changeset 2172 737d8733fb01
parent 2168 d531fe16bae2
child 2177 340ce04ccc78
--- a/	Thu Sep 05 19:20:07 2002 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Sep 06 17:16:35 2002 +0200
@@ -1211,10 +1211,10 @@
                 anyColorMissing ifTrue:[
                     answer := Dialog
-                                confirmWithCancel:'Some color(s) cannot be represented (colorMap full). Use nearest or compute colorMap ?' 
-                                labels:#('use nearest' 'new ColorMap' 'cancel')
-                                values:#(nearest new nil)
-                                default:1.
+                                confirmWithCancel:'Some color(s) cannot be represented (colorMap full).\Use nearest or compute colorMap ?' withCRs 
+                                labels:#( 'Cancel' 'New ColorMap' 'Use Nearest' )
+                                values:#(  nil new nearest)
+                                default:3.
                     answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
@@ -1385,18 +1385,22 @@
 performSpecialOperationOn:imageBox withColor:clr
-    |operation x0 y0 x1 y1 grey|
+    |operation x0 y0 x1 y1 grey pixelAction requiredColors missingColors answer|
     operation := Dialog 
            choose:'Which Operation:' 
-"/                       'brighten'
-"/                       'darken'
-"/                       '-'
-"/                       'greying'
+                       'slightly brightened'
+                       'slightly darkened'
+                       'brightened'
+                       'darkened'
+                       '-'
+                       'greyed'
                        'grey pattern'
+                       '-'
+                       'reversed'
-           values:#("brighten darken nil greying "greyPattern) 
+           values:#(slightlyBrighter slightlyDarker brighter darker nil grey greyPattern nil reversed) 
@@ -1410,36 +1414,68 @@
     x1 := imageBox right - 1.
     y1 := imageBox bottom -1 .
+    operation == #slightlyBrighter ifTrue:[
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr slightlyLightened].
+    ].
+    operation == #slightlyDarker ifTrue:[
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr slightlyDarkened].
+    ].
     operation == #brighten ifTrue:[
-        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
-                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr lightened).
-                                                      ].
-        ^ true.
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr lightened].
     operation == #darken ifTrue:[
-        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
-                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr darkened).
-                                                      ].
-        ^ true.
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr darkened].
+    ].
+    operation == #reversed ifTrue:[
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color red:(100-clr red) green:(100-clr green) blue:(100-clr blue) ].
     operation == #greying ifTrue:[
-        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
-                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr blendWith:Color grey).
-                                                      ].
-        ^ true.
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr blendWith:Color grey].
     operation == #greyPattern ifTrue:[
-        grey := Color grey nearestIn:(self image colorMap).
-        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
-                                                           (x + y )odd ifTrue:[
-                                                               self image colorAtX:x y:y put:grey.
-                                                           ]
-                                                      ].
-        ^ true.
+        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color grey].
+    ].
+    pixelAction isNil ifTrue:[self halt. ^ false].
+    "/ compute required colors ...
+    requiredColors := Set new.
+    self image 
+        colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 
+        do:[:x :y :clr | 
+            requiredColors add:(pixelAction value:x value:y value:clr)
+        ].
+    missingColors := requiredColors select:[:clr | (image colorMap includes:clr) not].
+    missingColors notEmpty ifTrue:[
+        answer := Dialog
+                    confirmWithCancel:'Some color(s) cannot be represented in the images colorMap.\Use nearest or compute colorMap ?' withCRs 
+                    labels:#( 'Cancel' 'Add to ColorMap'  'Use Nearest')
+                    values:#( nil add nearest)
+                    default:3.
+        answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+        answer == #add ifTrue:[
+            self halt:'this finction is not yet implemented'.
+            missingColors do:[:eachColor |
+            ].
+            ^ false.
+        ].
-    self halt.
-    ^ false.
+    "/ now, do it
+    self image 
+        colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 
+        do:[:x :y :clr |
+            |newClr|
+            newClr := pixelAction value:x value:y value:clr.
+            answer == #nearest ifTrue:[
+                newClr := newClr nearestIn:image colorMap
+            ].
+            self image colorAtX:x y:y put:newClr
+        ].
+    ^ true.
@@ -2152,6 +2188,6 @@
 !ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.165 2002-09-05 12:22:23 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.166 2002-09-06 15:16:35 cg Exp $'
 ! !
 ImageEditView initialize!