author Jan Vrany <>
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 08:49:11 +0000
changeset 6348 bbae86d44915
parent 6085 4ecbe3a93aec
child 6360 1091acf82a3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Issue #176: do not close completion view on editor focus lost event ...if the currently focused view is the completion view. See the comment in #editViewLostFocus for rationale. See

 * $Header$
 * automagically generated from the projectDefinition: stx_libwidg.
#include <stc.h>

#ifdef WIN32
# pragma codeseg INITCODE "INITCODE"

#if defined(INIT_TEXT_SECTION) || defined(DLL_EXPORT)
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_libwidg_Init() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;
DLL_EXPORT void _libstx_libwidg_InitDefinition() INIT_TEXT_SECTION;

extern void _ButtonController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _DialogBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EditTextViewCompletionSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EnterFieldGroup_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _FramedBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _GenericToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Label_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ListView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ListViewController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MenuEvent_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ObjectView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _PanelView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _PopUpMenu_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _PullDownMenu_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _RadioButtonGroup_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ScrollBar_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ScrollableView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Scroller_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SelectionInList_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariablePanel_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariablePanelController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _stx_137libwidg_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Button_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _CheckLabel_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _DragRectangleController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EnterBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _FontPanel_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _HVScrollableView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _HorizontalPanelView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _HorizontalScrollBar_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _HorizontalScroller_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _InfoBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MiniScroller_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MultiColumnPanelView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MultiSelectionInList_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _OptionBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _PopUpListController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SelectionInListView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _SequenceView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _TextView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ToggleController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariableHorizontalPanel_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariableHorizontalPanelController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariableVerticalPanel_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VariableVerticalPanelController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VerticalPanelView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _WorkspaceCompletionSupport_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _XPToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ArrowButton_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EditTextView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EnterBox2_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _FileSelectionList_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _HorizontalMiniScroller_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ListSelectionBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MacOSXToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MenuView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _PopUpList_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _RadioButtonController_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Toggle_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _VistaToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _WarningBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _AdwaitaToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _CheckToggle_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _ClickMenuView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _EditField_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _FileSelectionBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _MacOSX2ToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _RadioButton_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _TextCollector_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Windows8ToolbarIconLibrary_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _YesNoBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _FileSaveBox_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _Workspace_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);
extern void _CodeView_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd);

void _libstx_libwidg_InitDefinition(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_libwidg__DFN", _libstx_libwidg_InitDefinition, "stx:libwidg");


void _libstx_libwidg_Init(int pass, struct __vmData__ *__pRT__, OBJ snd)
  __BEGIN_PACKAGE2__("libstx_libwidg", _libstx_libwidg_Init, "stx:libwidg");
