author Claus Gittinger <>
Thu, 25 Apr 1996 19:33:23 +0200
changeset 158 431e38dfc5ab
parent 128 cd2b82b1c222
child 161 5b6e284959a4
permissions -rw-r--r--

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

Object subclass:#TabulatorSpecification
	instanceVariableNames:'tabUnit unitReference tabPositions tabTypes'

!TabulatorSpecification class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    This is a helper class for table widgets and tabular data in
    A tabulatorSpecification keeps track of where the tabs are,
    and how they align. They are to be used in conjunction with
    MultiColumnListEntry or the upcoming TableWidget.
    However, they may also be useful to represent tabs in a
    paragraph of text.

        Claus Gittinger

    [see also:]

    Example use (in a ListView):

	|listView tabSpec entry|

	listView := ListView new.

	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
	tabSpec unit:#inch.
	tabSpec positions:#(0     1     2.5    3.5    4       5        ).
	tabSpec align:    #(#left #left #right #right #center #decimal ).

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'left';
	      colAt:2 put:'left';
	      colAt:3 put:'right';
	      colAt:4 put:'right';
	      colAt:5 put:'center';
	      colAt:6 put:'.decimal'.

	listView at:1 put:entry.

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'col1';
	      colAt:2 put:'col2';
	      colAt:3 put:'col3';
	      colAt:4 put:'col4';
	      colAt:5 put:'col5';
	      colAt:6 put:'col6.decimal'.

	listView at:2 put:entry.

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'foo';
	      colAt:2 put:'fooBar';
	      colAt:3 put:'bar';
	      colAt:4 put:'barFoo';
	      colAt:5 put:'baz';
	      colAt:6 put:'1234.56'.

	listView at:3 put:entry.
	listView open

    defining field positions in millimeter :

	|listView tabSpec entry|

	listView := ListView new.

	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
	tabSpec unit:#mm.
	tabSpec positions:#(0 10 20 40).
	tabSpec align:    #left.          

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
	      colAt:2 put:'2';
	      colAt:3 put:'3';
	      colAt:4 put:'4'.

	listView at:1 put:entry.

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.

	listView at:2 put:entry.

	listView open

    defining field widths in millimeter :

	|listView tabSpec entry|

	listView := ListView new.

	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
	tabSpec unit:#mm.
	tabSpec widths:#(10 10 20 10).
	tabSpec align:    #left.        

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
	      colAt:2 put:'2';
	      colAt:3 put:'3';
	      colAt:4 put:'4'.

	listView at:1 put:entry.

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.

	listView at:2 put:entry.

	listView open

    defining field widths in pixels :

	|listView tabSpec entry|

	listView := ListView new.

	tabSpec := TabulatorSpecification new.
	tabSpec unit:#pixel.
	tabSpec widths:#(50 30 30 50).
	tabSpec align:    #left.        

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'1';
	      colAt:2 put:'2';
	      colAt:3 put:'3';
	      colAt:4 put:'4'.

	listView at:1 put:entry.

	entry := MultiColListEntry new.
	entry tabulatorSpecification:tabSpec.
	entry colAt:1 put:'aa';
	      colAt:2 put:'bb';
	      colAt:3 put:'cc';
	      colAt:4 put:'dd'.

	listView at:2 put:entry.

	listView open
! !

!TabulatorSpecification class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

unit:unit positions:positions
    ^ (self new) unit:unit; positions:positions

     TabulatorSpecification unit:#inch positions:#(0 3)

    "Modified: 30.8.1995 / 16:37:50 / claus"
! !

!TabulatorSpecification methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the align-vector"

    ^ tabTypes

     an array of tab-types; each one is
     or a symbol which gives align of all tabs

    tabTypes := types

    "return the position-vector"

    ^ tabPositions

    "set the position-vector"

    tabPositions := tabs

    "return the number of tabs in this spec"

    ^ tabPositions size

    "return the unit"

    ^ tabUnit

    "set the unit.
     allowed are: #inch, #mm, #cm, #pixel and #col"

    tabUnit := aSymbol

    "set for a relative unit. someObject should return its width
     and the tabs are set fraction-relative to this number (in pixel)."

    tabUnit := #relative.
    unitReference := someObject

    "return a width-vector"


    prev := 0.
    ^ tabPositions collect:[:p | |w| w := p - prev. prev := p. w].


     spec := TabulatorSpecification new.
     spec unit:#inch.
     spec positions:#(0     1     2.5    3.5    4       5        ).
     spec align:    #(#left #left #right #right #center #decimal ).
     spec widths

    "set the position-vector from a vector of field widths"


    pos := 0.
    tabPositions := fieldWidths collect:[:w | 

					    p := pos.
					    pos := pos + w.
! !

!TabulatorSpecification methodsFor:'queries'!

    |device mm|

     return the number of device pixels one unit of my tabs
     takes on aGC
    tabUnit isNil ifTrue:[
        tabUnit := #col
    tabUnit == #relative ifTrue:[
        ^ unitReference width
    tabUnit == #col ifTrue:[
        ^ aGC font width
    device := aGC device.
    tabUnit == #inch ifTrue:[
        ^ device horizontalPixelPerInch
    mm := device horizontalPixelPerMillimeter.
    tabUnit == #mm ifTrue:[
        ^ mm
    tabUnit == #cm ifTrue:[
        ^ mm * 10
     assume pixels
    ^ 1.

    "Modified: 22.2.1996 / 16:48:44 / cg"

positionOfTab:index forString:aString on:aGC
    "return the position (in device units) of the string to be drawn
     at position index."

    |pos type idx left|

    pos := self positionOfTab:index on:aGC.
    pos isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    type := self typeOfTab:index.

    type == #right ifTrue:[
	^ pos - (aGC font widthOf:aString).
    type == #center ifTrue:[
	^ pos - ((aGC font widthOf:aString) // 2).
    type == #decimal ifTrue:[
	idx := aString indexOf:$..
	idx == 0 ifTrue:[
	     ^ pos - (aGC font widthOf:aString).
	left := aString copyTo:(idx-1).
	^ pos - (aGC font widthOf:left).
    "default is left"
    ^ pos

positionOfTab:index on:aGC
    "return the position (in device units) of the tab at index"

    |unit pos|

    tabPositions isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    unit := self pixelsPerUnitOn:aGC.
    pos := ((tabPositions at:index) * unit).
    ^ pos

    "return the type of the tab at position index."

    tabPositions isNil ifTrue:[^ #left].
    tabTypes notNil ifTrue:[
	(tabTypes isMemberOf:Symbol) ifTrue:[
	    ^ tabTypes
	^ tabTypes at:index.
    "default is left"
    ^ #left
! !

!TabulatorSpecification class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.10 1996-04-25 17:31:31 cg Exp $'
! !