author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:01:03 +0100
changeset 1933 be953fb15d3d
parent 1932 ff9a2d6f71ff
child 1937 1eb0ed685b71
permissions -rw-r--r--
*** empty log message ***

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

"{ Package: 'stx:libwidg2' }"

SimpleView subclass:#DSVLabelView
	instanceVariableNames:'isVisible dataSet lineDrag columns selection enabled
		preferredHeight handleCursor tabSpacing opaqueColumnResize'

Object subclass:#LineDrag
	instanceVariableNames:'rootView topX topY botY column minX startX transX'

!DSVLabelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    shows the labels assigned to the column descriptions. Used by the

    [Instance variables:]

        dataSet         <DSVColumnView>         column view which shows the columns

        selection       <Integer or nil>        current selected index or nil.

        enabled         <Boolean>               if a press action exists on a column
                                                entry, this action could be enabled or

        isVisible       <Boolean>               true if the labelView is shown

        preferredHeight <Integer>               the preferred height of the labelView

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]

! !

!DSVLabelView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ DSVColumnView defaultFont
! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "the list of columns changed

    columns         := aListOfColumns.
    preferredHeight := nil.
    selection       := nil.

    isVisible ifTrue:[
        dataSet layout:layout.

    "ignorre; alway 0 relative to superView

    ^ opaqueColumnResize

    opaqueColumnResize := aBoolean


    preferredHeight isNil ifTrue:[
        preferredHeight := 0.

        columns do:[:c|preferredHeight := (c label preferredHeight) max:preferredHeight ].

        preferredHeight := preferredHeight 
                         + (margin + margin + dataSet horizontalSpacing * 2)
    ^ preferredHeight
! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'drawing'!

    (shown and:[isVisible]) ifTrue:[
        super invalidate

    "invalidate rectangle assigned to an item at an index
    |cL xL xR hg|

    (isVisible and:[shown]) ifTrue:[
        cL := columns at:anIndex ifAbsent:[^ nil].
        xL := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:anIndex.
        xR := xL + cL width.

        (xL < width and:[xR > 0]) ifTrue:[
            xL := xL max:0.
            xR := xR min:width.
            hg := height - margin - margin.

            self invalidate:(Rectangle left:xL top:margin width:(xR - xL) height:hg)


redrawEdgesX:x y:yTop width:aWidth height:aHeight
    "redraw the edges in the range
    |tabXL desc drawWidth
     maxX "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x1   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    maxX := (x + aWidth) min:(width - margin).
    h    := height - margin - margin.
    x1   := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:1.

    columns keysAndValuesDo:[:aKey :aCol|
        desc := aCol description.
        x0   := x1.
        x1   := x1 + aCol width.

        aKey == selection ifTrue:[
            (x1 > x and:[x0 < maxX]) ifTrue:[
                dataSet drawEdgesAtX:x0 y:margin width:(x1 - x0) height:h level:-1 on:self.
            tabXL notNil ifTrue:[drawWidth := x0 - tabXL].
        ] ifFalse:[
            desc labelHasButtonLayout ifFalse:[
                tabXL notNil ifTrue:[drawWidth := x0 - tabXL].
            ] ifTrue:[
                tabXL isNil ifTrue:[tabXL := x0].
                desc labelIsPartOfGroup ifFalse:[drawWidth := x1 - tabXL].
        drawWidth notNil ifTrue:[
            ((tabXL + drawWidth) > x and:[tabXL < maxX]) ifTrue:[
                dataSet drawEdgesAtX:tabXL y:margin width:drawWidth height:h level:1 on:self.
            drawWidth := tabXL := nil.
    tabXL notNil ifTrue:[
        dataSet drawEdgesAtX:tabXL y:margin width:(x1 - tabXL) height:h level:1 on:self

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "redraw a rectangle
    |savClip bg fg fgColor bgColor
     inset  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     maxX   "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     lblH  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     wt     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x1     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0     "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    (isVisible and:[shown]) ifFalse:[^ self].

    bgColor := dataSet backgroundColor.
    self paint:bgColor.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

    columns isEmpty ifTrue:[^ self].

    fgColor := dataSet foregroundColor.
    inset   := dataSet horizontalSpacing + 1.
    maxX    := (x + w) min:(width - margin).
    lblH    := height - margin - margin.
    savClip := clipRect.

    self clippingRectangle:(Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h).
    x1 := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:1.

    columns keysAndValuesDo:[:aKey :aCol| |anItem|
        anItem := aCol label.
        wt := aCol width.
        x0 := x1.
        x1 := x1 + wt.

        (x1 > x and:[x0 < maxX]) ifTrue:[
            fg := (anItem foregroundColor) ? fgColor.

            (bg := anItem backgroundColor) notNil ifTrue:[
                bg ~= bgColor ifTrue:[
                    self paint:bg.
                    self fillRectangleX:x0 y:margin width:wt height:lblH.
            ] ifFalse:[
                bg := bgColor

            self   paint:fg on:bg.
            anItem redrawX:x0 w:wt h:height inset:inset on:self.
    self redrawEdgesX:x y:y width:w height:h.
    self clippingRectangle:savClip.

! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:state x:x y:y
    "mouse-button was moved;
     redraw thumb at its new position and, if scroll-mode is asynchronous, 
     the scroll action is performed
    |idx x1|

    lineDrag notNil ifTrue:[
        lineDrag moveToX:x.

        (opaqueColumnResize ? (UserPreferences current opaqueTableColumnResizing == true)) ifTrue:[
            lineDrag notNil ifTrue:[
                lineDrag deltaX abs > 2 ifTrue:[
                    lineDrag invertLine.
                    dataSet changeWidthOfColumn:lineDrag column deltaX:lineDrag deltaX.
                    lineDrag resetDeltaX.
                    lineDrag invertLine.
        ^ self.

    "/ in the resize area ?
    idx := self xVisibleToColNr:(x-tabSpacing).
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        x1 := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:(idx + 1).
        (x between:(x1-tabSpacing) and:(x1+tabSpacing))
        "/ x + tabSpacing > x1 
            ^ self cursor:handleCursor

    self cursor:(Cursor normal)

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    "handle a button press event; checks whether the item under the mouse
     is selectable. If true, the selection is set to the item.
    |x1 idx col|

    (isVisible and:[enabled and:[shown]]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    "/ in the resize area ?
    idx := self xVisibleToColNr:(x-tabSpacing).
    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        x1 := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:(idx + 1).
        (x between:(x1-tabSpacing) and:(x1+tabSpacing))
            col := columns at:idx ifAbsent:nil.

            self cursor:handleCursor.

            lineDrag := LineDrag new.
            lineDrag column:col
                          h:(self height + dataSet height)
                       minX:(x1 - col width + col minimumRequiredWidth)
          ^ self

    idx := self xVisibleToColNr:x.
    col := columns at:idx ifAbsent:nil.

    col notNil ifTrue:[
        col label isSelectable ifTrue:[
            self invalidateItemAt:(selection := idx)
    self cursor:(Cursor normal).

buttonRelease:button x:x y:y
    "handle a button press event; checks whether the item under the mouse
     is the selected item. If true, the application is informed.
    |selected index column deltaX|

    self cursor:(Cursor normal).

    selection isNil ifTrue:[
        lineDrag notNil ifTrue:[
            lineDrag invertLine.
            (opaqueColumnResize ? (UserPreferences current opaqueTableColumnResizing == true)) ifFalse:[
                column   := lineDrag column.
                deltaX   := lineDrag deltaX.

                deltaX abs > 0 "2" ifTrue:[
                    dataSet changeWidthOfColumn:column deltaX:deltaX
            lineDrag := nil.
        ^ self
    index     := self xVisibleToSelectionIndex:x.
    selected  := index == selection.
    index     := selection.
    selection := nil.

    self invalidateItemAt:index.

    selected ifTrue:[
        (columns at:index) label sendClickMsgTo:(self application)

    "mouse left view - restore cursor.
    self sensor anyButtonPressed ifFalse:[
        self cursor:(Cursor normal)


    "returns the column number assigned to a physical x or nil
    |x0 x1|

    x1 := dataSet xVisibleOfColNr:1.

    columns keysAndValuesDo:[:index :aCol|
        x0 := x1.
        x1 := x0 + aCol width.

        (x1 > x and:[x0 < x]) ifTrue:[
            ^ index
    ^ 0
! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'instance creation'!

    dataSet   := aColumnView.
    self level:(dataSet level).
    self borderWidth:(dataSet borderWidth).

    super initStyle.

    handleCursor := (VariablePanel cursorForOrientation:#horizontal onDevice:device) onDevice:device.
    font := (self class defaultFont).

    super initialize.
    super level:0.

    enabled    := true.
    isVisible  := true.
    columns    := #().
    tabSpacing := 6.

    self enableMotionEvents.


    "recompute contents and fit columns to view
    self  bitGravity:#NorthWest.
    super realize.

! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "true, if widget is enabled
    ^ enabled

    "true, if widget is enabled
    enabled := aState.

    ^ isVisible


    aBool ~~ isVisible ifTrue:[
        isVisible := aBool.
        dataSet layout:nil.

    "returns the column number assigned to a physical x or nil. If
     the column exists but is not selectable nil is returned.
    |index column|

    (isVisible and:[enabled]) ifTrue:[
        (     (index  := dataSet xVisibleToColNr:x)  notNil
         and:[(column := columns at:index ifAbsent:nil) notNil
         and:[column label isSelectable]]
        ) ifTrue:[
            ^ index
    ^ nil
! !

!DSVLabelView methodsFor:'scrolling'!

copyFromX:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 width:w invalidateX:leftX

    (shown and:[isVisible]) ifFalse:[^ self].

    (self sensor hasDamageFor:self) ifTrue:[
        self invalidate
    ] ifFalse:[
        self   copyFrom:self x:x0 y:y0 toX:x1 y:y1 width:w height:height async:false.
        self invalidate:(Rectangle left:leftX top:0 width:(width - w) height:height)
! !

!DSVLabelView::LineDrag methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'column' (automatically generated)"

    ^ column

    "returns the distance x between the start and end action
    ^ topX - startX

    startX := topX
! !

!DSVLabelView::LineDrag methodsFor:'dragging'!

    "invert for a line
    rootView clippedByChildren:false.

    rootView xoring:[
        rootView lineWidth:2.
        rootView displayLineFromX:topX y:topY toX:topX y:botY.
        rootView flush


    x := (minX max:viewX) + transX.

    x == topX ifFalse:[
        self invertLine.
        topX := x.
        self invertLine.
! !

!DSVLabelView::LineDrag methodsFor:'setup'!

column:aColumn x:x y:y h:h minX:aMinX on:aView
    |device point|

    column   := aColumn.
    device   := aView device.
    rootView := device rootView.
    point    := device translatePoint:(x@y) from:(aView id) to:(rootView id).
    topX     := point x.
    topY     := point y.
    botY     := topY + h.
    minX     := aMinX.
    startX   := topX.
    transX   := topX - x.

    self invertLine.
! !

!DSVLabelView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/DSVLabelView.st,v 1.35 2001-02-13 15:01:03 cg Exp $'
! !