changeset 192 fc2fc4347d5d
parent 187 1a429506fad6
child 209 7a6db7fac566
--- a/EditField.st	Thu Nov 23 00:08:01 1995 +0100
+++ b/EditField.st	Thu Nov 23 01:48:21 1995 +0100
@@ -10,15 +10,14 @@
  hereby transferred.
-'From Smalltalk/X, Version:2.10.5 on 9-may-1995 at 12:09:38 pm'!
 EditTextView subclass:#EditField
 	 instanceVariableNames:'leaveAction enabled enableAction crAction tabAction converter
-		leaveKeys immediateAccept acceptOnLeave acceptOnReturn
-		lengthLimit entryCompletionBlock passwordCharacter cursorMovementWhenUpdating'
+                leaveKeys immediateAccept acceptOnLeave acceptOnReturn
+                lengthLimit entryCompletionBlock passwordCharacter
+                cursorMovementWhenUpdating'
 	 classVariableNames:'DefaultForegroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor
-		DefaultSelectionForegroundColor DefaultSelectionBackgroundColor
-		DefaultFont'
+                DefaultSelectionForegroundColor DefaultSelectionBackgroundColor
+                DefaultFont'
@@ -39,10 +38,6 @@
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/EditField.st,v 1.31 1995-11-20 16:11:27 cg Exp $'
     an editable text-field. Realized by using an EditTextView,
@@ -474,6 +469,10 @@
 	top openModeless.
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/EditField.st,v 1.32 1995-11-23 00:48:21 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 !EditField class methodsFor:'defaults'!
@@ -488,6 +487,12 @@
     ^ #(Return CursorUp CursorDown Next Previous Accept)
+    "the number of lines in the field"
+    ^ 1
     DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'editFieldForegroundColor' default:Black.
     DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'editFieldBackgroundColor' default:White.
@@ -498,125 +503,101 @@
      self updateStyleCache
-    "the number of lines in the field"
-    ^ 1
 ! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'private'!
+!EditField methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "this is sent by mySelf (somewhere in a superclass) whenever
-     my contents has changed. 
-     A good place to add immediateAccept functionality and check for the
-     lengthLimit."
-    |string c|
+    "set/clear the acceptOnLeave flag. The default is false."
-    super textChanged.
-    string := self contents.
-    lengthLimit notNil ifTrue:[
-	string size > lengthLimit ifTrue:[
-	    c := cursorCol.
-	    self contents:(string copyTo:lengthLimit).
-	    self flash.
-	    self cursorCol:c.
-	]
-    ].
-    immediateAccept ifTrue:[
-	self accept
-    ]
+     acceptOnLeave := aBoolean
+    "set/clear the acceptOnReturn flag. The default is false."
+     acceptOnReturn := aBoolean
-    "redefined to aquire the text via the aspectMsg - not the listMsg,
-     and to ignore updates resulting from my own change."
+    "define an action to be evaluated when the return key is pressed."
+    crAction := aBlock
-    "
-     ignore updates from my own change
-    "
-    lockUpdates ifTrue:[
-	lockUpdates := false.
-	^ self
-    ].
+    "define what should be done with the cursor, when I update
+     my contents from the model. Allowed argumetns are:
+	#keep / nil     -> stay where it was
+	#endOfLine      -> position cursor after the string
+	#beginOfLine    -> position cursor to the beginning
+     The default is #endOfLine"
-    (model notNil and:[aspectMsg notNil]) ifTrue:[
-	self editValue:(model perform:aspectMsg).
+    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := aSymbol
+    "disable the field; hide cursor and ignore input"
+    enabled ifTrue:[
+	enabled := false.
+	self hideCursor
-    "redefined to send use converted value (if I have one)"
+    "enable the field; show cursor and allow input"
-    ^ self editValue
+    enabled ifFalse:[
+"/        enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
+"/            enableAction value
+"/        ].
+	enabled := true.
+	super showCursor
+    ]
-    "no vertical scrolling in editfields"
+    "define an action to be evaluated when enabled by clicking upon"
+    enableAction := aBlock
-    ^ self
+    "define an action to be evaluated when Tab (NameCompletion) is pressed.
+     The block gets the current contents as argument."
+    entryCompletionBlock := aOneArgBlock
-    "return the string at lineNr for display.
-     If there is a password character, return a string consisting of those only."
-    |s|
+    "set/clear the immediateAccept flag. The default is false."
-    s := super visibleAt:visLineNr.
-    passwordCharacter notNil ifTrue:[
-	^ String new:(s size) withAll:passwordCharacter
-    ].
-    ^ s
+     immediateAccept := aBoolean
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:06 / claus"
+    "define an action to be evaluated when field is left by return key"
+    leaveAction := aBlock
-    "no vertical scrolling in editfields"
-    ^ self
-! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'scrolling'!
+    "define the set of keys which are interpreted as leaveKeys.
+     I.e. those that make the field inactive and accept (if acceptOnLeave is true).
+     The default is a set of #CursorUp, #CursorDown, #Next, #Prior and #Return."
-makeColVisible:col inLine:line
-    "dont scroll for the cursor, if its behond the text and a lengthLimit
-     is present."
+    leaveKeys := aCollectionOfKeySymbols
-    lengthLimit notNil ifTrue:[
-	(col == cursorCol and:[col > lengthLimit]) ifTrue:[
-	    ^ super makeColVisible:lengthLimit inLine:line
-	]
-    ].
-    ^ super makeColVisible:col inLine:line
+    "define an action to be evaluated when the tabulator key is pressed."
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 13:57:53 / claus"
+    tabAction := aBlock
 ! !
 !EditField methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!
-    "low level access to the underlying contents' list.
-     Redefined to force text to 1 line, and notify dependents
-     of any changed extent-wishes (for automatic box resizing)."
-    |l oldWidth|
-    l := someText.
-    l size > 1 ifTrue:[
-	l := OrderedCollection with:(l at:1)
-    ].
-    oldWidth := self widthOfContents.
-    super list:l.
-    self widthOfContents ~~ oldWidth ifTrue:[
-	self changed:#preferredExtent
-    ]
     "return contents as a string
      - redefined since EditFields hold only one line of text.
@@ -653,6 +634,22 @@
     self cursorCol:newCol.
+    "return the converter (if any)."
+    ^ converter
+    "set the converter. If non-nil,
+     the converter is applied to the text to convert from the string
+     representation to the actual object value and vice versa.
+     The default converter is nil, meaning no-conversion
+     (i.e. the edited object is the string itself."
+    converter := aConverter
     "if the field edits a string, this is a name alias for #contents.
      Otherwise, if there is a converter, return the edited string
@@ -694,6 +691,12 @@
+    "set the initialText and select it"
+    self initialText:aString selected:true
 initialText:aString selected:aBoolean
     "set the initialText and select it if aBoolean is true"
@@ -711,48 +714,32 @@
-    "set the initialText and select it"
+    "low level access to the underlying contents' list.
+     Redefined to force text to 1 line, and notify dependents
+     of any changed extent-wishes (for automatic box resizing)."
+    |l oldWidth|
-    self initialText:aString selected:true
+    l := someText.
+    l size > 1 ifTrue:[
+	l := OrderedCollection with:(l at:1)
+    ].
+    oldWidth := self widthOfContents.
+    super list:l.
+    self widthOfContents ~~ oldWidth ifTrue:[
+	self changed:#preferredExtent
+    ]
     "alias for #contents - for compatibility with ST-80's InputField"
     ^ self contents
-    "set the converter. If non-nil,
-     the converter is applied to the text to convert from the string
-     representation to the actual object value and vice versa.
-     The default converter is nil, meaning no-conversion
-     (i.e. the edited object is the string itself."
-    converter := aConverter
-    "return the converter (if any)."
-    ^ converter
 ! !
 !EditField methodsFor:'accessing-look'!
-    passwordCharacter := aCharacter
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:33 / claus"
-    ^ passwordCharacter
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:39 / claus"
     "return the maximum number of characters that are allowed in
      the field. 
@@ -771,203 +758,18 @@
     lengthLimit := aNumberOrNil
-! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!
-    "define an action to be evaluated when Tab (NameCompletion) is pressed.
-     The block gets the current contents as argument."
-    entryCompletionBlock := aOneArgBlock
-    "define an action to be evaluated when field is left by return key"
-    leaveAction := aBlock
-    "enable the field; show cursor and allow input"
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-"/        enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
-"/            enableAction value
-"/        ].
-	enabled := true.
-	super showCursor
-    ]
-    "set/clear the immediateAccept flag. The default is false."
-     immediateAccept := aBoolean
-    "define the set of keys which are interpreted as leaveKeys.
-     I.e. those that make the field inactive and accept (if acceptOnLeave is true).
-     The default is a set of #CursorUp, #CursorDown, #Next, #Prior and #Return."
-    leaveKeys := aCollectionOfKeySymbols
-    "define an action to be evaluated when the return key is pressed."
-    crAction := aBlock
-    "define an action to be evaluated when the tabulator key is pressed."
-    tabAction := aBlock
-    "set/clear the acceptOnReturn flag. The default is false."
-     acceptOnReturn := aBoolean
-    "disable the field; hide cursor and ignore input"
-    enabled ifTrue:[
-	enabled := false.
-	self hideCursor
-    ]
-    "set/clear the acceptOnLeave flag. The default is false."
-     acceptOnLeave := aBoolean
-    "define an action to be evaluated when enabled by clicking upon"
-    enableAction := aBlock
-    "define what should be done with the cursor, when I update
-     my contents from the model. Allowed argumetns are:
-	#keep / nil     -> stay where it was
-	#endOfLine      -> position cursor after the string
-	#beginOfLine    -> position cursor to the beginning
-     The default is #endOfLine"
-    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := aSymbol
-! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'initialization'!
-    super initStyle.
+    ^ passwordCharacter
-    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
-	bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor on:device.
-	self viewBackground:bgColor.
-    ].
-    fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor.
-    selectionFgColor := DefaultSelectionForegroundColor.
-    selectionBgColor := DefaultSelectionBackgroundColor.
-    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[
-	font := DefaultFont on:device
-    ]
-    super initialize.
-    self height:(font height + font descent + (topMargin * 2)).
-    enabled := true.
-    fixedSize := true.
-    nFullLinesShown := 1.
-    nLinesShown := 1.
-    immediateAccept := false.
-"/    acceptOnLeave := false.
-"/    acceptOnReturn := false.
-    acceptOnLeave := acceptOnReturn := true.
-    cursorShown := true.
-    leaveKeys := self class defaultLeaveKeys.
-    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := #endOfLine
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:39 / claus"
-    |labels selectors m|
-    labels := #(
-		'copy'
-		'cut'
-		'paste'
-		'replace'
-		'-'
-		'accept'
-	       ).
-     selectors := #(
-		 copySelection
-		 cut
-		 paste
-		 replace
-		 nil
-		 accept
-		).
-    m := PopUpMenu 
-	  labels:(resources array:labels)
-	  selectors:selectors.
-    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
-	m disableAll:#(copySelection cut)
-    ].
+    passwordCharacter := aCharacter
-    ^ m
-! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'realization'!
-    "scroll back to beginning when realized"
-    leftOffset := 0.
-    super realize
-! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'queries'!
-    self class == EditField ifTrue:[^ InputFieldSpec].
-    ^ nil
-    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 17:28:27 / claus"
-    "return the preferred extent of this view.
-     That is the width of the string plus some extra, 
-     but not wider than half of the screen"
-    |string w f|
-    string := self contents.
-    (string isNil or:[string isBlank]) ifTrue:[
-	string := '          ' "/ just any string is ok ^ super preferredExtent
-    ].
-    f := font on:device.
-    w := ((f widthOf:string) * 1.5) rounded.
-    w := w min:(device width // 2).
-    ^ w @ (f height * 1.5) rounded
-    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 19:24:06 / claus"
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:33 / claus"
 ! !
 !EditField methodsFor:'cursor drawing'!
@@ -1004,22 +806,72 @@
     super cursorCol:c
-cursorLine:line col:col
-    "catch cursor movement"
-    super cursorLine:1 col:col
     "catch cursor movement"
     (cursorVisibleLine == nLinesShown) ifFalse:[
 	super cursorDown
+cursorLine:line col:col
+    "catch cursor movement"
+    super cursorLine:1 col:col
+! !
+!EditField methodsFor:'editing'!
+    "redefined to force text to 1 line"
+    super paste:someText.
+    list size > 1 ifTrue:[
+	self deleteFromLine:2 toLine:(list size)
+    ]
 ! !
 !EditField methodsFor:'event handling'!
+buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    "enable myself on mouse click"
+    enabled ifFalse:[
+	enabled := true.
+	super buttonPress:button x:x y:y.
+	enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
+	    enableAction value
+	]
+    ] ifTrue:[
+	super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    ]
+    "return true, if the receiver would like to handle aKey
+     (usually from another view, when the receiver is part of
+      a more complex dialog box).
+     We do return true here, since the editfield will handle
+     all keys.
+     OBSOLETE: dont use this anymore - its a leftover for the tableWidget"
+    ^ true
+    "got the explicit focus"
+    enabled ifFalse:[
+	enabled := true.
+	super focusIn.
+	enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
+	    enableAction value
+	]
+    ] ifTrue:[
+	super focusIn
+    ].
 keyPress:key x:x y:y
     "if keyHandler is defined, pass input; otherwise check for leave
@@ -1131,54 +983,202 @@
 "/        self clear.
 "/        self redraw
+! !
+!EditField methodsFor:'initialization'!
+    |labels selectors m|
+    labels := #(
+		'copy'
+		'cut'
+		'paste'
+		'replace'
+		'-'
+		'accept'
+	       ).
+     selectors := #(
+		 copySelection
+		 cut
+		 paste
+		 replace
+		 nil
+		 accept
+		).
+    m := PopUpMenu 
+	  labels:(resources array:labels)
+	  selectors:selectors.
+    self hasSelection ifFalse:[
+	m disableAll:#(copySelection cut)
+    ].
+    ^ m
-buttonPress:button x:x y:y
-    "enable myself on mouse click"
+    super initStyle.
+    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
+	bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor on:device.
+	self viewBackground:bgColor.
+    ].
+    fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor.
+    selectionFgColor := DefaultSelectionForegroundColor.
+    selectionBgColor := DefaultSelectionBackgroundColor.
+    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[
+	font := DefaultFont on:device
+    ]
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-	enabled := true.
-	super buttonPress:button x:x y:y.
-	enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
-	    enableAction value
-	]
-    ] ifTrue:[
-	super buttonPress:button x:x y:y
+    super initialize.
+    self height:(font height + font descent + (topMargin * 2)).
+    enabled := true.
+    fixedSize := true.
+    nFullLinesShown := 1.
+    nLinesShown := 1.
+    immediateAccept := false.
+"/    acceptOnLeave := false.
+"/    acceptOnReturn := false.
+    acceptOnLeave := acceptOnReturn := true.
+    cursorShown := true.
+    leaveKeys := self class defaultLeaveKeys.
+    cursorMovementWhenUpdating := #endOfLine
+! !
+!EditField methodsFor:'private'!
+    "redefined to send use converted value (if I have one)"
+    ^ self editValue
+    "redefined to aquire the text via the aspectMsg - not the listMsg,
+     and to ignore updates resulting from my own change."
+    "
+     ignore updates from my own change
+    "
+    lockUpdates ifTrue:[
+	lockUpdates := false.
+	^ self
+    ].
+    (model notNil and:[aspectMsg notNil]) ifTrue:[
+	self editValue:(model perform:aspectMsg).
-    "got the explicit focus"
+    "no vertical scrolling in editfields"
+    ^ self
+    "no vertical scrolling in editfields"
+    ^ self
-    enabled ifFalse:[
-	enabled := true.
-	super focusIn.
-	enableAction notNil ifTrue:[
-	    enableAction value
+    "this is sent by mySelf (somewhere in a superclass) whenever
+     my contents has changed. 
+     A good place to add immediateAccept functionality and check for the
+     lengthLimit."
+    |string c|
+    super textChanged.
+    string := self contents.
+    lengthLimit notNil ifTrue:[
+	string size > lengthLimit ifTrue:[
+	    c := cursorCol.
+	    self contents:(string copyTo:lengthLimit).
+	    self flash.
+	    self cursorCol:c.
-    ] ifTrue:[
-	super focusIn
+    immediateAccept ifTrue:[
+	self accept
+    ]
-    "return true, if the receiver would like to handle aKey
-     (usually from another view, when the receiver is part of
-      a more complex dialog box).
-     We do return true here, since the editfield will handle
-     all keys.
-     OBSOLETE: dont use this anymore - its a leftover for the tableWidget"
+    "return the string at lineNr for display.
+     If there is a password character, return a string consisting of those only."
+    |s|
-    ^ true
+    s := super visibleAt:visLineNr.
+    passwordCharacter notNil ifTrue:[
+	^ String new:(s size) withAll:passwordCharacter
+    ].
+    ^ s
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 12:25:06 / claus"
 ! !
-!EditField methodsFor:'editing'!
+!EditField methodsFor:'queries'!
+    "return the preferred extent of this view.
+     That is the width of the string plus some extra, 
+     but not wider than half of the screen"
+    |string w f|
-    "redefined to force text to 1 line"
+    string := self contents.
+    (string isNil or:[string isBlank]) ifTrue:[
+	string := '          ' "/ just any string is ok ^ super preferredExtent
+    ].
+    f := font on:device.
+    w := ((f widthOf:string) * 1.5) rounded.
+    w := w min:(device width // 2).
+    ^ w @ (f height * 1.5) rounded
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 19:24:06 / claus"
+    self class == EditField ifTrue:[^ InputFieldSpec].
+    ^ nil
-    super paste:someText.
-    list size > 1 ifTrue:[
-	self deleteFromLine:2 toLine:(list size)
-    ]
+    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 17:28:27 / claus"
+! !
+!EditField methodsFor:'realization'!
+    "scroll back to beginning when realized"
+    leftOffset := 0.
+    super realize
 ! !
+!EditField methodsFor:'scrolling'!
+makeColVisible:col inLine:line
+    "dont scroll for the cursor, if its behond the text and a lengthLimit
+     is present."
+    lengthLimit notNil ifTrue:[
+	(col == cursorCol and:[col > lengthLimit]) ifTrue:[
+	    ^ super makeColVisible:lengthLimit inLine:line
+	]
+    ].
+    ^ super makeColVisible:col inLine:line
+    "Modified: 6.9.1995 / 13:57:53 / claus"
+! !