author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Thu, 09 Nov 2017 20:09:30 +0100
changeset 6225 0122e4e6c587
parent 172 b9dd802b1357
permissions -rw-r--r--
#FEATURE by cg class: GenericToolbarIconLibrary class added: #hideFilter16x16Icon

This directory contains the high level view (widget) stuff. 
They are compiled by stc into the library 'libwidg' to be
linked to your application and to smalltalk itself.

All user interface elements (Scrollbar, TextViews, Button etc.)
are found here. 
Use of these classes requires that 'libview' is also loaded into 
the system.

Depending on the configuration and capabilities of your Operating-
System, the resulting classlibrary is either:

        libwidg.a      - an archive

        libwidg.obj    - a prelinked object library

        libwidg.so     - a shared object

the library includes init code (libwidg_Init) for all of its components.

Things you can do here:

    make                compile all classes, producing libwidg

    make objs           compile all required object files

    make install        compile all and install in DESTLIBDIR

    make qinstall       only install - assumes binaries are up-to-date 

    make check          syntax check only over all .st files

    make <file>.o       compile <file>.st to object-file

    make <file>.c       compile <file>.st to c intermediate

    make clean

    make clobber