author Jan Vrany <>
Fri, 02 Sep 2022 11:25:39 +0100
changeset 6261 9b7eb7159d29
parent 4770 6634b540fea2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix loong standing bug with some menus not being translated / resolved This has happened with browser "View" menu when sometimes it had the slice resolved and sometimes not. It turned out that it was because the code disabled resources (and therefore slices) resolution when processing shortcuts, so the menu was created and cached unresolved. This fixes the issue. eXept apparently run into the same problem.

"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

Model subclass:#GraphColumn
	instanceVariableNames:'aspects functionYblock'

!GraphColumn class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    a model, which keeps all the information to describe a graph column as used by
    the GraphColumnView. Each change of an attribute will raise a change notification
    and immediately take affect in the graphs

	Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]

! !

!GraphColumn class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self new name:aName

    ^ super basicNew initialize
! !

!GraphColumn class methodsFor:'constants'!

    "returns the valid style for a style; supported styles
	#dashed and #solid
    ^ aStyle == #dashed ifFalse:[#solid] ifTrue:[#dashed]

! !

!GraphColumn class methodsFor:'menu definitions'!

    "specification used to build the Menu
    ^ ColorMenu colorMenu:true value:aSelector.

    "this window spec was automatically generated by the ST/X MenuEditor"

    "do not manually edit this - the builder may not be able to
     handle the specification if its corrupted."

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:GraphColumn andSelector:#middleButtonMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(GraphColumn middleButtonMenu)) startUp

    <resource: #menu>



		#'label:' 'Style'
		#'argument:' #'lineStyle:'
		#'submenuChannel:' #'styleMenuSelector:'
		#'label:' 'Size'
		#'argument:' #'lineWidth:'
		#'submenuChannel:' #'widthMenuSelector:'
		#'label:' 'Color'
		#'argument:' #'foregroundColor:'
		#'submenuChannel:' #'colorMenuSelector:'
		#'label:' 'Zoom Y'
		#'argument:' #'zoomY:'
		#'submenuChannel:' #'zoomMenuSelector:'
	  ) nil

    |menu width height item bitmap|

    menu   := Menu new.
    width  := 40.
    height := 10.

    #( #solid #dashed ) do:[:style|
	bitmap := Form width:width height:height depth:1.
	bitmap paint:(Color colorId:1).
	bitmap fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.

	bitmap paint:(Color colorId:0).
	bitmap fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.
	bitmap paint:(Color colorId:1).
	bitmap lineWidth:2.
	bitmap lineStyle:style.
	bitmap displayLineFromX:2 y:(height // 2) toX:width-2 y:(height // 2).
	item := MenuItem labeled:bitmap.
	item value:aSelector.
	item argument:style.
	menu addItem:item.
  ^ menu

(self styleMenuSelector:#lineStyle) startUp


    |menu width item bitmap|

    menu  := Menu new.
    width := 40.

    #( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do:[:height|
	bitmap := Form width:width height:height depth:1.
	bitmap paint:(Color colorId:1).
	bitmap fillRectangleX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.

	item := MenuItem labeled:bitmap.
	item value:aSelector.
	item argument:height.
	menu addItem:item.
    item := MenuItem labeled:'other ..'.
    item value:[:arg :panel||n|
	n := Number fromString:(Dialog request:'size:') onError:nil.

	n notNil ifTrue:[
	    panel receiver perform:aSelector with:n
    menu addItem:item.
  ^ menu

(self widthMenuSelector:#lineWidth) startUp


    "specification used to build the Menu
    |menu width item bitmap|

    menu  := Menu new.
    width := 40.

    #( 25 50 75 nil 100 nil 150 200 nil ) do:[:zY|
	zY notNil ifTrue:[
	    item := MenuItem labeled:(zY printString, ' %' ).
	    item value:aSelector.
	    item argument:(zY / 100).
	] ifFalse:[
	    item := MenuItem labeled:'-'.
	menu addItem:item.
    item := MenuItem labeled:'other ..'.
    item value:[:arg :panel||n|
	n := Number fromString:(Dialog request:'zoom %:') onError:nil.

	n notNil ifTrue:[
	    panel receiver perform:aSelector with:(n / 100)
    menu addItem:item.
  ^ menu

(self zoomMenuSelector:#zoomY) startUp

! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "get the name of the column
    ^ aspects at:#name ifAbsent:nil

    "set the name of the column
    self aspectAt:#name put:aName

    "returns the relative X-axis (y == 0) into the graph view; staring at top (0.0) to
     bottom (1.0). Thus a relative X axis of 0.5 means the graph is centered in the view.
    ^ aspects at:#relativeXaxis ifAbsent:0.5


    "sets the relative X-axis (y == 0) into the graph view; staring at top (0.0) to
     bottom (1.0). Thus a relative X axis of 0.5 means the graph is centered in the view.
     In case that the value is not a valid number, the relative X axis is set to 0.5.

    self aspectAt:#relativeXaxis put:(self numberFrom:aValue onError:[0.5])


    "returns the current y-scale of the column (~~ 0); this value should be set once
     dependent on the maximum and minimum Y value. To zoom the graph vertical use
     insteat #zoomY:.
    ^ aspects at:#scaleY ifAbsent:1

    "set the current y-scale of the column (~~ 0); this value should be set once
     dependent on the maximum and minimum Y value. To zoom the graph vertical use
     insteat #zoomY:.
     In case that the value is not a valid number or less equal zero, the scale Y
     factor is set to its default value (1).

    (y := self numberFrom:aFactor onError:[1]) > 0 ifFalse:[ y := 1 ].
    self aspectAt:#scaleY put:y

    "returns true if the column is shown otherwise false
    ^ aspects at:#shown ifAbsent:true

    "set the visibility state of the column
    self aspectAt:#shown put:aState

    "get the current y-transition of the column; the default is 0
    ^ aspects at:#transY ifAbsent:0

    "set the current y-transition of the column to an integer or nil (== 0).
    self aspectAt:#transY put:(self integerFrom:aValue onError:[0])

    "returns the current y-zoom factor of the column excluding the scale Y factor
    ^ aspects at:#zoomY ifAbsent:1

    "set the current y-zoom factor of the column. The graph and its
     horizontal lines are vertical zoomed relative to its center defined
     by the relativeXaxis.
     In case that the value is not a valid number or less equal zero, the zoom Y
     factor is set to its default value (1).

    (y := self numberFrom:aFactor onError:[1]) > 0 ifFalse:[ y := 1 ].
    self aspectAt:#zoomY put:y
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing Y function'!

    "get the two arguments block which is used to access Y values from
     start into an array. The block should return the collection of y
     values; see method: #from:into:
    ^ functionYblock

    "set the two arguments block which is used to access Y values from
     start into an array. The block should return the collection of y
     values; see method: #from:into:
    functionYblock := something.
    self changed.
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing Y values'!

    "returns the Y value at an index
    ^ (self yValuesStartAt:anIndex into:(Array new:1)) at:1

yValuesStartAt:start into:anArray
    "returns the Y values from start upto an array size. The collection of Y
     values should be returned.
     You can use the argument anArray, to store the Y values or a new array.
     The functionYblock is obligated to return the array used
    ^ functionYblock value:start value:anArray
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing graph'!

    "returns the color of the graph; if the color is nil the default foreground color
     of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
    ^ aspects at:#foregroundColor ifAbsent:nil


    "set the color of the graph; if the color is nil the default foreground color
     of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
    self aspectAt:#foregroundColor put:aColor


    "returns the style in which the graph is drawn; if no style is defined, the
     default style is used (#solid).

     Supported styles are:
	 #solid or #dashed
    ^ aspects at:#lineStyle ifAbsent:#solid

    "set the style in which the graph is drawn; if no style is defined or
     in case of a non valid style, the default style is used (#solid).

     Supported styles are:
	#solid or #dashed
    self aspectAt:#lineStyle put:(self class lineStyleFor:aStyle)

    "returns the width of the graph line
    ^ aspects at:#lineWidth ifAbsent:1

    "set the width of the graph line; if the width is not defined or
     not a valid number, the default value is set (1).
    self aspectAt:#lineWidth put:(anInteger ? 1)
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing hLines'!

    "returns the color of the horizontal lines; if the color is nil the default foreground
     color of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
    ^ aspects at:#hLineFgColor ifAbsent:nil

    "set the color of the horizontal lines; if the color is nil the default foreground
     color of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
    self aspectAt:#hLineFgColor put:aColor

    "returns the list of horizontal lines or nil
    ^ aspects at:#hLineList ifAbsent:nil

    "set the list of horizontal lines to be drawn

    col := (aCollection size ~~ 0) ifTrue:[aCollection]

    self aspectAt:#hLineList put:col

    "returns the style in which the horizontal lines are drawn; if no style is
     defined, the default style is used (#solid).

     Supported styles are:
	#solid or #dashed
    ^ aspects at:#hLineStyle ifAbsent:#solid

    "set the style in which the horizontal lines are drawn; if no style is defined
     or in case of a non valid style, the default style is used (#solid).

     Supported styles are:
	 #solid or #dashed.
    self aspectAt:#hLineStyle put:(self class lineStyleFor:aStyle)


    "returns the width of the horizontal lines
    ^ aspects at:#hLineWidth ifAbsent:1


    "set the width of the horizontal lines; if the width is not defined or
     not a valid number, the default value is set (1).
    self aspectAt:#hLineWidth put:(anInteger ? 1)

! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing menu'!

    "returns the default middle button menu of a column

    menu := Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(self class middleButtonMenu).
    menu receiver:self.
  ^ menu

! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'accessing without notify'!

    "set the color of the graph; if the color is nil the default foreground color
     of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
     No change notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#foregroundColor put:aColor


    "set the color of the horizontal lines; if the color is nil the default foreground
     color of the graph is used which derives from the style sheet.
     No change notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#hLineFgColor put:aColor

    "set the list of horizontal lines to be drawn; no
     change notification is raised

    col := (aCollection size ~~ 0) ifTrue:[aCollection]

    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#hLineList put:col

    "set the style in which the horizontal lines are drawn; if no style is defined
     or in case of a non valid style, the default style is used (#solid).
     No change notification is raised.

     Supported styles are:
	 #solid or #dashed.
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#hLineStyle put:(self class lineStyleFor:aStyle)


    "set the width of the horizontal lines; if the width is not defined or
     not a valid number, the default value is set (1).
     No change notification is raised.
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#hLineWidth put:(anInteger ? 1)


    "set the style in which the graph is drawn; if no style is defined or
     in case of a non valid style, the default style is used (#solid).
     No change notification is raised.

     Supported styles are:
	#solid or #dashed
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#lineStyle put:(self class lineStyleFor:aStyle)


    "set the width of the graph line; if the width is not defined or
     not a valid number, the default value is set (1).
     No change notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#lineWidth put:(anInteger ? 1)

    "set the name of the column; no change notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#name put:aName

    "sets the relative X-axis (y == 0) into the graph view; staring at top (0.0) to
     bottom (1.0). Thus a relative X axis of 0.5 means the graph is centered in the view.
     In case that the value is not a valid number, the relative X axis is set to 0.5.
     No change notification is raised.
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#relativeXaxis
				 put:(self numberFrom:aValue onError:[0.5])


    "set the current y-scale of the column (~~ 0); this value should be set once
     dependent on the maximum and minimum Y value. To zoom the graph vertical use
     insteat #zoomY:.
     In case that the value is not a valid number or less equal zero, the scale Y
     factor is set to its default value (1).
     No change notification is raised.

    (y := self numberFrom:aFactor onError:[1]) > 0 ifFalse:[ y := 1 ].
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#scaleY put:y

    "set the visibility state of the column;
     no notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#shown put:aState

    "set the current y-transition of the column to an integer or nil (== 0).
     no notification is raised
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#transY
				 put:(self integerFrom:aValue onError:[0])

    "set the current y-zoom factor of the column. The graph and its
     horizontal lines are vertical zoomed relative to its center defined
     by the relativeXaxis.
     In case that the value is not a valid number or less equal zero, the zoom Y
     factor is set to its default value (1).
     No change notification is raised.

    (y := self numberFrom:aFactor onError:[1]) > 0 ifFalse:[ y := 1 ].
    self withoutNotificationAspectAt:#zoomY put:y
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'aspects'!

    "returns current aspects
    ^ aspects

aspectAt:aKey put:aValue
    "set an aspect; if the aspect changed its value, a notification will
     be raised. The arguments to the change notifications is the key of
     the aspect (selector) and the old value of the aspect.

    oldValue := aspects at:aKey ifAbsent:nil.

    oldValue ~= aValue ifTrue:[
	aValue isNil ifTrue:[aspects removeKey:aKey]
		    ifFalse:[aspects at:aKey put:aValue].

	self changed:aKey with:oldValue

    "change aspects; raise a change notification when changed. If the argument is
     nil, the default aspects are set

    aDictionaryOrNil == aspects ifFalse:[
	oldAspects := aspects.
	self setAspects:aDictionaryOrNil.
	self changed:#aspects with:oldAspects.

    "change aspects; raise no notification. If the argument is
     nil, the default aspects are set
    aDictionaryOrNil isNil ifTrue:[
	aspects := IdentityDictionary new.

	aspects at:#hLineWidth    put:1.
	aspects at:#lineWidth     put:1.
	aspects at:#scaleY        put:1.
	aspects at:#zoomY         put:1.
	aspects at:#transY        put:0.
	aspects at:#relativeXaxis put:0.5.
    ] ifFalse:[
	aspects := aDictionaryOrNil

withoutNotificationAspectAt:aKey put:aValue
    "set an aspect without a change notification
    aValue notNil ifTrue:[ aspects at:aKey put:aValue ]
		 ifFalse:[ aspects removeKey:aKey ifAbsent:nil ]
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'conversion'!

integerFrom:aValue onError:aBlock
    "converts something to an integer, on error the result of the block is returned

    aValue isNumber ifTrue:[
	^ aValue isInteger ifTrue:[aValue]
			  ifFalse:[(aValue asFloat) rounded]    "/ no fractions
    ^ aBlock value


numberFrom:aValue onError:aBlock
    "converts something to a number (no fractions); on error
     the result of the block is returned
    aValue isNumber ifTrue:[
	^ aValue isInteger ifTrue:[aValue]
			  ifFalse:[aValue asFloat]      "/ no fractions
    ^ aBlock value
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "setup default values
    super initialize.
    self setAspects:nil.
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'printing'!

    "returns my printable string

    ^ (name := self name) notNil ifTrue:[name printString] ifFalse:['']
! !

!GraphColumn methodsFor:'queries'!

centerGraphMaxY:maxY minY:minY
    "set the transition Y for the graph dependent on the current scaleY, the maximum
     and minimum Y value; the graph is centered to its relative X-Axis.
    self transY:(((maxY + minY) / 2) * self scaleY)

scaleToHeight:aHeight maxY:maxY minY:minY
    "set the scale Y value dependent on the maximum and minimum Y value to fit into
     a height >= 1

    (dltY := (maxY - minY) abs) = 0 ifTrue:[dltY := 1].
    self scaleY:((aHeight max:1) / dltY)
! !

!GraphColumn class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.4 2006-11-13 16:11:29 cg Exp $'
! !