author martin
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 11:05:17 +0200
changeset 1845 3eedddfdfc54
parent 1832 f6e6640e99a3
child 1945 694ea5d18b60
permissions -rw-r--r--
dont ask deviceIndependent font for its dimension

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

View subclass:#ListModelView
	instanceVariableNames:'list listHolder textStartLeft viewOrigin enabled fgColor bgColor
		lineSpacing widthOfContents computeWidthInRange startOfLinesY
		displayedFrames syncronizeEvents autoScroll autoScrollBlock
	classVariableNames:'DefaultForegroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor DefaultShadowColor
		DefaultLightColor StopRedrawSignal'

!ListModelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    This widget is a new improved revision of the good-old ListView.
    In contrast to ListView, this one reacts on changes of the
    underlying model and performs optimized redraws.
    It requires a List (or alike) as model.

    This class can only passively display collections of elements.
    The class doesn't keep its own list, it works directly on
    the model( List or HierarchicalList ).

    Each list item is obligated to provide 3 services:
        - heightOn:aGC
        - widthOn:aGC
        - displayOn:aGC x:x y:y

    [Instance variables:]
        list                   <List-Model>     List or HierarchicalList ...
        listHolder             <Model>          Model, which keeps a List
        textStartLeft          <Number>         left inset of text
        viewOrigin             <Point>          the current origin
        enabled                <Boolean>        widget is enabled/disabeled
        fgColor                <Color>          color to draw characters
        bgColor                <Color>          the background
        lineSpacing            <Number>         pixels between lines
        widthOfContents        <Number>         cached width of widest line
        computeWidthInRange    <Point>          used for recompute width of contents
        startOfLinesY          <Collection>     keeps all the absolute Y-start positions
                                                for each line in the list. The first
                                                entry into the list is the top Y inset.
        supportsDisplayInRange <Boolean>        set to true if the list elements
                                                supports the service:

        displayedFrames        <WeakIdentityDictionary>
                                                keep the frames within the widget

        syncronizeEvents       <Boolean>        set to true if list and model changes
                                                should be handled synchronized; an event
                                                will be pushed on the event loop.
                                                on default it is disabled.

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]



    |top list view up index|

    list := List new.

    top  := StandardSystemView new; extent:300@300.
    view := ScrollableView for:ListModelView miniScroller:true
                        origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

    view list:list.
    top  openAndWait.
    up := true.

    [top shown] whileTrue:[
        Delay waitForSeconds:0.2.

        up ifTrue:[
            index := 1 + (list size).
            list add:('element: ', index printString).
            up := index < 20
        ] ifFalse:[
            list removeIndex:1.
            up := list isEmpty.


! !

!ListModelView class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "setup the signals
    super initialize.

    StopRedrawSignal := Notification newSignalMayProceed:false.
! !

!ListModelView class methodsFor:'Signal constants'!

    ^ StopRedrawSignal
! !

!ListModelView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables"

    <resource: #style   (
                        #'text.backgroundColor'  #'text.foregroundColor'
                        #'selection.shadowColor' #'selection.lightColor'

    DefaultForegroundColor         := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.foregroundColor' default:Black.
    DefaultBackgroundColor         := StyleSheet colorAt:'text.backgroundColor'.
    DefaultShadowColor             := StyleSheet colorAt:'selection.shadowColor'.
    DefaultLightColor              := StyleSheet colorAt:'selection.lightColor'.
    DefaultFont                    := StyleSheet  fontAt:'text.font'.

     self updateStyleCache

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "get the list of items
    ^ list


    "set the list of items
    |size negatedOrg|

    self syncFlushEvent:#syncUpdate:with:.

    displayedFrames keys do:[:aView| aView destroy].
    displayedFrames := WeakIdentityDictionary new.

    list ~~ aList ifTrue:[
        list removeDependent:self.
    (list := aList) notNil ifTrue:[
        list addDependent:self
    self recomputeHeightOfContents.

    preferredExtent := nil.
    widthOfContents := nil.

    scrollWhenUpdating == #beginOfText ifTrue:[
        viewOrigin = (0@0) ifFalse:[
            self originWillChange.
            negatedOrg := viewOrigin negated.
            viewOrigin := (0@0).
            self originChanged:negatedOrg.
    ] ifFalse:[
        scrollWhenUpdating == #endOfText ifTrue:[
            self scrollTo:(0 @ self heightOfContents - self innerHeight) redraw:false

    self invalidate.
    self contentsChanged

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing-behavior'!

    "returns true if auto scrolling is enabled
    ^ autoScroll

    "returns true if auto scrolling is enabled
    autoScroll := aBool ? true.

   "returns the enabled state
   ^ enabled


   "set the enabled state
   enabled := aBoolean


    "define how to scroll, when I get a new text 
     (via the model or the #contents/#list)
     Allowed arguments are:
        #keep / nil     -> no change
        #endOfText      -> scroll to the end
        #beginOfText    -> scroll to the top
     The default is #beginOfText.
     This may be useful for fields which get new values assigned from
     the program (i.e. not from the user)

    scrollWhenUpdating := aSymbolOrNil

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing-items'!

    "return the list element at an index
    ^ list at:anIndex

at:anIndex ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
    "return the list element at an index if valid. 
     If the index is invalid, return the result of evaluating 
     the exceptionblock.
    list notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ list at:anIndex ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
    ^ nil.

    "returns the index of an element or nil
    ^ list notNil ifTrue:[list identityIndexOf:anElement]

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing-look'!

    "get the background color
    ^ bgColor


    "set the background color
    (aColor notNil and:[bgColor ~~ aColor]) ifTrue:[
        super viewBackground:bgColor.

        self realized ifTrue:[
            bgColor := aColor on:device.
            self invalidate
        ] ifFalse:[
            bgColor := aColor


    "set a new font
    |oldWidth oldHeight|

    (aFont isNil or:[aFont = font]) ifFalse:[
        oldWidth  := font width.
        oldHeight := font height.

        super font:aFont.

        (font widthOn:device) ~~ oldWidth ifTrue:[       "/ force a recomputation
            preferredExtent := nil.
            widthOfContents := nil.
        oldHeight ~~ (font heightOn:device) ifTrue:[
            self recomputeHeightOfContents.
        shown ifTrue:[ self invalidate ]

    "get the foreground color
    ^ fgColor


    "set the foreground color
    (aColor notNil and:[fgColor ~~ aColor]) ifTrue:[
        self realized ifTrue:[
            fgColor := aColor on:device.
            self invalidate
        ] ifFalse:[
            fgColor := aColor

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing-mvc'!

    "returns the listHolder or nil
    ^ listHolder

    "set a new listHolder

    listHolder removeDependent:self.

    (listHolder := aListHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
        listHolder addDependent:self.
    self list:(listHolder value).
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'accessing-views'!

    "destroy a frame
    aFrame notNil ifTrue:[
        displayedFrames removeKey:aFrame ifAbsent:nil.
        aFrame destroy.

registerFrame:aView atLine:aLineNr x:logX width:w
    "register a frame for a line and set the origin@corner of the frame
    |x y h item index|

    (item := list at:aLineNr ifAbsent:nil) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    y := self yVisibleOfLine:aLineNr.
    x := logX - viewOrigin x.
    h := (startOfLinesY at:(aLineNr + 1)) - (startOfLinesY at:aLineNr).

    aView origin:(x@y) extent:(w@h).
    self addSubView:aView.
    displayedFrames at:aView put:item.
    realized ifTrue:[aView realize].
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "contents changed; recompute origin Y of registered views
    |idx y x|

    displayedFrames keysAndValuesDo:[:aFrame :anItem|
        (idx := list identityIndexOf:anItem) == 0 ifTrue:[
            aFrame beInvisible.
        ] ifFalse:[
            y := self yVisibleOfLine:idx.
            x := aFrame origin x.
            aFrame origin:(x @ y).
            aFrame beVisible.
    super contentsChanged.


lineChangedAt:aLnNr with:arg
    "line changed at position; check whether line height changed
     oldHeight "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     dltHeight "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    (arg notNil and:[(arg == #icon or:[arg == #hierarchy])]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    oldHeight := (self yVisibleOfLine:(aLnNr + 1)) - (self yVisibleOfLine:aLnNr).
    dltHeight := (self heightOfLineAt:aLnNr) - oldHeight.

    dltHeight == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self redrawLineAt:aLnNr

    aLnNr + 1 to:startOfLinesY size do:[:i|
        startOfLinesY at:i put:((startOfLinesY at:i) + dltHeight)
    self invalidate.


listChangedInsert:start nItems:nLines
    "list changed; items are added
     run    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     newSz  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     cpyHg  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     absY0  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     absY1  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     visY0  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     visY1  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     orgY   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     dltY   "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     maxHg  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    nLines == 0 ifTrue:[^ self ].
    self listSizeChanged:start nLines:nLines.
    shown not ifTrue:[^ self].

    newSz := startOfLinesY size + nLines.

    (newSz - 1) ~~ list size ifTrue:[
        "/ no longer synchrounous
        ^ self lostSynchronisation

    startOfLinesY addAll:(Array new:nLines) beforeIndex:start + 1.
    absY0 := startOfLinesY at:start.
    absY1 := absY0.
    run   := start.

    nLines timesRepeat:[
        absY1 := absY1 + (self heightOfLineAt:run).
        run   := run + 1.
        startOfLinesY at:run put:absY1.
    dltY := absY1 - absY0.

    run + 1 to:newSz do:[:i||v|
        startOfLinesY at:i put:((startOfLinesY at:i) + dltY)

    orgY  := viewOrigin y.
    absY1 := absY0 + dltY.
    visY0 := absY0 - orgY.
    visY1 := absY1 - orgY.
    maxHg := height - margin.

    absY0 < orgY ifTrue:[
        self originWillChange.
        viewOrigin y:(dltY + orgY).
        self originChanged:(0 @ dltY).

    (visY0 >= maxHg or:[visY1 <= margin]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self contentsChanged
    visY0 := visY0 max:margin.
    visY1 := visY1 min:maxHg.

    self hasDamage ifTrue:[
        self invalidate:(Rectangle left:0
                                 height:height - visY0).

      ^ self contentsChanged.

    (start == list size or:[(cpyHg := maxHg - visY1) < 20]) ifTrue:[
        visY1 := maxHg
    ] ifFalse:[
        self catchExpose.

        self copyFrom:self x:0 y:visY0
                         toX:0 y:visY1
                       width:width height:cpyHg async:true.

        self waitForExpose

    self invalidateX:margin
               width:width - margin - margin
              height:(visY1 - visY0).

    self contentsChanged.


listChangedRemove:aStart toIndex:aStop
    "list changed; items are removed
     size  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     absY0 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     absY1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     visY0 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     visY1 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     orgY  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     orgX  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     dltY  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     cpyHg "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     maxHg "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     start "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     newSz "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
    stop  := aStop.
    start := aStart.

    (size := stop - start + 1) == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    self listSizeChanged:start nLines:(size negated).
    shown not ifTrue:[^ self].

    newSz := startOfLinesY size - size.

    (newSz - 1) ~~ list size ifTrue:[
        "/ no longer synchrounous
        ^ self lostSynchronisation

    absY0 := self yAbsoluteOfLine:start.
    absY1 := self yAbsoluteOfLine:stop + 1.
    dltY  := absY1 - absY0.

    startOfLinesY removeFromIndex:(start + 1) toIndex:(stop + 1).

    (start + 1) to:newSz do:[:i|
        absY0 := startOfLinesY at:i.
        startOfLinesY at:i put:(absY0 - dltY).

    orgY  := viewOrigin y.
    orgX  := viewOrigin x.

    absY0 := self yAbsoluteOfLine:start.
    absY1 := absY0 + dltY.
    visY0 := absY0 - orgY.
    visY1 := absY1 - orgY.
    maxHg := height - margin.

    (list size == 0 or:[(orgY ~~ 0 and:[self maxViewOriginY == 0])]) ifTrue:[
        (orgX ~~ 0 or:[orgY ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
            self originWillChange.
            viewOrigin := 0@0.
            self originChanged:((orgX @ orgY) negated).
        self invalidate.
      ^ self contentsChanged    

    visY0 < margin ifTrue:[
        noRedraw := visY1 <= margin.
        noRedraw ifTrue:[dltY := dltY negated] ifFalse:[dltY := visY0].

        self originWillChange.
        viewOrigin y:(dltY + orgY).
        self originChanged:(0 @ dltY).        
    ] ifFalse:[
        noRedraw := visY0 >= maxHg
    visY0 := visY0 max:margin.

    self hasDamage ifTrue:[
        self invalidate:(Rectangle left:0
                                 height:height - visY0).

        noRedraw := true

    noRedraw ifFalse:[
        cpyHg := maxHg - visY1.

        cpyHg > 20 ifTrue:[
            self catchExpose.
            self copyFrom:self x:0 y:visY1 toX:0 y:visY0
                    width:width height:cpyHg async:true.
            self waitForExpose.
            visY0 := visY0 + cpyHg.

        self invalidateX:margin
                   width:width - margin - margin
                  height:(maxHg - visY0).
    self contentsChanged.

    "change origin of registered views
    displayedFrames keys do:[:aFrame|
        aFrame origin:(aFrame origin - aDelta)
    super originChanged:aDelta.


syncUpdate:what with:args
    "handle synchronous change
    |a1 a2|

    args isCollection ifFalse:[
                 what == #at:     ifTrue:[self lineChangedAt:args        with:nil]
        ifFalse:[what == #insert: ifTrue:[self listChangedInsert:args  nItems:1]
        ifFalse:[what == #remove: ifTrue:[self listChangedRemove:args toIndex:args]]]
    ] ifTrue:[
        a1 := args at:1.
        a2 := args at:2.

                 what == #at:               ifTrue:[self lineChangedAt:a1        with:a2]
        ifFalse:[what == #insertCollection: ifTrue:[self listChangedInsert:a1  nItems:a2]
        ifFalse:[what == #removeFrom:       ifTrue:[self listChangedRemove:a1 toIndex:a2]
        ifFalse:[what == #replace: ifTrue:[
            a1 to:a2 do:[:i|self lineChangedAt:i with:nil]


update:what with:aPara from:chgObj
    "catch and handle any notification raised from the list model
     or list holder

    chgObj ~~ list ifTrue:[
        chgObj == listHolder ifTrue:[
            self syncPushEvent:#list: with:(listHolder value)
        ] ifFalse:[
            super update:what with:aPara from:chgObj
        ^ self

    ( #(    insert:
        ) includes:what
    ) ifTrue:[
        (aPara isCollection and:[(aPara at:1) == 1 and:[(aPara at:2) == list size]]) ifTrue:[
            self list:list
        ] ifFalse:[
            self syncPushEvent:#syncUpdate:with: with:what with:aPara
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'drawing'!

displayElement:anItem x:x y:y h:h
    "draw a label at x/y; fg/bg colors are already set
    |ok label
     y0 "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
    anItem isHierarchicalItem ifTrue:[
        anItem displayOn:self x:x y:y h:h
    ] ifFalse:[
        y0    := y - ((anItem heightOn:self) + 1 - h // 2).
        label := anItem.

        label isImageOrForm ifFalse:[
            label isNumber ifTrue:[
                label := label printString
            y0 := y0 + font ascent
        label displayOn:self x:x y:y0


invalidateX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "add a damage to redraw part of the view
    shown ifTrue:[
        self invalidate:(Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h) 

    "redraw complete view
    self redrawX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.


    "redraw a specific line
    |y0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y1 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yB "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    (shown and:[aLineNr notNil]) ifTrue:[
        yB := height - margin.
        y0 := (self yVisibleOfLine:aLineNr) max:margin.

        y0 < yB ifTrue:[
            y1 := (self yVisibleOfLine:(aLineNr + 1)) min:yB.
            y1 > margin ifTrue:[
                self invalidateX:0 y:y0 width:width height:(y1 - y0)


redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "redraw part of myself immediately, given logical coordinates 
    |savClip start stop yAbs|

    shown ifFalse:[^ self].

    self paint:bgColor.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    widthOfContents isNil ifTrue:[self preferredExtent].

    (start := self yVisibleToLineNr:y) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    yAbs := y + h.

    (stop := self yVisibleToLineNr:yAbs) isNil ifTrue:[
        stop := list size.
    ] ifFalse:[
        yAbs == (startOfLinesY at:stop) ifTrue:[
            stop := (stop - 1) max:start

    savClip := clipRect.
    self clippingRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h).

    StopRedrawSignal handle:[:ex|  self invalidate.
                                   ex return
                            ] do:[ self drawFrom:start
                                               y:(self yVisibleOfLine:start)

    self clippingRectangle:savClip.

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'event handling'!

keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
    "a key was pressed - handle page-keys here
    <resource: #keyboard( #PreviousPage #NextPage  #HalfPageUp #HalfPageDown
                          #BeginOfText  #EndOfText #ScrollUp   #ScrollDown

    |n sensor|

    list size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        (aKey == #PreviousPage) ifTrue:[^ self pageUp].
        (aKey == #NextPage)     ifTrue:[^ self pageDown].
        (aKey == #HalfPageUp)   ifTrue:[^ self halfPageUp].
        (aKey == #HalfPageDown) ifTrue:[^ self halfPageDown].
        (aKey == #BeginOfText)  ifTrue:[^ self scrollToTop].
        (aKey == #EndOfText)    ifTrue:[^ self scrollToBottom].

        (aKey == #ScrollUp or:[aKey == #ScrollDown]) ifTrue:[
            sensor := self sensor.

            n := sensor notNil ifTrue:[1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:aKey)]

            n := n * self verticalScrollStep.

            aKey == #ScrollUp ifTrue:[self scrollUp:n]
                             ifFalse:[self scrollDown:n].
            ^ self
    super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'event simulation'!

    "throw away all pending syncronization events for a specific selector

    (syncronizeEvents and:[(sensor := self sensor) notNil]) ifTrue:[
        sensor flushUserEventsFor:self withType:aSelector


    "if events are synchronized, the message send is pushed into my
     event queue and will be performed when its time to handle events.
     Otherwise the event is handled immediately

    (syncronizeEvents and:[(sensor := self sensor) notNil]) ifTrue:[
        sensor pushUserEvent:aSelector for:self withArguments:#()
    ] ifFalse:[
        self perform:aSelector


syncPushEvent:aSelector with:arg
    "if events are synchronized, the message send is pushed into my
     event queue and will be performed when its time to handle events.
     Otherwise the event is handled immediately

    (syncronizeEvents and:[(sensor := self sensor) notNil]) ifTrue:[
        sensor pushUserEvent:aSelector for:self withArguments:(Array with:arg)
    ] ifFalse:[
        self perform:aSelector with:arg


syncPushEvent:aSelector with:arg1 with:arg2
    "if events are synchronized, the message send is pushed into my
     event queue and will be performed when its time to handle events.
     Otherwise the event is handled immediately

    (syncronizeEvents and:[(sensor := self sensor) notNil]) ifTrue:[
        sensor pushUserEvent:aSelector for:self withArguments:(Array with:arg1 with:arg2)
    ] ifFalse:[
        self perform:aSelector with:arg1 with:arg2


    "if true, all asynchronous events are pushed into my event queue
     and will be performed when its time to handle the events.
     Otherwise these events are handled immediately. On default disabled.
    ^ syncronizeEvents

    "if true, all asynchronous events are pushed into my event queue
     and will be performed when its time to handle the events.
     Otherwise these events are handled immediately. On default disabled.
    syncronizeEvents := aBoolean ? false.
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'fetch resources'!

    "fetch a device colors
    ^ aColor notNil ifTrue:[aColor on:device] ifFalse:[nil]


    "associate image to device and clear pixel mask
     returns the new image.

    (image := anImage) notNil ifTrue:[
        image device ~~ device ifTrue:[
            image := image copy.
        image := image on:device.
        image := image clearMaskedPixels.
    ^ image

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'focus handling'!

    "catch the keyboard focus on button click
    ^  true


    "views which like to take the keyboard focus
     when the pointer enters can do so by redefining this
     to return true"

    ^ true

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'initialize / release'!

    "fetch device dependent resources
    super create.
    self fetchResources.
    self recomputeHeightOfContents.

    "remove dependencies
    listHolder removeDependent:self.
    list       removeDependent:self.

    super destroy


    "setup viewStyle specifics
    super initStyle.

    DefaultForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
        self updateStyleCache

    DefaultBackgroundColor notNil ifTrue:[
        viewBackground := DefaultBackgroundColor
    lineSpacing   := 0.
    textStartLeft := 2.
    fgColor       := DefaultForegroundColor.
    bgColor       := viewBackground.
    startOfLinesY := OrderedCollection new.

    startOfLinesY add:(2 + margin). "/ top inset of first line

    DefaultShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
        shadowColor := DefaultShadowColor

    DefaultLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
        lightColor := DefaultLightColor

    "setup default attributes
    super initialize.

    viewOrigin       := 0@0.
    bitGravity       := #NorthWest.
    enabled          := true.
    displayedFrames  := WeakIdentityDictionary new.
    syncronizeEvents := false.
    autoScroll       := true.
    scrollWhenUpdating := #beginOfText.

    "recompute list
    shown ifFalse:[
        self recomputeHeightOfContents.
        self contentsChanged.
    super mapped


    "sent after a snapin or a migration, reinit for new device"

    super recreate.
    self fetchResources.

    "reinit after snapIn (font geometry might be different)
    super reinitialize.
    self recomputeHeightOfContents.
    self contentsChanged.

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'private'!

    "return true, if any damage events (i.e. expose or resize) are pending.

    ^ (sensor := self sensor) isNil or:[sensor hasDamageFor:self]

    "given a lineNr, return y-coordinate absolute
    |y y2 y1 cash|

    cash := startOfLinesY.

    (y := cash at:aLineNr ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ y

    "/ recompute a y position
    y1 := startOfLinesY at:1 ifAbsent:2.
    y2 := startOfLinesY at:2 ifAbsent:10.
  ^ aLineNr * (y2 - y1) + y1

    "given a lineNr, return y-coordinate in view
    ^ (self yAbsoluteOfLine:aLineNr) - viewOrigin y


    "returns the line number assigned to a physical y or nil
    |eol cash
     yAbs    "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     yMid    "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     size    "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     next    "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     low     "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     high    "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
     middle  "{ Class: SmallInteger}"
    cash := startOfLinesY.

    (size := cash size) == 1 ifTrue:[^ nil].   "/ EMPTY LIST
    yAbs := yVisible + viewOrigin y.
    eol  := cash at:size ifAbsent:nil.
    (eol isNil or:[yAbs > eol]) ifTrue:[^ nil].         "/ END OF LIST

    middle := size.
    size   := size - 1.
    high   := size.
    low    := 1.

    [(next := low + high // 2) ~~ middle] whileTrue:[
        (eol := cash at:next ifAbsent:nil) isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ nil "/ LIST CHANGED
        middle := next.
        yMid   := eol.

        yMid < yAbs ifTrue:[low  := middle]
                   ifFalse:[high := middle]

    yAbs < yMid ifTrue:[
        ^ (middle - 1) max:1.
    middle < size ifTrue:[
        next := middle + 1.
        (eol := cash at:next ifAbsent:nil) isNil ifTrue:[
            ^ nil "/ LIST CHANGED
        ^ eol > yAbs ifTrue:[middle] ifFalse:[next]
    ^ size
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'protocol'!

drawFrom:start to:stop x:x y:y w:w
    "draw lines from start to stop.
     clipping and clearing the background is already done
     y0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y1 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    self paint:fgColor on:bgColor.

    x0 := textStartLeft - viewOrigin x.
    y1 := y.

    start to:stop do:[:i|
        y0 := y1.
        y1 := self yVisibleOfLine:(i + 1).

        (item := list at:i ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
            self displayElement:item x:x0 y:y0 h:(y1 - y0)


    "fetch device colors and ..., to avoid reallocation at redraw time;
     *** called after a create or snapin to fetch all device resources
    fgColor    := self colorOnDevice:fgColor.
    bgColor    := self colorOnDevice:bgColor.
    font       := font on:device.


    "returns the total height for a line at an index( including lineSpacing ... )

    item := list at:aLineNr ifAbsent:nil.

  ^ item notNil ifTrue:[lineSpacing + (item heightOn:self)]

listSizeChanged:anIndex nLines:noLines
    "list size changed; information is stored to recompute the
     width if required( preferredExtent, horizontal scroller ... ).
     see: widthOfContents
     *** if nLines is negative, lines are removed otherwise added.
    |start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    preferredExtent := nil.

    widthOfContents isNil ifTrue:[      "/ recompute whole list
        ^ self

    (noLines < 0 or:[(size := list size) <= noLines]) ifTrue:[
        widthOfContents := nil.         "/ force recompute whole list
        ^ self

    stop  := anIndex + noLines - 1.     "/ recompute a range
    start := anIndex.

    computeWidthInRange notNil ifTrue:[
        start := computeWidthInRange y.
        stop  <  start ifTrue:[stop := start min:size].
        start := (computeWidthInRange x) min:anIndex.
    computeWidthInRange := start@stop

    "called when the changes derived from the model are faster than the handling
    shown ifTrue:[
        self syncFlushEvent:#syncUpdate:with:.
        self recomputeHeightOfContents.
        self invalidate.
        self contentsChanged


widthOfWidestLineBetween:firstLine and:lastLine
    "return the width in pixels of the widest line in a range
    |lbl item
     width    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
    width := textStartLeft.

    firstLine to:lastLine do:[:anIndex|
        item := list at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil.

        item isNil ifTrue:[^ width + textStartLeft].

        width := (item widthOn:self) max:width
    ^ width + textStartLeft

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "returns number of raws
    ^ list size

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'recomputation'!

    "returns the preferred extent
    |x y|

    preferredExtent isNil ifTrue:[
        y := self heightOfContents.
        x := self widthOfContents.
        preferredExtent := x@y
  ^ preferredExtent


    "recompute all the y positions
     yAbs "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     lnHg "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     size "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    yAbs    := startOfLinesY at:1.   "/ top inset of first line
    size    := list size.
    newList := OrderedCollection new:(size + 1).

    newList add:yAbs.

    1 to:size do:[:anIndex|
        lnHg := self heightOfLineAt:anIndex.
        newList add:(yAbs := yAbs + lnHg)
    startOfLinesY := newList.
! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'scroller interface'!

    "return the height of the contents in pixels
    ^ startOfLinesY last

    "returns the inner height of the contents shown
    ^ height - margin - margin


    "returns the inner width of the contents shown
    ^ width - margin - margin


    "returns the maximum possible y of the view origin
    ^ (self heightOfContents - self innerHeight) max:0


    "return the amount to scroll when stepping up/down.
    ^ 10


    "return the viewOrigin; thats the coordinate of the contents 
     which is shown topLeft in the view.
    ^ viewOrigin


    "return the width of the contents in pixels
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    (widthOfContents notNil and:[computeWidthInRange isNil]) ifTrue:[
        ^ widthOfContents + textStartLeft
    range               := computeWidthInRange.
    computeWidthInRange := nil.
    preferredExtent     := nil.
    size                := list size.

    size == 0 ifTrue:[
        widthOfContents := 20.
    ] ifFalse:[
        widthOfContents isNil ifTrue:[
            widthOfContents := self widthOfWidestLineBetween:1 and:size
        ] ifFalse:[
            start := range x.
            stop  := range y min:size.

            start > stop ifFalse:[
                size := self widthOfWidestLineBetween:start and:stop.

                widthOfContents < size ifTrue:[
                    widthOfContents := size
    ^ widthOfContents + textStartLeft

    "return the horizontal origin of the contents in pixels
    ^ viewOrigin x 


    "return the vertical origin of the contents in pixels
    ^ viewOrigin y

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'scrolling'!

    "scroll down half a page
    self scrollDown:(height // 2).


    "scroll up half a page
    self scrollUp:(height // 2).


scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw
    "change origin to have newOrigin be visible at the top-left.
    |newOrg dltOrg winGrp
     innerWT    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     innerHG    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h          "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x          "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x1         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y          "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     w          "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y0         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y1         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     dX         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     dY         "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    realized ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    innerWT := self innerWidth.
    innerHG := self innerHeight.

    h := viewOrigin y.

    (y := anOrigin y) > h ifTrue:[              "/ end of contents
        y > (dY := self maxViewOriginY) ifTrue:[
            y := dY max:h
    ] ifFalse:[
        y := y max:0.

    (x := anOrigin x) > 0 ifTrue:[
        x := x min:(self widthOfContents - innerWT).
    x      := x max:0.
    newOrg := (x @ y).
    dltOrg := newOrg - viewOrigin.
    dX     := dltOrg x.
    dY     := dltOrg y.

    (dX == 0 and:[dY == 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    dY := dY abs.
    dX := dX abs.

    (   (dX ~~ 0 and:[dY ~~ 0])                         "/ scroll vertical & horizontal
     or:[(innerHG - dY < 20 or:[innerWT - dX < 20])]    "/ faster to invalidate screen
    ) ifTrue:[
        viewOrigin := newOrg.
        self originChanged:dltOrg.
      ^ self invalidate

    (winGrp := self windowGroup) notNil ifTrue:[
        winGrp processRealExposeEventsFor:self.

    self originWillChange.

    doRedraw ifFalse:[
        viewOrigin := newOrg.
        ^ self originChanged:dltOrg

    self catchExpose.
    viewOrigin := newOrg.

    dY ~~ 0 ifTrue:[                            "/ SCROLL VERTICAL
        y0 := y1 := margin + dY.
        h  := innerHG - dY.

        dltOrg y < 0 ifTrue:[y0 := margin. y := y0]
                    ifFalse:[y1 := margin. y := y1 + h].

        self copyFrom:self x:margin y:y0 toX:margin y:y1 width:innerWT height:h async:true.
        self invalidateX:margin y:y width:innerWT height:(innerHG - h).

    ] ifFalse:[                                 "/ SCROLL HORIZONTAL
        x0 := x1 := dX + margin.
        w  := innerWT - dX.

        dltOrg x < 0 ifTrue:[x0 := x := margin ]
                    ifFalse:[x1 := margin. x := w].

        self copyFrom:self x:x0 y:margin toX:x1 y:margin width:w height:innerHG async:true.
        self invalidateX:x y:margin width:(width - w) height:innerHG.
    self originChanged:dltOrg.
    self waitForExpose.


    "make line visible
    |inHg "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yTop "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     orgY "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yBot "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    (shown and:[aLineNumber notNil and:[aLineNumber between:1 and:list size]]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    yTop := self yAbsoluteOfLine:aLineNumber.
    inHg := self innerHeight.
    orgY := viewOrigin y.

    yTop > orgY ifTrue:[
        yBot := self yAbsoluteOfLine:(aLineNumber + 1).

        yBot <= (orgY + inHg) ifTrue:[
            ^ self
    yTop := (yTop - (inHg // 2)) max:0.
    self scrollTo:(viewOrigin x @ yTop).

! !

!ListModelView methodsFor:'scrolling auto'!

startAutoScroll:aBlock distance:aDistance
    "setup for auto-scroll (when button-press-moving below view);
     - timeDelta for scroll is computed from distance

    (autoScroll and:[aBlock notNil]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self stopAutoScroll
    autoScrollBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        Processor removeTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self compressMotionEvents:false.

    timeDelta := 0.5 / (aDistance abs).

    autoScrollBlock := [
        aBlock value.
        Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:timeDelta.
    Processor addTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock afterSeconds:timeDelta.


    "stop any autoScroll
    autoScrollBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        Processor removeTimedBlock:autoScrollBlock.
        autoScrollBlock := nil.
        self compressMotionEvents:true.
! !

!ListModelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.50 2000-09-19 09:05:17 martin Exp $'
! !
ListModelView initialize!