author Jan Vrany <>
Fri, 02 Sep 2022 11:25:39 +0100
changeset 6261 9b7eb7159d29
parent 4872 68bda6fdbd38
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix loong standing bug with some menus not being translated / resolved This has happened with browser "View" menu when sometimes it had the slice resolved and sometimes not. It turned out that it was because the code disabled resources (and therefore slices) resolution when processing shortcuts, so the menu was created and cached unresolved. This fixes the issue. eXept apparently run into the same problem.

"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

"{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }"

View subclass:#GraphColumnView
	instanceVariableNames:'columns listHolder references referenceHolder referenceSelector
		referenceColor showReferences zoomY zoomYHolder oldMenuMessage
		windowSize windowSizeHolder gridColor showGrid fgColor bgColor
		scrollUpdatesOriginX graphOriginX graphOriginXHolder'
	classVariableNames:'DefaultBackgroundColor DefaultGridColor DefaultForegroundColor

!GraphColumnView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    The class describes the common interface supported by the 2D or 3D GraphColumnView.
    This Viewclasses provide a lot of functionality for showing and manipulating graphs
    described through to a GraphColumn description. Each change in a graph description
    immediately take affect in the garph view.

    [See also:]

        Claus Atzkern

! !

!GraphColumnView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "redefined by subclass: should return the default middle button menu
    ^ nil

    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables
    DefaultForegroundColor := Color black.
    DefaultReferenceColor  := Color darkGray.
    DefaultGridColor       := Color lightGray.
    DefaultBackgroundColor := Color veryLightGray.
 self updateStyleCache

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "returns the list of column descriptions
    ^ columns


    "set the list of columns descriptions
    columns notNil ifTrue:[
        columns do:[:aCol| aCol removeDependent:self ]

    aList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        columns := OrderedCollection new.

        aList do:[:aColumn| 
            aColumn addDependent:self.
            columns add:aColumn
    ] ifFalse:[
        columns := nil
    self doRecomputeGraph

    "returns the logical index X of the first visible row; this number is used for
     accessing Y values from the GraphColumn description. On default, the value
     is set to 1.
    ^ graphOriginX


    "set the logical index X of the first visible row; this number is used for
     accessing Y values from the GraphColumn description. On default, the value
     is set to 1.
     Changing the number, a scroll left or right is triggered.
    |newX state|

    aNumber isNumber ifTrue:[
        newX := aNumber isInteger ifTrue:[aNumber]
                                 ifFalse:[(aNumber asFloat) rounded].   "/ no fractions

        newX ~~ graphOriginX ifTrue:[
            state := scrollUpdatesOriginX.
            scrollUpdatesOriginX := true.
            self scroll:(graphOriginX - newX).
            scrollUpdatesOriginX := state.

    "returns the selector how to access the X value of an instance into
     the reference list. If the selector is nil (default), the entry is
     assumed to be the X value.
    ^ referenceSelector

    "set the selector how to access the X value of an instance into the
     reference list. If the selector is nil (default), the entry is
     assumed to be the X value.
    referenceSelector := (aSelector size == 0) ifTrue:[ #value ]
                                              ifFalse:[ aSelector asSymbol ]

    "returns list of references
    ^ references


    "change the list of references
    aListOfReferences size == 0 ifTrue:[
        references isEmpty ifTrue:[
            ^ self                      "/ nothing changed
        references := OrderedCollection new.
    ] ifFalse:[
        references := OrderedCollection new.
        aListOfReferences do:[:i| references add:i ]
    self updateReferences:#size atRelX:nil

    "returns true, if the graphOriginX automatically is updated by
     any scroll action. The default is set to false.
    ^ scrollUpdatesOriginX

    "set to true if the graphOriginX automatically should be updated by any
     scroll action. Otherwise a scroll has no influnce to the current
     The default is set to false.
    scrollUpdatesOriginX := aBool

    "returns true, if the middleButton menu is set to the default menu
     provided by the graph.
    ^ self menuMessage == #defaultMenu

    "enable or disable the default menu provided by the graph

    currMsg := self menuMessage.

    aBool ifTrue:[
        oldMenuMessage := currMsg.
        self menuMessage:#defaultMenu
    ] ifFalse:[
        currMsg == #defaultMenu ifTrue:[
            self menuMessage:oldMenuMessage

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'accessing dimensions'!

    "get the number of horizontal steps ( X )
    ^ windowSize


    "set the number of horizontal steps ( X )

    sz := (self unsignedIntegerFrom:aValue onError:[101]) max:2.

    sz ~~ windowSize ifTrue:[
        windowSize := sz.
        self doRecomputeGraph


    "returns current y-zoom factor
    ^ zoomY


    "set the current y-zoom factor; if the argument is nil,
     the y-zoom is set to 1.

    (zY := self floatFrom:aValue onError:[1]) <= 0 ifTrue:[
        zY := 1

    zY = zoomY ifFalse:[
        zoomY := zY.
        self doInvalidateGraph

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'accessing look'!

    "returns the current background color of the graph
    ^ bgColor


    "set the background color of the graph
    (aColor isColor and:[bgColor ~= aColor]) ifTrue:[
        shown ifTrue:[
            bgColor := aColor onDevice:device.
            self doInvalidateGraph
        ] ifFalse:[
            bgColor := aColor

    "returns the default foreground color used to draw graphs which
     has no foreground color specified.
    ^ fgColor


    "set the default foreground color used to draw graphs which
     has no foreground color specified.
    (aColor isColor and:[fgColor ~= aColor]) ifTrue:[
        shown ifTrue:[ fgColor := aColor onDevice:device ]
             ifFalse:[ fgColor := aColor ].

        columns notNil ifTrue:[
            self updateColumns:#color with:nil from:nil

    "returns the foreground color of the grid
    ^ gridColor


    "set the foreground color of the grid
    (aColor isColor and:[gridColor ~= aColor]) ifTrue:[
        shown ifTrue:[ gridColor := aColor onDevice:device ]
             ifFalse:[ gridColor := aColor ].

        self updateGrid:#color

    "returns the foreground color used to draw the references
    ^ referenceColor


    "set the foreground color used to draw the references
    (aColor isColor and:[referenceColor ~= aColor]) ifTrue:[
        shown ifTrue:[referenceColor := aColor onDevice:device]
             ifFalse:[referenceColor := aColor].

        references notEmpty ifTrue:[
            self updateReferences:#color atRelX:nil

    "returns true if the grid is enabled
    ^ showGrid


    "set the visibility state of the grid

    showGrid ~~ aBool ifTrue:[
        showGrid := aBool.
        self updateGrid:#state


    "returns the visibility state of the references
    ^ showReferences


    "set the visibility state of the references

    showReferences ~~ aBool ifTrue:[
        showReferences := aBool.

        references notEmpty ifTrue:[
            self updateReferences:#state atRelX:nil
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'accessing mvc'!

    "returns the valueHolder, which keeps the current graphOriginX (see: #graphOriginX:)
    ^ graphOriginXHolder

    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the current graphOriginX (see: #graphOriginX:)
    graphOriginXHolder == aHolder ifFalse:[
        graphOriginXHolder notNil ifTrue:[
            graphOriginXHolder removeDependent:self
        (graphOriginXHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
            graphOriginXHolder addDependent:self
    self graphOriginX:(graphOriginXHolder value)


    "returns the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions (see: #column:)
    ^ listHolder


    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions (see: #column:)
    listHolder == aHolder ifFalse:[
        listHolder notNil ifTrue:[
            listHolder removeDependent:self
        (listHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
            listHolder addDependent:self
    self columns:(listHolder value)


    "set the valueHolder which holds the selection and maybe the list of columnms
    (model respondsTo:#list) ifTrue:[
        (model list == listHolder) ifTrue:[
            self listHolder:nil
    super model:aModel.

    aModel notNil ifTrue:[
        (aModel respondsTo:#list) ifTrue:[
            self listHolder:model list


    "returns the valueHolder, which keeps the list of references (see: #references:)
    ^ referenceHolder


    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of references (see: #references:)
    referenceHolder == aHolder ifFalse:[
        referenceHolder notNil ifTrue:[
            referenceHolder removeDependent:self
        (referenceHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
            referenceHolder addDependent:self
    self references:(referenceHolder value)


    "returns the valueHolder, which keeps the windowSize (see: #windowSize:)
    ^ windowSizeHolder


    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the windowSize (see: #windowSize:)
    windowSizeHolder == aHolder ifFalse:[
        windowSizeHolder notNil ifTrue:[
            windowSizeHolder removeDependent:self
        (windowSizeHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
            windowSizeHolder addDependent:self
    self windowSize:(windowSizeHolder value)


    "returns the valueHolder, which keeps the zoom Y factor (see: #zoomY:)
    ^ zoomYHolder


    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the zoom Y factor (see: #zoomY:)
    zoomYHolder == aHolder ifFalse:[
        zoomYHolder notNil ifTrue:[
            zoomYHolder removeDependent:self
        (zoomYHolder := aHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
            zoomYHolder addDependent:self
    self zoomY:(zoomYHolder value).

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'add & remove columns'!

    "insert a column at end; returns the inserted column
    ^ self add:aColumn beforeIndex:(1 + columns size)


add:aColumn afterIndex:anIndex
    "add a new column after an index; returns the inserted column
    ^ self add:aColumn beforeIndex:(anIndex + 1)


add:aColumn beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add a column before an index; returns the inserted column
    aColumn isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

    columns isNil ifTrue:[
        self columns:(Array with:aColumn).
        ^ aColumn.
    columns add:aColumn beforeIndex:anIndex.
    aColumn addDependent:self.

    aColumn shown ifTrue:[
        self updateColumns:#insert: with:nil from:aColumn.


addAll:aCollection beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add a collection of columns before an index
    aCollection size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        columns size == 0 ifTrue:[
            self columns:aCollection
        ] ifFalse:[
            columns addAll:aCollection beforeIndex:anIndex.
            self doRecomputeGraph.


    "insert a column at start; returns the inserted column
    ^ self add:aColumn beforeIndex:1


    "remove all columns
    self columns:nil


    "remove first column; returns the removed column
    ^ self removeIndex:1


    "remove column at an index; returns the removed column

    col := columns removeAtIndex:anIndex.
    col removeDependent:self.

    columns size == 0 ifTrue:[
        columns := nil
    col shown ifTrue:[
        self updateColumns:#remove: with:nil from:col
  ^ col


    "remove last column; the removed column is returned
    ^ self removeIndex:(columns size)

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'add & remove references'!

    "add a reference to end of list
    ^ self referenceAdd:aReference beforeIndex:(references size + 1)

referenceAdd:aReference beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add a reference before an index
    references add:aReference beforeIndex:anIndex.

    self visibleReference:aReference do:[:x|
        self updateReferences:#insert: atRelX:x
    ^ aReference

referenceAddAll:aCollection beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add a collection of references before an index
    aCollection size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        references size == 0 ifTrue:[
            self references:aCollection
        ] ifFalse:[
            references addAll:aCollection beforeIndex:anIndex.
            self updateReferences:#size atRelX:nil


    "remove a reference
    ^ self referenceRemoveIndex:(references identityIndexOf:aReference)


    "remove all references
    self references:nil

    "remove the reference at an index

    aReference := references removeAtIndex:anIndex.

    self visibleReference:aReference do:[:x|
        self updateReferences:#remove: atRelX:x
    ^ aReference
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'change & update'!

update:what with:aPara from:chgObj
    "catch and handle a change notification of any object
    |list start size stop|

    chgObj == windowSizeHolder ifTrue:[
        ^ self windowSize:(windowSizeHolder value)

    chgObj == zoomYHolder ifTrue:[
        ^ self zoomY:(zoomYHolder value)

    chgObj == graphOriginXHolder ifTrue:[
        ^ self graphOriginX:(graphOriginXHolder value)

    chgObj == referenceHolder ifTrue:[
        list := chgObj list.

        (what == #insert:) ifTrue:[
            ^ self referenceAdd:(list at:aPara) beforeIndex:aPara

        (what == #remove:) ifTrue:[
            ^ self referenceRemoveIndex:aPara

        (what == #removeFrom:) ifTrue:[
            chgObj value size == 0 ifTrue:[ ^ self references:nil ].

            start := aPara first.
            stop  := aPara last.

            (start - stop) == 0 ifTrue:[
                ^ self referenceRemoveIndex:start
        ] ifFalse:[
            (what == #insertCollection:) ifTrue:[
                start := aPara first.
                size  := aPara last.

                size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    ^ self referenceAdd:(list at:start) beforeIndex:start
                stop := start + size - 1.
                ^ self referenceAddAll:(list copyFrom:start to:stop) beforeIndex:start
        ^ self referenceHolder:chgObj

    chgObj == model ifTrue:[
        (what == #selectionIndex or:[what == #selection]) ifTrue:[
            ^ self
        what == #list ifTrue:[
            ^ self listHolder:model list
        model == listHolder ifFalse:[
            ^ self

    chgObj == listHolder ifTrue:[
        list := listHolder value.

        (what == #insert:) ifTrue:[ ^ self add:(list at:aPara) beforeIndex:aPara ].
        (what == #remove:) ifTrue:[ ^ self removeIndex:aPara ].

        (what == #insertCollection:) ifTrue:[
            start := aPara first.
            size  := aPara last.

            size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                size == 1 ifTrue:[
                    self add:(list at:start) beforeIndex:start
                ] ifFalse:[
                    stop := start + size - 1.
                    self addAll:(list copyFrom:start to:stop) beforeIndex:start
            ^ self

        (what == #removeFrom:) ifTrue:[
            chgObj value size == 0 ifTrue:[
                ^ self columns:nil
            start := aPara first.
            stop  := aPara last.

            (start - stop) == 0 ifTrue:[
                ^ self removeIndex:start
        ^ self listHolder:chgObj

    columns notNil ifTrue:[
        (columns includesIdentical:chgObj) ifTrue:[
            what ~~ #name ifTrue:[
                ^ self updateColumns:what with:aPara from:chgObj

    super update:what with:aPara from:chgObj

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'conversion'!

floatFrom:aValue onError:aBlock
    "converts something to a float, on error the result of the block is returned
    ^ aValue isNumber ifTrue:[aValue asFloat] ifFalse:[aBlock value]

unsignedIntegerFrom:aValue onError:aBlock
    "converts something to an unsigned integer, on error the result of the block is returned

    aValue isNumber ifTrue:[
        v := aValue isInteger ifTrue:[aValue] ifFalse:[(aValue asFloat) rounded].       "/ no fractions

        v >= 0 ifTrue:[ ^ v ]
    ^ aBlock value
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "set color on device"

    super create.

    fgColor        := (fgColor        ? DefaultForegroundColor) onDevice:device.
    bgColor        := (bgColor        ? DefaultBackgroundColor) onDevice:device.
    gridColor      := (gridColor      ? DefaultGridColor)       onDevice:device.
    referenceColor := (referenceColor ? DefaultReferenceColor)  onDevice:device.

    "remove dependencies
    super destroy.

    listHolder         removeDependent:self.
    referenceHolder    removeDependent:self.
    windowSizeHolder   removeDependent:self.
    zoomYHolder        removeDependent:self.
    graphOriginXHolder removeDependent:self.

    columns notNil ifTrue:[
        columns do:[:aCol| aCol removeDependent:self ]


    "setup default values
    super initialize.

    DefaultGridColor isNil ifTrue:[
        self class updateStyleCache

    references     := OrderedCollection new.
    windowSize     := 101.
    showGrid       := false.
    showReferences := true.
    zoomY          := 1.
    graphOriginX   := 1.
    scrollUpdatesOriginX := false.
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'menu & submenus'!

    "returns the default middle button menu provided by the graph

    menu := self class defaultMenu decodeAsLiteralArray.

    menu notNil ifTrue:[
        menu receiver:self
    ^ menu

    "triggered by the default menu to change the current zoom Y factor;
     on change, the corresponding model (zoomYHolder) is updated.

    old := self zoomY.
    self zoomY:aValue.

    self zoomYHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        zoomYHolder value:(self zoomY)

    "returns the submenu to configure the zoom Y factor
    ^ GraphColumn zoomMenuSelector:#doZoomY:

! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'protocol'!

    "called to set the graph to invalidate
    self doRecomputeGraph

    "called to recompute drawable objects and to set the
     graph to invalidate

updateColumns:what with:oldValue from:aColumn
    "called if the list of columns changed
         #size      the size of the columns
         #color:    color changed
     or a specific column:( aColumn notNil )
         #insert:   insert a new column
         #remove:   remove a column

        or a specific attribute derived from the
        changed column.
    self doRecomputeGraph


    "called if the grid changed
     #color     the color of the grid changed
     #state     the visibility state of the grid changed
    self doRecomputeGraph

    "graph origin X changed; scroll n steps left (aDeltaX < 0) or right (aDeltaX > 0)
    self doRecomputeGraph

updateReferences:what atRelX:aRelX
    "called when the list of references changed.
        #remove:        the reference at the relative X index is removed
        #insert:        a reference is inserted at the relative X index
        #size           the list of references changed
        #state          visibility state changed
        #color          the foreground color changed
    self doRecomputeGraph
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "returns a list of visible lines (never nil)
    ^ columns notNil ifTrue:[ columns select:[:c| c shown] ] ifFalse:[ #() ]


    "returns a list of visible reference line indices or an empty
     collection (nothing defined or disabled).
    |list winSz x|

    (showReferences and:[references notEmpty]) ifFalse:[
        ^ #()
    winSz := self windowSize.
    list  := OrderedCollection new.

    referenceSelector isNil ifTrue:[
        references do:[:aReference|
            x := aReference - graphOriginX.
            (x >= 0 and:[x < winSz]) ifTrue:[ list add:x ]
    ] ifFalse:[        
        references do:[:aReference|
            x := (aReference perform:referenceSelector) - graphOriginX.
            (x >= 0 and:[x < winSz]) ifTrue:[ list add:x ]
    ^ list

visibleReference:aReference do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate the block with the relative visible X value; if the reference line
     is not visible, nothing will happen

    referenceSelector isNil ifTrue:[ x := aReference ]
                           ifFalse:[ x := aReference perform:referenceSelector ].

    ((x := x - graphOriginX) >= 0 and:[x < self windowSize]) ifTrue:[
        aOneArgBlock value:x
! !

!GraphColumnView methodsFor:'scrolling'!

    "scroll left half window size
    self scrollLeft:(windowSize // 2)


    "scroll right half window size
    self scrollRight:(windowSize // 2)


    "scroll left or right n x-steps. a positive value scrolls to the right
     a negative value to the left.

    nIndices ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        scrollUpdatesOriginX ifTrue:[
            graphOriginX := graphOriginX - nIndices

        shown ifTrue:[
            max := 2 * (windowSize // 3).

            (nIndices abs) > max ifTrue:[
                self doRecomputeGraph           "/ full redraw
            ] ifFalse:[
                self updateOriginX:nIndices     "/ scroll

    "scroll n indices left
    self scroll:(nIndices negated)


    "scroll n indices right
    self scroll:nIndices


    "scroll left window size
    self scrollLeft:windowSize


    "scroll right window size
    self scrollRight:windowSize

! !

!GraphColumnView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header$'
! !