author ca
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 13:09:55 +0200
changeset 499 fbf62bb89ca4
parent 445 0595adddd619
child 500 ec7b1892ae3e
permissions -rw-r--r--
redraw only label in case of enabled state changed

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.

View subclass:#TabView
	instanceVariableNames:'list listHolder selection enabled action tabStyle useIndex
		maxRawNr direction fitLastRow moveSelectedRow enableChannel

!TabView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

 COPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by eXept Software AG
              All Rights Reserved

 This software is furnished under a license and may be used
 only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
 inclusion of the above copyright notice.   This software may not
 be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
 other person.  No title to or ownership of the software is
 hereby transferred.


    implements the tabs-view component of a noteBook.
    May also be used on its own (without a surrounding noteBook).

    The functionality is basically the same as provided by a
    PopUpList or SelectionInListView, in that a valueHolder
    gets a value assigned corresponding to the selected tab
    from a list of possible tabs.

        Claus Atzkern

    [see also:]
        SelectionInListView PopUpList ValueHolder TabWidget


    tabs at top of a view
    |top tab view inset|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'tabs at top'; extent:250@100.
    tab  := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 0.0 in:top.
    view := View    origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.

    view viewBackground:(tab styleAt:#selectedColor).
    tab direction:#top.
    tab list:#( 'Foo' 'Bar' 'Baz' ).
    inset := tab preferredSizeXorY.
    tab  bottomInset:(inset negated).
    view topInset:inset.
    tab action:[:aName|Transcript showCR:aName].
    top open.

    tabs at bottom of a view; changing widget to MAC style
    |top tab view inset|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'tabs at bottom'; extent:250@100.
    view := View    origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    tab  := TabView origin:0.0 @ 1.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.

    view viewBackground:(tab styleAt:#selectedColor).
    tab direction:#bottom.
    tab tabWidget:#Mac.

    tab list:#( 'Foo' 'Bar' 'Baz' ).
    inset := tab preferredSizeXorY.
    tab  topInset:(inset negated).
    view bottomInset:inset.
    tab action:[:aName|Transcript showCR:aName].
    top open.

    tabs at right of a view
    |top tab view inset|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'tabs at right'; extent:100@250.
    view := View    origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    tab  := TabView origin:1.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.

    view viewBackground:(tab styleAt:#selectedColor).
    tab direction:#right.
    tab list:#( 'Foo' 'Bar' 'Baz' ).
    inset := tab preferredSizeXorY.
    tab leftInset:(inset negated).
    view rightInset:inset.
    tab action:[:aName|Transcript showCR:aName].
    top open.

    tabs at left of a view
    |top tab view inset|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'tabs at left'; extent:100@250.
    tab  := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:0.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    view := View    origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.

    view viewBackground:(tab styleAt:#selectedColor).
    tab direction:#left.
    tab list:#( 'Foo' 'Bar' 'Baz' ).
    inset := tab preferredSizeXorY.
    tab rightInset:(inset negated).
    view leftInset:inset.
    tab action:[:aName|Transcript showCR:aName].
    top open.

    changing default style( see TabWidget class ); useing index
    |top tab view|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'example'; extent:450@300.
    tab := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 40 in:top.
    tab horizontalInset:10.
    view := NoteBookFrameView origin:0.0 @ 40  corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    view horizontalInset:10.
    view bottomInset:10.
    view level:2.
    view viewBackground:(Image fromFile:'bitmaps/gifImages/garfield.gif').

    tab styleAt:#selectedColor    put:(view viewBackground).
    tab styleAt:#unselectedColor  put:(Color grey:60).
    tab styleAt:#expandSelection  put:9@7.

    tab list:#( 'Foo' 'Bar' 'Baz').
    tab useIndex:true.
    tab action:[:aName| Transcript showCR:aName ].

    top open.

    using images and text
    |top tab view list|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'example'.
    tab := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    list := #( 'SBrowser' 'FBrowser' 'Debugger' ).
    list := list collect:[:n | Image fromFile:'bitmaps/' , n , '.xbm'].
    list add:'A Text'.
    tab list:list.
    tab action:[:indexOrNil| Transcript showCR:indexOrNil ].
    top extent:(tab preferredExtent).
    top open.

    using images and text; MAC style
    |top tab view list|

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'example'.
    tab := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    tab tabWidget:#Mac.
    list := #( 'SBrowser' 'FBrowser' 'Debugger' ).
    list := list collect:[:n | Image fromFile:'bitmaps/' , n , '.xbm'].
    list add:'A Text'.
    tab list:list.
    tab action:[:indexOrNil| Transcript showCR:indexOrNil ].
    top extent:(tab preferredExtent).
    top open.

    tabs at top of view dealing with other models

    |top sel view l top2 s top3 p|

    l := SelectionInList new.
    l list:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
    l selectionIndex:1.

    top2 := StandardSystemView new.
    top2 extent:100@100.
    s := SelectionInListView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top2.
    s model:l.
    top2 open.

    top3 := StandardSystemView new.
    top3 extent:100@100.
    s := PopUpList in:top3.
    s model:l.
    top3 open.

    top := StandardSystemView new label:'example'; extent:200@50.
    sel := TabView origin:0.0 @ 0.0 corner:1.0 @ 1.0 in:top.
    sel useIndex:true.
    sel model:(l selectionIndexHolder).
    sel listHolder:(l listHolder).
    sel action:[:indexOrNil|Transcript showCR:indexOrNil].
    top open.
! !

!TabView class methodsFor:'defaults'!

    ^ #Window
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing'!

    "set the action block to be performed on select; the argument to
     the block is the selected index or nil in case of no selection.
    action := oneArgBlock.


    ^ viewBackground

    "return the list
    ^ list

    "set the list
    |widget hasChanged newSel|

    aList size == list size ifTrue:[
        list notNil ifTrue:[
            list keysAndValuesDo:[:aKey :aTab|
                (aTab label) = (aList at:aKey) ifFalse:[
                    hasChanged := true
        hasChanged == true ifFalse:[^ self ].

    aList size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        selection notNil ifTrue:[newSel := (list at:selection) label].
        list := (tabStyle at:#widget) labels:aList for:self.

        newSel notNil ifTrue:[
            (newSel := list findFirst:[:aTab| aTab label = newSel]) == 0 ifTrue:[
                newSel := nil
    ] ifFalse:[
        list := nil.
    selection := newSel.

    self shown ifTrue:[
        self recomputeList.
        self invalidate.
        self changed:#preferredExtent

    "use index instead of name
    ^ useIndex


    "set/clear the useIndex flag. If set, both actionBlock and change-messages
     are passed the index(indices) of the selection as argument. 
     If clear, the value(s) (i.e. the selected string) is passed.
     Default is false."

    useIndex := aBoolean


    "update colors
    super viewBackground:aColor.
    TabWidget computeColorsOn:self style:tabStyle.
    self invalidate.
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing behavior'!

    "returns true if tabs are enabled
    ^ enabled

    "set enabled state

    state := aState ? true.

    enabled ~~ state ifTrue:[
        enabled := state.
        self redrawLabels.

    "ST-80 compatibility; set enabled state
    self enabled:aState

! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing channels/holders'!

    "return a valueHolder for enable/disable
    ^ enableChannel

    "set the valueHolder used for enable/disable
    enableChannel notNil ifTrue:[
        enableChannel removeDependent:self. 
    enableChannel := aValueHolderForBoolean.

    enableChannel notNil ifTrue:[
        enableChannel addDependent:self.
    self enabled:(enableChannel value).


    "returns the list holder
    ^ listHolder

    "change the list holder
    listHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        listHolder removeDependent:self. 

    listHolder := aValueHolder.
    listHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        listHolder addDependent:self.
        self list:listHolder value.
        self selection:model value.

    super model:aValueHolder.
    model notNil ifTrue:[
        self selection:(model value)
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing dimension'!

    "compute max extent x/y based on one line
    |x y ovl ext|

    list size == 0 ifTrue:[^ 0 @ 0 ].

    ovl := tabStyle at:#rightCovered.
    x   := ovl.

    list do:[:aTab|
        x := x - ovl + aTab preferredExtentX
    y := (tabStyle at:#maxY)
       + ((tabStyle at:#expandSelection) y)
       + (self class viewSpacing).

    (self isHorizontalDirection) ifTrue:[
        ^ x @ y
    ^ y @ x

    "returns preferred size dependant on the current view layout and
     the direction of the tabs

    list size == 0 ifFalse:[
        maxRawNr isNil ifTrue:[self recomputeList].

        y := (maxRawNr * (tabStyle at:#maxY))
           + ((tabStyle at:#expandSelection) y)
           + (self class viewSpacing).

      ^ y
    ^ 0
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing style'!

    "returns the direction of tabs as symbol. On default the value is
     set to #top. Valid symbols are:
        #top       arrange tabs to be on top of a view
        #bottom    arrange tabs to be on bottom of a view
        #left      arrange tabs to be on left of a view
        #right     arrange tabs to be on right of a view
    ^ direction


    "change the direction of tabs. On default the value is set to #top.
     Valid symbols are:
        #top       arrange tabs to be on top of a view
        #bottom    arrange tabs to be on bottom of a view
        #left      arrange tabs to be on left of a view
        #right     arrange tabs to be on right of a view
    direction ~~ aDirection ifTrue:[
        direction := aDirection.
        self changed:#direction

    "in case of true, the last row is expanded to the view  size like all
     other raws. In case of false all the tabs in the last raw keep their
     preferred extent (x or y) dependant on the direction.
    ^ fitLastRow

    "in case of true, the last row is expanded to the view  size like all
     other raws. In case of false all the tabs in the last raw keep their
     preferred extent (x or y) dependant on the direction.
    fitLastRow := aBool

    "in case of true, the raw assigned to the tab will be moved
     to the first line (to the view). Otherwise the position of
     the view will be kept.
    ^ moveSelectedRow

    "in case of true, the raw assigned to the tab will be moved
     to the first line (to the view). Otherwise the position of
     the view will be kept.
    moveSelectedRow := aBool

    "returns the style sheet derived from the current widget class
    ^ tabStyle

    "returns a specific entry into the widget description. For more information
     see the specific widget class ( TabWidget ... ).
    ^ tabStyle at:anIdentifier

styleAt:anIdentifier put:something
    "change a specific entry from the widget description. For more information
     see the specific widget class ( TabWidget ... ).
    tabStyle at:anIdentifier put:something.

    "returns the current widget class as symbol

    widget := tabStyle at:#widget.
    widget := widget nameWithoutPrefix asSymbol.
  ^ widget

    "change the current widget class. An existing list will be
     recomputed and redrawn
    |widget labels|

    (self tabWidget) ~~ aWidget ifTrue:[
        widget := TabWidget widgetClass:aWidget.

        widget notNil ifTrue:[
            tabStyle := widget tabStyleOn:self.

            list notNil ifTrue:[
                labels := list collect:[:aTab| aTab label].
                list   := widget labels:labels for:self.

                self shown ifTrue:[
                    self recomputeList.
                    self invalidate.
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'accessing tabs'!

    "get tab at an index or nil
    (list size >= anIndex and:[anIndex ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        ^ list at:anIndex
  ^ nil
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'change & update'!

    "size of view changed 
    |extent delta|

    list size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        extent := super extent.
        delta  := oldExtent - extent.

        (delta x > 1 or:[delta x < -1 or:[delta y > 1 or:[delta y < -1]]]) ifTrue:[
            oldExtent := extent.
            self recomputeList.
            self changed:#preferredExtent.
    super sizeChanged:how


update:something with:aParameter from:changedObject
    "one of my models changed its value
    changedObject == model         ifTrue:[^ self selection:model value].
    changedObject == listHolder    ifTrue:[^ self list:(listHolder value)].
    changedObject == enableChannel ifTrue:[^ self enabled:(enableChannel value)].
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'drawing'!

    "set the paint color derived from the symbol used as key into the current
     style sheet to access the color
    self paint:(tabStyle at:aColorSymbol)

    "redraw all the labels

    (self shown and:[list size ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        selection notNil ifTrue:[
            selectedTab := list at:selection.

        list reverseDo:[:aTab|
            aTab ~~ selectedTab ifTrue:[
                aTab redrawLabel
            ] ifFalse:[
                self selectedTab:aTab redrawBlock:[aTab redrawLabel]

    "redraw raw at a number; all contained tabs are drawn unselected
    list reverseDo:[:aTab|aTab lineNr == aRawNr ifTrue:[aTab redraw:false]].

    "redraw current selection
    |tab idx|

    (selection notNil and:[self shown and:[list size ~~ 0]]) ifTrue:[
        tab := list at:selection.
        idx := tab lineNr.
        self selectedTab:tab redrawBlock:[tab redraw:true].
        [(idx := idx - 1) ~~ 0] whileTrue:[self redrawRawAt:idx].

redrawX:x y:y width:w height:h
    "a region must be redrawn

    self shown ifTrue:[
        self paint:(self viewBackground).
        self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

        list size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
            maxRawNr to:1 by:-1 do:[:i| self redrawRawAt:i ].

            selection notNil ifTrue:[
                oldSelect := selection.
                selection := nil.
                self setSelection:oldSelect.


selectedTab:aTab redrawBlock:aRedrawBlock
    "calculate extent of selection and evaluate the block which will
     perform a redraw action
    |tab size oldAnc newAnc oldExt newExt expSel expDlt x y|

    tab    := list at:selection.
    oldAnc := tab anchor.
    oldExt := tab extent.
    expSel := tabStyle at:#expandSelection.
    expDlt := expSel x.

    (self isHorizontalDirection) ifTrue:[
        newExt := oldExt + ( expDlt @ 0 ).
        newAnc := oldAnc - ((expDlt//2) @ ((expSel y) negated)).

        (x := newAnc x) < 0 ifTrue:[
            newExt x:(newExt x + x).
            newAnc x:0.
            x := 0.
        (x + newExt x) > (super extent x) ifTrue:[newExt x:((super extent x) - x)].
    ] ifFalse:[
        newExt := oldExt + ( 0 @ expDlt ).
        newAnc := oldAnc - (((expSel y) negated) @ (expDlt//2)).

        (y := newAnc y) < 0 ifTrue:[
            newExt y:(newExt y + y).
            newAnc y:0.
            y := 0.
        (y + newExt y) > (super extent y) ifTrue:[newExt y:((super extent y) - y)].

    tab anchor:newAnc extent:newExt.
    aRedrawBlock value.
    tab anchor:oldAnc extent:oldExt.

! !

!TabView methodsFor:'event handling'!

buttonPress:button x:x y:y
    "a button is pressed; find tab under point and set the selection

    (     self isEnabled
     and:[list notNil
     and:[(idx := list findFirst:[:aTab|aTab containsPoint:(x@y)]) ~~ 0]]
    ) ifTrue:[
        self selection:idx

keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
    "selection might change; look for corresponding list entry
    |size newSel index|

    (self isEnabled and:[(size := list size) ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
        (aKey == #CursorRight or:[aKey == #CursorDown]) ifTrue:[
            (selection isNil or:[selection == size]) ifTrue:[
                newSel := 1
            ] ifFalse:[
                newSel := (selection + 1)
        ] ifFalse:[
            (aKey == #CursorLeft or:[aKey == #CursorUp]) ifTrue:[
                (selection isNil or:[selection == 1]) ifTrue:[
                    newSel := size
                ] ifFalse:[
                    newSel := (selection - 1)
            ] ifFalse:[
                aKey isCharacter ifTrue:[
                    (selection isNil or:[selection == size]) ifTrue:[index := 1]
                                                            ifFalse:[index := selection + 1].
                    newSel := self findTabStartingWithKey:aKey startingAt:index.

                    (newSel == 0 and:[index ~~ 1]) ifTrue:[
                        newSel := self findTabStartingWithKey:aKey startingAt:1

    (newSel isNil or:[newSel == 0]) ifTrue:[
        super keyPress:aKey x:x y:y
    self selection:newSel

! !

!TabView methodsFor:'initialization'!

    listHolder notNil ifTrue:[
        listHolder removeDependent:self. 
    enableChannel notNil ifTrue:[
        enableChannel removeDependent:self. 
    super destroy.

    "setup default attributes

    super initialize.

    widget          := TabWidget widgetClass:(self class defaultTabWidget).
    tabStyle        := widget tabStyleOn:self.
    useIndex        := false.
    direction       := #top.
    fitLastRow      := true.
    moveSelectedRow := true.
    enabled         := true.
    super font:(Label defaultFont on:device).
    oldExtent       := 0@0.
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'layout'!

changeRaw:aRawA with:aRawB
    "exchange positions of two raws
    |tabB tabA ancA ancB hrz|

    tabA := list at:(list findFirst:[:aTab|aTab lineNr == aRawA]).
    tabB := list at:(list findFirst:[:aTab|aTab lineNr == aRawB]).
    hrz  := (self isHorizontalDirection).

    hrz ifTrue:[
        ancA := tabA anchor y.
        ancB := tabB anchor y.
    ] ifFalse:[   
        ancA := tabA anchor x.
        ancB := tabB anchor x.

    list do:[:aTab||ln|
        (ln := aTab lineNr) == aRawB ifTrue:[
            aTab lineNr:aRawA.
            hrz ifTrue:[aTab anchor y:ancA]
               ifFalse:[aTab anchor x:ancA]
        ] ifFalse:[
            ln == aRawA ifTrue:[
                aTab lineNr:aRawB.
                hrz ifTrue:[aTab anchor y:ancB]
                   ifFalse:[aTab anchor x:ancB]

    aRawB == maxRawNr ifTrue:[
        self fitRawAt:aRawA.
        self unfitLastRaw.
    ] ifFalse:[
        aRawA == maxRawNr ifTrue:[
            self fitRawAt:aRawB.
            self unfitLastRaw.

    "fit raw to view's size
    |last first tab ext org max size|

    (aRawNr ~~ maxRawNr or:[fitLastRow]) ifFalse:[^ self].

    last  := list  findLast:[:aTab| aTab lineNr == aRawNr ].
    first := list findFirst:[:aTab| aTab lineNr == aRawNr ].
    tab   := list at:last.
    size  := last - first + 1.
    org   := 0.

    (self isHorizontalDirection) ifTrue:[
        max := super extent x.
        ext := (max - ((tab anchor x) + (tab extent x))) // size.

        ext > 1 ifTrue:[
            first to:last do:[:i|
                tab := list at:i.
                tab extent x:((tab extent x) + ext).
                tab anchor x:((tab anchor x) + org).
                org := org + ext.
            tab := list at:last.
        tab extent x:(max - tab anchor x).
    ] ifFalse:[
        max := super extent y.
        ext := (max - ((tab anchor y) + (tab extent y))) // size.

        ext > 1 ifTrue:[
            first to:last do:[:i|
                tab := list at:i.
                tab extent y:((tab extent y) + ext).
                tab anchor y:((tab anchor y) + org).
                org := org + ext.
            tab := list at:last.
        tab extent y:(max - tab anchor y).

    "recompute list
    |tab maxY x y maxSz ovl|

    list size ~~ 0 ifTrue:[
        maxY     := tabStyle at:#maxY.
        ovl      := tabStyle at:#rightCovered.
        maxRawNr := 1.

        (self isHorizontalDirection) ifTrue:[
            maxSz := super extent x.
            x     := 0.
            y     := maxY.

            list do:[:aTab||eX n|
                eX := aTab preferredExtentX.
                n  := eX + x - ovl.

                (n > maxSz and:[x ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
                    maxRawNr := maxRawNr + 1.
                    x := 0.
                    y := y  + maxY.
                    n := eX - ovl.
                aTab lineNr:maxRawNr.
                aTab anchor:x@y extent:(eX @ maxY).
                x := n.
        ] ifFalse:[
            maxSz := super extent y.
            x     := maxY.
            y     := 0.

            list do:[:aTab||eY n|
                eY := aTab preferredExtentX.
                n  := eY + y - ovl.

                (n > maxSz and:[y ~~ 0]) ifTrue:[
                    maxRawNr := maxRawNr + 1.
                    y := 0.
                    x := x  + maxY.
                    n := eY - ovl.
                aTab lineNr:maxRawNr.
                aTab anchor:x@y extent:(maxY @ eY).
                y := n.
     "/ fit raws to view
        1 to:maxRawNr do:[:aLnNr|self fitRawAt:aLnNr].

    "use the preferred extent for all tabs in the last raw
    |last first tab ovl anchor extent pos offset hrz|

    fitLastRow ifTrue:[^ self].

    last  := list  findLast:[:aTab| aTab lineNr == maxRawNr ].
    first := list findFirst:[:aTab| aTab lineNr == maxRawNr ].
    ovl   := tabStyle at:#rightCovered.
    pos   := 0.
    hrz   := (self isHorizontalDirection).

    first to:last do:[:i|
        tab := list at:i.
        anchor := tab anchor.
        extent := tab extent.
        offset := tab preferredExtentX.

        hrz ifTrue:[
            extent x:offset.
            anchor x:pos
        ] ifFalse:[
            extent y:offset.
            anchor y:pos.
        tab anchor:anchor extent:extent.
        pos := pos + offset - ovl.
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'private'!

findTabStartingWithKey:aKey startingAt:anIndex
    "get index of tab starting its label with a key or 0
    |upper lower lbl|

    (aKey isCharacter and:[anIndex <= list size]) ifFalse:[ ^ 0 ].

    upper := aKey asUppercase.
    lower := aKey asLowercase.

  ^ list findFirst:[:aTab|
        lbl := aTab label string.
        (lbl size ~~ 0 and:[lbl first == lower or:[lbl first == upper]])
    ] startingAt:anIndex

    "convert something to an index into list or nil.

    something isString ifTrue:[
        index := list findFirst:[:aTab|aTab label = something].
    ] ifFalse:[
        index := something
    index ~~ 0 ifTrue:[^ index]
              ifFalse:[^ nil]
! !

!TabView methodsFor:'queries'!

    "returns enabled state
  ^ enabled

    "returns true in case of direction is #top or #bottom
    ^ (direction == #top or:[direction == #bottom])


    "returns true in case of direction is #left or #right
    ^ (direction == #left or:[direction == #right])

! !

!TabView methodsFor:'selection'!

    "return the selection index or nil
    useIndex ifTrue:[
        ^ selection

    (selection notNil and:[list size >= selection]) ifTrue:[
        ^ (list at:selection) label
    ^ nil

    "change the selection to index or nil. The model and/or actionBlock is notified

    oldSel := selection.
    self setSelection:anIndexOrNil.
    oldSel ~~ selection ifTrue:[self selectionHasChanged].


    "selection might change; raise notification

    sel := self selection.

    model  notNil ifTrue:[model  value:sel].
    action notNil ifTrue:[action value:sel]


    "change the selection to index or nil. No notifications are raised
    |newSel lnNr tab last first exp x y w h|

    list size == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
    newSel := self listIndexOf:something.
    selection == newSel ifTrue:[^ self].

    self shown ifFalse:[
        selection := newSel.
      ^ self

    maxRawNr isNil ifTrue:[
        selection := newSel.
        self recomputeList.
      ^ self invalidate.

    (newSel notNil and:[moveSelectedRow and:[(lnNr := (list at:newSel) lineNr) > 1]]) ifTrue:[
        self changeRaw:1 with:lnNr.
        selection := 1.                                 "/ force a redraw

    selection notNil ifTrue:[
        maxRawNr > 1 ifTrue:[
            self paint:(self viewBackground).           "/ total redraw
            self clear.
            selection := nil.
            maxRawNr to:1 by:-1 do:[:i| self redrawRawAt:i ].
        ] ifFalse:[
            first := 1.

            (selection ~~ 1 and:[(tabStyle at:#rightCovered) == 0]) ifTrue:[
                first := selection - 1

            (last := selection + 1) > list size ifTrue:[
                last := selection
            exp := (tabStyle at:#expandSelection) x.
            tab := list at:selection.

            self isHorizontalDirection ifTrue:[
                (x := tab anchor x - (exp // 2)) < 0 ifTrue:[x := 0].
                w := tab extent x + exp.
                h := super extent y.
                y := 0.
            ] ifFalse:[
                (y := tab anchor y - (exp // 2)) < 0 ifTrue:[y := 0].
                h := tab extent y + exp.
                w := super extent x.
                x := 0.
            self paint:(self viewBackground).
            self clearRectangleX:x y:y width:w height:h.

            last to:first by:-1 do:[:i|
                tab := list at:i.
                tab redraw:false
    selection := newSel.
    self redrawSelection.
! !

!TabView class methodsFor:'documentation'!

    ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libwidg2/,v 1.20 1997-08-18 11:09:55 ca Exp $'
! !