author Claus Gittinger <>
Wed, 30 Aug 2017 16:03:03 +0200
changeset 5587 9905471b62fd
parent 5586 5cd1ecb1db66
child 5588 f780d54d56ad
permissions -rw-r--r--
#UI_ENHANCEMENT by cg class: ImageEditView added: #magnifySmoothingTo:

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.
"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

ImageView subclass:#ImageEditView
	instanceVariableNames:'readOnly magnification imageReaderClass resourceClass
		resourceSelector mouseKeyColorMode undoImages originalImage
		modifiedHolder editMode lastPastePoint imageInfoHolder
		activityInfoHolder pickedColorHolder drawingColors drawingPixels
		drawingColorHolders drawingPixelHolders clickInfoCallBack
		penWidth sprayProcess sprayPosition spraySpot drawingAlpha
		floodFillMaxHueError floodFillMaxLightError
	classVariableNames:'Clipboard ClipboardMagnified LastMagnification
		GridMagnificationLimit MaxUndos LastSaveDirectory LastSaveClass
		EditModePoint EditModeBox EditModeFilledBox EditModeFill
		EditModeCopy EditModePasteUnder EditModePaste
		EditModePasteWithMask EditModeSpecialOperation EditModeSpray
		EditModeCircle EditModeSmooth EditModeFilledCircle
		EditModeSpecialOperationCropSubImage EditModeMaskOutsideRect

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    An ImageEditView is a view which can be used by applications
    like the Image Editor for editing or inspecting (bitmap-) images.

    [see also:]
        ImageEditor Image

        Thomas Zwick
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    MaxUndos := 10.
    GridMagnificationLimit := 6 @ 6.

    EditModePoint := #point.
    EditModeBox := #box.
    EditModeCircle := #circle.
    EditModePaste := #paste.
    EditModePasteUnder := #pasteUnder.
    EditModePasteWithMask := #pasteWithMask.
    EditModeFilledBox := #filledBox.
    EditModeFilledCircle := #filledCircle.
    EditModeFill := #fill.
    EditModeCopy := #copy.
    EditModeSpray := #spray.
    EditModeSmooth := #smooth.
    EditModeMaskOutsideRect := #maskOutsideRect. 
    EditModeMaskOutsideCircle := #maskOutsideCircle. 
    EditModeSpecialOperation := #specialOperation.
    EditModeSpecialOperationCropSubImage := #specialOperationCropSubImage.

     self initialize

    "Modified: / 20-02-2017 / 16:54:11 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ EditModeBox

    ^ EditModeCopy

    ^ EditModeFill

    ^ EditModeFilledBox

    ^ EditModePaste

    ^ EditModePasteUnder

    ^ EditModePasteWithMask

    ^ EditModePoint

    ^ EditModeSmooth

    ^ EditModeSpecialOperation

    ^ GridMagnificationLimit

    GridMagnificationLimit := anInteger

    ^ LastSaveDirectory

    "Created: / 14-12-2010 / 14:49:01 / cg"

    LastSaveDirectory := aStringOrFilename

    "Created: / 14-12-2010 / 14:49:18 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'helpers'!

    ClipboardMagnified := nil.
    Clipboard := copiedImage.
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'resources'!

    ^ ImageEditor classResources
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'activityInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    ^ activityInfoHolder

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:49:39 / cg"

    "set the value of the instance variable 'activityInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    activityInfoHolder := something.

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:49:39 / cg"

    self modified:false

     clickInfoCallBack := aTwoArgBlock

    "Created: / 10.2.2000 / 23:07:14 / cg"

    clipboardObject := self getClipboardObject.
    clipboardObject isImage ifTrue:[
        ^ clipboardObject
    ^ Clipboard.

    drawingColorHolders isNil ifTrue:[
        drawingColorHolders := Array with:(nil asValue) with:(nil asValue).   "/ left/right mouse colors
    ^ drawingColorHolders

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:14:49 / cg"

    ^ drawingColorHolders collect:[:each | each value].

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:17:14 / cg"

    (drawingColorHolders at:1) value:(anArrayTwoColors at:1).
    (drawingColorHolders at:2) value:(anArrayTwoColors at:2).

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:17:21 / cg"

    "is one of the edit modes:



editMode: anEditModeSymbol
    "must be one of the edit modes:


    editMode := anEditModeSymbol

    floodFillMaxHueError := aFraction.

    "Modified (format): / 17-02-2017 / 15:26:59 / cg"

    floodFillMaxLightError := aFraction.

    "Modified (format): / 17-02-2017 / 15:27:03 / cg"

image:anImage scroll:doScroll
    self image:anImage scroll:doScroll invalidate:true

image:anImage scroll:doScroll invalidate:doInvalidate
    |retVal fileName|

    anImage isImage ifTrue:[           
        true "(image isNil or: [self checkModified])" ifTrue: [
            image notNil ifTrue: [
                fileName := image fileName.
                anImage fileName isNil ifTrue: [anImage fileName: fileName].
            super image:anImage scroll:doScroll invalidate:doInvalidate.
            retVal := self.
    ] ifFalse: [
        super image:nil scroll:true invalidate:doInvalidate.

    "/ self changed:#image.
    image isNil ifTrue:[
        self clearModified.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self setModified.
    self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString. 
    ^ retVal

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:33:12 / cg"

    ^ imageInfoHolder

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:29:50 / cg"

    imageInfoHolder := something.

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:29:50 / cg"




magnification: aPoint

    magnification ~= aPoint
	oldOrg := self viewOrigin / magnification.
	magnification := aPoint asPoint.

	self scrollTo:(oldOrg * magnification) rounded redraw:false.        
"/        self scrollToTopLeft.
	self contentsChanged.
	self invalidate.
	ClipboardMagnified := nil.

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:38:47 / cg"

    ^ modifiedHolder value

    modifiedHolder value:aBoolean

    ^ modifiedHolder


    ^mouseKeyColorMode printString


    mouseKeyColorMode := aMode

    ^ penWidth ? 1

    "Created: / 01-11-2007 / 23:34:49 / cg"

    penWidth := anInteger

    "Created: / 01-11-2007 / 23:34:56 / cg"

    ^ readOnly

    readOnly := aBoolean.

    undoImages removeLast

    ^ resourceClass

resourceClass: aClassOrClassNameString
    "support for names will vanish - obsolete left over from tz"

    resourceClass := aClassOrClassNameString.
    resourceClass notNil ifTrue:[
        resourceClass isBehavior ifFalse: [ 
            resourceClass := Smalltalk classNamed:aClassOrClassNameString 

    resourceClass isNil ifTrue:[^ ''].
    ^ resourceClass name

    (resourceClass isNil or:[resourceSelector isNil]) ifTrue:[^ ''].
    ^ resourceClass name, ' ', resourceSelector

    ^ resourceSelector

resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol
    aStringOrSymbol isNil ifTrue:[
        resourceSelector := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        resourceSelector := aStringOrSymbol asSymbol

    image mask isNil ifTrue:[ 
        Logger warning:'image has no mask'.
        ^ self.    
    "/ self selectedColorIndex:1.
    self selectedColor:(Color noColor).
    self selectedColorIndex:nil.

    "Created: / 16-02-2017 / 09:57:40 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 16:30:50 / cg"


    clr := (drawingColorHolders at:mouseKeyColorMode) value.
    clr isNil ifTrue:[ clr := Color black ].
    image hasAlphaChannel ifTrue:[
        ^ (TranslucentColor 
                scaledRed:clr scaledRed
                scaledGreen:clr scaledGreen
                scaledBlue:clr scaledBlue)
                alpha:(drawingAlpha ? 1.0)
    ^ clr

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:17:06 / cg"

selectedColor: aColor
    (drawingColorHolders at:(mouseKeyColorMode min:drawingColorHolders size)) value:aColor

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:17:02 / cg"

    ^ (drawingPixelHolders at:mouseKeyColorMode) value

selectedColorIndex: aPixelIndex
    (drawingPixelHolders at:(mouseKeyColorMode min:drawingPixelHolders size)) value: aPixelIndex

    "remember being modified (to ask about saving, when closing)"
    self modified:true

    "Modified (comment): / 22-02-2017 / 22:24:34 / cg"

    ^ spraySpot

    "Created: / 15-02-2012 / 22:38:04 / cg"

    spraySpot := something.

    ^ undoImages

    "for special applications, whre user is only allowed to draw
     in the predefined color (eg. expecco)"

    userAllowedToChangeDrawingColor := aBoolean

    "Created: / 17-02-2017 / 16:24:37 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "draws a black frame around the image's bounds"
    gc paint:self blackColor.
    gc lineWidth: (magnification x//3 min: 3).
    gc displayRectangle: ((0@0) extent:(image extent * magnification) + margin).
    gc lineWidth:1.

drawFramesIn: aRectangle
    "draws the pixel frame grid"

    |origin lineStartingPoint lineEndingPoint oldColor mX mY|

    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit ifTrue: [
        mX := magnification x.
        mY := magnification y.
        origin := aRectangle origin - 1.
        lineStartingPoint := origin + (0 @ mY).
        lineEndingPoint   := lineStartingPoint + (aRectangle width@0).

        oldColor := gc paint.
        gc paint:Color gray.
        "/ gc xoring:[
            gc displayLineFrom: lineStartingPoint to: lineEndingPoint.
            lineStartingPoint x to: lineStartingPoint x + aRectangle width - mX by: mX 
                gc displayLineFrom: x@(origin y) to: x@(origin y + mY)
        "/ ].
        gc paint: oldColor.

    "Modified: / 29-08-2017 / 21:58:07 / cg"

drawPasteRectangleAt: aPoint
    |currentPoint gridCorrection extent|

    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit ifFalse: [gridCorrection := 0] ifTrue: [gridCorrection := 1].
    currentPoint := aPoint // magnification*magnification + margin. 

    self repairDamage.

    currentPoint ~= lastPastePoint ifTrue:[              
        ClipboardMagnified isNil ifTrue:[
            ClipboardMagnified := (Clipboard magnifiedBy: magnification) onDevice:device
        extent := ClipboardMagnified extent.

        "/ currentPoint := currentPoint - self viewOrigin.

        self redraw: (((lastPastePoint ? currentPoint)"-self viewOrigin") extent: extent).
        "/ self repairDamage.

false "        (extent x > 400 or: [extent y > 400])" ifTrue:[
            self xoring: [
                self fillRectangle: (currentPoint extent: extent)
        ] ifFalse:[
            ClipboardMagnified notNil ifTrue:[
                self displayDeviceForm: ClipboardMagnified 
                                     x: currentPoint x - self viewOrigin x 
                                     y: currentPoint y - self viewOrigin y.
            editMode == EditModePastUnder ifTrue:[
                self redrawImageX:currentPoint x y:currentPoint y width:extent x height:extent y unmaskedOnly:true
    lastPastePoint := currentPoint.

    "Modified: / 20-11-2007 / 17:17:14 / cg"

fillFramedRectangle: aRectangle

    self fillRectangle: aRectangle.
    self drawFramesIn: aRectangle

        invalidate:(aRectangle origin "+ self viewOrigin" extent:aRectangle extent)

    "Modified: / 15.11.2001 / 16:43:53 / cg"

redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h
    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h unmaskedOnly:false

    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:14:03 / cg"

redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h unmaskedOnly:unmaskedOnly
    "redraw the magnified (editing) view of the image"

        redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h 
        unmaskedOnly:unmaskedOnly processColorsWith:[:colorIn | colorIn].

    "Created: / 18.5.1999 / 20:13:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:36:20 / cg"

redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h unmaskedOnly:unmaskedOnly processColorsWith:aColorBlock
    "redraw the magnified (editing) view of the image"

    |ih iw magX magY minX maxX minY maxY lastColor lastY runW x0 maskColor mask
     sizeOfMaskPoint useNearestColor origin isRGBA|

    useNearestColor := device visualType == #PseudoColor.

    mask := image mask.
    isRGBA := image photometric == #rgba.
    ih := image height.
    iw := image width.
    magX := magnification x.
    magY := magnification y.

    minX := (x // magX - 1) max: 0.
    minX >= iw ifTrue:[minX := (iw - 1) max: 0].
    minY := (y // magY - 1) max: 0.
    minY >= ih ifTrue:[minY := (ih - 1) max: 0].
    maxX := (x + w) // magX + 1.
    maxX > iw ifTrue:[maxX := iw].
    maxY := (y + h) // magY + 1.
    maxY > ih ifTrue:[maxY := ih].

    lastY := -1.

    x0 := minX.
    runW := 0.
    maskColor := false.
    sizeOfMaskPoint := magnification//3.
        colorsFromX:minX y:minY toX:maxX-1 y:maxY-1 
        do:[:xx :yy :colorIn|
            color := aColorBlock value:colorIn.
            shown ifFalse:[^ self].

            yy ~~ lastY ifTrue:[
                runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    origin := (x0 * magX + margin) @ (lastY * magY + margin).
                    (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
                        self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@magY)).                    
                        maskColor ifTrue:[
                            gc xoring: [gc fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)]
                    runW := 0.
                x0 := xx.
                lastY := yy.

            color ~= lastColor ifTrue:[
                runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    origin := (x0 * magX + margin)@(yy * magY + margin).
                    (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
                        self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@magY)).
                        maskColor ifTrue:[
                            gc xoring: [gc fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)]
                    runW := 0.

                lastColor := color.
                useNearestColor ifTrue:[
                    lastColor := lastColor nearestOn:device
                gc paint:lastColor.
                mask notNil ifTrue:[  
                    maskColor := false.
                    (mask pixelAtX:xx y:yy) == 0 ifTrue:[
                        unmaskedOnly ifFalse:[
                            gc paint: (lastColor := self viewBackground).
                        maskColor := true.
                    lastColor := nil.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    isRGBA ifTrue:[
                        maskColor := false.
                        colorIn alphaByte == 0 ifTrue:[
                            unmaskedOnly ifFalse:[
                                gc paint: (lastColor := self viewBackground).
                            maskColor := true.
                        ] ifFalse:[  
                        lastColor := nil.
                runW := 0.
                x0 := xx.
            runW := runW + magX

    runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        origin := (x0 * magX + margin)@(lastY * magY + margin).
        (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
            self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: runW@magY).
            maskColor ifTrue:[
                gc xoring:[
                    gc fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)

    "Created: / 18-05-1999 / 20:13:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 17:19:59 / cg"

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h

    |xI yI devImage imgWidth imgHeight mX mY magnifiedWidth magnifiedHeight|

    image isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    magnification = (1@1) ifTrue: [
        Error handle:[:ex |
            Transcript showCR:'cannot convert image: ', ex description.
        ] do:[
            devImage := image onDevice:device.
            devImage ~~ image ifTrue:[
                image := devImage.
                self changed:#image.
        image device == device ifTrue:[
            super redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h.
            self drawFrame.
            ^ self.

    "/ self clippingRectangle: (x@y extent:w@h).
    "/ draw the image itself
    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    imgWidth := image width.
    imgHeight := image height.

    "/ beyond of image ?
    adjust == #center ifTrue:[
        xI := (width - imgWidth) // 2 - margin.
        yI := (height - imgHeight) // 2 - margin.
    ] ifFalse:[
        xI := yI := margin

    mX := magnification x.
    mY := magnification y.
    magnifiedWidth := mX * imgWidth.
    magnifiedHeight := mY * imgHeight.
    "/ draw the rest to the right and at the bottom
    (x + w - 1) > (xI + magnifiedWidth) ifTrue:[
            clearRectangleX:(xI + magnifiedWidth) y:y
            width:(x + w - magnifiedWidth - xI) height:h
    (y + h - 1) > (yI + magnifiedHeight) ifTrue:[
            clearRectangleX:margin y:(yI + magnifiedHeight)
            width:w height:(y + h - magnifiedHeight - yI)  
    self drawFrame.
    self clippingBounds: nil.

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:22:45 / cg"

    spraySpot isNil ifTrue:[
        spraySpot := 8

    sprayProcess isNil ifTrue:[
        sprayProcess := [
                |p rnd norm sprayPoint dly angle x y dist|

                rnd := Random new.
                Distributions::NormalDistribution notNil ifTrue:[
                    norm := Distributions::NormalDistribution mean:0 deviation:0.5.
                dly := Delay forMilliseconds:20.
                [true] whileTrue:[
                    10 timesRepeat:[
                        p := sprayPosition.
                        p notNil ifTrue:[
                            angle := rnd next * 359.999.    "/ the angle is uniformly ditributed
                            norm notNil ifTrue:[
                                dist := norm next * spraySpot.  "/ the distance is a normalDistribution
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                dist := (rnd nextBetween:-1 and:1) * spraySpot. 
                            sprayPoint := (Point r:dist degrees:angle)*magnification.

                            x := p x + sprayPoint x truncated.
                            y := p y + sprayPoint y truncated.
                            self pointAt:(x@y) width:1.
                    dly wait.
        ] fork.

    "Modified: / 15-02-2012 / 22:44:54 / cg"

    sprayProcess notNil ifTrue:[
        sprayProcess terminate.
        sprayProcess := nil
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y

    (x < 0 or:[y < 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    "/ readOnly ifTrue:[^ self].

    p := x@y.

    state ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        "/ button down

        "/ self selectedColor notNil ifTrue:[ 
        (self imageContainsPoint:p) ifTrue:[
            (editMode == EditModePoint) ifTrue:[
                self pointAt:p.
                ^ self
            (editMode == EditModeSmooth) ifTrue:[
                self smoothAt:p.
                ^ self
            sprayProcess notNil ifTrue:[
                sprayPosition := p.
                ^ self
        self drawCursorAt:p.
        ^ self

    "/ button is up (care for paste-mode, dragging the pasted image)
    self drawCursorAt:p.
    "/ if in pastemode, highlight the affected rectangle (image to be pasted is in ClipBoard)
    self inPasteMode ifTrue: [
        "/ with shift, paste is offset by pasted image's size
        "/ (i.e. click-point will be corner of pasted rectangle)
        self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
            p := p - Clipboard extent
        (self imageContainsPastePoint:p) ifTrue:[
            (self sensor hasButtonMotionEventFor:self) ifFalse:[
                self drawPasteRectangleAt:p
        ] ifFalse: [
            self cursor:Cursor stop. 
            self releasePasteDrawing

    "Modified (format): / 16-02-2017 / 16:59:13 / cg"

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    |p clr masked|

    p := x@y.

    "/ with shift, paste is offset by pasted image's size
    "/ (i.e. click-point will be corner of pasted rectangle)
    self inPasteMode ifTrue:[
        self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
            p := p - Clipboard extent
    self drawCursorAt:p.

    (self imageContainsPoint:p) ifTrue:[  
        "/ shift click: select the pixel-color  
        (self inPasteMode not and:[self sensor shiftDown]) ifTrue:[
            userAllowedToChangeDrawingColor ifTrue:[
                (image maskAt:(p // magnification)) == 0 ifTrue:[
                    masked := true.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    masked := false.
                    clr := image colorAt:(p // magnification).
                pickedColorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
                    pickedColorHolder value:clr.
                self selectedColor:clr.
                masked ifTrue:[self selectedColorIndex:nil].
                self changed:#selectedColor with:clr.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ normal click: 
            (readOnly not 
              or:[editMode == EditModeCopy
              or:[editMode == EditModeSpecialOperation]]
            ) ifTrue:[
                (button between:1 and:2) ifTrue:[
                    mouseKeyColorMode := button.
                    self makeUndo.

                    clickInfoCallBack notNil ifTrue:[
                        "/ still a kludge, but less ugly ...
                        clickInfoCallBack value:button value:p
                    "/ editMode is something like #point, #rectangle etc.
                    "/ so we call pointAt: / rectAt: / filledBoxAt: etc. here
                        self perform: (editMode, 'At:') asSymbol with:p
                    ] on:Error do:[:ex | 
                        (Dialog confirm:('Error during operation: ', ex description,'\\Debug ?') withCRs )
                            ex reject

    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 16:25:29 / cg"

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y

    self drawCursorAt: x@y.
    readOnly ifTrue:[^ self].

    (self imageContainsPoint: x@y) ifTrue: [
        sprayProcess notNil ifTrue:[
            self stopSpray

        image release.

        "/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
        "/        "/ which gets the information ...
        "/        masterApplication imagePreView invalidate.

        "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
        self changed:#subImageIn with:(image bounds).

    "Modified: / 16-02-2017 / 16:57:24 / cg"

    ^ (editMode notNil and:[editMode startsWith:#paste])

    larger ifTrue:[
        self magnification: ((magnification + 1) min:63)
    ] ifFalse:[
        self magnification: ((magnification - 1) max:1)


    super pointerLeave: state.

    self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString.
    self cursor:Cursor normal.

    self inPasteMode ifTrue: [
        self releasePasteDrawing

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:27:42 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image editing'!

    "let user ask for which special operation to apply to the selected imageBox,
     then perform it."    
    |listOfOpSpecs listOfOpNames listOfOpSelectors operation|

    listOfOpSpecs := OrderedCollection new.
    listOfOpSpecs addAll:
           ('edit separately'   editIcon         #edit)
           ('extract subimage'  cropSubImageIcon #editSubImage)

    self readOnly ifFalse:[
        listOfOpSpecs addAll:
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('flip vertical'         flipVerticalIcon   flipVertical)
               ('flip horizontal'       flipHorizontalIcon flipHorizontal)
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('slightly brightened'   slightlyBrighterIcon slightlyBrightened)
               ('slightly darkened'     slightlyDarkerIcon   slightlyDarkened)
               ('brightened'            brighterIcon         brightened)
               ('darkened'              darkerIcon           darkened)
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('make grey'             nil makeGrey)
               ('greyed'                nil greyed)
               ('grey pattern'          nil greyPattern)
               ('grey pattern (unmasked)'   nil unmaskedGreyPattern)
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('reversed'              nil reversed)
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('change hue'            nil changeHue)
               ('colorize'              nil colorize)
               ('-'                     nil nil)
               ('gradient fill horizontal'  fillHorizontalGradientRectIcon gradientFillHorizontal)
               ('gradient fill vertical'    fillVerticalGradientRectIcon gradientFillVertical)
                "/ unfinished
               "/ ('gradient fill diagonal'    fillDiagonalGradientRectIcon gradientFillDiagonal)
               ('-'                     nil nil) 
               ('auto gradient fill horizontal'  fillHorizontalGradientRectIcon autoGradientFillHorizontal)
               ('auto gradient fill vertical'    fillVerticalGradientRectIcon autoGradientFillVertical)
                "/ unfinished
               "/ ('auto gradient fill diagonal'    fillDiagonalGradientRectIcon autoGradientFillDiagonal)
    listOfOpNames := listOfOpSpecs collect:[:entry |
                        |name iconSelector icon|
                        name := entry first.
                        iconSelector := entry second.
                        iconSelector notNil ifTrue:[ 
                            icon := self class perform:iconSelector ifNotUnderstood:[ImageEditor perform:iconSelector].
                            LabelAndIcon label:name icon:icon
                        ] ifFalse:[

    listOfOpSelectors := listOfOpSpecs collect:#third. 
    operation := Dialog 
           choose:(resources string:'Which Operation:')

    ^ operation

    "Created: / 20-02-2017 / 17:37:23 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 15:54:42 / cg"

autoCropLeft:doLeft right:doRight top:doTop bottom:doBottom
    |yMinNew yMaxNew xMinNew xMaxNew
     pix stillCropping xMax yMax|

    image isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    xMax := image width - 1.
    yMax := image height - 1.

    xMinNew := 0.
    doLeft ifTrue:[
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:0.
        stillCropping := true.
        [stillCropping] whileTrue:[
            0 to:yMax do:[:y |
                (image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:y) ~= pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCropping := false
            stillCropping ifTrue:[
                xMinNew := xMinNew + 1.
                xMinNew >= image width ifTrue:[
                    self warn:(resources string:'Image is all the same color - no crop.').
                    ^ self

    xMaxNew := xMax.
    doRight ifTrue:[
        stillCropping := true.
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:0.
        [stillCropping] whileTrue:[
            0 to:yMax do:[:y |
                (image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:y) ~= pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCropping := false
            stillCropping ifTrue:[
                xMaxNew := xMaxNew - 1.

    yMinNew := 0.
    doTop ifTrue:[
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:yMinNew.
        stillCropping := true.
        [stillCropping] whileTrue:[
            xMinNew to:xMaxNew do:[:x |
                (image pixelAtX:x y:yMinNew) ~= pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCropping := false
            stillCropping ifTrue:[
                yMinNew := yMinNew + 1.

    yMaxNew := yMax.
    doBottom ifTrue:[
        stillCropping := true.
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:yMaxNew.
        [stillCropping] whileTrue:[
            xMinNew to:xMaxNew do:[:x |
                (image pixelAtX:x y:yMaxNew) ~= pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCropping := false
            stillCropping ifTrue:[
                yMaxNew := yMaxNew - 1.

    (xMinNew == 0
    and:[xMaxNew == (image width - 1)
    and:[yMinNew == 0
    and:[yMaxNew == (image height - 1)]]]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:(resources string:'No border found - no crob.').
        ^ self

"/    self warn:'extract subImage ' 
"/              , (xMinNew @ yMinNew) printString
"/              , ' -> '
"/              , (xMaxNew @ yMaxNew) printString.

    self makeUndo.
        makeSubImageX:xMinNew y:yMinNew 
        width:(xMaxNew - xMinNew + 1)
        height:(yMaxNew - yMinNew + 1)

    "Created: / 20-02-2017 / 17:59:05 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-04-2017 / 09:33:08 / cg"

    image isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    self class copyImageToClipboard:image.
    self setClipboardObject:image.

    "Modified: / 12-04-2017 / 09:27:07 / cg"

cropLeft:doLeft right:doRight top:doTop bottom:doBottom
    <resource: #obsolete>

    self autoCropLeft:doLeft right:doRight top:doTop bottom:doBottom

    "Created: / 07-09-1998 / 14:25:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 12-04-2017 / 09:31:04 / cg"


    cmap := image colorMap.
    (cmap isNil or:[cmap isFixedPalette or:[cmap isMappedPalette]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedColor.
    ^ nil

    "Created: / 03-02-2017 / 21:58:01 / cg"


    cmap := image colorMap.
    (cmap isNil or:[cmap isFixedPalette or:[cmap isMappedPalette]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ nil.
    ^ self selectedColorIndex.

    "Created: / 03-02-2017 / 21:58:28 / cg"

flipSubImage:how in:imageBox
    "/ now, do it
    "/ caveat: this should go into image class

    |x0 y0 x1 y1 image t|

    self makeUndo.

    x0 := imageBox left.
    y0 := imageBox top.
    x1 := imageBox right-1.
    y1 := imageBox bottom-1.

    image := self image.

    how == #vertical ifTrue:[
        0 to:((y1-y0)//2) do:[:dy |
            x0 to:x1 do:[:x |
                t := image pixelAtX:x y:(y0+dy).
                image pixelAtX:x y:(y0+dy) put:(image pixelAtX:x y:(y1-dy)).
                image pixelAtX:x y:(y1-dy) put:t.
                image mask notNil ifTrue:[
                    t := image maskAtX:x y:(y0+dy).
                    image maskAtX:x y:(y0+dy) put:(image maskAtX:x y:(y1-dy)).
                    image maskAtX:x y:(y1-dy) put:t.
    ] ifFalse:[
        0 to:((x1-x0)//2) do:[:dx |
            y0 to:y1 do:[:y |
                t := image pixelAtX:(x0+dx) y:y.
                image pixelAtX:(x0+dx) y:y put:(image pixelAtX:(x1-dx) y:y).
                image pixelAtX:(x1-dx) y:y put:t.

                image mask notNil ifTrue:[
                    t := image maskAtX:(x0+dx) y:y.
                    image maskAtX:(x0+dx) y:y put:(image maskAtX:(x1-dx) y:y).
                    image maskAtX:(x1-dx) y:y put:t.

    self setModified.

    "Created: / 07-04-2011 / 09:34:23 / cg"

gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:orientation auto:auto
    "/ with auto, pick 2 bounding pixels and do a gradient fill with those;
    "/ (don't know what diagonal should do, yet)
    "/ if auto is false, use color1/color2 for the fill

    |x0 y0 x1 y1 image n color1 color2 
     r0 g0 b0 dR dG dB i cX cY A B qAB a b pD1x pD1y pD2x pD2y
     dxH dyH hX hY dH dP f |

    self makeUndo.

    x0 := imageBox left.
    y0 := imageBox top.
    x1 := imageBox right-1.
    y1 := imageBox bottom-1.
    image := self image.

    self setModified.
    auto ifTrue:[
        orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
            n := y1-y0-1.
            n = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
            x0 to:x1 do:[:x |
                color1 := image colorAtX:x y:y0.
                color2 := image colorAtX:x y:y1.
                r0 := color1 red.
                g0 := color1 green.
                b0 := color1 blue.
                dR := (color2 red - color1 red) / n.
                dG := (color2 green - color1 green) / n.
                dB := (color2 blue - color1 blue) / n.
                i := 1.
                y0+1 to:y1-1 do:[:y |
                    clr := Color red:(r0 + (i*dR)) green:(g0 + (i*dG)) blue:(b0 + (i*dB)).
                    image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
                    i := i+1.
            ^ self.
        orientation == #horizontal ifTrue:[
            n := x1-x0-1.
            n = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
            y0 to:y1 do:[:y |
                color1 := image colorAtX:x0 y:y.
                color2 := image colorAtX:x1 y:y.
                r0 := color1 red.
                g0 := color1 green.
                b0 := color1 blue.
                dR := (color2 red - color1 red) / n.
                dG := (color2 green - color1 green) / n.
                dB := (color2 blue - color1 blue) / n.
                i := 1.
                x0+1 to:x1-1 do:[:x |
                    clr := Color red:(r0 + (i*dR)) green:(g0 + (i*dG)) blue:(b0 + (i*dB)).
                    image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
                    i := i+1.
            ^ self.
        ^ self.
    color1 := (self drawingColorHolders at:1) value.
    color1 isNil ifTrue:[ color1 := Color black ].
    color2 := (self drawingColorHolders at:2) value.
    color2 isNil ifTrue:[ color2 := Color white ].

    r0 := color1 red.
    g0 := color1 green.
    b0 := color1 blue.

    orientation == #vertical ifTrue:[
        n := y1-y0.
        n = 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
        dR := (color2 red - r0) / n.
        dG := (color2 green - g0) / n.
        dB := (color2 blue - b0) / n.

        x0 to:x1 do:[:x |
            i := 0.
            y0 to:y1 do:[:y |
                clr := Color red:(r0 + (i*dR)) green:(g0 + (i*dG)) blue:(b0 + (i*dB)).
                image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
                i := i+1.
        ^ self.
    orientation == #horizontal ifTrue:[
        n := x1-x0.
        n = 0 ifTrue:[^ self ].
        dR := (color2 red - r0) / n.
        dG := (color2 green - g0) / n.
        dB := (color2 blue - b0) / n.

        y0 to:y1 do:[:y |
            i := 1.
            x0+1 to:x1-1 do:[:x |
                clr := Color red:(r0 + (i*dR)) green:(g0 + (i*dG)) blue:(b0 + (i*dB)).
                image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
                i := i+1.
        ^ self.
    orientation == #diagonal ifTrue:[
        cX := (x1+1 + x0) / 2.
        cY := (y1+1 + y0) / 2.
        A := cY-y0. 
        B := cX-x0.
        (A=0 or:[B=0]) ifTrue:[^ self].
        qAB := A/B.
        "/ {(cX-10) rounded . (cX-5) rounded . cX rounded . (cX+5)rounded . (cX+10)rounded } 
        x0 to:x1 
        do:[:x |
            b := cX-x.
            b = 0 ifTrue:[
                pD1x := pD2x := cX.
                pD1y := pD2y := cY.
            ] ifFalse:[    
                "/ (A/B) = (a/b) -> a = (A/B)*b
                a := qAB*b.
                pD1x := ((cX-b) max:x0) min:x1. 
                pD1y := ((cY+a) max:y0) min:y1. 
                pD2x := ((cX-b) max:x0) min:x1. 
                pD2y := ((cY-a) max:y0) min:y1.  
            "/ {(cY-10)rounded . (cY-5)rounded . cY rounded. (cY+5)rounded. (cY+10)rounded } 
            y0 to:y1 
            do:[:y |
                "/ the edge-point to interpolate against...
                "/ take a line from C through x/y and compute where it hits the edge H
                a := y-cY.
                b := x-cX.
                (a = 0) ifTrue:[
                    "/ exactly in the middle
                    hX := (x < cX) ifTrue:[x0] ifFalse:[x1].
                    hY := cY.
                ] ifFalse:[    
                    (b = 0) ifTrue:[
                        hX := cX.
                        hY := (y < cY) ifTrue:[y0] ifFalse:[y1].
                    ] ifFalse:[    
                        "/ (dH/A) = (b/a) -> dH = (b/a)*A
                        y <= pD1y ifTrue:[
                            "/ in left-upper half
                            (y <= pD2y) ifTrue:[
                                "/ in upper quadrant
                                dxH := (b/a)*A.
                                hX := cX-dxH.
                                hY := y0.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                "/ in left quadrant
                                dyH := (a/b)*B negated.
                                hY := cY+dyH.
                                hX := x0.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            "/ in right-lower half
                            y >= pD2y ifTrue:[
                                "/ in lower quadrant 
                                dxH := (b/a)*A negated.
                                hX := cX-dxH.
                                hY := y1.
                            ] ifFalse:[
                                "/ in right quadrant
                                dyH := (a/b)*B.
                                hY := cY+dyH.
                                hX := x1.
                    hX := hX min:x1.
                    hY := hY min:y1.

                "/ the color at H
                color2 := image colorAtX:hX rounded y:hY rounded.

                "/ the distance between H and C
                dH := (hX@hY) dist:(cX@cY).
                "/ the distance between P and C
                dP := (x@y) dist:(cX@cY).
                "/ the fraction (0 at H; 1 at C) 
                f := 1 - (dP / dH).
                self assert:(f between:0 and:1).
                "/ the new color
                dR := color2 red + ((r0-color2 red ) * f).
                dG := color2 green + ((g0-color2 green) * f).
                dB := color2 blue + ((b0-color2 blue) * f).
                image colorAtX:x y:y put:(Color red:dR green:dG blue:dB).
"/                y <= pD1y ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ in left-upper half
"/                    (y <= pD2y) ifTrue:[
"/                        "/ in upper quadrant
"/                        image colorAtX:x y:y put:Color red.
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                        "/ in left quadrant
"/                        image colorAtX:x y:y put:Color green.
"/                    ].    
"/                ] ifFalse:[
"/                    "/ in right-lower half
"/                    y >= pD2y ifTrue:[
"/                        "/ in lower quadrant 
"/                        image colorAtX:x y:y put:Color blue.
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                        "/ in right quadrant 
"/                        image colorAtX:x y:y put:Color yellow.
"/                    ].
"/                ].
        "/ image colorAtX:cX rounded y:cY rounded put:Color magenta.

"/            clr2 := image colorAtX:p2X y:p2Y.
"/            cTop := image colorAtX:x y:y0.
"/            cBot := image colorAtX:x y:y1.
"/            "/ point on diagonal
"/            xD := x.
"/            yD := (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)*x.
"/            "/ color at point on diagonal
"/            "/ cDiag := image colorAtX:xD rounded y:yD rounded.
"/            "/ the distance of the diagonal point from the origin
"/            dd := ((x-x0) squared + (yD-y0) squared) sqrt.
"/            "/ desired color at point on diagonal
"/            cDiag := Color red:(color1 red + (dd*dR)) green:(color1 green + (dd*dG)) blue:(color1 blue + (dd*dB)).
"/"/ image colorAtX:xD rounded y:yD rounded put:cDiag.
"/            n1 := yD-y0+1. "/ num points between top at x and diagonalPoint at x
"/            n2 := y1-yD+1. "/ num points between diagonalPoint at x and bottom at x 
"/            y0 to:y1 do:[:y |
"/                |clr d dR2 dG2 dB2|
"/                y < yD ifTrue:[
"/                    "/ gradient from top-color at x to diagonal point at x
"/                    d := y-y0.
"/                    dR2 := (cDiag red - cTop red) / n1.
"/                    dG2 := (cDiag green - cTop green) / n1.
"/                    dB2 := (cDiag blue - cTop blue) / n1.
"/                    clr := Color red:(cTop red + (d*dR2)) green:(cTop green + (d*dG2)) blue:(cTop blue + (d*dB2)).
"/                image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
"/                ] ifFalse:[    
"/                    "/ gradient from diagonal point at x to bottom point at x
"/                    d := y-yD.
"/                    dR2 := (cBot red - cDiag red) / n2.
"/                    dG2 := (cBot green - cDiag green) / n2.
"/                    dB2 := (cBot blue - cDiag blue) / n2.
"/                    clr := Color red:(cDiag red + (d*dR2)) green:(cDiag green + (d*dG2)) blue:(cDiag blue + (d*dB2)).
"/                    "/ clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
"/                image colorAtX:x y:y put:clr.
"/                ].
"/            ]
"/        ].
        ^ self.

    "Created: / 22-02-2017 / 21:00:01 / cg"
    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 15:41:23 / cg"

    self newImageWithUndo: (image hardAntiAliasedMagnifiedBy: newSize/image extent).

    self newImageWithUndo: (image magnifiedBy: newSize/image extent).

    self newImageWithUndo: (image hardSmoothingMagnifiedBy:scale).

    "Created: / 30-08-2017 / 15:35:15 / cg"

    self newImageWithUndo: (image hardSmoothingMagnifiedBy: newSize/image extent).

    "Created: / 30-08-2017 / 15:46:46 / cg"

    |xMax yMax map revMap anyChange
     newColors newColorArray newImage pixelAction|

    anyChange := false.

    xMax := image width - 1.
    yMax := image height - 1.

    newImage := image class width:image width height:image height depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    "/ newImage colorMap:(image colorMap copy).
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(image bits size)).
    newImage mask:(image mask copy).

    image colorMap notNil ifTrue:[
        newColors := Set new.
        newColorArray := OrderedCollection new.
        map := Array new:256.
        revMap := OrderedCollection new.

        pixelAction := 
            [:x :y |
                |pix n_pix clr n_clr|

                pix := image pixelAtX:x y:y.
                (n_pix := map at:pix+1) isNil ifTrue:[
                    clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
                    n_clr := functionOfColor value:clr.
                    (newColors includes:n_clr) ifFalse:[
                        newColors add:n_clr.
                        newColorArray add:n_clr.
                        revMap add:pix.
                        map at:pix+1 put:(n_pix := revMap size - 1).
                    ] ifTrue:[
                        "/ mhmh - multiple pixels mapped to the same color
                        n_pix := (newColorArray indexOf:n_clr) - 1.
                        map at:pix+1 put:n_pix.
                newImage pixelAtX:x y:y put:n_pix.
    ] ifFalse:[
        pixelAction := 
            [:x :y |

                |clr n_clr|

                clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
                n_clr := functionOfColor value:clr.
                newImage colorAtX:x y:y put:n_clr.

    0 to:yMax do:[:y |
        0 to:xMax do:[:x |
            pixelAction value:x value:y

    image colorMap notNil ifTrue:[
        newImage colorMap:(MappedPalette withColors:newColorArray).
    self newImageWithUndo:newImage.
    ^ true

makeSubImageX:oldX y:oldY width:newWidth height:newHeight
    |oldWidth oldHeight newImage newMaskImage needRedraw redrawRect1 redrawRect2 |

    oldWidth := image width.
    oldHeight := image height.
    self assert:(newWidth <= oldWidth).
    self assert:(newHeight <= oldHeight).

    newImage := image class width:newWidth height:newHeight depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    image photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
        newImage colorMap:image colorMap copy.
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(newImage bytesPerRow * newHeight)).

    image mask notNil ifTrue:[
        newMaskImage := Depth1Image width:newWidth height:newHeight.
        newMaskImage photometric: image mask photometric.
        newMaskImage colorMap: image mask colorMap copy.
        newMaskImage bits:(ByteArray new: newMaskImage bytesPerRow * newHeight).
        newImage mask: newMaskImage

    newImage copyFrom:image x:oldX y:oldY toX:0 y:0 width:newWidth height:newHeight.

    needRedraw := true.
    (oldX == 0 and:[oldY == 0]) ifTrue:[
        needRedraw := false.
        redrawRect1 := ((newWidth@0) * magnification) corner:(((oldWidth@oldHeight)+1) * magnification).
        redrawRect2 := ((0@newHeight) * magnification) corner:(((oldWidth@oldHeight)+1) * magnification).
    self image:newImage scroll:false invalidate:needRedraw.
    redrawRect1 notNil ifTrue:[
        self invalidateRectangle:redrawRect1 repairNow:false.
    redrawRect2 notNil ifTrue:[
        self invalidateRectangle:redrawRect2 repairNow:false.
    self setModified.

    "Created: / 07-09-1998 / 13:00:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 13-02-2017 / 14:48:46 / cg"

    image notNil ifTrue:[        
        [undoImages size >= MaxUndos] whileTrue:[
            undoImages removeFirst.
        theCopy := image copy.
        undoImages add:theCopy.
        originalImage isNil ifTrue:[ originalImage := theCopy ].

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 15:43:55 / cg"

pasteAt: aPoint mode:modeSymbol
    "called from button-press/button motion while in paste mode:
     paste the image in the clipboard at aPoint"

    |answer anyColorMissing choosenBox imagePoint imgX imgY copiedImage imageBox newColorMap
     existingColors newColors allColors currentColorMap newColormap anyColorAdded oldColorMap|

    Error handle:[:ex|
        ex creator == Image unrepresentableColorSignal ifFalse:[
            ex reject
        self undo.
        self warn:(resources stringWithCRs:'Paste failed !!\Increasing the images depth might help.'). 
    ] do: [   
        windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
            choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #inverseFilledBox.
            choosenBox isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

            imagePoint := choosenBox origin//magnification.

            copiedImage := Clipboard copy.
            copiedImage isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
            true "/ image photometric == #palette 
                "/ for all colors in the pasted image,
                "/ check, if it's in the colormap of the
                "/ target image.

                anyColorMissing := anyColorAdded := false.
                oldColorMap := image colorMap.
                (oldColorMap notNil and:[image photometric == #palette]) ifTrue:[
                    newColorMap := oldColorMap asOrderedCollection.
                    copiedImage usedValues do:[:pixel |
                        |pastedColor |

                        pastedColor := copiedImage colorFromValue:pixel.

                        (newColorMap includes:pastedColor) ifFalse:[
                            newColorMap size < (1 bitShift:image depth) ifTrue:[
                                "/ add to colormap
                                newColorMap add:pastedColor.
                                anyColorAdded := true.
        "/                        Transcript showCR:'adding color:' , pastedColor displayString , ' to targets colorMap'.
                            ] ifFalse:[
        "/                        Transcript showCR:'color:' , pastedColor displayString , ' not found in targets colorMap'.
"/                                copiedImage colorMap notNil ifTrue:[
"/                                    copiedImage colorMap at: pixel+1 put: Color black.
"/                                ].
                                anyColorMissing := true.

                anyColorMissing ifTrue:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                confirmWithCancel:(resources stringWithCRs:'Some color(s) cannot be represented (colorMap full).\Use nearest or compute colorMap ?') 
                                labels:#( 'Cancel' 'New ColorMap' 'Use Nearest' )
                                values:#(  nil new nearest)

                    answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

                    currentColorMap := image colorMap.
                    imgX := imagePoint x.
                    imgY := imagePoint y.

                    answer == #nearest ifTrue:[
                        0 to:copiedImage height-1 do:[:y |
                            0 to:copiedImage width-1 do:[:x |
                                |clr n_clr|

                                (copiedImage maskAtX:x y:y) == 0 ifTrue:[
                                    image mask isNil ifTrue:[
                                        image createMask.
                                    image maskAtX:imgX+x y:imgY+y put:0.
                                ] ifFalse:[
                                    clr := copiedImage colorAtX:x y:y.
                                    n_clr := clr nearestIn:currentColorMap.
                                    image colorAtX:imgX+x y:imgY+y put:n_clr
                        image restored.
                        self redraw: (imageBox := (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)) expandedBy: 1@1).
                        self setModified.
                        ^ self.
                    answer == #new ifTrue:[
                        existingColors := image usedValues asIdentitySet.
                        newColors := copiedImage usedValues.
                        allColors := existingColors addAll:newColors.
                        allColors size > (1 bitShift:image depth) ifTrue:[
                            self warn:(resources string:'Sorry: too many colors - unimplemented function').
                            self undo.
                            ^ self.

                        newColormap := OrderedCollection new.
                        newColormap addAll:image usedColors.
                        newColormap addAll:copiedImage usedColors.
                        "/ translate image to use new colorMap...

                        "/ translate image to use new colors ...
                        0 to:image height-1 do:[:y |
                            0 to:image width-1 do:[:x |
                                |clr n_idx|

                                (image maskAtX:x y:y) == 1 ifTrue:[
                                    clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
                                    n_idx := newColormap indexOf:clr.
                                    image pixelAtX:x y:y put:n_idx-1.
                        image colorMap:newColormap.
                        currentColorMap := newColormap.    

                        "/ paste new image...    
                        0 to:copiedImage height-1 do:[:y |
                            0 to:copiedImage width-1 do:[:x |
                                |clr idx|

                                (copiedImage maskAtX:x y:y) == 1
                                    clr := copiedImage colorAtX:x y:y.
                                    idx := currentColorMap indexOf:clr.
                                    idx == 0 ifTrue:[
                                        currentColorMap add:clr.
                                        idx := currentColorMap size.
                                        idx > (1 bitShift:image depth) ifTrue:[
                                            self warn:(resources string:'Sorry: too many colors').
                                            self undo.
                                            ^ self.
                                    image pixelAtX:imgX+x y:imgY+y put:idx-1.
                                    image maskAtX:imgX+x y:imgY+y put:1.
                        image restored.
                        self redraw: (imageBox := (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)) expandedBy: 1@1).
                        self setModified.
                        ^ self.
                    self warn:(resources string:'Sorry: unimplemented function').
                    self undo.
                    ^ self.
                anyColorAdded ifTrue:[
                    image colorMap:(MappedPalette withColors:newColorMap).

            copiedImage := image class fromImage: copiedImage.
            (newColorMap isNil 
            and:[modeSymbol isNil
            and:[copiedImage mask isNil] ]) ifTrue:[
                "/ use images copy functionality
                "/ however, this copies the mask as well,
                "/ which is not useful here
                image copyFrom: copiedImage x:0 y:0 toX: imagePoint x y: imagePoint y width: copiedImage width height: copiedImage height.
            ] ifFalse:[
                imgX := imagePoint x.
                imgY := imagePoint y.

                0 to:copiedImage height-1 do:[:y |
                    0 to:copiedImage width-1 do:[:x |
                        |wasMasked newMasked dstX dstY oldColor|

                        dstX := imgX + x.
                        dstY := imgY + y.
                        wasMasked := (image maskAtX:dstX y:dstY) == 0.
                        newMasked := (copiedImage maskAtX:x y:y) == 0.

                        "/ with modeUnder, 
                        "/ only replace, if its either unmasked,
                        "/ or the current drawing color.
                        (modeSymbol isNil
                        or:[modeSymbol == #withMask]])
                            newMasked ifFalse:[
                                image colorAtX:dstX y:dstY put:(copiedImage colorAtX:x y:y).
                                wasMasked ifTrue:[
                                    image maskAtX:dstX y:dstY put:1
                            ] ifTrue:[
                                wasMasked ifFalse:[
                                    modeSymbol == #withMask ifTrue:[
                                        image maskAtX:dstX y:dstY put:0

            image restored.
            self redraw: (imageBox := (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)) expandedBy: 1@1).
"/            masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).
            self setModified.

    "Modified: / 03-02-2017 / 17:10:05 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:13:59 / cg"

pointAt:aPoint width:pw
    "called from button-press/button motion while in point-drawing mode:
     draw a single pixel (or dot of width pw) with the currently selected color"

    |draw imagePoint clr pix|

    imagePoint := aPoint // magnification.
    (imagePoint x between:0 and:image width-1) ifFalse:[^ self].
    (imagePoint y between:0 and:image height-1) ifFalse:[^ self].

    draw := 
        [:point |
            (clr := self drawingColorOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
                image atImageAndMask:point put:clr.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (pix := self drawingPixelOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
                    image atImageAndMask:point putValue:pix.
            self invalidate:((point * magnification extent: magnification) expandedBy:1).

    draw value:imagePoint.

    pw > 1 ifTrue:[
        "/ draw with a wide pen
        (pw//2) negated to:(pw-(pw//2)-1) do:[:xOffs |
            (pw//2) negated to:(pw-(pw//2)-1) do:[:yOffs |
                imagePoint x + xOffs >= 0 ifTrue:[
                    imagePoint y + yOffs >= 0 ifTrue:[
                        draw value:(imagePoint + (xOffs@yOffs)).
    self setModified.

    "Created: / 15-02-2012 / 22:47:08 / cg"
    "Modified: / 03-02-2017 / 21:59:41 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:12:52 / cg"

shiftImageHorizontal:shiftH vertical:shiftV
    self shiftImageHorizontal:shiftH vertical:shiftV wrap:false

shiftImageHorizontal:shiftH vertical:shiftV wrap:doWrap
    "shift the pixels; 
     shift<0 is left-shift/up-shift; shift>0 is right-shift/down-shift;
     doWrap controls if shifted-out pixels are to be shifted in at the opposite side.
        0123456789 -> 3456789789 (shift: -3)    0123456789 -> 0120123456 (shift:3)
     or, with wrap:
        0123456789 -> 3456789012 (shift: -3)    0123456789 -> 7890123456 (shift:3)


    newImage := self shifted:image horizontal:shiftH vertical:shiftV wrap:doWrap.
    self image:newImage.
    self setModified.

shifted:image horizontal:shiftH vertical:shiftV wrap:doWrap
    "shift the pixels; 
     shift<0 is left-shift/up-shift; shift>0 is right-shift/down-shift;
     doWrap controls if shifted-out pixels are to be shifted in at the opposite side.
        0123456789 -> 3456789789 (shift: -3)    0123456789 -> 0120123456 (shift:3)
     or, with wrap:
        0123456789 -> 3456789012 (shift: -3)    0123456789 -> 7890123456 (shift:3)

    |w h srcX srcY dstX dstY newImage|

    doWrap ifTrue:[
        "/ if wrapping, split into two operations to make wrap-code below simpler.

        shiftH ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            shiftV ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                newImage := self shifted:image    horizontal:shiftH vertical:0 wrap:doWrap.
                newImage := self shifted:newImage horizontal:0      vertical:shiftV wrap:doWrap.
                ^ newImage
    (shiftV == 0 and:[shiftH == 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ image

    w := image width.
    h := image height.

    newImage := image copy.

    srcX := srcY := dstX := dstY := 0.
    shiftH < 0 ifTrue:[
        srcX := shiftH negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        dstX := shiftH
    shiftV < 0 ifTrue:[
        srcY := shiftV negated
    ] ifFalse:[
        dstY := shiftV

    newImage copyFrom:image x:srcX y:srcY toX:dstX y:dstY width:w-shiftH abs height:h-shiftV abs.

    doWrap ifTrue:[
        srcX := srcY := dstX := dstY := 0.

        "/ already simplified - see above
        shiftH ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            "/ shiftV known to be 0
            shiftH < 0 ifTrue:[
                dstX := w-1-shiftH negated
            ] ifFalse:[
                srcX := w-1-shiftH
            w := shiftH abs.
        ] ifFalse:[
            "/ shiftH known to be 0
            shiftV < 0 ifTrue:[
                dstY := h-1-shiftV negated
            ] ifFalse:[
                srcY := h-1-shiftV
            h := shiftV abs.
        newImage copyFrom:image x:srcX y:srcY toX:dstX y:dstY width:w height:h.
        ^ newImage

    ^ newImage.

    "Created: / 7.9.1998 / 13:00:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.9.1998 / 14:15:32 / cg"

specialOperation:operation on:imageBox withColor:clr
    "ask for and perform one of the special operations on the previously selected imageBox;
     then redraw as required"    

    self invalidate.
    self windowGroup processExposeEvents.

    operation isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    (self performSpecialOperation:operation on:imageBox withColor:self selectedColor) ifFalse:[
        ^ false

    image restored.
    self invalidate. "/ : (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

    "/ self redraw: (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

    "/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
    "/        "/ which gets the information ...
    "/        masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).

    "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
    self changed:#subImageIn with:(imageBox expandedBy: 1).
    self setModified.
    ^ true

    "Created: / 20-02-2017 / 17:35:33 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 22-02-2017 / 19:56:47 / cg"

text:aString at:aPoint
    "draw a character"


    tempForm := Form extent:(image extent) depth:1 onDevice:device.
    tempForm clear.
    tempForm paint:(Color colorId:1).
    tempForm displayString:aString at:aPoint.
    0 to:image extent x - 1 do:[:x |
        0 to:image extent y - 1 do:[:y |
            (tempForm valueAt:(x@y)) == 1 ifTrue:[
                self pointAt:(x@y) width:1

    "Modified: / 15-02-2012 / 22:47:44 / cg"

    undoImages notEmpty ifTrue:[
        newImage := undoImages removeLast.
    ] ifFalse:[
        (Dialog confirm:(resources string:'No more undo images remembered. Back to the initial image?'))
            ifFalse:[^ self].
        newImage := originalImage copy
    windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[

        oldImage := self image.
        self clearModified.
        self image:newImage scroll:(newImage extent ~= oldImage extent).

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 15:47:15 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image editing-editmode button actions'!

boxAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in box-drawing mode:
     drag a rectangular outline, 
     when released, draw a rectangle with the currently selected color"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            colorOrPixel isColor notNil ifTrue:[
                image drawRectangle:box withColor:colorOrPixel.
            ] ifFalse:[
                image drawRectangle:box withValue:colorOrPixel.

    "Modified: / 16-02-2017 / 11:22:11 / cg"

circleAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in circle-drawing mode:
     drag an ellipse, 
     when released, draw an ellipse with the currently selected color"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            colorOrPixel isColor notNil ifTrue:[
                image drawEllipse:box withColor:colorOrPixel lineWidth:penWidth.
            ] ifFalse:[
                image drawEllipse:box withValue:colorOrPixel lineWidth:penWidth.

    "Modified: / 26-02-2017 / 17:20:54 / cg"

commonBoxOperation:action at:aPoint
    "common code for filling/drawing."

    |choosenBox imageBox clr pix|

    (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
        choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #box.
        choosenBox notNil ifTrue:[
            imageBox := choosenBox origin//magnification extent: (choosenBox extent//magnification).
            (clr := self drawingColorOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
                action value:imageBox value:clr.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (pix := self drawingPixelOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
                    action value:imageBox value:pix.
            image restored.
            self redraw: (choosenBox expandedBy: 1).

            "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
            self changed:#subImageIn with:(imageBox expandedBy: 1).

            self setModified.

    "Created: / 16-02-2017 / 11:20:49 / cg"

copyAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in copy-drawing mode:
     drag a filled box, 
     when released, copy the selected rectangle to the clipboard"

    |choosenBox box copiedImage|

    choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #inverseFilledBox.
    choosenBox notNil ifTrue:[
        box := choosenBox origin // magnification extent: (choosenBox extent // magnification).
        copiedImage := image subImageIn: box.

        self class copyImageToClipboard:copiedImage.

        self redraw:(choosenBox expandedBy:1)

    "Modified: / 21-08-1998 / 20:16:41 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:15:09 / cg"

cropSubImageAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in crop-subImage mode:
     drag a filled box, 
     when released, change the image to the new bounds"

    |choosenBox imageBox|

    choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #inverseFilledBox.
    choosenBox notNil ifTrue:[
        imageBox := choosenBox origin//magnification extent: (choosenBox extent//magnification).
        self specialOperation:#editSubImage on:imageBox withColor:nil.

    "Created: / 20-02-2017 / 17:27:50 / cg"

fillAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press motion while in floo-fill drawing mode:
     perform a flood-fill with the currently selected color"

    windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
        |filledPoints clr|

        (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
            self updateActivity:'Flood filling - press CTRL-y to abort ...'.

                (clr := self drawingColorOrNil) notNil ifTrue:[
                    pix := image valueFromColor:clr.
                ] ifFalse:[
                    pix := self drawingPixelOrNil.
                image floodFillAt:aPoint//magnification withValue:pix 

                image restored.

                self invalidate.
                self changed:#subImageIn with:(image bounds).

                self setModified.
            ] ifCurtailed:[
                self updateActivity:'Flood fill aborted.'
        self updateActivity:''

    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 15:30:38 / cg"

filledBoxAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in filled rectangle-drawing mode:
     drag a filled box, 
     when released, fill a rectangular area with the currently selected color"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            colorOrPixel isColor notNil ifTrue:[
                image fillRectangle:box withColor:colorOrPixel.
            ] ifFalse:[
                image fillRectangle:box withValue:colorOrPixel.

    "Modified: / 16-02-2017 / 12:08:46 / cg"

filledCircleAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in filled circle-drawing mode:
     drag a filled ellipse, 
     when released, fill an ellipse with the currently selected color"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            colorOrPixel isColor notNil ifTrue:[
                image fillEllipse:box withColor:colorOrPixel.
            ] ifFalse:[
                image fillEllipse:box withValue:colorOrPixel.

    "Created: / 16-02-2017 / 11:10:17 / cg"

maskOutsideCircleAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in filled rectangle-drawing mode:
     drag a box, 
     when released, mask everything outside the rectangular area"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            |newForm oldForm|
            newForm := Form extent:image extent depth:1 onDevice:Screen current.
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:0).
            newForm fillRectangle:(newForm bounds).
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:1).
            newForm fillCircleIn:box.
            oldForm := image mask asFormOn:Screen current.
            newForm function:#and.
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:1) on:(Color colorId:0).
            newForm copyFrom:oldForm x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width:image width height:image height.
            image mask:(ImageMask fromForm:newForm).

            "/ wrong: does not preserve already masked pixels...
            "/ image mask fillRectangle:(image bounds) withValue:0.
            "/ image mask fillEllipse:box withValue:1.

    image restored.
    self invalidate.

    "Created: / 16-02-2017 / 12:33:25 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 16:47:47 / cg"

maskOutsideRectAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in filled rectangle-drawing mode:
     drag a box, 
     when released, mask everything outside the rectangular area"

        commonBoxOperation:[:box :colorOrPixel |
            |newForm oldForm|

            newForm := Form extent:image extent depth:1 onDevice:Screen current.
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:0).
            newForm fillRectangle:(newForm bounds).
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:1).
            newForm fillRectangle:box.
            oldForm := image mask asFormOn:Screen current.
            newForm function:#and.
            newForm paint:(Color colorId:1) on:(Color colorId:0).
            newForm copyFrom:oldForm x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width:image width height:image height.
            image mask:(ImageMask fromForm:newForm).

            "/ wrong: does not preserve already masked pixels...
            "/image mask fillRectangle:(image bounds) withValue:0.
            "/image mask fillRectangle:box withValue:1.

    image restored.
    self invalidate.

    "Created: / 16-02-2017 / 12:33:06 / cg"
    "Modified: / 17-02-2017 / 17:23:57 / cg"

pasteAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in paste mode:
     paste the image in the clipboard at aPoint"

    self pasteAt:aPoint mode:nil.

    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:13:54 / cg"

pasteUnderAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in paste mode:
     pasteUnder the image in the clipboard at aPoint.
     In this mode, only pixels which are not equal to
     the current color or masked are pasted."

    self pasteAt:aPoint mode:#under.

    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:14:04 / cg"

pasteWithMaskAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in paste mode:
     paste the image in the clipboard at aPoint.
     In this mode, both the mask and the image pixel are pasted"

    self pasteAt:aPoint mode:#withMask.

    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:14:08 / cg"

    "called from button-press/button motion while in point-drawing mode:
     draw a single pixel with the currently selected color"

    self pointAt:aPoint width:self penWidth.

    "Modified: / 15-02-2012 / 22:47:30 / cg"
    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:13:06 / cg"

    "called from button-press/button motion while in smoothing mode:
     smoth (average) a single pixel with pixels around"

    |draw imagePoint x y w h|

    imagePoint := aPoint // magnification.
    w := image width.
    h := image height.
    ((x := imagePoint x) between:0 and:w-1) ifFalse:[^ self].
    ((y := imagePoint y) between:0 and:h-1) ifFalse:[^ self].

    draw := 
        [:point |
            |sumRed sumGreen sumBlue newClr|

            sumRed := sumGreen := sumBlue := 0.
            -1 to:1 do:[:dx |
                -1 to:1 do:[:dy |

                    ((x + dx) between:0 and:w-1) ifTrue:[
                        ((y + dy) between:0 and:h-1) ifTrue:[   
                            clr := image colorAtX:(x + dx) y:(y + dy).
                            sumRed := sumRed + clr redByte.
                            sumGreen := sumGreen + clr greenByte.
                            sumBlue := sumBlue + clr blueByte.
            newClr := Color 
                        redByte:(sumRed / 9) rounded
                        greenByte:(sumGreen / 9) rounded 
                        blueByte:(sumBlue / 9) rounded. 

            image colorMap isNil ifTrue:[
                "/ Transcript 
                "/     show:(image colorAt:point);
                "/     show:' -> ';
                "/     showCR:newClr.
                image atImageAndMask:point put:newClr.
            ] ifFalse:[
                image atImageAndMask:point put:(image colorMap colorNearestTo:newClr).
            self invalidate:((point * magnification extent: magnification) expandedBy:1).

    draw value:imagePoint.
    self setModified.

    "Modified: / 16-02-2017 / 12:34:41 / cg"

specialOperationAt: aPoint
    "special operation on a rectangular area"

    |choosenBox operation imageBox|

    choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis:#inverseFilledBox.
    choosenBox isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ].

    operation := self askForSpecialOperation.
    operation isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
    imageBox := choosenBox origin//magnification extent: (choosenBox extent//magnification).
    self specialOperation:operation on:imageBox withColor:self selectedColor.

    "Modified: / 20-02-2017 / 17:38:32 / cg"

sprayAt: aPoint
    "called from button-press/button motion while in spray mode:
     start spraying with the currently selected color"


    (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
        sprayPosition := aPoint.
        self startSpray.

    "Modified (comment): / 16-02-2017 / 11:12:28 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image manipulation'!

    self newImageWithUndo: (image copy lightened).

    self newImageWithUndo: (image copy darkened).


    self newImageWithUndo: image copy flipHorizontal.


    self makeUndo.
    self image: image copy flipVertical.
    self setModified.

makeBorderedImageX:newX y:newY width:newWidth height:newHeight
    |newImage oldWidth oldHeight|

    oldWidth := image width.
    oldHeight := image height.

    newImage := image class width:newWidth height:newHeight depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:image colorMap copy.
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(newImage bytesPerRow * newHeight)).

    image mask notNil ifTrue:[

        newMaskImage := Depth1Image width:newWidth height:newHeight.
        newMaskImage photometric: image mask photometric.
        newMaskImage colorMap: image mask colorMap copy.
        newMaskImage bits:(ByteArray new: newMaskImage bytesPerRow * newHeight).
        newImage mask: newMaskImage

    newImage copyFrom:image x:0 y:0 toX:newX y:newY width:oldWidth height:oldHeight.
    self newImageWithUndo:newImage.

    "Created: / 7.9.1998 / 13:00:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.9.1998 / 14:15:32 / cg"

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:[:clr | clr lightened].

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:[:clr | clr darkened].

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:
        [:clr | Color brightness:(clr brightness)].

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:
        [:clr | 
            Color red:(100-clr red) green:(100-clr green) blue:(100-clr blue)

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:
        [:clr | 
            clr brightness > Color lightGray brightness
                ifTrue:[ clr blendWith:self whiteColor ] 
                ifFalse:[ clr blendWith:Color lightGray ]

    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 11:08:18 / cg"

    ^ self makeNewColorMapByMapping:
        [:clr | 
            clr brightness < Color darkGray brightness
                ifTrue:[ clr blendWith:Color black ] 
                ifFalse:[ clr blendWith:Color darkGray ]

    "Created: / 24-11-2010 / 11:08:08 / cg"


    self newImageWithUndo: (image copy bits:(image bits invert)).


    self makeUndo.
    self image: newImage.
    self setModified.

performSpecialOperation:operation on:imageBox withColor:clr
    "actually perform one of the special operations on the previously selected imageBox"    

    |x0 y0 x1 y1 pixelAction requiredColors missingColors answer hue|

    x0 := imageBox left.
    y0 := imageBox top.
    x1 := imageBox right - 1.
    y1 := imageBox bottom -1 .

    operation == #edit ifTrue:[
        (self image subImageIn:imageBox) edit.
        ^ false.
    operation == #editSubImage ifTrue:[
        self makeUndo.
        self image:(self image subImageIn:imageBox).
        ^ false.
    operation == #flipVertical ifTrue:[
        self flipSubImage:#vertical in:imageBox.
        ^ true.
    operation == #flipHorizontal ifTrue:[
        self flipSubImage:#horizontal in:imageBox.
        ^ true.
    operation == #autoGradientFillVertical ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#vertical auto:true.
        ^ true.
    operation == #autoGradientFillHorizontal ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#horizontal auto:true.
        ^ true.
    operation == #autoGradientFillDiagonal ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#diagonal auto:true.
        ^ true.
    operation == #gradientFillVertical ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#vertical auto:false.
        ^ true.
    operation == #gradientFillHorizontal ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#horizontal auto:false.
        ^ true.
    operation == #gradientFillDiagonal ifTrue:[
        self gradientFillIn:imageBox orientation:#diagonal auto:false.
        ^ true.

    operation == #slightlyBrightened ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr slightlyLightened].
    operation == #slightlyDarkened ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr slightlyDarkened].
    operation == #brightened ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr lightened].
    operation == #darkened ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr darkened].
    operation == #reversed ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color red:(100-clr red) green:(100-clr green) blue:(100-clr blue) ].
    operation == #makeGrey ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color grey:(clr greyIntensity)].
    operation == #greyed ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | clr blendWith:Color gray].
    operation == #greyPattern ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | x odd == y even 
                                        ifTrue:[Color gray] 
    operation == #unmaskedGreyPattern ifTrue:[
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | x odd == y even 
                                        ifTrue:[self image maskAtX:x y:y put:1. Color gray] 

    operation == #changeHue ifTrue:[
        hue := Dialog request:'Hue (0..360)\red->yellow->green->blue->red' withCRs.
        hue := Number readFrom:hue onError:nil.
        hue isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color hue:(hue+(clr hue?0)) light:clr light saturation:clr saturation].
    operation == #colorize ifTrue:[
        hue := Dialog request:'Hue (0..360)\red->yellow->green->blue->red' withCRs.
        hue := Number readFrom:hue onError:nil.
        hue isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
        pixelAction := [:x :y :clr | Color hue:hue light:clr light saturation:100]

    pixelAction isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources string:'Sorry - unimplemented pixelAction: ',operation asString). 
        ^ false

    image colorMap notNil ifTrue:[
        "/ compute required colors ...
        requiredColors := Set new.
        self image 
            colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 
            do:[:x :y :clr | 
                requiredColors add:(pixelAction value:x value:y value:clr)

        missingColors := requiredColors reject:[:clr | (image colorMap includes:clr)].

        missingColors notEmpty ifTrue:[
            answer := Dialog
                        confirmWithCancel:(resources stringWithCRs:'Some color(s) cannot be represented in the images colorMap.\Use nearest or compute colorMap ?')
                        labels:#( 'Cancel' 'Add to ColorMap'  'Use Nearest')
                        values:#( nil add nearest)
            answer isNil ifTrue:[^ false].
            answer == #add ifTrue:[
                missingColors size + image colorMap size > (2 raisedTo:image depth) ifTrue:[
                    self warn:(resources string:'Missing colors cannot be added to images colormap.').
                    ^ false
                missingColors do:[:eachColor |
                    image colorMap add:eachColor
                answer := #nearest.

    "/ now, do it
    self image 
        colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 
        do:[:x :y :clr |

            newClr := pixelAction value:x value:y value:clr.
            answer == #nearest ifTrue:[
                newClr := newClr nearestIn:image colorMap
            self image colorAtX:x y:y put:newClr

    self setModified.
    ^ true.

    "Created: / 20-02-2017 / 17:30:00 / cg"
    "Modified: / 22-02-2017 / 20:56:51 / cg"


    numBits > 7 ifTrue:[
        self warn:(resources string:'Max. number of bits to strip off is 7.').
        ^ false
    newImage := image withColorResolutionReducedBy:numBits.
    newImage isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:(resources string:'Could not reduce color resolution.').
        ^ false.

    self newImageWithUndo:newImage.
    ^ true

    self newImageWithUndo: (self resizedImage:image to:newSize).

resizedImage:image to:newSize
    "helper for image resize and mask resize.
     return a resized version of image"

    |newImage newMaskImage|

    newImage := image class width: newSize x height: newSize y depth: image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:image colorMap copy.
    newImage bits: (ByteArray new: newImage bytesPerRow * newSize y).

    image mask notNil ifTrue:[
        newMaskImage := Depth1Image width: newSize x height: newSize y.
        newMaskImage photometric: image mask photometric.
        newMaskImage colorMap: image mask colorMap copy.
        newMaskImage bits:(ByteArray new: newMaskImage bytesPerRow * newSize y).
        newImage mask: newMaskImage

    newImage copyFrom:image x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width: (image width min:newSize x) height: (image height min:newSize y).
    ^ newImage.

    "rotate by (degrees)"

    Error handle:[:ex|
        self warn: 'Image rotation failed!!\' withCRs, 'Increasing the image depth could help.'
    ] do:[   
        self newImageWithUndo: (image hardRotated: rotation).

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:21:14 / cg"

threeDProjection:dx1 and:dx2
    "3D projection"

    Error handle:[:ex|
        self warn: 'Image projection failed!!\' withCRs, 'Increasing the image depth could help.'
    ] do:[   
        self newImageWithUndo:(image threeDProjected:dx1 and:dx2)

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:21:14 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image-dragging & info'!

dragRectangleStartingAt:aPointIn emphasis:emphasis
    "draw a drag rectangle (filled or unfilled, depending on the emphasis arg).
     This is called by operation like 
     rectangle, filledRectangle, copy etc. 
     (i.e. any operation which operates on a box).
     emphasis is one of:
        box              - a frame is drawn
        inverseFilledBox - the dragged box is filled by the inverse color
        filledBox        - the dragged box is filled with black
        grayedBox        - the dragged box is drawn with a gray shadow

    |currentPoint currentExtent firstPoint lastCurrentPoint gridCorrection 
     mp lastMp p whichQuarter scrollX scrollY aPoint sensor|

    aPoint := aPointIn.
    firstPoint := currentPoint := lastCurrentPoint :=  aPoint//magnification*magnification.
    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit ifFalse: [gridCorrection := 0] ifTrue: [gridCorrection := 1].

    sensor := self sensor.
    [sensor anyButtonPressed] whileTrue: [                                                  
        (sensor hasKeyEventFor:nil) ifTrue:[
            self invalidate.
            ^ nil.

        mp := sensor mousePoint.
        mp = lastMp ifTrue:[
            Delay waitForSeconds:0.05
        ] ifFalse:[
            lastMp := mp.
            mp := device translatePoint:mp fromView:nil toView:self.
            "/ mp is a device coordinate here ...
            scrollX := 0.
            mp x > width ifTrue:[
                scrollX := mp x - width.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mp x < 0 ifTrue:[
                    scrollX := mp x.
            scrollY := 0.
            mp y > height ifTrue:[
                scrollY := mp y - height.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mp y < 0 ifTrue:[
                    scrollY := mp y.
            (scrollX + scrollY) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self scrollTo:(self viewOrigin + (scrollX @ scrollY)).
                lastMp := nil.

            mp := mp + self viewOrigin.
            "/ mp is now a logical coordinate.

            currentPoint := (0@0) max: (image extent * magnification min: (p := mp)).
            currentPoint := currentPoint//magnification*magnification.
            currentExtent := (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs.
            whichQuarter := (firstPoint x - currentPoint x) > 0 
                 ifTrue:  [(firstPoint y - currentPoint y) > 0 ifTrue: ["4"1@1] ifFalse: ["3"1@0]]
                 ifFalse: [(firstPoint y - currentPoint y) > 0 ifTrue: ["1"0@1] ifFalse: ["2"0@0]].

            self showCursorAt: p andInformation: 
                ((firstPoint//magnification - whichQuarter + 1) printString, 
                ' to: ', 
                (currentPoint//magnification + whichQuarter) printString),
                ' (extent: ',
                (currentExtent//magnification) printString, ')'.

            currentPoint ~= lastCurrentPoint ifTrue:[

                emphasis == #grayedBox ifTrue:[
                    "/ does not yet work                
                    |org ext|

                    "/ org := (firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1.
                    "/ ext := (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2.

                    (lastCurrentPoint x > currentPoint x
                      or:[ (lastCurrentPoint y > currentPoint y) ]
                    ) ifTrue:[
                            redrawImageX:firstPoint x"-1" y:firstPoint y"-1" 
                            width:(lastCurrentPoint x-firstPoint x"+2") height:(lastCurrentPoint y-firstPoint y"+2")
                            unmaskedOnly:false processColorsWith:[:clr | clr ].
                        "/ self drawFramesIn:(firstPoint corner:lastCurrentPoint).   
                        redrawImageX:firstPoint x"-1" y:firstPoint y"-1 "
                        width:(currentPoint x-firstPoint x"+2") height:(currentPoint y-firstPoint y"+2") 
                        unmaskedOnly:true processColorsWith:[:clr | Color gray: clr grayIntensity / 2 ].
                emphasis == #inverseFilledBox ifTrue: [
                    |union invertOutside|

                    invertOutside := false.
"/                    union := (firstPoint corner:currentPoint) merge:(firstPoint corner:lastCurrentPoint).
"/                    ((lastCurrentPoint x > currentPoint x)
"/                    and:[ lastCurrentPoint y > currentPoint y ]) ifTrue:[
"/                        "/ a real shrink
"/                        invertOutside := true.
"/                        self xoring: [ 
"/                            union areasOutside:(firstPoint corner:lastCurrentPoint) do:[:r |
"/                                self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection) 
"/                            ]
"/                        ]
"/                    ] ifFalse:[    
"/                        ((currentPoint x > lastCurrentPoint x)
"/                        and:[ currentPoint y > lastCurrentPoint y ]) ifTrue:[
"/                            "/ a real grow
"/                            invertOutside := true.
"/                            self xoring: [ 
"/                                union areasOutside:(firstPoint corner:currentPoint) do:[:r |
"/                                    self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection) 
"/                                ]
"/                            ]
"/                        ].     
"/                    ].
                    invertOutside ifFalse:[    
                        self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
                        gc xoring: [ 
                            gc fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection) 
                emphasis == #box ifTrue:[
                    |origin extent lineWidthY lineWidthX|

                    origin := (firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1.
                    extent := (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2.
                    lineWidthY := extent y min: (magnification y + 2).
                    lineWidthX := extent x min: (magnification x + 2).
                    self redraw: (origin extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                    self redraw: ((origin x@(origin y + extent y - lineWidthY)) extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                    self redraw: ((origin x@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(0 max: (extent y - (lineWidthY * 2))))).
                    self redraw: (((origin x + extent x - lineWidthX)@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(extent y - (lineWidthY * 2)))).
                    (self selectedColor ~= Color noColor)
                        ifTrue: [gc paint: self selectedColor]
                        ifFalse: [gc paint: self viewBackground]. 
                    origin := (firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin.
                    extent := currentExtent - gridCorrection.
                    lineWidthY := extent y min: magnification y.
                    lineWidthX := extent x min: magnification x.
                    (lineWidthY > 0 and: [lineWidthX > 0]) ifTrue:[
                        gc fillRectangle: (origin extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                        gc fillRectangle: ((origin x@(origin y + extent y - lineWidthY)) extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                        gc fillRectangle: ((origin x@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(0 max: (extent y - (lineWidthY * 2))))).
                        gc fillRectangle: (((origin x + extent x - lineWidthX)@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(extent y - (lineWidthY * 2)))).
                emphasis == #filledBox ifTrue:[
                    self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
                    (self selectedColor ~= Color noColor)
                        ifTrue: [gc paint: self selectedColor]
                        ifFalse: [gc paint: self viewBackground].
                    gc fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection).
            lastCurrentPoint := currentPoint.

    ^((0@0) max: (firstPoint min: currentPoint)) extent: (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs

    "Created: / 21.8.1998 / 20:17:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10.10.2001 / 14:13:08 / cg"

    "the mouse was moved to aPoint (in the image).
     Update the info (showing rgb + other info) in the lower info bar.
     Also changes the cursor to a stop-cursor, if outside the image"
    |imgPoint shownCursor|

    readOnly ifTrue:[^ self].
    image isNil ifTrue: [
        self updateImageInfo:(self imageInfoString). 
        self cursor:Cursor stop.
        ^ self

    imgPoint := aPoint // magnification.
    ((imgPoint x between:0 and:(image width-1)) 
      and:[imgPoint y between:0 and: (image height-1)]
    ) ifFalse:[
        self updateImageInfo:(self imageInfoString). 
        shownCursor := Cursor stop.
    ] ifTrue: [
        self updateImageInfoFor:imgPoint.
        shownCursor := Cursor crossHair
    self cursor:shownCursor.

    "Modified: / 03-05-2011 / 12:27:52 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 16-02-2017 / 17:09:13 / cg"

    image isNil ifTrue: [^ 'No image loaded.'].
    ^ String streamContents:[:s |
        s print:('%1x%2 | %3bit%4' 
            bindWith:image width    
            with:image height
            with:image depth
            with:(image mask notNil ifTrue: ['+mask'] ifFalse:[''])).

        d := image depth min:24.
        ' [%1/%2 colors]' expandPlaceholdersWith:{image nColorsUsed. (2 raisedTo:d)} on:s.

    "Modified: / 29-08-2017 / 22:32:53 / cg"

showCursorAt: aPoint andInformation: aLabel
    readOnly ifTrue:[^ self].

    ((0@0 extent: image extent * magnification) containsPoint: aPoint)
         ifTrue: [ shownCursor := Cursor crossHair ]
         ifFalse:[ shownCursor := Cursor stop ].
    self cursor:shownCursor. 
    self updateImageInfo: aLabel.

    "Modified: / 03-05-2011 / 12:28:15 / cg"

updateActivity: something

    msg := something printString.

    activityInfoHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        activityInfoHolder value:msg.

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:41:47 / cg"

    "show someText in the lower info area"

    imageInfoHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        someTextOrObject isString ifTrue:[
            msg := someTextOrObject
        ] ifFalse:[    
            msg := someTextOrObject printString.
        msg ~= imageInfoHolder value ifTrue:[
            imageInfoHolder value:msg.
        ^ self

    "Modified: / 29-08-2017 / 20:35:57 / cg"

    "show info about the pixel at aPoint in the lower info area"

    |clr pixel r g b a m|

    clr := image colorAt:aPoint.
    pixel := image pixelAt:aPoint.

    r := clr redByte.
    g := clr greenByte.
    b := clr blueByte.
    image hasAlphaChannel ifTrue:[
        "/ sigh - must return a TranslucentColor from colorAt:
        "/ until that is fixed, compute it here...
        "/ a := clr alphaByte.
        a := (pixel rightShift:(image alphaShiftForPixelValue)) bitAnd:(image alphaMaskForPixelValue).
    ] ifFalse:[
        image mask notNil ifTrue:[
            m := image mask pixelAt:aPoint.
    self updateImageInfo:
        ('    ' asText backgroundColorizeAllWith:clr) 
        ,  '  '  
        , (String streamContents:[:s |
            |redString greenString blueString greyString
             photometric bitsPerSample|
            photometric := image photometric.
            bitsPerSample := image bitsPerSample.

            s print:aPoint.

            ((photometric == #blackIs0) or:[(photometric == #whiteIs0)]) ifTrue:[
                s print:' (g:'; print:pixel.
                greyString := (pixel hexPrintString:2).
            ] ifFalse:[
                s print:' (r:'; print:r.
                s print:' g:'; print:g.
                s print:' b:'; print:b.

                redString := (r hexPrintString:2).
                greenString := (g hexPrintString:2).
                blueString := (b hexPrintString:2).
            a notNil ifTrue:[
                s print:' a:'; print:a.
            ] ifFalse:[
                m notNil ifTrue:[
                    s print:' m:'; print:m.
            ((photometric == #blackIs0) or:[(photometric == #whiteIs0)]) ifTrue:[
                (bitsPerSample at:1) == 16 ifTrue:[
                    greyString := (pixel hexPrintString:4)
                s print:(' #%1' bindWith:greyString).
            ] ifFalse:[
                ((photometric == #rgb) or:[(photometric == #rgba)]) ifTrue:[
                    (bitsPerSample at:1) == 16 ifTrue:[
                        redString := (r hexPrintString:4)
                    (bitsPerSample at:2) == 16 ifTrue:[
                        greenString := (g hexPrintString:4)
                    (bitsPerSample at:2) == 16 ifTrue:[
                        blueString := (b hexPrintString:4)
                s print:(' #%1.%2.%3' bindWith:redString with:greenString with:blueString).
            a notNil ifTrue:[
                s print:'.'; print:(a hexPrintString:2)

            photometric == #palette ifTrue:[
                s print:' pixel index:'; print:pixel.
            s print:')'.

    "Modified: / 29-08-2017 / 20:39:26 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'initialization & release'!

    ClipboardMagnified := Clipboard := nil.
    LastMagnification      := magnification.

    super destroy

    super initialize.

    readOnly := false.

    self enableMotionEvents.

    undoImages        := List new: MaxUndos.

    magnification     := LastMagnification ? (8@8).
    modifiedHolder    := false asValue.
    mouseKeyColorMode := 1.
    resourceClass     := resourceSelector := nil.
    drawingColorHolders isNil ifTrue:[
        drawingColorHolders := Array with:(nil asValue) with:(nil asValue).   "/ left/right mouse colors
    drawingPixelHolders := Array with:(nil asValue) with:(nil asValue).   "/ left/right mouse colors

    spraySpot := 8.
    penWidth := 1.
    floodFillMaxHueError := floodFillMaxLightError := 0.
    userAllowedToChangeDrawingColor := true.
    self editMode:EditModePoint.

    "Modified: / 23-02-2017 / 10:17:46 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'loading & saving'!

    "ask for a fileName"

    |lastFn fn filters|

    filters := FileSelectionBrowser saveImageFileNameFilters.
    lastFn := self image fileName.
    lastFn isNil ifTrue:[
        fn := FileSelectionBrowser
                request: msg
                inDirectory: LastSaveDirectory
                withFileFilters: filters
    ] ifFalse:[
        fn := FileSelectionBrowser
                request: msg
                fileName: lastFn
                withFileFilters: filters

    ^ fn


    classAndSelector := ResourceSelectionBrowser
            request: 'Load Image From Class'
            onSuperclass: nil
            andClass: self resourceClass
            andSelector: self resourceSelector
            withResourceTypes: #(image fileImage programImage).

    classAndSelector notNil ifTrue:[
        self loadFromClass:(classAndSelector methodClass) andSelector:(classAndSelector methodSelector) 

loadFromClass:aClassOrClassName andSelector: aStringOrSymbol
    "support for names will vanish - obsolete left over from tz"

    imageReaderClass := nil.
    self resourceClass: aClassOrClassName.
    self resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol.

    resourceClass isBehavior ifFalse:[^ nil].

    (resourceClass respondsTo:resourceSelector) ifTrue:[ 
        image := resourceClass perform:resourceSelector.

    image isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    image := image copy.
    self releaseUndos.
    self image:image.
    self clearModified.
    ^ image

loadFromFile: aFileName
    ^ self loadFromFile:aFileName readerClass:nil

    "Modified: / 07-03-2017 / 17:43:07 / cg"

loadFromFile:aFileName readerClass:imageReaderClassOrNil

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].

    Error handle:[:exception|
        self warn: exception errorString.
        ^ nil
    ] do:[ 
        (imageFromFile := Image fromFile: aFileName) isNil ifTrue:[
            imageFromFile := (imageReaderClassOrNil ? JPEGReader) fromFile:aFileName
        imageFromFile notNil ifTrue:[
            self releaseUndos.
            self image: imageFromFile. 
            self clearModified.
"/            imageReaderClass := ImageReader allSubclasses
"/                detect: [:cls| cls isValidImageFile: aFileName asFilename pathName]
"/                ifNone: [self error: 'Unknown image file format!!']
        ] ifFalse:[
            aFileName asFilename isReadable ifTrue:[
                self error: 'Not an image file (or unrecognized format)'
            ] ifFalse:[  
                self error: 'File does not exist or is unreadable'
    ^ imageFromFile

    "Created: / 07-03-2017 / 17:42:37 / cg"

    "switch to the class and selector specified by classAndSelector."

    ^ self loadFromClass:(classAndSelector methodClass) andSelector:(classAndSelector methodSelector)

loadfromClass:aClassOrSymbol andSelector: aStringOrSymbol
    <resource: #obsolete>
    self obsoleteMethodWarning.
    ^ self loadFromClass:aClassOrSymbol andSelector: aStringOrSymbol

    self saveImageOrMask: #image.

save:image imageOrMask:what
    "save the image or the mask only (if what == #mask)"

    image isNil ifTrue:[
        Dialog warn:(resources string:'No image to save!!').
        ^ self.
    self save:image imageOrMask:what as:image fileName.

save:image imageOrMask:what as:fileNameArg
    "save the image or the mask only (if what == #mask)"

    |fileName fileNameString|

    fileName := fileNameArg asFilename.
    LastSaveDirectory := fileName directoryName.

    Error handle:[:ex|

        ex creator == Image fileCreationErrorSignal ifTrue:[
            msg := resources string:'Cannot create file: ''%1''' with:fileName asFilename pathName allBold
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := ex errorString.
        Dialog warn:msg.
    ] do:[   
        Image informationLostQuerySignal handle:[:ex|
            "/ should make those warnings visible ...
            (self confirm:(ex errorString , '\\Save anyway ?') withCRs) ifTrue:[
                ex proceed.
        ] do:[   
            windowGroup withWriteCursorDo:[
                |suff fn|

                image isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self error: 'No image to save!!'

                what = #mask ifTrue:[   
                    image mask isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image mask to save!!'].

                fileName name size = 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name detected!!'].
                suff := fileName suffix asLowercase.
                imageReaderClass := nil.
                imageReaderClass := MIMETypes imageReaderForSuffix:suff.

                imageReaderClass isNil ifTrue: [
                    imageReaderClass := XPMReader. 
                    fileNameString := fileName name , '.xpm'.
                    fileName := fileNameString asFilename.
                    image fileName:fileNameString.
                    Dialog warn:(('Don''t know how to write ''.' , suff , '''-files\\Saving in xpm format as ''%1''.') 
                                withCRs bindWith:fileNameString allBold).
                (imageReaderClass canRepresent:image) ifFalse:[
                    imageReaderClass == XPMReader ifTrue:[
                        Dialog warn:('Saving in ''.' , suff , '''-format is not supported (or image cannot be represented in this format).\\Please try another format.') withCRs.
                        ^ self.
                    imageReaderClass := XPMReader. 
                    fileNameString := fileName name , '.xpm'.
                    fileName := fileNameString asFilename.
                    image fileName:fileNameString.
                    (Dialog confirm:(('Saving in ''.' , suff , '''-format is not supported (or image cannot be represented in this format).\\Saving in xpm format as ''%1''.') 
                                withCRs bindWith:fileNameString allBold)) ifFalse:[
                        ^ self.
                Transcript showCR:('saving as:' , fileName pathName).

                what = #image ifTrue: [ 
                    image saveOn:fileName using: imageReaderClass. self clearModified.
                    image fileName:fileNameString.
                what = #mask ifTrue: [
                    image mask saveOn:fileName using: imageReaderClass

                fileName exists ifFalse:[
                    Dialog warn:'Oops image save failed.'

    "Modified: / 27-07-2012 / 09:45:49 / cg"

    self saveImageFileAs


    fn := self askForFileNameToSave:'Save Button Image to File'.
    self saveButtonImageToFileAs:fn

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:04:11 / cg"

saveButtonImageToFileAs: aFileName
    "save the image as if in a button in aFileName"

    |button grabbedImage|

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].

    image isNil ifTrue:[
        self warn:(resources string:'No image or image mask to save!!').
        ^ self.

    button := Button label:image.
    button openAt:5@5.
    button waitUntilVisible.

    grabbedImage := Image fromView:button.
    button destroy.

    self save:grabbedImage imageOrMask:#image as:aFileName

    "/ self saveImageOrMask: #mask

    "ask for a fileName and save the image"


    fn := self askForFileNameToSave:'Save Image To File'.
    self saveImageFileAs:fn

saveImageFileAs: aFileName
    "save the image in aFileName"

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    image notNil ifTrue:[
        self save:image imageOrMask:#image as:aFileName.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self warn:(resources string:'No image for saving!!')

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:04:55 / cg"

    "ask for a fileName and save the mask only"


    fn := self askForFileNameToSave:'Save Image Mask To File'.
    self saveImageMaskFileAs:fn

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:04:11 / cg"

saveImageMaskFileAs: aFileName
    "save the mask only in aFileName"

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    (image notNil and:[image mask notNil]) ifTrue:[
        self save:image imageOrMask:#mask as:aFileName.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self warn:(resources string:'No image or image mask to save!!')

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:06:24 / cg"

    "save the image or the mask only (if what == #mask)"

    self save:image imageOrMask: what

    "save the image as a resource method.
     Return true if ok; false if not"

    (resourceSelector trimBlanks notEmptyOrNil and:[ resourceClass isBehavior ]) ifFalse: [
        ^ self saveMethodAs.

    windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
        Error handle:[:ex|
            (self confirm:(ex errorString,'\\Debug?' withCRs)) ifTrue:[ ex reject ].
            ^ false                                 
        ] do: [   
            |img imageSaved depth bestDepth colorsUsed numColorsUsed category imageStoreStream sel mthd imageKey|

            img := self image.
            depth := bestDepth := img depth.
            colorsUsed := (img usedColorsMax:256).
            colorsUsed notNil ifTrue:[
                numColorsUsed := colorsUsed size.
                #(8 4 2 1) do:[:d |
                    depth > d ifTrue:[
                        numColorsUsed <= (1 << d) ifTrue:[
                            bestDepth := d
            imageSaved := img.
            bestDepth < depth ifTrue:[
                answer := Dialog 
                    confirmWithCancel:(resources stringWithCRs:'Hint:\\You can save some code space, by converting the image from a depth-%1 to a depth-%2 image first.\(only %3 colors used)\\Convert before saving?'
                                 with:depth with:bestDepth with:numColorsUsed).
                answer isNil ifTrue:[
                    "/ canceled
                    ^ false
                answer == true ifTrue:[
                    imageSaved := (Image implementorForDepth:bestDepth) fromImage:imageSaved 

                comment:(ResourceSpecEditor codeGenerationCommentForClass: ImageEditor) 
                in:resourceClass class

            "/ flush cached images in the Icon class (kludge)
            Icon flushCachedIcons.
            self clearModified.

            LastSaveClass := resourceClass.
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 31-01-2011 / 18:28:06 / cg"
    "Modified (format): / 24-08-2017 / 15:02:51 / cg"

    "ask for method/selector; save the image there.
     Return true if saved, false if not"

    |className classAndSelector
     previousClass previousCategory previousSelector
     previousMethod newMethod ok|

    previousSelector := self resourceSelector.
    className := self resourceClassName.
    className isEmptyOrNil ifTrue:[
        className := LastSaveClass
    (className notEmptyOrNil and:[previousSelector notNil]) ifTrue:[
        previousClass := Smalltalk classNamed:className.
        previousClass notNil ifTrue:[
            previousMethod := previousClass class compiledMethodAt:previousSelector.
            previousMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                previousCategory := previousMethod category.

    self withWaitCursorDo:[
        classAndSelector := ResourceSelectionBrowser
                request: 'Save Image In Class'
                onSuperclass: #Object
                andClass: className
                andSelector: self resourceSelector
                withResourceTypes: #(image fileImage programImage).
    classAndSelector isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    resourceClass := classAndSelector methodClass.
    resourceSelector := classAndSelector methodSelector.

    ok := self saveMethod.
    ok ifTrue:[
        previousCategory notNil ifTrue:[
            newMethod := resourceClass class compiledMethodAt:resourceSelector asSymbol.
            newMethod notNil ifTrue:[
                newMethod category:previousCategory.
    ^ ok

    "Modified: / 25-11-2016 / 09:17:22 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'printing'!

    self printWithMagnification:1

    self printWithMagnification:magnification


    image isNil ifTrue:[^ self].

    Printer supportsPostscript ifFalse:[
        ^ self warn:(resources string:'No postscript printer configured !!')

    stream := Printer newNative.
    stream isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self warn:(resources string:'Cannot open printer stream !!')

    self withWaitCursorDo:[

        psgc := PSGraphicsContext on:stream.  
        psgc displayForm: (image magnifiedBy: magnification) x:0 y:0.
        psgc close
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'queries'!


    image isNil ifTrue:[^0].
    ^(image height * magnification y) rounded

imageContainsPastePoint: aPoint

    ^image notNil and: 
	[Clipboard notNil and:
	[((0@0 corner:(image extent) "- 1" - Clipboard extent) containsPoint: (((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor))]]

imageContainsPoint: aPoint

    ^image notNil and:
	[((0@0 corner:(image extent) - 1) containsPoint: (((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor))]


    image isNil ifTrue:[^0].
    ^(image width * magnification x) rounded
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'release'!

    self repairDamage.
    (lastPastePoint notNil and: [ClipboardMagnified notNil]) 
    ifTrue: [ 
        self redraw: ((lastPastePoint"-self viewOrigin") extent: (ClipboardMagnified extent)). 
        "/ self repairDamage.
    lastPastePoint := ClipboardMagnified := nil

    undoImages removeAll.
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'testing'!

    modifiedHolder value ifTrue:[
        ((YesNoBox title:(resources string:'Image was not saved. Exit anyway ?'))
            noText:(resources string:'Cancel');
            yesText:(resources string:'Exit without Saving');
        ) ifFalse: [^false].

        self modified:false.
    ^ true

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:55:24 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'

    ^ '$Header$'
! !

ImageEditView initialize!