authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Sat, 16 Nov 2019 22:17:02 +0100
changeset 6738 039e0bd276f8
parent 6737 8e1ef494e29b
child 6739 81e744322fab
#REFACTORING by exept class: DialogBox added: #addTextBoxOn:view:withHeight:hScrollable:vScrollable: #addTextBoxOn:view:withNumberOfLines:hScrollable:vScrollable: comment/format in: #addTextBoxOn:class:withNumberOfLines:hScrollable:vScrollable: changed: #addListBoxOn:class:withNumberOfLines:hScrollable:vScrollable: class: DialogBox class added: #requestRegex:initialAnswer:
--- a/DialogBox.st	Thu Nov 14 19:05:21 2019 +0100
+++ b/DialogBox.st	Sat Nov 16 22:17:02 2019 +0100
@@ -5641,6 +5641,37 @@
+requestRegex:aTitleString initialAnswer:initialRegexString
+    "Prompt the user for a valid regex.
+     Return nil on cancel or a valid RxMatcher"
+    | regex |
+    regex := initialRegexString.
+    "loop until we get a valid regex string back"
+    [
+        regex := self 
+                    requestText:aTitleString lines:5 columns:40 initialAnswer:regex.
+"/                multiLineRequest: aTitleString 
+"/                initialAnswer: regex 
+"/                answerHeight: 200.
+        "cancelled dialog ==> nil"      
+        regex isNil ifTrue: [ ^ nil ].
+        [ 
+            ^ regex asRegex 
+        ] on: Error do: [:regexParsingError|
+            "/ self defer: [   
+                self inform: 'Bad Regex: ', regexParsingError asString 
+            "/ ]
+        ].
+    ] repeat
+    "
+     Dialog requestRegex:'enter a regex pattern:' initialAnswer:'a*'
+    "
     "open a dialog asking for multiline text.
      Return a stringCollection or nil if canceled."
@@ -10118,13 +10149,10 @@
      The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
      If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView."
-    |l|
-    l := self addTextBoxOn:aModel class:aListViewClass withNumberOfLines:numLines hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs.
-    (aListViewClass canUnderstand:#doubleClickAction:) ifTrue:[
-        l doubleClickAction:[:name | self okPressed].
-    ].
-    ^ l
+    ^ self 
+        addTextBoxOn:aModel 
+        class:aListViewClass 
+        withNumberOfLines:numLines hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs.
      |dialog listView|
@@ -10301,39 +10329,19 @@
      The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
      If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView."
-    |l scr h dH|
-    l := aListViewClass new.
-    l model:aModel.
-    (vs or:[hs]) ifTrue:[
-        hs ifTrue:[
-            scr := HVScrollableView forView:l miniScrollerH:true .
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            scr := ScrollableView forView:l
-        ].
-        scr resize.
-        "/ Transcript show:scr height; show:' '; showCR:l height.
-        dH := scr height - l height.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        l level:-1.
-        scr := l.
-        dH := 0.
-    ].
-    numLines notNil ifTrue:[
-        h := l heightForLines:numLines.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        h := l preferredHeight
-    ].
-    self addComponent:scr withHeight:(h + dH).
-    ^ scr
+    |listView|
+    listView := aListViewClass new.
+    ^ self 
+        addTextBoxOn:aModel view:listView 
+        withNumberOfLines:numLines 
+        hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs
      |dialog listView|
      dialog := DialogBox new.
-     (dialog addTextLabel:'select any') adjust:#left.
+     (dialog addTextLabel:'Enter Text:') adjust:#left.
      listView := dialog 
@@ -10346,7 +10354,155 @@
      dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
      dialog open.
-     dialog accepted ifTrue:[Transcript show:'selection is:'; showCR:listView contents].
+     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:'text is:'; showCR:listView contents
+    ].
+    "
+    "Created: 14.6.1996 / 23:33:47 / stefan"
+    "Modified: 8.11.1996 / 15:31:15 / cg"
+addTextBoxOn:aModel view:aListView withHeight:heightInPixels hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs
+    "add a ListView instance to the box.
+     The list has heightInPixels (if nonNil) height shown.
+     If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView."
+    |scr h dH|
+    aListView model:aModel.
+    "/ aListView perform:#doubleClickAction: with:[:sel | self okPressed.] ifNotUnderstood:[].
+    (aListView class canUnderstand:#doubleClickAction:) ifTrue:[
+        aListView doubleClickAction:[:name | self okPressed].
+    ].
+    (vs or:[hs]) ifTrue:[
+        hs ifTrue:[
+            scr := HVScrollableView forView:aListView miniScrollerH:true .
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            scr := ScrollableView forView:aListView
+        ].
+        scr resize.
+        "/ Transcript show:scr height; show:' '; showCR:l height.
+        dH := scr height - aListView height.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        aListView level:-1.
+        scr := aListView.
+        dH := 0.
+    ].
+    (h := heightInPixels) isNil ifTrue:[
+        h := aListView preferredHeight
+    ].
+    self addComponent:scr withHeight:(h + dH).
+    ^ scr
+    "
+     |dialog listView|
+     dialog := DialogBox new.
+     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.
+     listView := dialog 
+                        addTextBoxOn:nil 
+                        view:EditTextView new
+                        withHeight:50 
+                        hScrollable:true 
+                        vScrollable:true.
+     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+     dialog open.
+     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:'entered text is:'; showCR:listView contents
+     ].
+    "
+    "
+     |model dialog listView|
+     model := SelectionInList with:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e').
+     dialog := DialogBox new.
+     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.
+     listView := dialog 
+                        addTextBoxOn:model 
+                        view:SelectionInListView new
+                        withHeight:50 
+                        hScrollable:true 
+                        vScrollable:true.
+     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+     dialog open.
+     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:'you selected:'; showCR:listView selection
+     ].
+    "
+    "Created: 14.6.1996 / 23:33:47 / stefan"
+    "Modified: 8.11.1996 / 15:31:15 / cg"
+addTextBoxOn:aModel view:aListView withNumberOfLines:numLines hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs
+    "add a ListView instance to the box.
+     The list has numLines (if nonNil) number of lines shown.
+     If scrolled, the ScrollWrapper is returned - otherwise the listView."
+    |h|
+    numLines notNil ifTrue:[
+        h := aListView heightForLines:numLines.
+    ].
+    ^ self 
+        addTextBoxOn:aModel view:aListView 
+        withHeight:h 
+        hScrollable:hs vScrollable:vs
+    "
+     |dialog listView|
+     dialog := DialogBox new.
+     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.
+     listView := dialog 
+                        addTextBoxOn:nil 
+                        class:EditTextView
+                        withNumberOfLines:10 
+                        hScrollable:true 
+                        vScrollable:true.
+     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+     dialog open.
+     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:'you entered:'; showCR:listView contents
+     ].
+    "
+    "
+     |model dialog listView|
+     model := SelectionInList with:#('a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e').
+     dialog := DialogBox new.
+     (dialog addTextLabel:'enter text') adjust:#left.
+     listView := dialog 
+                        addTextBoxOn:model 
+                        class:SelectionInListView
+                        withNumberOfLines:10 
+                        hScrollable:true 
+                        vScrollable:true.
+     dialog addAbortButton; addOkButton.
+     dialog open.
+     dialog accepted ifTrue:[
+        Transcript show:'you selected:'; showCR:listView selection
+     ].
     "Created: 14.6.1996 / 23:33:47 / stefan"