author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 17:30:03 +0200
changeset 370 008888fdfc32
parent 369 8f003e44d5ef
child 392 de153c1428c2
permissions -rw-r--r--
checkin from browser

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#TabWidget
	instanceVariableNames:'tabView label anchor extent lineNr'

TabWidget subclass:#Mac

TabWidget subclass:#Window

!TabWidget class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    instances represent (& draw) the tabs of a tabWidget.

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]
! !

!TabWidget class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

labels:aList for:aTabView
    "create tabs based on labels for a tabview
    |list maxX maxY lftIns topIns level style|

    maxX   := 0.
    maxY   := 0.
    style  := aTabView style.
    lftIns := style at:#labelLeftInset.
    topIns := style at:#lableTopInset.
    level  := style at:#tabLevel.

    list := aList collect:[:aLabel||y x|
        (y := aLabel heightOn:aTabView) > maxY ifTrue:[maxY := y].
        (x := aLabel  widthOn:aTabView) > maxX ifTrue:[maxX := x].
        self new label:aLabel for:aTabView

    style at:#labelMaxX put:maxX.
    style at:#labelMaxY put:maxY.

    maxY  := maxY + topIns
                  + (style at:#labelBottomInset)
                  + (2 * level).

    maxX := maxX + lftIns + (style at:#labelRightInset).

    style at:#maxX put:maxX.
    style at:#maxY put:maxY.
    style at:#labelAnchor put:( lftIns @ (topIns +level) ).

    self validateDimensions:style.
    maxY := style at:#maxY.
    maxX := style at:#maxX.

 "/ caused by vertical layout for images
    maxX < maxY ifTrue:[style at:#maxX put:maxY].
  ^ list

    "validate dimensions for a style; could be redifined
! !

!TabWidget class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "returns default tab style
    |style selectedColor unselectedColor|

    style    := IdentityDictionary new.
    selectedColor   := Color gray:90.
    unselectedColor := Color gray:75.

    style at:#widget put:self.

    style at:#shadowColorSelected
         put:((selectedColor averageColorIn:(0@0 corner:7@7)) darkened  on:aView device).

    style at:#lightColorSelected
         put:((selectedColor averageColorIn:(0@0 corner:7@7)) lightened on:aView device).

    style at:#shadowColorUnselected
         put:((unselectedColor averageColorIn:(0@0 corner:7@7)) darkened  on:aView device).

    style at:#lightColorUnselected
         put:((unselectedColor averageColorIn:(0@0 corner:7@7)) lightened on:aView device).

    style at:#unselectedColor    put:unselectedColor.
    style at:#selectedColor      put:selectedColor.
    style at:#labelColor         put:(Color black).

    style at:#expandSelection    put:0@0.    "/ expand selection extent x y when raised
    style at:#tabLevel           put:0.      "/ level
    style at:#lableTopInset      put:4.      "/ additional top label inset
    style at:#labelBottomInset   put:4.      "/ additional bottom inset
    style at:#labelLeftInset     put:4.      "/ label left  inset
    style at:#labelRightInset    put:4.      "/ label right inset
    style at:#rightCovered       put:0.      "/ covers right tab for n pixels

  ^ style

    |wdgt name|

    name := aWidget asString.
    wdgt := Smalltalk classNamed:( self name asString, '::', name ).

    wdgt notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ wdgt
    ^ Smalltalk classNamed:name
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ label

    "returns line number
    ^ lineNr

    "change line number
    lineNr := aLineNr
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'accessing dimensions'!

    "returns the tab origin
    ^ anchor


    "change the tab anchor; no redraw
    anchor := anAnchor


anchor:anAnchor extent:anExtent
    "change anchor and extent; no redraw
    anchor := anAnchor.
    extent := anExtent.


    "return the tab extent
    ^ extent

    "change the tab extent; no redraw
    extent := anExtent

    "returns my preferred extent x
    ^    (tabView styleAt:#maxX)
       - (tabView styleAt:#labelMaxX)
       + (label  widthOn:tabView).

    "returns my preferred extent y
    ^    (tabView styleAt:#maxY)
       - (tabView styleAt:#labelMaxY)
       + (label  heightOn:tabView).
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'basic drawing'!

    "redraw tab at bottom of view
    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "redraw tab at left of view
    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "redraw tab at right of view
    ^ self subclassResponsibility

    "redraw tab at top of view
    ^ self subclassResponsibility
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "redraw tab
    |direction origin anchor x y|

    direction := tabView direction.
    anchor    := tabView styleAt:#labelAnchor.
    origin    := self computeOrigin.

    (direction == #top or:[direction == #bottom]) ifTrue:[
        y := origin y.
        x := origin x + anchor x.

        direction == #top ifTrue:[
            self redrawAtTop:isSelected.
            y := y + anchor y.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self redrawAtBottom:isSelected.
            y := y - anchor y - (label heightOn:tabView).
        label isString ifTrue:[y := y + tabView font ascent].
        tabView paintColor:#labelColor.
    ] ifFalse:[
        direction == #right ifTrue:[
            self redrawAtRight:isSelected.
            x := origin x - anchor y - (label heightOn:tabView).
        ] ifFalse:[
            self redrawAtLeft:isSelected.
            x := origin x + anchor y.
        tabView paintColor:#labelColor.
        y := origin y + anchor x.

        label isString ifTrue:[
            x := x + tabView font descent.
            tabView paintColor:#labelColor.
            tabView displayString:label x:x y:y angle:90.
          ^ self.
    label displayOn:tabView x:x y:y.

    "Modified: 23.4.1997 / 17:28:49 / cg"
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'initialization'!

label:aLabel for:aTabView
    "initialize attributes
    tabView := aTabView.
    label   := aLabel.
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'private'!

    "compute corner
    |d c|

    c := anchor + extent.
    d := tabView direction.

    d == #top    ifTrue:[^ ( c x @ (tabView extent y) )].
    d == #left   ifTrue:[^ ( (tabView extent x) @ c y ) ].
    d == #right  ifTrue:[^ ( 0 @ c y )].
    d == #bottom ifTrue:[^ ( c x @ 0 )].

    self error.

    "compute origin

    d := tabView direction.

    d == #top    ifTrue:[ ^ anchor x @ ((tabView extent y) - anchor y) ].
    d == #left   ifTrue:[ ^ ((tabView extent x) - anchor x) @ anchor y ].
    d == #right  ifTrue:[ ^ anchor ].
    d == #bottom ifTrue:[ ^ anchor ].

    self error
! !

!TabWidget methodsFor:'queries'!

    "return true, if a point is contained in the tab
    |d x y top bot origin|

    d := tabView direction.
    x := aPoint x.
    y := aPoint y.

    origin := self computeOrigin.

    (d == #top or:[d == #bottom]) ifTrue:[
        ((x >= origin x) and:[x <= (origin x + extent x)]) ifTrue:[
            d == #top ifTrue:[
                ^ ((y >=  origin y) and:[y <= (origin y + extent y)])
            ^ ((y <=  origin y) and:[y >= (origin y - extent y)])
    ] ifFalse:[
        ((y >= origin y) and:[y <= (origin y + extent y)]) ifTrue:[
            d == #right ifTrue:[
                ^ ((x <= origin x) and:[x >= (origin x - extent x)])
            ^ ((x >= origin x) and:[x <= (origin x + extent x)])
    ^ false
! !

!TabWidget::Mac class methodsFor:'accessing'!


    style := super tabStyleOn:aView.
    style at:#tabLevel put:2.
  ^ style.
! !

!TabWidget::Mac class methodsFor:'calculate dimensions'!

    "validate dimensions for a style; could be redifined
    |maxY maxX anchor lftIns|

    maxY   := aStyle at:#maxY.
    maxX   := (aStyle at:#maxX) - (aStyle at:#labelLeftInset).
    anchor := aStyle at:#labelAnchor.
    lftIns := maxY // 2.

    anchor x:lftIns.

    aStyle at:#maxX         put:(maxX + lftIns + maxY).
    aStyle at:#rightCovered put:(maxY // 2).
! !

!TabWidget::Mac methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "redraw tab at bottom of view
    |origin corner level polygon x y x1 eX eY shadowColor lightColor|

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
    ] ifTrue:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
    polygon := Array new:5.
    origin  := self computeOrigin.
    corner  := self computeCorner.
    level   := tabView styleAt:#tabLevel.

    x  := origin x.
    y  := origin y.
    eX := corner x.
    eY := corner y.
    x1 := eX - (tabView styleAt:#maxY).

    polygon at:1 put:(Point x:x  y:eY).
    polygon at:2 put:(Point x:x  y:y).
    polygon at:3 put:(Point x:x1 y:y).
    polygon at:4 put:(Point x:eX y:(y-extent y)).
    polygon at:5 put:(Point x:eX y:eY).

    tabView fillPolygon:polygon.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    1 to:level do:[:i|
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+1 y:y-i toX:x1+i y:y-i.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:y-1 toX:x+i  y:1.
    tabView paint:shadowColor.
    tabView displayPolygon:polygon.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:eY toX:eX y:eY.

    "redraw tab at left of view
    |origin corner polygon level x y y1 eX eY shadowColor lightColor|

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
    ] ifTrue:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
    polygon := Array new:5.
    origin  := self computeOrigin.
    corner  := self computeCorner.
    level   := tabView styleAt:#tabLevel.

    x  := origin x.
    y  := origin y.
    eX := corner x.
    eY := corner y.
    y1 := eY - (tabView styleAt:#maxY).

    polygon at:1 put:(Point x:eX           y:y).
    polygon at:2 put:(Point x:x            y:y).
    polygon at:3 put:(Point x:x            y:y1).
    polygon at:4 put:(Point x:(x+extent x) y:eY).
    polygon at:5 put:(Point x:eX           y:eY).

    tabView fillPolygon:polygon.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    1 to:level do:[:i|
        tabView displayLineFromX:eX  y:y+i toX:x+2  y:y+i.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:y+1 toX:x+i  y:y1+i.
    tabView paint:shadowColor.
    tabView displayPolygon:polygon.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:eX-1 y:y toX:eX-1 y:eY.

    "redraw tab at right of view
    |origin corner level polygon x y y1 eY shadowColor lightColor|

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
    ] ifTrue:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
    polygon := Array new:5.
    origin  := self computeOrigin.
    corner  := self computeCorner.
    level   := tabView styleAt:#tabLevel.

    x  := origin x.
    y  := origin y.
    eY := corner y.
    y1 := eY - (tabView styleAt:#maxY).

    polygon at:1 put:(Point x:0            y:y).
    polygon at:2 put:(Point x:x            y:y).
    polygon at:3 put:(Point x:x            y:y1).
    polygon at:4 put:(Point x:(x-extent x) y:eY).
    polygon at:5 put:(Point x:0            y:eY).

    tabView fillPolygon:polygon.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    1 to:level do:[:i|
        tabView displayLineFromX:0   y:y+i toX:x-1  y:y+i.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x-i y:y+1 toX:x-i  y:y1+i.
    tabView paint:shadowColor.
    tabView displayPolygon:polygon.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:0 y:y toX:0 y:eY.


    "redraw tab at top of view
    |origin corner level polygon x y x1 eX eY color shadowColor lightColor|

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
    ] ifTrue:[
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
    polygon := Array new:5.
    origin  := self computeOrigin.
    corner  := self computeCorner.
    level   := tabView styleAt:#tabLevel.

    x  := origin x.
    y  := origin y.
    eX := corner x - 1.
    eY := corner y.
    x1 := eX - (tabView styleAt:#maxY).

    polygon at:1 put:(Point x:x  y:eY).
    polygon at:2 put:(Point x:x  y:y).
    polygon at:3 put:(Point x:x1 y:y).
    polygon at:4 put:(Point x:eX y:(y+extent y)).
    polygon at:5 put:(Point x:eX y:eY).

    tabView fillPolygon:polygon.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    1 to:level do:[:i|
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:eY  toX:x+i  y:y+1.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+1 y:y+i toX:x1+i y:y+i.
    tabView paint:shadowColor.
    tabView displayPolygon:polygon.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:eY-1 toX:eX y:eY-1.

! !

!TabWidget::Window class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    |style col|

    style := super tabStyleOn:aView.

    style at:#expandSelection    put:4@4.
    style at:#tabLevel           put:2.
    style at:#lableTopInset      put:2.
    style at:#labelBottomInset   put:2.
    style at:#roundedEdges       put:true.
  ^ style

! !

!TabWidget::Window class methodsFor:'calculate dimensions'!

    "validate dimensions for a style; could be redifined
    |maxY anchor|

    (aStyle at:#roundedEdges) ifTrue:[
        maxY := aStyle at:#maxY.
        aStyle at:#maxY put:(maxY + 3).
        anchor := aStyle at:#labelAnchor.
        anchor y:(anchor y + 1).
        aStyle at:#labelAnchor put:anchor.

! !

!TabWidget::Window methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "redraw tab at bottom of view
    |origin corner y x xR yB tabLevel light roundedEdges shadowColor lightColor|

    origin := self computeOrigin.
    corner := self computeCorner.
    x   := origin x.
    y   := origin y.
    xR  := corner x - 1.
    yB  := 0.

    roundedEdges := tabView styleAt:#roundedEdges.
    tabLevel     := (tabView styleAt:#tabLevel) - 1.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
    ] ifTrue:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[y := y - 2].
    tabView fillRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:yB extent:(extent x @ y)).

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:x-1 y:y toX:xR y:y.
        y := y - 1.

        tabView paint:lightColor.
        tabView displayPointX:x   y:y+1.
        tabView displayPointX:x+1 y:y+1.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+1 y:y+2 toX:xR-1 y:y+2.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+2 y:y+3 toX:xR-2 y:y+3.

        tabView paint:shadowColor.

        0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
            tabView displayPointX:xR-i   y:y.
            tabView displayPointX:xR-i   y:y+1.
            tabView displayPointX:xR-1-i y:y+2.
        tabView displayPointX:xR-2 y:y+3.
        tabView displayPointX:xR-3 y:y+3.

    tabView paint:lightColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        roundedEdges ifFalse:[
            tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y-i toX:xR y:y-i   "/ upper edge
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:y+1 toX:x+i y:yB.    "/ left edge
    y := y + 1.
    tabView paint:shadowColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        tabView displayLineFromX:xR-i y:y-i toX:xR-i y:yB.  "/ right edge


    "redraw tab at left of view
    |origin corner y x xR yB tabLevel light roundedEdges shadowColor lightColor|

    origin := self computeOrigin.
    corner := self computeCorner.
    x   := origin x.
    y   := origin y.
    xR  := corner x.
    yB  := corner y.

    roundedEdges := tabView styleAt:#roundedEdges.
    tabLevel     := (tabView styleAt:#tabLevel) - 1.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
    ] ifTrue:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
    tabView fillRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:y extent:(xR @ extent y)).

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:yB.

        tabView paint:lightColor.
        tabView displayPointX:x y:y+1.
        tabView displayPointX:x y:y+2.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x-1 y:y+2 toX:x-1 y:yB-1.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x-2 y:y+3 toX:x-2 y:yB-1.

        tabView paint:shadowColor.

        0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
            tabView displayPointX:x   y:yB-i.
            tabView displayPointX:x-1 y:yB-i-1.
            tabView displayPointX:x-2 y:yB-i-2.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        roundedEdges ifFalse:[
            tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:y+i toX:x+i y:yB.    "/ upper edge
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y+i toX:xR y:y+i.          "/ left edge
    tabView paint:shadowColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:yB-i toX:xR y:yB-i.       


    "redraw tab at right of view
    |origin corner y x xR yB tabLevel light roundedEdges shadowColor lightColor|

    origin := self computeOrigin.
    corner := self computeCorner.
    x   := origin x.
    y   := origin y.
    xR  := corner x - 1.
    yB  := corner y.

    roundedEdges := tabView styleAt:#roundedEdges.
    tabLevel     := (tabView styleAt:#tabLevel) - 1.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
    ] ifTrue:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.
    tabView fillRectangle:(Rectangle left:0 top:y extent:(x @ extent y)).

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y toX:x y:yB.

        tabView paint:lightColor.
        tabView displayPointX:x y:y+1.
        tabView displayPointX:x y:y+2.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+1 y:y+2 toX:x+1 y:yB-1.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+2 y:y+3 toX:x+2 y:yB-1.

        tabView paint:shadowColor.

        0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
            tabView displayPointX:x   y:yB-i.
            tabView displayPointX:x+1 y:yB-i-1.
            tabView displayPointX:x+2 y:yB-i-2.
    tabView paint:lightColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        roundedEdges ifFalse:[
            tabView displayLineFromX:x-i y:y+i toX:x-i y:yB.    "/ upper edge
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y+i+1 toX:0 y:y+i+1.       "/ left edge
    tabView paint:shadowColor.

    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        tabView displayLineFromX:x-i+1 y:yB-i toX:1 y:yB-i.       

    "redraw tab at top of view
    |polygon origin corner y x xR yB tabLevel light roundedEdges shadowColor lightColor|

    origin := self computeOrigin.
    corner := self computeCorner.
    x   := origin x.
    y   := origin y.
    xR  := corner x - 1.
    yB  := corner y.

    roundedEdges := tabView styleAt:#roundedEdges.
    tabLevel     := (tabView styleAt:#tabLevel) - 1.

    isSelected ifFalse:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#unselectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorUnselected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorUnselected.
    ] ifTrue:[
        tabView paint:(tabView styleAt:#selectedColor).
        shadowColor := tabView styleAt:#shadowColorSelected.
        lightColor  := tabView styleAt:#lightColorSelected.

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[ y :=  y + 2].
    tabView fillRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:y extent:((extent x) @ yB)).

    roundedEdges ifTrue:[
        y :=  y + 1.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y-1   toX:xR y:y-1.          
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+1 y:y-2 toX:xR-1 y:y-2.
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+2 y:y-3 toX:xR-2 y:y-3.
        tabView paint:lightColor.

        0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
            tabView displayPointX:x+i y:y-1.
            tabView displayPointX:x+1+i y:y-1-1.
            tabView displayLineFromX:x+2+i y:y-3-i toX:xR-1-i y:y-3-i.  "/ top

        tabView paint:shadowColor.
        0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
            tabView displayPointX:xR-i y:y.
            tabView displayPointX:xR-i y:y-1.
            tabView displayPointX:xR-1-i y:y-1-1.
        tabView displayPointX:xR-2 y:y-1-1-1.
        tabView displayPointX:xR-3 y:y-1-1-1.

    tabView paint:lightColor.
    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        roundedEdges ifFalse:[
            tabView displayLineFromX:x y:y+i toX:xR y:y+i.    "/ upper edge
        tabView displayLineFromX:x+i y:y toX:x+i y:yB.    "/ left edge
    tabView paint:shadowColor.
    0 to:tabLevel do:[:i |
        tabView displayLineFromX:xR-i y:y+i toX:xR-i y:yB.  "/ right edge
! !

!TabWidget class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.6 1997-04-23 15:30:03 cg Exp $'
! !