author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 23:23:07 +0200
changeset 1598 33202082065d
parent 1571 a230fb988d3e
child 1601 7ea9d610f238
permissions -rw-r--r--
care for uninitialized isExpanded

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#HierarchicalItem
	instanceVariableNames:'parent children isExpanded'

HierarchicalItem subclass:#Example
	instanceVariableNames:'label icon'

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    Hierarchical Items are mostly like Models, but the list of
    dependencies are kept by its HierarchicalList.
    The class is used to build up hierarchical trees.

    [Instance variables:]
        parent      <Item, List or nil>         parent or my HierarchicalList.
        children    <Collection or nil>         list of children
        isExpanded  <Boolean>                   indicates whether the item is
                                                expanded or collapsed

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]

! !

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ (self basicNew) initialize
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "returns the level starting with 1
     level "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    level  := 0.
    parent := self.

    [(parent := parent parentOrModel) notNil] whileTrue:[
        level := level + 1
    ^ level


    "returns the parent or nil
    ^ (parent notNil and:[parent isHierarchicalItem]) ifTrue:[parent]

    "set the parent (or the model if the item is the root item)
    parent := aParent

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing children'!

    "returns the child under an index or nil
  ^ self children notNil ifTrue:[children at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil]

at:anIndex put:anItem
    "replace a child by a new item
    |oldItem itemExpanded size|

    size := self children size.

    (anIndex between:1 and:size) ifFalse:[
        ^ self subscriptBoundsError

    anItem isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self removeFromIndex:anIndex toIndex:anIndex.

    oldItem := children at:anIndex.
    oldItem collapse.
    itemExpanded := anItem isExpanded.
    anItem setExpanded:false.
    children at:anIndex put:anItem.
    self changed.

    itemExpanded ifTrue:[
        anItem expand

    "set a new list of children
    self removeAll.
  ^ self addAll:aListOfChildren beforeIndex:1

    "returns the first child
    ^ self at:1

    "returns the last child
    ^ self at:(self children size)
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing hierarchy'!

    "hide children
    |visChd model index|

    self canCollapse ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := false.

        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (visChd := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild|
                    visChd := visChd + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
                self model itemRemoveFromIndex:(index + 1)
                                       toIndex:(index + visChd).

                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged

    "expand children
    |index list|

    self canExpand ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := true.

        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
                children notEmpty ifTrue:[
                    list := OrderedCollection new:64.
                    self addVisibleChildrenTo:list.
                    self model itemAddAll:list beforeIndex:(index + 1).
                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged


    "expand all my parents
    (parent notNil and:[parent isHierarchicalItem]) ifTrue:[
        parent expand.
        parent makeVisible

    "collapse children and sub-children
     **** must be expanded
    |visChd index|

    self canCollapse ifTrue:[
        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (visChd := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild|
                    visChd := visChd + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
            self recursiveSetCollapsed.

            visChd ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self model itemRemoveFromIndex:(index + 1)
                                       toIndex:(index + visChd)
            index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self hierarchyChanged
        ] ifFalse:[
            self recursiveSetCollapsed


    "expand children and sub-children
     **** must be collapsed
    |model index list|

    self canExpand ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := true.

        self children size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            (index := self listIndex) isNil ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild| aChild setExpanded:true ]
            ] ifFalse:[
                list := OrderedCollection new:512.
                self recursiveSetExpandedAndAddToList:list.
                self model itemAddAll:list beforeIndex:(index + 1).

                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged

    "if the item is collapsed, the children and all sub-children
     are expanded otherwise collapsed
    (isExpanded == true) ifTrue:[
        self recursiveCollapse
    ] ifFalse:[
        self recursiveExpand


    "if the item is collapsed, the children are expanded
     otherwise collapsed
    (isExpanded == true) ifTrue:[
        self collapse
    ] ifFalse:[
        self expand

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing mvc'!

    "returns the responsible application or nil

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model application
    ^ nil

    "evaluate the block on each dependent application

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        model applicationsDo:aOneArgBlock


    "returns the hierachicalList model or nil
    |p model|

    model := self.
    [(p := model parentOrModel) notNil] whileTrue:[model := p].
  ^ model isHierarchicalItem ifFalse:[model] ifTrue:[nil]
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'adding & removing'!

    "add a child at end
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(self children size + 1).


add:aChildItem after:aChild
    "add an item after an existing item

    (index := self identityIndexOf:aChild) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self subscriptBoundsError
    ] ifFalse:[
        self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(index + 1)
    ^ aChildItem

add:aChildItem afterIndex:anIndex
    "add an item after an index
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(anIndex + 1).

add:aChildItem before:aChild
    "add an item before an existing item

    (index := self identityIndexOf:aChild) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:index
    self subscriptBoundsError

add:aChildItem beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add an item before an index
    aChildItem notNil ifTrue:[
        self addAll:(Array with:aChildItem) beforeIndex:anIndex
    ^ aChildItem

add:aChild sortBlock:aBlock
    "add a child sorted
    (aBlock notNil and:[children size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        children keysAndValuesDo:[:index :child|
            (aBlock value:aChild value:child) ifTrue:[
                ^ self add:aChild beforeIndex:index
    ^ self add:aChild

    "add children at the end
    ^ self addAll:aList beforeIndex:(self children size + 1)

addAll:aList beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add children before an index
    |coll model notify
     index "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    (aList isNil or:[aList isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        ^ aList
    size := self children size.

    anIndex == 1 ifTrue:[
        notify := self
    ] ifFalse:[
        anIndex > size ifTrue:[
            anIndex > (1 + size) ifTrue:[
                ^ self subscriptBoundsError
            notify := self at:size
        ] ifFalse:[
            notify := nil

    size == 0 ifTrue:[
        children := OrderedCollection new
    aList do:[:anItem| anItem parent:self ].
    children addAll:aList beforeIndex:anIndex.

    (model := self model) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ aList

    (isExpanded == true) ifFalse:[
        notify notNil ifTrue:[
            notify changed
      ^ aList
    (index := self listIndex) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ aList

    children from:1 to:(anIndex - 1) do:[:anItem|
        index := 1 + index + anItem numberOfVisibleChildren
    coll := OrderedCollection new.

    aList do:[:anItem|
        coll add:anItem.
        anItem addVisibleChildrenTo:coll.
    model itemAddAll:coll beforeIndex:(index + 1).

    notify notNil ifTrue:[
        notify changed
  ^ aList

addAll:aList sortBlock:aBlock
    "add children sorted
    aList notNil ifTrue:[
        aBlock isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ self addAll:aList
        aList do:[:el|self add:el sortBlock:aBlock]
    ^ aList

    "add children at the beginning
    ^ self addAll:aCollectionOfItems beforeIndex:1

    "add children at the end
    ^ self addAll:aCollectionOfItems

    "add a child at begin
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:1.


    "add a child at end
    ^ self add:anItem

    "remove a child
    self removeIndex:(self identityIndexOf:aChild)

    "remove all children

    (size := self children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self removeFromIndex:1 toIndex:size

    "remove all children in the collection

    aList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        aList do:[:el|
            index := self identityIndexOf:el.
            index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self removeIndex:index

removeFromIndex:startIndex toIndex:stopIndex
    "remove the children from startIndex up to and including
     the child under stopIndex.
    |model notify
     index "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    size  := self children size.
    stop  := stopIndex.
    start := startIndex.

    (stop <= size and:[start between:1 and:stop]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self subscriptBoundsError
    start == 1 ifTrue:[
        notify := self
    ] ifFalse:[
        stop == size ifTrue:[
            notify := self at:(start - 1)
        ] ifFalse:[
            notify := nil

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        index := model identityIndexOf:(children at:start).
        size  := stop - start + 1.
    ] ifFalse:[
        index := 0
    children from:start to:stop do:[:aChild|
        index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            size := size + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
        aChild parent:nil
    children removeFromIndex:start toIndex:stop.

    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        model itemRemoveFromIndex:index toIndex:(index + size - 1)
    notify notNil ifTrue:[
        notify changed

    "remove the child at an index
    anIndex > 0 ifTrue:[
        self removeFromIndex:anIndex toIndex:anIndex
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "the item changed; raise change notification
    self changed:nil with:nil

    "the item changed; raise change notification
    self changed:aParameter with:nil


changed:aParameter with:anArgument
    "the item changed; raise change notification

    model := self model.

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        model itemChanged:aParameter with:anArgument from:self
    super changed:aParameter with:anArgument

    "hierarchy changed; optimize redrawing
    self changed:#hierarchy with:nil

    "icon changed; optimize redrawing
    self changed:#icon with:nil
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    "evaluate a block on each child
    self children notNil ifTrue:[ children do:aOneArgBlock ]


from:startIndex do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at startIndex to the end.
    self from:startIndex to:self size do:aOneArgBlock

from:startIndex to:endIndex do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at startIndex to the endIndex.
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        children from:startIndex to:endIndex do:aOneArgBlock


from:startIndex to:endIndex reverseDo:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at endIndex to the startIndex.
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        children from:startIndex to:endIndex reverseDo:aOneArgBlock


    "evaluate a block on each item and all the sub-items
    self do:[:aChild|
        aOneArgBlock value:aChild.
        aChild recursiveDo:aOneArgBlock


    "evaluate a block on each child
     procesing children in reverse direction
    self children notNil ifTrue:[ children reverseDo:aOneArgBlock ]

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'initialization'!

    isExpanded := false
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'private'!

    "add all visible children and sub-children to the list
    isExpanded == true ifTrue:[
        (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
            children do:[:aChild|
                aList add:aChild.
                aChild addVisibleChildrenTo:aList


    "returns the visible index or nil; for a none visible root
     0 is returned
    |index model|

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        index := model identityIndexOf:self.

        (index ~~ 0 or:[parent == model]) ifTrue:[
            ^ index
    ^ nil

    "returns number of all visible children including subchildren
    |size  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
    (isExpanded == true) ifTrue:[
        (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
            (size := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:el| size := size + el numberOfVisibleChildren ].
              ^ size
    ^ 0


    "returns the parent without checking for item or model
    ^ parent

    "set expanded flag without any computation or notification
    isExpanded := aBoolean
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'private displaying'!

displayLabel:aLabel on:aGC x:x y:y h:h
    "display the label at x@y
    |y0 lH hF|

    lH := self heightOf:aLabel on:aGC.
    lH == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].

    y0 := y - (lH + 1 - h // 2).

    aLabel isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
        ^ aLabel displayOn:aGC x:x y:y0
    y0 := y0 + (aGC font ascent).

    aLabel isString ifFalse:[
        ^ aLabel displayOn:aGC x:x y:y0

    (aLabel indexOf:(Character cr)) == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ aLabel displayOn:aGC x:x y:y0

    hF := aGC font height.

    aLabel asCollectionOfLines do:[:el|
        el displayOn:aGC x:x y:y0.
        y0 := y0 + hF

heightOf:aLabel on:aGC
    "returns the height of the label or 0

    aLabel isSequenceable ifFalse:[
        ^ aLabel notNil ifTrue:[aLabel heightOn:aGC] ifFalse:[0]

    aLabel isString ifFalse:[
        h := 0.
        aLabel do:[:el|h := h max:(self heightOf:el on:aGC)].
      ^ h

    h := 1 + (aLabel occurrencesOf:(Character cr)).
    ^ h * (aGC font height)

widthOf:aLabel on:aGC
    "returns the height of the label or 0

    aLabel isSequenceable ifFalse:[
        ^ aLabel notNil ifTrue:[aLabel widthOn:aGC] ifFalse:[0]

    aLabel isString ifFalse:[
        w := -5.
        aLabel do:[:el|w := w + 5 + (self widthOf:el on:aGC)].
      ^ w

    (aLabel indexOf:(Character cr)) == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ aLabel widthOn:aGC

    w := 0.
    aLabel asCollectionOfLines do:[:el|w := w max:(el widthOn:aGC)].
  ^ w
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'private hierarchy'!

    "collapse all children and sub-children without notifications
    isExpanded := false.

    children notNil ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild| aChild recursiveSetCollapsed ]

    "expand all children and sub-children without notifications;
     add children to list
    isExpanded := true.

    (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild|
            aList add:aChild.
            aChild recursiveSetExpandedAndAddToList:aList.

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol accessing'!

    "returns list of children
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    children isNil ifTrue:[
        (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
            children := model childrenFor:self
    ^ children

    "returns the icon or nil;
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model iconFor:self
    ^ nil

    "returns the label displayed on aGC;
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model labelFor:self
    ^ nil


    "returns the middleButtonMenu or nil if no menu is defined

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model middleButtonMenuFor:self
    ^ nil
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol displaying'!

displayOn:aGC x:x y:y h:h
    "draw the receiver in the graphicsContext, aGC.
     x0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    (label := self label) isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    (label isSequenceable and:[label isString not]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self displayLabel:label on:aGC x:x y:y h:h

    x0 := x.
    label do:[:el|
        el notNil ifTrue:[
            self displayLabel:el on:aGC x:x0 y:y h:h.
            x0 := x0 + 5 + (el widthOn:aGC).

    "return the width of the receiver, if it is to be displayed on aGC
    ^ self heightOf:(self label) on:aGC

    "return the width of the receiver, if it is to be displayed on aGC
    ^ self widthOf:(self label) on:aGC
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol monitoring'!

    "called all 'n' seconds by the model, if the monitoring
     cycle is enabled. The item can perform some checks, ..
     **** can be redefined by subclass to perform some actions
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol queries'!

    "draw the horizizontal line for the selected item up to the text
     or on default to the start of the the vertical line; only used by
     the hierarchical view
    ^ false

    "checks whether the item has a list of children; the list must not
     be loaded yet( ex. FileDirectory ).
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass
    ^ children notNil ifTrue:[children notEmpty]
                     ifFalse:[self children size ~~ 0]

    "access the printable string used for steping through a list
     searching for an entry starting with a character.
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (label := self label) notNil ifTrue:[
        label isString      ifTrue:[ ^ label string ].
        label isImageOrForm ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].

        label isSequenceable ifFalse:[
            ^ label perform:#string ifNotUnderstood:nil

        label do:[:el||s|
            (el notNil and:[el isImageOrForm not]) ifTrue:[
                s := el perform:#string ifNotUnderstood:nil.
                s notNil ifTrue:[^ s].
    ^ nil

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'queries'!

    "called before collapsing the item
    ^ (isExpanded == true)

    "called before expanding the item
    ^ (isExpanded == true) not and:[self hasChildren]

    "return true if item is expanded
    ^ (isExpanded == true)

    "used to decide if the parent is a hierarchical item
     or the model
    ^ true

    "return the number of children
    ^ children notNil ifTrue:[children size]
                     ifFalse:[self children size]
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'searching'!

    "find the first child, for which evaluation of the block returns
     true; if none does so, report an error
    ^ self detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:[self errorNotFound]


detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:anExceptionBlock
    "find the first child, for which evaluation of the block returns
     true; if none does so, return the evaluation of anExceptionBlock
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:anExceptionBlock
    ^ anExceptionBlock value


    "return the index of aChild or 0 if not found. Compare using ==
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children identityIndexOf:aChild
    ^ 0

identityIndexOf:aChild startingAt:startIndex
    "return the index of aChild, starting search at startIndex.
     Compare using ==; return 0 if not found
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children identityIndexOf:aChild startingAt:startIndex
    ^ 0

    "recursive find the first child, for which evaluation 
     of the block returns true; if none nil is returned

    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild|
            (aOneArgBlock value:aChild) ifTrue:[
                ^ aChild

            (child := aChild recursiveDetect:aOneArgBlock) notNil ifTrue:[
                ^ child
    ^ nil
! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self new setLabel:aLabel


labeled:aLabel icon:anIcon
    ^ self new setLabel:aLabel icon:anIcon

! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example class methodsFor:'resources'!

    "returns an icon
    aLevel == 2 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconPrivateClass ].
    aLevel == 3 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconClass ].
    aLevel == 4 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconCategory ].

  ^ nil


    PenguinIcon isNil ifTrue:[
        PenguinIcon := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/xpmBitmaps/misc_logos/linux_penguin.xpm'.
    ^ PenguinIcon
! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example methodsFor:'accessing'!

    |lvl lbl txt image img icon tmp|

    children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children

    (lvl := self level) == 5 ifTrue:[
        children := #().
      ^ children
    icon     := self class iconForLevel:(lvl + 1).
    children := OrderedCollection new.

    lvl < 4 ifTrue:[
        txt := (lvl + 1) printString, ' ['.
        img := NewLauncher saveImageIcon.

        1 to:5 do:[:i|
            (i == 2 or:[i == 3]) ifTrue:[
                lbl := img
            ] ifFalse:[
                i == 4 ifTrue:[
                    tmp := #( 'penguin' 'and' 'text') asStringCollection asString.
                    tmp removeLast.
                    lbl := Array with:(self class penguinIcon)
                ] ifFalse:[
                    lbl := txt, (i printString), ']'
            children add:(self class labeled:lbl icon:icon)
    ] ifFalse:[
        image := ResourceSelectionBrowser iconPrivateClass.
        txt   := LabelAndIcon icon:image string:'Text'.
        img   := Icon copyIcon.

        1 to:5 do:[:i|
            lbl := i odd ifTrue:[txt] ifFalse:[img].
            lbl := Array with:lbl with:'test' with:img.
            children add:(self class labeled:lbl icon:icon).

    children do:[:aChild| aChild parent:self ].
  ^ children

    "returns the icon
    ^ icon

    "set the icon; if icon changed, a notification
     is raised.
    icon ~= anIcon ifTrue:[
        icon := anIcon.
        self iconChanged

    "returns the label
    ^ label


    "set the label; if label changed, a notification
     is raised.
    label ~= aLabel ifTrue:[
        label := aLabel.
        self changed.


    "set the icon without any change notification
    icon := anIcon

    "set the label without any change notification
    label := aLabel

setLabel:aLabel icon:anIcon
    "set the label and icon without any change notification
    label := aLabel.
    icon  := anIcon.
! !

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/HierarchicalItem.st,v 1.13 1999-10-18 21:23:07 cg Exp $'
! !