author Claus Gittinger <>
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:33:13 +0100
changeset 1903 b0c9fcf3155e
parent 1901 b4b286ec221f
child 1957 9a4347986d96
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

ImageView subclass:#ImageEditView
	instanceVariableNames:'magnification imageReaderClass resourceClass resourceSelector
		mouseKeyColorMode undoImages modified masterApplication editMode
		lastPastePoint imageInfoHolder activityInfoHolder
		pickedColorHolder drawingColors drawingPixels clickInfoCallBack'
	classVariableNames:'Clipboard LastMagnification ClipboardMagnification
		GridMagnificationLimit MaxUndos'

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
	      All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

    The ImageEditView is a view class which can be used by applications
    like the Image Editor for modifying or inspecting images.

    [see also:]
	ImageEditor Image

	Thomas Zwick
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'initialization'!

    MaxUndos := 5.
    GridMagnificationLimit := 8 @ 8.

     self initialize
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'accessing'!

    ^ GridMagnificationLimit

    GridMagnificationLimit := anInteger
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'utilities'!

generateImageSpecMethodFor:anImage comment:comment inClass:aClass selector:sel
    |imageStoreStream mthd imageKey category|

    anImage storeOn: (imageStoreStream := WriteStream on: '').

    "/ if that method already exists, do not overwrite the category
    category := 'image specs'.
    (mthd := aClass compiledMethodAt:sel) notNil ifTrue:[
        category := mthd category.

    imageKey :=  (aClass name, ' ', sel) asSymbol.
    Icon constantNamed: imageKey put:nil.
        compile: ((sel,
            '\', comment,
            '\\' , 
            '    "\',
            '     self ' , sel , ' inspect\',
            '     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#', sel, 
            '\    "',
            '    <resource: #image>',
            '    ^Icon\') withCRs, 
            '        constantNamed:#''', imageKey, '''\' withCRs,
            '        ifAbsentPut:[', imageStoreStream contents, ']')
       classified: category.
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'activityInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    ^ activityInfoHolder

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:49:39 / cg"

    "set the value of the instance variable 'activityInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    activityInfoHolder := something.

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:49:39 / cg"

     clickInfoCallBack := aTwoArgBlock

    "Created: / 10.2.2000 / 23:07:14 / cg"

    "return the value of the instance variable 'imageInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    ^ imageInfoHolder

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:29:50 / cg"

    "set the value of the instance variable 'imageInfoHolder' (automatically generated)"

    imageInfoHolder := something.

    "Created: / 29.7.1998 / 18:29:50 / cg"




magnification: aPoint

    magnification ~= aPoint
	oldOrg := self viewOrigin / magnification.
	magnification := aPoint asPoint.

	self scrollTo:(oldOrg * magnification) rounded redraw:false.        
"/        self scrollToTopLeft.
	self contentsChanged.
	self invalidate.
	ClipboardMagnification := nil.

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:38:47 / cg"



masterApplication: anApplicationModel

    masterApplication := anApplicationModel



resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol

    resourceClass := aClassOrSymbol isClass ifTrue: [aClassOrSymbol name] ifFalse: [aClassOrSymbol asSymbol]


    ^resourceClass, ' ', resourceSelector

resourceMessage: aString

    (aString isString and: [aString trimBlanks size > 0])
	resourceClass := (aString readStream upTo: Character space) asSymbol.
	resourceSelector := (aString copy reverse readStream upTo: Character space) reverse asSymbol




resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol

    resourceSelector := aStringOrSymbol asSymbol



selectColors: anArrayTwoColors

    drawingColors := anArrayTwoColors


   ^drawingColors at: mouseKeyColorMode

selectedColor: aColor

    drawingColors at: mouseKeyColorMode put: aColor


   ^ drawingPixels at: mouseKeyColorMode

selectedColorIndex: aPixelIndex

    drawingPixels at: mouseKeyColorMode put: aPixelIndex


! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'drawing'!


    self paint:Color black.
    self lineWidth: (magnification x//3 min: 3).
    self displayRectangle: ((0@0) extent:(image extent * magnification) + margin).
    self lineWidth:1.

drawFramesIn: aRectangle

    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit
        |origin lineStartingPoint lineEndingPoint oldColor|
        origin := aRectangle origin - 1.
        lineStartingPoint := origin + (0@magnification y).
        lineEndingPoint   := lineStartingPoint + (aRectangle width@0).
        oldColor := self paint.
        self xoring:
            self displayLineFrom: lineStartingPoint to: lineEndingPoint.
            lineStartingPoint x to: lineStartingPoint x + aRectangle width - magnification x by: magnification x do:
                self displayLineFrom: x@(origin y) to: x@(origin y + magnification y)
        self paint: oldColor.


drawPasteRectangleAt: aPoint

    |currentPoint gridCorrection extent org|

    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit ifFalse: [gridCorrection := 0] ifTrue: [gridCorrection := 1].
    currentPoint := aPoint // magnification*magnification + margin. 

    currentPoint ~= lastPastePoint ifTrue:[              
        ClipboardMagnification isNil ifTrue:[
            ClipboardMagnification := (Clipboard magnifiedBy: magnification) onDevice: device

        extent       := ClipboardMagnification extent.

        currentPoint := currentPoint - self viewOrigin.

        self redraw: ((lastPastePoint ? currentPoint) extent: extent).

        (extent x > 200 or: [extent y > 200]) ifTrue:[
            self xoring: [
                self fillRectangle: (currentPoint extent: extent)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self displayDeviceForm: ClipboardMagnification x: currentPoint x y: currentPoint y.
            editMode == #pasteUnder ifTrue:[
                self redrawImageX:currentPoint x y:currentPoint y width:extent x height:extent y unmaskedOnly:true
    lastPastePoint := currentPoint.

    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:23:33 / cg"

fillFramedRectangle: aRectangle

    self fillRectangle: aRectangle.
    self drawFramesIn: aRectangle

    super redraw:(aRectangle origin + self viewOrigin extent:aRectangle extent). 


redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h
    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h unmaskedOnly:false

    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:14:03 / cg"

redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h unmaskedOnly:unmaskedOnly

    |ih iw magX magY minX maxX minY maxY 
     color lastColor lastY runW x0 xI yI maskColor mask
     sizeOfMaskPoint useNearestColor|

    useNearestColor := device visualType == #PseudoColor.

    mask := image mask.
    ih := image height.
    iw := image width.
    magX := magnification x.
    magY := magnification y.

    minX := (x // magX - 1) max: 0.
    minX >= iw ifTrue:[minX := (iw - 1) max: 0].
    minY := (y // magY - 1) max: 0.
    minY >= ih ifTrue:[minY := (ih - 1) max: 0].
    maxX := (x + w) // magX + 1.
    maxX > iw ifTrue:[maxX := iw].
    maxY := (y + h) // magY + 1.
    maxY > ih ifTrue:[maxY := ih].

    lastY := -1.

    x0 := minX.
    runW := 0.
    maskColor := false.
    sizeOfMaskPoint := magnification//3.
        colorsFromX:minX y:minY toX:maxX-1 y:maxY-1 
        do:[:xx :yy :color|

            shown ifFalse:[^ self].

            yy ~~ lastY ifTrue:[
                runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[

                    origin := (x0 * magX + margin)@(lastY * magY + margin).
                    (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
                        self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@magY)).                    
                        maskColor ifTrue:[
                            self xoring: [self fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)]
                    runW := 0.
                x0 := xx.
                lastY := yy.

            color ~= lastColor ifTrue:[
                runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    origin := (x0 * magX + margin)@(yy * magY + margin).
                    (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
                        self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: (runW@magY)).
                        maskColor ifTrue:[
                            self xoring: [self fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)]
                    runW := 0.

                lastColor := color.
                useNearestColor ifTrue:[
                    lastColor := lastColor nearestOn:device
                self paint:lastColor.
                mask notNil ifTrue:[  
                    maskColor := false.
                    (mask pixelAtX:xx y:yy) == 0 ifTrue:[
                        unmaskedOnly ifFalse:[
                            self paint: (lastColor := self viewBackground).
                        maskColor := true.
                    lastColor := nil.
                runW := 0.
                x0 := xx.
            runW := runW + magX

    runW ~~ 0 ifTrue:[

        origin := (x0 * magX + margin)@(lastY * magY + margin).
        (unmaskedOnly not or:[maskColor not]) ifTrue:[
            self fillFramedRectangle: (origin extent: runW@magY).
            maskColor ifTrue:[
                self xoring:[
                    self fillRectangle: (origin + sizeOfMaskPoint extent: sizeOfMaskPoint)

    "Created: / 18.5.1999 / 20:13:39 / cg"
    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:36:20 / cg"

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h

    |ih iw xI yI devImage|

    image isNil ifTrue:[^self].

    magnification = (1@1) ifTrue: [
        Object errorSignal handle:[:ex |
            Transcript showCR:'cannot convert image'.
        ] do:[
            devImage := image onDevice:device.
            devImage ~~ image ifTrue:[
                image := devImage.
                self changed:#image.
        image device == device ifTrue:[
            ^ super redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h

    self clippingRectangle: (x@y extent:w@h).

    self redrawImageX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    "/ right of image ?
    adjust == #center ifTrue:
        xI := (width - ih) // 2 - margin.
        yI := (height - iw) // 2 - margin.
        xI := yI := margin
    (x + w - 1) > (xI + (magnification x * image width)) ifTrue:
        self clearRectangleX:(xI + (magnification x * image width))
                       width:(x + w - (magnification x * image width) - xI)
    (y + h - 1) > (yI + (magnification y * image height)) ifTrue:
        self clearRectangleX:margin
                           y:(yI + (magnification y * image height))
                      height:(y + h - (magnification y * image height) - yI)  
    self drawFrame.
    self clippingRectangle: nil.

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:22:45 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'edit modes'!



editMode: anEditMode

    editMode := anEditMode


    ^mouseKeyColorMode printString


    mouseKeyColorMode := aMode
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y


    p := x@y.

    state ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ("self selectedColor notNil" true 
        and:[(self imageContainsPoint:p) 
        and:[editMode == #point]])
            self pointAt:p.
            ^ self
        self drawCursorAt:p.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self drawCursorAt:p.
        (editMode == #paste or:[editMode == #pasteUnder]) ifTrue: [
            ("self selectedColor notNil" true and: [self imageContainsPastePoint:p]) 
                ifTrue:  [self drawPasteRectangleAt:p]
                ifFalse: [self cursor:Cursor stop. self releasePasteDrawing]

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 22:03:18 / cg"

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    |p mouseButtonColorToolBar clr|

    p := x@y.

    self drawCursorAt:p.

    ("self selectedColor notNil" true 
    and: [self imageContainsPoint:p])
        self sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[
            pickedColorHolder notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ select the color under the cursor, place it into the
                "/ pickedColorHolder/
                clr := image colorAt:(p // magnification).
                pickedColorHolder value:clr
        ] ifFalse:[
            mouseKeyColorMode := button.
            self makeUndo.

"/            "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/            "/ which gets the information ...
"/            mouseButtonColorToolBar := masterApplication builder componentAt: #MouseButtonColorToolBar.
"/            mouseButtonColorToolBar notNil ifTrue:[
"/                (mouseButtonColorToolBar itemAt: mouseKeyColorMode) toggleIndication.
"/                mouseButtonColorToolBar do: [:i| i updateIndicators].
"/            ].

            clickInfoCallBack notNil ifTrue:[
                "/ still a kludge, but less ugly ...
                clickInfoCallBack value:button value:p
            "/ editMode is something like #point, #rectangle etc.
            self perform: (editMode, 'At:') asSymbol with:p

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:11:33 / cg"

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y

    self drawCursorAt: x@y.

    ("self selectedColor notNil" true and: [self imageContainsPoint: x@y])
    ifTrue: [   
        image release.

"/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/        "/ which gets the information ...
"/        masterApplication imagePreView invalidate.

        "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
        self changed:#subImageIn with:(image bounds).

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:41:41 / cg"


    super pointerLeave: state.

    self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString.
    self cursor:Cursor normal.

    (editMode == #paste or:[editMode == #pasteUnder]) ifTrue: [
        self releasePasteDrawing

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:27:42 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image - dragging & info'!

dragRectangleStartingAt: aPointIn emphasis: emphasis
    "drag a rectangle (filled or unfilled)"

    |currentPoint currentExtent firstPoint lastCurrentPoint gridCorrection 
     mp lastMp p whichQuarter scrollX scrollY aPoint|

    aPoint := aPointIn.
    firstPoint := currentPoint := lastCurrentPoint :=  aPoint//magnification*magnification.
    magnification >= GridMagnificationLimit ifFalse: [gridCorrection := 0] ifTrue: [gridCorrection := 1].

    [device anyButtonPressed] whileTrue: [                                                  
        mp := self sensor mousePoint.
        mp = lastMp ifTrue:[
            Delay waitForSeconds:0.05
        ] ifFalse:[
            lastMp := mp.
            mp := device translatePoint:mp from:device rootView id to:self id.
            "/ mp is a device coordinate here ...
            scrollX := 0.
            mp x > width ifTrue:[
                scrollX := mp x - width.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mp x < 0 ifTrue:[
                    scrollX := mp x.
            scrollY := 0.
            mp y > height ifTrue:[
                scrollY := mp y - height.
            ] ifFalse:[
                mp y < 0 ifTrue:[
                    scrollY := mp y.
            (scrollX + scrollY) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                self scrollTo:(self viewOrigin + (scrollX @ scrollY)).
                lastMp := nil.

            mp := mp + self viewOrigin.
            "/ mp is now a logical coordinate.

            currentPoint := (0@0) max: (image extent * magnification min: (p := mp)).
            currentPoint := currentPoint//magnification*magnification.
            currentExtent := (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs.
            whichQuarter := (firstPoint x - currentPoint x) > 0 
                 ifTrue:  [(firstPoint y - currentPoint y) > 0 ifTrue: ["4"1@1] ifFalse: ["3"1@0]]
                 ifFalse: [(firstPoint y - currentPoint y) > 0 ifTrue: ["1"0@1] ifFalse: ["2"0@0]].

            self drawCursorAt: p withLabel: 
                ((firstPoint//magnification - whichQuarter + 1) printString, 
                ' to: ', 
                (currentPoint//magnification + whichQuarter) printString),
                ' (extent: ',
                (currentExtent//magnification) printString, ')'.

            currentPoint ~= lastCurrentPoint ifTrue:[   
                emphasis = #inverseFilledBox ifTrue: [
                    self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
                    self xoring: [self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection)]
                emphasis = #box
                    |origin extent lineWidthY lineWidthX|
                    origin := (firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1.
                    extent := (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2.
                    lineWidthY := extent y min: (magnification y + 2).
                    lineWidthX := extent x min: (magnification x + 2).
                    self redraw: (origin extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                    self redraw: ((origin x@(origin y + extent y - lineWidthY)) extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                    self redraw: ((origin x@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(0 max: (extent y - (lineWidthY * 2))))).
                    self redraw: (((origin x + extent x - lineWidthX)@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(extent y - (lineWidthY * 2)))).
                    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
                        ifTrue: [self paint: self selectedColor]
                        ifFalse: [self paint: self viewBackground]. 
                    origin := (firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin.
                    extent := currentExtent - gridCorrection.
                    lineWidthY := extent y min: magnification y.
                    lineWidthX := extent x min: magnification x.
                    (lineWidthY > 0 and: [lineWidthX > 0])
                        self fillRectangle: (origin extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                        self fillRectangle: ((origin x@(origin y + extent y - lineWidthY)) extent: (extent x@lineWidthY)).
                        self fillRectangle: ((origin x@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(0 max: (extent y - (lineWidthY * 2))))).
                        self fillRectangle: (((origin x + extent x - lineWidthX)@(origin y + lineWidthY)) extent: (lineWidthX@(extent y - (lineWidthY * 2)))).
                emphasis = #filledBox
                    self redraw: ((firstPoint min: lastCurrentPoint) - 1 extent: (firstPoint - lastCurrentPoint) abs + 2).
                    self selectedColor ~= Color noColor
                        ifTrue: [self paint: self selectedColor]
                        ifFalse: [self paint: self viewBackground].
                    self fillRectangle: ((firstPoint min: currentPoint) + margin extent: currentExtent - gridCorrection).
            lastCurrentPoint := currentPoint.

    ^((0@0) max: (firstPoint min: currentPoint)) extent: (firstPoint - currentPoint) abs

    "Created: / 21.8.1998 / 20:17:07 / cg"
    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 21:46:05 / cg"

    |clr imgPoint|

    image isNil ifTrue: [
        self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString. 
        self cursor:Cursor stop.
        ^ self

    (aPoint x < (image width * magnification) 
    and:[aPoint y < (image height * magnification)
    and:[aPoint x >= 0
    and:[aPoint y >= 0]]])
        self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString. 
        self cursor:Cursor stop.
    ] ifTrue: [
        imgPoint := aPoint // magnification.
        clr := image colorAt:imgPoint.
        self updateImageInfo: imgPoint printString 
                        , ' (r:' 
                        , clr redByte printString
                        , ' g:' , clr greenByte printString
                        , ' b:' , clr blueByte printString
                        , ' pixel:' , (image pixelAt:imgPoint) printString
                        , ')'.
        self cursor:Cursor crossHair

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:26:01 / cg"

drawCursorAt: aPoint withLabel: aLabel

    ((0@0 extent: image extent * magnification) containsPoint: aPoint)
	 ifFalse:[self cursor:Cursor stop]
	 ifTrue: [self cursor:Cursor crossHair].
     self updateImageInfo: aLabel.

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:26:04 / cg"

updateActivity: something

    msg := something printString.

    "/ cg: new code:
    activityInfoHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	activityInfoHolder value:msg.

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:41:47 / cg"

updateImageInfo: something
    |msg coordLabel|

    msg := something printString.

    "/ cg: new code:
    imageInfoHolder notNil ifTrue:[
	msg ~= imageInfoHolder value ifTrue:[
	    imageInfoHolder value:msg.
	^ self

"/    "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/    "/ which gets the coordinate ...
"/    (masterApplication respondsTo: #coordLabel)
"/    ifTrue:[  
"/        coordLabel := masterApplication coordLabel.
"/        coordLabel label ~= msg
"/        ifTrue:[         
"/            coordLabel label: msg.
"/            "/ coordLabel redraw
"/        ]
"/    ]

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 19:00:21 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image editing'!

boxAt: aPoint
    "draw a rectangular outline with the currently selected color"

    |choosedBox imageBox clr|

    (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
        choosedBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #box.
        imageBox := choosedBox origin//magnification extent: (choosedBox extent//magnification).
        image rectangle:imageBox withColor:clr.
        image restored.
        self redraw: (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

"/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/        "/ which gets the information ...
"/        masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).

        "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
        self changed:#subImageIn with:(imageBox expandedBy: 1).

        modified := true

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:42:08 / cg"

copyAt: aPoint

    |choosenBox r|

    choosenBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #inverseFilledBox.
    ClipboardMagnification := nil.
    Clipboard := image subImageIn: (choosenBox origin//magnification extent: (choosenBox extent//magnification)).
    r := (choosenBox expandedBy:1).
    self redraw:r

    "Modified: / 21.8.1998 / 20:16:41 / cg"

cropLeft:doLeft right:doRight top:doTop bottom:doBottom
    |yMinNew yMaxNew xMinNew xMaxNew
     pix stillCrobbing xMax yMax x y|

    xMax := image width - 1.
    yMax := image height - 1.

    xMinNew := 0.
    doLeft ifTrue:[
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:0.
        stillCrobbing := true.
        [stillCrobbing] whileTrue:[
            0 to:yMax do:[:y |
                (image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:y) ~~ pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCrobbing := false
            stillCrobbing ifTrue:[
                xMinNew := xMinNew + 1.
                xMinNew >= image width ifTrue:[
                    self warn:'Image is all the same color - no crob.'.
                    ^ self

    xMaxNew := xMax.
    doRight ifTrue:[
        stillCrobbing := true.
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:0.
        [stillCrobbing] whileTrue:[
            0 to:yMax do:[:y |
                (image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:y) ~~ pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCrobbing := false
            stillCrobbing ifTrue:[
                xMaxNew := xMaxNew - 1.

    yMinNew := 0.
    doTop ifTrue:[
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMinNew y:yMinNew.
        stillCrobbing := true.
        [stillCrobbing] whileTrue:[
            xMinNew to:xMaxNew do:[:x |
                (image pixelAtX:x y:yMinNew) ~~ pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCrobbing := false
            stillCrobbing ifTrue:[
                yMinNew := yMinNew + 1.

    yMaxNew := yMax.
    doRight ifTrue:[
        stillCrobbing := true.
        pix := image pixelAtX:xMaxNew y:yMaxNew.
        [stillCrobbing] whileTrue:[
            xMinNew to:xMaxNew do:[:x |
                (image pixelAtX:x y:yMaxNew) ~~ pix ifTrue:[
                    stillCrobbing := false
            stillCrobbing ifTrue:[
                yMaxNew := yMaxNew - 1.

    (xMinNew == 0
    and:[xMaxNew == (image width - 1)
    and:[yMinNew == 0
    and:[yMaxNew == (image height - 1)]]]) ifTrue:[
        self warn:'No border found - no crob.'.
        ^ self

"/    self warn:'extract subImage ' 
"/              , (xMinNew @ yMinNew) printString
"/              , ' -> '
"/              , (xMaxNew @ yMaxNew) printString.

        makeSubImageX:xMinNew y:yMinNew 
        width:(xMaxNew - xMinNew + 1)
        height:(yMaxNew - yMinNew + 1)

    "Created: / 7.9.1998 / 14:25:52 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.9.1998 / 16:35:35 / cg"

fillAt: aPoint
    "perform a flood-fill with the currently selected color"

    windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
        |filledPoints clr|

        (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
            self updateActivity:'Flood filling - press CTRL-y to abort ...'.
                filledPoints := image floodFillAt: aPoint//magnification withColor:clr.
                image restored.

                "/ animation effect ...    
                filledPoints size < 300 ifTrue: [
                    filledPoints do: [:p| self redraw: ((p * magnification extent: magnification) expandedBy: 1)]
                ] ifFalse: [
                    self invalidate

"/                "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/                "/ which gets the information ...
"/                masterApplication imagePreView invalidate.

                "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
                self changed:#subImageIn with:(image bounds).

                modified := true
            ] valueOnUnwindDo:[
                self updateActivity:'Flood fill aborted.'
        self updateActivity:''

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:40:58 / cg"

filledBoxAt: aPoint
    "fill a rectangular area with the currently selected color"

    |choosedBox imageBox clr|

    (clr := self selectedColor) notNil ifTrue:[
        choosedBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #filledBox.
        imageBox := choosedBox origin//magnification extent: (choosedBox extent//magnification).
        image fillRectangle:imageBox withColor:clr.
        image restored.
        self redraw: (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

"/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/        "/ which gets the information ...
"/        masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).

        "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
        self changed:#subImageIn with:(imageBox expandedBy: 1).

        modified := true

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:37:04 / cg"


    self makeUndo.
    self image: image copy flipHorizontal



    self makeUndo.
    self image: image copy flipVertical


    self makeUndo.
    self image: (image magnifiedBy: newSize/image extent)

    |xMax yMax r g b n_r n_g n_b clr pix map revMap n_clr n_pix anyChange
     newColors newColorArray newImage|

    anyChange := false.

    xMax := image width - 1.
    yMax := image height - 1.

    newColors := Set new.
    newColorArray := OrderedCollection new.
    map := Array new:256.
    revMap := OrderedCollection new.

    newImage := image class width:image width height:image height depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:(image colorMap copy).
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(image bits size)).
    newImage mask:(image mask copy).

    0 to:yMax do:[:y |
        0 to:xMax do:[:x |
            pix := image pixelAtX:x y:y.
            (n_pix := map at:pix+1) isNil ifTrue:[
                clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
                n_clr := Color brightness:(clr brightness).
                (newColors includes:n_clr) ifFalse:[
                    newColors add:n_clr.
                    newColorArray add:n_clr.
                    revMap add:pix.
                    map at:pix+1 put:(n_pix := revMap size - 1).
                ] ifTrue:[
                    "/ mhmh - multiple pixels mapped to the same color
                    n_pix := (newColorArray indexOf:n_clr) - 1.
                    map at:pix+1 put:n_pix.
            newImage pixelAtX:x y:y put:n_pix.

    newImage colorMap:(Colormap fromColors:newColorArray).
    self makeUndo.
    self image:newImage.
    ^ true

makeSubImageX:oldX y:oldY width:newWidth height:newHeight

    newImage := image class width:newWidth height:newHeight depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:image colorMap copy.
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(newImage bytesPerRow * newHeight)).

    image mask notNil

        newMaskImage := Depth1Image width:newWidth height:newHeight.
        newMaskImage photometric: image mask photometric.
        newMaskImage colorMap: image mask colorMap copy.
        newMaskImage bits:(ByteArray new: newMaskImage bytesPerRow * newHeight).
        newImage mask: newMaskImage

    newImage copyFrom:image x:oldX y:oldY toX:0 y:0 width:newWidth height:newHeight.
    self makeUndo.
    self image:newImage.

    "Created: / 7.9.1998 / 13:00:16 / cg"
    "Modified: / 7.9.1998 / 14:15:32 / cg"


    self makeUndo.
    self image: (image copy bits:(image bits invert))

pasteAt: aPoint
    "paste the image in the clipboard at aPoint"

    self pasteAt:aPoint modeUnder:false.

pasteAt: aPoint modeUnder:modeUnder
    "paste the image in the clipboard at aPoint"


    ClipboardMagnification isNil ifTrue: [
        "/ ^self

    Object errorSignal handle:
        ex signal == Image unrepresentableColorSignal ifFalse:[
            ex reject
        self undo.
        self warn: 'Paste failed !!\Increasing the images depth might help.' withCRs. 
    ] do: [   
        windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
            |anyColorMissing choosedBox imagePoint imgX imgY copiedImage imageBox presentClr newColorMap|

            choosedBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #inverseFilledBox.

            imagePoint := choosedBox origin//magnification.

            copiedImage := Clipboard copy.
            "/ image photometric == #palette 
                "/ for all colors in the pasted image,
                "/ check, if its in the colormap of the
                "/ target image.

                anyColorMissing := false.
                copiedImage usedValues do:[:pixel |
                    |pastedColor oldColorMap|

                    pastedColor := copiedImage colorFromValue:pixel.
                    oldColorMap := image colorMap.

                    (oldColorMap detect: [:clr| clr = pastedColor] ifNone: nil) isNil
                        oldColorMap size < (1 bitShift:image depth) ifTrue:[
                            "/ add to colormap
                            newColorMap isNil ifTrue:[
                                newColorMap := oldColorMap asOrderedCollection.
                            newColorMap add:pastedColor.
    "/                        Transcript showCR:'adding color:' , pastedColor displayString , ' to targets colorMap'.
                        ] ifFalse:[
    "/                        Transcript showCR:'color:' , pastedColor displayString , ' not found in targets colorMap'.
                            copiedImage colorMap notNil ifTrue:[
                                copiedImage colorMap at: pixel+1 put: Color black.
                            anyColorMissing := true.
                anyColorMissing ifTrue:[
                    answer := Dialog
                                confirmWithCancel:'Some color(s) cannot be represented (colorMap full). Use nearest or compute colorMap ?' 
                                labels:#('use nearest' 'new ColorMap' 'cancel')
                                values:#(nearest new nil)

                    answer isNil ifTrue:[^ self].
                    answer == #nearest ifTrue:[
                        0 to:copiedImage height-1 do:[:y |
                            0 to:copiedImage width-1 do:[:x |
                                |clr n_clr|

                                clr := copiedImage atX:x y:y.
                                n_clr := clr nearestIn:image colorMap.
                                copiedImage atX:x y:y put:n_clr
                    ] ifFalse:[
                        self warn:'Sorry: unimplemented function'.
                        self undo.
                        ^ self.

                newColorMap notNil ifTrue:[
                    image colorMap:(Colormap fromColors:newColorMap).

            copiedImage := image class fromImage: copiedImage.
            (newColorMap isNil 
            and:[modeUnder not
            and:[copiedImage mask isNil]]) ifTrue:[
                "/ use images copy functionality
                "/ however, this copies the mask as well,
                "/ which is not useful here
                image copyFrom: copiedImage x:0 y:0 toX: imagePoint x y: imagePoint y width: copiedImage width height: copiedImage height.
            ] ifFalse:[

                imgX := imagePoint x.
                imgY := imagePoint y.

                0 to:copiedImage height-1 do:[:y |
                    0 to:copiedImage width-1 do:[:x |
                        |wasMasked newMasked dstX dstY oldColor|

                        dstX := imgX + x.
                        dstY := imgY + y.
                        wasMasked := (image maskAtX:dstX y:dstY) == 0.
                        newMasked := (copiedImage maskAtX:x y:y) == 0.

                        "/ with modeUnder, 
                        "/ only replace, if its either unmasked,
                        "/ or the current drawing color.
                        (modeUnder not
                        or:[(oldColor := image colorAtX:dstX y:dstY) = (drawingColors at:1)]])
                            newMasked ifFalse:[
                                         put:(copiedImage colorAtX:x y:y).
                                wasMasked ifTrue:[
                                    image mask pixelAtX:dstX y:dstY put:1
                            ] ifTrue:[
                                wasMasked ifFalse:[
                                    image mask pixelAtX:dstX y:dstY put:0
            image restored.
            self redraw: (imageBox := (imagePoint * magnification extent: (Clipboard extent * magnification)) expandedBy: 1@1).
"/            masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).
            modified := true

    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 20:40:37 / cg"

pasteUnderAt: aPoint
    "pasteUnder the image in the clipboard at aPoint.
     In this mode, only pixels which are not equal to
     the current color or masked are pasted."

    self pasteAt:aPoint modeUnder:true.

performSpecialOperationOn:imageBox withColor:clr
    |operation x0 y0 x1 y1 grey|

    operation := Dialog 
           choose:'Which Operation:' 
"/                       'brighten'
"/                       'darken'
"/                       '-'
"/                       'greying'
                       'grey pattern'
           values:#("brighten darken nil greying "greyPattern) 

    self invalidate.
    self windowGroup processExposeEvents.

    operation isNil ifTrue:[^ false].

    x0 := imageBox left.
    y0 := imageBox top.
    x1 := imageBox right - 1.
    y1 := imageBox bottom -1 .

    operation == #brighten ifTrue:[
        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr lightened).
        ^ true.
    operation == #darken ifTrue:[
        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr darkened).
        ^ true.
    operation == #greying ifTrue:[
        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
                                                           self image colorAtX:x y:y put:(clr blendWith:Color grey).
        ^ true.
    operation == #greyPattern ifTrue:[
        grey := Color grey nearestIn:(self image colorMap).
        self image colorsFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 do:[:x :y :clr |
                                                           (x + y )odd ifTrue:[
                                                               self image colorAtX:x y:y put:grey.
        ^ true.

    self halt.
    ^ false.

pointAt: aPoint
    "draw a single pixel with the currently selected color"

    |imagePoint clr pix|

    imagePoint := aPoint // magnification.
    (clr := self selectedColor) isNil ifTrue:[
        pix := self selectedColorIndex
    pix notNil ifTrue:[
        image colorMap atImageAndMask:imagePoint putValue:pix.
        modified := true.
    ] ifFalse:[     
        clr notNil ifTrue:[
            image atImageAndMask:imagePoint put:clr.
            modified := true.
    self invalidate:((imagePoint * magnification extent: magnification) expandedBy: 1).

    "Modified: / 5.9.1998 / 13:25:29 / cg"

    |xMax yMax r g b n_r n_g n_b clr pix map revMap n_clr n_pix mask anyChange
     newColors newColorArray newImage|

    anyChange := false.

    xMax := image width - 1.
    yMax := image height - 1.
    mask := (16rFF bitShift:numBits) bitAnd:16rFF.

    newColors := Set new.
    newColorArray := OrderedCollection new.
    map := Array new:255.
    revMap := OrderedCollection new.

    newImage := image class width:image width height:image height depth:image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:(image colorMap copy).
    newImage bits:(ByteArray new:(image bits size)).
    newImage mask:(image mask copy).

    0 to:yMax do:[:y |
        0 to:xMax do:[:x |
            pix := image pixelAtX:x y:y.
            (n_pix := map at:pix+1) isNil ifTrue:[
                clr := image colorAtX:x y:y.
                n_r := (r := clr redByte) bitAnd:mask.
                n_g := (g := clr greenByte) bitAnd:mask.
                n_b := (b := clr blueByte) bitAnd:mask.
                n_clr := Color redByte:n_r greenByte:n_g blueByte:n_b.
                (newColors includes:n_clr) ifFalse:[
                    newColors add:n_clr.
                    newColorArray add:n_clr.
                    revMap add:pix.
                    map at:pix+1 put:(n_pix := revMap size - 1).
                ] ifTrue:[
                    "/ mhmh - multiple pixels mapped to the same color
                    n_pix := (newColorArray indexOf:n_clr) - 1.
                    map at:pix+1 put:n_pix.
            newImage pixelAtX:x y:y put:n_pix.
    revMap size == image colorMap size ifTrue:[
        revMap = (0 to:revMap size-1) ifTrue:[
            ^ false

    newImage colorMap:(Colormap fromColors:newColorArray).
    self makeUndo.
    self image:newImage.
    ^ true


    |newImage newMaskImage|

    newImage := image class width: newSize x height: newSize y depth: image depth.
    newImage photometric:image photometric.
    newImage colorMap:image colorMap copy.
    newImage bits: (ByteArray new: newImage bytesPerRow * newSize y).

    image mask notNil ifTrue:[
        newMaskImage := Depth1Image width: newSize x height: newSize y.
        newMaskImage photometric: image mask photometric.
        newMaskImage colorMap: image mask colorMap copy.
        newMaskImage bits:(ByteArray new: newMaskImage bytesPerRow * newSize y).
        newImage mask: newMaskImage

    newImage copyFrom:image x:0 y:0 toX:0 y:0 width: (image width min:newSize x) height: (image height min:newSize y).
    self makeUndo.
    self image: newImage.

    "rotate by (degrees)"

    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex|
        self warn: 'Image rotation failed!!\' withCRs, 'Increaing the image depth could help.'
    ] do:[   
        self makeUndo.
        self image: (image hardRotated: rotation)

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:21:14 / cg"

specialOperationAt: aPoint
    "special operation on a rectangular area"

    |choosedBox imageBox clr|

    choosedBox := self dragRectangleStartingAt: aPoint emphasis: #filledBox.
    imageBox := choosedBox origin//magnification extent: (choosedBox extent//magnification).

    (self performSpecialOperationOn:imageBox withColor:self selectedColor) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    image restored.
    self invalidate. "/ : (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

    "/ self redraw: (choosedBox expandedBy: 1).

"/        "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/        "/ which gets the information ...
"/        masterApplication imagePreView redraw: (imageBox expandedBy: 1).

        "/ cg: still a kludge - but less ugly
    self changed:#subImageIn with:(imageBox expandedBy: 1).

    modified := true


    undoImages notEmpty ifTrue:[           
        windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
            modified := false. 
            self image: undoImages removeLast.
"/            "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/            masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
"/                masterApplication listOfColors contents: image colorMap.
"/                masterApplication findColorMapMode.
"/"/                undoImages isEmpty ifTrue: [
"/"/                    masterApplication valueOfCanUndo value: false
"/"/                ].
"/            ].
            self changed:#image.

            "/ cg: not needed - image: already does it.
"/            self invalidate

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:21:24 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'image setting'!

    |retVal fileName|

    anImage isImage ifTrue:[           
        (image isNil or: [self checkModified]) ifTrue: [
"/ cg: that is too ugly ...
"/            masterApplication notNil ifTrue: [
"/"/                undoImages notEmpty ifTrue: [
"/"/                    masterApplication valueOfCanUndo value: true
"/"/                ].
"/                masterApplication imagePreView image: anImage
"/            ].
            image notNil ifTrue: [
                fileName := image fileName.
                anImage fileName isNil ifTrue: [anImage fileName: fileName].
            super image: anImage.
            retVal := self.
    ] ifFalse: [
        super image: nil.
    "/cg: still a kludge, but less ugly
    self changed:#image.

    self updateImageInfo: self imageInfoString. 
    ^ retVal

    "Modified: / 10.2.2000 / 23:33:12 / cg"

loadFromFile: aFileName

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].

    Object errorSignal handle:[:exeption|
        modified := false.
        self warn: exeption errorString.
    ] do:[ 
        (imageFromFile := Image fromFile: aFileName) notNil
            self releaseUndos.
            self image: imageFromFile. 
            imageReaderClass := ImageReader allSubclasses
                detect: [:cls| cls isValidImageFile: aFileName asFilename pathName]
                ifNone: [self error: 'Unknown image file format!!']
        ] ifFalse:[
            self error: 'Not an image file (or unrecognized format) !!'

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:09:13 / cg"

loadFromMessage: aMessage

    (self resourceMessage: aMessage) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ nil

    ^self loadfromClass: resourceClass andSelector: resourceSelector


loadfromClass: aClassOrSymbol andSelector: aStringOrSymbol


    imageReaderClass := nil.
    self resourceClass: aClassOrSymbol.
    self resourceSelector: aStringOrSymbol.

    ((aClass := Smalltalk at: resourceClass) isClass and: 
    [aClass class implements: resourceSelector])
	self releaseUndos.
	^self image: (aClass perform: resourceSelector) copy
	modified := false.

! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'initialize / release'!


    ClipboardMagnification := Clipboard := nil.
    LastMagnification      := magnification.

    super destroy



    super initialize.

    self enableMotionEvents.

    undoImages        := List new: MaxUndos.
    magnification     := LastMagnification ? (8@8).
    modified          := false.
    mouseKeyColorMode := 1.
    resourceClass     := resourceSelector := ''.
    drawingColors     := Array with: nil with: nil.   "/ left/right mouse colors
    drawingPixels     := Array with: nil with: nil.   "/ left/right mouse colors
    editMode          := #point.

! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'printing & storing'!


    ^self loadFromMessage: 
            request: 'Load Image From Class'
            onSuperclass: nil
            andClass: self resourceClass
            andSelector: self resourceSelector
            withResourceTypes: #(image fileImage programImage))



    image notNil ifTrue:[       
        undoImages size >= MaxUndos ifTrue:[
            undoImages removeFirst.
        undoImages add: image copy


    image notNil 
	Printer supportsPostscript ifFalse:
	    ^self warn:'No postscript printer detected!!'
	stream := Printer newNative.
	stream isNil ifTrue:
	    ^self warn:'Cannot open printer stream!!'
	self withWaitCursorDo:
	    psgc := PSGraphicsContext on:stream.  
	    psgc displayForm: (image magnifiedBy: magnification) x:0 y:0.
	    psgc close


    self saveImageOrMask: #image.



    self saveImageFileAs

    "ask for a fileName and save the image"

    self saveImageFileAs:
            request: 'Save Image To File'
            fileName: self image fileName
            withFileFilters: FileSelectionBrowser saveImageFileNameFilters)

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:05:19 / cg"

saveImageFileAs: aFileName
    "save the image in aFileName"

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    image notNil ifTrue:[
        image fileName: aFileName.
        self saveImageOrMask: #image
    ] ifFalse:[
        self warn: 'No image or file name for saving detected!!'

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:04:55 / cg"

    "ask for a fileName and save the mask only"

    self saveImageMaskFileAs:
            request: 'Save Image Mask To File'
            fileName: self image fileName 
            withFileFilters: FileSelectionBrowser saveImageFileNameFilters)

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:04:11 / cg"

saveImageMaskFileAs: aFileName
    "save the mask only in aFileName"

    aFileName isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    (image notNil and:[image mask notNil]) ifTrue:[
        image mask fileName:aFileName.
        self saveImageOrMask: #mask
    ] ifFalse:[
        self warn: 'No image or image mask detected!!'

    "Modified: / 30.9.1998 / 23:06:24 / cg"

saveImageOrMask: what
    "save the image or the mask only (if what == #mask)"


    Object errorSignal handle:[:ex|

        ex signal == Image fileCreationErrorSignal ifTrue:[
            msg := resources string:'Cannot create file: ''%1''' with:fileName asFilename pathName allBold
        ] ifFalse:[
            msg := ex errorString.
        Dialog warn:msg.
    ] do:[   
        Image informationLostQuerySignal handle:[:ex|
            "/ should make those warnings visible ...
            (self confirm:(ex errorString , '\\Save anyway ?') withCRs) ifTrue:[
                ex proceed.
        ] do:[   
            windowGroup withCursor:Cursor write do:[
                |suff fn|

                image isNil ifTrue:[
                    ^ self error: 'No image to save!!'

                what = #image ifTrue:[   
                    (fileName := image fileName) isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name for image detected!!'].
                what = #mask ifTrue:[   
                    image mask isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No image mask to save!!'].
                    (fileName := image mask fileName) isNil ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name for image mask detected!!'].
                fileName := fileName asFilename.

                fileName name size = 0 ifTrue: [^self error: 'No file name detected!!'].
                suff := fileName suffix asLowercase.
                imageReaderClass := nil.
                imageReaderClass := MIMETypes imageReaderForSuffix:suff.
"/                (suff = 'tiff' or:[suff = 'tif']) ifTrue: [
"/                    imageReaderClass := TIFFReader
"/                ] ifFalse:[
"/                    suff = 'xpm' ifTrue: [
"/                        imageReaderClass := XPMReader
"/                    ] ifFalse:[
"/                        suff = 'xbm' ifTrue: [
"/                            imageReaderClass := XBMReader
"/                        ] ifFalse:[
"/                            suff = 'gif' ifTrue: [
"/                                imageReaderClass := GIFReader
"/                            ] ifFalse:[
"/                                (suff = 'jpg' or:[suff = 'jpeg']) ifTrue: [
"/                                    imageReaderClass := JPEGReader
"/                                ].
"/                            ]
"/                        ]
"/                    ]
"/                ].

                imageReaderClass isNil ifTrue: [
                    imageReaderClass := XPMReader. 
                    image fileName:(fileName := image fileName, '.xpm').
                    Dialog warn:(('Dont know how to write ''.' , suff , '''-files\\Saving in xpm format as ''%1''.') 
                                withCRs bindWith:image fileName allBold).
                (imageReaderClass canRepresent:image) ifFalse:[
                    imageReaderClass := XPMReader. 
                    image fileName:(fileName := image fileName, '.xpm').
                    Dialog warn:(('Saving in ''.' , suff , '''-format is not supported\\Saving in xpm format as ''%1''.') 
                                withCRs bindWith:image fileName allBold).
                Transcript showCR:('saving as:' , fileName asFilename pathName).

                what = #image ifTrue: [image saveOn:fileName using: imageReaderClass. modified := false].
                what = #mask ifTrue: [image mask saveOn:fileName using: imageReaderClass].

                fileName asFilename exists ifFalse:[
                    Dialog warn:'Oops image save failed.'

    "Modified: / 18.5.1999 / 19:46:54 / cg"


    Object errorSignal handle:
        self warn: ex errorString.
        |category imageStoreStream cls sel mthd imageKey|

        windowGroup withExecuteCursorDo:[
            (self resourceSelector trimBlanks size = 0) | (cls := Smalltalk at: self resourceClass) isClass not 
                ifTrue: [^self saveMethodAs].

            self class 
                generateImageSpecMethodFor:self image 
                comment:(ResourceSpecEditor codeGenerationCommentForClass: ImageEditor) 
                inClass:cls class 
                selector:self resourceSelector.

            "/ flush cache images in the Icon class (kludge)
            Icon flushCachedIcons.

"/            self image storeOn: (imageStoreStream := WriteStream on: '').
"/            sel := self resourceSelector.
"/            "/ if that method already exists, do not overwrite the category
"/            category := 'image specs'.
"/            (mthd := cls class compiledMethodAt:sel) notNil ifTrue:[
"/                category := mthd category.
"/            ].
"/            imageKey :=  (cls name, ' ', sel) asSymbol.
"/            Icon constantNamed: imageKey put:nil.
"/            ByteCodeCompiler 
"/                compile: ((sel,
"/                    '\', (ResourceSpecEditor codeGenerationCommentForClass: ImageEditor),
"/                    '\\' , 
"/                    '    "\',
"/                    '     self ' , self resourceSelector , ' inspect\',
"/                    '     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#', self resourceSelector, 
"/                    '\    "',
"/                    '\\',
"/                    '    <resource: #image>',
"/                    '\\',
"/                    '    ^Icon\') withCRs, 
"/                    '        constantNamed:#''', imageKey, '''\' withCRs,
"/                    '        ifAbsentPut:[', imageStoreStream contents, ']')
"/                forClass: cls class inCategory: category.
            modified := false.

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 20:12:54 / cg"


    (self resourceMessage:
	    request: 'Save Image In Class'
	    onSuperclass: #Object
	    andClass: self resourceClass
	    andSelector: self resourceSelector
	    withResourceTypes: #(image fileImage))) notNil
	^self saveMethod
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'queries'!


    image isNil ifTrue:[^0].
    ^(image height * magnification y) rounded

imageContainsPastePoint: aPoint

    ^image notNil and: 
	[Clipboard notNil and:
	[((0@0 corner:(image extent) "- 1" - Clipboard extent) containsPoint: (((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor))]]

imageContainsPoint: aPoint

    ^image notNil and:
	[((0@0 corner:(image extent) - 1) containsPoint: (((aPoint - margin + 1) / magnification) floor))]


    |imageInfoString usedColors|

    image isNil ifTrue: [imageInfoString := 'No image loaded.'] 
    ifFalse: [
	image colorMap isNil ifTrue: [usedColors := '?'] ifFalse: [usedColors := image usedColors size].
	imageInfoString := image width printString, 'x'
	    , image height printString, 'x'
	    , (2 raisedTo: image depth) printString
	    , (image mask notNil ifTrue: [' (mask + '] ifFalse: ['('])
	    , usedColors printString
	    , ' used colors)'].



    image isNil ifTrue:[^0].
    ^(image width * magnification x) rounded
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'release'!


    (lastPastePoint notNil and: [ClipboardMagnification notNil]) 
        self redraw: (lastPastePoint extent: (ClipboardMagnification extent)). 
    lastPastePoint := ClipboardMagnification := nil


    undoImages removeAll.
    "/ cg: what a kludge - please change to use a valueHolder,
"/    masterApplication notNil ifTrue:[
"/        masterApplication valueOfCanUndo value: false.
"/    ].

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 02:47:21 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView methodsFor:'testing'!


	((YesNoBox title:(resources string:'Image was modified !!'))
	    noText:(resources string:'Cancel');
	    yesText:(resources string:'Forget it and proceed');
	    accepted) ifFalse: [^false].
	modified := false

    "Modified: / 29.7.1998 / 18:55:24 / cg"
! !

!ImageEditView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.142 2000-12-11 10:33:13 cg Exp $'
! !
ImageEditView initialize!