changeset 740 9f14842f602e
child 742 287f20104462
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Sat Feb 07 16:13:55 1998 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+GraphColumnViewSpec subclass:#GraphColumnView2DSpec
+	instanceVariableNames:'gridX gridY actionBlock doubleClickBlock buttonReleaseBlock
+		menuAccessBlock'
+	classVariableNames:''
+	poolDictionaries:''
+	category:'Interface-Support-UI-Specs'
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec class methodsFor:'interface - painter'!
+addBindingsTo:env for:inst channel:aChannel 
+    super addBindingsTo:env for:inst channel:aChannel.
+    self 
+        adaptApects:
+                    #(  
+                        actionBlock
+                        doubleClickBlock
+                        buttonReleaseBlock
+                        menuAccessBlock
+                     )
+        to:env 
+        for:inst 
+        channel:aChannel
+        converter:#symbolOrNil.
+    self 
+        adaptApects:
+                    #(  
+                        gridX
+                        gridY
+                     )
+        to:env 
+        for:inst 
+        channel:aChannel
+        converter:#numberOrNil.
+    ^ #(
+            (Basics    basicsEditSpec)
+            (Details   detailsEditSpec)
+            (Misc      basicsMiscSpec)
+       )
+! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec class methodsFor:'interface specs'!
+    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"
+    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
+     handle the specification if its corrupted."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:self andSelector:#basicsMiscSpec
+     self new openInterface:#basicsMiscSpec
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^
+       #(#FullSpec
+          #'window:' 
+           #(#WindowSpec
+              #'name:' 'Graph 2D Misc'
+              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 219 0 193 0 559 0 417 0)
+              #'label:' 'Graph 2D Misc'
+              #'min:' #(#Point 10 10)
+              #'max:' #(#Point 1160 870)
+              #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 219 193 560 418)
+              #'usePreferredExtent:' false
+          )
+          #'component:' 
+           #(#SpecCollection
+              #'collection:' 
+               #(
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'buttonCallbacks'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutOrigin 20 0 29 0)
+                    #'label:' 'Button Event Callbacks:'
+                    #'adjust:' #left
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'singleClickLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 135 0 67 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Single Click:'
+                    #'adjust:' #right
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'singleClickField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 139 0 55 0 -2 1 80 0)
+                    #'model:' #actionBlock
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'doubleClickLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 135 0 95 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Double Click:'
+                    #'adjust:' #right
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'doubleClickField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 139 0 83 0 -2 1 108 0)
+                    #'model:' #doubleClickBlock
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'releaseButtonLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 135 0 124 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Release Button:'
+                    #'adjust:' #right
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'releaseButtonField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 139 0 112 0 -2 1 137 0)
+                    #'model:' #buttonReleaseBlock
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'menuAccessLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 135 0 202 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Menu Access:'
+                    #'adjust:' #right
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'menuAccessField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 139 0 190 0 -2 1 215 0)
+                    #'model:' #menuAccessBlock
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'menuCallbacks'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutOrigin 20 0 165 0)
+                    #'label:' 'Menu Callbacks:'
+                    #'adjust:' #left
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+              )
+          )
+      )
+    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X UIPainter"
+    "do not manually edit this - the painter/builder may not be able to
+     handle the specification if its corrupted."
+    "
+     UIPainter new openOnClass:self andSelector:#detailsEditSpec
+     self new openInterface:#detailsEditSpec
+    "
+    <resource: #canvas>
+    ^
+       #(#FullSpec
+          #'window:' 
+           #(#WindowSpec
+              #'name:' 'Graph 2D Detail'
+              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 219 0 193 0 561 0 434 0)
+              #'label:' 'Graph 2D Detail'
+              #'min:' #(#Point 10 10)
+              #'max:' #(#Point 1160 870)
+              #'bounds:' #(#Rectangle 219 193 562 435)
+              #'usePreferredExtent:' false
+          )
+          #'component:' 
+           #(#SpecCollection
+              #'collection:' 
+               #(
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'borderWidthLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 157 0 35 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Border Width:'
+                    #'adjust:' #left
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'borderWidthField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 161 0 24 0 197 0 46 0)
+                    #'activeHelpKey:' #borderWidth
+                    #'tabable:' true
+                    #'model:' #borderWidth
+                )
+                 #(#LabelSpec
+                    #'name:' 'levelLabel'
+                    #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 157 0 60 0 1 0.5)
+                    #'label:' 'Level:'
+                    #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                )
+                 #(#InputFieldSpec
+                    #'name:' 'levelField'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 161 0 50 0 197 0 72 0)
+                    #'activeHelpKey:' #level
+                    #'tabable:' true
+                    #'model:' #level
+                )
+                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
+                    #'name:' 'gridFrame'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 165 0 0 1.0 226 0)
+                    #'component:' 
+                     #(#SpecCollection
+                        #'collection:' 
+                         #(
+                           #(#CheckBoxSpec
+                              #'name:' 'showGrid'
+                              #'layout:' #(#Point 18 19)
+                              #'tabable:' true
+                              #'model:' #showGrid
+                              #'label:' 'Show'
+                          )
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #'name:' 'extentXlabel'
+                              #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 171 0 30 0 1 0.5)
+                              #'label:' 'Extent x:'
+                              #'adjust:' #left
+                              #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #'name:' 'extentXfield'
+                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 172 0 20 0 215 0 42 0)
+                              #'model:' #gridX
+                          )
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #'name:' 'extentYlabel'
+                              #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 242 0 30 0 1 0.5)
+                              #'label:' 'y:'
+                              #'adjust:' #left
+                              #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #'name:' 'extentYfield'
+                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 245 0 20 0 288 0 42 0)
+                              #'model:' #gridY
+                          )
+                        )
+                    )
+                    #'label:' 'Grid'
+                    #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
+                )
+                 #(#FramedBoxSpec
+                    #'name:' 'aspectsFrame'
+                    #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 0 0.0 81 0 0 1.0 161 0)
+                    #'component:' 
+                     #(#SpecCollection
+                        #'collection:' 
+                         #(
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #'name:' 'windowSizeLabel'
+                              #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 140 0 25 0 1 0.5)
+                              #'label:' 'Window Size:'
+                              #'adjust:' #left
+                              #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #'name:' 'windowSizeField'
+                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 142 0 15 0 15 1.0 37 0)
+                              #'model:' #windowSize
+                          )
+                           #(#LabelSpec
+                              #'name:' 'zoomYLabel'
+                              #'layout:' #(#AlignmentOrigin 140 0 53 0 1 0.5)
+                              #'label:' 'Zoom-Y Factor:'
+                              #'adjust:' #left
+                              #'resizeForLabel:' true
+                          )
+                           #(#InputFieldSpec
+                              #'name:' 'zoomYField'
+                              #'layout:' #(#LayoutFrame 142 0 43 0 15 1.0 65 0)
+                              #'model:' #zoomY
+                          )
+                        )
+                    )
+                    #'label:' 'Aspects'
+                    #'labelPosition:' #topLeft
+                )
+              )
+          )
+      )
+! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec methodsFor:'accessing'!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'actionBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ actionBlock!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'actionBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    actionBlock := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'buttonReleaseBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ buttonReleaseBlock!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'buttonReleaseBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    buttonReleaseBlock := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'doubleClickBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ doubleClickBlock!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'doubleClickBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    doubleClickBlock := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'gridX' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ gridX ? 0
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'gridX' (automatically generated)"
+    gridX := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'gridY' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ gridY ? 0
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'gridY' (automatically generated)"
+    gridY := something.!
+    "return the value of the instance variable 'menuAccessBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    ^ menuAccessBlock!
+    "set the value of the instance variable 'menuAccessBlock' (automatically generated)"
+    menuAccessBlock := something.! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec methodsFor:'building'!
+    "add more action selectors
+    "
+    |more|
+    more := super actionSelectors.
+    actionBlock        notNil ifTrue:[more add:actionBlock].
+    doubleClickBlock   notNil ifTrue:[more add:doubleClickBlock].
+    buttonReleaseBlock notNil ifTrue:[more add:buttonReleaseBlock].
+    menuAccessBlock    notNil ifTrue:[more add:menuAccessBlock].
+  ^ more
+defineCallBackActionFor:aSelector with:aBuilder
+    |appl args|
+    (     aSelector isNil
+      or:[aBuilder isEditing
+      or:[(appl := aBuilder application) isNil]]
+    ) ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    args := aSelector numArgs.
+    args == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ [                 appl perform:aSelector] ].
+    args == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ [:a1|             appl perform:aSelector with:a1] ].
+    args == 2 ifTrue:[ ^ [:a1 :a2|         appl perform:aSelector with:a1 with:a2] ].
+    args == 3 ifTrue:[ ^ [:a1 :a2 :a3|     appl perform:aSelector with:a1 with:a2 with:a3] ].
+    args == 4 ifTrue:[ ^ [:a1 :a2 :a3 :a4| appl perform:aSelector with:a1 with:a2 with:a3 with:a4] ].
+    ^ nil
+setAttributesIn:aView with:aBuilder
+    super setAttributesIn:aView with:aBuilder.
+    aView gridExtent:(self gridX @ self gridY).
+    aBuilder isEditing ifFalse:[
+        aView             action:(self defineCallBackActionFor:actionBlock with:aBuilder).
+        aView  doubleClickAction:(self defineCallBackActionFor:doubleClickBlock with:aBuilder).
+        aView buttonReleaseBlock:(self defineCallBackActionFor:buttonReleaseBlock with:aBuilder).
+        aView    menuAccessBlock:(self defineCallBackActionFor:menuAccessBlock with:aBuilder).
+    ]
+! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec methodsFor:'converting'!
+    "define the inst-slots which are skiped when generating a literalArrayEncoding"
+    |l|
+    l := super skippedInLiteralEncoding asOrderedCollection.
+    actionBlock        isNil ifTrue:[l add:actionBlock].
+    doubleClickBlock   isNil ifTrue:[l add:doubleClickBlock].
+    buttonReleaseBlock isNil ifTrue:[l add:buttonReleaseBlock].
+    menuAccessBlock    isNil ifTrue:[l add:menuAccessBlock].
+    self showGrid ifFalse:[
+        l add:gridX.
+        l add:gridY.
+    ].
+  ^ l
+! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec methodsFor:'parsing a view'!
+fromView:aView callBack:aBlock
+    gridX := aView gridX.
+    gridY := aView gridY.
+    super fromView:aView callBack:aBlock
+! !
+!GraphColumnView2DSpec class methodsFor:'documentation'!
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.1 1998-02-07 15:13:15 ca Exp $'
+! !