authorClaus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 25 Apr 2017 12:58:23 +0200
changeset 6147 17a8d15d9b88
parent 6146 3cf6c9894f53
child 6148 66bf9fc0dfe4
#UI_ENHANCEMENT by cg class: EditTextView changed: #basicMergeLine:removeBlanks: #doKeyPress:x:y: #leftIndentForLine: autoindent - especially when deleting (backspacing) empty lines
--- a/EditTextView.st	Wed Apr 12 09:06:30 2017 +0200
+++ b/EditTextView.st	Tue Apr 25 12:58:23 2017 +0200
@@ -4780,8 +4780,9 @@
     leftPart isNil ifTrue:[
         leftPart := ''.
         autoIndent ifTrue:[
-            (i := self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine) == 0 ifFalse:[
-                leftPart := String new:i
+            "/ cg: only do this, if the second line has no indent
+            (i := self leftIndentOfLine:(lineNr+1)) == 0 ifTrue:[
+                leftPart := String new:(self leftIndentForLine:lineNr)
@@ -4804,8 +4805,8 @@
         self deleteLine:nextLineNr
-    "Created: 9.9.1997 / 09:27:38 / cg"
-    "Modified: 9.9.1997 / 09:28:27 / cg"
+    "Created: / 09-09-1997 / 09:27:38 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 25-04-2017 / 12:41:20 / cg"
 basicReplace:aCharacter atLine:lineNr col:colNr
@@ -5367,22 +5368,22 @@
     "handle keyboard input"
     <resource: #keyboard (#Paste #Insert #PasteFromHistory #Cut #Again #AgainForAll
-			  #Replace #Undo #Redo #Accept
-			  #Delete #BasicDelete #BackSpace #BasicBackspace
-			  #DeleteSpaces #Join
-			  #SearchMatchingParent #SelectMatchingParents
-			  #SelectWord #ExpandSelectionByWord
-			  #SelectToEnd #SelectFromBeginning
-			  #SelectLine #ExpandSelectionByLine
-			  #BeginOfLine #EndOfLine #NextWord #PreviousWord
-			  #CursorRight #CursorDown #CursorLeft #CursorUp
-			  #Return #Tab #BackTab #NonInsertingTab #Escape
-			  #GotoLine #BeginOfText #EndOfText
-			  #InsertLine #DeleteLine
-			  #SelectLineFromBeginning
-			  #LearnKeyboardMacro #ExecuteKeyboardMacro #ToggleInsertMode
-			  #OpenSpecialCharacterWindow #InsertUUID
-			  #'F*' #'f*')>
+                          #Replace #Undo #Redo #Accept
+                          #Delete #BasicDelete #BackSpace #BasicBackspace
+                          #DeleteSpaces #Join
+                          #SearchMatchingParent #SelectMatchingParents
+                          #SelectWord #ExpandSelectionByWord
+                          #SelectToEnd #SelectFromBeginning
+                          #SelectLine #ExpandSelectionByLine
+                          #BeginOfLine #EndOfLine #NextWord #PreviousWord
+                          #CursorRight #CursorDown #CursorLeft #CursorUp
+                          #Return #Tab #BackTab #NonInsertingTab #Escape
+                          #GotoLine #BeginOfText #EndOfText
+                          #InsertLine #DeleteLine
+                          #SelectLineFromBeginning
+                          #LearnKeyboardMacro #ExecuteKeyboardMacro #ToggleInsertMode
+                          #OpenSpecialCharacterWindow #InsertUUID
+                          #'F*' #'f*')>
     |fKeyMacros shiftPressed ctrlPressed i event macroName
      immediateCompletion currentUserPrefs rawKey|
@@ -5394,9 +5395,9 @@
     or:[currentUserPrefs codeCompletionOnControlKey
     or:[currentUserPrefs codeCompletionOnTabKey]]) ifTrue:[
-	completionSupport isNil ifTrue:[
-	    self initializeCompletionSupport.
-	].
+        completionSupport isNil ifTrue:[
+            self initializeCompletionSupport.
+        ].
     "/ JV: why setting it to nil here?
@@ -5404,141 +5405,141 @@
 "/        completionService := nil
 "/    ].
     completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
-	completionSupport stopCompletionProcess.
-	(completionSupport handleKeyPress:key x:x y:y) ifTrue:["eaten" ^ self].
+        completionSupport stopCompletionProcess.
+        (completionSupport handleKeyPress:key x:x y:y) ifTrue:["eaten" ^ self].
     key isSymbol ifTrue:[
-	(device modifierKeys includes:key) ifFalse:[
-	    lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
-	]
+        (device modifierKeys includes:key) ifFalse:[
+            lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        ]
     (key == #LearnKeyboardMacro) ifTrue:[
-	lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
-	self toggleLearnMode.
-	^ self
+        lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        self toggleLearnMode.
+        ^ self
     (key == #ExecuteKeyboardMacro) ifTrue:[
-	lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
-	self executeLearnedKeyboardMacro.
-	^ self.
+        lastReplacementInfo stillCollectingInput:false.
+        self executeLearnedKeyboardMacro.
+        ^ self.
     (key == #Undo) ifTrue:[self undo. ^self].
     (key == #Redo) ifTrue:[self redo. ^self].
     self learnMode ifTrue:[
-	event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
-	learnedMacro add:event.
+        event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
+        learnedMacro add:event.
     (self executekeyboardMacroNamed:key) ifTrue:[
-	"the macro named key exists"
-	^ self
+        "the macro named key exists"
+        ^ self
     key isSymbol ifFalse:[
-	"the usual case: key is a character, but maybe a string also (in X11)"
-	self handleNonCommandKey:key.
-	^ self
+        "the usual case: key is a character, but maybe a string also (in X11)"
+        self handleNonCommandKey:key.
+        ^ self
     event isNil ifTrue:[
-	event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
+        event := WindowGroup lastEventQuerySignal query.
     shiftPressed := event hasShift.
     ctrlPressed := event hasCtrl and:[(event rawKey asString startsWith:'Ctrl') not].
     rawKey := event rawKey.
     key == #InsertUUID ifTrue:[
-	self insertUUID.
-	^ self.
+        self insertUUID.
+        ^ self.
     (key == #DeleteWordBeforeCursor) ifTrue:[
-	self deleteWordBeforeCursor.
-	^ self.
+        self deleteWordBeforeCursor.
+        ^ self.
     (rawKey == #BackSpace or:[key == #BasicBackspace]) ifTrue:[
-	selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
-	    ((key == #BasicBackspace)
-	    or:[ currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not ])
-	    ifTrue:[
-		self deleteSelection.
-	    ] ifFalse: [
-		self copyAndDeleteSelection.
-	    ].
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self makeCursorVisible.
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+            ((key == #BasicBackspace)
+            or:[ currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not ])
+            ifTrue:[
+                self deleteSelection.
+            ] ifFalse: [
+                self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self makeCursorVisible.
 "/          (shiftPressed and:[ ctrlPressed ]) ifTrue:[
 "/            self deleteWordBeforeCursor.
 "/          ] ifFalse:[
-	    self deleteCharBeforeCursor.
+            self deleteCharBeforeCursor.
 "/          ].
-	].
-	true "immediateCompletion" ifTrue:[
-	    completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
-		completionSupport postKeyPress:key
-	    ].
-	].
-	^ self
+        ].
+        true "immediateCompletion" ifTrue:[
+            completionSupport notNil ifTrue:[
+                completionSupport postKeyPress:key
+            ].
+        ].
+        ^ self
     (key == #ToggleAutoIndent) ifTrue:[
-	self autoIndent:(autoIndent not).
-	^ self.
+        self autoIndent:(autoIndent not).
+        ^ self.
     key == #ToggleInsertMode ifTrue:[
-	self insertMode:(editMode value == EditMode insertMode) not.
-	^ self.
+        self insertMode:(editMode value == EditMode insertMode) not.
+        ^ self.
     key == #OpenSpecialCharacterWindow ifTrue:[
-	CharacterSetView notNil ifTrue:[
-	    self specialCharacters.
-	    ^ self.
-	]
+        CharacterSetView notNil ifTrue:[
+            self specialCharacters.
+            ^ self.
+        ]
     replacing := false.
      Fn      pastes a key-sequence (but only if not overlayed with
-	     another function in the keyboard map)
+             another function in the keyboard map)
      see TextView>>:x:y
     (key at:1) asLowercase == $f ifTrue:[
-	(('[fF][0-9]' match:key)
-	or:['[fF][0-9][0-9]' match:key]) ifTrue:[
-	    shiftPressed ifFalse:[
-		fKeyMacros := currentUserPrefs functionKeySequences.
-		fKeyMacros notNil ifTrue:[
-		    (fKeyMacros includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
-			self pasteOrReplace:(fKeyMacros at:key) asStringCollection.
-			^ self
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ]
-	].
+        (('[fF][0-9]' match:key)
+        or:['[fF][0-9][0-9]' match:key]) ifTrue:[
+            shiftPressed ifFalse:[
+                fKeyMacros := currentUserPrefs functionKeySequences.
+                fKeyMacros notNil ifTrue:[
+                    (fKeyMacros includesKey:key) ifTrue:[
+                        self pasteOrReplace:(fKeyMacros at:key) asStringCollection.
+                        ^ self
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ].
     (key == #'Ctrl8' or:[key == #'Ctrl9']) ifTrue:[
-	self parenthizeSelectionWith:$( and:$).
-	^ self.
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$( and:$).
+        ^ self.
     (key == #'Ctrl2') ifTrue:[
-	self parenthizeSelectionWith:$" and:$".
-	^ self.
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$" and:$".
+        ^ self.
     (key == #'Ctrl#') ifTrue:[
-	self parenthizeSelectionWith:$' and:$'.
-	^ self.
+        self parenthizeSelectionWith:$' and:$'.
+        ^ self.
     (key == #'ConvertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst') ifTrue:[
-	self convertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst.
-	^ self.
+        self convertSelectionToLowercaseOrUppercaseOrUppercaseFirst.
+        ^ self.
     (key == #Accept)  ifTrue:[^ self accept].
@@ -5551,14 +5552,14 @@
     (key == #Join) ifTrue:[self joinLines. ^self].
     (key == #Replace) ifTrue:[self replace. ^self].
     (key == #ExpandSelectionByWord) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self findNextWordAfterSelectionAndAddToSelection.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self findNextWordAfterSelectionAndAddToSelection.
+        ^ self
     (key == #SelectWord) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self selectWordUnderCursor.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self selectWordUnderCursor.
+        ^ self
     (key == #SearchMatchingParent) ifTrue:[self searchForMatchingParenthesis. ^ self].
@@ -5576,60 +5577,60 @@
     (key == #BeginOfLine) ifTrue:[
-	"/ cg: this is complete rubbish - you have to define a mapping from
-	"/ some shifted key to selectFromBeginOfLine
-	"/ (otherwise, no shifted key could ever be mapped to BegnOfLine)
-	"/ see code below.
-	false "shiftPressed" ifTrue: [
-	    "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
-	    "/ self unselect.
-	    "/ self cursorHome.
-	    "Jan's modification"
-	    "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToBeginOfLine ].
-	    "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
-	    self selectFromBeginOfLine.
-	] ifFalse: [
-	    self unselect.
-	    ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
-		self cursorHome.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self cursorToBeginOfLine.
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
+        "/ cg: this is complete rubbish - you have to define a mapping from
+        "/ some shifted key to selectFromBeginOfLine
+        "/ (otherwise, no shifted key could ever be mapped to BegnOfLine)
+        "/ see code below.
+        false "shiftPressed" ifTrue: [
+            "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
+            "/ self unselect.
+            "/ self cursorHome.
+            "Jan's modification"
+            "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToBeginOfLine ].
+            "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
+            self selectFromBeginOfLine.
+        ] ifFalse: [
+            self unselect.
+            ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorHome.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self cursorToBeginOfLine.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
     (key == #BSelectFromeginOfLine) ifTrue:[
-	self selectFromBeginOfLine.
-	^ self
+        self selectFromBeginOfLine.
+        ^ self
     (key == #EndOfLine) ifTrue:[
-	"/ cg: this is complete rubbish - you have to define a mapping from
-	"/ some shifted key to selectFromBeginOfLine
-	"/ (otherwise, no shifted key could ever be mapped to BegnOfLine)
-	"/ see code below.
-	false "shiftPressed" ifTrue:[
-	    "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
-	    "/ self unselect.
-	    "/ self cursorToBottom
-	    " Jan's modification"
-	    "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToEndOfLine ] .
-	    "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
-	    self selectToEndOfLine.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self unselect.
-	    ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
-		self cursorToBottom
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self cursorToEndOfLine.
-	    ]
-	].
-	^ self
+        "/ cg: this is complete rubbish - you have to define a mapping from
+        "/ some shifted key to selectFromBeginOfLine
+        "/ (otherwise, no shifted key could ever be mapped to BegnOfLine)
+        "/ see code below.
+        false "shiftPressed" ifTrue:[
+            "/ "Original St/X code - now use Ctrl modifier"
+            "/ self unselect.
+            "/ self cursorToBottom
+            " Jan's modification"
+            "/ self addToSelectionAfter:[ self cursorToEndOfLine ] .
+            "/ Jan's modification modified by his own request ;-))
+            self selectToEndOfLine.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self unselect.
+            ctrlPressed ifTrue:[
+                self cursorToBottom
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self cursorToEndOfLine.
+            ]
+        ].
+        ^ self
     (key == #SelectToEndOfLine) ifTrue:[
-	self selectToEndOfLine.
-	^ self
+        self selectToEndOfLine.
+        ^ self
     (key == #NextWord) ifTrue:[self cursorToNextWord. ^self].
@@ -5641,189 +5642,189 @@
     or:[rawKey == #CursorDown
     or:[rawKey == #CursorLeft
     or:[rawKey == #CursorUp]]]) ifTrue:[
-	self cursorKeyPress:rawKey shifted:shiftPressed.
-	^ self.
+        self cursorKeyPress:rawKey shifted:shiftPressed.
+        ^ self.
     (key == #ShiftReturn or:[key == #NonInsertingReturn]) ifTrue:[
-	self unselect. self cursorReturn.
-	^ self
+        self unselect. self cursorReturn.
+        ^ self
     (key == #Return) ifTrue:[
-	shiftPressed ifTrue:[
-	    self unselect. self cursorReturn.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
-	    self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-	    self cursorReturn
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self isInInsertMode ifFalse:[
-		self cursorReturn:true.
-		autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
-		    i := self leftIndentForLine:(cursorLine + 1).
-		    (self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-			self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
-		    ]
-		]
-	    ] ifTrue:[
-		|left right oldIndent|
-		"/ old version just unselected ...
-		"/ self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-		"/ new version deletes ...
-		typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
-		    self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    self copyAndDeleteSelection.
-		].
-		left := (self listAt:cursorLine to:cursorCol-1) ? ''.
-		right := (self listAt:cursorLine from:cursorCol) ? ''.
-		self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
-		autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
-		    (right isEmpty and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
-			"/ nothing to do.
-		    ] ifFalse:[
-			((self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil
-			or:[ false "cursorCol == 1" ]) ifTrue:[
-			    i := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine).
-			    left := left withoutSeparators.
-			    right := right withoutSeparators.
-			    (left endsWith:'[') ifTrue:[
+        shiftPressed ifTrue:[
+            self unselect. self cursorReturn.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self isReadOnly ifTrue:[
+            self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+            self cursorReturn
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self isInInsertMode ifFalse:[
+                self cursorReturn:true.
+                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
+                    i := self leftIndentForLine:(cursorLine + 1).
+                    (self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                        self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ] ifTrue:[
+                |left right oldIndent|
+                "/ old version just unselected ...
+                "/ self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+                "/ new version deletes ...
+                typeOfSelection == #paste ifTrue:[
+                    self unselect; makeCursorVisible.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+                ].
+                left := (self listAt:cursorLine to:cursorCol-1) ? ''.
+                right := (self listAt:cursorLine from:cursorCol) ? ''.
+                self insertCharAtCursor:(Character cr).
+                autoIndent == true ifTrue:[
+                    (right isEmpty and:[cursorCol ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
+                        "/ nothing to do.
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        ((self listAt:cursorLine) isEmptyOrNil
+                        or:[ false "cursorCol == 1" ]) ifTrue:[
+                            i := (self leftIndentForLine:cursorLine).
+                            left := left withoutSeparators.
+                            right := right withoutSeparators.
+                            (left endsWith:'[') ifTrue:[
 "/                                i := i + 4.
-			    ] ifFalse:[
-				(false "(left endsWith:']')" or:[(right startsWith:']')]) ifTrue:[
-				    i := i - 4.
-				].
-			    ].
-			    oldIndent := self leftIndentOfLine:cursorLine.
-			    self indentFromLine:cursorLine toLine:cursorLine by:(i-oldIndent).
-			    self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
-				(self listAt:cursorLine) size < i ifTrue:[
-				    self insertStringAtCursor:(String new:((i-oldIndent) max:0)).
-				].
-			    ].
-			    self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
-			].
-		    ]
-		].
-	    ].
-	].
-	^ self
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (false "(left endsWith:']')" or:[(right startsWith:']')]) ifTrue:[
+                                    i := i - 4.
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                            oldIndent := self leftIndentOfLine:cursorLine.
+                            self indentFromLine:cursorLine toLine:cursorLine by:(i-oldIndent).
+                            self st80EditMode ifTrue:[
+                                (self listAt:cursorLine) size < i ifTrue:[
+                                    self insertStringAtCursor:(String new:((i-oldIndent) max:0)).
+                                ].
+                            ].
+                            self cursorCol:(i+1 max:1)
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+            ].
+        ].
+        ^ self
     (key == #NonInsertingTab) ifTrue:[
-	self unselect. self cursorTab.
-	^ self
+        self unselect. self cursorTab.
+        ^ self
     ((key == #BackTab) or:[(key == #Tab)]) ifTrue:[
-	self tabMeansNextField ifTrue:[^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y].
-	self hasSelection ifTrue:[
-	    selectStyle == #line ifTrue:[
-		((key == #Tab) and:[shiftPressed not]) ifTrue:[
-		    macroName := #IndentBy4.
-		] ifFalse:[
-		    macroName := #UndentBy4.
-		].
-		macroName notNil ifTrue:[
-		    self executekeyboardMacroNamed:macroName.
-		].
-	    ]
-	].
-	self unselect.
-	(key == #Tab) ifTrue:[
-	    (shiftPressed or:[self isInInsertMode not]) ifTrue:[
-		self cursorTab.
-		^ self
-	    ].
-	    self insertTabAtCursor.
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	self cursorBacktab.
-	^ self
+        self tabMeansNextField ifTrue:[^ super keyPress:key x:x y:y].
+        self hasSelection ifTrue:[
+            selectStyle == #line ifTrue:[
+                ((key == #Tab) and:[shiftPressed not]) ifTrue:[
+                    macroName := #IndentBy4.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    macroName := #UndentBy4.
+                ].
+                macroName notNil ifTrue:[
+                    self executekeyboardMacroNamed:macroName.
+                ].
+            ]
+        ].
+        self unselect.
+        (key == #Tab) ifTrue:[
+            (shiftPressed or:[self isInInsertMode not]) ifTrue:[
+                self cursorTab.
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            self insertTabAtCursor.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self cursorBacktab.
+        ^ self
     "/ key == #DeleteSpaces ifTrue:[
     (rawKey == #Delete) ifTrue:[
-	shiftPressed ifTrue:[
-	    [(cursorCol <= (self listAt:cursorLine) size)
-	     and:[self characterUnderCursor isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
-	     self makeCursorVisible.
-		self deleteCharAtCursor.
-	    ].
-	    ^ self
-	]
+        shiftPressed ifTrue:[
+            [(cursorCol <= (self listAt:cursorLine) size)
+             and:[self characterUnderCursor isSeparator]] whileTrue:[
+             self makeCursorVisible.
+                self deleteCharAtCursor.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ]
     (rawKey == #Delete
      or:[key == #BasicDelete]) ifTrue:[
-	selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
+        selectionStartLine notNil ifTrue:[
 "/          Again function is not supporting Delete action (on purpose, to avoid replacing the next search string)
 "/          To remove text repetetively, use Cut instead.
 "/            self setLastStringToReplace: self selection asStringWithoutFinalCR.
 "/            lastReplacementInfo lastReplacement: nil.
-	    ((key == #BasicDelete)
-	    or:[currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not]) ifTrue:[
-		self deleteSelection.
-	    ] ifFalse:[
-		self copyAndDeleteSelection.
-	    ].
-	    ^ self
-	].
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self deleteCharAtCursor.
-	^ self
+            ((key == #BasicDelete)
+            or:[currentUserPrefs deleteSetsClipboardText not]) ifTrue:[
+                self deleteSelection.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                self copyAndDeleteSelection.
+            ].
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self deleteCharAtCursor.
+        ^ self
     (key == #BeginOfText) ifTrue:[     "i.e. HOME"
-	self unselect.
-	cursorVisibleLine == 1 ifTrue:[
-	    self cursorHome.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self cursorToFirstVisibleLine
-	].
-	^ self
+        self unselect.
+        cursorVisibleLine == 1 ifTrue:[
+            self cursorHome.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self cursorToFirstVisibleLine
+        ].
+        ^ self
     (key == #EndOfText) ifTrue:[       "i.e. END"
-	self unselect.
-	cursorVisibleLine == nFullLinesShown ifTrue:[
-	    self cursorToBottom.
-	] ifFalse:[
-	    self cursorToLastVisibleLine
-	].
-	^ self
+        self unselect.
+        cursorVisibleLine == nFullLinesShown ifTrue:[
+            self cursorToBottom.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            self cursorToLastVisibleLine
+        ].
+        ^ self
     ((key == #Escape)
     or:[key == #SelectLineFromBeginning]) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self unselect. self selectCursorLineFromBeginning.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self selectCursorLineFromBeginning.
+        ^ self
     (key == #SelectLine) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self unselect. self selectCursorLine.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self selectCursorLine.
+        ^ self
     (key == #ExpandSelectionByLine) ifTrue:[
-	"/ self makeCursorVisible.
-	self selectExpandCursorLine.
-	^ self
+        "/ self makeCursorVisible.
+        self selectExpandCursorLine.
+        ^ self
     (key == #DeleteLine) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self unselect. self deleteCursorLine.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self deleteCursorLine.
+        ^ self
     (key == #InsertLine) ifTrue:[
-	self makeCursorVisible.
-	self unselect. self insertLine:nil before:cursorLine.
-	^ self
+        self makeCursorVisible.
+        self unselect. self insertLine:nil before:cursorLine.
+        ^ self
     super keyPress:key x:x y:y
@@ -6278,25 +6279,29 @@
     |line lnr indent|
     lnr := lineNr.
-    "/ [lnr ~~ 1] whileTrue:[
-    (lnr ~~ 1) ifTrue:[
-	lnr  := lnr - 1.
-	line := self listAt:lnr.
-	line notNil ifTrue:[
-	    indent := line indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1.
-	    indent ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
-		(line endsWith:$[) ifTrue:[
-		    ^ indent + 4 - 1
-		].
-		^ indent - 1
-	    ]
-	]
+    [lnr > 1] whileTrue:[        
+        lnr  := lnr - 1.
+        line := self listAt:lnr.
+        line notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+            indent := (line indexOfNonSeparatorStartingAt:1) - 1.
+            indent >= 0 ifTrue:[
+                (self editedLanguage isNil or:[self editedLanguage isSmalltalk]) ifTrue:[
+                    (line endsWith:$[) ifTrue:[
+                        ^ indent + 4
+                    ].
+                    (line endsWith:']') ifTrue:[
+                        ^ indent - 4
+                    ].
+                ].
+                ^ indent
+            ]
+        ]
     ^ 0
-    "Created: 5.3.1996 / 14:58:53 / cg"
+    "Created: / 05-03-1996 / 14:58:53 / cg"
+    "Modified (format): / 25-04-2017 / 12:57:44 / cg"