author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 23 Oct 1995 21:07:01 +0100
changeset 164 5ab02ff0d9ae
parent 161 a33764a0af35
child 174 d80a6cc3f9b2
permissions -rw-r--r--

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

SimpleView subclass:#PullDownMenu
       instanceVariableNames:'receiver menus titles selectors activeMenuNumber
			      showSeparatingLines topMargin
			      fgColor bgColor activeFgColor activeBgColor
			      onLevel offLevel edgeStyle
			      keepMenu toggleKeep raiseTopWhenActivated'
			   DefaultLevel DefaultHilightLevel
			   DefaultShadowColor DefaultLightColor 
			   DefaultEdgeStyle DefaultKeepMenu DefaultToggleKeep

PullDownMenu comment:'
COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	     All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/PullDMenu.st,v 1.25 1995-10-23 20:06:39 cg Exp $

!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/PullDMenu.st,v 1.25 1995-10-23 20:06:39 cg Exp $

    PullDown menu provides the top (always visible) part of these menus. 
    It controls display of its menus, which become visible when one of the 
    PullDownMenus entries is pressed.

    A PullDownMenu itself consists of a single row of labels, which activate
    a pulled menu when clicked. Entries may be empty (i.e. have no menu)
    and empty entries may (optionally) also perform some action when clicked.
    An entries selector is used as the key to define and access submenus
    and (for empty entries:) the selector sent to the receiver of the menu.

    Instance variables:

      menus                   <Collection>    the sub menus

      titles                  <Collection>    the strings in the menu

      selectors               <Collection>    the selectors to send to the menu-
					      receiver (for empty pull-menus)
					      if nil (the default), title entries
					      do not send anything.

      activeMenuNumber        <Number>        the index of the currently active menu

      showSeparatingLines     <Boolean>       show separating lines between my menu-strings

      topMargin               <Number>        number of pixels at top

      fgColor                 <Color>         fg color to draw passive menu-titles
      bgColor                 <Color>         bg color to draw passive menu-titles

      activeFgColor           <Color>         fg color to draw activated menu-titles
      activeBgColor           <Color>         bg color to draw activated menu-titles

      onLevel                 <Integer>       3D level of entry-buttons when pressed
      offLevel                <Integer>       3D level of entry-buttons when released

      edgeStyle               <Symbol>        how to draw edges

      keepmenu                <Boolean>       if on, pulled menu stays on click,
					      till clicked again (motif & windows behavior)

      toggleKeep              <Boolean>       if on and keepMenu is on,
					      clicking again on label closes menu

     except menus, titles and selectors, instvars are usually defined from
     defaults in the styleSheet; you should not care for them.

    StyleSheet values:

      pullDownMenuViewBackground              view background Color for the menu bar
					      default: menuViewBackground

      pullDownMenuForegroundColor             foreground drawing color for the menu bar
					      default: menuForegroundColor

      pullDownMenuBackgroundColor             background drawing color for the menu bar
					      default: menuBackgroundColor

      pullDownMenuHilightForegroundColor      active foreground drawing color for the menu bar
					      default: menuHilightForegroundColor

      pullDownMenuHilightBackgroundColor      active background drawing color for the menu bar
					      default: menuHilightBackgroundColor

      pullDownMenuHilightLevel                level (3D only) when active
					      default: menuHilightLevel

      pullDownMenuEdgeStyle                   edge style (nil or #soft)

      pullDownMenuKeepMenu                    if true, pulled menu stays open until button
					      is pressed again outside of the item-area (motif behavior)
					      if false, menu closes on release (default)

      pullDownMenuToggleKeep                  if true, pulled menu closes when an entry is pressed
					      again. Otherwise, only press outside of the items area
					      hides it. default is false

      pullDownMenuLevel                       level (3D only)

      pullDownMenuFont                        font to use for the menu bar
					      default: menuFont

      pullDownMenuShowSeparatingLines         if true, lines are drawn between items.
					      default: false

      pullDownMenuRaiseTop                    if true, topview is raised whenever an entry
					      is activated.
					      default: true

	|top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:300@300.

	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	menu at:#bar 
	     putLabels:#('bar1' 'bar2' 'bar3')
	     selectors:#(bar1 bar2 bar3)
	top open

    empty entries are possible as selectable items (with non-nil seletor) ...

	|top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:300@300.

	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
	menu selectors:#(foo bar baz).
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	menu at:#baz 
	     putLabels:#('baz1' 'baz2' 'baz3')
	     selectors:#(baz1 baz2 baz3)
	top open

    ... or as separators (with nil selector)

	|top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:500@200.

	menu := PullDownMenu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@30 in:top.
	menu labels:#('foo' '    ' 'bar' ' baz' '    ' 'moreFoo' 'moreBar' 'moreBaz').
	menu selectors:#(foo nil bar baz nil moreFoo moreBar moreBaz).
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	menu at:#bar 
	     putLabels:#('bar1' 'bar2' 'bar3')
	     selectors:#(bar1 bar2 bar3)
	menu at:#baz 
	     putLabels:#('baz1' 'baz2' 'baz3')
	     selectors:#(baz1 baz2 baz3)
	top open

    use the menus default height

	|top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:300@300.

	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	top open

    although you can change the font, colors etc (as shown below)
    you should NOT do it - since if you do so, the styleSheet settings
    are ineffective (which users wont like probably)
    BTW: The styleSheet entries for below are pullDownMenuForegroundColor,
	 pullDownMenuBackgroundColor and pullDownMenuFont

	|top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
	menu font:(Font family:'courier' size:20).
	menu foregroundColor:Color red.
	menu backgroundColor:Color yellow.
	menu viewBackground:Color yellow.
	menu showSeparatingLines:true.

	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
	menu labels:#('foo' 'bar').
	menu selectors:#(foo bar).
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	(menu menuAt:#foo) font:(Font family:'courier' size:36).
	top open

    you can use icons, too ...

	|labels top menu|

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:300@300.

	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).
	labels := Array with:((Image fromFile:'SmalltalkX.xbm') magnifiedTo:16@16)
	menu labels:labels.
	menu selectors:#(about foo bar).
	menu at:#about 
	     putLabels:#('about PullDownMenus')
	menu at:#foo
	     putLabels:#('foo1' 'foo2' 'foo3')
	     selectors:#(foo1 foo2 foo3)
	top open

    a concrete example (combining things described above)
    (using a Plug, since we have no application class here):

	|labels top menu textView appModel|

	appModel := Plug new.
	appModel respondTo:#quit with:[top destroy].
	appModel respondTo:#showAbout with:[self information:'some info here ...'].
	appModel respondTo:#help with:[self information:'some help here ...'].

	top := StandardSystemView new.
	top extent:300@300.

	menu := PullDownMenu in:top.
	menu receiver:appModel.
	menu origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@(menu height).

	textView := ScrollableView forView:(EditTextView new).
	textView origin:0.0@menu height corner:1.0@1.0.
	top addSubView:textView.

	labels := Array with:((Image fromFile:'SmalltalkX.xbm') magnifiedTo:16@16)
	menu labels:labels.
	menu selectors:#(about file edit help).
	menu at:#about 
	     putLabels:#('about PullDownMenus')
	menu at:#file 
	menu at:#edit 
	     putLabels:#('copy' 'cut' 'paste')
	     selectors:#(copySelection cut paste)
	top open
! !

!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"


    styleSheet := StyleSheet.

    DefaultViewBackground := styleSheet colorAt:'pullDownMenuViewBackground'.
    DefaultViewBackground isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultViewBackground := styleSheet colorAt:'menuViewBackground'.
    DefaultForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'pullDownMenuForegroundColor'.
    DefaultForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'menuForegroundColor'.
    DefaultBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'pullDownMenuBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultBackgroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultViewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
	    DefaultBackgroundColor := DefaultViewBackground
	] ifFalse:[
	    DefaultBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'menuBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'pullDownMenuHilightForegroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultHilightForegroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'menuHilightForegroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'pullDownMenuHilightBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := styleSheet colorAt:'menuHilightBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightLevel := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuHilightLevel'.
    DefaultHilightLevel isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultHilightLevel := styleSheet at:'menuHilightLevel' default:0.
    DefaultEdgeStyle := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuEdgeStyle'.
    DefaultKeepMenu := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuKeepMenu' default:false.
    DefaultToggleKeep := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuToggleKeep' default:false.
    DefaultLevel := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuLevel' default:1.
    DefaultFont := styleSheet fontAt:'pullDownMenuFont'.
    DefaultFont isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultFont := styleSheet fontAt:'menuFont'.
    DefaultSeparatingLines := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuSeparatingLines' default:false.

     PullDownMenu updateStyleCache
! !

!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "create and return a new PullDownMenu"

    ^ self new labels:titleArray
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'initialize / release'!

    super initialize.

    font := font on:device.
    self origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
	 extent:(1.0 @ self preferredExtent y)
"/         extent:(1.0 @ (font height + (font descent * 2)  + topMargin)).


    super initStyle.

    showSeparatingLines := DefaultSeparatingLines. "/ false.
    DefaultViewBackground notNil ifTrue:[
	viewBackground := DefaultViewBackground on:device

    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[
	font := DefaultFont on:device
    DefaultForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
	fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor
    ] ifFalse:[
	fgColor := Black.
    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
	bgColor := DefaultBackgroundColor
    ] ifFalse:[
	bgColor := viewBackground.
    onLevel := DefaultHilightLevel.
    offLevel := DefaultLevel.

    self is3D ifTrue:[
	device hasColors ifTrue:[
	    activeFgColor := Color name:'yellow'
	] ifFalse:[
	    activeFgColor := White
	device hasGreyscales ifTrue:[
	    activeBgColor := bgColor.
	] ifFalse:[
	    activeBgColor := fgColor.
	topMargin := 2.

	style := styleSheet name.
	((style == #iris) or:[style == #motif]) ifTrue:[
	    self level:2.
	    onLevel := 2.
	    offLevel := 0.
	    activeFgColor := fgColor
    ] ifFalse:[
	activeFgColor := bgColor.
	activeBgColor := fgColor.
	topMargin := 0

    edgeStyle := DefaultEdgeStyle.
    keepMenu := DefaultKeepMenu.
    toggleKeep := DefaultToggleKeep.

    DefaultHilightForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
	activeFgColor := DefaultHilightForegroundColor
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
	activeBgColor := DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
    DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
	shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor on:device
    DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
	lightColor := DefaultLightColor on:device

    bgColor := bgColor on:device.
    fgColor := fgColor on:device.
    activeBgColor := activeBgColor on:device.
    activeFgColor := activeFgColor on:device.

    raiseTopWhenActivated := styleSheet at:'pullDownMenuRaiseTop' default:true.

    "set up a hand cursor"

    cursor := Cursor hand

    "if the image was saved with an active menu, hide it"


    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
	(m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
	    m unrealize.
	activeMenuNumber := nil.
    super recreate.
    self setMenuOrigins

    super create.
    self setMenuOrigins

    "have to destroy the menus manually here,
     since they are no real subviews of myself"

    menus notNil ifTrue:[
	menus do:[:m |
	    m notNil ifTrue:[m destroy]
	menus := nil
    activeMenuNumber := nil.
    super destroy.

    "when my superView changes, all of my menus must change as well"

    super superView:aView.
    menus notNil ifTrue:[
	menus do:[:aMenu |
	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
		aMenu superView:aView
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing-look'!

    "turn on/off drawing of separating lines.
     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
     defined in the styleSheet."

    showSeparatingLines := aBoolean.
    shown ifTrue:[
	self setMenuOrigins.
	self redraw

    "set the menus font.
     adjusts menu-origins when font changes.
     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
     defined in the styleSheet."

    aFont ~~ font ifTrue:[
	super font:(aFont on:device).
	self height:(font height + (font descent * 2)).
	shown ifTrue:[
	    self setMenuOrigins

    "set the foreground drawing color.
     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
     defined in the styleSheet."

    fgColor := aColor on:device

    "set the background drawing color.
     You should not use this method; instead leave the value as
     defined in the styleSheet."

    bgColor := aColor on:device
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "set the menu-receiver. Thats the one who gets the
     messages (both from myself and from my submenus).
     This only sets the receiver for menus which are already
     created - menus added later should get their receiver in
     the creation send."

    receiver := anObject.
    menus notNil ifTrue:[
	menus do:[:aMenu |
	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
		aMenu receiver:anObject

    "setup blank title-space to be filled in later"

    menus := Array new:n.
    titles := Array new:n

    "define the menu-titles (group-headers)"


    numberOfLabels := titleArray size.
    menus := Array new:numberOfLabels.
    titles := Array new:numberOfLabels.

    titleArray keysAndValuesDo:[:index :entry |

	entry isImage ifTrue:[
	    e := entry on:device
	] ifFalse:[
	    e := entry printString
	titles at:index put:e
    shown ifTrue:[
	self clear.
	self redraw

    "return the menu-titles (group-headers)"

    ^ titles

    "define the menu-selectors. These are used as accesskey only
     in menuAt: accesses. This makes PullDownMenu accesss
     somewhat more compatible to PopUpMenus."

    selectors := selectorArray.

labels:titleArray selectors:selectorArray
    "define the menu-titles (group-headers) and selectors.
     Selectors are mostly used as access keys to get to submenus later."

    self labels:titleArray.
    self selectors:selectorArray

    "Created: 20.10.1995 / 20:15:54 / cg"

    "return the menu with the title; return nil if not found"


    index := self indexOf:stringOrNumber.
    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ menus at:index

at:aString putMenu:aMenu
    "set the menu under the title, aString"


    index := self indexOf:aString.
    (index == 0) ifTrue:[
	self error:'no such menu entry'.
	^ nil

"/ not needed:
"/    aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
"/                  @
"/                  (height + aMenu borderWidth)).
    aMenu hiddenOnRealize:true.
    menus at:index put:aMenu.
    aMenu masterView:self.

at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView

at:aString putLabels:labels selector:selector args:args receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView

at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'queries'!


    w := self titleLenUpTo:(titles size + 1).
    ^ w @ (font height + (font descent * 2) "+ topMargin" + (margin*2)).
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'private'!

    "answer len (in pixels) of all title-strings up-to 
     (but excluding) title-index. Used to compute x-position when drawing
     individual entries."

    |len "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
     wSpace wSep|

    (index <= 1) ifTrue:[^ 0].
    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
	self is3D ifTrue:[
	    wSep := 2
	] ifFalse:[
	    wSep := 1
    ] ifFalse:[
	wSep := 0

    len := 0.
    titles from:1 to:(index - 1) do:[:entry |

	entry isString ifTrue:[
	    thisLength := (font widthOf:entry).
	] ifFalse:[
	    thisLength := entry width
	len := len + thisLength + wSpace + wSep + wSpace.
    ^ len

    "return the index of the menu with title; return 0 if not found.
     stringOrNumber may be a number, a selector from the selectorArray
     or a string from the title array."


    stringOrNumber isNumber ifTrue:[
	^ stringOrNumber
    selectors notNil ifTrue:[
	idx := selectors indexOf:stringOrNumber.
	idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[^ idx].
    ^ titles indexOf:stringOrNumber

    "find a menu item.
     Currently, in ST/X, instances of MenuItem are only created as dummy"


    idx := self indexOf:aLabel.
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	^ MenuItem new menu:self index:idx
    menus notNil ifTrue:[
	menus do:[:aMenu |

	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
		(item := aMenu someMenuItemLabeled:aLabel) notNil ifTrue:[
		    ^ item
    ^ nil

    "adjust origins of menus when font changes"

    (font device == device) ifTrue:[
	menus keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aMenu |
	    aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
		aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
			      (height + aMenu borderWidth))

    "given a click x-position, return index in title or nil"

    |xstart "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     xend   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
     wSpace wSep|

    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ') * 2. 
    showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
	self is3D ifTrue:[
	    wSep := 2
	] ifFalse:[
	    wSep := 1
    ] ifFalse:[
	wSep := 0
    xstart := 0.
    1 to:(titles size) do:[:index |
	|entry thisLength|

	entry := titles at:index.
	entry isString ifTrue:[
	    thisLength := font widthOf:entry.
	] ifFalse:[
	    thisLength := entry width
	xend := xstart + thisLength + wSpace + wSep.
	(x between:xstart and:xend) ifTrue:[^ index].
	xstart := xend
    ^ nil
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'hiding/showing menus'!

    "hide currently active menu - release grab if aBoolean is true
     and a grab was set (keepMenu)"


    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
	(m := menus at:activeMenuNumber) notNil ifTrue:[
	    m hiddenOnRealize:true.
	    m unrealize.
	self unHighlightActiveTitle.
	activeMenuNumber := nil
    aBoolean ifTrue:[
	device ungrabPointer. 
	self cursor:Cursor normal

    "hide currently active menu - release grab if there is any grab (keepMenu)"

    ^ self hideActiveMenuRelease:true

    "activate a menu, return it or nil"

    |subMenu r posY|

    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[self hideActiveMenuRelease:false].
    activeMenuNumber := aNumber.
    subMenu := menus at:aNumber.

    raiseTopWhenActivated ifTrue:[
	self topView raise.

    (activeMenuNumber notNil 
	 subMenu notNil
	 or:[selectors notNil and:[(selectors at:activeMenuNumber) notNil]]]) ifTrue:[
	    self highlightActiveTitle.

    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
	subMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:aNumber)) 
		       (posY := height + subMenu borderWidth)).
	subMenu hiddenOnRealize:false.
	subMenu deselect.
	subMenu create.
	subMenu saveUnder:true.
	subMenu superMenu:self.

	subMenu right > (r := self right) ifTrue:[
	    subMenu origin:((r - subMenu width) @ posY).
	subMenu raise show.
    ^ subMenu

    keepMenu ifTrue:[
	device grabPointerInView:self.
	self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'drawing '!

    |x     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
     wSpace clr|

    shown ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
    titles isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    wSpace := (font widthOf:' ').
    x := 0.
    y := height "- 1".
    index := 1.
    titles do:[:title |
	self drawTitle:title x:x selected:(index == activeMenuNumber).

	title isString ifTrue:[
	    x := x + (font widthOf:title).
	] ifFalse:[
	    x := x + title width
	x := x + wSpace + wSpace.
	showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
	    self is3D ifTrue:[
		self paint:shadowColor.
		self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
		x := x + 1.
		clr := lightColor.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		clr := fgColor.
	    self paint:clr.
	    self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
	    x := x + 1
	index := index + 1

drawTitle:stringOrImage x:x0 selected:selected
    |y w x wSpace fg bg map|

    selected ifTrue:[
	fg := activeFgColor.
	bg := activeBgColor
    ] ifFalse:[
	fg := fgColor.
	bg := bgColor

    wSpace := font widthOf:' '.
    x := x0.
    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
	y := ((height - (font height)) // 2) + (font ascent) "+ topMargin".
	w := font widthOf:stringOrImage.
    ] ifFalse:[
	y := ((height - stringOrImage height) // 2) max:0.
	w := stringOrImage width
    w := w + (wSpace * 2).

    self paint:bg.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:0 width:w height:height.

    self is3D ifTrue:[
	self drawEdgesForX:x y:0
		     level:(selected ifTrue:[onLevel] ifFalse:[offLevel])
    self paint:fg.
    x := x + wSpace.
    stringOrImage isString ifTrue:[
	self displayString:stringOrImage x:x y:y
    ] ifFalse:[
	stringOrImage isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
	    stringOrImage depth == 1 ifTrue:[
		(map := stringOrImage colorMap) notNil ifTrue:[
		    self paint:(map at:2) on:(map at:1).
		    self displayOpaqueForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y.
		    ^ self
	    self displayForm:stringOrImage x:x y:y
	] ifFalse:[
	    stringOrImage displayOn:self x:x y:y

    "Modified: 20.10.1995 / 22:03:27 / cg"

    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
	x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
	self drawTitle:(titles at:activeMenuNumber) x:x selected:selected 

    self drawActiveTitleSelected:true 

    self drawActiveTitleSelected:false 
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'submenu notifications'!

    "sent by a menu to tell me that it starts to perform
     its menu action."

    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[windowGroup showCursor:Cursor wait]

    "sent by a menu to tell me that it finished its menu-action.
     Here, we hide the currently active menu."

    self hideActiveMenu.
    windowGroup notNil ifTrue:[windowGroup restoreCursors]

    "sent by a sub-submenu to tell me that it finished its menu-action."

    self showPassive
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'event handling'!

    "when stepping focus, hide any active menu"

    self hideActiveMenu.
    super showNoFocus

keyPress:key x:x y:y
    <resource: #keyboard (#CursorLeft #CursorRight #MenuSelect)>

    |index m sel|

     handle CursorLeft/Right for non-mouse operation
     (for example, if it has the explicit focus)
     These will pull the previous/next menu
    ((key == #CursorRight) or:[key == #CursorLeft]) ifTrue:[
	activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[
	    index := (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[menus size].
	] ifFalse:[
	    (key == #CursorRight) ifTrue:[
		index := activeMenuNumber+1
	    ] ifFalse:[
		index := activeMenuNumber-1
	    index == 0 ifTrue:[index := menus size]
		index > menus size ifTrue:[index := 1]
	self pullMenu:index.
	^ self

    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].

     Return, space or the (virtual) MenuSelect key trigger
     a menu entry (for non-submenu entries).
     Otherwise, if we have a submenu open,
     pass the key on to it ...
    m := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
    m isNil ifTrue:[
	(key == #Return 
	or:[key == #MenuSelect
	or:[key == Character space]]) ifTrue:[
	    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
	    sel notNil ifTrue:[
		receiver perform:sel
    ] ifFalse:[
	m keyPress:key x:0 y:0.

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop m|

    device ungrabPointer.

    (y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.

     now, titleIndex is non-nil if pressed within myself
    (titleIndex notNil and:[titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber]) ifTrue:[
	m := self pullMenu:titleIndex.
	(keepMenu and:[m notNil]) ifTrue:[
	    device grabPointerInView:self.
	    self cursor:Cursor upRightArrow
    ] ifFalse:[
	(keepMenu and:[toggleKeep not]) ifTrue:[
	    titleIndex == activeMenuNumber ifTrue:[
		"same pressed again ... stay"
		device grabPointerInView:self.
		^ self
	    "moving around below"
	    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
	    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
	    activeLeft := activeMenu left.
	    (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
		activeTop := activeMenu top.
		(y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
		    "moving around in menu"
		    activeMenu buttonPress:button
					 x:(x - activeLeft)
					 y:(y - activeTop).
		    ^ self
	self hideActiveMenu

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|

    state == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
	activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.

    (y < height) ifTrue:[
	"moving around in title line"
	activeMenu notNil ifTrue:[
	    activeMenu selection:nil
	titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
	titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
	    (titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber) ifTrue:[
		self pullMenu:titleIndex
	] ifFalse:[
	    self hideActiveMenu
    ] ifFalse:[
	"moving around below"
	activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[^self].
	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
		"moving around in menu"
		activeMenu buttonMotion:state
				      x:(x - activeLeft)
				      y:(y - activeTop).
		^ self
	"moved outside menu"
	activeMenu selection:nil

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
    |activeMenu activeLeft activeTop hideMenu sel|

    activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
    activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.

    hideMenu := false.
    (y >= height) ifTrue:[
	"release below title-line"
	activeLeft := activeMenu left.
	 released in a submenu ?
	(x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
	    activeTop := activeMenu top.
	    (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
		"release in menu"
		self hideActiveMenu.   
		activeMenu buttonRelease:button
				       x:(x - activeLeft)
				       y:(y - activeTop).
		^ self
	hideMenu := true.
    ] ifFalse:[
	y < 0 ifTrue:[
	    hideMenu := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    activeMenu isNil ifTrue:[
		selectors notNil ifTrue:[
		    sel := selectors at:activeMenuNumber.
		    sel notNil ifTrue:[
			receiver perform:sel
		hideMenu := true.
	    ] ifFalse:[
		keepMenu ifFalse:[   
		    hideMenu := true
    hideMenu ifTrue:[
       self hideActiveMenu.
! !