changeset 0 e6a541c1c0eb
child 3 9d7eefb5e69f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TextColl.st	Fri Jul 16 11:44:44 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+EditTextView subclass:#TextCollector
+       instanceVariableNames:'entryStream lineLimit destroyAction
+                              outstandingLines outstandingLine
+                              flushBlock flushPending collecting'
+       classVariableNames:''
+       poolDictionaries:''
+       category:'Views-Text'
+TextCollector comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+a view for editable text, which also understands some stream messages.
+Instances of this view can take the place of a stream and display the received
+text; it is used especially for Transcript.
+%W% %E%
+written winter-89 by claus
+!TextCollector class methodsFor:'defaults'!
+    ^ nil
+! !
+!TextCollector class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
+    |topView transcript f v|
+    Display initialize.
+    topView := StandardSystemView label:'Transcript'
+                              minExtent:(100 @ 100).
+    v := ScrollableView for:self in:topView.
+    v origin:(0.0 @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0).
+    transcript := v scrolledView.
+    transcript lineLimit:600.
+    transcript collect:true.
+    "transcript partialLines:false."
+    f := transcript font.
+    topView extent:(((f widthOf:'x') * 70) @ (f height * 10)).
+    Smalltalk at:#Transcript put:transcript.
+    "fancy feature: whenever Transcript is closed, reset to StdError"
+    transcript destroyAction:[Smalltalk at:#Transcript put:Stderr].
+    topView realize.
+    ^ transcript
+! !
+!TextCollector methodsFor:'initialize / release'!
+    super initialize.
+    outstandingLines := OrderedCollection new.
+    flushBlock := [self endEntry].
+    flushPending := false.
+    collecting := false.
+    lineLimit := self class defaultLineLimit.
+    entryStream := ActorStream new.
+    entryStream nextPutBlock:[:something | self nextPut:something].
+    entryStream nextPutAllBlock:[:something | self nextPutAll:something]
+    destroyAction notNil ifTrue:[
+        destroyAction value
+    ].
+    flushBlock notNil ifTrue:[
+        device removeTimedBlock:flushBlock
+    ].
+    super destroy
+! !
+!TextCollector methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "turn on collecting - i.e. do not output immediately
+     but collect text and output en-bloque after some time
+     delta"
+    collecting := aBoolean
+    "define the number of text-lines I am supposed to hold"
+    lineLimit := aNumber
+    "define the action to be performed when I get destroyed"
+    destroyAction := aBlock
+    "flush collected output"
+    |nLines|
+    "insert the bunch of lines - if any"
+    nLines := outstandingLines size.
+    (nLines ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
+        outstandingLines do:[:line |
+            self insertStringAtCursor:line.
+            self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr)
+        ].
+        self insertLines:outstandingLines withCr:true.
+        self withCursorOffDo:[
+            (cursorLine >= (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown)) ifTrue:[
+                self scrollDown:nLines
+            ]
+        ].
+        outstandingLines grow:0
+    ].
+    "and the last partial line - if any"
+    outstandingLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        flushPending := false.
+        self nextPut:outstandingLine.
+        outstandingLine := nil
+    ].
+    device removeTimedBlock:flushBlock.
+    flushPending := false
+! !
+!TextCollector methodsFor:'private'!
+    "this method checks if the text has become too large (> lineLimit)
+     and cuts off some lines at the top if so; it must be called whenever lines
+     have been added to the bottom"
+    |nDel|
+    lineLimit notNil ifTrue:[
+        (cursorLine > lineLimit) ifTrue:[
+            nDel := list size - lineLimit.
+            list removeFromIndex:1 toIndex:nDel.
+            cursorLine := cursorLine - nDel.
+            firstLineShown := firstLineShown - nDel.
+            (firstLineShown < 1) ifTrue:[
+                cursorLine := cursorLine - firstLineShown + 1.
+                firstLineShown := 1
+            ].
+            self contentsChanged
+        ]
+    ]
+! !
+!TextCollector methodsFor:'stream messages'!
+    ^ width // (font width)
+    "this allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise"
+    flushPending ifTrue:[
+        self endEntry
+    ].
+    (something isMemberOf:Character) ifTrue:[
+        ((something == Character cr) or:[something == Character nl]) ifTrue:[
+            ^ self cr
+        ].
+        self insertCharAtCursor:something
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self insertStringAtCursor:(something printString).
+        self checkLineLimit
+    ].
+    device synchronizeOutput
+    "this allows TextCollectors to be used Stream-wise"
+    ^ self nextPut:something
+    collecting ifTrue:[
+        outstandingLines add:outstandingLine.
+        outstandingLine := nil.
+        flushPending ifFalse:[
+            device addTimedBlock:flushBlock after:0.2.
+            flushPending := true
+        ] ifTrue:[
+            device evaluateTimeOutBlocks
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self cursorReturn.
+        self checkLineLimit
+    ]
+    "insert the argument aString at current cursor position"
+    |aString|
+    aString := anObject printString.
+    collecting ifTrue:[
+        outstandingLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            outstandingLine := outstandingLine , aString
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            outstandingLine := aString
+        ].
+        flushPending ifFalse:[
+            device addTimedBlock:flushBlock after:0.2.
+            flushPending := true
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        self nextPut:aString
+    ]
+    "insert the argument aString followed by a newline
+     at current cursor position"
+    self show:aString.
+    self cr
+    "this is funny: all message we do not understand, are passed
+     on to the stream which will send the characters via nextPut:
+     This way, we understand all Stream messages - great isn't it !!
+    "
+     ^ entryStream perform:(aMessage selector)
+             withArguments:(aMessage arguments)
+! !