author Claus Gittinger <cg@exept.de>
Fri, 25 Sep 1998 17:02:46 +0200
changeset 1149 c212f122c8b3
parent 1136 4a9d9db81422
child 1163 f46f69609c53
permissions -rw-r--r--
allow collections of string and icons for a cell label

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

View subclass:#DSVColumnView
	instanceVariableNames:'editValue editView multipleSelectOk selectedColIndex
		selectedRowIndex selectRowOnNoneSelectableCell selectRowOk
		selectRowOnDefault rowHeight columnDescriptors viewOrigin
		colorMap rowFontAscent lockRowIndex rowIfAbsentBlock columnHolder
		registererImages list fgColor canFit separatorSize
		catchChangeEvents beDependentOfRows bgColor hgLgFgColor
		hgLgBgColor actionBlock builder doubleClickActionBlock
		verticalSpacing horizontalSpacing rowSelectorForm
		buttonLightColor buttonShadowColor buttonHalfLightColor
		buttonHalfShadowColor checkToggleExtent checkToggleForm
		checkToggleActiveImage checkTogglePassiveImage checkToggleLevel
		comboButtonExtent comboButtonForm comboButtonLevel clickPosition
		dragAccessPoint dragIsActive dropTarget dropSource columnAdaptor
	classVariableNames:'DefaultForegroundColor DefaultBackgroundColor
		DefaultHilightForegroundColor DefaultHilightBackgroundColor
		RowSelector ButtonLightColor ButtonShadowColor
		CheckToggleActiveImage CheckTogglePassiveImage
		ButtonHalfLightColor ButtonHalfShadowColor ButtonEdgeStyle'

!DSVColumnView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    implements a scrollable selection view based on rows and columns

    [Instance variables:]

        dataSetView             <DataSetView>           parent view

        editValue               <Model>                 current editing model
        editView                <View>                  current editing component

        multipleSelectOk        <Boolean>               multiple selection enabled/disabled

        selectedColIndex        <Integer>               selected column index or 0
        selectedRowIndex        <Integer>               selected row    index or 0

        rowHeight               <Integer>               maximum height of any row

        columnDescriptors       <SequancableCollection> list of column descriptors

        viewOrigin              <Point>                 current view origin

        colorMap                <Dictionary>            store and register used colors on device

        rowFontAscent           <SmallInteger>          inset of a printable text in a row
                                                        including separator and font ascent.

        lockRowIndex            <SmallInteger>          internal used to indicate a row which has
                                                        changed its contents but no redraw should be
                                                        done( at:put: ).

        columnHolder            <ValueHolder>           holder which keeps the list of column descriptors.

        registererImages        <IdentityDictionary>    list of images registered on the device

        list                    <SequancableCollection> list of rows

        canFit                  <Boolean>               boolean set to true if colums can be fit to view

        catchChangeEvents       <Boolean>               internal used to discard change notifications

        beDependentOfRows       <Boolean>               keep rows dependent; on default is disabled.
                                                        in case of enabled a row can raise a change
                                                        notification whithout a parameter which
                                                        will force a redraw of the row or the
                                                        readSelector of the column which will
                                                        redraw the cell in the row only.

        fgColor                 <Color>                 foreground color
        bgColor                 <Color>                 background color
        hgLgFgColor             <Color>                 highlight foreground color (selected)
        hgLgBgColor             <Color>                 highlight background color (selected)

        buttonLightColor        <Color>                 LightColor      ( drawing the edge of a button )
        buttonShadowColor       <Color>                 ShadowColor     ( drawing the edge of a button )
        buttonHalfLightColor    <Color>                 HalfLightColor  ( drawing the edge of a button )
        buttonHalfShadowColor   <Color>                 HalfShadowColor ( drawing the edge of a button )

        actionBlock             <a OneArgBlock>         action block performed on select
        doubleClickActionBlock  <a OneArgBlock>         action block performed on double click
        rowIfAbsentBlock        <a OneArgBlock>         this block is performed on an emty list entry
                                                        to retrive the item from the application. The
                                                        argument to the block is the index into the list.
                                                        The block should return the row instance which
                                                        is put to the list under the index.

        builder                 <UIBuilder>             builder set by application

        verticalSpacing         <SmallInteger>          vertical   row spacing( top  & bottom )
        horizontalSpacing       <SmallInteger>          horizontal row spacing( left & right )
        separatorSize           <SmallInteger>          line width of a vertical or horizontal separator

        rowSelectorForm         <Form>                  form used by a row selector

        checkToggleForm         <Form>                  form used by a checkToggle
        checkToggleExtent       <Point>                 extent of a checkToggle
        checkToggleLevel        <SmallInteger>          level used to draw a check toggle

        comboButtonForm         <Form>                  form used by a comboList or -Box
        comboButtonExtent       <Point>                 extent of a comboList or -Box
        comboButtonLevel        <SmallInteger>          level used to draw a comboList or -Box

        clickPosition           <Point>                 click position of the mouse

        dragAccessPoint         <Point>                 point where the drag operation starts
        dragIsActive            <Boolean>               true if a drag operation is active
        dropTarget              <DropTarget>            drag & drop target
        dropSource              <DropSource>            drag & drop source

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]

! !

!DSVColumnView class methodsFor:'accessing forms'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self rowSelector inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#rowSelector

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:#'DSVColumnView rowSelector'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth2Image new) width: 11; height: 11; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(2 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@A@@@AP@@A4@EW=@G?? O?:@@C(@@B @@B@@@@@@') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255 127 127 127 170 170 170]; mask:((Depth1Image new) width: 11; height: 11; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'C@@N@@<@?8C?0O? ?<C? @<@C @L@@@a') ; yourself); yourself]

! !

!DSVColumnView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    "returns the default horizontal space between rows
    ^ 4


    "extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables
    <resource: #style (#textForegroundColor #'scrollableView.backgroundColor'
                       #'selection.hilightBackgroundColor'   )>

    DefaultForegroundColor        := StyleSheet colorAt:'textForegroundColor' default:(Color black).
    DefaultBackgroundColor        := StyleSheet colorAt:'scrollableView.backgroundColor' default:DefaultViewBackgroundColor.

    DefaultHilightForegroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selection.hilightForegroundColor' default:DefaultBackgroundColor.
    DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := StyleSheet colorAt:'selection.hilightBackgroundColor' default:DefaultForegroundColor.

    DefaultHilightForegroundColor = DefaultHilightBackgroundColor ifTrue:[
        DefaultHilightBackgroundColor := Color black
    ButtonLightColor       := StyleSheet colorAt:'button.lightColor'.
    ButtonShadowColor      := StyleSheet colorAt:'button.shadowColor'.
    ButtonHalfLightColor   := StyleSheet colorAt:'button.halfLightColor'.
    ButtonHalfShadowColor  := StyleSheet colorAt:'button.halfShadowColor'.
    ButtonEdgeStyle        := StyleSheet at:'button.edgeStyle'.
    CheckToggleActiveImage := StyleSheet at:'checkToggle.activeImage'.

    CheckToggleActiveImage isNil ifTrue:[
        CheckTogglePassiveImage := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        CheckTogglePassiveImage := StyleSheet at:'checkToggle.passiveImage'.

        CheckTogglePassiveImage isNil ifTrue:[
            CheckToggleActiveImage := nil

self updateStyleCache.

    "Modified: / 26.10.1997 / 17:09:07 / cg"

    "returns the default vertical space between rows
    ^ 2

! !

!DSVColumnView class methodsFor:'resources'!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self dragIconMulti inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#dragIconMulti

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:#'DSVColumnView dragIconMulti'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth1Image new) width: 32; height: 32; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O?<0@C??L@@<@@@@O@@@@C3??L@<??3@OO?<<C3??O@<??0@OO?<@C3???0<???<OO???C3???0<???<OO???@C???0@???<@O???@C???0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 32; height: 32; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O??<@C???@@???<@O???@C????@????0O????C????0?????O????3?????????????????????????????????????????????????????@????0O???<C????@????0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]!

    "This resource specification was automatically generated
     by the ImageEditor of ST/X."

    "Do not manually edit this!! If it is corrupted,
     the ImageEditor may not be able to read the specification."

     self dragIconSingle inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#dragIconSingle

    <resource: #image>

        constantNamed:#'DSVColumnView dragIconSingle'
        ifAbsentPut:[(Depth1Image new) width: 32; height: 32; photometric:(#palette); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O?<0@C??L@@??30@O?<<@C??@@@??0@@O???@C???0@???<@O???@C???0@???<@O???@C???0@???<@O???@C???0@???<@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b') ; colorMapFromArray:#[0 0 0 255 255 255]; mask:((ImageMask new) width: 32; height: 32; photometric:(#blackIs0); bitsPerSample:(#(1 )); samplesPerPixel:(1); bits:(ByteArray fromPackedString:'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@O??<@C???@@???<@O???@C???<@????@O???<C????@????0O???<C????@????0O???<C????@????0O???<C????@????0O???<C????@????0O???<@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b') ; yourself); yourself]! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "get the builder (UIBuilder or nil)
    ^ builder

    "set the builder (UIBuilder or nil)
    builder := aBuilder

    "returns self
    ^ self

    "return the value of the instance variable 'dataSetView' (automatically generated)"

    ^ dataSetView

    "Created: / 7.8.1998 / 22:13:43 / cg"

    "set the value of the instance variable 'dataSetView' (automatically generated)"

    dataSetView := something.

    "Created: / 7.8.1998 / 22:13:43 / cg"

    "returns the inset of a printable text in a row
    ^ rowFontAscent
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing actions'!

    "set the action block to be performed on select
    actionBlock := aOneArgAction


    "set the action block to be performed on doubleclick
    doubleClickActionBlock := aOneArgAction


    "set the action block to be performed on each 'nil' entry into the
     list. The argument to the block is the index into the list. The
     block returns the row which is put to the list
    rowIfAbsentBlock := aOneArgAction

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing behavior'!

    "make myself dependent of any row; in this case any change notification
     raised by a row is catched and the cell identified by the 'readSelector'
     is redrawn. In case of a nil readSelector, the whole raw is redrawn.
        -> row changed:'what'
     On default the attribute is set to true (enabled).
    ^ beDependentOfRows

    "make myself dependent of any row; in this case any change notification
     raised by a row is catched and the cell identified by the 'readSelector'
     is redrawn. In case of a nil readSelector, the whole raw is redrawn.
        -> row changed:'what'
     On default the attribute is set to true (enabled).
    aBool ~~ beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[
        beDependentOfRows := aBool.

        self size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            list do:[:aRow| aRow notNil ifTrue:[
                beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[aRow addDependent:self]
                                 ifFalse:[aRow removeDependent:self]

    "allow/disallow multiple row selections; the default is false
    ^ multipleSelectOk

    "allow/disallow multiple row selections; the default is false
    aState == multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        multipleSelectOk := aState.
        self deselect

    "in case of selecting a none selectable cell, the row is selected
    ^ selectRowOnDefault

    "in case of selecting a none selectable cell, the row is selected
    selectRowOnDefault := aBool
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing colors'!

    "get the background color of the rows
    ^ bgColor


    "set the background color of the rows
    bgColor ~~ aColor ifTrue:[
        super viewBackground:bgColor.

        self realized ifTrue:[
            bgColor := aColor on:device.
            self invalidate
        ] ifFalse:[
            bgColor := aColor

    "return the foreground color of the rows
    ^ fgColor


    "set the foreground color of the rows
    fgColor ~~ aColor ifTrue:[
        self realized ifTrue:[
            fgColor := aColor on:device.
            self invalidate
        ] ifFalse:[
            fgColor := aColor


    "returns the background color of a selected row
    ^ hgLgBgColor

    "returns the foreground color of a selected row
    ^ hgLgFgColor

    "returns the dark color used for drawing a shadowed separator (3D)
    ^ shadowColor


    "returns the light color used for drawing a shadowed separator (3D)
    ^ lightColor

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing columns'!

    "returns the column at an index
    ^ columnDescriptors at:anIndex ifAbsent:nil

    "returns list of column descriptors
    ^ columnDescriptors collect:[:aCol| aCol description ]

    "set the columnDescriptors
    |id sz label labelView|

    self deselect.

    (sz := aColumnDescriptionList size) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        id := 0.
        labelView := dataSetView labelView.

        columnDescriptors := aColumnDescriptionList collect:[:aCol||column|
            (column := aCol) isSequenceable ifTrue:[
                column := DataSetColumnSpec new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:aCol
            id    := id + 1.
            label := DataSetLabel columnDescription:column

            DataSetColumn new on:self description:column
    ] ifFalse:[
        columnDescriptors := #()
    catchChangeEvents := true.
    canFit := (columnDescriptors findFirst:[:aCol|aCol canResize]) ~~ 0.
    preferredExtent := nil.

    shown ifTrue:[
        self fitColumns ifFalse:[
            self invalidate.
            self contentsChanged.
        ] ifTrue:[
            self preferredExtentChanged.
    catchChangeEvents := false.
    self changed:#sizeOfColumns.


    "returns the first column
    ^ columnDescriptors at:1


    "returns the last column
    ^ columnDescriptors last

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing interactors'!

    ^ checkToggleActiveImage

    "returns the extent of a checkToggle
    ^ checkToggleExtent

    "returns the form of a checkToggle
    ^ checkToggleForm

    "returns the level of a checkToggle button
    ^ checkToggleLevel

    ^ checkTogglePassiveImage

    "returns the extent of a comboList or -Box
    ^ comboButtonExtent

    "returns the form of a comboList or -Box
    ^ comboButtonForm

    "returns the level of a comboList or -Box button
    ^ comboButtonLevel

    "returns the bitmap of a selected row
    ^ rowSelectorForm extent

    "returns the bitmap of a selected row
    ^ rowSelectorForm
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing mvc'!

    "return the value of the instance variable 'columnAdaptor' (automatically generated)"

    ^ columnAdaptor!

    "set the value of the instance variable 'columnAdaptor' (automatically generated)"

    columnAdaptor := something.!

    "get the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions
    ^ columnHolder


    "set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions

    columnHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        columnHolder removeDependent:self

    (columnHolder := aValueHolder) notNil ifTrue:[
        columnHolder addDependent:self.
        columns := columnHolder value.

        columns notNil ifTrue:[
            self columnDescriptors:columns

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing rows'!

    "return the row at an index, aRowNr

    (row := list at:aRowNr) isNil ifTrue:[
        lockRowIndex := aRowNr.

        (rowIfAbsentBlock notNil
        and:[(row := rowIfAbsentBlock value:aRowNr) notNil]) ifTrue:[
            list at:aRowNr put:row.
            beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[row addDependent:self].

        lockRowIndex := 0
    ^ row

    "Modified: / 31.7.1998 / 01:07:46 / cg"

at:aRowNr ifAbsent:exceptionBlock
    "return the row at a aRowNr. If the index is invalid, return the
     result of evaluating the exceptionblock
    (aRowNr between:1 and:self size) ifTrue:[
        ^ self at:aRowNr
    ^ exceptionBlock value

at:aRowNr put:aRow
    "change the row at an index. The added row is returned

    lockRowIndex == aRowNr ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    row := list at:aRowNr.
    row == aRow ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[
        (row := list at:aRowNr) notNil ifTrue:[
            row removeDependent:self

    list at:aRowNr put:aRow.

    aRow notNil ifTrue:[                "/ free list
        beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[
            aRow addDependent:self
        self redrawRowAt:aRowNr
    ^ aRow.

    "return the first row
    ^ self at:1

    "returns index of a row or 0
    (list size ~~ 0 and:[aRow notNil]) ifTrue:[
        ^ list identityIndexOf:aRow
    ^ 0

    "return the last row
    ^ self at:(self size)

    "get the list of rows
    ^ list


    "set the list of rows

    "/ remove selection without redraw

    editValue notNil ifTrue:[
        editValue removeDependent:self.
        editValue := nil
    self destroyEditView.

    selectedColIndex := 0.
    selectedRowIndex := multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[nil] ifFalse:[0].

    shown ifFalse:[
        preferredExtent := nil
    ] ifTrue:[
        aList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[  "/ otherwise keep old values
            self columnsDo:[:aCol| aCol invalidate ].
            preferredExtent := nil.

    (makeDependent := beDependentOfRows) ifTrue:[
        self beDependentOfRows:false.

    aList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        list := OrderedCollection new:(aList size).
        aList do:[:el| list add:el ].
    ] ifFalse:[
        list := nil
    self beDependentOfRows:makeDependent.

    shown ifTrue:[
        list size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            self fitColumns ifTrue:[^ self ].
        self recomputeHeightOfContents.
        self invalidate.
        self contentsChanged.

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'accessing visibility'!

    "set the font for all shown rows.
    (aFont notNil and:[aFont ~~ font]) ifTrue:[
        super font:(aFont on:device).
        realized ifTrue:[
            self columnsDo:[:aCol| aCol invalidate ].
            self preferredExtentChanged.
            self invalidate.
            self contentsChanged


    "returns true if shown in 3D mode
    ^ separatorSize ~~ 1

    "enable or disable 3D mode

    newSepSize := aBool ifTrue:[2] ifFalse:[1].

    newSepSize ~~ separatorSize ifTrue:[
        separatorSize := newSepSize.

        realized ifTrue:[
            self columnsDo:[:aCol| aCol invalidate ].
            self preferredExtentChanged.
            self invalidate.
            self contentsChanged


    "horizontal spacing used by columns
    ^ horizontalSpacing

    "horizontal spacing used by columns
    horizontalSpacing ~~ aNumber ifTrue:[
        horizontalSpacing := aNumber.
        self preferredExtentChanged.

    "vertical spacing used by columns
    ^ verticalSpacing

    "vertical spacing used by columns
    verticalSpacing ~~ aNumber ifTrue:[
        verticalSpacing := aNumber.
        self preferredExtentChanged.
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'adding & removing rows'!

    "insert row at end
    ^ self add:aRow beforeIndex:(1 + self size)

add:aRow afterIndex:aRowNr
    "add a new row after slot aRowNr and redisplay; returns nil in case
     of an invalid index or the row
    ^ self add:aRow beforeIndex:(aRowNr + 1)

add:aRow beforeIndex:aRowNr
    "add a new row before slot aRowNr and redisplay; returns nil in case
     of an invalid index or the row
    self addAll:(Array with:aRow) beforeIndex:aRowNr.
    ^ aRow.

addAll:aList beforeIndex:start
    "add a collection of rows before slot start and redisplay
    |y0 y1 yD h dH size noSel|

    (size := aList size) == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    self size == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self list:aList

    beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[
        aList do:[:aRow| aRow notNil ifTrue:[aRow addDependent:self]]

    noSel := self numberOfSelections.

    noSel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
            selectedRowIndex >= start ifTrue:[
                selectedRowIndex := selectedRowIndex + size
        ] ifTrue:[
            1 to:noSel do:[:i||v|
                (v := selectedRowIndex at:i) >= start ifTrue:[
                    selectedRowIndex at:i put:(v + size)
    list addAll:aList beforeIndex:start.
    self recomputeHeightOfContents.

    y0 := (start - 1) * rowHeight.
    yD := size * rowHeight.
    y1 := y0 + yD.

    y0 < viewOrigin y ifTrue:[
        self originWillChange.
        viewOrigin y:(yD + viewOrigin y).
        self originChanged:(0 @ yD).

    (shown not or:[self sensor hasDamageFor:self]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self contentsChanged.

    y0 := self yVisibleOfRowNr:start.
    y1 := y0 + yD.

    (y1 > margin and:[y0 < (h := height - margin)]) ifTrue:[
        h  := h - y1.
        y0 := y0 max:margin.
        dH := y1 - y0.

        start == list size ifFalse:[
            self catchExpose.

            self copyFrom:self x:0 y:y0
                             toX:0 y:y1
                           width:width height:h async:true.

            self waitForExpose
        self redrawX:margin y:y0 width:width - margin - margin height:dH.
    self contentsChanged.


    "insert a row at start
    ^ self add:aRow beforeIndex:1

    "remove first row; returns the removed row
    ^ self removeIndex:1

removeFrom:startIndex to:stopIndex
    "remove rows from start to stop
    |coll noRedraw
     noSel "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     start "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y0    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     y1    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     oY    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     dY    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     yB    "{ Class: SmallInteger }"
     h     "{ Class: SmallInteger }"

    (    (start := startIndex) < 1
     or:[(stop := stopIndex) > list size]
    ) ifTrue:[
        ^ self subscriptBoundsError:start
    size := stop - start + 1.

    beDependentOfRows ifTrue:[
        list from:start to:stop do:[:r| r notNil ifTrue:[r removeDependent:self]].
    noSel := self numberOfSelections.

    noSel ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        noSel == 1 ifTrue:[
            noSel := self firstIndexSelected.

            noSel < start ifFalse:[
                noSel > stop ifTrue:[
                    noSel := noSel - size.

                    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[selectedRowIndex := noSel]
                                      ifTrue:[selectedRowIndex at:1 put:noSel]
                ] ifFalse:[
                    editValue notNil ifTrue:[
                        editValue removeDependent:self.
                        editValue := nil.
                    self deselect.
        ] ifFalse:[
            coll := OrderedCollection new:noSel.

            selectedRowIndex do:[:i|
                i < start ifTrue:[
                    coll add:i
                ] ifFalse:[
                    i > stop ifTrue:[
                        coll add:(i - size)
            coll size == 0 ifTrue:[
                self deselect
            ] ifFalse:[
                selectedRowIndex := coll
    list removeFrom:start to:stop.

    y0 := start - 1 * rowHeight.
    dY := size * rowHeight.
    y1 := dY + y0.
    yB := y1 + margin - viewOrigin y.
    self recomputeHeightOfContents.

    y0 < (oY := viewOrigin y) ifTrue:[
        (noRedraw := y1 <= oY) ifFalse:[dY := y0 - oY]
                                ifTrue:[dY := dY negated].
        self originWillChange.
        viewOrigin y:(dY + oY).
        self originChanged:(0 @ dY).        
    ] ifFalse:[
        noRedraw := y0 > (height + viewOrigin y)

    (noRedraw or:[shown not]) ifFalse:[
        y1 := yB.
        y0 := self yVisibleOfRowNr:start.
        h  := height - margin - yB.
        y0 := y0 max:margin.

        h > 0 ifTrue:[
            self catchExpose.
            self copyFrom:self x:0 y:yB toX:0 y:y0 width:width height:h async:true.
            self waitForExpose.
        y0 := y0 + h.
        self redrawX:margin y:y0 width:width - margin - margin height:(height - y0).
    self contentsChanged.


    "remove row at an index; returns the removed row

    row := list at:aRowNr ifAbsent:nil.
    self removeFrom:aRowNr to:aRowNr.
  ^ row

    "remove last row; the row is returned
    ^ self removeIndex:self size
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'change & update'!

changed:aParameter with:anArgument
    "notify all dependents that the receiver has changed somehow.
     Each dependent gets a  '#update:with:from:'-message, with aParameter
     and anArgument as arguments."

    catchChangeEvents ifTrue:[
        (    aParameter == #sizeOfColumns
         or:[aParameter == #columnsLayout]
        ) ifTrue:[
            ^ self
    super changed:aParameter with:anArgument


update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    "one of my rows/cells changed its value

    changedObject == columnHolder ifTrue:[
        ^ self columnDescriptors:(columnHolder value)

    changedObject == editValue ifTrue:[
        ^ self selectedColumn at:(self firstIndexSelected) put:(editValue value)

    row := (something isNumber) ifTrue:[something] ifFalse:[changedObject].
    self redrawVisibleRow:row readSelector:aParameter.

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'drag & drop'!

    "returns true if dragging is enabled
    ^ dropSource notNil


    "returns the dropSource or nil
    ^ dropSource


    "set the dropSource or nil
    dropSource := aDropSourceOrNil.


    "returns the dropTarget or nil
    ^ dropTarget


    "set the dropTarget or nil
    dropTarget := aDropTragetOrNil.


    (dragIsActive not and:[dropSource notNil]) ifTrue:[
        dragIsActive := true.
        dropSource startDragIn:self at:aPoint

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "returns color on device

    aColor = Color noColor ifFalse:[
        col := colorMap at:aColor ifAbsent:nil.

        col isNil ifTrue:[
            colorMap at:aColor put:(col := aColor on:device)
        ^ col
    ^ bgColor

    "a redraw forced by any other component
    self redraw

    "recompute extent before repair range
    self  recomputeHeightOfContents.
    super invalidate.


    "redraw complete view
    self redrawX:0 y:0 width:width height:height.


    "redraw total row at an index
    self redrawRowAt:aRowNr colAt:0

redrawRowAt:aRowNr colAt:aColNr
    "redraw visible row in case of aColNr == 0 or the column in a row;
     in case that the row/column is hidden no redraw is done
    |x y h w|

    aRowNr isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    (shown and:[aRowNr between:1 and:self size]) ifTrue:[
        h := rowHeight.

        (y := self yVisibleOfRowNr:aRowNr) < margin ifTrue:[
            (h := h + y) <= margin ifTrue:[
                ^ self
            ].                                                  "/ row not visible
            h := h - margin.
            y := margin.
        ] ifFalse:[
            y >= height ifTrue:[^ self].
        aColNr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[                                    "/ redraw column in row
            w := (self columnAt:aColNr) width.

            (x := self xVisibleOfColNr:aColNr) < margin ifTrue:[
                (w := w + x) <= margin ifTrue:[
                    ^ self
                ].                                              "/ column not visible
                w := w - margin.
                x := margin.
            ] ifFalse:[
                x >= width ifTrue:[^ self].
        ] ifFalse:[                                             "/ redraw whole row
            x := margin.
            w := width.
        self redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h

    "redraw row if visible
    self redrawVisibleRow:aRow colAt:0


redrawVisibleRow:aRow colAt:aColNr
    "redraw row if visible
    |start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    (start := self indexOfFirstRowShown) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        stop := (start + (height // rowHeight)) min:(self size).

        aRow isNumber ifTrue:[
            (aRow between:start and:stop) ifTrue:[
                self redrawRowAt:aRow colAt:aColNr
        ] ifFalse:[
            start to:stop do:[:i|
                (self at:i) == aRow ifTrue:[
                    ^ self redrawRowAt:i colAt:aColNr


redrawVisibleRow:aRow readSelector:aSelector
    "redraw a column identified by its read selector; if no column with
     the specified read selector is detected, the whole line is drawn.
    |row idx|

    aSelector isNil ifTrue:[
        idx := 0
    ] ifFalse:[
        (row := aRow) isNumber ifTrue:[
            (row := self at:aRow) isNil ifTrue:[ ^ self ]
        idx := columnDescriptors findFirst:[:aCol||desc|
            aCol description readSelector == aSelector
    self redrawVisibleRow:aRow colAt:idx


redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "redraw part of myself immediately, given logical coordinates 
    |c0 savClip rctg
     start "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     stop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x0    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x1    "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     maxX  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yTop  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     yBot  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     clHg  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     size  "{ Class:SmallInteger }"

    shown ifFalse:[^ self].
    self paint:bgColor.

    columnDescriptors isEmpty ifTrue:[
        ^ self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    size  := list size.
    yTop  := margin - viewOrigin y.                   
    c0    := y - yTop max:0.
    start := (c0 // rowHeight) + 1.
    stop  := (c0 + h - 1 // rowHeight + 1) min:size.

    stop < start ifTrue:[
        ^ self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h
    savClip := clipRect.

    maxX := (x + w) min:(width - margin).
    x0   := margin - viewOrigin x.
    yTop := yTop + ((start - 1) * rowHeight).
    rctg := Rectangle left:x top:y width:w height:h.
    clHg := (stop - start + 1) * rowHeight.
    yBot := yTop + clHg.

    columnDescriptors do:[:aCol|
        x1 := x0 + aCol width.

        (x1 > x and:[x0 < maxX]) ifTrue:[
            rctg width:((x1 min:maxX) - x).
            clipRect := nil.
            self clippingRectangle:rctg.
            aCol redrawX:x0 y:yTop h:clHg  from:start to:stop.
        x0 := x1

 "/ restore old clipping rectangle
    self clippingRectangle:savClip.

    stop == size ifTrue:[
        yTop := y + h.
        yBot < (yTop - margin) ifTrue:[
         "/ clear to bottom of screen
            self paint:bgColor.
            self fillRectangleX:x y:yBot width:w height:(yTop - yBot).

    (c0 := w + x- x1) > 0 ifTrue:[
     "/ clear to right of screen
        self paint:bgColor.
        self fillRectangleX:x1 y:y width:c0 height:h.

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'drawing interactors'!

drawCheckToggleAtX:xTop y:yTop w:rowWidth state:aState
    "draw a check toggle button
    |e form
     y "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     x "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     w "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    w := checkToggleExtent x.
    h := checkToggleExtent y.
    y := yTop + (rowHeight - h // 2).
    x := xTop + (rowWidth  - w // 2).

    (form := checkToggleActiveImage) isNil ifTrue:[
        self paint:bgColor.
        self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
        self drawEdgesAtX:x   y:y width:w height:h level:checkToggleLevel on:self.

        aState ifFalse:[
            ^ self
        self paint:fgColor on:bgColor.
        form := checkToggleForm
    ] ifFalse:[
        aState ifFalse:[form := checkTogglePassiveImage]
    e := (checkToggleExtent - form extent) // 2.
    self displayForm:form x:(x + e x) y:(y + e y).


drawComboButtonAtX:xTop y:yTop w:rowWidth
    "draw a combo button
     x "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     y "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     h "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
     w "{ Class:SmallInteger }"
    w := comboButtonExtent x.
    h := comboButtonExtent y.
    y := yTop + (rowHeight - h // 2).
    x := xTop + (rowWidth  - w - separatorSize - 1).
    e := (comboButtonExtent - comboButtonForm extent) // 2.

    self paint:bgColor.
    self fillRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.
    self drawEdgesAtX:x   y:y width:w height:h level:comboButtonLevel on:self.
    self paint:fgColor on:bgColor.
    self displayForm:comboButtonForm x:(x + e x) y:(y + e y)


drawEdgesAtX:x y:y width:w height:h level:aLevel on:aGC
    "draw edges for a cell or label
    aGC  drawEdgesForX:x

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'enumerating columns'!

    "evaluate the argument, aOneArgBlock for every column
    columnDescriptors do:aOneArgBlock


columnsFrom:start to:stop do:aOneArgBlock
    "evaluate the argument, aOneArgBlock for the columns with index start to
     stop in the collection of column descriptors
    columnDescriptors from:start to:stop do:aOneArgBlock

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonMotion:buttonMask x:x y:y
    "mouse-move while button was pressed - handle multiple selection changes
    |idx scr p|

    dragAccessPoint notNil ifTrue:[
        dragIsActive ifFalse:[
            p := x @ y.
            (clickPosition dist:p) > 5.0 ifTrue:[ self startDragAt:p ]
        ^ self
    self sensor ctrlDown ifTrue:[^ self ].

    (multipleSelectOk and:[selectedColIndex == 0 and:[selectedRowIndex notNil]]) ifFalse:[
        ^ self
    "is it the select or 1-button ?"

    self sensor leftButtonPressed ifFalse:[^ self].
"/    (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:#select) ifFalse:[
"/        (device buttonMotionMask:buttonMask includesButton:1) ifFalse:[
"/            ^ self
"/        ].
"/    ].
    scr := 0.

    y > height ifTrue:[
        scr := rowHeight.
        idx := self yVisibleToRowNr:(height + rowHeight).
    ] ifFalse:[
        y < 0 ifTrue:[
            scr := rowHeight negated.
            idx := self yVisibleToRowNr:scr.
        ] ifFalse:[
            idx := self yVisibleToRowNr:y.
    (idx isNil or:[idx < 1 or:[self isInSelection:idx]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    selectedRowIndex := selectedRowIndex asOrderedCollection.

    clickPosition notNil ifTrue:[
        (clickPosition - idx) abs > 1 ifTrue:[|s e|
            clickPosition < idx ifTrue:[
                s := clickPosition + 1.
                e := idx - 1.
            ] ifFalse:[
                s := idx + 1.
                e := clickPosition - 1.
            s to:e do:[:i|
                (self isInSelection:i) ifFalse:[
                    selectedRowIndex add:i.
                    self redrawRowAt:i colAt:0.
    selectedRowIndex add:(clickPosition := idx).

    scr == 0 ifTrue:[
        self redrawRowAt:idx colAt:0.
    ] ifFalse:[
        self scrollTo:(viewOrigin + (0 @ scr)) redraw:true

    "Modified: / 28.7.1998 / 16:01:11 / cg"

buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
    "a button was pressed twice - handle doubleclick here
    ((button == 1) or:[button == #select]) ifFalse:[
        ^ super buttonMultiPress:button x:x y:y
    self numberOfSelections == 1 ifTrue:[
        self firstIndexSelected == (self yVisibleToRowNr:y) ifTrue:[
            (     selectedColIndex == 0
              or:[selectedColIndex == (self xVisibleToColNr:x)]
            ) ifTrue:[
                self doubleClicked


buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    "a button was pressed - handle selection here
    |rowNr colNr menu sz|

    clickPosition   := nil.
    dragAccessPoint := nil.
    dragIsActive    := false.

    ((button == 2) or:[button == #menu]) ifTrue:[
        (menu := self findMenuForSelection) notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ menu startUp
    ] ifFalse:[
        (     (button == 1 or:[button == #select])
         and:[(rowNr := self yVisibleToRowNr:y) notNil
         and:[(colNr := self xVisibleToColNr:x) notNil]]
        ) ifTrue:[
            (multipleSelectOk not or:[self sensor ctrlDown not]) ifFalse:[
                selectedColIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                    colNr := 0
                ] ifFalse:[
                    (sz := self numberOfSelections == 0) ifFalse:[
                        (self isInSelection:rowNr) ifTrue:[
                            sz == 1 ifTrue:[
                                self selectColIndex:0 rowIndex:nil.
                                ^ self sensor flushMotionEventsFor:self.
                            selectedRowIndex remove:rowNr.
                        ] ifFalse:[
                            selectedRowIndex add:rowNr
                        self redrawRowAt:rowNr.
                        self selectionChanged.
                      ^ self sensor flushMotionEventsFor:self.
            (self canDrag and:[self isSelected:rowNr inColumn:colNr]) ifTrue:[
                clickPosition   := x @ y.
                dragAccessPoint := (colNr @ rowNr).
            ] ifFalse:[
                self selectRowAt:rowNr colAt:colNr atPoint:(x @ y)
            ^ self
    super buttonPress:button x:x y:y


buttonRelease:button x:x y:y

    clickPosition notNil ifTrue:[
        dragAccessPoint notNil ifTrue:[
            dragIsActive ifFalse:[
                self selectRowAt:(dragAccessPoint y)
                           colAt:(dragAccessPoint x)
            dragAccessPoint := nil.
            dragIsActive := false.
        ] ifFalse:[
            self selectionChanged
        clickPosition := nil.
    super buttonRelease:button x:x y:y


characterPress:aChar x:x y:y
    "search row in column at x/y starting its printable label with cahracter.
    |colNr rowNr lsize found column|

    (rowIfAbsentBlock notNil 
     or:[x isNil
     or:[(colNr := self xVisibleToColNr:x) isNil]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    rowNr  := self lastIndexSelected.
    lsize  := self size.
    column := self columnAt:colNr.
    found  := 0.

    lsize > rowNr ifTrue:[
     "/ search to end
        found := column findRowNrStartingWithChar:aChar start:(rowNr + 1) stop:lsize.

    (found == 0 and:[rowNr > 1]) ifTrue:[
     "/ search from begin
        found := column findRowNrStartingWithChar:aChar start:1 stop:(rowNr - 1)
    found ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self selectColIndex:colNr rowIndex:found.

    "Modified: / 21.5.1998 / 03:30:22 / cg"

    "contents changed - move origin up if possible

    shown ifTrue:[
        self recomputeHeightOfContents.
        y := self maxViewOriginY.

        viewOrigin y > y ifTrue:[
            self scrollTo:(viewOrigin x @ y)
        ] ifFalse:[
            self updateEditViewOrigin.
    super contentsChanged


    "handle a double click
    |col sel idx|

    self hasSelection ifTrue:[
        idx := self firstIndexSelected.
        col := self selectedColumn.
        (col notNil and:[(sel := col doubleClickedSelector) notNil]) ifTrue:[
            (self at:idx) perform:sel
        ] ifFalse:[
            doubleClickActionBlock notNil ifTrue:[
                doubleClickActionBlock value:idx

    "find the middle button menu for the current selection; returns the menu or nil
    |col row menu|

    self numberOfSelections == 1 ifTrue:[
        row := self at:(self firstIndexSelected).
        col := self selectedColumn.

        (col notNil and:[(menu := col menuForRow:row) notNil]) ifTrue:[
            ^ menu
        col := columnDescriptors detect:[:c| c rendererType == #rowSelector]

        col notNil ifTrue:[
            ^ col menuForRow:row
    ^ nil

keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
    "a key was pressed - handle page-keys here
    <resource: #keyboard (#PreviousPage #NextPage #HalfPageUp #HalfPageDown
                          #BeginOfText #EndOfText #ScrollUp #ScrollDown
                          #CursorUp #CursorDown #CursorRight #CursorLeft)>

    |sensor n max idx selRowNr key column|

    (sensor := self sensor) isNil ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    (aKey == #PreviousPage) ifTrue:[^ self pageUp].
    (aKey == #NextPage)     ifTrue:[^ self pageDown].
    (aKey == #HalfPageUp)   ifTrue:[^ self halfPageUp].
    (aKey == #HalfPageDown) ifTrue:[^ self halfPageDown].
    (aKey == #BeginOfText)  ifTrue:[^ self scrollToTop].
    (aKey == #EndOfText)    ifTrue:[^ self scrollToBottom].
    (aKey isCharacter)      ifTrue:[^ self characterPress:aKey x:x y:y ].

    (aKey == #ScrollUp or:[aKey == #ScrollDown]) ifTrue:[
        n := (1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:aKey)) * self verticalScrollStep.

        aKey == #ScrollUp ifTrue:[self scrollUp:n]
                         ifFalse:[self scrollDown:n].
        ^ self

    self numberOfSelections == 1 ifFalse:[
        super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y.
        ^ self
    selRowNr := self firstIndexSelected.

    aKey == #Return ifTrue:[
        ^ self doubleClicked

    (aKey == #CursorUp or:[aKey == #CursorDown]) ifTrue:[
        max := self size.

        (n := (1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:aKey)) \\ max) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            aKey == #CursorUp ifTrue:[
                (n := selRowNr - n) <= 0  ifTrue:[n := max + n]
            ] ifFalse:[
                (n := selRowNr + n) > max ifTrue:[n := n - max]
            self selectColIndex:selectedColIndex rowIndex:n
        ^ self

    aKey == #Tab ifTrue:[
        key := sensor shiftDown ifTrue:[#CursorLeft] ifFalse:[#CursorRight]
    ] ifFalse:[
        (aKey == #CursorRight or:[aKey == #CursorLeft]) ifFalse:[
            ^ super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
        key := aKey

    selectedColIndex == 0 ifTrue:[  "/ line is selected
        ^ self

    editView notNil ifTrue:[
        editView allSubViewsDo:[:aSubView|
            (aSubView respondsTo:#accept) ifTrue:[
                aSubView accept

    n   := 1 + (sensor compressKeyPressEventsWithKey:key).
    idx := selectedColIndex.
    max := self numberOfColumns.

    key == #CursorLeft ifTrue:[
        [n ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
            (idx := idx - 1) == 0 ifTrue:[
                (aKey == #Tab and:[selRowNr > 1]) ifTrue:[
                    selRowNr := selRowNr - 1
                idx := max

            column := self columnAt:idx.
            (column rendererType ~~ #rowSelector and:[column canSelect:selRowNr]) ifTrue:[
                n := n - 1
    ] ifFalse:[
        [n ~~ 0] whileTrue:[
            (idx := idx + 1) > max ifTrue:[
                (aKey == #Tab and:[selRowNr < self size]) ifTrue:[
                    selRowNr := selRowNr + 1
                idx := 1

            column := self columnAt:idx.
            (column rendererType ~~ #rowSelector and:[column canSelect:selRowNr]) ifTrue:[
                n := n - 1
    self selectColIndex:idx rowIndex:selRowNr.


    "this one is sent, after the origin of my contents has changed -
     tell dependents (i.e. scrollers) about this
    super originChanged:delta.
    self updateEditViewOrigin.

    "size changed - move origin up if possible
    super sizeChanged:how.

    (shown and:[self numberOfColumns ~~ 0 and:[self fitColumns not]]) ifTrue:[
        self scrollTo:viewOrigin.       "/ validates viewOrigin
        self invalidate.
        self scrollToSelection

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'gc operations'!

    "associate image to device and clear pixel mask; returns the new image.

    (image := anImage) notNil ifTrue:[
        image device ~~ device ifTrue:[
            image := image copy.
        image := image onDevice:device.
        image isImage ifTrue:[
            image := image clearMaskedPixels
    ^ image


registerImage:anImage key:aKey
    "any row can register an image with a unique identifier a key symbol

    (img := registererImages at:aKey ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ img
    img := self imageOnDevice:anImage.
    registererImages at:aKey put:img.
    ^ img

    "any row can register an image with a unique identifier
    ^ registererImages at:aKey ifAbsent:nil

    "release all registered images
    registererImages := IdentityDictionary new.
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    "set color on device
    super create.
    fgColor     := fgColor     on:device.
    bgColor     := bgColor     on:device.
    hgLgFgColor := hgLgFgColor on:device.
    hgLgBgColor := hgLgBgColor on:device.

    buttonShadowColor := buttonShadowColor on:device.
    buttonLightColor  := buttonLightColor on:device.

    buttonHalfShadowColor notNil ifTrue:[
        buttonHalfShadowColor := buttonHalfShadowColor on:device

    buttonHalfLightColor notNil ifTrue:[
        buttonHalfLightColor := buttonHalfLightColor on:device
    rowSelectorForm         := self imageOnDevice:rowSelectorForm.
    checkToggleActiveImage  := self imageOnDevice:checkToggleActiveImage.
    checkTogglePassiveImage := self imageOnDevice:checkTogglePassiveImage.
    comboButtonForm         := self imageOnDevice:comboButtonForm.
    checkToggleForm         := self imageOnDevice:checkToggleForm.


    "remove dependencies
    self columnHolder:nil.
    self beDependentOfRows:false.
    super destroy

    "setup colors
    |button widget|

    super initStyle.

    DefaultForegroundColor isNil ifTrue:[
        self class updateStyleCache
    fgColor     := DefaultForegroundColor.
    bgColor     := DefaultBackgroundColor.
    hgLgFgColor := DefaultHilightForegroundColor.
    hgLgBgColor := DefaultHilightBackgroundColor.

    shadowColor isNil ifTrue:[
        shadowColor := Color grayPercent:40.

    lightColor isNil ifTrue:[
        lightColor := Color grayPercent:75

    buttonLightColor    := ButtonLightColor  ? lightColor.
    buttonShadowColor   := ButtonShadowColor ? shadowColor.

    (ButtonEdgeStyle == #soft) ifTrue:[
        buttonHalfShadowColor := ButtonHalfShadowColor.
        buttonHalfLightColor  := ButtonHalfLightColor.

        buttonHalfShadowColor isNil ifTrue:[
            buttonHalfShadowColor := buttonShadowColor lightened
    rowSelectorForm         := self class rowSelector.
    checkToggleActiveImage  := CheckToggleActiveImage.
    checkTogglePassiveImage := CheckTogglePassiveImage.

    widget            := ComboListView new.
    button            := widget menuButton.
    comboButtonForm   := button label.
    comboButtonLevel  := button offLevel.
    comboButtonExtent := (button preferredExtent x) @ (widget preferredExtent y).

    widget            := CheckToggle new.
    checkToggleForm   := widget label.
    checkToggleLevel  := widget offLevel.
    checkToggleExtent := widget preferredExtent.


    "set default attributes
    super initialize.

    viewOrigin         := 0@0.
    font               := font on:device.
    rowHeight          := font height.
    multipleSelectOk   := false.                        "/ multiselect disabled
    selectedRowIndex   := selectedColIndex  := 0.       "/ no selection
    registererImages   := IdentityDictionary new.
    columnDescriptors  := #().
    beDependentOfRows  := false.
    verticalSpacing    := self class verticalSpacing.
    horizontalSpacing  := self class horizontalSpacing.
    colorMap           := Dictionary new.
    catchChangeEvents  := false.
    dragIsActive       := false.
    rowFontAscent      := 1.                            "/ dummy initialization
    separatorSize      := 1.                            "/ separators mode 2D
    selectRowOnDefault := true.
    self lineWidth:0.

    "set selection if exists after mapping

    super mapped.

    idx := self firstIndexSelected.

    idx ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self scrollToRowAt:idx colAt:0.        

    "recompute contents and fit columns to view
    self  bitGravity:#NorthWest.
    self  recomputeHeightOfContents.
    super realize.
    self  fitColumns.
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'obsolete'!

    "shouldn't be used any more
    ^ self has3Dseparators

    "shouldn't be used any more
    self has3Dseparators:aBool

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'private'!

    "destroy the edit view; release KeyboardForwarder
    editView notNil ifTrue:[
        editView withAllSubViewsDo:[:aView|
            aView delegate:nil
        editView destroy.
        editView := nil.
        self windowGroup focusView:nil.


detectViewAt:aPoint in:aView
    "returns the view at a point

    (aView notNil and:[aView subViews notNil]) ifTrue:[
        aView subViews do:[:sv|
            p := device translatePoint:aPoint from:(self id) to:(sv id).

            (p x >= 0 and:[p y >= 0 and:[p x <= sv width and:[p y <= sv height]]]) ifTrue:[
                ^ self detectViewAt:aPoint in:sv
    ^ aView

    "fit columns to view
    |raiseNotify lastColumn dX sz expand resizables deltaWidth|

    self canFit ifFalse:[^ false ].

    resizables  := 0.
    deltaWidth  := 0.

    preferredExtent isNil ifTrue:[
        raiseNotify := catchChangeEvents.
        catchChangeEvents := true.
        self preferredExtent.
        catchChangeEvents := raiseNotify.
        raiseNotify := raiseNotify not.
    ] ifFalse:[
        raiseNotify := false

    self columnsDo:[:aCol|
        aCol canResize ifTrue:[
            resizables := resizables + 1.
            deltaWidth := aCol setMinWidth.
            lastColumn := aCol.

    resizables == 0 ifFalse:[
        sz := self widthOfContents.

        (expand := sz < width) ifTrue:[
            deltaWidth := width - sz + margin + margin

    deltaWidth == 0 ifTrue:[
        raiseNotify ifTrue:[ self changed:#columnsLayout ].
        ^ false

    expand ifTrue:[
        (dX := deltaWidth // resizables) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            self columnsDo:[:aCol|aCol canResize ifTrue:[aCol growWidth:dX]]
        lastColumn growWidth:(deltaWidth - (dX * resizables)).

    self preferredExtentChanged.

    shown ifTrue:[
        self invalidate.

        self hasSelection ifTrue:[
            editView notNil ifTrue:[
                editView width:(self selectedColumn width - separatorSize)
            self scrollToSelection.
        self contentsChanged.

    self changed:#columnsLayout.
  ^ true.


    "returns the maximum possible y of the view origin

    y := self heightOfContents - self innerHeight.
  ^ y max:0


    "update origin of the editView
    |x y|

    editView notNil ifTrue:[
        y := self yVisibleOfRowNr:(self firstIndexSelected).
        x := self xVisibleOfColNr:(self selectedColIndex).

        editView origin:(x @ y + separatorSize).


    "returns visible x assigned to a column number

    x := margin - viewOrigin x.
    self columnsFrom:1 to:(aColNr - 1) do:[:aCol| x := x + aCol width ].
  ^ x


    "returns the column number assigned to a physical x or nil
    |x0 nr|

    x0 := x + viewOrigin x - margin.
    nr := 1.

    self columnsDo:[:aCol|
        (x0 := x0 - aCol width) <= 0 ifTrue:[^ nr].
        nr := nr + 1.
    ^ nil.


    "returns visible y assigned to the row number
    ^ (aRowNr - 1) * rowHeight + margin - viewOrigin y


    "returns the row number assigned to a physical y or nil

    y0 := (y + viewOrigin y - margin) // rowHeight + 1.
  ^ (y0 <= self size) ifTrue:[y0] ifFalse:[nil]

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "returns true if columns can be fit to view
    ^ canFit

    ^ editView notNil

    "returns index of first row shown

    idx := (self yOriginOfContents // rowHeight) + 1.
  ^ (idx <= self size) ifTrue:[idx] ifFalse:[0]


    "returns number of columns
    ^ columnDescriptors size


    "returns number of raws
    ^ self size


    "get the height of the highest row in pixels
    ^ rowHeight


    "returns vertical/horizontal size of a separator dependent on the
     3D effect.
    ^ separatorSize


    "returns number of raws
    ^ list size

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'recomputation'!

    "returns true if preferred extent is accumulated
    ^ preferredExtent notNil

    "recompute preferred extent; raise notification

    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
        ^ preferredExtent
    x := 3.
    rowHeight := font height.

    self columnsDo:[:aCol|
        rowHeight := (aCol heightOfHighestRow) max:rowHeight.
        x := x + (aCol minWidth).
    rowHeight := (rowHeight + separatorSize + verticalSpacing + verticalSpacing + 1) // 2 * 2.
    preferredExtent := (x + margin + margin) @ (self size * rowHeight).

    rowFontAscent := (rowHeight - separatorSize - font height) // 2 + font ascent.
    rowFontAscent := font ascent.
    self changed:#columnsLayout.
  ^ preferredExtent


    "called if the preffered extent changed
    |y x|

    y := viewOrigin y.
    x := viewOrigin x.

    (y ~~ 0 or:[x ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        self originWillChange.
        viewOrigin := 0 @ 0.
        preferredExtent := nil.
        self originChanged:(x negated  @ y negated).

    "recompute height of contents( scrolling )
    preferredExtent notNil ifTrue:[
        preferredExtent y:(rowHeight * self size)
    ] ifFalse:[
        self preferredExtent
! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'scroller interface'!

    "return the height of the contents in pixels
    ^ self preferredExtent y


    "returns the inner height of the contents shown
    ^ height - margin - margin


    "returns the inner width of the contents shown
    ^ width - margin - margin


    "return the amount to scroll when stepping up/down.
    ^ rowHeight


    "return the viewOrigin; thats the coordinate of the contents 
     which is shown topLeft in the view.
    ^ viewOrigin


    "return the width of the contents in pixels
    preferredExtent isNil ifTrue:[
        self preferredExtent
    ^ preferredExtent x


    "return the horizontal origin of the contents in pixels
    ^ viewOrigin x 


    "return the vertical origin of the contents in pixels
    ^ viewOrigin y

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'scrolling'!

    "scroll down half a page
    self scrollDown:(self innerHeight // 2)


    "scroll up half a page
    self scrollUp:(self innerHeight // 2)


scrollTo:anOrigin redraw:doRedraw
    "change origin to have newOrigin be visible at the top-left.
    |x y dX dY newOrg dltOrg h innerWT innerHG sensor|

    shown ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    sensor := self sensor.
    [sensor hasExposeEventFor:nil] whileTrue:[
        self windowGroup processExposeEvents

    innerWT := self innerWidth.
    innerHG := self innerHeight.

    h := viewOrigin y.

    (y := anOrigin y) > h ifTrue:[              "/ end of contents
        y > (dY := self maxViewOriginY) ifTrue:[
            y := dY max:h
    ] ifFalse:[
        y := y max:0.

    (x := anOrigin x) > 0 ifTrue:[
        x := x min:(self widthOfContents - innerWT).
    x      := x max:0.
    newOrg := (x @ y).
    dltOrg := newOrg - viewOrigin.
    dX     := dltOrg x.
    dY     := dltOrg y.

    (dX == 0 and:[dY == 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self
    self originWillChange.
    viewOrigin := newOrg.

    doRedraw ifFalse:[
        ^ self originChanged:dltOrg

    dY ~~ 0 ifTrue:[                            "/ SCROLL VERTICAL
        dY := dY abs.

        (dX ~~ 0 or:[innerHG - dY < 20]) ifTrue:[
            self redraw.
        ] ifFalse:[                             "/ COPY VERTICAL
            |y0 y1|

            y0 := y1 := margin + dY.
            h  := innerHG - dY.

            dltOrg y < 0 ifTrue:[y0 := margin. y := y0]
                        ifFalse:[y1 := margin. y := y1 + h].

            self catchExpose.
            self copyFrom:self x:margin y:y0 toX:margin y:y1 width:innerWT height:h async:true.
            self waitForExpose.
            self redrawX:margin y:y width:innerWT height:(innerHG - h).
    ] ifFalse:[                                 "/ SCROLL HORIZONTAL
        dX := dX abs.

        innerWT - dX < 20 ifTrue:[
            self redraw.
        ] ifFalse:[                             "/ COPY HORIZONTAL
            |x0 x1 w|

            x0 := x1 := dX + margin.
            w  := width - dX - margin.

            dltOrg x < 0 ifTrue:[x0 := x := margin ]
                        ifFalse:[x1 := margin. x := w].

            self catchExpose.
            self copyFrom:self x:x0 y:margin toX:x1 y:margin width:w height:innerHG async:true.
            self waitForExpose.
            self redrawX:x y:margin width:(width - w) height:innerHG.
    self originChanged:dltOrg.

    "Modified: / 7.9.1998 / 16:39:49 / cg"

scrollToRowAt:aRowNr colAt:aColNr
    "make row at a row number in column at a column number visible
    |x y l dY dX|

    (    (aRowNr between:1 and:(self size))
     and:[aColNr between:0 and:(self numberOfColumns)]
    ) ifFalse:[
        ^ self

    dY := dX := 0.
    y  := self yVisibleOfRowNr:aRowNr.

    y < margin ifTrue:[
        dY := margin - y.
    ] ifFalse:[
        y := y + rowHeight.
        l := height - margin.
        y > l ifTrue:[dY := l - y]

    aColNr == 0 ifTrue:[
        dY == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
        dX := 0.
    ] ifFalse:[
        x  := self xVisibleOfColNr:aColNr.

        x < margin ifTrue:[
            dX := margin - x
        ] ifFalse:[
            x := x + (self columnAt:aColNr) width.
            l := width - margin.
            x > l ifTrue:[dX := l - x]

    (dX == 0 and:[dY == 0]) ifFalse:[
        self scrollTo:(viewOrigin - (dX @ dY)).


    "make selection visible

    (rowNr := self firstIndexSelected) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        self scrollToRowAt:rowNr colAt:(self selectedColIndex)

! !

!DSVColumnView methodsFor:'selection'!

    self selectColIndex:0 rowIndex:0

    "returns index of first row selected or 0
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex
    selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex at:1
    ^ 0

    "returns true if a selection exists
    ^ self numberOfSelections ~~ 0


    "return true, if row, aRowNr is in the selection
    aRowNr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
            ^ aRowNr == selectedRowIndex
        selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            ^ selectedRowIndex includes:aRowNr
    ^ false

    "return true, if row is in the selection
    selectedColIndex == 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ self isInSelection:aRowNr
    ^ false

isSelected:aRowNr inColumn:aColNr
    "returns true if cell in a row; a row number, in a column, a column
     number is selected.
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        aRowNr ~~ selectedRowIndex ifTrue:[
            ^ false
    ] ifTrue:[
        (selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 and:[selectedRowIndex includes:aRowNr]) ifFalse:[
            ^ false
    ^ (selectedColIndex == 0 or:[selectedColIndex == aColNr])


    "returns index of last row selected or 0
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex
    selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex last
    ^ 0

    "return the number of selected rows
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]
    ^ selectedRowIndex size

selectColIndex:aColNr rowIndex:aRowNr
    "change selection with notification
    |oC oR|

    oC := self selectedColIndex.
    oR := self selectedRowIndex.

    self setSelectColIndex:aColNr rowIndex:aRowNr.

    (oC ~~ self selectedColIndex or:[oR ~= self selectedRowIndex]) ifTrue:[
        self selectionChanged

    "select a row
    ^ self selectedRowIndex:something

selectRowAt:rowNr colAt:colNr atPoint:aPoint
    |v p|

    self selectColIndex:colNr rowIndex:rowNr.

    (v := self detectViewAt:aPoint in:editView) notNil ifTrue:[
        p := device translatePoint:aPoint from:(self id) to:(v id).

        self sensor pushEvent:(WindowEvent buttonEvent
                                 arguments:(Array with:#select with:p x with:p y)


    "set selection of rows
    self selectColIndex:selectedColIndex rowIndex:something


    "returns selected column number or 0
    ^ selectedColIndex

    "returns selected column or nil
    ^ columnDescriptors at:selectedColIndex ifAbsent:nil.

    "returns selected row (or collection if multiple selection) or nil
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        ^ self at:selectedRowIndex ifAbsent:nil

    selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        ^ selectedRowIndex collect:[:i| self at:i]
    ^ nil

    "select something
    self selectedRowIndex:something

    "returns selected row number or 0
    ^ selectedRowIndex

    "set selection of rows
    self selectColIndex:selectedColIndex rowIndex:something


    "selection has changed
    self changed:#selection.

    actionBlock notNil ifTrue:[
        actionBlock value:(self selectedRowIndex)

    "evaluate block on each row selected; the argument to the row
     is the index of the selected row
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        selectedRowIndex ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            aOneArgBlock value:selectedRowIndex
    ] ifTrue:[
        selectedRowIndex size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            selectedRowIndex do:[:i| aOneArgBlock value:i ]

setSelectColIndex:aColNr rowIndex:aRowNr
    "change selection without notification
    |editSpec rowNr colNr newCol oldCol oldRow sensor sglSelRow oldSz
     keyBrdFwd bg filter edValue|

    rowNr := self validateSelection:aRowNr.

    multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[
        colNr := (rowNr size == 1) ifTrue:[aColNr] ifFalse:[0]
    ] ifFalse:[
        colNr := rowNr ~~ 0 ifTrue:[aColNr] ifFalse:[0]

    (colNr := colNr ? 0) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        newCol := self columnAt:colNr.
        newCol rendererType == #rowSelector ifTrue:[
            colNr := 0.
            newCol := nil
        ] ifFalse:[
            multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[sglSelRow := rowNr at:1]
                            ifFalse:[sglSelRow := rowNr].

            (newCol canSelect:sglSelRow) ifFalse:[
                newCol := nil.
                colNr  := 0.

                selectRowOnDefault ifFalse:[
                    rowNr  := multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[0] ifTrue:[nil]

    (rowNr = selectedRowIndex and:[colNr == selectedColIndex]) ifTrue:[
        ^ self

    "/ release old selection

    oldSz  := self numberOfSelections.
    oldCol := selectedColIndex.
    oldRow := selectedRowIndex.

    selectedRowIndex := rowNr.
    selectedColIndex := colNr.

    oldSz == 1 ifTrue:[
        multipleSelectOk ifTrue:[oldRow := oldRow at:1].

        editValue notNil ifTrue:[
            editValue removeDependent:self.
            edValue := editValue value.
            edValue isSequenceable ifTrue:[
                edValue size == 0 ifTrue:[
                    edValue := nil
                ] ifFalse:[
                    edValue isString not ifTrue:[
                        edValue := edValue select:[:el| el notNil ].
                        edValue size == 0 ifTrue:[
                            edValue := nil
           (self columnAt:oldCol) at:oldRow put:edValue.
            editValue := nil
        self destroyEditView.
    shown ifFalse:[^ self ].

    oldSz > 1 ifTrue:[                                  "/ redraw old selection
        oldRow do:[:aRowNr|                             "/ unselected if visible
            self redrawRowAt:aRowNr colAt:0
    ] ifFalse:[
        oldSz == 1 ifTrue:[
            self redrawRowAt:oldRow colAt:oldCol

    "/ show new selection

    newCol notNil ifTrue:[
        self scrollToRowAt:sglSelRow colAt:colNr.
        editSpec := newCol editorAt:sglSelRow.

        editSpec notNil ifTrue:[
            editView := SimpleView extent:(  (newCol width - (2 * separatorSize)) 
                                           @ (rowHeight    - (2 * separatorSize))
            self updateEditViewOrigin.

            (newCol containsText or:[newCol showSelectionHighLighted not]) ifTrue:[
                editView viewBackground:(newCol backgroundColorFor:sglSelRow)
            ] ifFalse:[
                editView viewBackground:hgLgBgColor
            editView add:(editSpec at:1).
            oldSz := editSpec size.

            oldSz == 3 ifTrue:[
                filter := [:aKey| #(#Tab #CursorUp #CursorDown) includes:aKey]
            ] ifFalse:[
                filter := [:aKey| aKey == #Tab]
            keyBrdFwd := KeyboardForwarder toView:self

            editView withAllSubViewsDo:[:aView|
                aView delegate:keyBrdFwd.
                aView font:font.

            (editValue := editSpec at:2 ifAbsent:nil) notNil ifTrue:[
                editValue addDependent:self.
            editView realize.
            self windowGroup focusView:(editSpec at:1).

        ] ifFalse:[
            self redrawRowAt:sglSelRow colAt:colNr
    ] ifFalse:[
        self selectionIndicesDo:[:i| self redrawRowAt:i colAt:0 ].
        self scrollToRowAt:(self firstIndexSelected) colAt:0

    sensor := self sensor.                              "/ catch expose events

    [sensor hasExposeEventFor:nil] whileTrue:[
        self windowGroup processExposeEvents



    newSel := aSelection.

    (self size == 0 or:[newSel isNil or:[newSel == 0]]) ifTrue:[
        ^ multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[0] ifTrue:[nil]

    newSel isNumber ifTrue:[
        ^ multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[newSel] ifTrue:[OrderedCollection with:newSel]
    multipleSelectOk ifFalse:[
        newSel := self identityIndexOfRow:aSelection
    ] ifTrue:[
        newSel := nil.

        aSelection size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            aSelection first isNumber ifTrue:[
                newSel := aSelection
            ] ifFalse:[
                aSelection do:[:el||n|
                    (n := self identityIndexOfRow:el) ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
                        newSel isNil ifTrue:[newSel := OrderedCollection new].
                        newSel add:n
    ^ newSel
! !

!DSVColumnView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/DSVColumnView.st,v 1.61 1998-09-25 15:02:46 cg Exp $'
! !