changeset 4238 c4399aff7359
parent 4214 f7cb4aea81db
child 4276 5f4dca44baed
--- a/	Thu Jun 06 19:10:28 2013 +0200
+++ b/	Fri Jun 14 16:35:39 2013 +0200
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 "{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"
 Object subclass:#DoWhatIMeanSupport
-	instanceVariableNames:''
-	classVariableNames:'LastSource LastParseTree LastChoices'
+	instanceVariableNames:'tree tokens classOrNil methodOrNil codeView'
+	classVariableNames:'LastSource LastParseTree LastScanTokens LastChoices'
@@ -70,1216 +70,52 @@
      nil, if called from the browser.
      If nonNil, we can make better guesses, because we actually know what a variable's type is.
      This is not yet done, sigh"
-    |crsrPos char interval source node checkedNode|
-"/    classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-"/        self information:'No class'.
-"/        ^ self.
-"/    ].
-    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor"-1".
-    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
-    [crsrPos > 1 and:[char isSeparator or:['.' includes:char]]] whileTrue:[
-        crsrPos := crsrPos - 1.
-        char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
-    ].
-    interval := codeView selectedInterval.
-    interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        interval := crsrPos-1 to:crsrPos.
-    ].
-    source := codeView contentsAsString string.
-    source := source copyTo:crsrPos.
-    "/ this is too naive and stupid; if there is a syntactic error,
-    "/ we will not find a node for a long time (stepping back more and more,
-    "/ until reaching the beginning). This leads to a thousand and more times reparsing
-    "/ without any progress.
-    "/ TODO: do it vice-versa, in that the parser does a callOut for every node generated
-    "/ as it parses the code. Stop, when the interval is hit.
-    "/ that will also work for syntactic incorrect source code.
-    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:true.   
-    ].
-    node isNil ifTrue:[
-        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:false.   
-    ].
-"/    [node isNil] whileTrue:[
-"/        "/ expand to the left ...
-"/        interval start > 1 ifFalse:[
-"/            self information:'No parseNode found'.
-"/            ^ self.
-"/        ].
-"/        interval start:(interval start - 1).
-"/        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true.
-"/    ].
-    node isNil ifTrue:[
-        Transcript showCR:'No parseNode found'.
-        self breakPoint:#cg.
-        self information:'No parseNode found'.
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    (node isVariable
-    and:[ node parent notNil
-    and:[ node parent isMessage
-    and:[ node stop < (codeView characterPositionOfCursor-1) ]]]) ifTrue:[
-        node := node parent.
-    ].
-    node isVariable ifTrue:[
-        self codeCompletionForVariable:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
-        ^ self.
-    ].
-    node isLiteral ifTrue:[
-        node value isSymbol ifTrue:[
-            self codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
-    ].
-    checkedNode := node.
-    [checkedNode notNil] whileTrue:[
-        checkedNode isMessage ifTrue:[
-            "/ completion in a message-send
-            self codeCompletionForMessage:checkedNode inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
-            ^ self
-        ].
-        checkedNode isMethod ifTrue:[
-            "/ completion in a method's selector pattern
-            self codeCompletionForMethod:checkedNode inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
-        checkedNode := checkedNode parent.
-    ].
-    self information:'Node is neither variable nor message.'.
-    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
-    "Modified: / 16-09-2011 / 14:54:47 / cg"
+    ^ self new 
+        codeCompletionForClass:classOrNil context:contextOrNil codeView:codeView
+codeCompletionForMethod:methodOrNil orClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView into:actionBlock
+    self codeCompletionForMethod:methodOrNil orClass:classOrNil context:nil codeView:codeView into:actionBlock
+    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:49:49 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMethod:methodOrNil orClass:classOrNil context:contextOrNil codeView:codeView into:actionBlock
+    "contextOrNil is the current context, if this is called from the debugger;
+     nil, if called from the browser.
+     If nonNil, we can make better guesses, because we actually know what a variable's type is.
+     This is not yet done, sigh"
+    ^ self new
+        codeCompletionForMethod:methodOrNil orClass:classOrNil 
+        context:contextOrNil 
+        codeView:codeView into:actionBlock
 ! !
 !DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
-askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView at:position from:allTheBest 
-    |list choice lastChoice|
-    "/ cg: until the new stuff works,...
-    ^ self old_askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest.
-    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[
-        ^ nil
-    ].
-    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[
-        ^ allTheBest first
-    ].
-    list := allTheBest.
-    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
-        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
-            list := { lastChoice. nil } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
-        ].
-    ].
-    choice := Tools::CodeCompletionMenu 
-                openFor:codeView
-                at:position
-                with:allTheBest.
-    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
-        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
-    ^ choice
-    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:09:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 08-07-2011 / 08:49:35 / cg"
-askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest
-    |list resources choice lastChoice|
-    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
-    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ allTheBest first ].
-    list := allTheBest.
-    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
-        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
-            list := {lastChoice. nil. } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
-        ].
-    ].
-    list size < 30 ifTrue:[
-        |menu idx exitKey|
-        menu := PopUpMenu labels:list.
-        menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
-                hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
-                hide ifTrue:[
-                    exitKey := key.
-                ].
-                hide].
-        idx := menu startUp.
-        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-            exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
-                codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
-            ].
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        choice := list at:idx.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        resources := codeView application isNil 
-                        ifTrue:[ codeView resources]
-                        ifFalse:[ codeView application resources ].
-        choice := Dialog
-           choose:(resources string:'Choose ',what)
-           fromList:list
-           lines:20
-           title:(resources string:'Code completion').
-        choice isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ].
-    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
-        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
-    ^ choice
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 14:00:53 / cg"
-codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
-    |sym possibleCompletions best start stop oldLen newLen oldVar|
-    sym := node value.
-    possibleCompletions := OrderedCollection new.
-    Symbol allInstancesDo:[:existingSym |
-        (existingSym startsWith:sym) ifTrue:[
-            (existingSym = sym) ifFalse:[
-                possibleCompletions add:existingSym
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    possibleCompletions sort.
-    best := possibleCompletions longestCommonPrefix.
-    (best = sym or:[(possibleCompletions includes:best) not]) ifTrue:[
-        best := self askUserForCompletion:'symbol literal' for:codeView at: node start from:possibleCompletions.
-        best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-    ].
-"/ self showInfo:best.
-    start := node start.
-    stop := node stop.
-    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $# ifTrue:[
-        start := start + 1.
-    ].
-    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $' ifTrue:[
-        start := start + 1.
-        stop := stop - 1.
-    ].
-    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
-    codeView
-        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
-        info:'Completion'.
-    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
-        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
-        newLen := best size.
-        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
-        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:15:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:58:45 / cg"
-codeCompletionForMessage:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
-    |selector srchClass implClass 
-     bestSelectors selector2 bestSelectors2 allBest best info numArgs
-     newParts nSelParts oldLen newLen selectorParts 
-     findBest parentNode selectorInBest selector2InBest2
-     parser selectorsSentInCode split|
-    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-        parser := Parser parseMethod:codeView contents string in:classOrNil ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
-        selectorsSentInCode := parser messagesSent.
-    ].
-    findBest := [:node :selector |
-        |srchClass bestSelectors bestPrefixes|
-        codeView topView withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
-            srchClass := self lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:classOrNil.
-            srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:srchClass forCompletion:true.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:nil forCompletion:true.
-            ].
-        ].
-        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
-            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
-        ].
-        bestSelectors
-    ].
-    selector := node selector.
-    bestSelectors := findBest value:node value:selector.
-    parentNode := node parent.
-    "/ if its a unary message AND the parent is a keyword node, look for parent completion too.
-    (node selector isUnarySelector 
-    and:[ parentNode notNil 
-    and:[ parentNode isMessage 
-    and:[ (selector2 := parentNode selector) isKeywordSelector ]]]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ srchClass2 := self lookupClassForMessage:parentNode inClass:classOrNil.
-        selector2 := selector2,selector.
-        bestSelectors2 := findBest value:parentNode value:selector2.
-    ].
-    bestSelectors2 isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-        allBest := bestSelectors.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        bestSelectors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-            allBest := bestSelectors2
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selectorInBest := (bestSelectors contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase]).
-            selector2InBest2 := (bestSelectors2 contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector2 asLowercase]).
-            (selectorInBest not and:[ selector2InBest2 ]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ selector2 is more likely
-                allBest := bestSelectors2
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (selectorInBest and:[ selector2InBest2 not ]) ifTrue:[
-                    "/ selector more likely
-                    allBest := bestSelectors
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    "/ assume same likelyness
-                    allBest := bestSelectors isEmpty 
-                                ifTrue:[ bestSelectors2 ]
-                                ifFalse:[ bestSelectors , #(nil) , bestSelectors2 ].
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    allBest isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
-    split := [:list :splitHow |
-        |part1 part2 all|
-        part1 := list select:splitHow.
-        part2 := list reject:splitHow.
-        part1 isEmpty ifTrue:[
-            all := part2.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            part2 isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                all := part1.
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                all := part1 , part2.
-            ]
-        ].
-        all
-    ].
-    selectorsSentInCode notNil ifTrue:[
-        "/ the ones already sent in the code are moved to the top of the list.
-        allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | selectorsSentInCode includes:sel].
-    ].
-    "/ the ones which are a prefix are moved towards the top of the list
-    allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | sel notNil and:[sel startsWith:selector]].
-    best := allBest first.
-    allBest size > 1 ifTrue:[
-        "allBest size < 20 ifTrue:[
-            |idx|
-            idx := (PopUpMenu labels:allBest) startUp.
-            idx == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self].
-            best := allBest at:idx.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:allBest.
-        ]."
-        best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at: node selectorParts first start from:allBest.
-        best isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-        best = '-' ifTrue:[^ self].
-    ].
-false ifTrue:[
-    srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        implClass := srchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:best.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
-        implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
-            implClass := implClass first.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            implClass := nil
-        ]
-    ].
-    info := best storeString.
-    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
-        info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
-    ].
-    self information:info.
-    best ~= selector ifTrue:[
-        numArgs := best numArgs.
-        (bestSelectors2 notEmptyOrNil and:[bestSelectors2 includes:best]) ifTrue:[
-            selectorParts := parentNode selectorParts , node selectorParts.
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            selectorParts := node selectorParts.
-        ].
-        nSelParts := selectorParts size.
-        newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
-        newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].
-        codeView
-            undoableDo:[
-                |newCursorPosition stop|
-                numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
-                    stop := selectorParts last stop.
-                    "/ append the rest ...
-                    numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |
-                        |newPart|
-                        newPart := newParts at:idx.
-                        (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ].
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
-                            newPart := ':' , newPart.
-                        ].
-                        newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.
-                        codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart.
-                        newCursorPosition := stop + newPart size.
-                    ]
-                ].
-                (nSelParts min:newParts size) downTo:1 do:[:idx |
-                    |newPart oldPartialToken start stop|
-                    newPart := newParts at:idx.
-                    oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
-                    start := oldPartialToken start.
-                    stop := oldPartialToken stop.
-                    (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ]
-                    ] ifFalse:[
-                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
-                            newPart := newPart , ':'
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
-                                newPart := newPart , ' '
-                            ]
-                        ]
-"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
-"/                        ] ifFalse:[
-"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
-                    ].
-                    codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
-                    oldLen := stop - start + 1.
-                    newLen := newPart size.
-                    "/ codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
-                    newCursorPosition := stop + (newLen-oldLen).
-                ].
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:newCursorPosition.
-                codeView cursorRight.  "/ avoid going to the next line !!
-                codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.
-            ]
-        info:'Completion'.
-    ].
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:18:27 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:33:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-07-2012 / 12:24:06 / cg"
-codeCompletionForMethod:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
-    "completion in a methods selector pattern"
-    |crsrPos
-     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
-     selectors distances best rest 
-     allExistingMethods nameBag namesByCount selectors1 selectors2|  
-    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
-    selectorSoFar := ''.
-    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
-        |part|
-        part := partToken value.
-        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
-        (crsrPos >= partToken start
-        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
-            (classOrNil notNil and:[classOrNil isMeta]) ifTrue:[
-                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
-                                    inject:(Set new)
-                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
-                                        |md|
-                                        md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary.
-                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
-                                        theSet.
-                                    ].
-                "/ dont forget the stuff in the class-line
-                Metaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
-                    matchingSelectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
-                ].
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
-                                    inject:(Set new)
-                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
-                                        |md|
-                                        md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary.
-                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
-                                        theSet.
-                                    ].
-            ].
-            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
-            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
-            (selectors size == 1 
-            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
-                selectorSoFar numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
-                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
-                                        collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
-                nameBag := Bag new.
-                allExistingMethods do:[:eachMethod | nameBag addAll:(eachMethod methodArgNames ? #())].
-                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
-                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
-                best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
-                codeView
-                    undoableDo:[
-                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
-                            codeView paste:best.
-                        ] ifFalse:[
-                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                    info:'completion'.
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                "the ones implemented in superclasses are shown first"
-                classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-                    selectors1 := selectors select:[:sel | classOrNil respondsTo:sel].  "/ in super
-                    selectors2 := selectors reject:[:sel | selectors1 includes:sel ].   "/ not in super
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    selectors1 := selectors
-                ].
-                distances := selectors1 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
-                distances sortWith:selectors1.
-                selectors1 reverse.
-                selectors := selectors1.
-                selectors2 notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
-                    distances := selectors2 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
-                    distances sortWith:selectors2.
-                    selectors2 reverse.
-                    selectors1 := selectors1 collect:[:sel | sel allBold].
-                    selectors := selectors1,selectors2.
-                ].
-                best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at:(node start) from:selectors.
-                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
-                codeView
-                    undoableDo:[ 
-                        codeView 
-                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1 
-                            to:crsrPos+1 
-                            with:rest 
-                    ]
-                    info:'Completion'.
-                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos+1 + rest size - 1).    
-            ].
-            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
-        ].
-    ].
-    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:31:36 / cg"
-codeCompletionForVariable:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
-    |nonMetaClass crsrPos nm
-     allVariables allDistances best nodeVal
-     char start stop oldLen newLen oldVar
-     getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight addWithFactorBlock names allTheBest bestAssoc
-     globalFactor localFactor selectorOfMessageToNode tree implementors argIdx namesUsed kwPart|
-    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-        nonMetaClass := classOrNil theNonMetaclass.
-    ].
-    nm := node name.
-    "/ if we are behind the variable and a space has already been entered,
-    "/ the user is probably looking for a message selector.
-    "/ If the variable represents a global, present its instance creation messages
-    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
-    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos-1.
-    char isSeparator ifTrue:[
-        classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
-            nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
-        ] ifFalse:[ 
-            nodeVal := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:[Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol].
-        ].
-        nodeVal isBehavior ifTrue:[
-            |methods menu exitKey idx|
-            methods := nodeVal class methodDictionary values
-                            select:[:m | |cat|
-                                cat := m category asLowercase.
-                                cat = 'instance creation'
-                            ].
-            menu := PopUpMenu labels:(methods collect:[:each | each selector]).
-            menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
-                    hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
-                    hide ifTrue:[
-                        exitKey := key.
-                    ].
-                    hide].
-            idx := menu startUp.
-            idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-                exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
-                    codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
-                ].
-                ^ self
-            ].
-            best := (methods at:idx) selector.
-            codeView
-                undoableDo:[
-                    codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
-                    codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:crsrPos+best size.
-                ]
-                info:'completion'.
-            ^ self.
-        ].
-    ].
-    (node parent notNil and:[node parent isMessage]) ifTrue:[
-        node == node parent receiver ifTrue:[
-            selectorOfMessageToNode := node parent selector
-        ]
-    ].
-    getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight :=
-        [:weight |
-            [:each |
-                |dist factor|
-                dist := each spellAgainst:nm.
-                factor := 1.
-                (each startsWith:nm) ifTrue:[
-                    factor := 6 * nm size.
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (each asLowercase startsWith:nm asLowercase) ifTrue:[
-                        factor := 4 * nm size.
-                    ].
-                ].
-                dist := dist + (weight*factor).
-                each -> (dist * weight)
-             ]
-        ].
-    addWithFactorBlock :=
-        [:names :factor | |namesToAdd|
-            namesToAdd := names select:[:nameToAdd | nameToAdd ~= nm ].
-            namesToAdd := namesToAdd reject:[:each | allVariables includes:each ].
-            allVariables addAll:namesToAdd.
-            allDistances addAll:(namesToAdd collect:(getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight value:factor)).
-        ].
-    nm isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
-        globalFactor := 2.    "/ favour globals
-        localFactor := 1.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        globalFactor := 1.    "/ favour locals
-        localFactor := 2.
-    ].
-    allVariables := OrderedCollection new.
-    allDistances := OrderedCollection new.
-    "/ are we in the methods selector spec ?
-    (node parent notNil 
-    and:[node parent isMethod
-    and:[node parent arguments includes:node]]) ifTrue:[
-        "/ now thats cool: look how the naem of this argument is in other implementations
-        "/ of this method, and take that as a basis of the selection
-        implementors := SystemBrowser 
-                            findImplementorsOf:(node parent selector) 
-                            in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
-                            ignoreCase:false.
-        "/ which argument is it
-        argIdx := node parent arguments indexOf:node.
-        implementors size > 50 ifTrue:[
-            implementors := implementors asOrderedCollection copyTo:50.
-        ].
-        namesUsed := implementors 
-                        collect:[:eachImplementor |
-                            |parseTree|
-                            parseTree := eachImplementor parseTree.
-                            (parseTree notNil and:[parseTree arguments size > 0]) 
-                                ifFalse:nil
-                                ifTrue:[ (parseTree arguments at:argIdx) name] ]
-                        thenSelect:[:a | a notNil] as:Set.  
-        addWithFactorBlock value:namesUsed value:(2 * localFactor).
-        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ also, look for the keyword before the argument, 
-            "/ and see if there is such an instVar
-            "/ if so, add it with -Arg
-            node parent selector isKeyword ifTrue:[
-                kwPart := node parent selector keywords at:argIdx.
-                (classOrNil allInstVarNames includes:(kwPart copyButLast:1)) ifTrue:[
-                    addWithFactorBlock 
-                        value:(classOrNil allInstVarNames collect:[:nm| nm,'Arg'])
-                        value:(1 * localFactor).
-                ].
-            ].
-        ]
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ locals in the block/method
-            names := node allVariablesOnScope.
-            "/ if there were no variables (due to a parse error)
-            "/ do another parse and see what we have
-            names isEmpty ifTrue:[
-                tree := self treeForCode:(codeView contentsAsString string) allowErrors:true.
-                "/ better if we already have a body (include locals then)
-                "/ otherwise, only the arguments are considered
-                tree notNil ifTrue:[
-                    names := (tree body ? tree) allVariablesOnScope.
-                ]
-            ].
-            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(4 * localFactor).
-            "/ instance variables
-            addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil instVarNames value:(3 * localFactor).
-            "/ inherited instance variables
-            classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
-                addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil superclass allInstVarNames value:(2.5 * localFactor).
-            ].
-        ].
-        selectorOfMessageToNode notNil ifTrue:[
-            |names responders nonResponders|
-            "/ responding to that messsage
-            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-                "/ private classes
-                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
-                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
-                "/ class variables
-                names := nonMetaClass classVarNames.
-                responders := names select:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
-                nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
-                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
-                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
-                "/ superclass var names
-                nonMetaClass allSuperclassesDo:[:superClass |
-                    names := superClass classVarNames.
-                    responders := names select:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
-                    nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1 * globalFactor).
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1 * globalFactor).
-                ].
-                "/ namespace vars
-                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                    names := classOrNil topNameSpace keys.
-                    names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
-                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
-                    responders := names select:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-                    nonResponders := names reject:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ globals
-            names := Smalltalk keys.
-            "/ names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
-            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
-            responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-            nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-            addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
-            addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
-            "/ pool variables
-            classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
-                |pool names|
-                pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
-                names := pool classVarNames.
-                names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
-                responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-                nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
-                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
-                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 2.5 * globalFactor).
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-                "/ private classes
-                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
-                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
-                "/ class variables
-                addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass classVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
-                classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass superclass allClassVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
-                ].
-                "/ namespace vars
-                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
-                    names := classOrNil nameSpace isNameSpace ifTrue:[classOrNil nameSpace keys] ifFalse:[classOrNil nameSpace privateClasses collect:[:c | c nameWithoutPrefix]].
-                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
-                ].
-                "/ pool variables
-                classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
-                    |pool names|
-                    pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
-                    names := pool classVarNames.
-                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
-                ].
-            ].
-            "/ globals
-            names := Smalltalk keys.
-            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
-            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
-        ].
-        "/ pseudos - assuming that thisContext is seldom used.
-        "/ also assuming, that nil is short so its usually typed in.
-        addWithFactorBlock value:#('self') value:(2.5 * localFactor).
-        addWithFactorBlock value:#('nil') value:(0.5 * localFactor).
-        addWithFactorBlock value:#('super' 'false') value:(2 * localFactor).
-        addWithFactorBlock value:#('thisContext') value:(1 * localFactor).
-    ].
-    allDistances isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
-    bestAssoc := allDistances at:1.
-    bestAssoc := allDistances inject:bestAssoc into:[:el :best | el value > best value
-                                                           ifTrue:[el]
-                                                           ifFalse:[best]
-                                                    ].
-    allDistances sort:[:a :b | 
-                                a value > b value ifTrue:[
-                                    true
-                                ] ifFalse:[
-                                    a value = b value ifTrue:[
-                                        a key < b key
-                                    ] ifFalse:[
-                                        false
-                                    ]
-                                ]
-                      ].
-    allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.5)].
-    allTheBest size > 15 ifTrue:[
-        allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.8)].
-    ].
-    best := self askUserForCompletion:'variable' for:codeView at: node start from:(allTheBest collect:[:assoc | assoc key]).
-    best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
-"/ self showInfo:best.
-    start := node start.
-    stop := node stop.
-    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
-    codeView
-        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
-        info:'Completion'.
-    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
-        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
-        newLen := best size.
-        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
-        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
-    ].
-    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:16:33 / cg"
-    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 22:07:24 / cg"
 findNodeForInterval:interval in:source
-    |tree node|
-    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
-    RBParser isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
-    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
-        tree := LastParseTree.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        tree := RBParser
-                parseMethod:source
-                onError: 
-                    [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | 
-                        "Transcript showCR:'Parse-Error: ',str." 
-                        nil
-                    ].
-        tree isNil ifTrue:[
-            "/ try to parse as an expression
-            tree := RBParser
-                    parseExpression:source
-                    onError: 
-                        [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | 
-                            "Transcript showCR:'Parse-Error: ',str." 
-                            nil
-                        ].
-            tree isNil ifTrue:[
-                ^ nil
-            ].
-        ].
-        LastSource := source.
-        LastParseTree := tree.
-    ].
-    node := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
-    node isNil ifTrue: [
-        node := tree bestNodeFor: interval.
-        node isNil ifTrue: [
-            node := self findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ node
-    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 12:42:53 / cg"
+    ^ self new findNodeForInterval:interval in:source
 findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors
-    ^ self
-        findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors  
-        mustBeMethod:false
-    "Modified: / 16-09-2011 / 14:52:28 / cg"
+    ^ self new findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors
 findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors mustBeMethod:mustBeMethod
     "if mustBeMethod is true, do not try a regular expression (as in a workspace)."
-    |tree "errCount" firstIntersectingNode onErrorBlock nodeGenerationHook|
-    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
-    RBParser isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
-    LastSource := nil.
-    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
-        tree := LastParseTree.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        onErrorBlock := 
-            [:str :err :nodesSoFar |
-                |nodes|
-                allowErrors ifTrue:[
-                    firstIntersectingNode notNil ifTrue:[^ firstIntersectingNode].
-                    nodes := nodesSoFar asOrderedCollection
-                                collect:[:nd | nd whichNodeIntersects:interval]
-                                thenSelect:[:nd | nd notNil ].
-                    nodes size == 1 ifTrue:[
-                        ^ nodes first
-                    ].
-                ].
-                nil
-            ].
-        nodeGenerationHook := 
-            [:node |
-                "/ we would like to return here as soon as the node has been created by the parser;
-                "/ however, at that time, its parent(chain) is not yet created and so we might not know
-                "/ what the semantic intepretation (especially: scope of variable) will be.
-                "/ therefore, we parse all, and return the found node at the end.
-                "//// ^ node.
-                firstIntersectingNode isNil ifTrue:[
-                    (node intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
-                        firstIntersectingNode := node
-                    ].
-                ].
-            ].
-        tree := RBParser
-                parseMethod:source
-                onError: onErrorBlock
-                rememberNodes:true
-                nodeGenerationCallback:nodeGenerationHook.   
-"/                onError: [:str :err | errCount := (errCount?0) + 1. self halt.]
-"/                proceedAfterError:true.
-        mustBeMethod ifTrue:[
-            "/ only cache parsed methods
-            tree notNil ifTrue:[
-                LastSource := source.
-                LastParseTree := tree.
-            ].
-        ] ifFalse:[    
-            (tree isNil or:[firstIntersectingNode isNil]) ifTrue:[
-                "/ try as an expression
-                tree := RBParser
-                        parseExpression:source
-                        onError: onErrorBlock
-                        rememberNodes:true
-                        nodeGenerationCallback:nodeGenerationHook.   
-            ].
-        ].
-        firstIntersectingNode notNil ifTrue:[ ^ firstIntersectingNode ].
-    ].
-    ^ self findNodeForInterval:interval inParseTree:tree.
-    "Created: / 16-09-2011 / 14:52:08 / cg"
+    ^ self new
+        findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors mustBeMethod:mustBeMethod
 findNodeForInterval:interval inParseTree:parseTree
-    |node|
-    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
-    parseTree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    node := parseTree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
-    node isNil ifTrue:[
-        node := parseTree whichNodeIntersects:interval.
-        node isNil ifTrue: [
-            node := self findNodeIn:parseTree forInterval:interval
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ node
-    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 13:13:58 / cg"
+    ^ self new findNodeForInterval:interval inParseTree:parseTree
 findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
-    |nodeFound wouldReturn|
-    nodeFound := nil.
-    tree nodesDo:[:eachNode |
-        (eachNode intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
-            (nodeFound isNil or:[nodeFound == eachNode parent]) ifTrue:[
-                nodeFound := eachNode
-            ] ifFalse:[
-                (nodeFound parent == eachNode parent
-                and:[ eachNode start >= nodeFound start
-                      and:[ eachNode stop <= nodeFound stop ] ]) ifTrue:[
-                ] ifFalse:[
-                    (nodeFound parent notNil
-                    and:[nodeFound parent isCascade and:[eachNode parent isCascade]]) ifFalse:[^ nil]
-                ]
-            ]
-        ] ifFalse:[
-            nodeFound notNil ifTrue:[
-                "/ already found one - beyond that one; leave
-                wouldReturn notNil ifTrue:[wouldReturn := nodeFound].
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-"/ (wouldReturn notNil and:[wouldReturn ~~ node]) ifTrue:[self halt].
-    ^ nodeFound
-    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:31:12 / cg"
-lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:classProvidingNamespaceOrNil
-    |receiver nm nodeVal receiverClass|
-    receiver := node receiver.
-    receiver isLiteral ifTrue:[
-        ^ receiver value class
-    ].
-    receiver isVariable ifTrue:[
-        nm := receiver name.
-        nm = 'self' ifTrue:[
-            classProvidingNamespaceOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ UndefinedObject].
-            ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil
-        ].
-        nm = 'super' ifTrue:[
-            classProvidingNamespaceOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ Object].
-            ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil superclass
-        ].
-        nm isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
-            "/ wouldn't it be better to simply 'evaluate' the variable ?
-            Error handle:[:ex |
-            ] do:[
-                |dummyReceiver|
-                dummyReceiver := classProvidingNamespaceOrNil notNil ifTrue:[classProvidingNamespaceOrNil basicNew] ifFalse:[nil].
-                nodeVal := Parser new evaluate:nm in:nil receiver:dummyReceiver.
-            ].
-"/            (Smalltalk includesKey:nm asSymbol) ifTrue:[
-"/                nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
-"/            ].
-            nodeVal notNil ifTrue:[
-                ^ nodeVal class
-            ]
-        ]
-    ].
-    receiver isMessage ifTrue:[
-        (receiver selector = 'new'
-        or:[ receiver selector = 'new:' ]) ifTrue:[
-            receiverClass := self lookupClassForMessage:receiver inClass:classProvidingNamespaceOrNil.
-            receiverClass notNil ifTrue:[
-                receiverClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
-                    receiverClass isMeta ifTrue:[
-                        ^ receiverClass theNonMetaclass
-                    ]
-                ]
-            ].
-        ].
-        classProvidingNamespaceOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-            (receiver receiver isSelf and:[receiver selector = 'class']) ifTrue:[
-                ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil class
-            ].
-        ].
-    ].
-    ^ nil
-    "Modified: / 24-08-2010 / 15:05:49 / sr"
-    "Modified: / 17-07-2011 / 10:28:19 / cg"
-old_askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest
-    |list resources choice lastChoice|
-    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
-    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ allTheBest first ].
-    list := allTheBest.
-    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
-        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
-        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
-            (list includes: lastChoice) ifTrue:[
-                list := {lastChoice. nil. } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
-            ]
-        ].
-    ].
-    list size < 30 ifTrue:[
-        |menu idx exitKey|
-        menu := PopUpMenu labels:list.
-        menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
-                hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
-                hide ifTrue:[
-                    exitKey := key.
-                ].
-                hide].
-        idx := menu startUp.
-        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
-            exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
-                codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
-            ].
-            ^ nil
-        ].
-        choice := list at:idx.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        resources := codeView application isNil 
-                        ifTrue:[ codeView resources]
-                        ifFalse:[ codeView application resources ].
-        choice := Dialog
-           choose:(resources string:'Choose ',what)
-           fromList:list
-           lines:20
-           initialSelection:(list firstIfEmpty:nil)
-           title:(resources string:'Code completion').
-        choice isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
-    ].
-    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
-        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
-    ].
-    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
-    ^ choice
-    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 09:38:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
-    "Modified: / 21-07-2012 / 12:21:10 / cg"
-treeForCode:source allowErrors:allowErrors
-    |tree|
-    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
-        tree := LastParseTree.
-    ] ifFalse:[
-        tree := RBParser
-                parseMethod:source
-                onError: [:str :err :nodesSoFar :parserOrNil|
-                        allowErrors ifTrue:[
-                            "/ parserOrNil isNil if raised by the scanner
-                            parserOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
-                                ^ parserOrNil currentMethodNode
-                            ]
-                        ].
-                        ^ nil
-                    ]
-                proceedAfterError:false
-                rememberNodes:true.
-        tree notNil ifTrue:[
-            LastSource := source.
-            LastParseTree := tree.
-        ]
-    ].
-    ^ tree
-    "Modified: / 13-01-2012 / 11:54:30 / cg"
+    ^ self new findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
 ! !
 !DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'input completion support'!
@@ -2260,6 +1096,2303 @@
     "Created: / 16-01-2008 / 17:17:13 / cg"
 ! !
+!DoWhatIMeanSupport methodsFor:'code completion'!
+codeCompletionForClass:classOrNilArg context:contextOrNil codeView:codeViewArg
+    "contextOrNil is the current context, if this is called from the debugger;
+     nil, if called from the browser.
+     If nonNil, we can make better guesses, because we actually know what a variable's type is.
+     This is not yet done, sigh"
+    |crsrPos char interval source node parent checkedNode|
+    classOrNil := classOrNilArg.
+    codeView := codeViewArg.
+"/    classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self information:'No class'.
+"/        ^ self.
+"/    ].
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor"-1".
+    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+    [crsrPos > 1 and:[char isSeparator or:['.' includes:char]]] whileTrue:[
+        crsrPos := crsrPos - 1.
+        char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+    ].
+    interval := codeView selectedInterval.
+    interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
+        interval := crsrPos-1 to:crsrPos.
+    ].
+    source := codeView contentsAsString string.
+    source := source copyTo:crsrPos.
+    "/ this is too naive and stupid; if there is a syntactic error,
+    "/ we will not find a node for a long time (stepping back more and more,
+    "/ until reaching the beginning). This leads to a thousand and more times reparsing
+    "/ without any progress.
+    "/ TODO: do it vice-versa, in that the parser does a callOut for every node generated
+    "/ as it parses the code. Stop, when the interval is hit.
+    "/ that will also work for syntactic incorrect source code.
+    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:true.   
+    ].
+    node isNil ifTrue:[
+        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:false.   
+    ].
+"/    [node isNil] whileTrue:[
+"/        "/ expand to the left ...
+"/        interval start > 1 ifFalse:[
+"/            self information:'No parseNode found'.
+"/            ^ self.
+"/        ].
+"/        interval start:(interval start - 1).
+"/        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true.
+"/    ].
+    node isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCR:'No parseNode found'.
+        self breakPoint:#cg.
+        self information:'No parseNode found'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (node isVariable
+    and:[ (parent := node parent) notNil
+    and:[ parent isMessage
+    and:[ node stop < (codeView characterPositionOfCursor-1) ]]]) ifTrue:[
+        node := parent.
+    ].
+    node isVariable ifTrue:[
+        self codeCompletionForVariable:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    node isLiteral ifTrue:[
+        node value isSymbol ifTrue:[
+            self codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+    ].
+    checkedNode := node.
+    [checkedNode notNil] whileTrue:[
+        checkedNode isMessage ifTrue:[
+            "/ completion in a message-send
+            self codeCompletionForMessage:checkedNode inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        checkedNode isMethod ifTrue:[
+            "/ completion in a method's selector pattern
+            self codeCompletionForMethod:checkedNode inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        checkedNode := checkedNode parent.
+    ].
+    self information:'Node is neither variable nor message.'.
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Modified: / 16-09-2011 / 14:54:47 / cg"
+! !
+!DoWhatIMeanSupport methodsFor:'code completion-helpers'!
+askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView at:position from:allTheBest 
+    |list choice lastChoice|
+    "/ cg: until the new stuff works,...
+    ^ self old_askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest.
+    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[
+        ^ nil
+    ].
+    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[
+        ^ allTheBest first
+    ].
+    list := allTheBest.
+    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
+        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
+        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
+            list := { lastChoice. nil } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
+        ].
+    ].
+    choice := Tools::CodeCompletionMenu 
+                openFor:codeView
+                at:position
+                with:allTheBest.
+    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
+    ^ choice
+    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 10:09:57 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 08-07-2011 / 08:49:35 / cg"
+askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest
+    |list resources choice lastChoice|
+    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ allTheBest first ].
+    list := allTheBest.
+    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
+        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
+        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
+            list := {lastChoice. nil. } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
+        ].
+    ].
+    list size < 30 ifTrue:[
+        |menu idx exitKey|
+        menu := PopUpMenu labels:list.
+        menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
+                hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
+                hide ifTrue:[
+                    exitKey := key.
+                ].
+                hide].
+        idx := menu startUp.
+        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+            exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
+                codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
+            ].
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+        choice := list at:idx.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        resources := codeView application isNil 
+                        ifTrue:[ codeView resources]
+                        ifFalse:[ codeView application resources ].
+        choice := Dialog
+           choose:(resources string:'Choose ',what)
+           fromList:list
+           lines:20
+           title:(resources string:'Code completion').
+        choice isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ].
+    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
+    ^ choice
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 14:00:53 / cg"
+codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node into:actionBlock
+    |sym possibleCompletions best start stop oldLen newLen oldVar|
+Transcript show:'lit in '; show:methodOrNil; show:' / '; showCR:classOrNil.
+    sym := node value.
+    possibleCompletions := OrderedCollection new.
+    Symbol allInstancesDo:[:existingSym |
+        (existingSym startsWith:sym) ifTrue:[
+            (existingSym = sym) ifFalse:[
+                possibleCompletions add:existingSym
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    possibleCompletions sort.
+    best := possibleCompletions longestCommonPrefix.
+    (best = sym or:[(possibleCompletions includes:best) not]) ifTrue:[
+        actionBlock value:possibleCompletions value:nil.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    actionBlock value:(Array with:best) value:nil.
+^ self.
+"/ self showInfo:best.
+    start := node start.
+    stop := node stop.
+    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $# ifTrue:[
+        start := start + 1.
+    ].
+    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $' ifTrue:[
+        start := start + 1.
+        stop := stop - 1.
+    ].
+    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
+    codeView
+        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
+        info:'Completion'.
+    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
+        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+        newLen := best size.
+        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:15:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:58:45 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMessage:node into:actionBlock
+    |selector srchClass implClass 
+     bestSelectors selector2 bestSelectors2 allBest best info numArgs
+     newParts nSelParts oldLen newLen selectorParts 
+     findBest parentNode selectorInBest selector2InBest2
+     parser selectorsSentInCode split editAction|
+Transcript show:'msg in '; show:methodOrNil; show:' / '; showCR:classOrNil.
+"/    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+"/        parser := Parser parseMethod:codeView contents string in:classOrNil ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
+"/        selectorsSentInCode := parser messagesSent.
+"/    ].
+    findBest := [:node :selector |
+        |srchClass bestSelectors bestPrefixes|
+        codeView topView withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
+            srchClass := self lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:classOrNil.
+            srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:srchClass forCompletion:true.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:nil forCompletion:true.
+            ].
+        ].
+        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
+            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
+        ].
+        bestSelectors
+    ].
+    selector := node selector.
+    bestSelectors := findBest value:node value:selector.
+    parentNode := node parent.
+    "/ if its a unary message AND the parent is a keyword node, look for parent completion too.
+    (node selector isUnarySelector 
+    and:[ parentNode notNil 
+    and:[ parentNode isMessage 
+    and:[ (selector2 := parentNode selector) isKeywordSelector ]]]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ srchClass2 := self lookupClassForMessage:parentNode inClass:classOrNil.
+        selector2 := selector2,selector.
+        bestSelectors2 := findBest value:parentNode value:selector2.
+    ].
+    bestSelectors2 isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        allBest := bestSelectors.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        bestSelectors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+            allBest := bestSelectors2
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            selectorInBest := (bestSelectors contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase]).
+            selector2InBest2 := (bestSelectors2 contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector2 asLowercase]).
+            (selectorInBest not and:[ selector2InBest2 ]) ifTrue:[
+                "/ selector2 is more likely
+                allBest := bestSelectors2
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (selectorInBest and:[ selector2InBest2 not ]) ifTrue:[
+                    "/ selector more likely
+                    allBest := bestSelectors
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "/ assume same likelyness
+                    allBest := bestSelectors isEmpty 
+                                ifTrue:[ bestSelectors2 ]
+                                ifFalse:[ bestSelectors , #(nil) , bestSelectors2 ].
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    allBest isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    split := [:list :splitHow |
+        |part1 part2 all|
+        part1 := list select:splitHow.
+        part2 := list reject:splitHow.
+        part1 isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            all := part2.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            part2 isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                all := part1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                all := part1 , part2.
+            ]
+        ].
+        all
+    ].
+    selectorsSentInCode notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ the ones already sent in the code are moved to the top of the list.
+        allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | selectorsSentInCode includes:sel].
+    ].
+    "/ the ones which are a prefix are moved towards the top of the list
+    allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | sel notNil and:[sel startsWith:selector]].
+false ifTrue:[
+    srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
+        implClass := srchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:best.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
+        implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            implClass := implClass first.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            implClass := nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    info := best storeString.
+    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
+        info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
+    ].
+    self information:info.
+    editAction := 
+        [:index |
+            |best|
+            best := allBest at:index.
+            best ~= selector ifTrue:[
+                numArgs := best numArgs.
+                (bestSelectors2 notEmptyOrNil and:[bestSelectors2 includes:best]) ifTrue:[
+                    selectorParts := parentNode selectorParts , node selectorParts.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectorParts := node selectorParts.
+                ].
+                nSelParts := selectorParts size.
+                newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
+                newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[
+                        |newCursorPosition stop|
+                        numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
+                            stop := selectorParts last stop.
+                            "/ append the rest ...
+                            numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |
+                                |newPart|
+                                newPart := newParts at:idx.
+                                (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
+                                    newPart := newPart , ':'
+                                ].
+                                (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
+                                    newPart := ':' , newPart.
+                                ].
+                                newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.
+                                codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart.
+                                newCursorPosition := stop + newPart size.
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        (nSelParts min:newParts size) downTo:1 do:[:idx |
+                            |newPart oldPartialToken start stop|
+                            newPart := newParts at:idx.
+                            oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
+                            start := oldPartialToken start.
+                            stop := oldPartialToken stop.
+                            (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
+                                (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
+                                    newPart := newPart , ':'
+                                ]
+                            ] ifFalse:[
+                                (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
+                                    newPart := newPart , ':'
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
+                                        newPart := newPart , ' '
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+        "/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
+        "/                        ] ifFalse:[
+        "/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
+                            ].
+                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
+                            oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+                            newLen := newPart size.
+                            "/ codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+                            newCursorPosition := stop + (newLen-oldLen).
+                        ].
+                        codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:newCursorPosition.
+                        codeView cursorRight.  "/ avoid going to the next line !!
+                        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.
+                    ]
+                info:'Completion'.
+            ].
+        ].
+    actionBlock value:allBest value:editAction.
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:18:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:33:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-07-2012 / 12:24:06 / cg"
+    "completion in a method's selector pattern"
+    |crsrPos
+     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
+     selectors distances best rest 
+     allExistingMethods nameBag namesByCount selectors1 selectors2|  
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
+    selectorSoFar := ''.
+    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
+        |part|
+        part := partToken value.
+        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
+        (crsrPos >= partToken start
+        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
+            (classOrNil notNil and:[classOrNil isMeta]) ifTrue:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+                "/ dont forget the stuff in the class-line
+                Metaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
+                    matchingSelectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+            ].
+            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
+            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
+            (selectors size == 1 
+            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
+                selectorSoFar numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
+                                        collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
+                nameBag := Bag new.
+                allExistingMethods do:[:eachMethod | nameBag addAll:(eachMethod methodArgNames ? #())].
+                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
+                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
+                best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[
+                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
+                            codeView paste:best.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                    info:'completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "the ones implemented in superclasses are shown first"
+                classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors select:[:sel | classOrNil respondsTo:sel].  "/ in super
+                    selectors2 := selectors reject:[:sel | selectors1 includes:sel ].   "/ not in super
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors
+                ].
+                distances := selectors1 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                distances sortWith:selectors1.
+                selectors1 reverse.
+                selectors := selectors1.
+                selectors2 notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                    distances := selectors2 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                    distances sortWith:selectors2.
+                    selectors2 reverse.
+                    selectors1 := selectors1 collect:[:sel | sel allBold].
+                    selectors := selectors1,selectors2.
+                ].
+                best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at:(node start) from:selectors.
+                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[ 
+                        codeView 
+                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1 
+                            to:crsrPos+1 
+                            with:rest 
+                    ]
+                    info:'Completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos+1 + rest size - 1).    
+            ].
+            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:31:36 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMethod:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
+    "completion in a method's selector pattern"
+    |crsrPos
+     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
+     selectors distances best rest 
+     allExistingMethods nameBag namesByCount selectors1 selectors2|  
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
+    selectorSoFar := ''.
+    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
+        |part|
+        part := partToken value.
+        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
+        (crsrPos >= partToken start
+        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
+            (classOrNil notNil and:[classOrNil isMeta]) ifTrue:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+                "/ dont forget the stuff in the class-line
+                Metaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
+                    matchingSelectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+            ].
+            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
+            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
+            (selectors size == 1 
+            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
+                selectorSoFar numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
+                                        collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
+                nameBag := Bag new.
+                allExistingMethods do:[:eachMethod | nameBag addAll:(eachMethod methodArgNames ? #())].
+                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
+                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
+                best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[
+                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
+                            codeView paste:best.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                    info:'completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "the ones implemented in superclasses are shown first"
+                classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors select:[:sel | classOrNil respondsTo:sel].  "/ in super
+                    selectors2 := selectors reject:[:sel | selectors1 includes:sel ].   "/ not in super
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors
+                ].
+                distances := selectors1 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                distances sortWith:selectors1.
+                selectors1 reverse.
+                selectors := selectors1.
+                selectors2 notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                    distances := selectors2 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                    distances sortWith:selectors2.
+                    selectors2 reverse.
+                    selectors1 := selectors1 collect:[:sel | sel allBold].
+                    selectors := selectors1,selectors2.
+                ].
+                best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at:(node start) from:selectors.
+                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[ 
+                        codeView 
+                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1 
+                            to:crsrPos+1 
+                            with:rest 
+                    ]
+                    info:'Completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos+1 + rest size - 1).    
+            ].
+            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:31:36 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMethod:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView into:actionBlock
+    "completion in a method's selector pattern"
+    |crsrPos
+     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
+     selectors distances best rest 
+     allExistingMethods nameBag namesByCount selectors1 selectors2|  
+Transcript showCR:'m'.
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
+    selectorSoFar := ''.
+    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
+        |part|
+        part := partToken value.
+        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
+        (crsrPos >= partToken start
+        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
+            (classOrNil notNil and:[classOrNil isMeta]) ifTrue:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+                "/ dont forget the stuff in the class-line
+                Metaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
+                    matchingSelectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+            ].
+            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
+            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
+            (selectors size == 1 
+            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
+                selectorSoFar numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
+                                        collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
+                nameBag := Bag new.
+                allExistingMethods do:[:eachMethod | nameBag addAll:(eachMethod methodArgNames ? #())].
+                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
+                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
+                "/ best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
+                actionBlock value:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]) value:nil.
+                ^ self.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[
+                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
+                            codeView paste:best.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                    info:'completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "the ones implemented in superclasses are shown first"
+                classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors select:[:sel | classOrNil respondsTo:sel].  "/ in super
+                    selectors2 := selectors reject:[:sel | selectors1 includes:sel ].   "/ not in super
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors
+                ].
+                distances := selectors1 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                distances sortWith:selectors1.
+                selectors1 reverse.
+                selectors := selectors1.
+                selectors2 notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                    distances := selectors2 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                    distances sortWith:selectors2.
+                    selectors2 reverse.
+                    selectors1 := selectors1 collect:[:sel | sel allBold].
+                    selectors := selectors1,selectors2.
+                ].
+                "/ best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at:(node start) from:selectors.
+                best := actionBlock value:selectors value:nil.
+                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[ 
+                        codeView 
+                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1 
+                            to:crsrPos+1 
+                            with:rest 
+                    ]
+                    info:'Completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos+1 + rest size - 1).    
+            ].
+            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:31:36 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMethod:node into:actionBlock
+    "completion in a method's selector pattern"
+    |crsrPos
+     selectorSoFar matchingSelectors
+     selectors distances best rest 
+     allExistingMethods nameBag namesByCount selectors1 selectors2|  
+Transcript showCR:'m'.
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor - 1.
+    selectorSoFar := ''.
+    node selectorParts doWithIndex:[:partToken :argNr|
+        |part|
+        part := partToken value.
+        selectorSoFar := selectorSoFar , part.
+        (crsrPos >= partToken start
+        and:[crsrPos <= partToken stop]) ifTrue:[
+            (classOrNil notNil and:[classOrNil isMeta]) ifTrue:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+                "/ dont forget the stuff in the class-line
+                Metaclass withAllSuperclassesDo:[:cls |
+                    matchingSelectors addAll:(cls methodDictionary keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                ].
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                matchingSelectors := Smalltalk allClasses
+                                    inject:(Set new)
+                                    into:[:theSet :eachClass |
+                                        |md|
+                                        md := eachClass theNonMetaclass methodDictionary.
+                                        theSet addAll:(md keys select:[:sel |sel startsWith:selectorSoFar]).
+                                        theSet.
+                                    ].
+            ].
+            selectors := matchingSelectors asOrderedCollection.
+            "/ if there is only one, and user has already entered it, he might want to complete the argument-name    
+            (selectors size == 1 
+            and:[selectors first = selectorSoFar]) ifTrue:[
+                selectorSoFar numArgs == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+                allExistingMethods := (Smalltalk allImplementorsOf:selectorSoFar asSymbol)
+                                        collect:[:cls | cls compiledMethodAt:selectorSoFar asSymbol].
+                nameBag := Bag new.
+                allExistingMethods do:[:eachMethod | nameBag addAll:(eachMethod methodArgNames ? #())].
+                namesByCount := nameBag valuesAndCounts sort:[:a :b | a value < b value].   
+                "/ take the one which occurs most often     
+                "/ best := self askUserForCompletion:'argument' for:codeView at: node start from:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]).
+                actionBlock value:(namesByCount collect:[:a | a key]) value:nil.
+                ^ self.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[
+                        (crsrPos+1) >= codeView contents size ifTrue:[
+                            codeView paste:best.
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1.
+                        ]
+                    ]
+                    info:'completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos + best size - 1).    
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                "the ones implemented in superclasses are shown first"
+                classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors select:[:sel | classOrNil respondsTo:sel].  "/ in super
+                    selectors2 := selectors reject:[:sel | selectors1 includes:sel ].   "/ not in super
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    selectors1 := selectors
+                ].
+                distances := selectors1 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                distances sortWith:selectors1.
+                selectors1 reverse.
+                selectors := selectors1.
+                selectors2 notEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+                    distances := selectors2 collect:[:each | each spellAgainst:selectorSoFar].
+                    distances sortWith:selectors2.
+                    selectors2 reverse.
+                    selectors1 := selectors1 collect:[:sel | sel allBold].
+                    selectors := selectors1,selectors2.
+                ].
+                "/ best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at:(node start) from:selectors.
+                best := actionBlock value:selectors value:nil.
+                best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+                rest := best copyFrom:selectorSoFar size.
+                codeView
+                    undoableDo:[ 
+                        codeView 
+                            replaceFromCharacterPosition:crsrPos+1 
+                            to:crsrPos+1 
+                            with:rest 
+                    ]
+                    info:'Completion'.
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:(crsrPos+1 + rest size - 1).    
+            ].
+            codeView cursorRight. "/ kludge to make it visible   
+        ].
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:46:44 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:56 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 01-06-2012 / 20:31:36 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMethod:methodOrNilArg orClass:classOrNilArg context:contextOrNil codeView:codeViewArg into:actionBlock
+    "contextOrNil is the current context, if this is called from the debugger;
+     nil, if called from the browser.
+     If nonNil, we can make better guesses, because we actually know what a variable's type is.
+     This is not yet done, sigh"
+    |crsrPos char interval source node checkedNode|
+    methodOrNil := methodOrNilArg.
+    classOrNil := classOrNilArg.
+    codeView := codeViewArg.
+"/    classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+"/        self information:'No class'.
+"/        ^ self.
+"/    ].
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor"-1".
+    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+    [crsrPos > 1 and:[char isSeparator or:['.' includes:char]]] whileTrue:[
+        crsrPos := crsrPos - 1.
+        char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+    ].
+    interval := codeView selectedInterval.
+    interval isEmpty ifTrue:[
+        interval := crsrPos-1 to:crsrPos.
+    ].
+    source := codeView contentsAsString string.
+    "/ source := source copyTo:crsrPos.
+    "/ this is too naive and stupid; if there is a syntactic error,
+    "/ we will not find a node for a long time (stepping back more and more,
+    "/ until reaching the beginning). This leads to a thousand and more times reparsing
+    "/ without any progress.
+    "/ TODO: do it vice-versa, in that the parser does a callOut for every node generated
+    "/ as it parses the code. Stop, when the interval is hit.
+    "/ that will also work for syntactic incorrect source code.
+    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:true.   
+    ].
+    node isNil ifTrue:[
+        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true mustBeMethod:false.   
+    ].
+"/    [node isNil] whileTrue:[
+"/        "/ expand to the left ...
+"/        interval start > 1 ifFalse:[
+"/            self information:'No parseNode found'.
+"/            ^ self.
+"/        ].
+"/        interval start:(interval start - 1).
+"/        node := self findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:true.
+"/    ].
+    node isNil ifTrue:[
+        Transcript showCR:'No parseNode found'.
+        self breakPoint:#cg.
+        self information:'No parseNode found'.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    (node isVariable
+    and:[ node parent notNil
+    and:[ node parent isMessage
+    and:[ node stop < (codeView characterPositionOfCursor-1) ]]]) ifTrue:[
+        node := node parent.
+    ].
+    node isVariable ifTrue:[
+        self codeCompletionForVariable:node into:actionBlock.
+        ^ self.
+    ].
+    node isLiteral ifTrue:[
+        node value isSymbol ifTrue:[
+            self codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node into:actionBlock.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+    ].
+    checkedNode := node.
+    [checkedNode notNil] whileTrue:[
+        checkedNode isMessage ifTrue:[
+            "/ completion in a message-send
+            self codeCompletionForMessage:checkedNode into:actionBlock.
+            ^ self
+        ].
+        checkedNode isMethod ifTrue:[
+            "/ completion in a method's selector pattern
+            self codeCompletionForMethod:checkedNode into:actionBlock.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+        checkedNode := checkedNode parent.
+    ].
+    self information:'Node is neither variable nor message.'.
+    "Modified: / 04-07-2006 / 18:48:26 / fm"
+    "Modified: / 16-09-2011 / 14:54:47 / cg"
+codeCompletionForVariable:node into:actionBlock
+    |nonMetaClass crsrPos nm parent
+     allVariables allDistances variablesAlreadyAdded nodeVal
+     char oldLen newLen 
+     getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight addWithFactorBlock names allTheBest bestAssoc
+     globalFactor localFactor selectorOfMessageToNode tree implementors argIdx namesUsed kwPart
+     editAction suggestions nameIsOK|
+Transcript show:'var in '; show:methodOrNil; show:' / '; showCR:classOrNil.
+    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        nonMetaClass := classOrNil theNonMetaclass.
+    ].
+    nm := node name.
+    "/ if we are behind the variable and a space has already been entered,
+    "/ the user is probably looking for a message selector.
+    "/ If the variable represents a global, present its instance creation messages
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
+    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos-1.
+    char isSeparator ifTrue:[
+        nm knownAsSymbol ifTrue:[
+            classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+                nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
+            ] ifFalse:[ 
+                nodeVal := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:[Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol].
+            ].
+            nodeVal isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                |methods menu exitKey idx|
+                methods := nodeVal class methodDictionary values
+                                select:[:m | |cat|
+                                    cat := m category asLowercase.
+                                    cat = 'instance creation'
+                                ].
+                editAction :=
+                    [:answer |
+                        codeView
+                            undoableDo:[
+                                codeView insertString:answer atCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+                                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:crsrPos+answer size.
+                            ]
+                            info:'completion'.
+                    ].
+                actionBlock value:(methods collect:[:each | each selector]) value:editAction.
+                ^ self.
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    parent := node parent.
+    (parent notNil and:[parent isMessage]) ifTrue:[
+        node == parent receiver ifTrue:[
+            selectorOfMessageToNode := parent selector
+        ]
+    ].
+    getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight :=
+        [:weight |
+            [:each |
+                |dist factor|
+                dist := each spellAgainst:nm.
+                factor := 1.
+                (each startsWith:nm) ifTrue:[
+                    factor := 6 * nm size.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (each asLowercase startsWith:nm asLowercase) ifTrue:[
+                        factor := 4 * nm size.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                dist := dist + (weight*factor).
+                each -> (dist * weight)
+             ]
+        ].
+    nameIsOK := false.
+    addWithFactorBlock :=
+        [:names :factor | |namesToAdd|
+            (names includes:nm) ifTrue:[nameIsOK := true].
+            namesToAdd := names reject:[:nameToAdd | (nameToAdd = nm)].
+            namesToAdd := namesToAdd reject:[:each | variablesAlreadyAdded includes:each ].
+            variablesAlreadyAdded addAll:namesToAdd.
+            allVariables addAll:namesToAdd.
+            allDistances addAll:(namesToAdd collect:(getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight value:factor)).
+        ].
+    nm isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
+        globalFactor := 2.    "/ favour globals
+        localFactor := 1.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        globalFactor := 1.    "/ favour locals
+        localFactor := 2.
+    ].
+    variablesAlreadyAdded := Set new.
+    allVariables := OrderedCollection new.
+    allDistances := OrderedCollection new.
+    "/ are we in the method's selector spec ?
+    (parent notNil 
+    and:[parent isMethod
+    and:[parent arguments includes:node]]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ now thats cool: look how the naem of this argument is in other implementations
+        "/ of this method, and take that as a basis of the selection
+        implementors := SystemBrowser 
+                            findImplementorsOf:(parent selector) 
+                            in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
+                            ignoreCase:false.
+        "/ which argument is it
+        argIdx := parent arguments indexOf:node.
+        implementors size > 50 ifTrue:[
+            implementors := implementors asOrderedCollection copyTo:50.
+        ].
+        namesUsed := implementors 
+                        collect:[:eachImplementor |
+                            |parseTree|
+                            parseTree := eachImplementor parseTree.
+                            (parseTree notNil and:[parseTree arguments size > 0]) 
+                                ifFalse:nil
+                                ifTrue:[ (parseTree arguments at:argIdx) name] ]
+                        thenSelect:[:a | a notNil].  
+        addWithFactorBlock value:namesUsed value:(2 * localFactor).
+        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ also, look for the keyword before the argument, 
+            "/ and see if there is such an instVar
+            "/ if so, add it with -Arg
+            parent selector isKeyword ifTrue:[
+                kwPart := parent selector keywords at:argIdx.
+                (classOrNil allInstVarNames includes:(kwPart copyButLast:1)) ifTrue:[
+                    addWithFactorBlock 
+                        value:(classOrNil allInstVarNames collect:[:nm| nm,'Arg'])
+                        value:(1 * localFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ locals in the block/method
+            names := node allVariablesOnScope.
+            "/ if there were no variables (due to a parse error)
+            "/ do another parse and see what we have
+            names isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                tree := self treeForCode:(codeView contentsAsString string) allowErrors:true.
+                "/ better if we already have a body (include locals then)
+                "/ otherwise, only the arguments are considered
+                tree notNil ifTrue:[
+                    names := (tree body ? tree) allVariablesOnScope.
+                ]
+            ].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(4 * localFactor).
+            "/ instance variables
+            addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil instVarNames value:(3 * localFactor).
+            "/ inherited instance variables
+            classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
+                addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil superclass allInstVarNames value:(2.5 * localFactor).
+            ].
+        ].
+        selectorOfMessageToNode notNil ifTrue:[
+            |names responders nonResponders|
+            "/ responding to that messsage
+            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ private classes
+                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
+                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
+                "/ class variables
+                names := nonMetaClass classVarNames.
+                responders := names select:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+                "/ superclass var names
+                nonMetaClass allSuperclassesDo:[:superClass |
+                    names := superClass classVarNames.
+                    responders := names select:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                    nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1 * globalFactor).
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ namespace vars
+                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+                    names := classOrNil topNameSpace keys.
+                    names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
+                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                    responders := names select:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                    nonResponders := names reject:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+            "/ globals
+            names := Smalltalk keys.
+            "/ names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
+            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ] as:OrderedCollection.
+            responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+            nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+            addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+            "/ pool variables
+            classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
+                |pool names|
+                pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
+                names := pool classVarNames.
+                names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 2.5 * globalFactor).
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ private classes
+                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
+                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
+                "/ class variables
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass classVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
+                classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass superclass allClassVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ namespace vars
+                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+                    names := classOrNil nameSpace isNameSpace ifTrue:[classOrNil nameSpace keys] ifFalse:[classOrNil nameSpace privateClasses collect:[:c | c nameWithoutPrefix]].
+                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ pool variables
+                classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
+                    |pool names|
+                    pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
+                    names := pool classVarNames.
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+            "/ globals
+            names := Smalltalk keys.
+            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+        ].
+        "/ pseudos - assuming that thisContext is seldom used.
+        "/ also assuming, that nil is short so its usually typed in.
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('self') value:(2.5 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('nil') value:(0.5 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('super' 'false') value:(2 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('thisContext') value:(1 * localFactor).
+    ].
+    allDistances isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
+    bestAssoc := allDistances at:1.
+    bestAssoc := allDistances inject:bestAssoc into:[:el :best | el value > best value
+                                                           ifTrue:[el]
+                                                           ifFalse:[best]
+                                                    ].
+    allDistances sort:[:a :b | 
+                                a value > b value ifTrue:[
+                                    true
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    a value = b value ifTrue:[
+                                        a key < b key
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        false
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                      ].
+    allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.5)].
+    nameIsOK ifTrue:[
+        allTheBest := allTheBest select:[:assoc | assoc key startsWith:nm].
+    ].
+    allTheBest size > 15 ifTrue:[
+        allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.8)].
+    ].
+    suggestions := allTheBest collect:[:assoc | assoc key].
+    editAction :=
+        [:index |
+            |answer start stop oldVar|
+            answer := suggestions at:index.
+            start := node start.
+            stop := node stop.
+            oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
+            codeView
+                undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:answer ]
+                info:'Completion'.
+            (answer startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
+                oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+                newLen := answer size.
+                codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+                codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
+            ].
+        ].
+    actionBlock value:suggestions value:editAction.
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:16:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 22:07:24 / cg"
+findNodeForInterval:interval in:source
+    |tree node|
+    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    RBParser isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
+        tree := LastParseTree.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        tree := RBParser
+                parseMethod:source
+                onError: 
+                    [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | 
+                        "Transcript showCR:'Parse-Error: ',str." 
+                        nil
+                    ].
+        tree isNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ try to parse as an expression
+            tree := RBParser
+                    parseExpression:source
+                    onError: 
+                        [:str :err ":nodesSoFar" | 
+                            "Transcript showCR:'Parse-Error: ',str." 
+                            nil
+                        ].
+            tree isNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ nil
+            ].
+        ].
+        LastSource := source.
+        LastParseTree := tree.
+    ].
+    node := tree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
+    node isNil ifTrue: [
+        node := tree bestNodeFor: interval.
+        node isNil ifTrue: [
+            node := self findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ node
+    "Modified: / 06-07-2011 / 12:42:53 / cg"
+findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors
+    ^ self
+        findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors  
+        mustBeMethod:false
+    "Modified: / 16-09-2011 / 14:52:28 / cg"
+findNodeForInterval:interval in:source allowErrors:allowErrors mustBeMethod:mustBeMethod
+    "if mustBeMethod is true, do not try a regular expression (as in a workspace)."
+    |"errCount" intersectingNodes smallestIntersectingNode firstIntersectingNode onErrorBlock nodeGenerationHook parser|
+    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    RBParser isNil ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    "/ LastSource := nil.
+    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
+        tree := LastParseTree.
+        tokens := LastScanTokens.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        intersectingNodes := OrderedCollection new.
+        onErrorBlock := 
+            [:str :err :nodesSoFar |
+                |nodes|
+                allowErrors ifTrue:[
+                    firstIntersectingNode notNil ifTrue:[^ firstIntersectingNode].
+                    nodesSoFar notNil ifTrue:[
+                        nodes := nodesSoFar asOrderedCollection
+                                    collect:[:nd | nd whichNodeIntersects:interval]
+                                    thenSelect:[:nd | nd notNil ].
+                        nodes size == 1 ifTrue:[
+                            ^ nodes first
+                        ].
+                    ]
+                ].
+                nil
+            ].
+        nodeGenerationHook := 
+            [:node |
+                "/ we would like to return here as soon as the node has been created by the parser;
+                "/ however, at that time, its parent(chain) is not yet created and so we might not know
+                "/ what the semantic intepretation (especially: scope of variable) will be.
+                "/ therefore, we parse all, and return the found node at the end.
+                "//// ^ node.
+"/ self halt.
+                (node intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
+                    intersectingNodes add:node.
+                    firstIntersectingNode isNil ifTrue:[
+                        firstIntersectingNode := smallestIntersectingNode := node
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        |lenNode lenSmallest|
+                        lenNode := (node stop - node start).
+                        lenSmallest := (smallestIntersectingNode stop - smallestIntersectingNode start).
+                        lenNode < lenSmallest ifTrue:[
+                            smallestIntersectingNode := node.
+                        ]
+                    ].
+                ].
+            ].
+        tree := RBParser
+                    parseMethod: source 
+                    setup:[:p | 
+                        parser := p.
+                        p rememberNodes:true.
+                        p rememberTokens:true.
+                        p nodeGenerationCallback:nodeGenerationHook
+                    ]
+                    onError: onErrorBlock.
+        parser notNil ifTrue:[ tokens := parser rememberedTokens ].
+        mustBeMethod ifTrue:[
+            "/ only cache parsed methods
+            tree notNil ifTrue:[
+                LastSource := source.
+                LastParseTree := tree.
+                LastScanTokens := tokens.
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[    
+            (tree isNil or:[firstIntersectingNode isNil]) ifTrue:[
+                "/ try as an expression
+                tree := RBParser
+                            parseExpression: source 
+                            setup:[:p |
+                                parser := p.
+                                p rememberNodes:true.
+                                p rememberTokens:true.
+                                p nodeGenerationCallback:nodeGenerationHook
+                            ]
+                            onError: onErrorBlock.
+                tokens := parser rememberedTokens.
+            ].
+        ].
+"/ self halt.
+        firstIntersectingNode notNil ifTrue:[ ^ firstIntersectingNode ].
+    ].
+    ^ self findNodeForInterval:interval inParseTree:tree.
+    "Created: / 16-09-2011 / 14:52:08 / cg"
+findNodeForInterval:interval inParseTree:parseTree
+    |node|
+    interval isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
+    parseTree isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    node := parseTree whichNodeIsContainedBy:interval.
+    node isNil ifTrue:[
+        node := parseTree whichNodeIntersects:interval.
+        node isNil ifTrue: [
+            node := self findNodeIn:parseTree forInterval:interval
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ node
+    "Modified: / 10-11-2006 / 13:13:58 / cg"
+findNodeIn:tree forInterval:interval
+    |nodeFound wouldReturn|
+    nodeFound := nil.
+    tree nodesDo:[:eachNode |
+        (eachNode intersectsInterval:interval) ifTrue:[
+            (nodeFound isNil or:[nodeFound == eachNode parent]) ifTrue:[
+                nodeFound := eachNode
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (nodeFound parent == eachNode parent
+                and:[ eachNode start >= nodeFound start
+                      and:[ eachNode stop <= nodeFound stop ] ]) ifTrue:[
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (nodeFound parent notNil
+                    and:[nodeFound parent isCascade and:[eachNode parent isCascade]]) ifFalse:[^ nil]
+                ]
+            ]
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            nodeFound notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ already found one - beyond that one; leave
+                wouldReturn notNil ifTrue:[wouldReturn := nodeFound].
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+"/ (wouldReturn notNil and:[wouldReturn ~~ node]) ifTrue:[self halt].
+    ^ nodeFound
+    "Modified: / 20-11-2006 / 12:31:12 / cg"
+lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:classProvidingNamespaceOrNil
+    |receiver nm nodeVal receiverClass|
+    receiver := node receiver.
+    receiver isLiteral ifTrue:[
+        ^ receiver value class
+    ].
+    receiver isVariable ifTrue:[
+        nm := receiver name.
+        nm = 'self' ifTrue:[
+            classProvidingNamespaceOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ UndefinedObject].
+            ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil
+        ].
+        nm = 'super' ifTrue:[
+            classProvidingNamespaceOrNil isNil ifTrue:[^ Object].
+            ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil superclass
+        ].
+        nm isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
+            "/ wouldn't it be better to simply 'evaluate' the variable ?
+            Error handle:[:ex |
+            ] do:[
+                |dummyReceiver|
+                dummyReceiver := classProvidingNamespaceOrNil notNil ifTrue:[classProvidingNamespaceOrNil basicNew] ifFalse:[nil].
+                nodeVal := Parser new evaluate:nm in:nil receiver:dummyReceiver.
+            ].
+"/            (Smalltalk includesKey:nm asSymbol) ifTrue:[
+"/                nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
+"/            ].
+            nodeVal notNil ifTrue:[
+                ^ nodeVal class
+            ]
+        ]
+    ].
+    receiver isMessage ifTrue:[
+        (receiver selector = 'new'
+        or:[ receiver selector = 'new:' ]) ifTrue:[
+            receiverClass := self lookupClassForMessage:receiver inClass:classProvidingNamespaceOrNil.
+            receiverClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                receiverClass isBehavior ifTrue:[
+                    receiverClass isMeta ifTrue:[
+                        ^ receiverClass theNonMetaclass
+                    ]
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+        classProvidingNamespaceOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            (receiver receiver isSelf and:[receiver selector = 'class']) ifTrue:[
+                ^ classProvidingNamespaceOrNil class
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    ^ nil
+    "Modified: / 24-08-2010 / 15:05:49 / sr"
+    "Modified: / 17-07-2011 / 10:28:19 / cg"
+old_askUserForCompletion:what for:codeView from:allTheBest
+    |list resources choice lastChoice|
+    allTheBest isEmpty ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].
+    allTheBest size == 1 ifTrue:[ ^ allTheBest first ].
+    list := allTheBest.
+    LastChoices notNil ifTrue:[
+        lastChoice := LastChoices at:what ifAbsent:nil.
+        lastChoice notNil ifTrue:[
+            (list includes: lastChoice) ifTrue:[
+                list := {lastChoice. nil. } , (list copyWithout:lastChoice).
+            ]
+        ].
+    ].
+    list size < 30 ifTrue:[
+        |menu idx exitKey|
+        menu := PopUpMenu labels:list.
+        menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
+                hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
+                hide ifTrue:[
+                    exitKey := key.
+                ].
+                hide].
+        idx := menu startUp.
+        idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+            exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
+                codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
+            ].
+            ^ nil
+        ].
+        choice := list at:idx.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        resources := codeView application isNil 
+                        ifTrue:[ codeView resources]
+                        ifFalse:[ codeView application resources ].
+        choice := Dialog
+           choose:(resources string:'Choose ',what)
+           fromList:list
+           lines:20
+           initialSelection:(list firstIfEmpty:nil)
+           title:(resources string:'Code completion').
+        choice isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].
+    ].
+    LastChoices isNil ifTrue:[
+        LastChoices := Dictionary new.
+    ].
+    LastChoices at:what put:choice.
+    ^ choice
+    "Created: / 16-02-2010 / 09:38:41 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-07-2012 / 12:21:10 / cg"
+treeForCode:source allowErrors:allowErrors
+    |tree|
+    source = LastSource ifTrue:[
+        tree := LastParseTree.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        tree := RBParser
+                parseMethod:source
+                onError: [:str :err :nodesSoFar :parserOrNil|
+                        allowErrors ifTrue:[
+                            "/ parserOrNil isNil if raised by the scanner
+                            parserOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                                ^ parserOrNil currentMethodNode
+                            ]
+                        ].
+                        ^ nil
+                    ]
+                proceedAfterError:false
+                rememberNodes:true.
+        tree notNil ifTrue:[
+            LastSource := source.
+            LastParseTree := tree.
+        ]
+    ].
+    ^ tree
+    "Modified: / 13-01-2012 / 11:54:30 / cg"
+! !
+!DoWhatIMeanSupport methodsFor:'code completion-helpers-old'!
+codeCompletionForLiteralSymbol:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
+    |sym possibleCompletions best start stop oldLen newLen oldVar|
+    sym := node value.
+    possibleCompletions := OrderedCollection new.
+    Symbol allInstancesDo:[:existingSym |
+        (existingSym startsWith:sym) ifTrue:[
+            (existingSym = sym) ifFalse:[
+                possibleCompletions add:existingSym
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    possibleCompletions sort.
+    best := possibleCompletions longestCommonPrefix.
+    (best = sym or:[(possibleCompletions includes:best) not]) ifTrue:[
+        best := self askUserForCompletion:'symbol literal' for:codeView at: node start from:possibleCompletions.
+        best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+    ].
+"/ self showInfo:best.
+    start := node start.
+    stop := node stop.
+    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $# ifTrue:[
+        start := start + 1.
+    ].
+    (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:start) == $' ifTrue:[
+        start := start + 1.
+        stop := stop - 1.
+    ].
+    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
+    codeView
+        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
+        info:'Completion'.
+    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
+        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+        newLen := best size.
+        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
+    ].
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:15:05 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified (format): / 03-07-2011 / 15:58:45 / cg"
+codeCompletionForMessage:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
+    |selector srchClass implClass 
+     bestSelectors selector2 bestSelectors2 allBest best info numArgs
+     newParts nSelParts oldLen newLen selectorParts 
+     findBest parentNode selectorInBest selector2InBest2
+     parser selectorsSentInCode split|
+    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        parser := Parser parseMethod:codeView contents string in:classOrNil ignoreErrors:true ignoreWarnings:true.
+        selectorsSentInCode := parser messagesSent.
+    ].
+    findBest := [:node :selector |
+        |srchClass bestSelectors bestPrefixes|
+        codeView topView withCursor:(Cursor questionMark) do:[
+            srchClass := self lookupClassForMessage:node inClass:classOrNil.
+            srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
+                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:srchClass forCompletion:true.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                bestSelectors := Parser findBest:30 selectorsFor:selector in:nil forCompletion:true.
+            ].
+        ].
+        (bestSelectors includes:selector) ifTrue:[
+            bestSelectors := bestSelectors select:[:sel | sel size > selector size].
+        ].
+        bestSelectors
+    ].
+    selector := node selector.
+    bestSelectors := findBest value:node value:selector.
+    parentNode := node parent.
+    "/ if its a unary message AND the parent is a keyword node, look for parent completion too.
+    (node selector isUnarySelector 
+    and:[ parentNode notNil 
+    and:[ parentNode isMessage 
+    and:[ (selector2 := parentNode selector) isKeywordSelector ]]]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ srchClass2 := self lookupClassForMessage:parentNode inClass:classOrNil.
+        selector2 := selector2,selector.
+        bestSelectors2 := findBest value:parentNode value:selector2.
+    ].
+    bestSelectors2 isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+        allBest := bestSelectors.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        bestSelectors isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
+            allBest := bestSelectors2
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            selectorInBest := (bestSelectors contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector asLowercase]).
+            selector2InBest2 := (bestSelectors2 contains:[:sel | sel asLowercase startsWith:selector2 asLowercase]).
+            (selectorInBest not and:[ selector2InBest2 ]) ifTrue:[
+                "/ selector2 is more likely
+                allBest := bestSelectors2
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                (selectorInBest and:[ selector2InBest2 not ]) ifTrue:[
+                    "/ selector more likely
+                    allBest := bestSelectors
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    "/ assume same likelyness
+                    allBest := bestSelectors isEmpty 
+                                ifTrue:[ bestSelectors2 ]
+                                ifFalse:[ bestSelectors , #(nil) , bestSelectors2 ].
+                ]
+            ].
+        ].
+    ].
+    allBest isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].
+    split := [:list :splitHow |
+        |part1 part2 all|
+        part1 := list select:splitHow.
+        part2 := list reject:splitHow.
+        part1 isEmpty ifTrue:[
+            all := part2.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            part2 isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                all := part1.
+            ] ifFalse:[
+                all := part1 , part2.
+            ]
+        ].
+        all
+    ].
+    selectorsSentInCode notNil ifTrue:[
+        "/ the ones already sent in the code are moved to the top of the list.
+        allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | selectorsSentInCode includes:sel].
+    ].
+    "/ the ones which are a prefix are moved towards the top of the list
+    allBest := split value:allBest value:[:sel | sel notNil and:[sel startsWith:selector]].
+    best := allBest first.
+    allBest size > 1 ifTrue:[
+        "allBest size < 20 ifTrue:[
+            |idx|
+            idx := (PopUpMenu labels:allBest) startUp.
+            idx == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self].
+            best := allBest at:idx.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            best := Dialog request:'Matching selectors:' initialAnswer:best list:allBest.
+        ]."
+        best := self askUserForCompletion:'selector' for:codeView at: node selectorParts first start from:allBest.
+        best isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+        best = '-' ifTrue:[^ self].
+    ].
+false ifTrue:[
+    srchClass notNil ifTrue:[
+        implClass := srchClass whichClassIncludesSelector:best.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        implClass := Smalltalk allClasses select:[:cls | (cls includesSelector:best) or:[cls class includesSelector:best]].
+        implClass size == 1 ifTrue:[
+            implClass := implClass first.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            implClass := nil
+        ]
+    ].
+    info := best storeString.
+    implClass notNil ifTrue:[
+        info := implClass name , ' >> ' , info.
+    ].
+    self information:info.
+    best ~= selector ifTrue:[
+        numArgs := best numArgs.
+        (bestSelectors2 notEmptyOrNil and:[bestSelectors2 includes:best]) ifTrue:[
+            selectorParts := parentNode selectorParts , node selectorParts.
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            selectorParts := node selectorParts.
+        ].
+        nSelParts := selectorParts size.
+        newParts := best asCollectionOfSubstringsSeparatedBy:$:.
+        newParts := newParts select:[:part | part size > 0].
+        codeView
+            undoableDo:[
+                |newCursorPosition stop|
+                numArgs > nSelParts ifTrue:[
+                    stop := selectorParts last stop.
+                    "/ append the rest ...
+                    numArgs downTo:nSelParts+1 do:[:idx |
+                        |newPart|
+                        newPart := newParts at:idx.
+                        (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
+                            newPart := newPart , ':'
+                        ].
+                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifFalse:[
+                            newPart := ':' , newPart.
+                        ].
+                        newPart := (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) asString , newPart.
+                        codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:stop to:stop with:newPart.
+                        newCursorPosition := stop + newPart size.
+                    ]
+                ].
+                (nSelParts min:newParts size) downTo:1 do:[:idx |
+                    |newPart oldPartialToken start stop|
+                    newPart := newParts at:idx.
+                    oldPartialToken := selectorParts at:idx.
+                    start := oldPartialToken start.
+                    stop := oldPartialToken stop.
+                    (best endsWith:$:) ifTrue:[
+                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) == $: ifFalse:[
+                            newPart := newPart , ':'
+                        ]
+                    ] ifFalse:[
+                        (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop) == $: ifTrue:[
+                            newPart := newPart , ':'
+                        ] ifFalse:[
+                            (codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:stop+1) isSeparator ifFalse:[
+                                newPart := newPart , ' '
+                            ]
+                        ]
+"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:(newPart , ':').
+"/                        ] ifFalse:[
+"/                            codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
+                    ].
+                    codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:newPart.
+                    oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+                    newLen := newPart size.
+                    "/ codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+                    newCursorPosition := stop + (newLen-oldLen).
+                ].
+                codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:newCursorPosition.
+                codeView cursorRight.  "/ avoid going to the next line !!
+                codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput.
+            ]
+        info:'Completion'.
+    ].
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:18:27 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:33:48 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 21-07-2012 / 12:24:06 / cg"
+codeCompletionForVariable:node inClass:classOrNil codeView:codeView
+    |nonMetaClass crsrPos nm
+     allVariables allDistances best nodeVal
+     char start stop oldLen newLen oldVar
+     getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight addWithFactorBlock names allTheBest bestAssoc
+     globalFactor localFactor selectorOfMessageToNode tree implementors argIdx namesUsed kwPart|
+    classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+        nonMetaClass := classOrNil theNonMetaclass.
+    ].
+    nm := node name.
+    "/ if we are behind the variable and a space has already been entered,
+    "/ the user is probably looking for a message selector.
+    "/ If the variable represents a global, present its instance creation messages
+    crsrPos := codeView characterPositionOfCursor.
+    char := codeView characterAtCharacterPosition:crsrPos-1.
+    char isSeparator ifTrue:[
+        classOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
+            nodeVal := Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol.
+        ] ifFalse:[ 
+            nodeVal := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nm asSymbol ifAbsent:[Smalltalk at:nm asSymbol].
+        ].
+        nodeVal isBehavior ifTrue:[
+            |methods menu exitKey idx|
+            methods := nodeVal class methodDictionary values
+                            select:[:m | |cat|
+                                cat := m category asLowercase.
+                                cat = 'instance creation'
+                            ].
+            menu := PopUpMenu labels:(methods collect:[:each | each selector]).
+            menu hideOnKeyFilter:[:key | |hide|
+                    hide := ( #( CursorDown CursorUp Escape Return ) includes: key) not.
+                    hide ifTrue:[
+                        exitKey := key.
+                    ].
+                    hide].
+            idx := menu startUp.
+            idx == 0 ifTrue:[
+                exitKey notNil ifTrue:[
+                    codeView keyPress:exitKey x:0 y:0.
+                ].
+                ^ self
+            ].
+            best := (methods at:idx) selector.
+            codeView
+                undoableDo:[
+                    codeView insertString:best atCharacterPosition:crsrPos.
+                    codeView cursorToCharacterPosition:crsrPos+best size.
+                ]
+                info:'completion'.
+            ^ self.
+        ].
+    ].
+    (node parent notNil and:[node parent isMessage]) ifTrue:[
+        node == node parent receiver ifTrue:[
+            selectorOfMessageToNode := node parent selector
+        ]
+    ].
+    getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight :=
+        [:weight |
+            [:each |
+                |dist factor|
+                dist := each spellAgainst:nm.
+                factor := 1.
+                (each startsWith:nm) ifTrue:[
+                    factor := 6 * nm size.
+                ] ifFalse:[
+                    (each asLowercase startsWith:nm asLowercase) ifTrue:[
+                        factor := 4 * nm size.
+                    ].
+                ].
+                dist := dist + (weight*factor).
+                each -> (dist * weight)
+             ]
+        ].
+    addWithFactorBlock :=
+        [:names :factor | |namesToAdd|
+            namesToAdd := names select:[:nameToAdd | nameToAdd ~= nm ].
+            namesToAdd := namesToAdd reject:[:each | allVariables includes:each ].
+            allVariables addAll:namesToAdd.
+            allDistances addAll:(namesToAdd collect:(getDistanceComputeBlockWithWeight value:factor)).
+        ].
+    nm isUppercaseFirst ifTrue:[
+        globalFactor := 2.    "/ favour globals
+        localFactor := 1.
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        globalFactor := 1.    "/ favour locals
+        localFactor := 2.
+    ].
+    allVariables := OrderedCollection new.
+    allDistances := OrderedCollection new.
+    "/ are we in the methods selector spec ?
+    (node parent notNil 
+    and:[node parent isMethod
+    and:[node parent arguments includes:node]]) ifTrue:[
+        "/ now thats cool: look how the naem of this argument is in other implementations
+        "/ of this method, and take that as a basis of the selection
+        implementors := SystemBrowser 
+                            findImplementorsOf:(node parent selector) 
+                            in:(Smalltalk allClasses)
+                            ignoreCase:false.
+        "/ which argument is it
+        argIdx := node parent arguments indexOf:node.
+        implementors size > 50 ifTrue:[
+            implementors := implementors asOrderedCollection copyTo:50.
+        ].
+        namesUsed := implementors 
+                        collect:[:eachImplementor |
+                            |parseTree|
+                            parseTree := eachImplementor parseTree.
+                            (parseTree notNil and:[parseTree arguments size > 0]) 
+                                ifFalse:nil
+                                ifTrue:[ (parseTree arguments at:argIdx) name] ]
+                        thenSelect:[:a | a notNil] as:Set.  
+        addWithFactorBlock value:namesUsed value:(2 * localFactor).
+        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ also, look for the keyword before the argument, 
+            "/ and see if there is such an instVar
+            "/ if so, add it with -Arg
+            node parent selector isKeyword ifTrue:[
+                kwPart := node parent selector keywords at:argIdx.
+                (classOrNil allInstVarNames includes:(kwPart copyButLast:1)) ifTrue:[
+                    addWithFactorBlock 
+                        value:(classOrNil allInstVarNames collect:[:nm| nm,'Arg'])
+                        value:(1 * localFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+        ]
+    ] ifFalse:[
+        classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+            "/ locals in the block/method
+            names := node allVariablesOnScope.
+            "/ if there were no variables (due to a parse error)
+            "/ do another parse and see what we have
+            names isEmpty ifTrue:[
+                tree := self treeForCode:(codeView contentsAsString string) allowErrors:true.
+                "/ better if we already have a body (include locals then)
+                "/ otherwise, only the arguments are considered
+                tree notNil ifTrue:[
+                    names := (tree body ? tree) allVariablesOnScope.
+                ]
+            ].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(4 * localFactor).
+            "/ instance variables
+            addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil instVarNames value:(3 * localFactor).
+            "/ inherited instance variables
+            classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
+                addWithFactorBlock value:classOrNil superclass allInstVarNames value:(2.5 * localFactor).
+            ].
+        ].
+        selectorOfMessageToNode notNil ifTrue:[
+            |names responders nonResponders|
+            "/ responding to that messsage
+            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ private classes
+                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
+                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
+                "/ class variables
+                names := nonMetaClass classVarNames.
+                responders := names select:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (nonMetaClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+                "/ superclass var names
+                nonMetaClass allSuperclassesDo:[:superClass |
+                    names := superClass classVarNames.
+                    responders := names select:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                    nonResponders := names reject:[:classVar | (superClass classVarAt:classVar) respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1 * globalFactor).
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ namespace vars
+                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+                    names := classOrNil topNameSpace keys.
+                    names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
+                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                    responders := names select:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                    nonResponders := names reject:[:nsVar | |c| c := classOrNil topNameSpace at:nsVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+            "/ globals
+            names := Smalltalk keys.
+            "/ names := names reject:[:nm | nm includes:$:].
+            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+            responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+            nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+            addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 1.5 * globalFactor).
+            "/ pool variables
+            classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
+                |pool names|
+                pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
+                names := pool classVarNames.
+                names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                responders := names select:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                nonResponders := names reject:[:glblVar | |c| c := Smalltalk at:glblVar. c isBehavior not or:[c isLoaded and:[c respondsTo:selectorOfMessageToNode]]].
+                addWithFactorBlock value:responders value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonResponders value:(0.5 * 2.5 * globalFactor).
+            ].
+        ] ifFalse:[
+            classOrNil notNil ifTrue:[
+                "/ private classes
+                addWithFactorBlock value:(nonMetaClass privateClasses collect:[:cls | cls nameWithoutPrefix])
+                                   value:(1.75 * globalFactor).
+                "/ class variables
+                addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass classVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
+                classOrNil superclass notNil ifTrue:[
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:nonMetaClass superclass allClassVarNames value:(2.0 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ namespace vars
+                classOrNil nameSpace ~~ Smalltalk ifTrue:[
+                    names := classOrNil nameSpace isNameSpace ifTrue:[classOrNil nameSpace keys] ifFalse:[classOrNil nameSpace privateClasses collect:[:c | c nameWithoutPrefix]].
+                    names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+                "/ pool variables
+                classOrNil theNonMetaclass sharedPoolNames do:[:poolName |
+                    |pool names|
+                    pool := Smalltalk at:poolName.
+                    names := pool classVarNames.
+                    addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(2.5 * globalFactor).
+                ].
+            ].
+            "/ globals
+            names := Smalltalk keys.
+            names := names select:[:nm | nm isUppercaseFirst ].
+            addWithFactorBlock value:names value:(1.5 * globalFactor).
+        ].
+        "/ pseudos - assuming that thisContext is seldom used.
+        "/ also assuming, that nil is short so its usually typed in.
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('self') value:(2.5 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('nil') value:(0.5 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('super' 'false') value:(2 * localFactor).
+        addWithFactorBlock value:#('thisContext') value:(1 * localFactor).
+    ].
+    allDistances isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].
+    bestAssoc := allDistances at:1.
+    bestAssoc := allDistances inject:bestAssoc into:[:el :best | el value > best value
+                                                           ifTrue:[el]
+                                                           ifFalse:[best]
+                                                    ].
+    allDistances sort:[:a :b | 
+                                a value > b value ifTrue:[
+                                    true
+                                ] ifFalse:[
+                                    a value = b value ifTrue:[
+                                        a key < b key
+                                    ] ifFalse:[
+                                        false
+                                    ]
+                                ]
+                      ].
+    allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.5)].
+    allTheBest size > 15 ifTrue:[
+        allTheBest := allDistances select:[:entry | entry value >= (bestAssoc value * 0.8)].
+    ].
+    best := self askUserForCompletion:'variable' for:codeView at: node start from:(allTheBest collect:[:assoc | assoc key]).
+    best isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
+"/ self showInfo:best.
+    start := node start.
+    stop := node stop.
+    oldVar := (codeView textFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop) asString string withoutSeparators.
+    codeView
+        undoableDo:[ codeView replaceFromCharacterPosition:start to:stop with:best ]
+        info:'Completion'.
+    (best startsWith:oldVar) ifTrue:[
+        oldLen := stop - start + 1.
+        newLen := best size.
+        codeView selectFromCharacterPosition:start+oldLen to:start+newLen-1.
+        codeView dontReplaceSelectionOnInput
+    ].
+    "Created: / 10-11-2006 / 13:16:33 / cg"
+    "Modified: / 16-02-2010 / 10:13:13 / Jan Vrany <>"
+    "Modified: / 22-08-2012 / 22:07:24 / cg"
+! !
 !DoWhatIMeanSupport::InputCompletionResult class methodsFor:'instance creation'!
 bestName:bestNameArg matchingNames:matchingNamesArg
@@ -2283,6 +3416,6 @@
 !DoWhatIMeanSupport class methodsFor:'documentation'!
-    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.100 2013-05-07 15:28:31 cg Exp $'
+    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.101 2013-06-14 14:35:39 cg Exp $'
 ! !