changeset 0 e6a541c1c0eb
child 3 9d7eefb5e69f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Fri Jul 16 11:44:44 1993 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+ COPYRIGHT (c) 1992-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+ This software is furnished under a license and may be used
+ only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
+ inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
+ be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
+ other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
+ hereby transferred.
+VariableVerticalPanel subclass:#VariableHorizontalPanel
+         instanceVariableNames:''
+         classVariableNames:'hArrow'
+         poolDictionaries:''
+         category:'Views-Layout'
+VariableHorizontalPanel comment:'
+COPYRIGHT (c) 1992-93 by Claus Gittinger
+              All Rights Reserved
+a View to separate its subviews horizontally by a movable bar
+to adjust the size-ratios.
+The bar-handle is either an exposed knob (knobStyle == #motif)
+or the forms defined in Scroller (knobStyle ~~ #motif)
+%W% %E%
+written summer 92 by claus
+!VariableHorizontalPanel methodsFor:'initializing'!
+    "set the cursor - a horizontal double arrow"
+    "which one looks better ?"
+    cursor := Cursor leftRightArrow
+    "cursor := Cursor leftLimitArrow"
+! !
+!VariableHorizontalPanel methodsFor:'private'!
+handleOriginsFrom:start to:stop do:aBlock
+    "evaluate the argument block for some handle-origins"
+    |y hh|
+    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
+        shadowForm notNil ifTrue:[
+            hh := shadowForm height
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            hh := barHeight
+        ].
+        (handlePosition == #left) ifTrue:[
+            y := hh * 2
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            (handlePosition == #right) ifTrue:[
+                y := height - (2 * hh) - margin
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                y := height // 2
+            ]
+        ].
+        (start + 1) to:stop do:[:index |
+            |x view|
+            view := subViews at:index.
+            x := view origin x - barHeight + 1.
+            aBlock value:(x @ y)
+        ]
+    ]
+    "setup subviews sizes (in case of non-relative sizes)"
+    |x w |
+    self anyNonRelativeSubviews ifTrue:[
+        "there is at least one subview without
+         relative origin/extent - setup all subviews
+         to spread evenly ..."
+        x := 0.0.
+        w := 1.0 / (subViews size).
+        1 to:(subViews size) do:[:index |
+            |view|
+            view := subViews at:index.
+            index == subViews size ifTrue:[
+                view origin:(x @ 0.0) corner:(1.0 @ 1.0)
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                view origin:(x @ 0.0) corner:((x + w) @ 1.0)
+            ].
+            x := x + w
+        ]
+    ]
+resizeSubviewsFrom:start to:stop
+    "readjust size of some subviews"
+    |step nSubviews|
+    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
+        (start <= stop) ifTrue:[
+            step := 1
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            step := -1
+        ].
+        nSubviews := subViews size.
+        start to:stop by:step do:[:index |
+            |bw view o1 o2 relCorner relOrg newCorner newOrg|
+            view := subViews at:index.
+            bw := view borderWidth.
+            index == 1 ifTrue:[
+                o1 := 0.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                o1 := barHeight // 2 - bw
+            ].
+            index ==  nSubviews ifTrue:[
+                o2 := 0.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                o2 := barHeight // 2 - bw
+            ].
+            relCorner := view relativeCorner.
+            relCorner isNil ifTrue:[
+                self error:'subview must have relative corner'
+            ].
+            newCorner := view cornerFromRelativeCorner.
+            newCorner notNil ifTrue:[
+                newCorner x:(newCorner x - o2)
+            ].
+            relOrg := view relativeOrigin.
+            relOrg isNil ifTrue:[
+                self error:'subview must have relative origin'
+            ].
+            newOrg := view originFromRelativeOrigin.
+            newOrg notNil ifTrue:[
+                (index ~~ 1) ifTrue:[  
+                    newOrg x:(newOrg x + o1)
+                ].
+            ].
+            view pixelOrigin:newOrg corner:newCorner
+        ]
+    ]
+! !
+!VariableHorizontalPanel methodsFor:'events'!
+buttonPress:button x:bx y:by
+    "button was pressed - if it hits a handle, start move"
+    |handle|
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        handle := 1.
+        self handleOriginsDo:[:hPoint |
+            |hx|
+            hx := hPoint x.
+            (bx between:hx and:(hx + barHeight)) ifTrue:[
+                movedHandle := handle.
+                prev := hx.
+                start := bx - hx.
+                self noClipByChildren.
+                self xoring:[
+                    self fillRectangleX:hx y:0 width:barHeight height:height
+                ].
+                self clipByChildren.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            handle := handle + 1
+        ].
+        movedHandle := nil
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonPress:button x:bx y:by
+    ]
+buttonMotion:button x:bx y:by
+    "mouse-button was moved while pressed;
+     clear prev handleBar and draw handle bar at new position" 
+    |xpos limitTop limitBot|
+    movedHandle isNil ifTrue: [^ self].          "should not happen"
+    "speedup - if there is already another movement, 
+     ignore thisone ... "
+    device synchronizeOutput.
+    self buttonMotionEventPending ifTrue:[^ self].
+    xpos := bx - start.
+    limitTop := barHeight // 2.
+    limitBot := self width - barHeight.
+    movedHandle > 1 ifTrue:[
+        limitTop := (subViews at:movedHandle) origin x + (barHeight // 2)
+    ].
+    movedHandle < (subViews size - 1) ifTrue:[
+        limitBot := (subViews at:(movedHandle + 2)) origin x - barHeight
+    ].
+    limitBot := limitBot - barHeight.
+    (xpos < limitTop) ifTrue:[ "check against view limits"
+        xpos := limitTop
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        (xpos > limitBot) ifTrue:[
+            xpos := limitBot
+        ]
+    ].
+    self noClipByChildren.
+    self xoring:[
+        self fillRectangleX:prev y:0 width:barHeight height:height.
+        self fillRectangleX:xpos y:0 width:barHeight height:height
+    ].
+    self clipByChildren.
+    prev := xpos
+buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    "end bar-move"
+    |aboveView belowView aboveIndex belowIndex newX|
+    (button == 1) ifTrue:[
+        movedHandle isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+        "undo the last xor"
+        self noClipByChildren.
+        self xoring:[
+            self fillRectangleX:prev y:0 width:barHeight height:height
+        ].
+        self clipByChildren.
+        "compute the new relative heights"
+        aboveIndex := movedHandle.
+        belowIndex := movedHandle + 1.
+        aboveView := subViews at:aboveIndex.
+        belowView := subViews at:belowIndex.
+        newX := (prev + start / width) asFloat .
+        aboveView relativeCorner:newX @ aboveView relativeCorner y.
+        belowView relativeOrigin:newX @ belowView relativeOrigin y.
+        self resizeSubviewsFrom:aboveIndex to:belowIndex.
+        movedHandle := nil.
+        "and redraw handles"
+        self redrawHandlesFrom:aboveIndex to:belowIndex
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
+    ]
+! !
+!VariableHorizontalPanel methodsFor:'drawing'!
+drawHandleAtX:hx y:hy
+    |w x m|
+    (self is3D and:[shadowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
+        w := shadowForm height
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        w := barHeight - 4
+    ].
+    self paint:viewBackground.
+    self fillRectangleX:hx y:margin 
+                  width:barHeight
+                 height:(height - margin - margin).
+    self is3D ifTrue:[
+         m := (barHeight - w) // 2.
+         shadowForm isNil ifTrue:[
+            x := hx + (barHeight // 2).
+            style == #motif ifTrue:[
+                self paint:shadowColor.
+                self displayLineFromX:x y:margin toX:x y:(height - margin).
+                x := x + 1.
+                self paint:lightColor.
+                self displayLineFromX:x y:margin toX:x y:(height - margin).
+            ].
+            self paint:viewBackground.
+            self fillRectangleX:hx y:(hy - barWidth) 
+                          width:w height:(barWidth + barWidth).
+            self drawEdgesForX:(hx + m)
+                             y:(hy - barWidth)
+                         width:w height:(barWidth + barWidth)
+                         level:2
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self drawHandleFormAtX:(hx + m) y:hy
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        x := hx + barHeight - 2.
+        self paint:handleColor.
+        self displayLineFromX:hx y:0 toX:hx y:height.
+        self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:height.
+        self fillRectangleX:hx y:hy width:barHeight height:barHeight
+    ]
+redrawHandlesFrom:start to:stop
+    "redraw some handles"
+    subViews notNil ifTrue:[
+        self handleOriginsFrom:start to:stop do:[:hPoint |
+            self drawHandleAtX:(hPoint x) y:(hPoint y)
+        ].
+        movedHandle notNil ifTrue:[
+            self noClipByChildren.
+            self xoring:[
+                self fillRectangleX:prev y:0 width:barHeight height:height
+            ].
+            self clipByChildren
+        ]
+    ]
+! !