author claus
Wed, 13 Oct 1993 02:04:14 +0100
changeset 3 9d7eefb5e69f
parent 0 e6a541c1c0eb
child 5 7b4fb1b170e5
permissions -rw-r--r--

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

View subclass:#PullDownMenu
       instanceVariableNames:'menus titles activeMenuNumber
                              showSeparatingLines topMargin
                              fgColor bgColor activeFgColor activeBgColor
                              onLevel offLevel'

PullDownMenu comment:'

COPYRIGHT (c) 1989-93 by Claus Gittinger
             All Rights Reserved

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg/Attic/PullDMenu.st,v 1.2 1993-10-13 01:03:09 claus Exp $

written summer 89 by claus

!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'documentation'!

PullDown menu provides the top (always visible) part of these menus. It controls
display of its menus, which become visible when one of the PullDownMenus entries is pressed.

Instance variables:

menus                   <aCollection>   the sub menus
titles                  <aCollection>   the strings in the menu
activeMenuNumber        <Number>        the index of the currently active menu
showSeparatingLines     <Boolean>       show separating lines between my menu-strings
topMargin               <Number>        number of pixels at top
fgColor                 <Color>         color to draw passive menu-titles
bgColor                 <Color>         color to draw passive menu-titles
activeFgColor           <Color>         color to draw activated menu-titles
activeBgColor           <Color>         color to draw activated menu-titles
! !

!PullDownMenu class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    "create and return a new PullDownMenu"

    ^ self new labels:titleArray
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.

    font := font on:device.
    self origin:(0.0 @ 0.0)
         extent:(1.0 @ (font height + (font descent * 2)  + topMargin)).

    super initStyle.

    showSeparatingLines := false.
    fgColor := Black.
    bgColor := viewBackground.
    self is3D ifTrue:[
        device hasColors ifTrue:[
            activeFgColor := Color name:'yellow'
        ] ifFalse:[
            activeFgColor := White
        device hasGreyscales ifTrue:[
            activeBgColor := bgColor.
        ] ifFalse:[
            activeBgColor := fgColor.
        topMargin := 2
    ] ifFalse:[
        activeFgColor := bgColor.
        activeBgColor := fgColor.
        topMargin := 0
    onLevel := -1.
    offLevel := 1

    self enableButtonMotionEvents.
    self enableButtonEvents

    super create.
    self setMenuOrigins

    super create.
    self setMenuOrigins
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "turn on/off drawing of separating lines"

    showSeparatingLines := aBoolean.
    shown ifTrue:[
        self redraw

    "setup blank title-space to be filled in later"

    menus := Array new:n.
    titles := Array new:n

    "define the menu-titles (group-headers)"


    numberOfLabels := titleArray size.
    menus := Array new:numberOfLabels.
    titles := Array new:numberOfLabels.
    1 to:numberOfLabels do:[:index |
        titles at:index put:(titleArray at:index) printString
    shown ifTrue:[
        self clear.
        self redraw

    "return the menu-titles (group-headers)"

    ^ titles

    "adjust menu-origins when font changes"

    super font:(aFont on:device).
    self height:(font height + (font descent * 2)).
    self setMenuOrigins

    "return the menu with the title; return nil if not found"


    index := self indexOf:string.
    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    ^ menus at:index

at:aString putMenu:aMenu
    "set the menu under the title, aString"


    index := self indexOf:aString.
    (index == 0) ifTrue:[^ nil].
    aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
                  (height + aMenu borderWidth)).
    aMenu hidden:true.
    menus at:index put:aMenu

at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors args:args receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView

at:aString putLabels:labels selector:selector args:args receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView

at:aString putLabels:labels selectors:selectors receiver:anObject
    "create and set the menu under the title, aString"


    menuView := MenuView labels:labels
    self at:aString putMenu:menuView
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'private'!

    "answer len of all title-strings up-to (but excluding) title-index"

    |len "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    (index <= 1) ifTrue:[^ 0].
    len := 0.
    titles from:1 to:(index - 1) do:[:string |
        len := len + (font widthOf:(' ' , string , ' ')).
        showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
            self is3D ifTrue:[
                len := len + 2
            ] ifFalse:[
                len := len + 1
    ^ len

    "return the index of the menu with title; return 0 if not found"

    (stringOrNumber isMemberOf:SmallInteger) ifTrue:[
        ^ stringOrNumber
    ^ titles indexOf:stringOrNumber

    "adjust origins of menus when font changes"


    (font device == device) ifTrue:[
        index := 1.
        menus do:[:aMenu |
            aMenu notNil ifTrue:[
                aMenu origin:((left + (self titleLenUpTo:index)) 
                              (height + aMenu borderWidth))
            index := index + 1
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'hiding/showing menus'!

drawTitle:string x:x selected:selected
    |yText w|

    yText := ((height - (font height)) // 2) + (font ascent) "+ topMargin".
    w := font widthOf:string.
    selected ifTrue:[
        self paint:activeBgColor
    ] ifFalse:[
        self paint:bgColor
    self fillRectangleX:x y:0 width:w height:height.

    self is3D ifTrue:[
        self drawEdgesForX:x y:0
                     level:(selected ifTrue:[onLevel] ifFalse:[offLevel])
    selected ifTrue:[
        self paint:activeFgColor
    ] ifFalse:[
        self paint:fgColor
    self displayString:string x:x y:yText

    |x string|
    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
        x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
        string := ' ' , (titles at:activeMenuNumber) , ' '.
        self drawTitle:string x:x selected:true

    |x string|
    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
        x := self titleLenUpTo:activeMenuNumber.
        string := ' ' , (titles at:activeMenuNumber) , ' '.
        self drawTitle:string x:x selected:false

    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
        (menus at:activeMenuNumber) unrealize.
        self unHighlightActiveTitle.
        activeMenuNumber := nil

    "activate a menu"


    activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[self hideActiveMenu].
    subMenu := menus at:aNumber.
    subMenu notNil ifTrue:[
        activeMenuNumber := aNumber.
        self highlightActiveTitle.
        subMenu deselect.
        subMenu create.
        subMenu saveUnder:true.
        subMenu raise show
! !

!PullDownMenu methodsFor:'events'!

     x     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     index "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    shown ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
    titles isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    x := 0.
    y := height "- 1".
    index := 0.
    titles do:[:title |
        string := ' ' , title , ' '.
        self drawTitle:string x:x selected:(index == activeMenuNumber).
        x := x + (font widthOf:string).
        showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
            self is3D ifTrue:[
                self paint:shadowColor.
                self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y.
                x := x + 1.
                self paint:lightColor.
                self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y
            ] ifFalse:[
                self paint:fgColor.
                self displayLineFromX:x y:0 toX:x y:y
            x := x + 1
        index := index + 1

    "given a click x-position, return index in title or nil"

     xstart "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     xend   "{ Class: SmallInteger }" |

    xstart := 0.
    1 to:(titles size) do:[:index |
        string := ' ' , (titles at:index) , ' '.
        xend := xstart + (font widthOf:string).
        showSeparatingLines ifTrue:[
            self is3D ifTrue:[
                xend := xend + 2
            ] ifFalse:[
                xend := xend + 1
        (x between:xstart and:xend) ifTrue:[^ index].
        xstart := xend
    ^ nil

buttonPress:button x:x y:y

    titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
    titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
        self pullMenu:titleIndex

buttonMotion:button x:x y:y
    |titleIndex activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|

    (y < height) ifTrue:[
        "moving around in title line"
        activeMenuNumber notNil ifTrue:[
            (menus at:activeMenuNumber) selection:nil
        titleIndex := self titleIndexForX:x.
        titleIndex notNil ifTrue:[
            (titleIndex ~~ activeMenuNumber) ifTrue:[
                self hideActiveMenu.
                self pullMenu:titleIndex
    ] ifFalse:[
        "moving around below"
        activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
        activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
        activeLeft := activeMenu left.
        (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
            activeTop := activeMenu top.
            (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
                "moving around in menu"
                activeMenu buttonMotion:button
                                      x:(x - activeLeft)
                                      y:(y - activeTop).
                ^ self
        "moved outside menu"
        activeMenu selection:nil

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
    |activeMenu activeLeft activeTop|

    (y >= height) ifTrue:[
        "release below title-line"
        activeMenuNumber isNil ifTrue:[^self].
        activeMenu := menus at:activeMenuNumber.
        activeLeft := activeMenu left.
        (x between:activeLeft and:(activeMenu right)) ifTrue:[
            activeTop := activeMenu top.
            (y between:activeTop and:(activeMenu bottom)) ifTrue:[
                "release in menu"
                self hideActiveMenu.
                activeMenu buttonRelease:button
                                       x:(x - activeLeft)
                                       y:(y - activeTop).
                ^ self
    self hideActiveMenu
! !