changeset 161 5b6e284959a4
parent 158 431e38dfc5ab
child 173 d111da00daa9
--- a/	Sat Apr 27 20:20:27 1996 +0200
+++ b/	Sat Apr 27 20:23:13 1996 +0200
@@ -57,205 +57,212 @@
      putting multiColListEntries into a ListView
      (instead of strings)'
-	|v e myList tabs|
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v e myList tabs|
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#inch.
-	tabs positions:#(0 3 4).
-	tabs align:#(left #center #left).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#inch.
+        tabs positions:#(0 3 4).
+        tabs align:#(left #center #left).
-	e := MultiColListEntry 
-		 fromString:'left centered left'.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry 
+                 fromString:'left centered left'.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	e := MultiColListEntry 
-		 fromString:'| | |'.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
-	myList add:''.
+        e := MultiColListEntry 
+                 fromString:'| | |'.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
+        myList add:''.
-	e := MultiColListEntry 
-		 fromString:'hello hallo salut'.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry 
+                 fromString:'hello hallo salut'.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	e := MultiColListEntry 
-		 fromString:'good morning,guten Morgen,bon jour'
-		 separatedBy:$,.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry 
+                 fromString:'good morning,guten Morgen,bon jour'
+                 separatedBy:$,.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	e := MultiColListEntry new.
-	e colAt:1 put:'good bye'.
-	e colAt:2 put:'auf Wiedersehen'.
-	e colAt:3 put:'au revoir '.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry new.
+        e colAt:1 put:'good bye'.
+        e colAt:2 put:'auf Wiedersehen'.
+        e colAt:3 put:'au revoir '.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	v := ListView new.
-	v setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v extent:500@100.
-	v open
+        v := ListView new.
+        v setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v extent:500@100.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      many multiColListEntries in a scrollable ListView
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v l e myList tabs|
-	|v l e myList tabs|
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#cm.
-	tabs positions:#(1 3 5).
-	tabs align:#(#right #center #left).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#cm.
+        tabs positions:#(1 3 5).
+        tabs align:#(#right #center #left).
-	1 to:100 do:[:i|
-	    e := MultiColListEntry new.
-	    e colAt:1 put:i printString.
-	    e colAt:2 put:i squared printString.
-	    e colAt:3 put:i sqrt  printString.
-	    e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	    myList add:e.
-	].
-	l := ListView new.
-	l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v := ScrollableView forView:l.
-	v extent:300@200.
-	v open
+        1 to:100 do:[:i|
+            e := MultiColListEntry new.
+            e colAt:1 put:i printString.
+            e colAt:2 put:i squared printString.
+            e colAt:3 put:i sqrt  printString.
+            e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+            myList add:e.
+        ].
+        l := ListView new.
+        l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v := ScrollableView forView:l.
+        v extent:300@200.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      like above, but uses nicer decimal alignments
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v l e myList tabs|
-	|v l e myList tabs|
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#cm.
-	tabs positions:#(1 3 6 9 12).
-	tabs align:#(#right #decimal #decimal #decimal #decimal).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#cm.
+        tabs positions:#(1 3 6 9 12).
+        tabs align:#(#right #decimal #decimal #decimal #decimal).
-	1 to:100 do:[:i|
-	    e := MultiColListEntry new.
-	    e colAt:1 put:i printString.
-	    e colAt:2 put:i log printString.
-	    e colAt:3 put:i sqrt  printString.
-	    e colAt:4 put:i sin  printString.
-	    e colAt:5 put:i cos  printString.
-	    e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	    myList add:e.
-	].
-	l := ListView new.
-	l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v := ScrollableView forView:l.
-	v extent:600@200.
-	v open
+        1 to:100 do:[:i|
+            e := MultiColListEntry new.
+            e colAt:1 put:i printString.
+            e colAt:2 put:i log printString.
+            e colAt:3 put:i sqrt  printString.
+            e colAt:4 put:i sin  printString.
+            e colAt:5 put:i cos  printString.
+            e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+            myList add:e.
+        ].
+        l := ListView new.
+        l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v := ScrollableView forView:l.
+        v extent:600@200.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      specifying tabs in inches
-	|v l e myList tabs|
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v l e myList tabs|
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#inch.
-	tabs positions:#(0 2 3.5 4 6 8 10 12).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#inch.
+        tabs positions:#(0 2 3.5 4 6 8 10 12).
-	e := MultiColListEntry new.
-	e colAt:1 put:'2'.
-	e colAt:2 put:'3.5'.
-	e colAt:3 put:'4'.
-	e colAt:4 put:'6'.
-	e colAt:5 put:'8'.
-	e colAt:6 put:'10'.
-	e colAt:7 put:'12'.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry new.
+        e colAt:1 put:'2'.
+        e colAt:2 put:'3.5'.
+        e colAt:3 put:'4'.
+        e colAt:4 put:'6'.
+        e colAt:5 put:'8'.
+        e colAt:6 put:'10'.
+        e colAt:7 put:'12'.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	myList add:((MultiColListEntry fromString:'| | | | | | |')
-			 tabulatorSpecification:tabs).
-	myList add:((MultiColListEntry fromString:'xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx')
-			 tabulatorSpecification:tabs).
+        myList add:((MultiColListEntry fromString:'| | | | | | |')
+                         tabulatorSpecification:tabs).
+        myList add:((MultiColListEntry fromString:'xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx')
+                         tabulatorSpecification:tabs).
-	l := ListView new.
-	l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
-	v extent:600@200.
-	v open
+        l := ListView new.
+        l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
+        v extent:600@200.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
      if you have the columns available as a collection, 
      setup can be done easier
-	|v l e myList tabs|
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v l e myList tabs|
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#inch.
-	tabs positions:#(0 2 3.5 4 6 8 10 12).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#inch.
+        tabs positions:#(0 2 3.5 4 6 8 10 12).
-	e := MultiColListEntry new.
-	e strings:#('2' '3.5' '4' '6' '8' '10' '12').
-	e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	myList add:e.
+        e := MultiColListEntry new.
+        e strings:#('2' '3.5' '4' '6' '8' '10' '12').
+        e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+        myList add:e.
-	l := ListView new.
-	l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
-	v extent:600@200.
-	v open
+        l := ListView new.
+        l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
+        v extent:600@200.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
     concrete example, show /etc/passwd in a table:
-	|v l s myList line e htabs tabs fingerEntry|
+                                                                        [exBegin]
+        |v l s myList line e htabs tabs fingerEntry|
-	tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	tabs unit:#inch.
-	tabs positions:#(0    2      3.5  4.5   5    8    11).
-	tabs align:    #(left left right right left left left).
+        tabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        tabs unit:#inch.
+        tabs positions:#(0    2      3.5  4.5   5    8    11).
+        tabs align:    #(left left right right left left left).
-	htabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
-	htabs unit:#inch.
-	htabs positions:#(0    2      3.5      4.5    5    8    11).
-	htabs align:    #(left center center center left left left).
+        htabs := TabulatorSpecification new.
+        htabs unit:#inch.
+        htabs positions:#(0    2      3.5      4.5    5    8    11).
+        htabs align:    #(left center center center left left left).
-	myList := OrderedCollection new.
+        myList := OrderedCollection new.
-	e := MultiColListEntry 
-		    fromString:'login-name:password:uid:gid:finger-entry:home-dir:shell' 
-		    separatedBy:$:.
-	e tabulatorSpecification:htabs.
-	myList add:e.
-	myList add:''.
+        e := MultiColListEntry 
+                    fromString:'login-name:password:uid:gid:finger-entry:home-dir:shell' 
+                    separatedBy:$:.
+        e tabulatorSpecification:htabs.
+        myList add:e.
+        myList add:''.
-	s := '/etc/passwd' asFilename readStream.
-	[s atEnd] whileFalse:[
-	    line := s nextLine.
-	    e := MultiColListEntry 
-			fromString:line
-			separatedBy:$:.
-	    fingerEntry := e colAt:5.
-	    e colAt:5 put:(fingerEntry asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$,) first.
-	    e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
-	    myList add:e.
-	].
-	s close.
+        s := '/etc/passwd' asFilename readStream.
+        [s atEnd] whileFalse:[
+            line := s nextLine.
+            e := MultiColListEntry 
+                        fromString:line
+                        separatedBy:$:.
+            fingerEntry := e colAt:5.
+            e colAt:5 put:(fingerEntry asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$,) first.
+            e tabulatorSpecification:tabs.
+            myList add:e.
+        ].
+        s close.
-	l := ListView new.
-	l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
-	v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
-	v extent:600@200.
-	v open
+        l := ListView new.
+        l setList:myList expandTabs:false.
+        v := HVScrollableView forView:l.
+        v extent:600@200.
+        v open
+                                                                        [exEnd]
 ! !
@@ -450,5 +457,5 @@
 !MultiColListEntry class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.15 1996-04-25 17:31:14 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.16 1996-04-27 18:22:18 cg Exp $'
 ! !