author claus
Tue, 12 Sep 1995 12:50:48 +0200
changeset 74 637a256d52c8
parent 62 378b60ba1200
child 86 4d7dbb5f1719
permissions -rw-r--r--

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

View subclass:#ProgressIndicator
	 instanceVariableNames:'percentage showPercentage fgColor
				connectedTop connectedLabel'

!ProgressIndicator class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1995 by Claus Gittinger
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.3 1995-09-12 10:50:48 claus Exp $

    a view showing a rectangle filled according the percentage value.
    Can be used as a progress indicator a la MSwindows.

    basic (internal) interface
    (if progress indicator is to be used in a complex box ...):

      |top p h|

      top := ModalBox new.
      top extent:300@100.
      top label:'Progress'.
      p := ProgressIndicator in:top.
      p origin:(0.0@0.5) corner:(1.0@0.5).
      p level:-1.
      h := p preferredExtent y.
      p topInset:(h // 2) negated; 
	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;

	  1 to:100 do:[:val |
	      (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
	      p percentage:val 
	  top hide.
      ] fork.
      top open.

    changing colors, turning percentage display off:

      |top p h|

      top := StandardSystemView new.
      top extent:300@100.
      top label:'Progress'.
      p := ProgressIndicator in:top.
      p origin:(0.0@0.5) corner:(1.0@0.5).
      p level:-1.
      p showPercentage:false.
      p foregroundColor:(Color red).
      h := 10.
      p topInset:(h // 2) negated; 
	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
      top open.
	  1 to:100 do:[:val |
	      (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
	      p percentage:val 
      ] fork

    with border (2D look):

      |top p h|

      top := StandardSystemView new.
      top extent:300@100.
      top label:'Progress'.
      p := ProgressIndicator in:top.
      p origin:(0.0@0.5) corner:(1.0@0.5).
      p borderWidth:1.
      h := p preferredExtent y.
      p topInset:(h // 2) negated; 
	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
      top open.
	  1 to:100 do:[:val |
	      (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
	      p percentage:val 
      ] fork

    getting progress from a model:

      |model top p h|

      model := 0 asValue.

      top := StandardSystemView new.
      top extent:300@100.
      top label:'Progress'.
      p := ProgressIndicator in:top.
      p model:model.
      p origin:(0.0@0.5) corner:(1.0@0.5).
      p level:-1.
      h := p preferredExtent y.
      p topInset:(h // 2) negated; 
	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
      top open.

	  1 to:100 do:[:val |
	      (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
	      model value:val 
      ] fork

    concrete example:
      search all files in the source directory for a string
      using grep. Show progress while doing so.

      |top p h names done|

      top := StandardSystemView new.
      top extent:300@100.
      top label:'Searching ...'.
      p := ProgressIndicator in:top.
      p origin:(0.0@0.5) corner:(1.0@0.5).
      p level:-1.
      h := p preferredExtent y.
      p topInset:(h // 2) negated; 
	bottomInset:(h // 2) negated;
      top openWithPriority:(Processor activePriority + 1).

      names := 'source' asFilename directoryContents.
      done := 0.
      names do:[:aName |
	|stream line|

	p percentage:(done / names size * 100).
	stream := ('source/' , aName) asFilename readStream.
	[stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
	    line := stream nextLine.
	    (line findString:'subclass:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
		Transcript showCr:line
	stream close.
	done := done + 1

      top destroy

   using the convenient inBox-interface

   (this creates a box and an activity label and evaluates a block
    to indicate ...)

    basic interface demonstration:


      p := ProgressIndicator 
		inBoxWithLabel:'doing something  ...'
      p showProgressOf:
	    [:progressValue :currentAction |

	      1 to:100 do:[:val |
		  (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
		  val == 25 ifTrue:[
		      currentAction value:'still going ...'
		  val == 50 ifTrue:[
		      currentAction value:'halfway through ...'
		  val == 75 ifTrue:[
		      currentAction value:'almost finished ...'
		  progressValue value:val 

    above search example using this convenient interface:


      p := ProgressIndicator inBoxWithLabel:'searching files ...'.
      p showProgressOf:
	    [:progressValue :currentAction |
		|names nDone|

		names := 'source' asFilename directoryContents.
		nDone := 0.
		names do:[:aName |
		  |stream line|

		  progressValue value:(nDone / names size * 100).
		  currentAction value:'searching ' , 'source/' , aName , ' ...'.

		  stream := ('source/' , aName) asFilename readStream.
		  [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
		      line := stream nextLine.
		      (line findString:'subclass:') ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
			  Transcript showCr:line
		  stream close.
		  nDone := nDone + 1

    a nice example: copying files a la windows ...


		inBoxWithLabel:'copy files to /dev/null ...'
	    [:progressValue :currentAction |
		|files nFiles nDone|

		files := '.' asFilename directoryContents.
		nFiles := files size.
		nDone := 0.
		files do:[:aFileName |

		    nDone := nDone + 1.
		    percent := nDone / nFiles * 100.
		    progressValue value:percent. 
		    aFileName asFilename isDirectory ifTrue:[
			Transcript showCr:('skipping ' , aFileName , ' ...'). 
			currentAction value:('skipping ' , aFileName , ' ...'). 
		    ] ifFalse:[
			Transcript showCr:('copying ' , aFileName , ' ...').
			currentAction value:('copying ' , aFileName , ' ...').
			Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
			    self warn:'an error occurred while copying ' , aFileName.
			    ex return
			] do:[
			    aFileName asFilename copyTo:'/dev/null'.
! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'drawing'!

    |s rx sx sy sw m w h|

    m := margin + 1.
    w := width - (m*2).
    h := height - (m*2).

    s := percentage printString , ' %'.
    sw := font widthOf:s.
    sx := (width - sw) // 2.
    sy := height // 2 + font descent + 2.

    rx := (w * percentage / 100) rounded.

    self paint:Color white.
    self fillRectangleX:m y:m width:w height:h.

    showPercentage ifTrue:[
	rx <= (sx+sw) ifTrue:[
	    self paint:Color black.
	    self displayString:s x:sx y:sy.

    self paint:fgColor.
    self fillRectangleX:m y:m width:rx height:h.

    showPercentage ifTrue:[
	rx >= sx ifTrue:[
	    self clipRect:(m@m corner:rx+1 @ h).
	    self paint:Color white.
	    self displayString:s x:sx y:sy.
	    self clipRect:nil
! !

!ProgressIndicator class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self inBoxWithLabel:'executing ...' abortable:false 

    "create a topView containing an instance of myself,
     for later use with #showProgressOf:"

    ^ self inBoxWithLabel:aLabel abortable:false 

inBoxWithLabel:aLabel abortable:abortable
    "create a topView containing an instance of myself,
     for later use with #showProgressOf:"

    |top p l h|

    top := Dialog new.
    top extent:300@100; sizeFixed:true.
    top label:aLabel.
    top cursor:(Cursor wait).

    l := top addTextLabel:''.
    l borderWidth:0.
    l adjust:#left.
    l cursor:(Cursor wait).

    top addVerticalSpace.

    p := ProgressIndicator new.
    p extent:(1.0 @ p preferredExtent y).
    p level:-1.
    p leftInset:5;
    p cursor:(Cursor wait).
    p connectToTop:top label:l.

    top addComponent:p.

    abortable ifTrue:[
	top addVerticalSpace.
	top addAbortButton

    ^ p
! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'showing progress'!

connectToTop:top label:label
    connectedTop := top.
    connectedLabel := label

    "show progress, while evaluating aBlock.
     If the receiver has been created with inBox, show the
     box centered on the screen. If not, the view is assumed to
     be contained in another view, and no special startup actions
     are performed.

     The block is passed two arguments, the progressValue,
     which should be set to the percentage from time-to-time
     within the block and an action value, which should be set to
     the currently performed action (a string) from time to time.
     The second valueHolder can be left unchanged.

     Caveat: cannot (currently) suppress close of the box ..."

    |progressValue labelValue p|

    progressValue := 0 asValue.
    labelValue := '' asValue.

    connectedLabel notNil ifTrue:[

    self model:progressValue.

    p := [
	    aBlock value:progressValue value:labelValue
	] valueNowOrOnUnwindDo:[
	    p := nil.
	    connectedTop notNil ifTrue:[
		connectedTop hide
    ] fork.

    connectedTop notNil ifTrue:[
	Processor activeProcess 
	    withPriority:(Processor activePriority + 1)
		self topView show.
	p notNil ifTrue:[p terminate].
    ] ifFalse:[
	self halt:'not yet implemented'.


      p := ProgressIndicator inBox.
      p showProgressOf:
	    [:progressValue :currentAction |
		1 to:100 do:[:percent |
		    (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
		    progressValue value:percent 

      'it can be reused ...'.  
      p showProgressOf:
	    [:progressValue :currentAction |
		1 to:100 by:5 do:[:percent |
		    (Delay forSeconds:0.05) wait.
		    progressValue value:percent 

! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'initialization'!

    super initialize.
    viewBackground := styleSheet colorAt:'progressIndicatorViewBackground' default:Color white.
    fgColor := styleSheet colorAt:'progressIndicatorForegroundColor' default:Color blue.
    percentage := 0.
    showPercentage := true.
! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'accessing'!


    newPercentage := ((aNumber max:0) min:100) rounded.
    newPercentage ~~ percentage ifTrue:[
	percentage := newPercentage.
	shown ifTrue:[self redraw].

    showPercentage := aBoolean

    fgColor := aColor
! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'queries'!

    ^ 100 @ (font height + font descent + ((margin + 1) * 2))
! !

!ProgressIndicator methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:aspect with:aParameter from:changedObject
    (aspect == aspectMsg
    and:[changedObject == model]) ifTrue:[
	self percentage:(model perform:aspectMsg).
	^ self
    ^ super update:aspect with:aParameter from:changedObject
! !