intersects a rectangle"
+    |f top bot
+     firstIndex "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     delta      "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
+     theObject 
+     nObjects   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"|
+    sorted ifFalse:[
+        "have to check every object"
+        contents do:[:theObject |
+            (theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+                aBlock value:theObject
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    nObjects := contents size.
+    (nObjects == 0) ifTrue:[^ self].
+    "can break, when 1st object below aRectangle is reached"
+    bot := aRectangle bottom.
+    top := aRectangle top.
+    "binary search an object in aRectangle ..."
+    delta := nObjects // 2.
+    firstIndex := delta.
+    (firstIndex == 0) ifTrue:[
+       firstIndex := 1
+    ].
+    theObject := contents at:firstIndex.
+    (theObject frame bottom < top) ifTrue:[
+        [theObject frame bottom < top and:[delta > 1]] whileTrue:[
+            delta := delta // 2.
+            firstIndex := firstIndex + delta.
+            theObject := contents at:firstIndex
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        [theObject frame top > bot and:[delta > 1]] whileTrue:[
+            delta := delta // 2.
+            firstIndex := firstIndex - delta.
+            theObject := contents at:firstIndex
+        ]
+    ].
+    "now, theObject at:firstIndex is in aRectangle; go backward to the object
+     following first non-visible"
+    [theObject frame bottom > top and:[firstIndex > 1]] whileTrue:[
+        firstIndex := firstIndex - 1.
+        theObject := contents at:firstIndex
+    ].
+    firstIndex to:nObjects do:[:index |
+        theObject := contents at:index.
+        f := theObject frame.
+        (f intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+            aBlock value:theObject
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (f top > bot) ifTrue:[^ self]
+        ]
+    ]
+objectsIntersectingVisible:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object which intersects a visible rectangle"
+    |absRect|
+    absRect := Rectangle left:(aRectangle left + viewOrigin x)
+                          top:(aRectangle top + viewOrigin y)
+                        width:(aRectangle width)
+                       height:(aRectangle height).
+    self objectsIntersecting:absRect do:aBlock
+objectsBelow:objectToBeTested do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object below objectToBeTested
+     (does not mean obscured by - simply below in hierarchy)"
+    |endIndex|
+    endIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested ifAbsent:[self error].
+    contents from:1 to:(endIndex - 1) do:aBlock
+objectsAbove:objectToBeTested do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object above objectToBeTested
+     (does not mean obscured - simply above in hierarchy)"
+    |startIndex|
+    startIndex := contents identityIndexOf:objectToBeTested
+                                  ifAbsent:[self error].
+    contents from:startIndex to:(contents size) do:aBlock
+objectsAbove:anObject intersecting:aRectangle do:aBlock
+    "do something to every object above objectToBeTested
+     and intersecting aRectangle"
+    self objectsAbove:anObject do:[:theObject |
+        (theObject frame intersects:aRectangle) ifTrue:[
+            aBlock value:theObject
+        ]
+    ]
+    "find the area occupied by visible objects"
+    |left right top bottom frame oLeft oRight oTop oBottom orgX orgY|
+    orgX := viewOrigin x.
+    orgY := viewOrigin y.
+    left := 9999.
+    right := 0.
+    top := 9999.
+    bottom := 0.
+    self visibleObjectsDo:[:anObject |
+        frame := anObject frame.
+        oLeft := frame left - orgX.
+        oRight := frame right - orgX.
+        oTop := frame top - orgY.
+        oBottom := frame bottom - orgY.
+        (oLeft < left) ifTrue:[left := oLeft].
+        (oRight > right) ifTrue:[right := oRight].
+        (oTop < top) ifTrue:[top := oTop].
+        (oBottom > bottom) ifTrue:[bottom := oBottom]
+    ].
+    (left < margin) ifTrue:[left := margin].
+    (top < margin) ifTrue:[top := margin].
+    (right > (width - margin)) ifTrue:[right := width - margin].
+    (bottom > (height - margin)) ifTrue:[bottom := height - margin].
+    ((left > right) or:[top > bottom]) ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ^ Rectangle left:left right:right top:top bottom:bottom
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'view manipulation'!
+    "show the scale"
+    scaleShown := true.
+    self redrawScale
+    "hide the scale"
+    scaleShown := false.
+    self redrawScale
+    (scaleMetric == #inch) ifTrue:[
+        scaleMetric := #mm.
+        gridShown ifTrue:[
+            self defineGrid.
+            self redraw
+        ]
+    ]
+    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
+        scaleMetric := #inch.
+        gridShown ifTrue:[
+            self defineGrid.
+            self redraw
+        ]
+    ]
+    "define the grid pattern"
+    |mmH mmV gridW gridH xp yp y x
+     bigStepH bigStepV littleStepH littleStepV hires
+     oldCursor|
+    mmH := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
+    mmV := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
+    hires := self horizontalPixelPerInch > 120.
+    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
+        "dots every mm; lines every cm"
+        bigStepH := mmH * 10.0.
+        bigStepV := mmV * 10.0.
+        littleStepH := mmH.
+        littleStepV := mmV
+    ].
+    (scaleMetric == #inch) ifTrue:[
+        "dots every eights inch; lines every half inch"
+        bigStepH := mmH * (25.4 / 2).
+        bigStepV := mmV * (25.4 / 2).
+        littleStepH := mmH * (25.4 / 8).
+        littleStepV := mmV * (25.4 / 8)
+    ].
+    bigStepH isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    oldCursor := cursor.
+    self cursor:Cursor wait.
+    gridW := (self widthOfContentsInMM * mmH + 1) asInteger.
+    gridH := (self heightOfContentsInMM * mmV + 1) asInteger.
+    gridPixmap := Form width:gridW height:gridH depth:(device depth).
+    gridPixmap fill:viewBackground.
+    gridPixmap paint:paint.
+    "draw first row point-by-point"
+    yp := 0.0.
+    xp := 0.0.
+    y := yp asInteger.
+    [xp <= gridW] whileTrue:[
+        x := xp rounded.
+        hires ifTrue:[
+            gridPixmap drawPointX:(x + 1) y:y.
+            gridPixmap drawPointX:(x + 2) y:y
+        ].
+        gridPixmap drawPointX:x y:y.
+        xp := xp + littleStepH
+    ].
+    "copy rest from what has been drawn already"
+    yp := yp + bigStepV.
+    [yp <= gridH] whileTrue:[
+        y := yp rounded.
+        hires ifTrue:[
+            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                         toX:0 y:(y + 1)
+                                       width:gridW height:1.
+            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                         toX:0 y:(y + 2)
+                                       width:gridW height:1
+        ].
+        gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                     toX:0 y:y
+                                   width:gridW height:1.
+        yp := yp + bigStepV
+    ].
+    "draw first col point-by-point"
+    xp := 0.0.
+    yp := 0.0.
+    x := xp asInteger.
+    [yp <= gridH] whileTrue:[
+        y := yp rounded.
+        hires ifTrue:[
+            gridPixmap drawPointX:x y:(y + 1).
+            gridPixmap drawPointX:x y:(y + 2)
+        ].
+        gridPixmap drawPointX:x y:y.
+        yp := yp + littleStepV
+    ].
+    "copy rest from what has been drawn already"
+    xp := xp + bigStepH.
+    [xp <= gridW] whileTrue:[
+        x := xp rounded.
+        hires ifTrue:[
+            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                         toX:(x + 1) y:0
+                                       width:1 height:gridH.
+            gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                         toX:(x + 2) y:0
+                                       width:1 height:gridH
+        ].
+        gridPixmap copyFrom:gridPixmap x:0 y:0 
+                                     toX:x y:0
+                                   width:1 height:gridH.
+        xp := xp + bigStepH
+    ].
+    self cursor:oldCursor
+    "show the grid"
+    gridShown := true.
+    gridPixmap isNil ifTrue:[
+        self defineGrid
+    ].
+    self redraw
+    "hide the grid"
+    gridShown := false.
+    self redraw
+    "align points to grid"
+    aligning := true
+    "do no align point to grid"
+    aligning := false
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'user interface'!
+    "round aPoint to the next nearest point on the grid"
+    |mmH mmV aH aV|
+    aligning ifFalse:[
+        ^ aPoint
+    ].
+    mmH := self horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
+    mmV := self verticalPixelPerMillimeter.
+    (scaleMetric == #mm) ifTrue:[
+        "align to mm"
+        aH := mmH.
+        aV := mmV
+    ].
+    (scaleMetric == #inch) ifTrue:[
+        "align to eights inch"
+        aH := mmH * (25.4 / 8).
+        aV := mmV * (25.4 / 8)
+    ].
+    ^ (aPoint grid:(aH @ aV)) grid:(1 @ 1)
+    "start a rectangle drag"
+    self setRectangleDragActions.
+    groupRectangleFrame := Rectangle origin:startPoint corner:startPoint.
+    self xoring:[self drawRectangle:groupRectangleFrame].
+    oldCursor := cursor.
+    self cursor:leftHandCursor
+    "do drag a rectangle"
+    self xoring:[
+        self drawRectangle:groupRectangleFrame.
+        groupRectangleFrame corner:aPoint.
+        self drawRectangle:groupRectangleFrame
+    ]
+    "cleanup after rectangle drag; select them"
+    self xoring:[self drawRectangle:groupRectangleFrame].
+    self cursor:oldCursor.
+    self selectAllIn:(groupRectangleFrame + viewOrigin)
+    "add/remove an object from the selection"
+    |anObject|
+    anObject := self findObjectAtVisible:aPoint.
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
+            "remove from selection"
+            self removeFromSelection:anObject
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "add to selection"
+            self addToSelection:anObject
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ self
+    "start a rectangleDrag or objectMove - if aPoint hits an object,
+     an object move is started, otherwise a rectangleDrag"
+    |anObject|
+    anObject := self findObjectAtVisible:aPoint.
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        (self isSelected:anObject) ifFalse:[self unselect].
+        self startObjectMove:anObject at:aPoint.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    "nothing was hit by this click - this starts a group select"
+    self unselect.
+    self startRectangleDrag:aPoint
+    "add/remove object hit by aPoint, then start a rectangleDrag or move 
+     - if aPoint hits an object, a move is started, otherwise a rectangleDrag"
+    |anObject|
+    anObject := self findObjectAtVisible:aPoint.
+    anObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        (self isSelected:anObject) ifTrue:[
+            "remove from selection"
+            self removeFromSelection:anObject
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            "add to selection"
+            self addToSelection:anObject
+        ].
+        self startObjectMove:selection at:aPoint.
+        ^ self
+    ].
+    self unselect.
+    self startRectangleDrag:aPoint
+startObjectMove:something at:aPoint
+    "start an object move"
+    something notNil ifTrue:[
+        self select:something.
+        (self canMove:something) ifTrue:[
+            self setMoveActions.
+            moveStartPoint := aPoint.
+            rootMotion := canDragOutOfView "."
+            "self doObjectMove:aPoint "
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self setDefaultActions
+        ]
+    ]
+    "do an object move"
+    |dragger offs2|
+    canDragOutOfView ifTrue:[
+        dragger := rootView.
+        offs2 := viewOrigin
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        dragger := self.
+        offs2 := 0@0
+    ].
+    movedObject isNil ifTrue:[
+        movedObject := selection.
+        movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
+            moveDelta := 0@0.
+            dragger xoring:[
+                self showDragging:movedObject
+                           offset:(moveDelta - offs2)
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        dragger xoring:[
+            self showDragging:movedObject offset:(moveDelta - offs2).
+            moveDelta := aPoint - moveStartPoint.
+            self showDragging:movedObject offset:(moveDelta - offs2)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "cleanup after object move - physically move the object now"
+    |dragger inMySelf offs2 rootPoint destinationPoint
+     viewId destinationView destinationId lastViewId|
+    movedObject notNil ifTrue:[
+        canDragOutOfView ifTrue:[
+            dragger := rootView.
+            offs2 := viewOrigin
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            dragger := self.
+            offs2 := 0@0
+        ].
+        dragger xoring:[self showDragging:movedObject 
+                                   offset:(moveDelta - offs2)].
+        dragger device synchronizeOutput.
+        "check if object is to be put into another view"
+        rootMotion ifTrue:[
+            rootPoint := device translatePoint:lastButt
+                                          from:(self id) 
+                                            to:(rootView id).
+            "search view the drop is in"
+            viewId := rootView id.
+            [viewId notNil] whileTrue:[
+                destinationId := device viewIdFromPoint:rootPoint in:viewId.
+                lastViewId := viewId.
+                viewId := destinationId
+            ].
+            destinationView := device viewFromId:lastViewId.
+            destinationId := lastViewId.
+            inMySelf := (destinationView == self).
+            rootMotion := false
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            inMySelf := true
+        ].
+        inMySelf ifTrue:[
+            "simple move"
+            self move:movedObject by:moveDelta
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            destinationPoint := device translatePoint:rootPoint
+                                                 from:(rootView id) 
+                                                   to:destinationId.
+            destinationView notNil ifTrue:[
+                "move into another smalltalk view"
+                self move:movedObject to:destinationPoint
+                                      in:destinationView
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self move:movedObject to:destinationPoint
+                           inAlienViewId:destinationId
+            ] 
+        ].
+        self setDefaultActions.
+        movedObject := nil
+    ]
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'events'!
+buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    "user pressed left button"
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        pressAction notNil ifTrue:[
+            lastButt := x @ y.
+            pressAction value:lastButt
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    ]
+buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
+    "user pressed left button with shift"
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressAction notNil ifTrue:[
+            lastButt := x @ y.
+            shiftPressAction value:lastButt
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
+    ]
+buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
+    "user pressed left button twice (or more)"
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        doublePressAction notNil ifTrue:[
+            doublePressAction value:(x @ y)
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
+    ]
+buttonMotion:button x:buttX y:buttY
+    "user moved mouse while button pressed"
+    |xpos ypos movePoint|
+    (lastButt == nil) ifFalse:[
+        xpos := buttX.
+        ypos := buttY.
+        "check against view limits if move outside is not allowed"
+        rootMotion ifFalse:[
+            (xpos < 0) ifTrue:[                    
+                xpos := 0
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                (xpos > width) ifTrue:[xpos := width]
+            ].
+            (ypos < 0) ifTrue:[                    
+                ypos := 0
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                (ypos > height) ifTrue:[ypos := height]
+            ]
+        ].
+        movePoint := xpos @ ypos.
+        (xpos == (lastButt x)) ifTrue:[
+            (ypos == (lastButt y)) ifTrue:[
+                ^ self                          "no move"
+            ]
+        ].
+        motionAction notNil ifTrue:[
+            motionAction value:movePoint
+        ].
+        lastButt := movePoint
+    ]
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    (button == 1) ifTrue: [
+        releaseAction notNil ifTrue:[releaseAction value]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    ] 
+keyPress:key x:x y:y
+    keyPressAction notNil ifTrue:[
+        selection notNil ifTrue:[
+            self selectionDo: [:obj |
+                obj keyInput:key
+            ]
+        ]
+    ]
+redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
+    |innerX innerY innerW innerH redrawFrame |
+    innerX := x.
+    innerY := y.
+    innerW := w.
+    innerH := h.
+    scaleShown ifTrue:[
+        (x < leftMarginForScale) ifTrue:[
+            self redrawVerticalScale.
+            innerW := w - (leftMarginForScale - x).
+            innerX := leftMarginForScale 
+        ].
+        (y < topMarginForScale) ifTrue:[
+            self redrawHorizontalScale.
+            innerH := h - (topMarginForScale - y).
+            innerY := topMarginForScale 
+        ]
+    ].
+    (contents size ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+        redrawFrame := Rectangle left:innerX top:innerY 
+                                width:innerW height:innerH.
+        self redrawObjectsInVisible:redrawFrame
+    ]
+! !
+!ObjectView methodsFor:'saving / restoring'!
+    |excla|
+    excla := aStream class chunkSeparator.
+    self forEach:contents do:[:theObject |
+        theObject storeOn:aStream.
+        aStream nextPut:excla.
+        aStream cr
+    ].
+    aStream nextPut:excla
+    "each object may be processed here after its beeing filed-in
+     - subclasses may do whatever they want here ...
+     (see LogicView for example)"
+    ^ self
+    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:false
+    self fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:true
+fileInContentsFrom:aStream redraw:redraw
+    |newObject chunk savCursor|
+    savCursor := self cursor.
+    self cursor:readCursor.
+    self unselect.
+    self removeAll.
+    [aStream atEnd] whileFalse:[
+        chunk := aStream nextChunk.
+        chunk notNil ifTrue:[
+            chunk isEmpty ifFalse:[
+                newObject := Compiler evaluate:chunk.
+                self initializeFileInObject:newObject.
+                redraw ifFalse:[
+                    self addObjectWithoutRedraw:newObject
+                ] ifTrue:[
+                    self addObject:newObject
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    self cursor:savCursor
+! !