changeset 0 e6a541c1c0eb
child 3 9d7eefb5e69f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PopUpMenu.st	Fri Jul 16 11:44:44 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+PopUpView subclass:#PopUpMenu
+       instanceVariableNames:'menuView lastSelection memorize hideOnLeave
+                              actionLabels actionLines actionValues'
+       classVariableNames:''
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Views-Menus'
+PopUpMenu comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+%W% %E%
+written summer 89 by claus;
+ST-80 compatibility added Dec 92;
+!PopUpMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+labels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject for:aView
+    |newMenu|
+    aView isNil ifTrue:[
+        newMenu := self on:Display
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newMenu := self on:(aView device)
+    ].
+    ^ newMenu menu:(MenuView
+                        labels:labels
+                     selectors:selectors
+                      receiver:anObject
+                            in:newMenu)
+labels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
+    ^ self labels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject for:nil
+labels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject for:aView
+    |newMenu|
+    aView isNil ifTrue:[
+        newMenu := self on:Display
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        newMenu := self on:(aView device)
+    ].
+    ^ newMenu menu:(MenuView
+                        labels:labels
+                     selectors:selectors
+                          args:args
+                      receiver:anObject
+                            in:newMenu)
+labels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
+    ^ self labels:labels 
+        selectors:selectors 
+             args:args 
+         receiver:anObject 
+              for:nil
+! !
+!PopUpMenu class methodsFor:'ST-80 instance creation'!
+    ^ self labels:labels lines:nil values:nil 
+labels:labels values:values 
+    ^ self labels:labels lines:nil values:values 
+labels:labels lines:lines 
+    ^ self labels:labels lines:lines values:nil
+labels:labels lines:lines values:values 
+    ^ (self new) labels:labels lines:lines values:values 
+labelList:labels values:values 
+    ^ self labels:labels lines:nil values:values 
+labelList:labels lines:lines values:values 
+    ^ (self new) labels:labels lines:lines values:values 
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    super initialize.
+    memorize := true.
+    hideOnLeave := false
+    super initEvents.
+    self enableEnterLeaveEvents.
+    self enableButtonMotionEvents.
+    self enableMotionEvents.
+    self enableButtonEvents
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'realization'!
+    "adjust my size to the size of the actual menu"
+    |extra newWidth newHeight|
+    extra := margin * 2.
+    newWidth := menuView width + extra.
+    newHeight := menuView height + extra.
+    ((newWidth ~~ width) or:[newHeight ~~ height]) ifTrue:[
+        self extent:(menuView width + extra) @ (menuView height + extra)
+    ].
+    super fixSize
+    menuView deselectWithoutRedraw.
+    super realize.
+    menuView disableButtonMotionEvents.
+    menuView disableMotionEvents.
+    menuView disableButtonEvents
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'private accessing'!
+    "set the actual menu"
+    menuView := aMenu.
+    menuView origin:(margin @ margin).
+    menuView borderWidth:0
+    "return the actual menu"
+    ^ menuView
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "this is a kludge and will vanish ..."
+    super viewBackground:aColor.
+    menuView viewBackground:aColor
+    "set/clear the hideOnLeave attribute, which controls
+     if the menu should be hidden when the pointer leaves
+     the view (used with multiple-menus)"
+    hideOnLeave := aBoolean
+    "enable a menu entry"
+    menuView enable:anEntry
+    "disable a menu entry"
+    menuView disable:anEntry
+    menuView receiver:anObject
+addLabel:aLabel selector:aSelector
+    "add a new menu entry to the end"
+    menuView addLabel:aLabel selector:aSelector
+addLabel:aLabel selector:aSelector arg:anArg
+    "add a new menu entry to the end"
+    menuView addLabel:aLabel selector:aSelector arg:anArg
+labelAt:index put:aString
+    "change a menu entry"
+    menuView labelAt:index put:aString
+selectorAt:index put:aSymbol
+    "change a selector entry"
+    menuView selectorAt:index put:aSymbol
+subMenuAt:indexOrName put:aMenu
+    "define a submenu to be shown for entry indexOrName"
+    aMenu hideOnLeave:true.
+    menuView subMenuAt:indexOrName put:aMenu
+    "|v m|
+     v := View new.
+     m := PopUpMenu labels:#('1' '2' '3')
+                 selectors:#(one two nil)
+                  receiver:v
+                       for:nil.
+     m subMenuAt:3 put:(PopUpMenu
+                             labels:#('a' 'b' 'c')
+                          selectors:#(a b c)
+                           receiver:v
+                                for:nil).
+     v middleButtonMenu:m.
+     v realize"
+    "return a checkToggles state"
+    ^ menuView checkToggleAt:index
+checkToggleAt:index put:aBoolean
+    "set/clear a checkToggle"
+    ^ menuView checkToggleAt:index put:aBoolean
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'ST-80 accessing'!
+    ^ actionLabels asText size
+    ^ actionLabels asText
+    ^ actionValues
+    ^ actionLines
+labels:labelString lines:lineArray values:valueArray
+    "define the menu the ST-80 way (with labels and lines
+     defined separately)"
+    |labelArray argArray convertedLabels 
+     offs dstOffs linePos|
+    actionLabels := labelString.
+    actionLines := lineArray.
+    actionValues := valueArray.
+    labelArray := labelString asText.
+    convertedLabels := Array new:(labelArray size + lineArray size).
+    argArray := Array new:(labelArray size + lineArray size).
+    offs := 1.
+    dstOffs := 1.
+    1 to:lineArray size do:[:lineIndex |
+        linePos := lineArray at:lineIndex.
+        [offs <= linePos] whileTrue:[
+            convertedLabels at:dstOffs put:(labelArray at:offs).
+            argArray at:dstOffs put:offs.
+            offs := offs + 1.
+            dstOffs := dstOffs + 1
+        ].
+        convertedLabels at:dstOffs put:'-'.
+        argArray at:dstOffs put:nil.
+        dstOffs := dstOffs + 1
+    ].
+    [offs <= labelArray size] whileTrue:[
+        convertedLabels at:dstOffs put:(labelArray at:offs).
+        argArray at:dstOffs put:offs.
+        offs := offs + 1.
+        dstOffs := dstOffs + 1
+    ].
+    self menu:(MenuView
+                        labels:convertedLabels
+                      selector:nil
+                          args:argArray
+                      receiver:nil 
+                            in:self)
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'activation'!
+    "realize the menu at aPoint - return control"
+    self fixSize.
+    self origin:aPoint.
+    ((top + height) > (device height)) ifTrue:[
+        self top:(device height - height)
+    ].
+    ((left + width) > (device width)) ifTrue:[
+        self left:(device width - width)
+    ].
+    self realize
+    "realize the menu at the current pointer position - return control"
+    self showAt:(device pointerPosition)
+    "realize the menu at its last position - return control"
+    self fixSize.
+    self realize
+    "hide the menu"
+    ^ self unrealize
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'ST-80 activation'!
+    "start the menu modal - return the selected selector,
+     or - if no selectors where specified - the index.
+     If nothing was selected, return 0.
+     Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished"
+    |actionIndex value|
+    menuView action:[:selected |
+        menuView args isNil ifTrue:[
+            menuView selectors isNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ 0
+            ].
+            ^ menuView receiver perform:(menuView selectors at:selected)
+        ].
+        actionIndex := menuView args at:selected.
+        actionIndex isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
+        actionValues isNil ifTrue:[^ actionIndex].
+        value := actionValues at:actionIndex.
+        (value isKindOf:PopUpMenu) ifTrue:[
+            ^ value startUp
+        ].
+        ^ value
+    ].
+    self showAtPointer.
+    self modalLoop.
+    ^ 0
+! !
+!PopUpMenu methodsFor:'events'!
+buttonMotion:button x:x y:y
+    (x >= 0) ifTrue:[
+        (x < width) ifTrue:[
+            (y >= 0) ifTrue:[
+                (y < height) ifTrue:[
+                    menuView buttonMotion:button x:x y:y.
+                    ^ self
+                ]
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    menuView pointerLeave:button.
+    hideOnLeave ifTrue:[
+        self hide
+    ]
+    menuView pointerLeave:state.
+    hideOnLeave ifTrue:[
+        self hide
+    ]
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    self hide.
+    menuView buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+! !