author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 06 Jul 1999 15:40:09 +0200
changeset 1430 ae9e48cc7b9d
parent 1409 e46f8d30a9c9
child 1431 0cc20a8f2f7c
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

Object subclass:#HierarchicalItem
	instanceVariableNames:'parent children isExpanded'

HierarchicalItem subclass:#Example
	instanceVariableNames:'label icon'

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    Hierarchical Items are mostly like Models, but the list of
    dependencies are kept by its HierarchicalList.
    The class is used to build up hierarchical trees.

    [Instance variables:]
        parent      <Item, List or nil>         parent or my HierarchicalList.
        children    <Collection or nil>         list of children
        isExpanded  <Boolean>                   indicates whether the item is
                                                expanded or collapsed

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]

! !

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ (self basicNew) initialize
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "returns the level starting with 1
     level "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    level  := 0.
    parent := self.

    [(parent := parent parentOrModel) notNil] whileTrue:[
        level := level + 1
    ^ level


    "returns the parent or nil
    ^ (parent notNil and:[parent isHierarchicalItem]) ifTrue:[parent]

    "set the parent (or the model if the item is the root item)
    parent := aParent

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing children'!

    "returns the child under an index or nil
  ^ self children notNil ifTrue:[children at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil]

at:anIndex put:anItem
    "replace a child by a new item
    |oldItem itemExpanded size|

    size := self children size.

    (anIndex between:1 and:size) ifFalse:[
        ^ self subscriptBoundsError

    anItem isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self removeFromIndex:anIndex toIndex:anIndex.

    oldItem := children at:anIndex.
    oldItem collapse.
    itemExpanded := anItem isExpanded.
    anItem setExpanded:false.
    children at:anIndex put:anItem.
    self changed.

    itemExpanded ifTrue:[
        anItem expand

    "set a new list of children
    self removeAll.
  ^ self addAll:aListOfChildren beforeIndex:1

    "returns the first child
    ^ self at:1

    "returns the last child
    ^ self at:(self children size)
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing hierarchy'!

    "hide children
    |visChd model index|

    self canCollapse ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := false.

        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (visChd := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild|
                    visChd := visChd + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
                self model itemRemoveFromIndex:(index + 1)
                                       toIndex:(index + visChd).

                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged

    "expand children
    |index list|

    self canExpand ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := true.

        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
                children notEmpty ifTrue:[
                    list := OrderedCollection new:64.
                    self addVisibleChildrenTo:list.
                    self model itemAddAll:list beforeIndex:(index + 1).
                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged


    "expand all my parents
    (parent notNil and:[parent isHierarchicalItem]) ifTrue:[
        parent expand.
        parent makeVisible

    "collapse children and sub-children
     **** must be expanded
    |visChd index|

    self canCollapse ifTrue:[
        (index := self listIndex) notNil ifTrue:[
            (visChd := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild|
                    visChd := visChd + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
            self recursiveSetCollapsed.

            visChd ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self model itemRemoveFromIndex:(index + 1)
                                       toIndex:(index + visChd)
            index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self hierarchyChanged
        ] ifFalse:[
            self recursiveSetCollapsed


    "expand children and sub-children
     **** must be collapsed
    |model index list|

    self canExpand ifTrue:[
        isExpanded := true.

        self children size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            (index := self listIndex) isNil ifTrue:[
                children do:[:aChild| aChild setExpanded:true ]
            ] ifFalse:[
                list := OrderedCollection new:512.
                self recursiveSetExpandedAndAddToList:list.
                self model itemAddAll:list beforeIndex:(index + 1).

                index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    self hierarchyChanged

    "if the item is collapsed, the children and all sub-children
     are expanded otherwise collapsed
    isExpanded ifTrue:[self recursiveCollapse] ifFalse:[self recursiveExpand]


    "if the item is collapsed, the children are expanded
     otherwise collapsed
    isExpanded ifTrue:[self collapse] ifFalse:[self expand]

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'accessing mvc'!

    "returns the responsible application or nil

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model application
    ^ nil

    "evaluate the block on each dependent application

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        model applicationsDo:aOneArgBlock


    "returns the hierachicalList model or nil
    |p model|

    model := self.
    [(p := model parentOrModel) notNil] whileTrue:[model := p].
  ^ model isHierarchicalItem ifFalse:[model] ifTrue:[nil]
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'adding & removing'!

    "add a child at end
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(self children size + 1).


add:aChildItem after:aChild
    "add an item after an existing item

    (index := self listIndex) isNil ifTrue:[
        self subscriptBoundsError
    ] ifFalse:[
        self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(index + 1)
    ^ aChildItem

add:aChildItem afterIndex:anIndex
    "add an item after an index
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:(anIndex + 1).

add:aChildItem before:aChild
    "add an item before an existing item

    (index := self identityIndexOf:aChild) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:index
    self subscriptBoundsError

add:aChildItem beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add an item before an index
    aChildItem notNil ifTrue:[
        self addAll:(Array with:aChildItem) beforeIndex:anIndex
    ^ aChildItem

    "add children at the end
    ^ self addAll:aList beforeIndex:(self children size + 1)

addAll:aList beforeIndex:anIndex
    "add children before an index
    |coll model notify
     index "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    (aList isNil or:[aList isEmpty]) ifTrue:[
        ^ aList
    size := self children size.

    anIndex == 1 ifTrue:[
        notify := self
    ] ifFalse:[
        anIndex > size ifTrue:[
            anIndex > (1 + size) ifTrue:[
                ^ self subscriptBoundsError
            notify := self at:size
        ] ifFalse:[
            notify := nil

    size == 0 ifTrue:[
        children := OrderedCollection new
    aList do:[:anItem| anItem parent:self ].
    children addAll:aList beforeIndex:anIndex.

    (model := self model) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ aList

    isExpanded ifFalse:[
        notify notNil ifTrue:[
            notify changed
      ^ aList
    (index := self listIndex) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ aList

    children from:1 to:(anIndex - 1) do:[:anItem|
        index := 1 + index + anItem numberOfVisibleChildren
    coll := OrderedCollection new.

    aList do:[:anItem|
        coll add:anItem.
        anItem addVisibleChildrenTo:coll.
    model itemAddAll:coll beforeIndex:(index + 1).

    notify notNil ifTrue:[
        notify changed
  ^ aList

    "add children at the beginning
    ^ self addAll:aCollectionOfItems beforeIndex:1

    "add children at the end
    ^ self addAll:aCollectionOfItems

    "add a child at begin
    ^ self add:aChildItem beforeIndex:1.


    "add a child at end
    ^ self add:anItem

    "remove a child
    self removeIndex:(self identityIndexOf:aChild)

    "remove all children

    (size := self children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self removeFromIndex:1 toIndex:size

removeFromIndex:startIndex toIndex:stopIndex
    "remove the children from startIndex up to and including
     the child under stopIndex.
    |model notify
     index "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    size  := self children size.
    stop  := stopIndex.
    start := startIndex.

    (stop <= size and:[start between:1 and:stop]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self subscriptBoundsError
    start == 1 ifTrue:[
        notify := self
    ] ifFalse:[
        stop == size ifTrue:[
            notify := self at:(start - 1)
        ] ifFalse:[
            notify := nil

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        index := model identityIndexOf:(children at:start).
        size  := stop - start + 1.
    ] ifFalse:[
        index := 0
    children from:start to:stop do:[:aChild|
        index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            size := size + aChild numberOfVisibleChildren
        aChild parent:nil
    children removeFromIndex:start toIndex:stop.

    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        model itemRemoveFromIndex:index toIndex:(index + size - 1)
    notify notNil ifTrue:[
        notify changed

    "remove the child at an index
    anIndex > 0 ifTrue:[
        self removeFromIndex:anIndex toIndex:anIndex
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "the item changed; raise change notification
    self changed:nil with:nil

    "the item changed; raise change notification
    self changed:aParameter with:nil


changed:aParameter with:anArgument
    "the item changed; raise change notification

    model := self model.

    model notNil ifTrue:[
        model itemChanged:aParameter with:anArgument from:self
    super changed:aParameter with:anArgument

    "hierarchy changed; optimize redrawing
    self changed:#hierarchy with:nil

    "icon changed; optimize redrawing
    self changed:#icon with:nil
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'enumerating'!

    "evaluate a block on each child
    self children notNil ifTrue:[ children do:aOneArgBlock ]


from:startIndex do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at startIndex to the end.
    self from:startIndex to:self size do:aOneArgBlock

from:startIndex to:endIndex do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at startIndex to the endIndex.
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        children from:startIndex to:endIndex do:aOneArgBlock


from:startIndex to:endIndex reverseDo:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate a block on each child starting with the
     child at endIndex to the startIndex.
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        children from:startIndex to:endIndex reverseDo:aOneArgBlock


    "evaluate a block on each item and all the sub-items
    self do:[:aChild|
        aOneArgBlock value:aChild.
        aChild recursiveDo:aOneArgBlock


    "evaluate a block on each child
     procesing children in reverse direction
    self children notNil ifTrue:[ children reverseDo:aOneArgBlock ]

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'initialization'!

    isExpanded := false
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'private'!

    "add all visible children and sub-children to the list
    isExpanded ifTrue:[
        (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
            children do:[:aChild|
                aList add:aChild.
                aChild addVisibleChildrenTo:aList


    "returns the visible index or nil; for a none visible root
     0 is returned
    |index model|

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        index := model identityIndexOf:self.

        (index ~~ 0 or:[parent == model]) ifTrue:[
            ^ index
    ^ nil

    "returns number of all visible children including subchildren
    |size  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
    isExpanded ifTrue:[
        (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
            (size := children size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                children do:[:el| size := size + el numberOfVisibleChildren ].
              ^ size
    ^ 0


    "returns the parent without checking for item or model
    ^ parent

    "set expanded flag without any computation or notification
    isExpanded := aBoolean
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'private hierarchy'!

    "collapse all children and sub-children without notifications
    isExpanded := false.

    children notNil ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild| aChild recursiveSetCollapsed ]

    "expand all children and sub-children without notifications;
     add children to list
    isExpanded := true.

    (children notNil or:[self children notNil]) ifTrue:[
        children do:[:aChild|
            aList add:aChild.
            aChild recursiveSetExpandedAndAddToList:aList.

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol accessing'!

    "returns list of children
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    children isNil ifTrue:[
        (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
            model childrenFor:self
    ^ children

    "returns the icon or nil;
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model iconFor:self
    ^ nil

    "returns the label displayed on aGC;
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model labelFor:self
    ^ nil


    "returns the middleButtonMenu or nil if no menu is defined

    (model := self model) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ model middleButtonMenuFor:self
    ^ nil
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol displaying'!

displayOn:aGC x:xL y:yT toX:xR y:yB
    "draw the receiver in the graphicsContext, aGC.
     yF "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y0 "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     ascent "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    (label := self label) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    h := yB - yT.

    (label isSequenceable and:[label isString not]) ifFalse:[
        y0 := yT - ((label heightOn:aGC) + 1 - h // 2).

        label isImageOrForm ifTrue:[
            label displayOn:aGC x:xL y:y0
        ] ifFalse:[
            label displayOn:aGC x:xL y:(y0 + aGC font ascent)
        ^ self

    x0 := xL.
    ascent := aGC font ascent.

    label do:[:el|
        el notNil ifTrue:[
            y0 := yT - ((el heightOn:aGC) + 1 - h // 2).
            el isImageOrForm ifFalse:[
                y0 := y0 + ascent
            el displayOn:aGC x:x0 y:y0.
            x0 := x0 + 5 + (el widthOn:aGC).

            x0 < xR ifFalse:[
                ^ self

    "return the width of the receiver, if it is to be displayed on aGC
    |label h "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    (label := self label) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ 0
    (label isString or:[label isSequenceable not]) ifTrue:[
        ^ label heightOn:aGC
    h := 0.
    label do:[:el| el notNil ifTrue:[h := (el heightOn:aGC) max:h]].
  ^ h


    "return the width of the receiver, if it is to be displayed on aGC
    |label w "{ Class:SmallInteger }"|

    (label := self label) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ 0
    (label isString or:[label isSequenceable not]) ifTrue:[
        ^ label widthOn:aGC

    w := -5.
    label do:[:el|el notNil ifTrue:[w := w + 5 + (el widthOn:aGC)]].
  ^ w
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol monitoring'!

    "called all 'n' seconds by the model, if the monitoring
     cycle is enabled. The item can perform some checks, ..
     **** can be redefined by subclass to perform some actions
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'protocol queries'!

    "checks whether the item has a list of children; the list must not
     be loaded yet( ex. FileDirectory ).
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass
    ^ children notNil ifTrue:[children notEmpty]
                     ifFalse:[self children size ~~ 0]

    "access the printable string used for steping through a list
     searching for an entry starting with a character.
     *** to optimize:redefine by subClass

    (label := self label) notNil ifTrue:[
        label isString      ifTrue:[ ^ label string ].
        label isImageOrForm ifTrue:[ ^ nil ].

        label isSequenceable ifFalse:[
            ^ label perform:#string ifNotUnderstood:nil

        label do:[:el||s|
            (el notNil and:[el isImageOrForm not]) ifTrue:[
                s := el perform:#string ifNotUnderstood:nil.
                s notNil ifTrue:[^ s].
    ^ nil

! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'queries'!

    "called before collapsing the item
    ^ isExpanded

    "called before expanding the item
    ^ isExpanded not and:[self hasChildren]

    "return true if item is expanded
    ^ isExpanded

    "used to decide if the parent is a hierarchical item
     or the model
    ^ true

    "return the number of children
    ^ children notNil ifTrue:[children size]
                     ifFalse:[self children size]
! !

!HierarchicalItem methodsFor:'searching'!

    "find the first child, for which evaluation of the block returns
     true; if none does so, report an error
    ^ self detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:[self errorNotFound]


detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:anExceptionBlock
    "find the first child, for which evaluation of the block returns
     true; if none does so, return the evaluation of anExceptionBlock
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children detect:aOneArgBlock ifNone:anExceptionBlock
    ^ anExceptionBlock value


    "return the index of aChild or 0 if not found. Compare using ==
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children identityIndexOf:aChild
    ^ 0

identityIndexOf:aChild startingAt:startIndex
    "return the index of aChild, starting search at startIndex.
     Compare using ==; return 0 if not found
    self children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children identityIndexOf:aChild startingAt:startIndex
    ^ 0
! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example class methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    ^ self new setLabel:aLabel


labeled:aLabel icon:anIcon
    ^ self new setLabel:aLabel icon:anIcon

! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example class methodsFor:'resources'!

    "returns an icon
    aLevel == 2 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconPrivateClass ].
    aLevel == 3 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconClass ].
    aLevel == 4 ifTrue:[ ^ ResourceSelectionBrowser iconCategory ].

  ^ nil


    PenguinIcon isNil ifTrue:[
        PenguinIcon := Image fromFile:'bitmaps/xpmBitmaps/misc_logos/linux_penguin.xpm'.
    ^ PenguinIcon
! !

!HierarchicalItem::Example methodsFor:'accessing'!

    |lvl lbl txt image img icon|

    children notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ children

    (lvl := self level) == 5 ifTrue:[
        children := #().
      ^ children
    icon     := self class iconForLevel:(lvl + 1).
    children := OrderedCollection new.

    lvl < 4 ifTrue:[
        txt := (lvl + 1) printString, ' ['.
        img := NewLauncher saveImageIcon.

        1 to:5 do:[:i|
            (i == 2 or:[i == 3]) ifTrue:[
                lbl := img
            ] ifFalse:[
                i == 4 ifTrue:[
                    lbl := self class penguinIcon
                ] ifFalse:[
                    lbl := txt, (i printString), ']'
            children add:(self class labeled:lbl icon:icon)
    ] ifFalse:[
        image := ResourceSelectionBrowser iconPrivateClass.
        txt   := LabelAndIcon icon:image string:'Text'.
        img   := Icon copyIcon.

        1 to:5 do:[:i|
            lbl := i odd ifTrue:[txt] ifFalse:[img].
            lbl := Array with:lbl with:'test' with:img.
            children add:(self class labeled:lbl icon:icon).

    children do:[:aChild| aChild parent:self ].
  ^ children

    "returns the icon
    ^ icon

    "set the icon; if icon changed, a notification
     is raised.
    icon ~= anIcon ifTrue:[
        icon := anIcon.
        self iconChanged

    "returns the label
    ^ label


    "set the label; if label changed, a notification
     is raised.
    label ~= aLabel ifTrue:[
        label := aLabel.
        self changed.


    "set the icon without any change notification
    icon := anIcon

    "set the label without any change notification
    label := aLabel

setLabel:aLabel icon:anIcon
    "set the label and icon without any change notification
    label := aLabel.
    icon  := anIcon.
! !

!HierarchicalItem class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/HierarchicalItem.st,v 1.4 1999-07-06 13:40:09 cg Exp $'
! !