author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 12 Jun 1996 14:57:41 +0200
changeset 762 832730063164
parent 722 3f297a438fec
child 812 10eba14cfd2d
permissions -rw-r--r--
checkin from browser

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

ListView subclass:#SelectionInListView
	instanceVariableNames:'selection actionBlock enabled hilightFgColor hilightBgColor
		halfIntensityFgColor doubleClickActionBlock selectConditionBlock
		listAttributes multipleSelectOk clickLine initialSelectionMsg
		printItems oneItem useIndex hilightLevel hilightFrameColor
		ignoreReselect arrowLevel smallArrow keyActionStyle
		returnKeyActionStyle toggleSelect strikeOut iSearchString items
		doubleClickMsg hilightStyle'
	classVariableNames:'RightArrowShadowForm RightArrowLightForm RightArrowForm
		SmallRightArrowShadowForm SmallRightArrowLightForm
		DefaultForegroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor
		DefaultHilightForegroundColor DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
		DefaultHilightFrameColor DefaultHilightLevel
		DefaultRightArrowStyle DefaultRightArrowLevel
		DefaultDisabledForegroundColor DefaultShadowColor
		DefaultLightColor DefaultHilightStyle'

!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    this one is a ListView with a selected line (which is shown highlighted)
    If multipleSelectionsOk is true, it is also allowed to shift-click multiple 
    If toggleSelect is true, clicking toggles (i.e. click on a seleted item
    will deselect).

    Whenever the selection changes, an action-block is evaluated, passing the 
    current selection as argument.
    Currently, the selection can be nil, aNumber or a collection of numbers; 
    this will change to be either nil or a collection, making selection handling 
    easier in the future. (this stupid behavior is due to the multiple
    select feature being added later - the first implementation used to support
    only single selections).

    The actionBlock is called with the current selection (single number or
    collection of numbers) as argument.

    Also, to support ST-80 MVC-style use, the model (if nonNil) is notified
    by the change mechanism (performs changeMsg) and vice versa, the view
    updates if the model changes (with aspect of either #list or #selectionIndex).

    Before actually adding entries to the the selection, a checkBlock (if non-nil) is evaluated 
    passing the number of the entry whch is about to be selected as argument.
    The select change operation is only done if this returns true. This allows
    interception of select, for example to query the user if he/she wants to save
    the old contents before (see uses in SystemBrowser and FileBrowser), or to
    disable individual entries.

    It is also possible to select entries with the keyboard; use the cursor up/
    down keys to select prev/next, Home- and End-keys to select first/last. 
    Use the return key to apply the double-click-action to the current selection.
    Also, alphabetic keys will select the next entry starting with that key.

    The keyboard behavior can be further controlled with the keyActionStyle
    instance variable (see SelectionInListView>>keyActionStyle:).

    Finally, ignoreReselect controls if pressing on an already selected item
    triggers the action or not. For some applications it is useful to allow
    reselects (for example, the SystemBrowsers method-list updates the
    source code in this case).

    Currently, some limited form of line attributes are supported. These
    are kept in the instance variable lineAttributes.
    This may change (using mechanisms similar to MultiColListEntry), so
    be prepared. (dont use the listAttributes instvar directly; if possible,
    use MultiColListEntry or subclasses of it.

    Although currently based on the listAttributes instVar, the implementation of
    text attributes will be changed in the near future (when Text/DisplayText are
    However, the protocol will probably be kept for backward compatibility
    (i.e. use #attributeAt: / #attributeAt:put etc. - at least, these are easy to find
    when migrating to the new attributed text handling).

    [Instance variables:]
        selection               <misc>          the current selection. nil, a number or collection of numbers

        actionBlock             <Block>         block to be evaluated on selection changes

        enabled                 <Boolean>       true: selection changes allowed; false: ignore clicks

        hilightBgColor          <Color>         how highlighted items are drawn

        halfIntensityColor      <Color>         foreground for disabled items

        selectConditionBlock    <Block>         if non-nil, this nlock can decide if selection is ok

        doubleClickActionBlock  <Block>         action to perform on double-click

        listAttributes                          dont use - will vanish

        hilightLevel            <Integer>       level to draw selections (i.e. for 3D effect)
        hilightFrameColor       <Color>         rectangle around highlighted items

        multipleSelectOk        <Boolean>       if true, multiple selections (with shift) are ok.
                                                default: false

        ignoreReselect          <Boolean>       if true, selecting same again does not trigger action;
                                                if false, every select triggers it.
                                                default: true

        toggleSelect            <Boolean>       if true, click toggles;
                                                if false, click selects.
                                                default: false

        arrowLevel              <Integer>       level to draw right-arrows (for submenus etc.)
        smallArrow              <Boolean>       if true, uses a small arrow bitmap

        listMsg                                 if non-nil, use ST-80 style (model-access)

        keyActionStyle          <Symbol>        controls how to respond to keyboard selects

        returnKeyActionStyle    <Symbol>        controls how to respond to return key

    written spring/summer 89 by claus
    3D Jan 90 by claus
    multiselect Jun 92 by claus
    keyboard-select jun 94 by claus

        Claus Gittinger

    SelectionInListView can be used both in the ST/X way, using action blocks
    or in the traditional mvc way.
    with actions:

      basic interface:
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].

        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      get element instead of index:
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:#('one' 'two' 'three').
        slv action:[:element | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , element printString].
        slv useIndex:false.

        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      concrete example; show filenames:
      (notice: normally, you would use a FileSelectionList)
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | 
            Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString.
            Transcript showCR:' the value is: ', slv selectionValue].

        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      add a scrollbar:
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      allow reselect
      (clicking on already selected entry 
       triggers action/changeNotification again):
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
        slv ignoreReselect:false.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      allow multiple selections (shift-select):
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:indexList | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , indexList printString].
        slv multipleSelectOk:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      same, not using index:
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:indexList | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , indexList printString].
        slv multipleSelectOk:true; useIndex:false.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      strikeout mode (single):
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
        slv strikeOut:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      strikeout mode (multiple):
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
        slv strikeOut:true; multipleSelectOk:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      toggleSelect mode (clicking on selected entry deselects it):
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
        slv toggleSelect:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      define what to do on double-click:
        |top slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        slv list:(Filename currentDirectory directoryContents).
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].
        slv doubleClickAction:[:index | Transcript showCR:'doubleclick on ' , index printString].

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

    using a Model:
        |top slv model|

        model := Plug new.
        model respondTo:#getList with:[#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
        model respondTo:#initial with:[1].
        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | Transcript showCR:'model selected:', arg printString].

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView 

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

      notice, that the ST-80 behavaior on reselect is to send a selection change
      with an index of 0.

    same, with useIndex false:
        |top slv model|

        model := Plug new.
        model respondTo:#getList with:[#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
        model respondTo:#initial with:['bar'].
        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | Transcript showCR:'model selected:', arg printString].

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView 
        slv useIndex:false.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

    self changing list: 
    (selectionInListView updates itself when button changes initial selection):
        |top slv model sel changeButton|

        sel := 'bar'.
        model := Plug new.
        model respondTo:#getList with:['getList' printNL. #('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello')].
        model respondTo:#initial with:['initial' printNL. sel].
        model respondTo:#setSelection: with:[:arg | ('model selected:', arg) printNL. sel := arg].

        changeButton := Button label:'change selection'.
        changeButton action:[sel := 'foo'. model changed:#initial].
        changeButton open.

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView 
        slv useIndex:false.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

    using a SelectionInList-Model:
    (see how changes in the model (via list:...) are reflected in the view)
        |top slv model|

        model := SelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
        model selection:'bar'.

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open.

        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'

    two selectionInListViews on the same selectionInList model:
        |top1 slv1 top2 slv2 model|

        model := SelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').

        top1 := StandardSystemView new

        slv1 := SelectionInListView on:model.

        top1 add:(ScrollableView forView:slv1) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top1 open.

        top2 := StandardSystemView new

        slv2 := SelectionInListView on:model.

        top2 add:(ScrollableView forView:slv2) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top2 open.

    a MultiSelectionInList model:
        |top slv model|

        model := MultiSelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
        model selection:#('foo' 'bar').

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.
        slv multipleSelectOk:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open.

        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'

    with strikeOut:
        |top slv model|

        model := MultiSelectionInList with:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz' 'hello').
        model selection:#('foo' 'bar').

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView on:model.
        slv multipleSelectOk:true; toggleSelect:true; strikeOut:true.

        top add:(ScrollableView forView:slv) in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open.

        InspectorView openOn:model monitor:'selectionIndexHolder'

    two listViews on the same list, but separate selections
        |top top2 lv1 lv2 selInL1 selInL2 listHolder l1 l2|

        top := StandardSystemView new extent:300@300.

        lv1 := SelectionInListView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@0.5 in:top.
        lv1 level:-1.
        lv1 toggleSelect:true.

        lv2 := SelectionInListView origin:0.0@0.5 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.
        lv2 level:-1.
        lv2 toggleSelect:true.

        selInL1 := SelectionInList new.
        selInL2 := SelectionInList new.

        listHolder := #('foo' 'bar' 'baz') asValue.

        selInL1 listHolder:listHolder.
        selInL2 listHolder:listHolder.

        lv1 model:selInL1.
        lv2 model:selInL2.

        top open.

        top2 := StandardSystemView new extent:100 @ 30.
        l1 := Label origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.5@1.0 in:top2.
        l2 := Label origin:0.5@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top2.

        l1 model:(BlockValue with:[:arg | arg value printString] argument:selInL1 selectionIndexHolder).
        l2 model:(BlockValue with:[:arg | arg value printString] argument:selInL2 selectionIndexHolder).

        l1 labelMessage:#value.
        l2 labelMessage:#value.

        top2 open.

        Delay waitForSeconds:2.
        listHolder value:#('1' '2' '3' '4').
    non-string entries (text)
        |top l slv|

        top := StandardSystemView new

        slv := SelectionInListView new.
        l := OrderedCollection new.
        l add:(Text string:'red' emphasis:(#color->Color red)).
        l add:(Text string:'green' emphasis:(#color->Color green)).
        l add:(Text string:'blue' emphasis:(#color->Color blue)).
        slv list:l.
        slv action:[:index | Transcript showCR:'selected ' , index printString].

        top add:slv in:(0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0).
        top open

    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 16:42:02 / cg"
! !

!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

on:aModel aspect:aspect change:change list:list initialSelection:initial
    ^ self on:aModel

on:aModel aspect:aspect change:change list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial
    ^ self on:aModel

on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspect
	      change:change list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial

    "for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ self on:aModel 

on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspect change:change 
		list:list menu:menu initialSelection:initial useIndex:useIndex

    "for ST-80 compatibility"

    ^ (self new) on:aModel 
! !

!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ nil

    ^ #selectionIndex: 

    ^ #list 

    ^ #selectionIndex 

    "return the form used for the right arrow (non 3D)"

    |f bits|

    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ RightArrowForm
    f := Form fromFile:'RightArrow.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[
	DefaultRightArrowStyle == #solid ifTrue:[
	    bits := #[2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000010 2r00000000 
		      2r00000011 2r00000000 
		      2r00000011 2r10000000 
		      2r00000011 2r11000000 
		      2r00000011 2r11100000 
		      2r00000011 2r11110000 
		      2r00000011 2r11100000
		      2r00000011 2r11000000 
		      2r00000011 2r10000000 
		      2r00000011 2r00000000
		      2r00000010 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000]
	] ifFalse:[
	    bits := #[2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000110 2r00000000 
		      2r00000101 2r00000000 
		      2r00000100 2r10000000 
		      2r00000100 2r01000000 
		      2r00000100 2r00100000 
		      2r00000100 2r00010000 
		      2r00000100 2r00100000
		      2r00000100 2r01000000 
		      2r00000100 2r10000000 
		      2r00000101 2r00000000
		      2r00000110 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000 
		      2r00000000 2r00000000]
	f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:bits on:aDevice
    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
	RightArrowForm := f
    ^ f

    "return the form used for the right arrow light pixels (3D only)"


    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowLightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ RightArrowLightForm
    f := Form fromFile:'RightArrowLight.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[
	f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000110 2r00000000 
						 2r00000101 2r00000000 
						 2r00000100 2r10000000 
						 2r00000100 2r01000000 
						 2r00000100 2r00100000 
						 2r00000100 2r00000000 
						 2r00000100 2r00000000
						 2r00000100 2r00000000 
						 2r00000100 2r00000000 
						 2r00000100 2r00000000
						 2r00000100 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000]
    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
	RightArrowLightForm := f
    ^ f

    "return the form used for the right arrow light pixels (3D only)"


    ((aDevice == Display) and:[RightArrowShadowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ RightArrowShadowForm
    f := Form fromFile:'RightArrowShadow.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[
	f := Form width:16 height:16 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00010000 
						 2r00000000 2r00100000
						 2r00000000 2r01000000 
						 2r00000000 2r10000000 
						 2r00000001 2r00000000
						 2r00000010 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000 
						 2r00000000 2r00000000]
    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
	RightArrowShadowForm := f
    ^ f

    "return the form used for the small right arrow light pixels (3D only)"


    ((aDevice == Display) and:[SmallRightArrowLightForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ SmallRightArrowLightForm
    f := Form fromFile:'SmallRightArrowLight.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[
	f := Form width:9 height:9 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
					       2r01100000 2r00000000 
					       2r01011000 2r00000000 
					       2r01000110 2r00000000 
					       2r01000000 2r00000000 
					       2r01000000 2r00000000 
					       2r01000000 2r00000000 
					       2r01000000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000000 2r00000000]
    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
	SmallRightArrowLightForm := f
    ^ f

    "return the form used for the small right arrow light pixels (3D only)"


    ((aDevice == Display) and:[SmallRightArrowShadowForm notNil]) ifTrue:[
	^ SmallRightArrowShadowForm
    f := Form fromFile:'SmallRightArrowShadow.xbm' resolution:100 on:aDevice.
    f isNil ifTrue:[
	f := Form width:9 height:9 fromArray:#[2r00000000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000001 2r00000000 
					       2r00000110 2r00000000 
					       2r00011000 2r00000000 
					       2r00100000 2r00000000 
					       2r00000000 2r00000000]
    (aDevice == Display) ifTrue:[
	SmallRightArrowShadowForm := f
    ^ f

    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"

    <resource: #style (#selectionDisabledForegroundColor
                       #selectionHilightForegroundColor #selectionHilightBackgroundColor
                       #selectionHilightFrameColor #selectionHilightLevel
                       #selectionRightArrowStyle #selectionRightArrowLevel
                       #selectionForegroundColor #selectionBackgroundColor
                       #selectionShadowColor #selectionLightColor
                       #selectionFont #selectionHilightStyle)>

    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionDisabledForegroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionHilightForegroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionHilightBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultHilightFrameColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionHilightFrameColor'.
    DefaultHilightLevel := StyleSheet at:'selectionHilightLevel' default:0.
    DefaultHilightStyle := StyleSheet at:'selectionHilightStyle' default:(StyleSheet name).
    DefaultRightArrowStyle := StyleSheet at:'selectionRightArrowStyle'.
    DefaultRightArrowLevel := StyleSheet at:'selectionRightArrowLevel'.
    DefaultForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionForegroundColor'.
    DefaultBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionBackgroundColor'.
    DefaultShadowColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionShadowColor'.
    DefaultLightColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selectionLightColor'.
    DefaultFont := StyleSheet fontAt:'selectionFont'.
    RightArrowForm := nil.

     self updateStyleCache

    "Modified: 21.3.1996 / 17:27:59 / cg"
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-actions'!

    "set the action block to be performed on select"

    actionBlock := aBlock

    "set the double click action block.
     If non-nil, that one is evaluated on double click, passing the
     selection-line-number as argument."

    doubleClickActionBlock := aOneArgBlock

    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 16:07:28 / cg"

    "defines how the view should respond to alpha-keys pressed.
     Possible values are:
	#select               -> will select next entry starting with that
				 character and perform the click-action

	#selectAndDoubleclick -> will select next & perform double-click action

	#pass                 -> will pass key to superclass (i.e. no special treatment)

	nil                   -> will ignore key

     the default (set in #initialize) is #select

    keyActionStyle := aSymbol

    "defines how the view should respond to a return key pressed.
     Possible values are:
	#doubleClick          -> perform double-click action

	#pass                 -> will pass key to superclass (i.e. no special treatment)

	nil                   -> will ignore key

     the default (set in #initialize) is #doubleClick 

    returnKeyActionStyle := aSymbol

    "set the conditionBlock; this block is evaluated before a selection
     change is performed; the change will not be done, if the evaluation
     returns false. For example, this allows confirmation queries in
     the SystemBrowser"

    selectConditionBlock := aBlock

    "set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, both actionBlock and change-messages
     are passed the index(indices) of the selection as argument. 
     If clear, the value(s) (i.e. the selected string) is passed.
     Default is true."

    useIndex := aBoolean
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-attributes'!

    "return the line attribute of list line index.
     currently supported are:

    listAttributes isNil ifFalse:[
	(index > listAttributes size) ifFalse:[
	    ^ listAttributes at:index
    ^ nil

attributeAt:index add:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
    "add to a lines attribute(s); 
     currently supported are:


    current := self attributeAt:index.
    current isNil ifTrue:[
	current := Set new.
    ] ifFalse:[
	current isSymbol ifTrue:[
	    current == aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifTrue:[^ self].
	    current := Set with:current

    aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
	current := current add:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
    ] ifFalse:[
	(current includes:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols) ifTrue:[^ self].
	current addAll:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
    self attributeAt:index put:current

attributeAt:index put:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil
    "set a lines attribute(s); 
     currently supported are:

    (index > self size) ifFalse:[
	listAttributes isNil ifTrue:[
	    listAttributes := (OrderedCollection new:index) grow:index
	] ifFalse:[
	    (index > listAttributes size) ifTrue:[
		listAttributes grow:index
	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil = (listAttributes at:index) ifFalse:[
	    listAttributes at:index put:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbolsOrNil.
	    self redrawLine:index


attributeAt:index remove:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
    "remove a line attribute; 
     currently supported are:


    current := self attributeAt:index.
    current isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    current isSymbol ifTrue:[
	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
	    current == aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifTrue:[current := nil]
	] ifFalse:[
	    (aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols includes:current) ifTrue:[
		current := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
	aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols isSymbol ifTrue:[
	    current := current remove:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols ifAbsent:[]
	] ifFalse:[
	    aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols removeAll:aSymbolOrCollectionOfSymbols
    self attributeAt:index put:current

line:lineNr hasAttribute:aSymbol
    "return true, if line nr has attribute, aSymbol; 
     currently supported attributes are:


    listAttributes isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    (lineNr > listAttributes size) ifTrue:[^ false].
    attr := listAttributes at:lineNr.
    attr isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    attr isSymbol ifTrue:[^ attr == aSymbol].
    ^ (attr includes:aSymbol)

    "set the attribute list.
     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
     (or use this only before the view is visible)."

    listAttributes := aList

    "turn on/off strikeOut mode"

    strikeOut := aBoolean.
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!

    "disable the view - no selection changes are allowed"

    enabled := false

    "enable the view - selection changes are allowed"

    enabled := true

    "set/clear the ignoreReselect flag - 
     if set, a click on an already selected entry is ignored.
     Otherwise the notification is done, even if no
     change in the selection occurs.
     (for example, in browser to update a method).
     Setting ignoreReselect to false makes sense if data is shown
     which may change by itself (i.e. without the user doing anything)
     For example, the inspector uses this, and redisplays the value,
     if the selection is the same.
     The default is true, meaning that a click on an already selected
     does not lead to a notification via the actionBlock/change mechanism."

    ignoreReselect := aBoolean

    "allow/disallow multiple selections. If enabled, the
     user may select multiple entries in the list, and the program
     always gets a collection of selected items (indexes if useIndex is true,
     values otherwise). The default is false, for single selections."

    multipleSelectOk := aBoolean.
    aBoolean ifTrue:[
	self enableButtonMotionEvents
    ] ifFalse:[
	self disableButtonMotionEvents

    "turn on/off toggle select. If true, clicking on a selected entry
     unselects it and vice versa. The default is false, which means
     that clicking on an already selected entry does not change its
     select status (see also ignoreReselect:)."

    toggleSelect := aBoolean.
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-contents'!

add:aValue beforeIndex:index
    "must recompute our current selections"

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    selection := selection collect:[ :sel |
		sel >= index ifTrue:[
		    sel + 1
		] ifFalse:[
	] ifFalse:[
	    selection >= index ifTrue:[
		selection := selection + 1.
    ^ super add:aValue beforeIndex:index.

    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
     and clearing attributes.
     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
     (or use this only before the view is visible)."

    selection := nil.
    listAttributes := nil.
    super contents:aCollection.

    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
     and clearing attributes."

    self list:aCollection keepSelection:false 

list:aCollection keepSelection:aBoolean
    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
     and clearing attributes."


    "somewhat of a kludge: if selection is first line,
     we have to remove the highlight frame by hand here"

    (shown and:[hilightLevel ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        selection == firstLineShown ifTrue:[
           self paint:bgColor.
           self fillRectangleX:margin y:margin
                          width:(width - (margin * 2)) 
                         height:(hilightLevel abs).

    aBoolean ifTrue:[
        oldSelection := selection.
        selection := nil.
    listAttributes := nil.
    super list:aCollection expandTabs:printItems.
    self setSelection:oldSelection. "/ nil if keep is false

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 16:31:13 / cg"

    "set/clear the printItems flag. If set, items (as set via #list: or
     as returned from the model) are sent #printString to display them.
     If false, items are assumed to be either strings, or know how to
     display themself in a GC (i.e. they are instances of ListEntry).
     The default is false.
     Caveat: printString seems to be too specialized - I'd rather have
     a definable printSelector or - better - a printConverter.
     This may be added in the future."

    printItems := aBoolean

    "delete line - no redraw;
     return true, if something was really deleted.
     Redefined since we have to care for selection"

    self checkRemovingSelection:lineNr.
    ^ super removeIndexWithoutRedraw:lineNr

    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
     and clearing attributes.
     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
     (or use this only before the view is visible)."

    selection := nil.
    listAttributes := nil.
    super setContents:aCollection.

    "set the list - redefined, since setting the list implies unselecting
     and clearing attributes.
     No redraw is done - the caller should make sure to redraw afterwards
     (or use this only before the view is visible)."

    selection := nil.
    listAttributes := nil.
    super setList:aCollection.
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-mvc'!

    "see comment in View>>modelInterface"

    super addModelInterfaceTo:aDictionary.
    aDictionary at:#doubleClickMessage put:doubleClickMsg.
    aDictionary at:#initialSelectionMessage put:initialSelectionMsg.

     SelectionInListView new modelInterface 

    "set the symbol with which the model is informed about double-click.
     OBSOLETE: please use #doubleClickMessage:"

    self obsoleteMethodWarning:'please use #doubleClickMessage:'.
    doubleClickMsg := aSymbol

    "return the symbol with which the model (if any) is informed about 
     double-click. If nil (which is the default), it is not informed."

    ^ doubleClickMsg

    "set the symbol with which the model (if any) is informed about double-click.
     If nil (which is the default), it is not informed."

    doubleClickMsg := aSymbol

    "return the symbol by which the model informes me about a changed
     selectionIndex. This is used both in change notification and to
     actually aquire a new selection value."

    ^ initialSelectionMsg

    "set the symbol by which the model informes me about a changed
     selectionIndex. This is used both in change notification and to
     actually aquire a new selection value."

    initialSelectionMsg := aSymbol

on:aModel printItems:print oneItem:one aspect:aspectSymbol change:changeSymbol 
		list:listSymbol menu:menuSymbol initialSelection:initialSymbol useIndex:use

    "ST-80 compatibility"

    aspectMsg := aspectSymbol.
    changeMsg := changeSymbol.
    listMsg := listSymbol.
    menuMsg := menuSymbol.
    initialSelectionMsg := initialSymbol.
    printItems := print.
    oneItem := one.
    useIndex := use.
    ignoreReselect := false.    "/ ST80 behavior
    self model:aModel.
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'accessing-selection'!

    "add the element with the same printstring as the argument, anObject
     to the selection. The entry is searched by comparing printStrings.
     No scrolling is done. Returns true, if ok, false if no such entry
     was found."

    |lineNo str|

    str := anObject printString.
    lineNo := list findFirst:[:entry | str = entry printString].
    lineNo ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	self addToSelection:lineNo.
	^ true
    ^ false

    "add entry, aNumber to the selection. No scrolling is done."

    (self isValidSelection:aNumber) ifFalse:[^ self].

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self selectWithoutScroll:aNumber].
    selection isCollection ifTrue:[
	(selection includes:aNumber) ifTrue:[^ self].
	(selectConditionBlock notNil 
		     and:[(selectConditionBlock value:aNumber) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
	selection add:aNumber
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aNumber == selection) ifTrue:[^ self].
	(selectConditionBlock notNil 
		     and:[(selectConditionBlock value:aNumber) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
	selection := OrderedCollection with:selection with:aNumber
    self redrawElement:aNumber

    "remove entry, aNumber from the selection."

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	(selection includes:aNumber) ifFalse:[^ self].
	selection remove:aNumber.
	selection size == 0 ifTrue:[
	    selection := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
	(aNumber == selection) ifFalse:[^ self].
	selection := nil
    self redrawElement:aNumber
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    changedObject == model ifTrue:[
	something == aspectMsg ifTrue:[
	    self getListFromModel.
	    self getSelectionFromModel.
	    ^ self
	something == listMsg ifTrue:[
	    self getListFromModel.
	    ^ self
	something == initialSelectionMsg ifTrue:[
	    self getSelectionFromModel.
	    ^ self
	something == #empty ifTrue:[
	    self list:nil.
	    ^ self
    ^ super update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "draw a right arrow (for submenus).
     This method is not used here, but provided for subclasses such
     as menus or file-lists."

    |y x form form2 topLeftColor botRightColor t|

    x := width - 16.
    y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr).

    (device depth == 1 or:[arrowLevel == 0]) ifTrue:[
	form := self class rightArrowFormOn:device.
	form notNil ifTrue:[
	    y := y + ((font height - form height) // 2).
	    (self isInSelection:(self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr)) ifTrue:[
	        self foreground:hilightFgColor
	    ] ifFalse:[
	        self foreground:fgColor.
	    self displayForm:form x:x y:y.
    ] ifFalse:[
	smallArrow ifTrue:[
	    form := self class smallRightArrowLightFormOn:device.
	    form2 := self class smallRightArrowShadowFormOn:device.
	] ifFalse:[
	    form := self class rightArrowLightFormOn:device.
	    form2 := self class rightArrowShadowFormOn:device.
	(form isNil or:[form2 isNil]) ifTrue:[
	    "/ very bad conditions
	    ^ self
	y := y + ((font height - form height) // 2).

	topLeftColor := lightColor.
	botRightColor := shadowColor. 

	"openwin arrow stays down"
	styleSheet name ~~ #openwin ifTrue:[
	    (self isInSelection:(self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr)) ifTrue:[
		t := topLeftColor.
		topLeftColor := botRightColor.
		botRightColor := t.
	arrowLevel < 0 ifTrue:[
	    t := topLeftColor.
	    topLeftColor := botRightColor.
	    botRightColor := t.

"/        self foreground:topLeftColor.
self paint:topLeftColor.
	self displayForm:form x:x y:y.
"/        self foreground:botRightColor.
self paint:botRightColor.
	self displayForm:form2 x:x y:y.

    "redraw a single line as selected."

    self drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:hilightFgColor and:hilightBgColor

    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 19:24:09 / claus"
    "Modified: 28.2.1996 / 18:40:52 / cg"

drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr with:fg and:bg
    "redraw a single line as selected."

     y  "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 
     y2 "{ Class: SmallInteger }" 

    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
    listLine notNil ifTrue:[
        strikeOut ifTrue:[
            self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fgColor and:bgColor.
            y := self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr.

            self paint:fgColor.
            y := y + (fontHeight // 2).
            self displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:width y:y.
            ^ self

        self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
        y := (self yOfVisibleLine:visLineNr) - (lineSpacing//2).

         a line above and below
        hilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[
            hilightLevel == 0 ifTrue:[
                self paint:hilightFrameColor.
                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:width y:y.
                y2 := y + fontHeight - 1.
                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y2 toX:width y:y2.
                ^ self
        ] ifFalse:[
            hilightStyle == #motif ifTrue:[
                self paint:fg.
                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y+1 toX:width y:y+1.
                y2 := y + fontHeight - 1 - 1.
                self displayLineFromX:0 y:y2 toX:width y:y2.

         an edge it around
        (hilightLevel ~~ 0) ifTrue:[
             let edge start at left, extending to the full width
             XXX: widthOfContents should be cached in ListView
                  (instead of recomputing all over)
            wEdge := width-(2 * margin).
            includesNonStrings ifFalse:[
                wEdge := wEdge max:(self widthOfContents).
            self drawEdgesForX:(margin - leftOffset) y:y 
                         width:wEdge+leftOffset height:fontHeight 

        ^ self
    ^ super drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg

    "Modified: 31.8.1995 / 19:24:09 / claus"
    "Created: 28.2.1996 / 18:40:21 / cg"
    "Modified: 21.3.1996 / 17:30:41 / cg"
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:buttonMask x:x y:y
    "mouse-move while button was pressed - handle selection changes"

    |movedVisibleLine movedLine delta oldSelection oldSelCount|

    "is it the select or 1-button ?"
    (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:#select) ifFalse:[
	(device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:1) ifFalse:[
	    ^ self

    clickLine isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    "if moved outside of view, start autoscroll"
    (y < 0) ifTrue:[
	self compressMotionEvents:false.
	self startAutoScrollUp:y.
	^ self
    (y > height) ifTrue:[
	self compressMotionEvents:false.
	self startAutoScrollDown:(y - height).
	^ self

    "move inside - stop autoscroll if any"
    self stopAutoScroll.

    movedVisibleLine := self visibleLineOfY:y.
    movedLine := self visibleLineToAbsoluteLine:movedVisibleLine.
    (movedLine == clickLine) ifTrue:[^ self].

    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	delta := (clickLine < movedLine) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[-1].

	oldSelection := selection.
	oldSelCount := selection size.

	(clickLine+delta) to:movedLine by:delta do:[:line |
	    (self isInSelection:line) ifTrue:[
		self removeFromSelection:line
	    ] ifFalse:[
		self addToSelection:line
	((selection ~= oldSelection)
	 or:[selection size ~~ oldSelCount]) ifTrue:[
	    self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
    ] ifFalse:[
"/        self selectWithoutScroll:movedLine

    clickLine := movedLine

buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
"/        doubleClickActionBlock isNil ifTrue:[
"/            self buttonPress:button x:x y:y
"/        ].
	self doubleClicked.
    ] ifFalse:[
	super buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    |oldSelection listLineNr|

    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
	enabled ifTrue:[
	    listLineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
	    listLineNr notNil ifTrue:[
		and:[self isInSelection:listLineNr]) ifTrue:[
		    oldSelection := selection copy.
		    self removeFromSelection:listLineNr
		] ifFalse:[
		    (self line:listLineNr hasAttribute:#disabled) ifTrue:[^ self].

		    (selectConditionBlock notNil 
		     and:[(selectConditionBlock value:listLineNr) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].

		    (toggleSelect and:[multipleSelectOk]) ifTrue:[
			oldSelection := selection copy.
			self addToSelection:listLineNr
		    ] ifFalse:[
			oldSelection := selection copy.
			self selectWithoutScroll:listLineNr.
		((ignoreReselect not and:[selection notNil])
		 or:[selection ~= oldSelection]) ifTrue:[
		    self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
		clickLine := listLineNr
    ] ifFalse:[
	super buttonPress:button x:x y:y

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
    "stop any autoscroll"

    self stopAutoScroll

buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y
    "add to the selection (if multipleSelectOk); otherwise,
     behave like normal select"

    |oldSelection listLineNr|

    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifTrue:[
	toggleSelect ifTrue:[
	    ^ self buttonPress:button x:x y:y
	enabled ifTrue:[
	    listLineNr := self visibleLineToListLine:(self visibleLineOfY:y).
	    listLineNr notNil ifTrue:[
		(self line:listLineNr hasAttribute:#disabled) ifTrue:[^ self].

		(selectConditionBlock notNil 
		 and:[(selectConditionBlock value:listLineNr) not]) ifTrue:[^ self].
	    oldSelection := selection copy.
	    listLineNr notNil ifTrue: [
		multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
		    (self isInSelection:listLineNr) ifTrue:[
			self removeFromSelection:listLineNr
		    ] ifFalse:[
			self addToSelection:listLineNr
		] ifFalse:[
		    self selectWithoutScroll:listLineNr
	    ((ignoreReselect not and:[selection notNil])
	     or:[selection ~= oldSelection]) ifTrue:[
		self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
	    clickLine := listLineNr
    ] ifFalse:[
	super buttonShiftPress:button x:x y:y


    selection isNil ifTrue:[
        "/ can only happen if claus modifies the selection within
        "/ the selectAction ....
        ^ self

    doubleClickActionBlock notNil ifTrue:[doubleClickActionBlock value:selection].
    (model notNil and:[doubleClickMsg notNil]) ifTrue:[
        self sendChangeMessage:doubleClickMsg with:(self argForChangeMessage).

    "Modified: 19.4.1996 / 18:23:14 / cg"

key:key select:index x:x y:y
    "select an entry by a keyboard action.
     This is treated like a doubleClick on that entry"


    (selectConditionBlock isNil or:[selectConditionBlock value:index]) ifTrue:[
	keyActionStyle notNil ifTrue:[
	    keyActionStyle == #pass ifTrue:[
		^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y
	    oldSelection := selection.
	    self selection:index.
	    self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.
	    keyActionStyle == #selectAndDoubleClick ifTrue:[
		self doubleClicked

keyPress:key x:x y:y
    "handle keyboard input"

    <resource: #keyboard ( #CursorUp #CursorDown #BeginOfText #EndOfText
                           #Return ) >

     searchIndex "{Class: SmallInteger}"
     startSearch "{Class: SmallInteger}"
     backSearch searchPrefix|

    (key == #CursorUp) ifTrue:[
        index := self previousBeforeSelection.
        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
        ^ self
    (key == #CursorDown) ifTrue:[
        index := self nextAfterSelection.
        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
        ^ self
    "/ stupid: Home and End are cought in ScrollableView
    "/ we normally do not get them ...
    "/ (need to call handlesKey: from there ...
    "/  ... and implement it here)
    (key == #BeginOfText) ifTrue:[
        self key:key select:1 x:x y:y.
        ^ self
    (key == #EndOfText) ifTrue:[
        index := self size.
        self key:key select:index x:x y:y.
        ^ self
    key == #Return ifTrue:[
        returnKeyActionStyle == #doubleClick ifTrue:[
            selection notNil ifTrue:[
                self doubleClicked
            ^ self
        returnKeyActionStyle ~~ #pass ifTrue:[
            ^ self

     alphabetic keys: search for next entry
     starting with keys character. If shift is pressed, search backward
    (self size > 0
    and:[key isCharacter
    and:[key isLetter]]) ifTrue:[
        keyActionStyle isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
"/        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[^ self].
        keyActionStyle == #pass ifFalse:[
            searchPrefix := key asLowercase asString.

"/            ... isISearch... ifFalse:[
"/                iSearchString := ''
"/            ] ifTrue:[
"/                iSearchString := iSearchString , searchPrefix.
"/                searchPrefix := iSearchString
"/            ].

            backSearch := self sensor shiftDown.
            backSearch ifTrue:[
                selection notNil ifTrue:[
                    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
                        startSearch := selection first - 1
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        startSearch := selection - 1
                ] ifFalse:[
                    startSearch := self size
                startSearch < 1 ifTrue:[
                    startSearch := self size.
            ] ifFalse:[    
                selection notNil ifTrue:[
                    selection size > 0 ifTrue:[
                        startSearch := selection last + 1
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        startSearch := selection + 1
                ] ifFalse:[
                    startSearch := 1
                startSearch > self size ifTrue:[
                    startSearch := 1.
            searchIndex := startSearch.
            [true] whileTrue:[
                (((self at:searchIndex) asString) withoutSeparators asLowercase startsWith:searchPrefix) ifTrue:[
                    searchIndex = selection ifTrue:[^ self].
                    ^ self key:key select:searchIndex x:x y:y
                backSearch ifTrue:[
                    searchIndex := searchIndex - 1.
                    searchIndex < 1 ifTrue:[searchIndex := self size]
                ] ifFalse:[
                    searchIndex := searchIndex + 1.
                    searchIndex > self size ifTrue:[searchIndex := 1].
                searchIndex == startSearch ifTrue:[
                    ^ self
    ^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y

    "Modified: 7.3.1996 / 13:18:46 / cg"

    "if there is a selection, make certain, its visible
     after the sizechange"

    |first wasAtEnd|

    wasAtEnd := (firstLineShown + nFullLinesShown) >= self size.

    super sizeChanged:how.

    shown ifTrue:[
        selection notNil ifTrue:[
            multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
                first := selection firstIfEmpty:nil
            ] ifFalse:[
                first := selection
            first notNil ifTrue:[self makeLineVisible:first]
        ] ifFalse:[
             if we where at the end before, move to the end again.
             Still to be seen, if this is better in real life ...
            wasAtEnd ifTrue:[
                "at end"
                self scrollToBottom

    "Modified: 6.2.1996 / 15:28:21 / cg"
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "set the cursor - a hand"

    cursor := Cursor hand


    super initStyle.

"/    DefaultFont notNil ifTrue:[font := DefaultFont on:device].

    bgColor := viewBackground.
    hilightFrameColor := nil.
    hilightLevel := 0.
    hilightStyle := DefaultHilightStyle.
    arrowLevel := 1.
    smallArrow := false.

    device hasGrayscales ifTrue:[
         must get rid of these hard codings
        (hilightStyle == #next) ifTrue:[
            hilightFgColor := fgColor.
            hilightBgColor := White.
            hilightFrameColor := fgColor
        ] ifFalse:[
            (hilightStyle == #motif) ifTrue:[
                fgColor := White.
                bgColor := Grey.
                viewBackground := bgColor.
                hilightFgColor := bgColor  "fgColor" "White".
                hilightBgColor := fgColor "bgColor lightened" "darkened".
            ] ifFalse:[
                (hilightStyle == #openwin) ifTrue:[
                    hilightFgColor := fgColor.
                    hilightBgColor := Color grey.
                    smallArrow := true.

    hilightFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
        hilightFgColor := bgColor.
    hilightBgColor isNil ifTrue:[
        hilightBgColor := fgColor.
    DefaultForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        fgColor := DefaultForegroundColor
    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        bgColor := viewBackground := DefaultBackgroundColor
    DefaultHilightForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        hilightFgColor := DefaultHilightForegroundColor
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        hilightBgColor := DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
    DefaultHilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[
        hilightFrameColor := DefaultHilightFrameColor
    DefaultHilightLevel notNil ifTrue:[
        hilightLevel := DefaultHilightLevel
    DefaultRightArrowLevel notNil ifTrue:[
        arrowLevel := DefaultRightArrowLevel

    DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor on:device
    DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
        lightColor := DefaultLightColor on:device

    (hilightLevel abs > 0) ifTrue:[
        lineSpacing := 3
    ] ifFalse:[
        lineSpacing := 2

    hilightFgColor isNil ifTrue:[
        hilightFgColor := bgColor.
        hilightBgColor := fgColor

    DefaultDisabledForegroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        halfIntensityFgColor := DefaultDisabledForegroundColor
    ] ifFalse:[
        halfIntensityFgColor := Color darkGray.

    fgColor := fgColor on:device.
    bgColor := bgColor on:device.
    halfIntensityFgColor := halfIntensityFgColor on:device.
    hilightFrameColor notNil ifTrue:[hilightFrameColor := hilightFrameColor on:device].
    hilightFgColor := hilightFgColor on:device.
    hilightBgColor := hilightBgColor on:device.

    "Modified: 28.5.1996 / 21:13:51 / cg"

    super initialize.

    fontHeight := font height + lineSpacing.
    enabled := true.
    ignoreReselect := true.
    multipleSelectOk := toggleSelect := strikeOut := printItems := false.
    useIndex := true.

    keyActionStyle := #select.
    returnKeyActionStyle := #doubleClick.

    listMsg := self class defaultListMessage.
    initialSelectionMsg := self class defaultSelectionMessage.


    super realize.

"/    self getListFromModel.   -- not needed; superclass did it already
    self getSelectionFromModel.

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	selection isCollection ifTrue:[
	    selection notEmpty ifTrue:[
		self makeLineVisible:selection first
	] ifFalse:[
	    self makeLineVisible:selection
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'private'!

    "return the argument for a selectionChange;
     depending on the setting of useIndex, this is either the numeric
     index of the selection or the value (i.e. the string)"

    useIndex ~~ false ifTrue:[  "/ i.e. everything except false
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    selection isNil ifTrue:[
		^ #() 
	^ selection

    printItems ifFalse:[
	^ self selectionValue

    items notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    ^ selection collect:[:nr | items at:nr]
	^ items at:selection

    ^ nil       "/ cannot happen

    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 16:28:13 / cg"

    "when a line is removed, we have to adjust selection"


    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    newSelection := OrderedCollection new.
	    selection do:[:sel |
		sel < lineNr ifTrue:[
		    newSelection add:sel
		] ifFalse:[
		    sel > lineNr ifTrue:[
			newSelection add:(sel - 1)
		    "otherwise remove it from the selection"
	    newSelection size == 0 ifTrue:[
		selection := nil
	    ] ifFalse:[
		selection := newSelection
	] ifFalse:[
	    selection == lineNr ifTrue:[
		selection := nil
	    ] ifFalse:[
		selection > lineNr ifTrue:[
		    selection := selection - 1

    "if I have a model, get my list from it using the listMessage.
     If listMessage is nil, try aspectMessage for backward compatibilty."

    |text msg|

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        msg := listMsg.
        msg isNil ifTrue:[
            msg := aspectMsg

        msg notNil ifTrue:[
            items := model perform:msg.
            items notNil ifTrue:[
                printItems ifTrue:[
                    text := items collect:[:element | element printString]
                ] ifFalse:[
                    text := items
"/                text notNil ifTrue:[
"/                    text := text asStringCollection.
"/                ]
            self list:text keepSelection:true. "/ expandTabs:false

    "Modified: 7.5.1996 / 11:27:24 / cg"

    "if I have a model and an initialSelectionMsg, get my selection from it"


    model notNil ifTrue:[
        initialSelectionMsg notNil ifTrue:[
            sel := model perform:initialSelectionMsg.
            useIndex ifTrue:[
                self setSelection:sel 
            ] ifFalse:[
                self setSelectElement:sel.

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 16:34:54 / cg"

    "return true, if aNumber is ok as a selection index"

    aNumberOrCollection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    (aNumberOrCollection isCollection) ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[^ false].
	aNumberOrCollection do:[:index |
	    (index between:1 and:self size) ifFalse:[^ false].
	^ true.
    ] ifFalse:[
	^ (aNumberOrCollection between:1 and:self size).


positionToSelectionX:x y:y
    "given a click position, return the selection lineNo"


    (x between:0 and:width) ifTrue:[
	(y between:0 and:height) ifTrue:[
	    visibleLine := self visibleLineOfY:y.
	    ^ self visibleLineToListLine:visibleLine
    ^ nil

    "auto scroll action; scroll and reinstall timed-block"

    self scrollDown.
    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:autoScrollDeltaT.

    "auto scroll action; scroll and reinstall timed-block"

    self scrollUp.
    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:autoScrollDeltaT.


    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
    listLine isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[^ true].
    listAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
	(listLine <= listAttributes size) ifTrue:[
	    ^ (listAttributes at:listLine) notNil
    ^ false

widthForScrollBetween:start and:end
    "has to be redefined since WHOLE line is inverted/modified sometimes"

    | anySelectionInRange |

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    anySelectionInRange := false.
	    selection do:[:s |
		(s between:start and:end) ifTrue:[
		    anySelectionInRange := true
	] ifFalse:[
	    anySelectionInRange := selection between:start and:end
    ] ifFalse:[
	anySelectionInRange := false

    anySelectionInRange ifTrue:[
	^ width
	self is3D ifFalse:[
	    ^ width 
	( #(next openwin) includes:styleSheet name) ifTrue:[
	    ^ width 
	viewBackground = background ifFalse:[
	    ^ width 
    ^ super widthForScrollBetween:start and:end
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'queries'!

    self class == SelectionInListView ifTrue:[^ SequenceViewSpec].
    ^ nil

    "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 23:05:53 / claus"
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'redrawing'!

    "redraw an individual element"

    ^ self redrawLine:aNumber

redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:endVisLineNr
    "redraw a range of lines.
     Must check, if any is in the selection and handle this case.
     Otherwise draw it en-bloque using supers method."

    |special sel
     l1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     l2 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     selNo "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    ((selection isCollection) or:[listAttributes notNil]) ifTrue:[
        l1 := startVisLineNr.
        l2 := endVisLineNr. 
        l1 to:l2 do:[:visLine |
            self redrawVisibleLine:visLine
        ^ self

"XXX only if -1/+1"
"/    hilightLevel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
"/     self paint:bgColor.
"/     self fillRectangleX:0 y:(self yOfVisibleLine:startVisLineNr)-1 width:width height:1
"/  ].
    special := true.
    selection isNil ifTrue:[
        special := false
    ] ifFalse:[
        sel := self listLineToVisibleLine:selection.
        sel isNil ifTrue:[
            special := false
        ] ifFalse:[
            special := (sel between:startVisLineNr and:endVisLineNr)
    special ifFalse:[
      ^ super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr

    selNo := sel.
    selNo > startVisLineNr ifTrue:[
        super redrawFromVisibleLine:startVisLineNr to:(selNo - 1)
    self redrawVisibleLine:selNo.
    selNo < endVisLineNr ifTrue:[
        super redrawFromVisibleLine:(selNo + 1) to:endVisLineNr

    "Modified: 24.2.1996 / 18:12:16 / cg"

    "redraw a single line.
     Must check, if any is in the selection and handle this case.
     Otherwise draw using supers method."

    |listLine fg bg newFont oldFont id|

    fg := fgColor.
    bg := bgColor.
    listLine := self visibleLineToListLine:visLineNr.
    listLine notNil ifTrue:[
        (self isInSelection:listLine) ifTrue:[
            ^ self drawVisibleLineSelected:visLineNr

        listAttributes notNil ifTrue:[
            (self line:listLine hasAttribute:#halfIntensity) ifTrue:[
                fg := halfIntensityFgColor
            ] ifFalse:[
                (self line:listLine hasAttribute:#disabled) ifTrue:[
                    fg := halfIntensityFgColor
            (self line:listLine hasAttribute:#bold) ifTrue:[
                newFont := font asBold.
                (font bold 
                or:[id := (newFont on:device) fontId.
                    id isNil]) 
                     mhmh - what can be done, if the font is already bold ?
                     or no such font is available   
                    fgColor brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
                        fg := fgColor darkened "darkened". 
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        fg := fgColor lightened "lightened"
                    (fg brightness - bg brightness) abs < 0.25 ifTrue:[
                        bgColor brightness > 0.5 ifTrue:[
                            fg := fg darkened. 
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            fg := fg lightened
                id notNil ifTrue:[
                    oldFont := font.
                    self basicFont:newFont.
                    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
                    self basicFont:oldFont.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg.
                ^ self
    ^ self drawVisibleLine:visLineNr with:fg and:bg

    "Modified: 29.2.1996 / 16:20:07 / cg"

redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr col:colNr
    "redraw a single character.
     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."

    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr col:colNr

redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol
    "redraw from a col to the right end.
     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."

    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol

redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol to:endCol
    "redraw from a startCol to endCol.
     Must check, if its in the selection and handle this case."

    (self visibleLineNeedsSpecialCare:visLineNr) ifTrue:[
	^ self redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr
    super redrawVisibleLine:visLineNr from:startCol to:endCol
! !

!SelectionInListView methodsFor:'selections'!

    "deselect; Model or actionBlock notifications are made.
     To deselect without notifications, use #setSelection:nil."

    self selection:nil

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:03:47 / cg"

    "deselect without redraw or notifications.
     No model or actionBlock notifications are made."

    selection := nil

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:04:14 / cg"

    "return true, if the view has a selection"

    ^ selection notNil 

    "return true, if line, aNumber is in the selection"

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	^ (selection includes:aNumber)
    ^ (aNumber == selection)

    "scroll to make the selection line visible"


    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    selection isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
	    line := selection first.
	] ifFalse:[
	    line := selection
	self makeLineVisible:line 

    "return the index of the next selectable entry after the selection.
     Wrap at end."


    selection isNil ifTrue:[
	next := firstLineShown
    ] ifFalse:[
	selection size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    next := selection max + 1
	] ifFalse:[
	    next := selection + 1
    (self isValidSelection:next) ifFalse:[
	next > self size ifTrue:[
	    next := 1.
	] ifFalse:[
	    [next <= self size
	     and:[(self isValidSelection:next) not]] whileTrue:[
		next := next + 1
    (self isValidSelection:next) ifFalse:[
	next := nil
    ^ next

    "return the number of selected entries"


    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ 0].
    sz := selection size.
    sz > 0 ifTrue:[^ sz].
    ^ 1

    "return the index of the previous selectable entry before the selection.
     Wrap at beginning."


    selection isNil ifTrue:[
	prev := firstLineShown - 1 
    ] ifFalse:[
	selection size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
	    prev := selection min - 1
	] ifFalse:[
	    prev := selection - 1
    (self isValidSelection:prev) ifFalse:[
	prev < 1 ifTrue:[
	    prev := self size.
	] ifFalse:[
	    [prev >= 1
	     and:[(self isValidSelection:prev) not]] whileTrue:[
		prev := prev - 1
    (self isValidSelection:prev) ifFalse:[
	prev := nil
    ^ prev


    "select all entries. Model and/or actionBlock notification is done."


    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
        oldSelection := selection.
        selection := OrderedCollection withAll:(1 to:self size).
        self invalidate.
        self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection.

    "Modified: 29.5.1996 / 16:39:07 / cg"

    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
     Scroll to make the new selection visible.
     Model and/or actionBlock notification is done."


    list notNil ifTrue:[
        items notNil ifTrue:[
            lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
        lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self selection:lineNo]

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:05:03 / cg"

    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
     Do not scroll. No model and/or actionBlock notification is done."


    list notNil ifTrue:[
        items notNil ifTrue:[
            lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
        lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self selectWithoutScroll:lineNo]

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:06:02 / cg"

    "select next line or first visible if there is currrently no selection.
     Wrap at end. Model and/or actionBlock notification is done."

    self selection:(self nextAfterSelection)

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:05:15 / cg"

    "select previous line or previous visible if there is currently no selection.
     Wrap at beginning. Model and/or actionBlock notification is done."

    self selection:(self previousBeforeSelection).

    "Modified: 26.9.1995 / 09:41:16 / stefan"
    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:05:18 / cg"

    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil.
     No model and/or actionBlock notification is done."

    |prevSelection newSelection|

    newSelection := aNumberOrNilOrCollection.
    newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
        (self isValidSelection:newSelection) ifFalse:[
            newSelection := nil

    (newSelection = selection) ifTrue: [^ self].

     redraw old selection unhighlighted
    selection notNil ifTrue: [
        prevSelection := selection.
        selection := nil.
        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
            prevSelection do:[:line |
                self redrawElement:line
        ] ifFalse:[
            self redrawElement:prevSelection

    selection := newSelection.

     redraw new selection unhighlighted
    newSelection notNil ifTrue:[
        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
            newSelection isCollection ifFalse:[
                selection := OrderedCollection with:newSelection.
            selection do:[:line |
                self redrawElement:line
        ] ifFalse:[
            self redrawElement:selection

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:05:53 / cg"

    "return the selection index or collection of indices (if multipleSelect is on)"

    ^ selection

    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil;
     scroll to make the selected line visible.
     The model and/or actionBlock is notified."


    oldSelection := selection.
    self setSelection:aNumberOrNil.
    selection ~= oldSelection ifTrue:[
        self selectionChangedFrom:oldSelection

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 12:24:46 / cg"

    "return the selection as a collection of line numbers.
     This allows users of this class to enumerate independent of
     the multipleSelect style."

    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].

"/    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
"/        ^ (OrderedCollection new) add:selection; yourself.
"/    ].
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
	^ (OrderedCollection new) add:selection; yourself.
    ^ selection

    "selection has changed. Call actionblock and/or send changeMessage if defined"


    arg := self argForChangeMessage.
     the ST/X way of doing things - perform actionBlock
    actionBlock notNil ifTrue:[actionBlock value:arg].
     the MVC way of doing things - notify model via changeMsg
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
	"/ ST80 sends 0 as index, if the same selection is reselected ...
	selection == oldSelection ifTrue:[
	    arg := 0
    self sendChangeMessageWith:arg

    "Modified: 26.10.1995 / 16:33:54 / cg"

    "perform aBlock for each nr in the selection.
     For single selection, it is called once for the items nr.
     For multiple selections, it is called for each."

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
	multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	    selection do:aBlock
	] ifFalse:[
	    aBlock value:selection


    "return the selection value i.e. the text in the selected line.
     For multiple selections a collection containing the entries is returned."

    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
	selection isNil ifTrue:[^ #()].
	^ selection collect:[:nr | self at:nr]
    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ self at:selection

    "select the element with same printString as the argument, anObject.
     Scroll to make the new selection visible.
     No model and/or actionBlock notification is done."


    list notNil ifTrue:[
        items notNil ifTrue:[
            lineNo := items indexOf:anObject ifAbsent:nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            lineNo := list indexOf:(anObject printString) ifAbsent:nil.
        lineNo notNil ifTrue:[self setSelection:lineNo]

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 13:05:03 / cg"
    "Created: 25.5.1996 / 16:34:35 / cg"

    "select line, aNumber or deselect if argument is nil;
     scroll to make the selected line visible.
     No model or actionBlock notification is done."

    self selectWithoutScroll:aNumberOrNil.
    selection notNil ifTrue:[self makeSelectionVisible]

    "Modified: 25.5.1996 / 12:20:25 / cg"
    "Created: 25.5.1996 / 12:23:18 / cg"

    "toggle selection-state of entry, aNumber"

    (self isInSelection:aNumber) ifTrue:[
	self removeFromSelection:aNumber
    ] ifFalse:[
	self addToSelection:aNumber

    "return true, if someString is in the selection"


    selection isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
    sel := self selectionValue.
    self numberOfSelections > 1 ifTrue:[
	^ (sel includes:someString)
    ^ (someString = sel)
! !

!SelectionInListView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/,v 1.76 1996-05-29 14:39:30 cg Exp $'
! !